How to calculate the appropriate distance between sewer wells. Distance between sewer wells and other standardized requirements Maximum distance of the sewer well from the building

The vast majority of country property owners have to set up a wastewater storage and disposal system on their own. In order for everything to work properly and not have to dismantle the system, you must follow a set of installation rules. One of them is the distance between sewer wells.

In accordance with SNiP, inspection wells must be installed at a certain distance from each other.

These elements are required in the system in order to control the external drain line.

It consists of free access to . Inspection tanks are installed on straight, level sections of the main line, in places where several pipes intersect, at turns in the system, etc.

Through inspection wells, the system is maintained, blockages are removed and damaged elements and parts of the pipeline are replaced.

Each type of well has its own set of rules and formula for calculating the distance.

SNiP 2.04.03-85 specifies all the rules for sewerage installation. In what place to install wells, what distance is acceptable for a particular pipe diameter.

The larger the cross-section of the sewer pipe, the greater the distance between the wells. This difference in footage is due to the throughput of the pipes. At the highway assembled from elements large diameter, She is tall. Blockages appear less frequently. The load is less, as a result of which repairs are required less often.

Types of inspection wells and the permissible distance between them


Installed for free access and maintenance of the system. The distance between is indicated in the table.


Mounted in places where pipes form a turning angle

  • The distance between wells is calculated according to straight line pipeline.
  • The length of the segment is indicated in SNiP. If you do not meet the requirement, you will have to install an additional well.


Structures are necessary in areas with changes in the height of pipe laying

  • SNiP has not established standards for the distance between these structures, but the following requirements are imposed:
  • One difference cannot be more than 3 meters. If the slope is greater than this footage, then a stepped overflow system with wells is created.
  • If the difference is 50 cm, the well can be replaced with an overflow


Used at the junction of pipes. The distance depends on the diameter of the pipe.

If the pipeline is laid below 3 meters from the soil level, then pipes with a diameter of at least 1.5 m are used. This is necessary so that it is possible to go down into the well along with the equipment, identify faults and eliminate them. A narrow well would be inappropriate in this case.

When arranging an external sewer line, it should be taken into account that the distance from the sewer to the source drinking water must be at least 30 meters.

If a cesspool acts as a septic tank

Distance from sewer wells to plumbing system increases to 50 meters.

Correct installation of the sewer line is very important, but the operation of the system is also affected by the maintenance and monitoring of pipes and their connections.

Inspection wells are installed at a certain distance so that it is possible to easily carry out repairs, remove blockages, replace failed elements or lay a new main without carrying out heavy excavation work. Wells allow you to replace elements by pulling pipes with a special cable from one well to another.

For example: a blockage has formed. Eliminate it using chemicals failed. The second option to get rid of the blockage is to use plumbing cable. But the cable is only 15 meters long. Having identified the area with the blockage, it is possible to work with the cable. If there are no wells, then you will have to do hydrodynamic cleaning pipes

Hydrodynamic pipe cleaning

It is an excellent prevention. Water supplied under strong pressure not only removes blockages, but also washes away all deposits from the walls of the pipeline.

It should be noted that the use of bacteria for septic tanks also has a beneficial effect on the wastewater system. The amount of sediment in the septic tank is reduced and there is no smell. If bacteria are flushed through the toilet, the pipeline is protected.

The sewage system will work efficiently and properly if it is installed according to all the rules and regularly inspected and prevented.

For your information!

To avoid mistakes when installing inspection wells, it is better to contact a specialist. He will make the calculation without errors and give the necessary recommendations.

Important role in work sewer system perform wells. This is a necessary structure, without which the system will not function properly, or may even become clogged. Sewage wells are not located randomly along the route, but have their own place. And each of them does their job. The number of wells to be installed depends on the length of the route, turns, drops, and diameter sewer pipes. The existing SNiP document clearly indicates the device, purpose, and distance between sewer wells. Let's take a detailed look at all types of sewer wells, their purpose and where they are installed.

Inspection sewer wells

This type of well is used to inspect and control the sewer system. They also clean the pipeline if it is clogged. Inspection wells are installed on long-distance straight pipelines, turns, at the points where side hoses are connected, as well as at the point where the pipe diameter or its slope changes. Distance between installed pipe wells different diameters calculated based on the SNiP document. On a straight line with a pipe diameter of 150 mm, the distance between the wells should be 35 m. For pipes from 200 mm to 450 mm, the distance will be 50 m. There is probably no point in listing larger pipe diameters. They are mainly used in central sewer systems, with large volumes Wastewater. As you understand, as the diameter of the pipe increases, the distance between the inspection wells increases. This is due to the fact that a larger diameter pipe is less likely to clog. There are cases when the distance can be increased to 50 meters on a flat route with the same pipe diameter and without side sleeves. In everyday life summer cottages and private courtyards, PVC pipes with a diameter of 110 mm are used for sewerage. On such networks, the distance between wells can be reduced to 15 meters.

Rotary sewer wells

This type of well performs the same functions as a manhole. Has the same device. And it got its name because it is installed at a turn in the road. Every turn or bend in a pipeline can become a jam. In order to have access for cleaning this section of the sewer, wells are installed at all turns and bends without exception. If the straight-line distance between the rotary wells is large, then additional inspection wells are installed in this area.

Differential sewer wells

This type of well is installed in problem areas of the sewer system where it is impossible to withstand correct slope pipeline. Take, for example, a large slope. In such a place it is impossible to maintain the correct slope of the pipeline. And this entails a rapid drainage of wastewater, which will not have time to take solid accumulations with it, and the pipe will clog over time. Therefore, in such places, drop wells are installed according to a stepped system. The distance between such wells is determined individually and depends on the magnitude of the slope, but the difference should not be more than 3 m. If the sewerage system has a pipe diameter of up to 600 mm and the difference is less than 50 cm, it is possible to replace the drop well with an inspection well equipped with a drain.

At the end of the sewer system, a so-called final well is necessarily installed. This is the place where all wastewater from the sewer drains. It can be either filtering or storage. But the point is that in front of this well or before cutting into the city highway, at a distance of 1.5 m, a control well is installed.

Distance from building

At the exit from the sewer system building, the first well must be installed. According to the standards, it should be located at least 3 m from the wall of the building towards the flow, but not more than 12 m. Basically, the length of the outlet of the inspection well from the wall of the building should not be more than 8 m. If this distance cannot be maintained, then an additional one is installed at the outlet well.

When constructing sewers, maintaining the distance between wells, do not neglect sanitary standards. Remember that in addition to the correct distance between them, the distance of the well from a reservoir, drinking source, or garden plantings must be maintained. The distance to the water well depends on the material of the pipe from which the water supply is made. But in any case, not less than 5 m. If it is a drain well, then it is located at least 10 m from the water supply.

As you understand, any sewer system built in accordance with all the rules and regulations requires cleaning and maintenance over time. Therefore, so that you do not have to open the entire network when the pipes are clogged, install the wells correctly. Having maintained all distances in accordance with established standards, you will always be able to get to the problem section of the pipeline and perform an inspection.

To install a well on a site, it is not enough to simply find a place with an accessible level of the aquifer. The fact is that there are a number of other requirements for the location of the water supply source, and if they are not met, the water will simply be unsuitable for use for food purposes.

Sanitary requirements

First of all, it should be said that the choice of location for a well must necessarily be made with the participation of a representative of the state sanitary-epidemiological station or sanitary inspection. You can also invite a doctor assigned to a given area for these purposes.

However, you can first find the most suitable place yourself.

According to SanPiN

  • The source must be located in an uncontaminated area located at a distance of at least 50 meters (upstream of the aquifer) from existing or possible pollutants, for example, the distance from the cesspool to the well must be at least 50 m.
  • The place should not be swampy or flooded. It is also prohibited to install water supply sources in places that are subject to landslides and other types of deformation.
  • The source should not be located closer than 30 meters from highways with heavy traffic and highways.
  • It is not advisable to locate the source on slopes, on river banks or near ravines, because Untreated river or groundwater will inevitably penetrate into it.

If a possible source of pollution is located higher than the well according to the terrain, then the distance between them should be at least 80 meters, and in some cases 150 meters.
This point should be taken into account if neighboring areas are located higher in the relief, since the distance between cesspool and the well should no longer be 50, but 100 meters.

What are the sources of pollution?

Sources of pollution include a number of objects:

  • Cesspools and pits;
  • Burial places for animals and people;
  • Warehouses for pesticides and fertilizers;
  • Industrial enterprises;
  • Sewage facilities
  • Landfills, etc.

It follows that when choosing a location, you need to focus on the distance from the well to the toilet, as well as the distance from other objects of pollution in your own and neighboring areas. This is due to the fact that undesirable elements will penetrate into the water, as a result it can cause damage to health.

Distance between two wells

Minimum distance between water wells according to SNiP it should also be at least 50 meters, since the well is a potential pollutant. This is due to the fact that contaminants can get into it from above or through leaky walls.

The minimum distance between wells that extract water from different aquifers can be reduced to 30 meters. However, such cases are rare; as a rule, sources in neighboring areas are made at the same depth.

Distance to residential buildings

As for the distance from the house, there are no restrictions; however, the distance from the well to the foundation must be such that construction equipment can arrive when constructing it.

In addition, when the distance from the well to the house exceeds 100 meters, the source becomes not very convenient to use. This is especially true in cases where water has to be collected manually.

It should be borne in mind that in the process of constructing a structure located close to the building, its foundation may be damaged.
Therefore, it is desirable that the distance from the house to the well is still safe.

Requirements for the structure

So, you have decided on the choice of location, and the distance between the water supply wells and other sources of pollution has been correctly selected. But this is not enough to ensure that the water supply source is always filled with clean drinking water.

Therefore, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the requirements for the well design itself, especially if you are going to do it yourself.

They consist of several points:

  • The column must have a head ( aboveground part), which protects the mine from clogging, and also serves as a fence for it and allows water intake. The height of the head is at least 0.7 meters.
  • The title should or reinforced concrete floor with hatch. The top should be covered with a canopy or a “house” should be arranged.
  • Along the perimeter of the head, if the distance from the well to the building allows, it is necessary to make a “castle” of carefully compacted clay 2 meters deep and 1 meter wide. In addition, you need to make a blind area of ​​concrete or asphalt, with a diameter of 2 meters, always with a slight slope.
  • A fence should be built around the column and a bench for buckets should be built.
  • The walls of the shaft must well insulate the structure from the penetration of water and surface runoff. It is best to use concrete which is sealed with a solution, as required by the instructions.
  • The water intake part of the mine, intended for the accumulation and influx of groundwater, must be buried in the aquifer. For better water flow, the lower walls should have holes.
  • To prevent the soil from bulging out with rising currents and the appearance of turbidity in the water, you should pour return filter.
  • To descend into the shaft, when performing repairs and cleaning the source, cast iron brackets should be installed, located in a checkerboard pattern at a distance of 30 cm from each other.

These are, perhaps, all the rules that you need to know before installing a water supply.

In the photo - drainage around the column

Before use, the water must be completely pumped out twice.
Before using it for food purposes, it is advisable to perform chemical and bacteriological analysis in a specialized laboratory.
However, keep in mind that the price for these services is quite high.


All the above requirements must be strictly observed. This is the only way to ensure that the well is filled with water suitable for drinking. Otherwise, all construction costs will be in vain, or even worse - the water from it will harm your health or the health of your family members.

For more information on this topic, watch the video in this article.

At self-construction local sewer It is very important to comply with all SNiP requirements. Only in this case, the installed networks will function effectively and will not threaten to disrupt the ecological balance of the area. Important points design is the distance from the house to the sewer well, as well as the length of the zone separating the place from which drinking water is obtained from the sewerage installation.

Any construction must be carried out taking into account the requirements of SNiP. The standards present the basic requirements for choosing building materials, as well as the placement of objects on the ground. In particular, it is important to maintain the recommended distance from the sewer well to the well with water intended for drinking, as well as to correctly position the sewer installations in relation to buildings, plantings, and roads.

Local sewer systems

The construction of a local sewage disposal system is practically the only acceptable option for solving the problem of improving private households and other suburban properties.

To be like this local sewerage functioned efficiently, it is important to take into account all the requirements during its construction building regulations and standards. When designing a drainage system, the following points must be taken into account:

  • terrain in the development area;
  • soil characteristics at the construction site;
  • being close construction site sources of receipt drinking water and sanitary zones;
  • the presence of buildings and other communications already existing on the site.

The main difficulty in installing a sewerage system lies in the construction of a structure for the reception and disposal of wastewater. Such a structure can be represented:

  • drives – sealed containers to accumulate liquids that will need to be pumped out as they fill using special equipment - vacuum trucks;
  • settling tanks are ordinary septic tanks in which wastewater is purified by settling. Final purification occurs by filtering the liquid through a soil filter;
  • stations deep biopurificationmodern installations that provide full cycle wastewater treatment.

To any local system water disposal must include wells. These may be ready plastic structures or makeshift structures.


The number of wells in sewer pipeline networks depends on their length and complexity. The simpler the scheme used, the fewer wells required. Let's figure out what types of sewer mines exist and what should be the distance between network elements and other objects on the site.

Inspection (audit)

The name of this type of well speaks for itself. The purpose of the inspection shafts is to provide the opportunity to inspect the work and, if necessary, clean it. Installation of inspection shafts is necessary:

  • when building extended networks;
  • when switching to another pipe size;
  • in places of branches.

Maximum distance between sewer wells depends on the dimensions used for the installation of sewer pipes (provided that the pipeline runs in a straight line):

  • when assembling a pipeline with a cross-section of 100 mm, shafts for inspections and for servicing networks should be installed every 15 meters;
  • if 150 mm pipes are used, then the inspection shafts must be separated from each other by at least 30 meters;
  • with pipe sizes of 200-450 mm, the distance is increased to fifty meters;
  • when constructing large-sized drainage networks, it is necessary to plan the installation of inspection shafts at intervals of 75 meters.

Advice! From the above it becomes clear that what larger size pipeline, the greater the distance that can separate the inspection shafts from each other.


This type is mounted where the straight line changes its direction. The purpose of such a mine and its design features are no different from revision ones.

Installing shafts at turning points is necessary for the reason that blockages often form in the corners, and the presence of a shaft allows for cleaning and removing the blockage, restoring the operation of the system. The distance between the turning shafts depends on the configuration of the networks, since they need to be installed at the turning points.


When building a local sewerage system on a site with complex terrain, it is impossible to do without the use of differential inspection shafts. This type of well has to be installed in areas with difficult terrain, since it is necessary to lay a pipeline that can withstand optimal inclination pipes

To compensate for differences in laying depth in difficult areas, a differential well is installed. The distances between these network elements depend on the complexity of the terrain and the configuration of the pipeline. Additional conditions for the installation of differential wells:

  • the height of the depth difference should not exceed three meters;
  • if the height of the drop is small (up to 0.5 meters), then instead of a drop well, you can install an inspection shaft with a drain.

Storage tanks and settling tanks

The storage well is the final element of the system. But more often, when constructing a local sewer system, a sump tank is used instead of storage tanks. In this case, several wells are built at a distance of 1.5 meters from each other. The last well is made filtering (without a bottom), crushed stone is poured into it in a layer of about 0.5 meters.

When choosing a location for a filter well, it is very important to maintain optimal distances from this object to other buildings on the site.

Rules for installing filter wells

Let's figure out how to choose the right place to install a filter well relative to other objects on the site.

Drinking well

The most strictly regulated distance from a drinking water well or borehole. Placing two installations too close threatens an environmental disaster. Contaminants that enter aquifers can make the water undrinkable, which threatens the health of people living in the area.

It is important to install not only filter wells, but also sealed storage tanks in compliance with SNiP requirements. It may seem that this precaution is unnecessary, since the wastewater contained in a sealed storage tank does not come into contact with the ground and cannot cause pollution.

However, it cannot be ruled out that emergency situation associated with storage depressurization. Wherein dirty water can get not only into the ground, but also into aquifers.

Leakage of contaminated liquid can also occur if the installation is carried out incorrectly, for example, if the pipe connections are not properly sealed. The minimum distance between the point of water intake and the sewerage installation depends on the characteristics of the soil, or more precisely on its ability to pass water.

If the soil is predominantly clayey, then the minimum distance will be 430 meters. If the soil has good permeability, the distance will have to be increased to 60-80 meters.

Advice! To determine quality characteristics soil, to identify the presence of filter sites, geological research will be required.

When planning the laying utility networks it is important to correctly position the sewer and water pipes. The minimum distance between the water supply pipeline and the drainage pipeline is 10 meters. In this case, the water supply pipes should be located higher in level than the sewer pipes.


When building sewer networks, it is very important to correctly position the wells relative to the residential building. The treatment plant itself cannot be located close to the house for the following reasons:

  • risk of spreading unpleasant odors;
  • the danger of the foundations of buildings being washed away by water filtering into the soil;
  • danger of basement flooding.

The minimum distance from the filter unit to the building foundation is 6 meters. But in practice, it is advisable to place the treatment plant at 10-15 meters. This placement of the septic tank will provide maximum comfort.

Advice! It is important to install a sewerage system at a distance not only from your home, but also from houses in neighboring areas. The minimum distance separating the septic tank from a house on an adjacent site should be more than 10 meters.

Proper placement of sewer wells when building a local sewer system is extremely important. Here are some recommendations:

  • choosing the location of the filters sewerage installations, you need not only to maintain the correct distance between the installations, residential buildings and a well, but also do not forget that settling tanks or storage tanks need periodic cleaning. Therefore, it is necessary to provide for free passage to the storage unit or sump;
  • Filter installations should not be located near buildings. And not only to residential buildings, but also to other buildings on the site - a garage, premises for keeping animals, a bathhouse, etc. The distance between outbuildings and ancillary buildings should be at least one meter;
  • Installations with water filtration should not be placed in close proximity to the garden and other plantings. Root system plants may be damaged due to high humidity. Therefore, it is necessary to plant trees at a distance of at least four meters. The distance to the bushes should be at least a meter;
  • the distance between the filter installation and the border with the neighboring plot must be at least two meters, and with the road - at least five meters.

Failure to comply with the rules for locating sewer wells can cause serious problems. The SES may have claims against the owners of the site. If during the inspection it is revealed that the sewer networks were built in violation of the requirements of SNiP, then the owners will be issued an order to eliminate the violations. That is, all the work will have to be completely redone: dismantling the assembled networks and reassembling them, but taking into account sanitary and construction requirements.

So, it is very important to correctly maintain the distance between sewer wells according to SNiP. Failure to comply with the standards will lead to a decrease in the efficiency of the drainage system or the emergence of an environmental hazard.

So, if the distance between the inspection shafts is greater than required, then it will be extremely difficult to maintain the pipeline in the event of a blockage. Owners can expect even more serious consequences if the distance standards between the filtering sewer well and the place of drinking water intake are not observed.

When planning the construction of external sewerage, you must comply with the requirements determined by SNiP. In particular, the correct distance from the building to the sewer must be maintained. It can take a very long time to find the necessary information, given the volume regulatory documentation and the difficulty of reading it for ordinary person. To simplify the search and save time, below are only the data that you should rely on when choosing a location for placing sewerage facilities on a private plot.

Choice optimal location depends not only on the nature of the internal buildings, but also on the type of sewerage structure. It is especially important to correctly position objects intended for wastewater treatment, which can be divided into storage (with a sealed bottom) and filtration (without a bottom).

The position of sewerage facilities on the site is regulated by SNiP


Minimum distance from the house to the sewer well accumulative type equals 3 m. This is the necessary distance at which the construction of a treatment plant will not have a destructive effect on the foundation of the building. In this case, the maximum distance to the first well should not exceed 12 m. A more distant location can lead to frequent blockages and complicate pipeline maintenance.

When choosing a location for a treatment plant, you should also take into account its volume. If the capacity does not exceed 1 m³, then the object can be placed at the minimum possible distance from the house. As the volume increases, it is advisable to proportionally increase the distance.

Location of storage septic tanks relative to a residential building

Regarding the roadway and neighbor's fence, then in this case the same requirements are imposed as for a residential building - a distance of at least 3 m. But the location relative to outbuildings has less stringent criteria. The main thing here is to maintain a distance of 1 m.


If in treatment plant a sealed bottom is not provided, that is, the wastewater after preliminary filtration is discharged into the ground, then the distance between the sewer well and the building must be increased to 10-12 m. This arrangement will not allow the destruction of the foundation from increased soil moisture.

In the case of treatment of domestic wastewater, in addition to protecting the foundations of buildings, it is necessary to adhere to sanitary standards. To prevent contamination of the drinking water source, the filtration well is located 50 m from it. The minimum possible distance to the nearest reservoir is 30 m.

Layout of the wastewater discharge point into the ground

Distance between sewer wells

In addition to storage and filtration structures, there are other types of wells that are used for installation and maintenance of external sewage systems. Among them:

  • examination rooms;
  • rotary;
  • differential.

Since such devices are not designed to accumulate wastewater, they do not pose a danger to the foundations of buildings and natural objects. In this case, these structures must be correctly positioned relative to each other.


Such structures are intended for inspection and maintenance of sewerage systems. They are used in complex external networks with long pipeline lengths. According to SNiP, the distance between sewer inspection wells depends on the size of the pipe. The following standards exist:

  • Ø110 mm – 15 m;
  • Ø150 mm – 35 m;
  • Ø200-450 mm – 50 m;
  • Ø500-600 mm – 75 m.

In domestic systems, pipes with a diameter larger than 150 mm are rarely used. Typically, a diameter of 100-110 mm is sufficient for arranging an external sewer system. Accordingly, in this case, an inspection structure needs to be installed every 15 m. Although for straight sections it is possible to increase the interval by several meters.


Rotating devices perform the same function as observation rooms. The distance between them is not regulated, since they are located in strictly designated places - at a bend in the pipeline, the angle of which exceeds 45°. These points are most susceptible to blockages, so it is necessary to have access to these places for cleaning activities.

The distance between the rotary wells of domestic and storm sewer depends on the network design. However, if there is a long straight section between the turns, an additional observation point is installed at this interval.

Large pipeline bends must be equipped with rotating structures


If necessary installation sewer network drop structures are used on the slope. Such wells are designed to normalize the flow rate of liquid, since too intense movement of drains can lead to blockages.

The distance between such structures depends on the specifics of the terrain and is individual for each area. In doing so, some considerations should be taken into account technical nuances:

  • the height of the difference should not be more than 3 m;
  • to reduce the flow rate, additional damping barriers can be installed;
  • if the difference is less than 0.5 m and the pipeline diameter is 600 mm, it is permissible to replace the differential well with an inspection structure with a drain.

Sewage installation diagram on a slope

In case of compliance correct distances between sewer wells and other objects, according to SNiP, you will not have problems either with supervisory authorities or with neighbors. At the same time, the layout complex system It is better to perform it together with specialists in order to prevent technical errors and inconsistencies that can lead to unpleasant consequences.