Which staircase is better: open (without risers) or closed (with risers). Let's analyze the parts of the staircase: what is a tread and what is a march? What is a stringer of a staircase?

Construction of any residential or public premises always begins with a detailed consideration of each structure that will be included in the project. One such structure is a staircase. It can be indoors, outdoors, attics, basements, etc. But its detailed component always remains unchanged, on the basis of which there are parameters in accordance with GOST and SNiP, which any constructed staircase must comply with. At detailed analysis staircase design Special attention It is worth paying attention to the march, which is a continuous series of steps consisting of a tread (horizontal part) and a riser (vertical part).

Please note: presented in one of our previous articles.

What do GOST and SNiP prescribe for us?

The construction of such objects has certain standards that should be relied upon when constructing stairs:

  1. One flight of stairs should consist of 3-18 steps;
  2. In public and residential premises, the riser corresponds to a height of 14.8 cm, and the tread is 30 cm wide;
  3. In attics and basements 17.1 cm and 26 cm, respectively.

But practical experience shows that slightly different sizes can provide safety and convenience.

It is better to make the number of steps in a flight odd, so that a person’s movement along the stairs begins and ends with one foot. In addition, climbing 18 steps is a very energy-intensive activity, and 11 or 15 is the most best option, after which the person will not suffer from shortness of breath. As for the height of the step, its value ranges from 15 to 18 cm, and the double value of the height combined with the width of the step results in the approximate value of the length of a human step - 6064 cm.

Dimensions of the width of a flight of stairs

The width of the steps also has certain building standard norms (GOST), which requires mandatory compliance with the maximum and minimum values:

  1. For street, apartment, straight, basement and fire escapes, the width is 80 cm;
  2. For the stairs leading to the attic 60 cm;
  3. Spiral staircase in the apartment from 80 cm to 1 m.

Minimum and maximum step sizes

Referring to SNiP, you can see:

  1. The tread corresponds to a width of 25 cm, if the staircase is attic or basement, then from 20 cm;
  2. The riser corresponds to a height of 15 - 20 cm, however, errors of no more than 5 mm are allowed.

As stated above that convenient sizes The steps are those that are in relation to the average value of a person’s step. Therefore, it is advisable to present such calculations in the form of Blondel’s formula:

2h + b = S (60-66 cm)

Optimal inclination

When considering the angle of inclination when constructing a staircase, it is worth noting that the recommendations of the norms building standards not established in this matter. However, the slope of the staircase is determined by the ratio of the tread and riser, and focusing on the maximum and minimum height and depth of the step, the angle of inclination ranges from 33 to 45 degrees. For flat (internal) stairs, a value of up to 38 degrees is considered optimal, and for steep stairs (utility, attic) - up to 45 degrees.

What is the essence of precision in constructing a structure?

The parameters of each step used in the construction of the stairs must be extremely accurate and identical. This allows a person to use it when walking without special care, both day and night, relying on the muscle memory of the legs. And if this rule is not followed, a person experiences inconvenience when using the stairs, trying to feel each step with his foot. And going down such stairs is quite dangerous.

The construction of private houses often involves the installation of staircase structures. The abundance of materials and elements allows you to easily create a staircase to suit the most sophisticated taste. But when designing, all requirements and instructions should be applied. An important criterion in this process is the height of the riser.

Any type of finishing and construction work is regulated by norms and rules. The safety of users depends on compliance with these indicators, so you should not neglect them. A staircase is a complex architectural structure. Therefore, convenience for users must be included at the building design stage. The established requirements can be adjusted for specific building layouts. The tilt angle ranges from 27 to 45 degrees.

Important! The optimal standard for the width of steps is in the range of 270-320 mm, which corresponds to the average size of a person’s foot.

The flight of stairs should not be narrower than 700 mm. This width is the most optimal for unhindered movement. The most common value is 1000 mm.

Too steep metal, concrete and wooden stairwells can be equipped with overhanging steps. At the same time, the size of the overhang should not exceed thirty millimeters, and for metal structures - fifty. This technique allows you to slightly widen the treads. Sanitary Standards and Rules (SNiP) stipulate quantitative indicators for calculating the design of stairs. The height of the risers is calculated depending on the category of use of the building or structure:

  1. The first category is residential (intra-house). The risers are made with a height of 150-220 mm. Tread – 245-300 mm.
  2. The second category is buildings and structures for public use. The height of the risers is 13-18 cm. The depth of the treads is 28-34 cm.
  3. The third category includes other structures. Riser size 15-19 cm. Step depth 25-32 cm.

Important! When designing stairs for people with limited mobility, some deviations from the given standards are acceptable.

When lifting, a person spends 2 times more energy than when walking. Therefore, a formula for creating ideal parameters for a staircase structure was experimentally derived.


The most common formula is as follows: c + h = 450 ± 20 mm, where c is the tread width; h – riser height. The maximum tread width of 300mm, despite the fact that not all feet fit on the step, is the most comfortable. Graphic image It greatly simplifies the design of the entire building, so design sketches are initially considered, and then the dimensions are transferred to drawing plans.

Formula for designing a staircase structure and calculating steps, riser

Possible design errors

The dimensions of the steps must be clearly verified during production. Different size treads are the most common mistake when constructing a staircase structure.

Violation standard sizes leads to inconvenience in operation. High steps are inconvenient for use by children and the elderly.

The second design mistake is the unequal sizes of the risers. A person's muscle memory lowers his foot to the next step, knowing the distance of the first tread. Different height can cause a lot of inconvenience when moving along the staircase structure.


SNiP regulates the tilt angle up to 42 degrees. This option applies only to the indoor staircase category. When designing structures for other categories, the following dimensions should be adhered to:

  • 33 degrees for public institutions;
  • 38 degrees for other structures.

If area interfloor ceilings less than 100 square meters, then the tread can be reduced to 250 mm. In this case, the tilt angle will change to 36 degrees.

Stair risers of all categories must comply with the design formula. The angle of inclination is not provided for by the standards. Therefore, the suggested dimensions of treads and risers should be observed.

Flight of stairs

SNiP regulates the use of from 3 to 18 treads in one flight of stairs. But in practice it has been proven that the use of more than ten steps makes it difficult for a person to move. This length of the march is especially inconvenient for children and the elderly. The recommended maximum number of steps in a flight is up to 15.

Advice! It is better to make the number of steps in a flight of stairs odd. This technique allows a person to start and finish walking up stairs with one foot.

When designing a staircase in your home, you need to carefully consider the design, slope, width and height of the staircase opening. These parameters are laid down during the design of the building. Risers and treads must be calculated and ordered exact amount. The entire staircase structure should appear as a single space in the room and fit well into the interior design.

The importance of precision in construction

Precision in architecture and design plays a key role. Therefore, in order to avoid traumatic situations, you should adhere to following rules design staircase structures:

  • The width of the march should not be narrower than 1000mm.
  • Flights of stairs must consist of the same number of steps.
  • 900mm.
  • In children's institutions, open staircases are designed with dimensions of 120 mm - riser height, the distance between balusters should not exceed 100 mm.
  • The load on the staircase structure is 180 – 220 kg.
  • The risers must be the same height.
  • Radius of curvature winder designs must exceed 300mm.
  • The level of the last tread must coincide with the level of the platform.
  • The passage height must exceed 2000mm.
  • The passage to the stairs must be at least 1 meter wide and have 24-hour lighting.

By applying in practice all the norms and rules of structural design, it is possible to achieve safe, comfortable and functional architectural structures. Do-it-yourself installation of steps and risers

The safety of a ladder depends on all its elements. Typically, a lifting structure consists of a frame on which the steps rest, the steps themselves and the railings.

The supports can be made in the form of a bowstring, stringers or bolts. If the staircase is spiral, then a vertical pillar acts as a support. Railings consist of balusters and handrails. Steps are structural elements that largely determine how safe it will be to climb the stairs.

Lifting structural elements consist of a tread and a riser. The tread determines the width of the step, and the riser determines its height. The norms and rules prescribed in GOST will help you decide correct sizes these elements.

The convenience and safety of stair steps depend precisely on the relationship between the size of their horizontal part, otherwise the width of the tread, and the vertical part between the two steps, or riser.

The norms and rules prescribed in GOST define the following dimensional boundaries: the width of the tread should be about 25 cm, but not less, and the height of the element should be about 15-20 cm. Of course, when drawing up a staircase design own home, the GOST rules may not be followed, but the regulatory documents spell out exactly those dimensions that can guarantee maximum safety of the march. If you are going to make a staircase at home, then you can easily calculate the size of the steps using a special formula yourself.

Blondel's formula allows you to find convenient values, knowing one parameter: the width of the tread or the height of the riser.

The formula is based on the average step size, that is, the distance a person covers after taking one step. The average value is 60-64 cm. Blondel's formula looks like this: b+2a=64 cm. In this case, b is the width of the tread, and the height of the step is denoted as a. Thus, by choosing one of the suitable step sizes, you can calculate another.

If you adhere to GOST standards, then the minimum tread width should be 25 cm. Using Blondel’s formula, the tread height will be equal to 19.5 cm. In this case, the found parameters correspond to the established GOST standards, which will ensure your stairs both ease of climbing and its safety.

You can also focus on the “golden step”, which is characterized by the most comfortable sizes of staircase steps. In this case, the step size is 63-64 cm, and the selected tilt angle should be 30 degrees. The ideal ratio of tread width and step height will be 29 cm by 17 cm.

Tilt angle

This parameter is also very important, as it affects the convenience and safety of operation of the lifting structure. It also influences the choice of step parameters.

As a rule, in regulatory documents the recommended angle of stairs for use in the home and for use in public buildings is 30-45 degrees. But there are other options.

Gentle stairs have an inclination angle of less than 30 degrees. For extension-type stairs, a slope of 45-75 degrees is selected. Evacuation buildings have the steepest slope of 75 degrees.

Naturally, when choosing this parameter, you should also take into account the area of ​​the room in which the staircase will be located. Structures that are too flat will require a large area for construction, while cool designs occupy quite a small space.

When creating a project, you can rely not only on formulas, but also on special tables in which the dimensions of the steps are calculated in accordance with the angle of inclination.

For example, if the angle is 33 degrees, the width of the step is determined as 26 cm, and its height is 17 cm. If the slope is 37 degrees, the width is reduced to 34 cm, and the height, on the contrary, is increased to 18 cm. If the slope of the stairs is 45 degrees and width and height have a 1:1 ratio, that is, 20 cm by 20 cm.

Number of steps

In addition to the slope, the number of steps also influences the choice of element sizes. One march must contain from three to 16 elements. If the number of lifting elements is more than ten, then it is recommended to make a marching platform. It is desirable that it be odd. This way, a person will start and finish the ascent or descent with the same foot, which is considered more comfortable.

If you want to find the exact number of steps, then you should know the height of the riser and the height of the structure. The last parameter is found by simply adding the distance from the floor to the ceiling, taking into account the overlap. For example, if the height of the staircase is 300 cm, and the height of the riser is 17 cm, then the first size must be divided by the second and rounded. The number of steps will be about 17-18.

In order to competently make a convenient and safe design, it is necessary, if not strictly adhered to, then to pay attention to the following GOST recommendations.

  • The standard flight width for household stairs is 80 cm, for buildings with two floors - 90 cm, if there are more than two floors - 105 cm. In public buildings, the width of the flight starts from 135 cm. The maximum parameter for residential buildings is 140 cm;
  • If the staircase has more than one flight, then it is necessary to adhere to the same width in all its places;
  • If the marches are directed in opposite directions to each other, a gap of 5 cm must be created between them;
  • The length of the platform cannot be less than 130 cm, and if it is located at front door– about a meter;
  • GOST recommends choosing a maximum tilt angle of 50 degrees, and a minimum of 20 degrees;
  • When choosing the height of the riser, you should not go beyond 12-19 cm and make it more than 21 cm if we're talking about about attic structures;
  • For residential stairs, it is better not to make the tread width more than 25-26 cm, and more than 20-21 cm for attic structures;
  • The height of the steps may vary, but only slightly - no more than 0.5 cm;
  • If the width of the step is less than 26 cm, the overhang of the tread should not be more than 3 cm;
  • When creating winder steps inner size the tread should be 10 cm, and on the midline of the march - 26 cm;
  • It is important to consider the distance that is formed between the lifting elements and the ceiling. Ideally it should be 200 cm.

When constructing a staircase, not only the steps, but also the enclosing structures play an important role in safety. Therefore, GOST also specifies their ideal sizes.

  • The height of the railing should not be more than 90 cm, which is half the average height of a person;
  • If the stairs will be used by children, the height of the railings should be about 150 cm;
  • When organizing a porch, the railings can be no more than 80cm;
  • If the width of the march is more than 125 cm, the structure must be fenced with railings on both sides. With a smaller width, it is possible to construct railings only on one side;
  • If the staircase structure consists of less than five steps, then it is not necessary to make a railing;
  • The distance between the fence supports can be 12-15 cm.

Parameters of attic stairs

Almost every residential building has an attic, which is also accessed using attic stairs. In their design and parameters they differ from conventional designs, which connect the two floors. The basis of such a staircase is compactness. Naturally, this is reflected in the size of all its elements. The construction documentation also contains recommendations for the use of optimally convenient and safe sizes steps.

The number of lifting elements should be between 13-16 pieces. It is important to consider that if the length attic stairs will be more than 350 cm, it will be difficult to ensure good structural rigidity. The width of its march can be only 65 cm, which is the key to compactness. The thickness of the step itself can be 1.9-2 cm.

Focus on GOST recommendations helps to create a truly convenient and safe design. However, there is no single document that prescribes all the rules. Therefore, if you want to familiarize yourself with the rules for constructing staircase structures, you need to rely on the relevant standards prescribed in various documents. There is a GOST for metal constructions, wooden, reinforced concrete. A separate document prescribes the rules for the construction of fire escapes and stepladders, as well as for the creation of fencing.

Risers is a strange and incomprehensible word for many that needs to be deciphered. There is a lot of debate in the world of private construction as to whether risers are needed under the stairs or not. In this article we will dot the i's to talk about what risers are and in what cases they should be used.

What are risers?

Strictly speaking, the name directly refers us to the definition. Risers are small boards under the steps that are installed vertically and cover the space between the steps, making it impossible to see what is going on under the stairs.

Almost all classic wooden stairs were performed with risers, since previously servants usually lived under the stairs and noble people should not have seen them. Today, there are no more servants; she no longer lives under the stairs, but gets to work by public or private transport. Beauty standards have changed. Light, airy, open interiors. As a result, the need for risers as an element of staircase design has largely disappeared.

When do risers serve you well?

If you have a classic marching staircase, under which you plan to place a small storage room, then risers will be excellent decorative element, covering the pantry from prying eyes. The same can be said about personal account or small library under the stairs. The risers will help your child go down the stairs safely. Thanks to them, he will not stick his feet and hands under the steps, trying to understand what kind of unknown world is hidden there.

When are risers not needed?

If your interior is made in an avant-garde style or a tough high-tech style, risers will be an unnecessary decorative element, a relic of the past. Any modern interior With spiral staircase works great without risers.

Sometimes, however, Lately The risers are made of glass to create a feeling of large space and, at the same time, increase the safety of the stairs. Such elements, for example, are installed on glass stairs, which look completely transparent.

It turns out that traditional risers appear before us in a completely different appearance - new, bright and modern. In some cases, risers are also an element of room decor; for example, they can be designed like black piano keys in contrast to the white “keys” of the steps. Such interesting design solutions make risers a sought-after element of home decor.

General information and basic parameters of stairs. Optimal slope flight of stairs. What are treads and risers? The height of the passage above the stairs. The height and width of steps at different slopes and the number of steps from Samoilov’s book “Construction wooden house»

General information

The stairs of a wooden house are also built from wood. Being link between two levels of the house of different heights, the staircase can simultaneously serve as effective means interior decoration It emphasizes the expressiveness of the chosen style of both the interior (internal stairs) and the architecture of the house (external stairs). Today we can say with confidence that stairs amaze the world with their diversity and novelty. design solutions. You can find straight stairs and curved ones different angles, screw and sliding, folding and portable - that’s far from full list modern stairs. This is especially pronounced in new mansions, cottages and offices. Appearance, the designs and methods of manufacturing stairs are different and depend on the architecture and layout of the building, on the skill of the manufacturer, the materials and tools he uses and on many other reasons

It should be noted that having many useful qualities, the stairs are an object of increased danger. Cases of injury to people associated with the use of stairs occur more often than with other structural elements of the house. Therefore, building a good staircase that meets modern aesthetic requirements simultaneously minimizes the dangers associated with its operation. In addition, moving up stairs is associated with a certain degree of inconvenience and increased physical activity, which is especially important for the elderly and disabled. Many generations of builders and architects have been working on solving these problems. different countries peace. As a result of centuries of experience, a certain concept of optimal constructive solutions stairs aimed at reducing the level of danger and increasing the level of convenience during their operation. The basic requirements for the design of the staircase and its location can be summarized as follows:

– ensuring safe, relatively quick movement from one level to another;

– the staircase must correspond to the architecture of the building and the interior of the room in which it is installed;

– the staircase must be located in the right place where it does not have a negative impact on the operation of the building, so as not to create inconvenience for people living in it;

– adequacy of the design and properties of the material from which it is made. Its strength must correspond to the loads that, according to all assumptions, can affect the stairs;

– the width of the flights of stairs must ensure two-way movement (in individual houses One-way movement is allowed).

– the approach to the flight of stairs must be free, therefore the stairs cannot be positioned so that there are structural elements of the building or pieces of furniture in this gap

– the width of the steps of the staircase should be such that the leg can stand on it with a full foot, and the height between the steps should not exceed 17-19 cm.

– each staircase should be well lit along its entire length. This is especially true for the first and last steps of the ladder;

– when designing a staircase, you must adhere to the rule that all steps within one flight have the same size in height and width.

In real conditions, when a staircase is built for a specific family, small deviations from these requirements are sometimes allowed. But in any case, safety parameters in the design of any staircase should be paramount.

Basic parameters of stairs

Main structural element the stairs is march, representing a series of steps, the number of which depends on the height of the staircase. Under height of the stairs understand its vertical projection, separating the levels of the finished floor and the various height levels (Fig. 125). Depending on the chosen solution, the staircase may have several flights (usually two). The number of steps in a staircase (regardless of the number of flights) is directly dependent on the height of the staircase and steps. The main parameters of the staircase must, first of all, include the rise height, type of staircase, plan area, steepness, number of steps, as well as their width and height. These parameters are not independent, that is, they cannot be chosen arbitrarily. For example, for a straight staircase, the rise height and the steepness uniquely determine the plan area and, conversely, the plan area and the rise height uniquely determine the steepness. When designing, you immediately need to set the values ​​of some defining parameters in each specific case, for example, the plan area, then you can calculate the steepness, which in turn will determine the number of steps.

Rice. 125. Flight of stairs:
h - height of the stairs; b - flight width

The main indicator when calculating a flight of stairs is its slope (steepness), which depends on the width and height of the stairs. IN construction terminology It is customary to call the height of the step " riser height", and its width - " tread width"or "overhang". For comfortable movement along the stairs, it is necessary that the ratio between the distance by which a person rises or falls and the distance by which he moves forward is maintained. This ratio will determine steepness (slope) of the stairs, which should be such that the ratio of the height of the march to its horizontal projection is 1:2 - 1:1.75 (that is, it should be within 30°) (Fig. 126).

Rice. 126. Optimal slope of a flight of stairs (all dimensions in mm):
1 - tread; 2 - riser

Double riser height ( b) and tread width ( a) should be equal to the average human step:

2b + a = 57-64 cm.

The dimensions of the steps depending on the angle of inclination of the flight of stairs are shown in Table 23.

When choosing the slope of a flight of stairs, you need to ensure that the vertical distance from the top plane of any stair step to the ceiling or other protruding elements of the building is at least 2 m (Fig. 127). This rule applies equally to landing. If the length of the interfloor opening is missing or there are transverse ceiling beams It is not always possible to make the stairs flat enough. But by increasing the steepness of the stairs, we automatically reduce the degree of ease of use. Therefore, sometimes you have to make a compromise decision, deliberately underestimating the distance from the ceiling to the plane of the step. But in any case, you should not reduce it to a distance of less than 180 cm. As a last resort, you can sacrifice the slope of the stairs a little, increasing it to a ratio of 1:1, i.e. 45°.

Rice. 127. Height of passage above stairs

Table 23. Height and width of steps at different slopes and number of steps

Construction regulations provide flight of stairs width(the distance from the wall to the fence or between two fences) is not less than 90 cm, and the distance between opposite walls is not less than 110 cm (Fig. 128). With smaller sizes, moving furniture and other bulky things along a flight of stairs (especially when turning 90° or 180°) will be quite difficult. In some cases, the width of a flight of stairs is allowed up to 80 cm (if the stairs are located in common room when there are no boundary walls).

Rice. 128. The most favorable (A) and permissible (B) width of a flight of stairs