What wishes can be written on pieces of paper. How to make invisible ink

Using invisible ink, you can write any words and draw different pictures. But then they will disappear! Surprise your friends at a party or birthday, write a secret note to a friend or spend interesting experience with kids. There are many ways to make invisible ink.

Making invisible ink from lemon juice

Squeeze the juice from the cut lemon into a bowl. Add a little water and stir. Let's test our ink:

  • take a sharp small stick or thin brush. It’s good if you have a pen with a feather;
  • dip a stick in ink and write something on a white sheet of paper;
  • let the inscription dry - the message will become invisible;
  • Iron the invisible inscription on the sheet with an iron, the ink will begin to appear.

You can hold a sheet of paper over a lit candle at a distance of 10 cm - a similar result will come out. The inscription will be brown. The same dark inscription from invisible ink after heating will be obtained when using apple, onion and other juices with a high acid content.

Making invisible ink from milk

Pour a little milk into a cup. Dip the stick in milk and write something on paper. Let the milk dry well on the sheet. To read the inscription, heat the piece of paper on a light bulb, over a candle, or iron it with an iron.

Making invisible ink from starch

The ink preparation process is as follows:

  • combine 2 parts starch with one part plain water;
  • heat the resulting paste over low heat, stirring all the time;
  • let the paste cool;
  • Use a cotton swab or a sharp wooden stick to write words on paper with cooled ink.

To manifest words, grease a piece of paper aqueous solution Yoda. The paper will turn light purple. And the words that appear from the ink will turn dark purple.

Making invisible ink according to an ancient Chinese recipe

Ancient Chinese emperors used rice water to send secret messages. Cook thick rice porridge. Make sure that the rice does not absorb all the liquid. Use this water as invisible ink. Write a message on paper. To develop the inscription, lubricate the paper with an aqueous solution of iodine.

Making invisible ink from baking soda


  • water;
  • grape juice;
  • baking soda.

Combine water and soda in a one to one ratio. Mix them well in a bowl and you have a soda-based ink. Put them on paper, but heating will not help to reveal the secret message. Use grape juice. Dip the brush into the juice and paint the paper until the inscription appears.

You can use an oven instead of an iron, candle or light bulb to heat the sheet. Place a secret message in hot oven and wait a few minutes for the message to appear. Invisible writing appears on a sheet of paper when heated because the ink substance chars faster than the paper.

Don't forget about safety precautions if you show your message over an open fire! Prepare a saucepan in advance cold water. In it you will extinguish the leaf if it accidentally catches fire.

Choose any ink recipe and surprise your friends or play spy. Even the secret agents of Ivan the Terrible wrote their messages to the Tsar with onion juice, and no outsider could read the message.

Approximation New Year's holidays makes us look for the most accurate and accurate ways that will help fulfill any of our desires. In principle, there is nothing supernatural about this. Apparently, people feel how cosmic energy is “electrified”. There are more than a dozen different rituals, the simplest of which are the fulfillment of desires on paper and a pen.

Before doing the exercises, sit down and relax. Try to get your thoughts out of your head for at least a few minutes, while relaxing your body muscles. To finally enter a relaxed state, breathe slowly. Inhale lightness, exhale stress and tension, blocks and clamps. Try to make sure that no one and nothing distracts you. Leave all the fuss outside the room.

Well, actually the method itself. We will try to reveal it completely. So:

  • You will need sheets of paper, a red pen and scissors. You can choose either white or colored paper.
  • Having calmed yourself and your thoughts, you need to take paper and pen. Write your wish briefly and clearly. State it in this way simplest form, as much as possible. This is what the initial stage requires of you.
  • Now you should focus on desire. Breathe deeply and slowly, lower your gaze to the recording you made. Five to ten minutes will be enough.
  • Now take a sheet of paper. We said that she might be different color. For the best effect of the ritual, we advise you to choose the color of the paper depending on your desire. Green – material side and health, red – love and passion, blue – removal of negative programs and so on. Don't forget about scissors and a pen. We formulate a wish in the present tense. For example: I receive 75,000 rubles monthly, my weight is 60 kilograms, all the organs of my body are healthy, and so on. You can continue in this matter ad infinitum.
  • Now a large sheet of paper needs to be cut into strips. One such leaf produces an average of 20–25 strips.
  • Write your wish on each strip. Printing is under no circumstances recommended. At the end of the process, we get many strips with our desire.
  • Your name should be written on the other side of the strip. Write it in the form in which you are most pleased to hear it.
  • Now you can hide the pieces of paper in various places in your home. It is advisable to hide them somewhere where only you can see, and this happens often.

The method is that you constantly come across a written desire and remember it immediately. Very effective technique visualization. Performed frequently.

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11. Tell a funny joke

12. Name your main drawback and tell how you deal with it.

13. Using pantomime, tell about an event known to everyone present.

14. Draw a person in a dentist’s chair.

15. The fant must depict a boiling kettle, a moving train, a flying plane, etc.

16. Use your teeth to remove the candy from the saucer where the flour is poured.

17. A tougher option is to remove the ring with your teeth from the saucer where the sour cream is poured.

18. The phantom must crawl under the table.

19. Pick it up full glass with water and dance the cancan.

20. Shout from the balcony “People! I love you!".

21. Try to eat an apple tied to a rope. An easier option is to eat a banana (peeled and on a plate). Of course, all this must be done hands-free. A tougher option is to eat an apple floating in a bowl of water.

22. The fant must drink a glass of vodka or wine (in children's version juice or milk) from a saucer.

23. Draw a statue (everyone can change your pose).

24. Draw a mirror (everyone can look at you, you need to copy facial expressions and movements).

25. Depict someone famous person.

26. Make the most unusual cocktail from what is on the table, try to drink it.

27. Show 7 different emotions on your face.

28. Say a tongue twister quickly. For example, “There is grass in the yard, there is firewood on the grass. Don’t cut wood at the edge of the yard.”

29. Portray as a fortune teller and predict something funny for the neighbor on the right.

30. Ask guests for alms (for travel to your hometown, for breast milk for a child for a Bentley for yourself, etc.), extort until you get 100 rubles.

31. Sell something from the table (a bottle of mineral water, a sandwich with caviar, etc.) and describe the properties of the “product” until one of the guests buys.

32. Portray a candidate (for deputies, mayors, governors) and promise one in order to be guaranteed to be elected.

33. Move the money with your nose along the floor until specific purpose(you can also do it on the table).

34. Dial a random phone number and prank the person on the other end of the line.

35. Fold a newspaper or sheet of paper into quarters using one hand.

36. Portray an athlete so that the audience guesses the sport.

37. Fant must draw a cow while holding a felt-tip pen in his teeth.

38. Act as a presenter and hold a competition.

39. Come up with a funny, but not offensive gossip.

40. Imagine that you are a journalist and “turn inside out” the neighbor on the right.

41. Play a melody with your finger on your lip, for example, “Let them run clumsily...”.

42. Fanta will sit for 1 minute with an angry face, saying “I’m offended by you,” while the others will try by all means to make him laugh.

43. The phantom should get on all fours and imitate a car reversing parallel parking into the space between two chairs.

44. The fan must tell (preferably in the form of a funny story) how he will get out of the difficult situation proposed by the presenter.
For example:

- You lost the salaries of your subordinates or public money in a casino.
- You were accidentally locked in the office late at night.
- Your dog ate an important report that you must submit to the director in the morning.
- You are stuck in an elevator with general director your company.
- You come to work, and another employee is sitting in your place.
- You have an important report tomorrow, and your neighbors are having a big party that is keeping you awake.
If a woman gets to be a Phantom, the presenter can suggest the following situations:
- You came home, and an unfamiliar man was sleeping on your bed.
- You were invited to a restaurant, you had dinner and suddenly your companion disappears without paying.
- You bought hair dye, dyed your hair, but it turned out that it was green, but you don’t have time to recolor it, there’s a reception coming up.

45. The fan must convey the information written on the card using pantomime.
For example: for example, imagine that she (if a man is only funnier) is in the maternity hospital, having just given birth to a boy. Looks like dad. The eyes are like my mother’s, the hair is like my grandfather’s. Svetlenky. He eats well.
The rest of the guests act as a crowd outside the window and must understand what Fant is conveying to them.

46. ​​The presenter reads a poem, for example, “Luggage” (the lady checked in a sofa, suitcase, travel bag, etc. as luggage), and Fant must act as a sign language interpreter.

47. The phantom must, based on the presenter’s description, understand what object is meant.
For example:
- This item is in every home, but it is not used so often.
- This item happens different sizes, various colors and forms.
- In the hands of an experienced woman, this item can bring pleasure to both the woman and her family.
- Sometimes this item is used by particularly economical men.
- Even with great desire You cannot buy this item at a pharmacy or Soyuzpechat kiosk.
- This object in the hands of a woman can turn into a terrible weapon for a drunken head.
- You can't bake a pie without this.
The answer is "ROLLING ROLL"

48. Fant is given two eggs, it is said that one of them is boiled, the other is raw (in fact, it is better if both are boiled). He is given time to choose one egg, while he is allowed to conduct any experiments. Then the phantom must crush the egg he has chosen with his forehead on the table, you can help yourself with your hands, put a small piece of paper between your forehead and the egg so as not to cut yourself. It is better not to tell anyone that the second egg was also boiled. Let Fant be considered a brave man who knows about eggs.

49. The fan must choose his “twin” among the guests, explain what they have in common: the color of their eyes, hair, the ability to disable any equipment, love of fishing, etc.

50. Fant turns his back to the guests, and a portrait of a famous person is attached to his back. Fant must ask guests questions and, based on their answers, understand who he is. For example: Am I a man or a woman? Am I an artist? What movie did I star in? and so on.

This is the letter I received in the mail regarding the topic of this article. Sorry Nastena, I corrected something:

"Hi, Olya.

I was preparing a party (for my colleagues on the occasion of their birthday) and came across your article about forfeits. Although I had never heard of playing forfeits with the possibility of “jumping” and with a bank before, the idea seemed interesting to me.

Knowing firsthand the disposition of my colleagues, I decided that it would be safer this way. We started playing, the contribution to the bank for the “dismount” was set at 100 rubles. At first it was very boring. Either the amount was small, or the tasks were too difficult, but the forfeits did nothing - they just jumped off.

The amount reached 2000 (with a hundred contribution). And then, instead of the forfeit who had the chance to perform a striptease (I tell you, my colleagues are still the same) there was a volunteer, Vanya the student, a courier. Although he did not completely expose himself - he remained in his shorts, but managed to ignite the crowd. We gave him panties full of money, all the 2000 that were in the bank, not only in hundreds, but in tens and even small change.

After that it started. In the bank, it’s not like it didn’t reach five hundred until 2000. They especially had a blast mocking the “statues” and “mirrors.” You write that these are harmless tasks - you simply do not know the perverted creativity of some of our compatriots, especially under the influence of alcohol.

What can I say in the end? The most difficult thing is to rock the crowd, then you don’t need to invent anything. If you have any thoughts, write.


I don’t know whether you will like my answer, but since I posted the question, I simply have to answer.

I wrote in the article in Russian that playing forfeits, where guests are allowed to come up with tasks, is possible only in the company of close friends. In all other cases (and your case applies to others), it is recommended to use pre-prepared cards with tasks for forfeits.

In my article there are fifty such tasks, and from some you can make a dozen. Enough even for a very large company. No, of course, if the idea is to turn a corporate party into a swingers orgy, then your question has a right to exist.

For such a case I answer:

Firstly, I would not be opening America if I said that the main means of igniting the company is alcohol, strong and in large quantities. If guests prefer wine to strong alcohol, then the ancient Romans found a way to get them drunk: use spices, they cause thirst and the amount of wine or beer drunk grows exponentially, and unnoticed by the victim.

Secondly, before embarking on such extreme entertainment as your version of playing forfeits, the crowd should be warmed up with something less extreme. On my website you will find things that you and your imagination, I am sure, will be able to turn into foreplay.

Thirdly, if such an outcome was already assumed in advance, why hope that there would be Vanya the student who would ignite the crowd with an intimate dance, you organized this disgrace - you had to go in the vanguard.

Today there are many special methods, rituals and techniques that can help achieve the goal. What can I do to make my wish come true, and is it possible to perform rituals at home?

All experts in the field of magic agree that the fulfillment of desires is the work of the wishers themselves, the main thing is to make a little effort to make the dream come true.

List of required “tools”

Those who want to know more about “magical” techniques and want to understand what needs to be done to make their wildest requests and hopes come true, need to remember a few simple rules. Firstly, special “tools” are needed to carry out rituals, usually these are candles, paper, pencil. Secondly, you need an appropriate atmosphere - dim light, solitude, silence and peace. And, finally, in order for a wish to come true, it is advisable to sincerely believe that it will change your whole life for the better and will not harm others.

No. 1 Magic candle

For example, one of the most popular ways of making wishes is a ritual with a candle. Around midnight, you need to write your cherished goal on a small piece of thin paper. The dream must be formulated in the present tense, in an affirmative form. This piece of paper needs to be wrapped around the candle and tied tightly with thread. Exactly at midnight, you must light the candle and wait until it burns out completely (the piece of paper will burn along with it). To prevent the ceremony from dragging on until the morning, the candle should be small and not too thick. The resulting ashes flutter from a window or from a balcony with magic words“Let it be as I want!”
To find mutual language with our abundant Universe and direct the movement of subtle cosmic flows in the right direction, we recommend starting with simple requests, those that can be accomplished without much effort.
After another dream comes true, you should definitely thank higher power for your favor.
Gradually you can move on to more complex “requests” - they will come true “automatically”. The only thing is that difficult tasks may take longer to complete.

No. 2 Three candles

Another technique associated with the use of candles, which must be performed on the first day of any month. It will require three candles - red, green and white. Candles are placed on a plate, and around them thin layer sugar is poured so that it covers the bottom of the plate. During the ritual, the room should be quiet and calm. After the candles are lit, you should say three wishes out loud. One of them should be related to personal life, the second to money, the third to health. Now all that remains is to wait for the candles to burn out completely.
The most important thing that needs to be done to make your wish come true is that over the next three days (72 hours are allotted to fulfill the condition), you need to tell the secret of the ritual to as many people as possible (you can use email, call friends and acquaintances, share information on social networks). How more people learns about all the intricacies of the ceremony, the greater the chance of fulfilling your cherished dream.
Wishes for money
Since ancient times, people have been looking for a magic recipe to quickly improve their material well-being. This method exists, and it will definitely help those who want to know what needs to be done to make their money wish come true. The ritual is carried out on the new moon, when a new moon is born in the sky (the exact time can be found in the regular calendar).

No. 3 Money bag

The ritual requires a little preparation, namely, you need to sew in advance with your own hands a small bag of red fabric, preferably expensive - satin, brocade or velvet. You need to put exactly 108 coins of any denomination in the bag - they will symbolize prosperity and success. At the hour of the new moon, you need to tie the bag beautiful ribbon, go to the window and mentally or out loud turn to the night luminary with the following words: “The moon is growing, and my income is growing. I have a lot of money, they themselves find their way to me. Thanks for the help!"
After this, the treasured bag needs to be hidden in nook, where no one else can find him. You also cannot talk about the ritual performed; money does not like unnecessary publicity.

No. 4 Money Ice

Ordinary ice will help you attract money energy into your home and fulfill desires related to finances. You need to fill a small glass with coins and fill it with water, then put the container in the freezer.
When the water freezes, you need to take out the glass and say the following words: “Just as ice is indestructible, so the money always remains with me. I charm wealth with words, I charm wealth with deeds, I charm wealth with thoughts.”
The glass is then placed back in the freezer and left there until the wish is fulfilled.
Let's make a wish for love!
For those who dream of meeting their soulmate and finding happiness on the personal front, simple but effective techniques are suitable.

No. 5 Ritual with a rose

One of them is associated with a flower that symbolizes passion, the red rose. On a quiet evening in a secluded environment, you need to write a love letter, full of tenderness, to your future life partner. This simple ceremony will help make your wish for love come true. It is important to see it through to completion.
After the letter is completely finished, you need to take it and bury it together with a scarlet rose in the ground in a deserted place, so that no one can discover the “cache.” As the paper and the red rose slowly smolder, things will begin to happen in your personal life. positive changes, which will subsequently completely change your life for the better.

No. 6 For the New Year

Not a single New Year's Eve celebration is complete without magical sacraments; the transition to a new time is the ideal moment. So, here's what you need to do to make your cherished wish come true... When the chimes begin to strike, you should take White list paper, write your cherished dream on it (certainly in red ink) and burn it in the flame of a red candle.
It is important to do everything in 12 seconds - this method is far from new, but it is difficult to find a more popular and effective method fulfillment of plans.

No. 7 Letter

Girls who want to get married successfully can use the following ritual. The most beautiful wedding invitation is bought from the store and carefully filled out with a pen. In the invitation you need to write your name and the year in which the celebration should take place. Here you can indicate the qualities that a potential groom should have.
After this, the invitation is sealed in an envelope and sent by mail to your own address. The faster the message reaches the addressee (who in this case is also the sender), the less time it will take to fulfill the dream.
Every time, voicing your dreams and goals, it is important to remember that they must be exclusively benevolent in nature and be charged positive energy. The Universe fulfills only those requests that are absolutely harmless to others.