Review of the best board games. The best board games for children and adults


Carcassonne was invented in 2000 in Germany, and already in 2001 it became the game of the year in this country. The rules of this family turn-based strategy game are simple: players gradually build a field by placing cards depicting the area on the table, and occupy them with their pieces, which become knights, peasants or monks, depending on their position. The task is to occupy as much territory as possible, including fields, rivers and castles, thereby gaining maximum amount points.


  • Classic: 5
  • Complexity: 4
  • Duration: 4
  • Number of players: 3–6
  • Age: 10+

“Ditch the monsters, grab the treasures, set up your friends” - this is the motto of one of the most popular games this year. Munchkin is a parody of both turn-based and card games. The rules here are quite complex, you will have to figure it out, delving into every detail: there are cards, doors, monsters, races and levels. As well as “clothes” and the possible death of the player. However, having understood this role-playing game, the whole company turns from normal, mentally healthy people into uncontrollably laughing hysterics with signs of paranoia. The fact is that during a game you can help your neighbor (of course, with selfish goals) or hinder him (with the same ones). Due to the complex combination of cards and moves, a controversial situation may arise that is not described by the rules. The creators of the game propose to solve it with a loud squabble between the participants. The winner is the one who first reaches level 10, fighting monsters and cunning opponents.


  • Classic: 5
  • Complexity: 3
  • Duration: 4
  • Number of players: 2–8
  • Age: 8+

Monopoly (in the USSR and Russia also known as Manager or Businessman) is the most popular economic strategy of all times. Since Charles Farrow sold the first 5,000 homemade copies of the game in his native Philadelphia in 1935, one and a half billion people have played it. If anyone has forgotten the rules, here they are summary: Having starting capital at the beginning of the game, participants must increase their wealth and ruin their opponents. All this happens on a square playing field, and the “businessmen” use cards, money and chips. The classic Monopoly has acquired many expansions that can be found in any online board game store.


  • Classic: 4
  • Complexity: 2
  • Duration: 3
  • Number of players: not limited
  • Age: 6+

The Finnish board game Alias ​​has become the most popular in the country. This is largely due to the simple rules and the passion that Elias ignites in the participants. The rules, without going into some nuances, are something like this: per minute, which is counted hourglass, you need to explain as many words as possible from the cards to the players of your team. Using synonyms or English translations is prohibited. In expanded versions, sometimes words have to be drawn, pantomimed, or explained with certain emotions: theatrically sobbing or laughing inappropriately. The winner is the team that is the first to reach the end of the game board, on which all the players' successes are recorded.


  • Classic: 1
  • Complexity: 2
  • Duration: 3
  • Number of players: 2–4
  • Age: 6+

Marrakesh is one of the most popular board games in France and Austria. This is a very beautiful family economic strategy, which is primarily unusual for its “chips” made of fabric. The Marrakech market lives its own fast-paced life, and soon you will have to choose the best carpet seller. It is for this funny title that the participants have to fight.


  • Classic: 5
  • Complexity: 2
  • Duration: 3
  • Number of players: not limited
  • Age: 6+

Jenga translated from Swahi means “Build!” (this is an imperative). But this game is really about breaking as slowly as possible. From the base of the tower, installed at the very beginning of the game, players take turns taking out the bars and placing them on top, making the structure higher and higher and less stable. The loser is the one during whose turn (or immediately after) the tower collapsed. The game of Jenga is quite intense, so the whisper of a walker “I will kill the one who breathes” is a completely normal situation.


  • Classic: 5
  • Complexity: 3
  • Duration: 3
  • Number of players: 2–4
  • Age: 8+

Scrabble or Scrabble are as classic as Monopoly. Scrabble has long been recognized in pop culture main game for bores, but this did not make him any less popular. Participants receive seven starting letters (104 in total) and lay them out on a field of 15 by 15 squares, making up words. They, of course, should be as long as possible, this guarantees victory in the game. Not everyone, however, knows that in the Russian version of Scrabble you cannot use any words other than common nouns in the nominative case. You can’t use a dictionary either; more precisely, you can, but only to check whether the word that appears on the board really exists.

Scotland Yard

  • Classic: 3
  • Complexity: 3
  • Duration: 4
  • Number of players: 3–6
  • Age: 10+

Scotland Yard is a game named after the London police headquarters and pays tribute to legendary British detective stories. The field depicts a map of central London; at the very beginning, players choose a criminal by drawing lots, who puts a cap on his head to hide his eyes. The rest are policemen who will catch the robber. He, unlike his pursuers, walks “secretly,” writing down his moves on a sheet of paper, but not showing it to others. Once every 5 turns he reveals his location. The police must work together to corner the criminal.


  • Classic: 5
  • Complexity: 3
  • Duration: 3
  • Number of players: 2–10
  • Age: 7+

Uno is a sophisticated twist on the 1990s summer camp hit “One Hundred and One.” The game, whose name translates to "One" in Italian and Spanish, was invented in the 1970s, and there are almost no board game enthusiasts who don't know about it. The deck consists of 108 cards, divided by color and number from zero to nine. In addition to these, there are other cards that change the color that is in the game, the direction of moves, or allow players to exchange decks with any other participant. The point is to get rid of all the cards by shouting “Uno” when there is only one left in your hands. After one player wins, the others count the points. Each company sets its own threshold (for example, 400 points), after which the participant leaves the party, having suffered defeat. Experienced players suggest: to add some madness to the process, you can agree not to slow down and play as quickly as possible. If you hesitate, you pass the move to the next one.


  • Classic: 2
  • Complexity: 3
  • Duration: 3
  • Number of players: 4–8
  • Age: 6+

Activity is not much different from Elias, but it’s impossible not to mention this game, because some people like it much more than its main competitor. Players quickly explain words to their team: with a drawing, pantomime or synonyms - depending on what was rolled. The task is to be the first to score a certain number of points. You can choose the difficulty of the task: if the team is ready for the test and successfully wins it, then it moves towards victory, accordingly, faster.


  • Classic: 5
  • Complexity: 5
  • Duration: 5
  • Number of players: 3–4
  • Age: 12+

Of all the classic board games, the German game "Colonizers" is perhaps equipped with the most simple rules. Usually it takes hours to understand them, but the time spent pays off later: this is a real military-economic strategy, exciting and fascinating. The players’ task, as you might guess from the description, is to create a colony on the island of Catan and develop it faster than their opponents, gaining twelve victory points. Having one of five resources - wood, bricks, wool, grain or ore - you need to create roads, cities or settlements. You also need to think about the length of these roads and the ability of cities to defend. Everything is like in the legendary ones computer games like "Cossacks", only on your table.


  • Classic: 5
  • Complexity: 1
  • Duration: 3
  • Number of players: 2–4
  • Age: 5+

Yes, this is a game about how to hug a girl you like around the waist, without having the right to do so in any other situation. This is also the only floor game on the list. Well, who doesn't love Twister? The game, by the way, was not at all popular among Americans until American actress and sex symbol Eva Gabor played it with the TV show host on the evening show.

Cards against everyone

  • Classic: 2
  • Complexity: 1
  • Duration: 3
  • Number of players: not limited
  • Age: 18+

The American bestseller Cards Against Humanity was invented by graduates of a regular school in Illinois. The essence of the game is to answer rather funny and sometimes indecent questions as funny as possible or to fill in the gaps in sentences with wit. The driver chooses the funniest answer, and the player who showed a great sense of humor gets one point. As a rule, the most bloodthirsty wins, because in the USA, where tolerance is the main basis social relations, this game is the only way to make jokes about blacks, Jews, Barack Obama and women. Russian manufacturers The games have finally made a version in which there are no Americanisms, replacing popular US characters with the same Russians: Philip Kirkorov, Lev Leshchenko and so on. On the official website of the game, the developers offer approximately the following options: No one can imagine that Lev Leshchenko’s favorite hobby is Baltika 9. “Cards Against All” is not recommended for persons under eighteen years of age to play.

Wild jungle

  • Classic: 3
  • Complexity: 2
  • Duration: 1
  • Number of players: 2–15
  • Age: 7+

This game is loved all over the world for the surge of emotions and adrenaline that it gives. The essence is extremely simple: participants gradually reveal their cards and, under certain conditions and coincidences, must be the first to grab the totem standing in the middle of the table. The game perfectly trains attentiveness and reaction, and at the end of the process, half of the players' eyes twitch: each game is tense and exciting.

Evolution. Random Mutations

  • Classic: 1
  • Complexity: 3
  • Duration: 4
  • Number of players: 2–4
  • Age: 12+

The game "Evolution" was invented by Russian biologist Dmitry Knorre in 2010, and has already been republished in English, French and German languages. The logical strategy is built on the principles of Darwinian theory: during the move, participants choose which features they want to add existing species. It is also worth paying attention to food and external conditions. The game lasts until there are cards left in the common deck, and the winner is the one who scores the most points.

What to do in the evening or on a weekend if you don’t want to leave the house? How to entertain yourself and your children on the road? Finally, how to spend quality time with your family? The simple answer is to play Board games! Training, communication, improving relationships - all in one bottle.

We have selected the most interesting board games for the whole family: they are simple and understandable for children and at the same time dynamic and exciting enough so that adults do not get bored. In addition, when compiling the rating, replayability was taken into account, because if the game becomes monotonous and boring after a couple of games, you will be disappointed and leave the box collecting dust on the shelf.

So, here's our top 10. Let's start from the end.

10th place: Scrabble

Age: 10+. There is a children's version 5+.

Number of players: 2-4.

This is a classic board game also known as Scrabble. The rules are as follows: you need to place letters on the playing field so that they form words. The longer the word and the more expensive the letters used, the more points the player receives. It might seem simple, but in fact the game has dozens of nuances. For example, when composing words, you can block a good move from other players. In addition, when playing Scrabble, you often have to open a dictionary and explain that the word you have collected exists and fits perfectly into the rules.

If your child is a preschooler who is too early to play classic games, choose the children's version. The letters are already written on the playing board - ideal for little ones learning to read.

9th place: Mafia

Age: 8+. There is a more difficult version 14+.

Number of players: 7-22.

We put Mafia in second to last place mainly because it is impossible to play it in a close family circle. The standard version of the game is designed for 7 people, the minimum number of players when using expansions and other versions is six. But this is a great choice if you often play with friends.

Even a child will learn the rules in just 5 minutes. First, everyone is given character cards - everyone sees only their own. When “the city falls asleep and the mafia wakes up,” the newly minted mafiosi and their don agree with gestures which of the players they will kill in the following nights. This must be done quickly and discreetly. Then everyone else comes into the game one by one and “wakes up.” Each character has its own advantages - for example, a commissioner can choose one player and ask the host whether this player is a mafioso, a sheriff can commit a murder at night (of course, in the hope of hitting a criminal), a doctor can save someone who, in his opinion, will be killed today.

Finally, the day comes - the time for the announcement of the events that happened at night, as well as for the trial. Each player reports who, in his opinion, is the mafioso, and tries to convince the others that he is right. Players vote - and one of them, chosen by a majority of votes, is condemned and removed from the game. Then day gives way to night - and this continues until the criminals or honest residents win.

The replay value of Mafia is high - especially if the players change. It is invariably interesting, because over time the player goes through all possible roles. In addition, the Mafia is a whole psychological training. It perfectly develops artistry, analytical skills, eloquence, persuasion skills, teaches you to recognize lies and hidden emotions, read faces, intonations and gestures. All these skills will be useful to your children in Everyday life- and you too.

8th place: Colonizers

Age: 10+.

Number of players: 3-4. With addition – 5-6.

This game is a good choice for those who do not like long board games. The rules can be learned in 5-10 minutes. It will take another 5 minutes to prepare for the game. The game itself lasts on average half an hour.

You and other participants find yourself on an island with 5 types of resources, including wood, wool and grain. Using them, you can build roads, settlements, cities and receive points for construction. If there are not enough resources, they can be exchanged at the port, at the bank, or with another player - and in the latter case, the exchange rate will depend on your ability to negotiate.

is first and foremost a strategy, and it develops analytical skills well. In addition, it is great for games in a cozy family circle.

7th place: Carcassonne

Age: 8+.

Number of players: 2-6 (depending on the game version and expansions).

The mechanics are simple: at the beginning of the game, a starting square is laid out on the table, and then players add cards with images of forests, rivers, streets, fields, etc. to it, forming a landscape. The main rule: cards can only be placed so that they touch at least one side of the already laid out square and at the same time “join” correctly. For example, a river cannot be “attached” to a forest, and a road cannot be “attached” to a field. The starting square has all kinds of terrain, so whatever card is dealt to the player who goes first, he will be able to use it.

Each player also has several figures. For example, in the Hunter and Gatherer version of the game, you can use huts to take over rivers, and also gamble your hunters into the valleys, fishermen into the ponds, and gatherers into the forests. Points are counted during the game after the end of the game - moreover, the one who was lagging behind throughout the game may turn out to be the leader after the final count if he has built the strategy correctly.

is such a popular board game that a huge number of its versions and expansions have already been released. On the one hand, this is good - you can choose best option, if you like the mechanics themselves. On the other hand, confusion arises: which is better? To avoid mistakes, pay attention to the following points:

  • Version "Carcassonne. Fortress" is designed for only two players. If you plan to play not only together, this option is not suitable for you.
  • ​Towards the end of the game, the laid out cards take up a lot of space. In this case, the card usually does not form a regular square, but is stretched into different sides. If you plan to play in conditions limited space, pay attention to this point.
  • Classic versions are not suitable for travel. If you want to play on the road, choose the Travel Carcassonne edition.​
  • If you want the simplest possible game, buy the Children of Carcassonne version. It is ideal for a child: the rules are simpler, the games are shorter, and there are fewer elements.

The replay value of Carcassonne is quite high. You can choose different strategies, build different maps - and, moreover, the course of the games largely depends on the number of players.

6th place: Game of Thrones

Age: 12+.

Number of players: 3-6.

Even if you haven’t watched Game of Thrones or read A Song of Ice and Fire, this is not a reason to refuse such a board game - understanding the rules will be enough to enjoy it. But there are other nuances that you need to know when making a purchasing decision:

  • One game lasts on average 2 hours. If you like shorter games, choose Scrabble, Settlers or Munchkin.
  • The rules are more complicated than most of the games in our top. Of course, this makes the game very interesting and exciting - but be prepared to carefully study the rule book and explain all points in detail to other players, especially children.
  • Game of Thrones has a lot small parts, figures, chips, cards. Make sure they don't get lost. Also keep in mind that the game will require a lot of free space.

Briefly, the essence is this: each player plays for one family (for example, the Starks or Lannisters) and strives for their House to rule Westeros. The one who conquers seven lands wins immediately. Another possible outcome is that the one who manages to collect the most lands by the end of the 10th round wins. To achieve victory, you don’t have to fight - you can also make alliances, bluff, and bribe other players.

Excellently develops analytical skills and the ability to think strategically, take into account a large number of factors simultaneously and make complex solutions. Each game plays out differently and depends entirely on the number, behavior and choice of players - luck plays almost no role here. This game makes you really use your head – not only for children, but even for adults.

5th place: Monopoly

Age: 8+. There are children's editions 5+.

Number of players: 2-6.

It is undoubtedly the most popular board game in the economic strategy genre. It's easy to learn, fun, and doesn't take up much desk space—after playing Carcassonne, you'll appreciate it.

But more importantly for our top, Monopoly is good for learning. If you have played it and won, then you probably know that there is no point in saving money in this game. They need to be handled correctly - invested on time and wisely, trying not to save, but to increase your capital. Well, and ruin other players along the way, of course. Leaving aside the last point, Monopoly teaches children how to handle finances in a fun, playful way, and this skill will certainly be useful to them in the future.

For preschool children, there are special versions of the game with simpler rules and with funny figures instead of the standard ones.

4th place: Munchkin

Age: 12+.

Number of players: 3-6.

This card game is exciting, but at the same time quite unusual:

  • Not everything is covered by the rules. A situation may occur that goes beyond their scope. In this case, the developers propose to resolve the conflict with words - and the skirmish can be very fun. True, there is one thing about this general rule– the owner of the deck is always right.
  • When one of the players fights a monster, others can also take part in the battle - both on the opponent’s side (of course, in exchange for some kind of reward) and on the monster’s side.
  • In general, “unfair” play and various intrigues are welcome in Munchkin.

The victory is won by the player who manages to “pump up” to level 10. On average, this takes about half an hour, but a game can last an hour or two - it largely depends on the version of the game.

By the way, about versions. There are a lot of them - for every taste. There are options for fans of steampunk, zombie themes, pirates, superheroes, black humor, etc. But no matter which option you choose, we guarantee the game will be fun. A great option for families with teenagers - your kids will love it, and so will you!

3rd place: Shark hunt

Age: 5+.

Number of players: 2-4.

If you want a game that kids can play for a long time while adults go about their business, choose Shark Hunt. Kids just love her! However, you can play with your children - and you won’t be bored.

They play like this: multi-colored fish are placed on the field (each participant has their own color), then the presenter throws the dice and quickly names the colors that fall out. The players' task is to move their fish as quickly as possible as soon as the leader names their color. The process is repeated over and over again. Why is it so important to hurry? Because a huge shark is chasing the fish across the playing field - it “swims” on its own (yes, you need to buy a couple of batteries for the game) and does not stop until the very end of the game. If you hesitate, it will swallow the fish!

Ideal for kids. Bright, dynamic, exciting - an excellent choice for both everyday games and holidays.

2nd place: Imaginarium

Age: 12+. There are children's versions 6+.

Number of players: 4-7.

The Imaginarium is great for broadening your horizons, developing your powers of observation, associative thinking, imagination, analytical abilities, memory. And just for fun, of course.

Let's talk about the rules briefly: the player needs to choose one of the cards with pictures dealt and name his association (sometimes he has to fit it into 4 words, tell a story, etc. - it depends on which cell of the field the player’s winged elephant is on). Other participants select from their cards those that fit this association. Next, the stack of cards is shuffled - and you need to guess which one belongs to the first player. If everyone guesses right, it’s bad. If no one guesses correctly, that’s also bad. The player’s task is to choose an association so that some, but not all, can guess it.

The rules are simple, but the process itself is quite complex - but just as exciting. While playing Imaginarium, you may even find that you have something to learn from your children. For example, great use of imagination.

The game has several versions and expansions, and not all of them are suitable for people under 18. You can buy the classic edition, Imaginarium. Childhood" or "Imaginarium. Soyuzmultfilm" (the last two are suitable for children from 6 years old), as well as expansions "Pandora", "Odyssey", "Marsupial", "Persephone" and "Ariadne" (all for children from 12 years old). Chimera is only suitable for adults.

1st place: Activity

Age: 12+. There is a children's version 8+.

Number of players: 3-16.

If you are planning a party, Activity will come in handy. Its beauty is that if not all the guests know each other, after 1-2 games they will almost certainly communicate well and feel comfortable in the company. When playing it, you can (and even need to!) divide into teams, and this leads to improved relationships.

However, Activity can also be played in a close family circle - for example, three or four people.

The essence of the game is to “explain” words and phrases on cards different ways: draw, show with gestures or explain with synonyms. Do you think it's easy? Then try to draw “dark humor” or depict with gestures “ bright light night lamp." And remember – it’s a game of time.

Activities are great for developing artistry, resourcefulness, communication skills and imagination. Ideal for teenagers!

Reviews were prepared using the site, where you can find them throughout Ukraine. Big choice educational and simply interesting board games for any age.

Board games for all ages

Game lovers from young to old will definitely appreciate games with affordable price and clear rules. Particular favorites of the public in this category are the games Drum and Dobble, which are distinguished by their speed, fervor and liveliness of the gameplay.


The Dobble Card Game has gained popularity not only in our country, but throughout the world. Players in many countries globe enjoy looking for paired images on cards. The principle is very simple: the player needs to find a “pair” of any of the eight pictures on his card as quickly as possible. What makes the game more difficult is that no two cards can have more than two identical images.

The charm of the game is given by its funny round design and small box, which is always easy to take with you. Both adults and children are guaranteed to enjoy the game.


And in the game Barabashka, players will have to practice their logic and correct the mistakes of the unlucky ghost Barabashka, who photographed the objects incorrectly. The red chair suddenly turns blue, and the gray mouse turns red! In addition, Barabashka has an addition - Baramelka. Here you will encounter Barabashka's equally absent-minded sister. Will you be able to cope with Baramelka's mistakes? And if the games are combined into one, it will become much more complicated and confusing.

Wild jungle

Dobble and Drum games are great for children, but adults can also enjoy these fun and playful games. And if you like something more complex, then good choice will be the game Wild Jungle.

Wild Jungle is an active game of attentiveness and reaction speed. Players take turns revealing cards with various similar figures. And in the end, the struggle takes place over the totem, which is placed in the middle of the table. During the game you will definitely get a lot of emotions. Laughter and fun are guaranteed.

Board games for the whole family: rating and review


Dixit is a game that is difficult to get tired of, a game of association. With its help you can plunge into the world of fairy tales and magic in a new way. The whimsical pictures on the cards will delight even the most fastidious players. In addition, in each new company this elegant game takes on new shapes and interpretations. We can safely say that Dixit is one of the best board games. In many European countries, including Germany, France, and Italy, Dixit was recognized as the game of the year 2010. However, to this day it has not lost its popularity.


The board game Carcassonne will allow you to plunge into the Middle Ages and experience the customs of that time. Feudal players will be able to build lands and receive income from them. The richest feudal lord will be the winner. The lively process of the game and fairly simple rules will definitely appeal to children. And adults will be able to unleash more exciting battles thanks to tactical techniques. The game Carcassonne is also the winner of one of the prestigious awards among board games - Game of the Year 2001 Spiel des Jahres in Germany.


In the colorful game Marrakech, players will find themselves in an oriental carpet market, where their own customs and trading rules reign. The bright unique design of the game will not leave anyone indifferent. Soft bright rugs with patterns, made of pleasant fabric and comfortable wooden dinars will definitely delight lovers of originality.

The principle of the game is quite simple: each seller on the market needs to place as many of their carpets as possible and receive the greatest income. The richest carpet dealer wins.

Marrakesh is an excellent tactical game that is perfect for a large group or family game. The game Marrakesh has won the hearts of many players around the world, and also acquired the title of game of the year 2009 in France, Austria and America!


And in the game Niagara, players will find themselves in the very epicenter of the river flow. Will the players be able to save their canoes, not lose the treasures they have obtained, and return to camp unharmed? After all, there is a dangerous waterfall ahead! The incredibly beautiful and colorful game Niagara will appeal to anyone. Both children and adults will enjoy playing it. Players will especially appreciate the high-quality design and interactivity of the gameplay. But only those who are lucky will be able to conquer this treacherous Niagara River!

Hello, dear friends. It so happens that we practically do not discuss board games that children can play, but for many of us this can be extremely relevant and useful information. We won’t put our child in complex economic strategies or aggressive wargames with a bunch of small components, especially since all sorts of horror films, like, won’t do. Today I will try to correct the current trend a little and want to talk about board games for young children and their young parents.

10) Turtle Races

"Turtle Runs"- aka Ribbit is my personal favorite among board games to play with kids. The essence of the game is simple: with the help of cards we control the turtles, who run to the finish line along a path of 10 bricks. The main trick is that no one knows which turtle belongs to whom, except their own. The turtles run forward and backward, they can drag those who climbed on top of them, or ride on others. A very accessible and at the same time intelligent game that will be fun for adults to play too. Cool design, by the way. For 2-5 players, game time is 10-20 minutes.

9) Zooloretto

IN "Zooloretto" we are building a real zoo: you need to select and deliver animals, organize enclosures for them, attract visitors and do all this better than your competitors in the neighborhood. The game is quite easy to learn and does not require memorization large quantity nuances, and children will like cute animals. This board game is designed for 2-5 players and will take 30-60 minutes of your time per game. If desired, you can additionally take "Aquaretto"- the same thing, but about dolphins, polar bears, penguins and other waterfowl.

8) Dobble

Spot It or "Dobble" in Russia - one of the main hits among growing players. This is a simple game of attention with a set of 55 picture cards on which you have to look for matching objects. The most attentive and fastest one takes the card for himself, and the game ends when the deck of cards runs out. The rules are explained in a minute, the box takes up little space, and up to 8 people can play.

7) Blokus

Blokus- an abstract board game where you place colored figures on the board. The main condition is that your new figures come into contact with only the corners you have already laid out before. The winner is the one who does not leave his opponent available options progress. Despite the simplicity of the rules, this game has sufficient depth to create unique combinations and will allow you to play more than one exciting game. For 1-4 players (can be played alone, like solitaire), the time of each game is up to 20 minutes.

6) Lost Cities

IN card game "Lost Cities" players will play the role of brave adventurers. The playing field consists of 5 exotic places where mysterious artifacts can be found. During their turn, players can place cards with values ​​from 2 to 10 on any of these zones with the only restriction - the new card must be “older” than the one you have already laid out earlier. The one who collects a large amount will receive victory points, and the loser, on the contrary, will receive a fine. This logic game with simple mathematical calculations is played only by two people, the game time is 15-30 minutes.

5) Happy Farm

Board game "Happy Farm" can be called, without a grain of exaggeration, the pride of game development in the post-Soviet space. The development of Ukrainian designers was well received in their homeland and continues its successful march, including to the West. The mechanics of the game are not very complicated: we plant seeds, harvest crops, feed pets, sell surplus at the market, buy new seeds. The winner is the one who can raise the most well-fed and joyful animals. Pleasant design and simple gameplay will appeal to many children and their parents. The game is designed for 2-4 players, and each game takes 30-40 minutes.

4) Simply brilliant

"Simply brilliant" or Ingenious in the original - an abstract game, somewhat reminiscent of Dominoes. Players place chips on the playing field, each of which depicts figures of two of the six possible colors. Points are earned by laying out the longest lines of the same color, but victory is awarded to the one who scores the most points in the worst color. A game of attentiveness and strategy. You can play alone or with four, or with the whole family. Party time is up to 40 minutes.


Sometimes called "Hive", probably closest to checkers, but there is no field here. Each player is given 11 hexagonal insect figures, each of which has its own special properties. The task is to surround someone else’s queen with your insects and, accordingly, protect your own. This game is easy to learn to play, but not so easy to start winning, like most abstract games. The excellent quality of the components and a certain theme make them stand out. Hive against the backdrop of other abstract board games. IN "Hive" You can play only together, the game time is 15-20 minutes.

2) Carcassonne

"Carcassonne" is one of the most popular games in the world. Players will have to build medieval castles, monasteries and roads by placing square tokens on the table and placing their wooden settlers on them. You can find out more about the gameplay in our video review. Despite all the apparent simplicity "Carcassonne" There are real world championships, so here you will need not only luck, but also skill. This is an excellent option for beginner players; I myself started playing modern board games with "Carcassonne". This board game is designed for 2-5 players and plays in 30-40 minutes. Some may prefer this option "Carcassonne. Hunters and Gatherers", where instead of the Middle Ages, players go to prehistoric era fish and hunt wild animals.

1) Ticket to Ride

Better known in the Russian-speaking environment as "Ticket to Ride" is probably the best strategic board game for a pleasant pastime with family or close friends, and it can be of interest to both children and the older generation represented by grandparents. The players' task is to build their routes from different cities, while gaining the maximum number of victory points. To create a route, you need to play a certain number of carriage cards of the same color from your hand. There's almost nothing in this game conflict situations, there is no text on the components, but only color pictures with trailers and a large color map (personally, I like the option with Europe the most, Russia is there too, and the rules are more flexible than the original about the USA). That said, there is plenty of depth to this game that keeps things interesting for a long time thanks to the variety of routes and small additions that are easily accessible. Ticket to Ride designed for 2-5 (preferably 3-5) players, each game takes about an hour.

The dull feasts, where the only entertainment was eating, have sunk into oblivion. hearty dishes. Indeed, why be bored if you can have a good time. We have already written about Active actions are not to everyone’s taste, then there is a great alternative - take your favorite board game from the shelf, lay out a cardboard board and hand out multi-colored cards.

After some time, absolutely all team members will be involved in the process. It looks very funny when adults find out from each other who has earned more crystals or how many points are due for this or that maneuver. We present to your attention a selection of the 10 best board games for a fun company.

Description. “Munchkin” was created as a parody of the famous board game “Dungeons and Dragons” in geek circles. Unlike its prototype, the game has relatively simple rules and is completely devoid of serious notes. Reincarnate into one of three mythological races (elf, dwarf, halfling) or take the side of humanity. As you open the “doors,” you will encounter absurd monsters, and by defeating them, you will become the owner of unique loot. You have the right to be an exemplary opponent or not to disdain vile tricks. Conflicts and arguments are encouraged in Munchkin.

Number of players: from 2 (preferably 3) to 6 people when playing with a standard set without add-ons

Time per batch: the manufacturer claims an average of 45 minutes, but personal experience We very rarely managed less than 2 hours (and this was with 3 players)

Description . Today, the IT sector is experiencing an unprecedented rise. On the wave of popularity information technologies The board game “Startup” was developed. In it you can see the entire kitchen from the inside and promote own projects, having gone through a difficult path from a freelancer to a successful businessman. Please note that without communication skills and the ability to negotiate with competitors, it will be incredibly difficult to win. At first glance, the board game is just another way to while away the evening, but if you take a closer look, you will understand that the game allows you to improve your diplomacy skills and develop determination.

Number of players: from 2 (preferably 3) to 5 people

Time per batch: one hour, as the manufacturer promises, but again in reality it will be much longer (on average, the editorial team got 2-2.5 hours)

Description. Classics of the genre. Our parents played Monopoly even before the collapse Soviet Union. The essence is extremely simple - by throwing the dice and moving chips around the field, you will master ownerless cells until you become the sole owner of all material assets. After purchasing buildings, structures, industrial and retail space, this zone becomes your property and generates a fixed income. In addition to “factories and ships,” there are social cells that require you to pay a tax to the treasury or serve a prison sentence.

Number of players: from 2 to 6 people.

Time per batch: from 1 hour (if someone is really lucky) to infinity.

Description. The legend is this: a storm breaks out at sea, and you and the members of your company find yourself adrift in a flimsy boat through open, dangerous waters. A faithful comrade, an evil enemy and unfamiliar strange personalities are sailing with you. Resources are limited and must be shared and exchanged. The main goal is to get to the shore alive, secondary goals are to help a friend and destroy the enemy. The winner is determined based on the points scored after the fourth seagull appears on the horizon.

Number of players: from 4 to 6 people.

Time per batch: the minimum is 45 minutes.

5. Alias

Description. A game to develop logic and speed of thinking. The Alias ​​package includes a board, a cube, an hourglass and a set of cards. Of particular interest is the “Party” modification, in which, in addition to selecting synonyms and associations, you will be required to show pantomimes, express various emotions, and come up with ideas on the go interesting stories with unrelated words. Those who are interested in celebrity life will definitely like cards with celebrity names.

Number of players: from 4 people to infinity, because you can divide into teams.

Time per batch: 45 minutes.

Description. Do you dream of getting rich quick? – Then pay attention to the game “Saboter”. Only gnomes are able to quickly find gold-bearing veins in the bowels of the earth and dig up placers of gems. Players are divided into two teams representing bearded workers and malicious pests. The first ones are trying to build tunnels leading to treasures, and the second ones are trying to interfere with good people and get nuggets into their raking little hands. The game lasts three rounds (the path from the “Start” card to the “End” card), the participant who produces the most gold wins.

Number of players: from 3 to 10 people.

Time per batch: 30 minutes.

7. Dixit

Description. Associations to images best show what thoughts are hidden in a person’s head. Dixit is an amazing game for developing imagination. Participants take turns becoming storytellers and creating magical stories using beautifully illustrated cards. The presenter chooses the picture that appeals to him the most and comes up with a verbal, sound or facial characteristic for it. The remaining players offer their option according to the tip received. The cards are handed over to the storyteller secretly from the opponents, mixed and they try to guess which image marked the beginning of the associative series.

Number of players: from 3 to 6 people.

Time per batch: 30 minutes.

Description. The city falls asleep, the mafia wakes up. Civilians are panicking, gangsters have become insolent, and every night they create chaos in the streets, lying in wait and brutally killing innocent victims. A general meeting has been announced and civilians, with the help of the commissar, will have to identify the criminals. IN classic version players are divided into 2 teams in a ratio of 2:1. Most act as ordinary residents, while the rest load machine guns and prepare to shoot unwanted people. There are two options for the outcome of events: either citizens transfer the criminals to prison cells, or they go to feed the fish.

Number of players: from 6 to 30 people.

Time per batch: 40 minutes.

Description. We are adults and we understand that not a single feast is complete without drinking alcoholic beverages. Instead of aggravating in the traditional way, it is better to approach the matter with enthusiasm and passion. Players choose drinks according to their own preferences and shuffle the deck. Then they take turns drawing cards, completing the written tasks (for refusal or in case of failure there is a “penalty”). You will be required to sing, dance, read poetry and pronounce tongue twisters. Keep in mind that sooner or later a polar bear will come and put an end to the fun. Victory is awarded to the player who scores the most sobriety points.

Number of players: from 4 to 9 people.

Time per batch: at least half an hour.

Description. No matter how soft and fluffy we might like to appear to others, deep down inside each of us lies a decent pig. “Svintus” provides an opportunity to release your inner pig. At the start, the deck is shuffled and 8 cards are dealt, now your goal is to get rid of the ballast at all costs. As you move up the career ladder, you are allowed to use prohibited techniques, of which there are plenty in the game. With one well-chosen card, you can drown your opponent in the mud and throw him far back.

Number of players: from 2 to 10 people.

Time per batch: from 15 minutes.

Have fun!