How can a Russian open a business in Vietnam? Opening a business and looking for work in Vietnam

Although Vietnam's economy is at a developing stage, some experts believe that the country has great potential. Therefore, the idea of ​​opening your own business in Vietnam does not seem strange to everyone, although this requires careful study of the market features.

Today in Vietnam such areas as tourism, clothing and footwear production, and furniture production are actively developing. Vietnam exports rice, rubber, coffee, cocoa, and seafood.

In general, Vietnamese economic system is generally considered to be a market socialist economy, which in practice means that the overall strategy of political and economic development determined by the Communist Party and the government, and enterprises various shapes the property is given complete independence. The only exception is the country's strategic production.

IN Lately many factories in Vietnam became joint stock companies. There are many joint ventures in the country; it is allowed to open enterprises with 100% foreign capital.

Foreign businessmen coming to Vietnam are primarily interested in the tourism industry. The main direction of foreign investment is restaurants, cafes, furniture production, and hotel business.

It should be noted that, according to a study by the international auditing company Grant Thornton, the hotel business is one of the most profitable in Vietnam. But it’s better to immediately prepare yourself for strong competition: during certain seasons there are not enough places in hotels in Vietnam, but only large entrepreneurs can open their own hotel and compete with the Vietnamese.

In addition to the service sector, foreign businessmen in Vietnam invest in manufacturing, for example, electronics. This is caused, firstly, by relatively cheap labor, and secondly by the warm climate, which is why there is no need to heat production premises.

In addition to electronics, furniture production is popular in Vietnam, especially from mahogany and bamboo, which are abundant in the country. However, to open such a business you will have to come up with something original: there are already a lot of furniture factories in Vietnam.

Finally, another promising area can be called production software in Vietnam. Thus, the NeoIT company, which advises the world's largest companies on outsourcing processes information technologies, puts Ho Chi Minh City in 2nd place among the centers of the IT industry in Asia, just after India.

Although the country has begun the process of liberalizing legislation since joining the WTO in 2007, Vietnam is still ranked 99th in the world in terms of difficulty in obtaining licenses, starting a business, etc. The government welcomes foreign investment, but overall the country is still high level corruption.

In addition, it should be noted that Vietnam is experiencing a shortage of electricity. The country's government is trying to solve this problem and is increasing energy capacity, but opening energy-intensive production in Vietnam may still be very difficult.

As for prices, open small cafe in Vietnam you can get it for 20 thousand dollars. True, the next best thing is to hire a Vietnamese manager: running your own business for a foreigner in Vietnam is not easy. English language it is not as widespread in the country as in Singapore or Hong Kong, and learning Vietnamese is extremely difficult.

In connection with all of the above, BusinessTimes once again recommends carefully studying the specifics of doing business in Vietnam and researching the market features before taking any active actions.

Quite a lot of our compatriots live and work in Vietnam, and many of them may have the idea of ​​opening a business in Vietnam and reaching the next professional level.

What opportunities, from the point of view of organizing a business in Vietnam, will be interesting, popular, scalable, and most importantly long-term from the point of view of working in the market?

What risks may be associated with starting a business in Vietnam? — we will try to briefly consider these issues in this note.

I will say right away that organizing any business requires certain skills, dexterity and, of course, luck, and building a business in Vietnam is no exception. It should also be understood that both success and failure in business depends on many factors:

  • ability to communicate,
  • ability to establish and use necessary contacts,
  • desire to promote your products and services,
  • analyze the market, search for and evaluate opportunities.

What are the possible options for starting a business in Vietnam?

Consulting in Vietnam. Today, Vietnam is beginning to interest many Russian businessmen, many of them have already worked with China, many simply consider the issue of supplies from Asia as promising for their business. While in Vietnam, you can create your own consulting company and support such clients, providing them with services: meeting, searching for Vietnamese supplier companies, negotiating, and exercising control functions for the manufacture/shipment of products. Of course, you can “tackle everything,” or you can focus on a “chosen product niche” and specialize in it.

Buying/Opening a cafe, hotel, store in Vietnam. Of course, it is very tempting to buy a ready-made business in Vietnam and make a profit, but not everything is so simple: it is necessary not only to understand the nuances of local legislation, but also to understand how this business competitive and truly profitable. It’s easy to buy, but to make a profit is much harder! And you shouldn’t trust the numbers that they show you - you should double-check everything in practice.

Independent supply of products to Russia. On the one hand, this is consulting, on the other hand, your task will be to find buyers or build a network of product orders from Vietnam to Russia. Which? - a topic for separate consultation and study.

Become a representative of a Russian company. Many Russian companies strive to supply their products to Asian markets; Vietnam is a rather interesting and promising direction in this regard. You can become a representative of several Russian companies and ensure interaction with Vietnamese business - a kind of consulting “in reverse”.

I consider each of the possibilities in detail on my own.

Basic risks of starting a business in Vietnam

Business as a source of income. You should not be under any illusions and think that doing business in Vietnam will immediately bring you a lot of money:

any business has a break-even point and a payback period, and unfortunately few people can predict all the risks and foresee the future.

Therefore, if you now have a job in Vietnam, do not rush to give up everything, but try to work and develop your business in parallel: yes, it is difficult; Yes, it may seem ineffective, but by doing so you will significantly reduce the risks, especially if you have a family.

Legislation and Taxation. Of course, every country has legislation and taxation. When organizing a business in Vietnam, you should think about and consult with local lawyers about the specifics of company registration, taxation, and possibly any benefits and nuances. I recommend not to rely on publications on the Internet and the opinions of people that are not supported by documents - be sure to contact a local law firm and get advice on this issue in order to avoid possible penalties.

Moving to another country for permanent place residence is associated with a large number of legal subtleties and problems. No less difficulties arise for foreigners who decide to open a profitable business on foreign soil. Vietnam is often chosen for these purposes, offering investors and entrepreneurs excellent conditions for doing business. This is how it seems to our compatriots from the outside. But is this really so?

Before you finally break ties with your homeland and plunge headlong into matters related to registration own company in Vietnam, you need to become more familiar with the peculiarities of doing business in this country.

What is business immigration in general?

The concept of “business immigration” is not very familiar to Russians. Its essence is the transfer of business interests beyond the borders of one’s homeland.

Entrepreneurs are attracted abroad:

  • Special conditions for doing business;
  • Cheap labor;
  • Tax benefits and more.

All this looks extremely attractive against the backdrop of Russian realities:

  • Corruption;
  • Lengthy and complex registration of your own company;
  • High loan rates;
  • Ignoring the needs of small and medium-sized businesses.

Business immigration is beneficial to the receiving party, as it receives:

  • Financial injections into the economy;
  • New workplaces.

In countries with a high influx of foreign entrepreneurs:

  • The market is developing;
  • The quality of goods improves;
  • The list of services in different areas activities.

The Vietnamese authorities understand all the advantages of business immigration and willingly accept businessmen from all over the world on their territory.

What is a business visa and what type of visa can you get in Vietnam?

A business visa is a document that allows foreigners to legally stay in the territory of another state and conduct business with various companies.

Russians have the opportunity to obtain a business visa of the DN category when entering Vietnam. It is issued for different periods:

  • 1 month;
  • 3 months;
  • Six months;

In addition, the document is classified according to the number of entries into the country:

  • One-time;
  • Multiple.

These points are discussed at the stage of submitting documents.

What type of business is more profitable to open in Vietnam?

Immigrants prefer to implement their business plans in one of the following ways:

  • Investment;
  • Relocation of an existing business from its homeland;
  • Opening a company in a new location;
  • Purchasing a business abroad from a citizen of the country.

Vietnam joined the WTO more than 11 years ago, and all these years the country's economy has been growing steadily. This is partly facilitated by changes in legislation that attract foreign businessmen to the country.

The most interesting and profitable areas for them are the following:

  • Travel business(unfortunately, it is difficult for foreigners to break into this industry);
  • Innovative entrepreneurship– the country welcomes projects using modern technologies(small production would be a good investment, but do not forget about the high cost of electricity in the country);
  • Information Technology– to the Vietnamese authorities in last years This niche is very interesting, and they give foreigners the opportunity to work in this direction;
  • – in a country with developed tourism, various cafes will always be in demand.

Our compatriots abroad often choose small businesses because:

  • It is easier to open;
  • The business requires less costs;
  • It is possible to easily change direction;
  • Fewer employees are easier to manage.

Migrants themselves believe that it is difficult to bet on one type of business or another in Vietnam. Therefore, they try to be sensitive to all changes and adapt to them.

In the medium-sized business segment, you can think about opening production for the future. Vietnam suffers from electricity shortages, so there are few companies in the country engaged in production. But the problem is being solved, and in 5 years the situation will radically change.

Enterprises opened today will begin to make a profit, and the cost of production will decrease several times. Therefore, those who want to settle in Vietnam for a long time are recommended to consider this type of business.

Conditions for immigration to Vietnam for entrepreneurs

It is important for foreign businessmen to understand exactly how to organize their move to Vietnam, and what awaits them in the first months of their stay in the country. You need to start by resolving visa issues.

Choosing the right visa and conditions for obtaining it

In order to freely conduct business in Vietnam, you need a business visa.

It is issued upon arrival at international airports in four cities:

  • Ho Chi Minh City;
  • Hanoi;
  • Danang;
  • Nha Trang.

Before traveling, the entrepreneur must receive a confirmation letter. Without it, the visa will not be issued.

The cost of a permit for Russians consists of two types of commission:

  1. For services;
  2. Stamp duty.

The first group includes payment for the services of companies involved in visa preparation. Most often, businessmen turn to them, as it simplifies the paperwork process. And many companies even meet migrants on the spot and accompany their activities for the first months.

The stamp duty is payable on site upon receipt of the visa. Its price depends on the length of stay in the country:

  • A single entry permit for up to 3 months costs $25;
  • A multiple-entry visa for the same period of time will cost a foreigner $50;
  • A six-month visa costs $95;
  • Behind permit document for a year you need to pay 135 dollars.

Consideration of an application from a businessman usually takes no more than 2 days. If you wish, you can pay about $40 extra and receive a confirmation letter in 4-8 hours.

Most business visa applications are approved by the Vietnamese Embassy.

Conditions for obtaining a residence permit, permanent residence, citizenship

It is quite difficult to obtain a residence permit in Vietnam, since the policy of the Communist Party is aimed at limiting the number of foreigners who have such a right. The easiest way to obtain a residence permit is for highly qualified foreigners seeking to work in the country.

The main conditions for obtaining a residence permit are the following:

  • Age over 18 years;
  • Education above average;
  • No criminal record at home or in Vietnam;
  • Availability of a work visa;
  • A valid contract with the employer for a period of more than 3 months.

Marriage in itself is not a reason for issuing a residence permit to a foreigner. But as a person who concluded marriage with a Vietnamese, a foreigner may well qualify for a residence permit.

Not everyone can obtain permanent residence in Vietnam. To do this you need to meet a number of requirements:

  • Reside permanently in the country for 5 years;
  • Go through the naturalization procedure.

The last point is the most difficult for a foreigner to fulfill, since the applicant must:

  • Learn Vietnamese;
  • Prove knowledge of the country's history;
  • Have an idea of ​​the traditions of the new homeland.

The procedure for obtaining Vietnamese citizenship is extremely complicated, and a foreigner can only obtain a passport with the personal approval of the head of government.

The methods by which you can change citizenship are divided into 2 groups:

  1. Automatic;
  2. Non-automatic.

Children who:

  • Found in the country;
  • Born from parents who do not have citizenship, but permanently reside in Vietnam;
  • Born from a person who has citizenship of the country;
  • They were born from the Vietnamese in every corner of the globe.

Other foreigners need to obtain citizenship by fulfilling a number of conditions:

  • Live in the country for more than 5 years;
  • Regularly visit migration services;
  • Comply with all laws;
  • Learn the language and history of the state;
  • Renounce existing citizenship.

Foreigners rarely seek to obtain Vietnamese citizenship, since a residence permit in the country is sufficient to lead a normal life and business.

Buying an existing business and starting from scratch

These types entrepreneurial activity in demand among Russians.

Buying a business

For many Vietnamese this is great way earn money. They often sell the business for initial stage immediately after registration of the company. Legally, the process is expressed in the change of the Vietnamese founder to a foreign one.

Some subtleties:

  • Conducting a transaction without the support of a large law firm is not entirely reasonable, as this increases the chances of meeting with scammers;
  • The law firm must provide potential clients a license to conduct such matters, otherwise the transaction may be declared invalid;
  • Before purchasing a business, thorough due diligence is required permitting documentation and his condition, since the absence of insignificant paper will cause long bureaucratic delays in the affairs of the new owner;
  • Selling a business is allowed not only to Vietnamese, but also to foreigners.

Starting a business from scratch

It is important for aspiring entrepreneurs to consider that:

  • For each type of activity you will need to obtain a license;
  • The choice of activity should occur after careful market research;
  • Opening a company will have to be done with the help of a law office;
  • A good accountant is extremely important for Vietnam, since tax payment is carefully controlled by the state;
  • Each employee must obtain a separate permit, so it is easiest to run a family business (family members working in the company must be included as co-founders).

Our compatriots consider the tax burden to be the main difficulty in doing business. In some cases, it “eats” up to 40% of the profit.

What business options in Vietnam are most common among Russian immigrants?

Most often, our compatriots open catering establishments: restaurants, cafes, canteens. For success, it is important to take into account the flavor and demand of the service. Naturally, Russian tourists with great pleasure visit cheburek shops, dumpling shops and cafes with well-known “home-made” cuisine.

But you shouldn’t expect big profits from such a business:

  • If you have experience, you can break even in 1 year;
  • The second year, as practice shows, is decisive - entrepreneurs go into the red or remain at zero;
  • In the third year, those who managed to stay on zero begin to make a profit - you can aim for $2,000 a year.

The production of furniture and bamboo is an extremely profitable and popular business among Russians. But it is only available to entrepreneurs with experience in this area. In this case, already in the 2nd year you can achieve an insignificant, but plus.

The service sector, namely hotels and hostels, attracts Russian businessmen. Although it will be very difficult to promote such a business in Vietnam:

  • High competition;
  • Confused tax base;
  • High cost.

With daily hard work and a little bit of luck, the entrepreneur will be able to break even by the third year. In the future, profits can range from $3,000 to $15,000 per year.

Business ideas with minimal investment

If a migrant does not have even $10,000 available, he can try to enter a small business in Vietnam.

You can try your hand at the following industries:

  • Internet cafe– such establishments are extremely popular, and to promote them you only need creative idea for registration and interesting offers for clients;
  • Web design– own good specialists in Vietnam there is practically no activity in this area, so the demand for companies providing such services is high;
  • Marketing research– it is quite possible to make a name and fortune for yourself in this type of activity.

Some real examples

Our compatriots who managed to survive and develop their business in Vietnam write a lot about this and willingly. Here, for example, is the opinion of Smitson, who has lived in the country for more than 7 years: “I thought I was in heaven when I moved to Vietnam. But...I had to literally plow.

I started by selling souvenirs– I simply resold them to tourists. Over time, I managed to open a small production, and now, together with my brother, I own a company that successfully supplies its products to several countries around the world.”

One of our compatriots, Andrey, had a difficult time after moving from Vladivostok: “I closed advertising company and together with 5 employees came to Vietnam to open a cafe. What happened?

Much: we lost money, we were deceived more than once, we changed our job profile and finally, after 3 years of hellish work, we made a profit! Now we are successfully combining the formats of a regular establishment with an Internet cafe and we believe that a great future awaits us!”

  • Limited liability company - ideal for small and medium-sized businesses, as this form has simple structure, and company members may have different percentages of shares;
  • Open Joint-Stock Company– in Vietnam, this form is typical for medium and large businesses;
  • Branch – investors think about opening such companies, since they are not interested in opening a new legal entity;
  • Representation – this form will not allow you to earn income, but will provide an opportunity to establish business connections.

Decor own business is divided into several stages:

  1. Searching for a law firm that will take care of all the intricacies of Vietnamese legislation;
  2. Decide on the amount of starting capital - there are no strict requirements for it in Vietnam, but the most optimal amount would be $10,000;
  3. Submitting an application to open a company to the Planning and Investment Department indicating the name;
  4. Assigning an individual number and entering it into the database of the General Department for Taxation;
  5. Obtaining a certificate;
  6. Print order;
  7. Opening a bank account;
  8. Purchasing invoices from the Municipal Taxation Department;
  9. Posting a registration message on the National Enterprise Registration Portal;
  10. Payment of tax for the entire first year;
  11. Depositing the amount of authorized capital into the Planning and Investment Department ( deadline established 3 months after the opening of the company;
  12. Registering personnel with the local employment office;
  13. Entering employees into the Social Insurance Fund database to pay for medical and social insurance.


The main tax burden of Vietnam includes:

  • VAT (3 options – 0%, 5%, 10%);
  • SPT (special consumption tax - from 10% to 75%);
  • Income tax (average 22%).
  • Entrepreneurs in the field of educational and medical services, as well as publishers, are exempt from VAT;
  • In the areas of software production, education, and healthcare, a reduced income tax rate is provided - 10%.

Other nuances

  • Companies with 100% foreign capital are registered within six months;
  • Firms where part of the capital is owned by the Vietnamese will be open during the working week;
  • To open a business you need to pay 15-20,000,000 dong;
  • The courts never take the side of a foreigner, so businessmen need to pay special attention to legal subtleties when conducting business.

Advice for Vietnamese business immigrants and examples of failed business attempts

Unsuccessful examples of entrepreneurial activity can cool the ardor of migrants, but it is recommended to take into account the experience of such businessmen.

Not long ago, a cafe owned by Russians closed in Nha Trang. The establishment lasted 2 years, but in the end the family gave up trying to run the business. They consider their initial mistake to be relying on Russian employees. They were brought from Russia, and the owners had to maintain a consistently high level of wages for Vietnam.

Many Russians also underestimate corruption in Vietnam. Bribery is common here. Without additional money, officials are able to delay the opening of a company for a year. A migrant from Novosibirsk faced this.

His company opened for 10 months, during which he had to spend most of the money set aside for business on living. Now his idea of ​​opening a language school is in jeopardy.

Experienced businessmen give beginners simple advice:

  • Do not skimp on a professional translator when registering a company;
  • Do not trust the smiles of the Vietnamese and the word “yes” - this means nothing to the locals;
  • Be careful - gullibility abroad is very expensive;
  • Do not count on quick super profits - Vietnam is a poor country and big income rare here.

Open successful business in a foreign country it is difficult and expensive. Vietnam welcomes foreign investors with open arms, but does not guarantee them an easy path.

The most profitable way is to sell people their dreams...
Words from a successful entrepreneur

Over the past 3 months, more than 10 businesses have been opened on Phu Quoc Island. Many of the owners are vaguely familiar with the chief editor of FI, while others applied for promotion of their startup to in social networks the liveliest portal about Fukuoka.

Fukuoka story: Our team for creating a pleasant and productive business community, therefore, we always consider interesting options for collaborations

3 locations where Russian businessmen open a business

Mui Ne village

Phu Quoc Island

Nha Trang city

Mui Ne village is 4 hours drive from Nha Trang. Direct flights fly to Phu Quoc Island from Ho Chi Minh City every hour, from Nha Trang, with a transfer in the southern capital.

The main tourist flows are directed to the city of Nha Trang. 25 minutes drive away, located international Airport Cam Ranh, from which tourist buses depart for Nha Trang and Mui Ne. The village of Mui Ne is located south of Nha Trang.

Business story: Russian entrepreneurs are one of the strongest business diasporas in Nha Trang

How to open a business in Vietnam for Russians: Popular niches

We identify target niches for opening and developing a business. To begin with, we follow the beaten path, considering highly competitive niches, and then analyze insider ideas for the development of unique and less popular concepts.

TOP 5 small business formats in Vietnam

  • cafes, restaurants, hookahs
  • street travel agencies
  • massage and spa
  • diving and surfing, transport rental
  • shops: pharmacies, coffee, cosmetics, leather

Many friends have opened shops and restaurants. There is very dense, yet inept competition in these segments.

The Nya Trang business slogan: I’ll make it cheaper, then things will definitely go uphill

Deliberate dumping that killed the tourism market in Nha Trang. For the first time in my career I saw a $9 excursion to the Southern Islands. And this comes with a meal! I hope these entrepreneurs themselves have something to eat.

The main message is, be prepared to face it. Many begin to move to Phu Quoc to expand their business, entering the dumping market. Funny characters.

As Buffett says, your business must have a moat around it.

* moat - competitive advantage and clear positioning

In 2018, the FI team boosted 4 business segments and 3 of them were offline. To open a business in Nha Trang, on average you need $20-25,000. Retail and catering segment. On the island of Phu Quoc, add +20% to Nha Trang budgets. In Mui Ne -15%. Rental prices in the village are lower.

Step-by-step instructions: opening a business in Vietnam

7 first steps when starting a business in Vietnam:

  • what makes you unique (concept development)
  • what is your position (detailed portrait of the target audience)
  • budget calculation (how much and where)
  • selection of a Vietnamese advisor (difficult without him)
  • searching for premises (this is an interesting experience)
  • personal lawyer (conclude an agreement with a law firm)
  • search for suppliers (for a restaurant, store, travel agency)

The fastest business construction project in our lifetime was completed in 27 days. Budget of $15,000. After a whole year of investing and debugging work processes. It's difficult, but interesting. The main thing is to understand what your passion is.

As Robert Kiyosaki says: I start to wince when they ask me to open new business. He's an investor. He's not interested. You - by sensations;

Opening a business on Phu Quoc Island is much more difficult than in Nha Trang and Mui Ne. At the same time, the market is less competitive, if you do not take the catering segment. The challenge is delivery. building materials, finding suppliers and lawyers. Much needs to be done on the mainland.

Investment sizes

Please note that we are looking at the small business niche in Vietnam. Investments in serious and long-term objects are described in other articles on the Fukuoka Stories portal ( abbreviated FI)

The entry point to the small business market is written above, note that this amount will require +150/200% of additional cash flow. It is a fact.

The least expensive business is opening a travel agency. Profits corresponding to investments. You will begin to develop cash flow increase and available funds will go into expansion. 100% history.

Business rating by budget size for opening:

1. Travel agency (3 – 5,000$)

2. Massage or spa salon ($5 – 10,000)

3. Shop ($10 - 15,000)

4. Restaurant ($15 - 20,000)
* minimum 50 people boarding

5. Hotel or apartments ($100 - 500,000)

I feel the experienced gaze of Vietnamese entrepreneurs shouting: yes, it turned out less than what this scribbler allows himself!

Friends, this is the market average. You have the opportunity to spend $50,000 on a travel agency and send photos to the editor, we will definitely publish them.

We buy a ready-made business in Vietnam

The practice of European and CIS countries is poorly applied in Vietnam. About the fact that if a ready-made business is sold, in 90% of cases it fails on the market. Don't shout. We know that the situation is similar in the CIS, but still you are in home country and you can make inquiries very quickly. In Vietnam everything is different. Be careful!

A common situation is when the owner wants to return the money invested and still make money. The practice of selling used vehicles and electronics is familiar to you. It is with these mediocre habits that businessmen come to Vietnam. Below is an example of a banal calculation of business value, which is used by investors.

Buy a ready-made business in Vietnam: cost calculation technology

Let’s simulate a situation where you saw online a store selling coffee products for $20,000. Send a letter to the owner and request financial statements for the last 6 months of business operation.

Important: at resorts it is more correct to take reports from the high tourist season

The report will indicate net profit company, so multiply this figure by an average of 6.

Example: $2000 (net profit) x 6 (usually months) = $12,000

The cost of your future business is $12,000. Got the point. Fukuoka stories do not give out professional consultations; they themselves are still in training.

Let's sum it up

Collect information, analyze and take action. It’s easy to open a business in Vietnam, but it’s difficult to earn a lot.

P.S. See you at the business conference about your brainchild.

What kind of business can be opened for Russians in Vietnam?

Most often, visitors want to open a restaurant, bar, shop, travel agency, or start exporting Vietnamese goods to Russia.

By the way, in most cases, if you come to a Vietnamese consulting agency, most likely they will tell you that these are the only possible types activities for a foreigner or opening such a company “costs a lot of money,” but this is not so. Actually the list is quite wide. View full list.

It should be noted that these types of businesses are designed for Russian tourists and are highly dependent on many factors, for example, on fluctuations in the ruble exchange rate, the season and the solvency of tourists in general.

Typically, the most successful projects are designed to local population, or tourists from other countries.

How much does it cost to open a Vietnamese company?

The approximate cost of opening a company with 50% foreign investment is VND 14,000,000 (approximately $620).

This price includes:
- Package of company documents.
- Round stamp.
- Opening a current account in a bank.

The processing time is 10 working days.

The final cost is calculated individually and depends on the type of activity and the share of capital.

First, the company is opened under the name of a Vietnamese citizen, after which the founders include foreign founders (investors).

What documents are needed to open a business in Vietnam?

1. Notarized foreign passport of the investor and signatures of the investor on the necessary documents.

2. Vietnamese partner, in whose name the company is initially opened.

3. Legal address.

4. Authorized capital No need to post accounts.

5. A certificate of no criminal record is NOT REQUIRED, however, it may be needed in some cases to obtain additional permits and licenses.

Does opening a company in Vietnam give you the right to obtain a residence permit?
Yes. A temporary residence permit is issued for 2 years for citizens Russian Federation and former Soviet republics (with the exception of Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan). This process takes about a month and a half. The service for such registration costs $120 for each member of the company, a citizen of the Russian Federation, and $265 for citizens of the former Soviet republics.

Each company member has the right to register the legal stay of his family. Family means spouse (marriage certificate), children (birth certificate), mother and father (participant’s birth certificate). The price for registration of accompanying family members is $60 for citizens of the Russian Federation and $205 for citizens of the former Soviet republics.

Is it possible to open an “empty company” just to get a visa?

Last year this option was still quite workable. However, at present, the “Department of Planning and Investment” is paying increased attention to the opening of new companies with 5-8 foreign founders, so now it is quite difficult. In some cases, this ends with the closure of companies and the cancellation of visas.

Is it possible to buy a ready-made business in Vietnam?

It is possible, but currently the ecosystem of small and medium-sized businesses in Vietnam is in its infancy, so, as a rule, obviously unprofitable projects are sold. Most often these are restaurants.

If you have any questions write:
+841206019554 (WhatsApp, Viber, Telegram) Varvara