Set for caring for indoor plants. Home garden: what is needed to care for indoor plants? Benefits of a tool kit for indoor plants

Surely every home has at least one indoor flower, and some even have entire mini-flower greenhouses. Everyone loves flowers, but, unfortunately, not everyone pays due attention to their indoor plants. But in fact, everything is very simple, caring for your indoor pets will not take much time, it is enough to have the necessary tool in your arsenal! In a unique care set indoor plants All necessary tools included:

Aerator. Aeration, i.e. oxygen saturation of the soil is required condition normal height and development of any indoor plant. The length of the working part of the aerator is 8.5 cm; Thanks to the pointed tip, it is necessary to periodically make holes in the moist soil. This will provide oxygen access to the plant roots.

Ripper. Due to regular watering, the soil becomes covered with a crust, which prevents the flow of nutrients into the soil. Therefore, loosening the soil is an integral procedure for caring for plants, but it should be noted that the loosening process must be gentle so as not to damage root system plants. This tool will allow the process of loosening the soil to be carried out correctly.

Universal hoe You will be able to perform the most different kinds works - making dimples when planting, weeding the soil, carefully removing the plant from the soil with its rhizome when replanting, and much more.

Specifications of Indoor Plant Tool Set:

  • This set includes three tools: an aerator, a ripper and a small universal hoe;
  • the metal from which the tools are made is high-quality high-strength steel;
  • carved wooden handles are made without gaps, their surface is polished;
  • overall dimensions: diameter wooden handles- 2 cm, tool length aerator - 25 cm, ripper - 26 cm, hoe - 22 cm;
  • manufacturer: Russia.

Advantages of a tool kit for indoor plants:

  • the set includes universal tools who perform all the work necessary when planting/transplanting plants and their daily care;
  • The compact size of these tools will provide ease of care for any indoor plants;
  • the instruments are conscientiously made from quality materials;
  • the tools themselves are securely fastened to wooden handles and do not wobble from side to side during operation, which guarantees durability of their use;

Take care of your indoor plants, treat them with love and attention, and then they will definitely thank you for this with their beautiful appearance: green lush foliage, lush flowering and a fragrant aroma!

Indispensable tools for flowers!

I love flowers very much, I have a whole greenhouse of them at home, different types. All of them, of course, require special care and attention. Flowers are alive and require a lot of attention. I decided to buy myself special set tools for caring for your favorite flowers. Now, with its help, I carefully replant my flowers, saturate them with oxygen for best color and growth. I'm happy with the tools, my flowers now make me even more happy!

Nadezhda Arkadyevna

Plant care.

I really liked the indoor plant tool set. I use them not only to care for indoor plants, but also to care for plants in a greenhouse. Convenient and practical tool. I'm very pleased that I purchased it.

Tatyana Nikolaevna

1. How does a spikelet emerge from a grain? Cut out pictures from the Application and arrange them in in the right order. Ask your deskmate to check on you. After checking, paste the pictures.

2. Practical work“Learning to care for indoor plants.”

1) Follow the teacher’s instructions.

  • Wipe the leaves of the indoor plant.
  • Loosen the soil in the pot.
  • Water the indoor plant.

2) Draw the items you used to care for your indoor plants.

3) Demonstrate to the class the plant care techniques you have mastered.

I learned how to properly wipe the leaves of indoor plants, how to properly loosen the soil and how to properly water indoor plants (under the root).

3. Color the picture showing the plant being watered correctly. Explain your choice.

It is correct to water indoor plants “under the root”, since many of them have very tender leaves and drops of water may damage them. For example, water may cause dark spots or even sunburn on leaves, since a drop of water can focus light like glass lenses.

4. It is interesting that some plants live for a very long time, especially trees. IN additional literature, Find information on the life expectancy of trees on the Internet. Fill the table.

Useful little things

Growing domestic plants has a beneficial effect on the microclimate of the house and apartment, purifies the air, and neutralizes the effects of electronic radiation. Perhaps, placing plants in pots at home is the most beautiful and pleasant way to take care of the health of your household.

In this article we will talk about what accessories and equipment for indoor plants you will need to set up and care for your home mini-garden.

Before buying a pot for indoor flowers, decide on 3 factors: size, material and design. The dimensions of the containers must be selected based on the size of the root system of the selected plant. It is important to consider where exactly the flowerpot will be located (on the floor, on the table, on the windowsill) or how it will be attached to the wall (using suspension system or bracket).

Floor planters

Large floor planters for large indoor trees and bushes can be made of heavy or fragile materials - clay, terracotta, thick ceramics. Due to the large volume of soil and the weight of the plant, they will not be easily broken or overturned. Deliberately rough textures, vintage and floor combinations of several pots of different sizes are in fashion.

We recommend the Aged Ceramic range from Esschert Design or the vintage Scandinavian Katherine line from Lene Bjerre. Bright flowering plants will look good with a collection of flowerpots in Mediterranean style Indoor Pots from Burgon and Ball featuring Portuguese ceramic tiles or Tuscan folk embroidery.

Pots and flower pots for windowsills and shelves

Tabletop flowerpots and flowerpots on the windowsill are quite vulnerable in the presence of active children and pets. Therefore, you can choose more for them practical materials- plastic or metal. If you want to add a touch of flair to your room old England, Provence or shabby chic style, pay attention to the Flower Girl Collection collection of dark blue metal herb planters from Briers with a rose print inspired by artist Julia Dodstworth.

For a bright and flirty accent in modern interior purchase a set of cheerful pink flowerpots for indoor flowers Sophie Conran Collection Burgon & Ball in enamelled steel.

Creative options for pots for decorating the interior with indoor plants

Tools for indoor gardening

To plant plants and loosen the soil, you will need a shovel and a garden fork. If for working with trees and bushes in floor planters you can get by with existing garden tools, then for seedlings and tender plants miniature plants You will need special mini flowers tools from Esscert Design. They are made from high quality steel, and ergonomic handles made of natural wood- ash, suitable for fine workmanship and do not damage the root system.

In the following articles we will talk in more detail about how to create beautiful garden on a windowsill or on a balcony in an urban environment. All of these products can be purchased in the Consta Garden online store with delivery to all regions of the Russian Federation!

Marina Khaibulaeva

Summary of joint activities to organize the work of children of middle preschool age in nature - “Care for indoor plants” using operational cards.


*to help consolidate children’s knowledge about indoor plants of the group: their names, distinctive features appearance and methods of caring for them using symbols;

* promote the development of the ability to care for plants using a model for this labor process: set a goal (to help the plant so that it feels good again); choose an object of labor (a plant with drooping leaves, the ground is dry, gray, select tools and material; perform labor actions in the correct sequence (hold the watering can with both hands, place the spout on the edge of the pot, pour over the entire ground, little by little, wait until the water is absorbed and will appear on the pallet); get the result (a watered plant that will soon feel good);

* promote the development of a desire to take care of indoor plants, an understanding of the need to help a living being.

Materials used in the lesson:

Demo- schematic models – cards with symbols plant care techniques, operational maps.

Dispensing– Aprons for each child, tools: rags for each child, a basin with water, watering cans with water, sticks for loosening the soil, oilcloths, a sprayer.

Enrich your vocabulary with the following words: plant care, watering, pan, settled water, lump of earth; fix the names of the plants: clivia, balsam.

Preliminary work. Observation of a plant (familiarity with the features of appearance, structure, observation of plants in favorable and unfavorable conditions (lack of moisture, a series of experiments to identify the moisture needs of plants, observation of the work of a teacher in watering plants in a corner of nature (familiarity with the model of the labor process).

Methodical techniques:

1. Problematic situation with the use of a game character.

2. Talk with children about the basic needs of indoor plants.

3. Examination of plants to identify distinctive features of appearance and methods of caring for them, using symbols.

4. Organization of the labor process using models - operational maps.

5. Joint work of children, help from the teacher.

6. Summing up joint activities.

Progress of joint activities with children.

1 part

Carlson's game character arrives, sad (he flew into open window when ventilating during sleep). Greets every child.

Educator. Our Carlson is somehow sad. Let's ask him what happened.

Carlson. He tells his story of how he flew past the garden and saw such beautiful and well-groomed flowers on the windowsills outside the windows. With him on the roof lives his only flower, which was given to him by his friend Baby, but something happened to him, he probably got sick.

My favorite plant it was as beautiful as in the picture (shows the model)

and now it’s like this (shows the plant)

I don’t know what happened to it, I feel sorry for the plant, that’s why I’m crying.

Educator. Children, do you feel sorry for the plant? Let's take pity on him, tell him kind words: good, don't cry, we will help you, you will become beautiful and healthy again.

Educator. Why did Carlson's plant become like this? What do plants need to feel good? Listen to what the plant is asking for. Carlson, your plant needs to be looked after and it will get better.

Carlson. But I don’t know how to care for plants, and now my plant will probably die.

Educator. Can we help Carlson? How? (We can teach him how to care for plants.) Shall we teach Carlson how to properly care for plants? (We will;)

part 2

Educator. How do we want the plant to feel? (Okay.) So that it becomes what? (With the children they say: so that the plant feels good, so that the leaves look up, so that the stem looks up, so that the ground is moist.) In order not to forget about this, we will put a picture (the model is a plant in good condition)

Educator. What plant is it now? (The plant is being examined: the condition of the leaves, stem, soil.) In order not to forget what kind of plant it is now, we will put a picture (the model plant is in an unfavorable condition)

The plant needs help as soon as possible. What else do we need for this? To do this, you need to choose the right tools, or assistant objects.

Carlson. I know what's needed. (Brings an empty watering can. The empty watering can is examined and why it cannot be used for watering is discussed.)

Educator. Which watering can should you take? Water is filled into the watering can in advance so that the water settles and is at room temperature. What other helper items do we need to help our plants? Children name the remaining objects. In order not to forget what we need, we will put a picture (model - tools: watering can with water, oilcloth, basin with water, rags, stick for loosening the soil, sprayer)

Now what are we going to do?

Children: And now we will take care of the plants.

Educator: That's right, but first, we must consider the plants we have chosen for care (Clivia and Impatiens) and determine what our plants love and what kind of care each one needs. And the cards that are glued to each pot of a houseplant will help us with this. (Look at the plants, remember the name of the plant, distinctive features appearance, methods of caring for them are determined using symbols.)

Carlson: Well, now can you start caring for the plants?

Educator: Yes, but only for this, we need to remember where we start, because caring for a plant is not only watering it.

Children: First we take care of the leaves of clivia, we wipe the leaves, and we spray the leaves of balsam, then we wipe the pots, then we wash the trays, after that we loosen the soil in the pots and only last resort water the plants. (If children find it difficult to determine the sequence of methods for caring for plants or have forgotten something, draw the children’s attention to the operation cards)

Educator: Well done, guys, you clearly remembered all the steps to care for plants, now you can get to work, but first everyone needs to put on their aprons and roll up their sleeves. Now we will distribute who will do what work, I will help you. (After distributing responsibilities, the children go to the table with tools and choose a helper object) And you, Carlson, look carefully and remember what the guys are doing.

Children perform tasks under the supervision of a teacher, the execution of actions goes as far as watering.

Carlson. I remembered how to water, can I show you? (Holds the watering can with one hand, pours water on the leaves, under the roots, wants to pour all the water out of the watering can at once.)

Educator. Why can't you water the leaves? Why do you need to water the soil? (Children explain and show how to water correctly.)

Educator. How much water will we pour?

Carlson. Until it's all over! (Children explain to hold the watering can with both hands, place the spout on the edge of the pot, pour it all over the ground, little by little, wait until the water is absorbed and appears on the tray. Children, focusing on the model of the labor process, independently water the plants

Carlson, together with the teacher, observes the children’s work, asks clarifying questions. In case of difficulties, the teacher comes to the children’s aid. At the end of the lesson, the teacher and the game character check how the children watered the plants.)

Educator. What will the plant become if we have cared for it properly? (Children explain.) In order not to forget, let’s put a picture (model - a plant in good condition

Part 3

Educator. Carlson, we helped your plant, taught you how to care for indoor plants, now it will get better. We showed you on some plants in our group how to care for plants, what conditions are required for different plants and what care should be taken so that they become like in the picture. ( Shows the model - the plant is in good condition.)Educator. Soon our plants will become as beautiful and healthy as in the picture. (Shows the model a plant in a favorable condition.) They will feel good. Today we did two good deeds: we helped the plants (listen to what they tell you) and taught Carlson how to care for his plant.

Carlson. Thank you guys, now my plant will always feel good. I'm very happy about this.

Educator. Guys, are you glad that you helped the plants? (Emotionally share the joy of the children.) Let's give Carlson this flower in memory of us - Clivia, so that his flower will have more fun, so that he is not alone. And you, Carlson, don’t forget to take care of your plants and come visit us again! Goodbye!.

Follow up work:


1. to form a conscious attitude towards work, ways to achieve the goal with the help of operational cards;

2. develop the perception of indoor plants as living beings - notice their unfavorable state, discover the insufficiency of conditions for their life in the process of observations in Everyday life, using “Models of the functions of living organs”, D / game “Confusion”.

3. cultivate interest and love for plants, the desire to care for them both in specially organized classes and in joint activities with children

If you want your pets to grow and delight you for a long time, provide them with proper care and attention. To do this, you need to purchase special fertilizers and additives that stimulate the growth and development of flowers. However, this is not all. For proper care For plants, you will need a whole arsenal of special devices.

To grow indoor plants you will need...

Watering can. This is a mandatory tool that will allow you to moisten the soil under the plants in a timely and competent manner. It is important to note one nuance here. If you have a lot of plants and they are of impressive size, then get a large watering can that will hold at least 5 liters of water. If your plants are miniature and their number is no more than 10, then a watering can with a capacity of a little more than 1 liter will be enough.
Spray. Also necessary thing when it comes to plant hydration. The fact is that some types of indoor flowers require minimal watering during certain periods of growth. In particular, they can get by with only surface spraying, which will be provided by a spray bottle.
Scissors. You can, of course, use any scissors you have in your home if necessary. However, this raises the issue of convenience and hygiene. It would be much better to get scissors with strong ends, which you will use for trimming plants or other similar work.
Transfer blade. It may be needed when you decide to replant plants. Models that have a wooden handle are especially pleasant to use, as they do not slip out of your hand and do not cause a feeling of discomfort when doing what you love.
Wire, rings, raffia - all this will be useful to you for tying up some plants. It looks neat and aesthetically pleasing. Moreover, using special materials, you will not cause irreparable harm to the plant.
Budding knife. It will be useful to you every time it comes to plant propagation. It is very easy and convenient for them to separate the plants from the plants, in addition, all the cuts are smooth and neat, which helps fast healing wound on different parts plants.
Miniature rake. Here we need to make a reservation and note. That this device is useful only if your apartment has especially large plants in tubs.
Whatever devices you choose for growing plants, first of all, pay attention to quality and convenience. After all, working with plants should bring you pleasure, which should not be overshadowed by unsuitable tools.