Which 19 liter water is better to choose? What drinking water is most beneficial? Rating of drinking bottled water: how to understand

All more people associate their health with drinking water, understanding that it dissolves and delivers nutrition to the cells, and then flushes out toxins. Therefore, interest in healthy, healing and environmentally friendly bottled water is growing every day. But do you think when buying water in a store where it is obtained and from what source it comes?

In Russia, water is allowed to be bottled from the following sources: water supply, open sources (rivers and lakes), and from artesian wells.

Water pipes



Information about where it was bottled is on the label.

Let's consider which waters are spilled from which sources.

1. Purified water from central water supply systems (BonAqua, Aqua Minerale).

Some large producers use central water supplies to produce their water.

Why do they do this?

Extraction of artesian waters is very costly event. It is not enough to drill a well in the right place and pump water from it. Need at least a year design work in order to obtain a production license and use one well and it must contain sufficient quantity water.

In the case of large producers, dozens of such wells are needed, since it is impossible to produce unlimited volumes of water from one well. Typically, a subsoil use license specifies the maximum possible daily water withdrawal from a well.

The federal license allows you to sample about 500 m³ water per day and this is clearly not enough for large water producers. Moreover, one well, in accordance with the law, must be located in an environmental zone with a radius of up to 2 kilometers. For 10 wells the environmental protection zone will be larger 20 km, which is impossible to implement within, for example, the Moscow region, where there is dense urban development and many settlements. And the land will cost tens of millions of dollars.

In the video you can see what requirements must be met in order to bottle water from a well.

Therefore, many large enterprises bottle water from central water supply sources, that is, from water supply Of course, before getting into the bottle this water goes through several degrees of purification, as a result of which we receive sterilized water, safe from the point of view of the requirements of standards and laws, but of little benefit to the body.

To give such water a taste and at least some benefit, it is artificially added mineral powders and other complex additives, which are produced by special enterprises. 90% of additives in Russia are sold under the Severyanka brand, which contain a complex of minerals - calcium, magnesium, bicarbonate and other elements.

Mineral additives produced under the Severyanka brand are intended to increase the physiological value of drinking water by enriching it with vital macro- and microelements, for water that has been completely purified from bacteria and impurities contained in the original poor quality water, water from open sources or central water supply.

On the labels of such waters you can find a direct indication of the source of the water, often it is designated as “purified conditioned drinking water from the central water supply."

One of the striking examples of such waters is brand "BonAqua", owned by the Coca-Cola HBC Eurasia group of companies. It is also known that "Aqua Minerale" owned by the American company PepsiCo, Inc., is also bottled from the water supply, although in Lately PepsiCo is taking a number of steps to improve its water, and some bottles already have bottling wells listed on them.

2. Water from open reservoirs (lakes, springs, rivers...). BAIKAL, Legend of Baikal

Water from open sources, just like tap water, requires a certain degree of filtration. The law does not prohibit spilling water from lakes, reservoirs and rivers. Everyone knows that open water bodies are inhabited by plants, fish and, of course, bacteria, and organic matter is present in much greater quantities than in tap water.

Largest quantity waters from open sources sold in Russia are bottled from freshwater lake Baikal, which has always been considered the cleanest open reservoir in Russia. But everything does not stand still, and recent water studies have shown that the ecosystem Lake Baikal has been undergoing a serious environmental crisis since 2011.

According to the latest published “monitoring of the sanitary and microbiological state of the pelagic zone of Lake Baikal and the mouths of large rivers flowing into it from 2010 to 2018.” In the waters of the lake, filamentous algae Spirogyra developed in large quantities, the concentrations of nutrients increased, which led to an increase in the time of preservation of intestinal bacteria in the water.

It is believed that one of the reasons is an increase in anthropogenic load. As a result of the monitoring of sanitary and microbiological indicators, it was revealed that poor quality cleaning Wastewater in old and crumbling wastewater treatment plants large coastal settlements, mass construction of tourist centers and hotels, usually not provided centralized system treatment of fecal wastewater, massive discharge of fecal and subsoil waters from numerous ships lead to intense pollution of the lake.

Of course, water from open sources must undergo either complete purification and sterilization to eliminate the presence of microbes and pathogenic microorganisms in the water, or partial purification at the peril and risk of the individual manufacturer.

In the latter case, the natural mineral composition of the water is preserved, it contains more oxygen and also saved natural pH level up to 7.5 units, but microbiological indicators cannot be stable and require constant and expensive quality monitoring from the manufacturer.

3. Mineral water from artesian wells

Drinking and mineral water obtained directly from high-quality natural sources - artesian wells, without the use of complete purification and filtration methods that change its natural chemical composition. Of course, provided that the mineral composition of artesian water initially meets the requirements established for drinking water.

Under certain conditions, namely:

Artesian water can be bottled without filtration directly from the source. This water will be called "mineral". For mineral waters by law the use of filtration systems is prohibited reverse osmosis and other filtering methods, suggesting a change in the mineral composition of the source water.

Simply put, this is natural water that does not undergo purification and is bottled directly from a well.
Thus, it preserves all useful micro- and macroelements in the most digestible ionic state for humans.

And finding the source at a sufficient depth protects the water from external environment. For this reason, its cleaning is not required; the output is living and healthy water for the body.

Professor J. Davis (Switzerland) over 30 years of study has established that water becomes artesian hundreds and thousands of years after rainfall, absorbs the energy of the earth, dissolves and activates vital chemical elements, which most quickly help us restore health and prevent diseases.

Artesian activated water

From brief description characteristics of each source for drinking water, it became clear that the most preferable are waters from artesian wells because of their undeniable benefits for human health. But what if you found the perfect artesian water and made bottled water even more effective and healthier.

By studying water, people have established that water sees, hears, stores and transmits information, and they have learned to activate and saturate artesian water with energy, making it close to the water that works in the body. It dissolves and delivers faster nutrients, as well as oxygen through the walls of capillaries to the cells, and after processing and obtaining energy, it flushes CO2 and waste from the intercellular space. Such water has energy and capabilities many times greater than in the original artesian water.

What is active water

Active or energy-saturated water is water that is capable of performing certain work in our body:

Active waters transfer energy very quickly, in waves, like an avalanche, and the body’s functioning improves within a few minutes.

Active water has the following characteristics:

In 2018 at Moscow State University. Lomonosov, studies were carried out to measure activity with several types of water obtained from different sources.

The study was aimed at determining the activity, electrical conductivity, pH changes and oxygen content in the following drinking (mineral) waters:

“Aqua Minerale”, “Bon-Aqua”, “Svetla”, “Bio-Vita”, “Baikal Pearl”, “Evian”.

Bottles of all waters were opened on September 11, 2018 and were poured into 150 ml glass glasses. The glasses were covered with filter paper, and the waters were kept in contact with air at room temperature in a shaded room.

Measurements of water activity using the “reagent” method (luminol + Fe(II)) were carried out immediately after pouring water into glasses, and over the next 7 days.

Rice. 1. 09.11.18 (0 day of measurement) Chl of water: (1) Bonaqua, (2) AquaMineral, (3) Svetla, (4) Biovita, (5) Baikal Pearl, (6) Evian. Reagent (undiluted).

In Figure 1 primary data on the activity of the tested waters, obtained no more than 1 hour after opening the bottles of water, are presented.

The graph shows that 3 waters - Bon-Aqua, Aqua Minerale, Baikal Pearl - have extremely low activity, while She confidently registers the other 3.

Rice. 2. Water activity measured with undiluted reagent on 09/12/18 (1 day of incubation). The presented average values ​​are for 3 parallel measurements for each water.

Rice. 2 and 3 experimental data.

Data on Rice. 2 indicate that after just 2 days of incubation of waters in air, the activity of 3 out of 6 waters increased sharply. It should be noted that activity the waters of Bon Aqua and Aqua Mineral almost did not increase in 6 days their incubation in contact with air. The activity of these waters was 40 pulses/sec on September 11 and 80 and 170 pulses/sec on September 17 .

Rice. 3 (A). Change in water activity, from 09/12/18 (1 day of incubation in air) to 09/17/18. (6 days of incubation in air). The reagent diluted 100 times was used. The average values ​​for 3 parallel measurements for each water are presented.

The activity of all other waters increased during their incubation, although in different ways, as can be seen from the data presented in Rice. 2 and 3 experimental data.

Data on Rice. 2 indicate that after just 2 days of incubation of waters in air, the activity of 3 out of 6 waters increased sharply. It should be noted that the activity of Bon Aqua and Aqua Minerale waters almost did not increase during 6 days of incubation in contact with air. The activity of these waters was 40 pulses/sec on September 11 and 80 and 170 pulses/sec on September 17.

Rice. 3 (B). The same results presented in the form of curves of changes in water activity during their incubation

Long-term monitoring of changes in water activity (Figure 3 A and B) showed that of all the waters, Svetla water stands out the most in terms of activity and the preservation of its activity during incubation, followed by Biovita. In the first days, the activity of Evian water is high, but after 3 days of incubation it decreases significantly. The lowest activity among these waters is the Baikal Pearl water. Water Bon-Aqua and Aqua Minerale showed no activity when using a reagent diluted 100 times.*

High-quality drinking water is an important and, perhaps, the most affordable component proper nutrition. Meanwhile, choosing good drinking water in a store is not so easy: there are dozens of brands on the shelves, different in price, packaging and name.

The editors asked leading manufacturers soft drinks and experts from the Institute of Nutrition on what information to look for on the label to make sure you're buying a quality product.

The bottled water label always indicates which category it belongs to. And this is the first inscription that you need to pay attention to.

There is nothing complicated here, because there are only two quality categories for water:

  • The first category is drinking water that is safe for health, has favorable organoleptic characteristics, a harmless chemical composition and stably retains its drinking properties.
  • The highest category is water that is safe for health and of optimal quality. Water of this quality category must retain all the properties of water of the first category and additionally meet the criteria for the content of basic biologically essential macro- and microelements.

Not everyone can feel the difference, but the highest category water really stands out for its transparency, taste, and purity.

Drinking water can also vary depending on the source from which it was obtained:

  • from an underground source (artesian, spring, ground);
  • from a surface source (river, lake, glacial);

Depending on the cleaning methods, it may be:

  • purified from the water supply network,
  • conditioned (additionally enriched with vital macro- and microelements).

Canteen, medical canteen, medical room - which is healthier?

The label of any drinking water must indicate the degree of mineralization - the recommended level is from 20 mg to 80 mg per liter. In particular, calcium in water should range from 65 to 130 mg per liter.

According to the degree of mineralization, the following types of mineral waters are distinguished:

  • low-mineralized (up to 2 g/l);
  • low-mineralized (2-5 g/l);
  • average mineralized 5-15 g/l);
  • highly mineralized (15-35 g/l);
  • brine (35-150 g/l).

Depending on the degree of mineralization, mineral waters are conventionally divided into three groups:

  1. Table drinking water - water with a total mineralization of up to 1 g/l. This water is recommended for daily consumption. Has no restrictions on use. In fact, this is all the drinking water that we use every day, including for cooking, tea, coffee, and soft drinks.
  2. Medicinal table mineral drinking waters. These are waters with a total mineralization from 1 g/l to 10 g/l. This is exactly the kind of water we used to call “mineral water.” Medicinal table drinking water can be consumed as a refreshing drink or used for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes.
  3. Medicinal mineral drinking waters. These include waters with a total mineralization of more than 10 g/l. Medicinal waters should be consumed only after consultation with a doctor. As a rule, they are drunk in courses according to the regime, often before use they are heated to the desired temperature.

Water for baby food– what should it be?

Packaged water for baby food must meet the highest category standards.

Also, in the production of drinking water for children, the use of silver and carbon dioxide as preservatives is not allowed. The content of fluoride ion in it should be in the range of 0.6-0.7 mg/dm3, iodide ions - 0.04-0.06 mg/dm3.

Water for making tea – what to pay attention to?

Much depends on the quality of the water, as well as on the quality of the tea itself: bad water You can ruin the most exquisite and expensive drink. Lovers good tea they filter and settle, buy water from a spring or simply bottled water in special stalls.

If you use bottled water to make tea, you need to choose the softest one. Pay attention to the special indicator - “mg-eq”, water hardness expressed in milligram equivalents per liter. Many water bottles indicate this indicator, and the lower it is, the better.

Water up to 4 mEq is considered soft, from 4 to 8 - medium hardness, above 8 - unsuitable for tea. Hard water makes the infusion quite bitter and tart, and also contributes to the formation of stone disease.

Water composition - why is it important?

Water of unknown origin, the quality and composition of which you are not sure of, may be hazardous to health.

Thus, when drinking water with an iron content higher than normal, a person runs the risk of disrupting liver function and acquiring allergic reactions. Constant consumption of water with increased hardness leads to the accumulation of salts in the body and, ultimately, to problems with joints, the formation of kidney stones, gallstones and bladder. A low fluoride content in drinking water can lead to the development of caries, and a high fluoride content can lead to dental fluorosis.

When choosing drinking water, pay attention to the label and remember the consequences of drinking poor quality water.

Material prepared by Sofia Mikhalochkina

Water quality ratings for drinking water from major manufacturers will help you draw conclusions about the quality of the drinking liquid, which will help maintain and improve your health. In addition, you will learn about the features of the production and composition of bottled waters. Varieties of mineral and purified waters. How to distinguish a fake? Water quality ratings of drinking water from major manufacturers will help you figure out which water is best to drink regularly and which bottled water is better not to buy.

About water and producers

Because of not High Quality drinking tap water Residents of our country who care about their health tend to use bottled or mineral water for regular drinking. Moreover, even those who are lucky in a region with good tap water, are increasingly abandoning its regular use due to a persistent decline in quality. Therefore, many residents of our country drink purified water from bottles and cook with it.

As for mineral water, then its regular use will not only maintain health, but will also significantly improve it, because such waters contain an extensive complex of mineral components necessary for our body. Today, the production of drinking bottled and mineral water is carried out not only by large trading concerns with a worldwide reputation, but also by small private companies.

In this regard, a lot of fakes have appeared. And to put it mildly, such water will not only not be useful, but can also harm our health. We hope our drinking water quality rating will help you choose suitable and healthy water.

About the composition of drinking water from bottles

IN Russian Federation A simplified scale for classifying bottled waters is used:

  • Purified drinking water
  • Natural mineral water
  • Artificial mineral water

Water obtained from clean underground sources, with natural complex dissolved minerals is called natural mineral. Moreover, in our country such water is also divided into several subspecies:

  • medicinal
  • medical dining room
  • dining room

The first two types are best consumed not regularly, but on the recommendation of a doctor. But table mineral water can be used as drinking water. The level of minerals in it must be at least 1 g/l. The main producers of such water in our country are “Silver Dew” and “Sarova”.

The amount of minerals in medicinal table water should be in the range of 1-10 hl. These waters include Essentuki-4, Borjomi and Narzan. The concentration of dissolved minerals in medicinal water should be 10-15 g/l. These are the waters of “Essentuki-17” and “Lysogorskaya”.

Purified drinking water is ordinary water, thoroughly purified from various impurities and harmful components. This artificially purified water is packaged in bottles and can be used for regular drinking. The first type of such waters was released in 94 and was called “Holy Spring”. In the late 90s there were such famous brands, like "Aqua Minerale" and Bon Aqua. Then a large number of local producers appeared.

Water Quality Rating

The number of varieties of water and their producers is growing every year. So, in the early 90s there were about 200 types of drinking and mineral water in bottles, and in the mid-90s there were already 500. Today there are about 700 types of water registered, with a hundred of them produced in the north of the Caucasus.

The most popular water, accounting for about half of all sales, is Georgian water. Among them are such well-known brands as “Borjomi”, “Essentuki” and “Narzan”. At the same time, Borjomi is clearly in the lead.

According to the analysis results various studies The leading producers in the market of natural mineral and purified waters are:

  • "Holy spring"
  • "Borjomi"
  • "Narzan"
  • "Aqua Minerale"
  • "Bon Aqua"
  • GG&MW Co. N.V. from the manufacturer Borjomi
  • Nestle Waters from the manufacturer of the Holy Spring
  • "Kavminvody"
  • Biba water
  • "Mercury"
  • "Avka"
  • "Raifa Spring"

Drinking water researchers do not rule out a large increase in the range of products on the natural mineral and purified water market. At the same time, there are a large number of companies producing counterfeits on the market. This water is practically no different from ordinary tap water. But how to distinguish such manufacturers?

How to distinguish low-quality water?

Of course, you cannot open and taste water in a store, but some conclusions about the quality of drinking or mineral water can be drawn from its appearance:

  1. Carefully study the label on the bottle. A conscientious manufacturer indicates detailed information about the chemical components of the liquid, specifies the category of water, describes the source where the liquid was taken. The label must also contain registration information.
  2. Pay attention to the design of the bottle and label. Typically, counterfeit manufacturers do not work on the market for a long time, so they are not particularly worried about appearance and packaging and label design. Products from proven, reliable, high-quality manufacturers are usually packaged in a beautiful container with logos, and the lid and label are beautifully designed.
  3. To reduce the risk of buying a counterfeit to a minimum, purchase goods in large retail outlets. Typically, the owners of such stores purchase goods only from trusted suppliers.

If you doubt the quality of drinking water from a bottle, you can always order a water analysis and check it for all indicators. You can order such an analysis in our laboratory. To do this, you need to contact the manager at the specified phone number. During the call, you can find out the cost of such a check, which depends on the number of indicators analyzed.

drinking water without gas. Bottled water was studied for almost one hundred quality and safety indicators. Experts studied the microbiological safety of water, compared tap water with mineral water, and also determined the necessary quality characteristics of water to meet human needs.

Laboratory tests were carried out on 58 samples of the most popular brands among Russians, such as Valio, Bon Aqua, Shishkin Les, Aqua Minerale, Kalinov Rodnik, Nestle Pure Life, Svyatoy Istochnik, Evian " and etc.

The overwhelming number of goods were manufactured in Russia, at the same time, products from Armenia, Georgia, Italy, Norway, Finland, and France were also represented in the fan study. The study included products common in Russian market brands from about 15 regions of Russia, including the Republic of Tatarstan, Stavropol Territory, Vladimir, Lipetsk, Nizhny Novgorod, Tula and Ryazan regions.

The testing program included about 100 parameters, including microbiological safety, the presence of harmful impurities, nitrites and artificial preservatives. Also, the leading Roskachest standard for high-quality water, applying for the Russian Quality Mark, established stricter requirements for the content of mineral substances and the physiological usefulness of water.

The first such large-scale study of water from brands on the market in Russia allows us to draw a number of important conclusions and refute common consumer myths.

« As laboratory test results have shown, water quality depends on production capacity manufacturer in terms of purification and mineralization of bottled drinking water, and not from the place of origin. The study, unexpectedly for experts, showed that the water in which optimal quantity useful substances was introduced artificially by the manufacturer during the mineralization of tap water, can compete in quality with drinking water from natural sources", notes Deputy Head of Roskachestvo Maria Sapuntsova.

The market today is divided into drinking water of the highest, first categories, as well as mineral water. The status of water of the highest category imposes high requirements on products, which in fact some manufacturers were unable to meet. More often than not, their water was less beneficial for the consumer than required by the mandatory requirements for the highest category. And if practically no problems were found in the first category of drinking water (moreover, this category is more saturated with high-quality products than others), then in the highest category violations were recorded for the vast majority of products. As for mineral water, this category can be called relatively problem-free.

A pleasant fact was the refutation of the opinion of a number of consumers about the frequent presence of Pseudomonas aeruginosa, nitrites and toxic elements in water - they were not found in any sample.

Experts also concluded that the quality of water in general is not affected by its foreign origin or price. Domestic water is in no way inferior in composition to foreign samples, and often surpasses them in quality.

In addition, the experts decided to compare water of the same brand produced in different regions Russia (for example, Moscow and Nizhny Novgorod region), and did not see a difference in quality characteristics. The experts also purchased the same brand of water in different volumes - 1 and 5 liters - and did not note any differences in quality. Thus, the widespread opinion is that manufacturers do not maintain consistency in production at different sites and use bottles of different sizes to produce bottles. various technologies, was not confirmed.

According to the results of large-scale tests, nine products not only met all safety requirements and the standards stated on the packaging, but were also able to reach the leading standards of Roskachestvo.

Samples called high-quality water “Volzhanka”, “Lipetsk Pump Room”, “Novoterskaya”, “Oh! Our Family", "Simple Good", ARCTIC, Aquanika, Bon Aqua and Evian. These samples, with the exception of Evian, can qualify for the state Quality Mark due to their Russian origin.

Another 37 samples out of 58 were considered high-quality goods that fully comply with current legal requirements. However, these goods did not meet the increased requirements of the Roskachestvo standard in one or more indicators, for example, in the content of substances such as potassium, magnesium, iron, iodine and etc., therefore cannot be called high-quality goods.

In the same time, various kinds Violations of current legislation were found in 12 cases. According to test results, only three products out of 58 showed safety deviations. Thus, increased bacterial contamination was detected in three samples (Arkhyz, Elbrus, Biovita). These results were confirmed and expert opinion control and supervisory authority. It is important to note that this problem may be associated with storage or transportation conditions at any stage of the goods movement.

In another 9 cases out of 58, there was a discrepancy with the properties or categories stated on the label. For example, magnesium, calcium or boron contents that did not correspond to the label were found, and in one case “total mineralization” was affected. Considering that manufacturers openly stated on the water labeling a certain amount of macro- and microelements, non-compliance with the declared properties is misleading to consumers.

It is worth noting that “total mineralization” is one of the most important properties of drinking water. Any water, regardless of the brand, water source, method of purification and enrichment with microelements, geography and even the depth of the well, is a unique cocktail of substances called anions and cations (positive and negatively charged ions). For example, cations include potassium, magnesium, iron, and anions include sulfates, fluorine and iodine. The content of these substances is often indicated by the product label, which indicates their percentage.

According to the results of laboratory tests, a relatively low level of total mineralization was recorded in 13 samples out of 31 “first category” drinking water. However, let us remind you that this is water and does not pretend to be useful; it is “enough” for it to be safe. Another thing is that in one of the samples “ premium» mineral substances turned out to be only 77 mg/l, with the average median values ​​of other waters in the corresponding category being 200-300 mg/l. Therefore, Roskachestvo specifically established increased requirements for water mineralization for applicants for the state Quality Mark.

Detailed results of the study of each sample with a list of advantages and disadvantages are available on the Roskachestvo portal

For reference:

Roskachestvo – national system monitoring, comparative testing and confirmation of the quality of goods and services, established by order of the Government on the initiative of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia.

Roskoshestvo conducts regular research on consumer goods. Also, the department, in accordance with the Decree of the Government of Russia, is the operator of the state Quality Mark, issued to the best domestic goods based on the results of research. The research results are published on the portal

Over the course of a year and a half, Roskachestvo conducted research on more than 2,500 consumer goods in 60 categories, including food products, light industrial products and goods for children.

To compile the rating, we selected water packaged in 19-liter bottles (this is the product that can be considered the most common among buyers). Water in such packaging is delivered to the offices and apartments of Muscovites; it can be purchased in the largest supermarkets, gas stations and other retail outlets.

The study of the quality of drinking water lasted about six months, dozens of analyzes were carried out to establish physicochemical parameters, mineral composition and organoleptics. The studies involved several non-profit organizations, including the International Union of Drinking Water Producers, the Union of Consumer Protection, NC "Russian Control" and some others.

Secrets of labels

Before moving on to the rating of drinking water, it is worth mentioning the extremely interesting conclusions made during the examination process. As it turned out, often the same water is sold under different trademarks, while its cost varies quite wide range. For example, we can cite drinking water brands “Dear Muscovites”, “ Mountain peak" and "Legend of the Mountains". The composition of all these types of drinking water is so similar that one could confidently claim a single source for filling 19-liter bottles. Having checked the certificates of the sellers, our conclusions were confirmed; all the water was extracted and bottled at one plant of Aqualine CJSC in the village of Nizhny Arkhyz. Moreover, in the certificates for drinking water 19 liters under the brand “Dear Muscovites” it is directly indicated “mineral natural drinking water table Mountain Peak under the brand name Dear Muscovites still well NN 2.3”, all the same wells number 2 and 3 are indicated in the certificates to the water “Mountain Peak” and water “Legend of the Mountains” 19 liters. That is, the water “Dear Muscovites”, “Mountain Peak” and the water “Legend of the Mountains” are absolutely the same product, sold at different prices, where the analogue costs 30% less. You can find out more about the certificates yourself by following the link: official website of Mountain Peak water 19 liters.

Mountain Top water 19 l – 390 rubles

Water Dear Muscovites 19 l – 450 rubles

Legend Gor 19 l – 475 rubles

The same situation can be observed with the Pavlovskie Springs and Bourgeois waters. The only difference that experts were able to find is the cost - the price of Bourgeois water is 100% higher than the cost of Pavlovskie Springs without any justifiable reason; the water was bottled from one well located directly in Moscow. In fact, the water brands “Semerik” and “Glavvoda 19 liters” are twins, as reviews indicate, and consumers pay the difference in price of at least 15% solely for the label.

A completely ugly situation arose with Eden water 19 liters. Judging by the results of the examination, this water is a product of the central water supply of the Domodedovo district of the Moscow region, slightly “ennobled” with the help of conditioning and artificial softening.

True, the study helped dispel one of the myths that surround the Caucasian waters. Many buyers doubted the mountain origin of this product, but, as it turned out, it was completely in vain. “Sofia Glacier”, “Mountain Top”, “Pilgrim”, “Sofia Mountain” and “Arkhyz” - these brands have proven their natural origin, their microchemical composition fully corresponds to the declared sources of production.

Choose the best!

Now you can go directly to the rating itself. It is worth noting that in addition to the quality of water and compliance of its composition with GOST, other factors were taken into account, for example, the number of consumer complaints and the results of an anonymous survey. It is difficult to check all the brands available on the modern drinking water market, but the most popular brands of bottled water were included in the research area. Below is an alphabetical list of products that fall under the classification of “19 liter bottled water” and took part in the examination:

Water AVK, AquaAreal, Aleksinskaya, Amelia, Aqualider, Abago, Arkhyzik, Aqua Donbai, Arkhyz, Aquaideal, Aquaflot, ABC of Water, Aquaru, Alexander Key, Barskie Klyuch, Butylkof, Biovita, Bourgeois, Magic Water, Vera, Wave of Baikal, Water Online, Mountain peak, Mountain Elite, Dear Muscovites, Valley of apple trees, Darzakh, Erinskaya, United, Pearl of the Caucasus, Healthy water, Kara-Su, Kubay, Karachay, Royal water, Legend of the mountains, Bear region, Novoterskaya, Nestlé, Our water, Real water, Oxy, Pilgrim, Pavlovsk springs, Semiruchye, Senezhskaya, Holy spring, Senezhskaya, Sofia glacier, Santalovsky spring, Element of life, Holy spring, Staro-Mytishchi spring, Salkovskaya, Semerik, Slavnitsa (var), Make the world kinder, Colored well, Khvalovskaya, Uvinskaya Pearl, Ulanskaya, Filimonovsky Spring, Chernogolovskaya, Shishkin Les, Shkolnik, Aenea, Elbrusinka, Eden 19 liters.

Having carefully analyzed each brand of water, the experts compiled a rating, the places in which were distributed as follows:

1. Water “Santalovsky spring”
2. Water “Ulanskaya”
3. Water "Arkhyz"
4. Water “Holy Spring”
5. Karachay water
6. Water "Senezhskaya"
7. Aleksinskaya water
8. Water “Semiruchye”
9. Water “Barskie Klyuchi”
10. Water "Mountain Elite"

Here are only the first ten brands that showed the most satisfactory results according to a set of criteria for determining quality. If interested full list, you can familiarize yourself with it on the website of our resource at the link: