How to heat water at home. How to heat water in an aquarium without a heater. Storage water heating system

Today is New Year's Eve, so let's just rejoice. And, since it’s winter now, it would be nice to warm up a little. Therefore, today's article is unconventional water heating in winter and other lack of electricity. , so to speak.

Unconventional water heating is necessary when hot water is needed, but there are no water tanks or conventional energy sources - or you want something original. Usually you don’t want something original, so a little handicraft and humor, we hope, will be on topic.

Let's start with the theory. So, everyone knows that fire can be produced using friction. This is due to the fact that friction accelerates the movement of water molecules more and more. Therefore, if water molecules are forced to move faster in one way or another, its temperature will increase. Therefore, the first unconventional recipe for heating water:

  1. Let's say you're cold.
  2. Take a half-liter jar of water.
  3. Wrap with foam rubber (thermal insulation is an important point here).
  4. Make a small hole in the lid
  5. Place a whisk (hand or mixer) there.
  6. Insulate the lid.
  7. Wrap the structure in foil (you can use foil tape).
  8. If you have a mixer, then start whisking the water.
  9. If you have a hand whisk, then start whisking the water.
  10. After some time, the water will heat up.
  11. Yes, and you will warm up.

Like this one original version. We guarantee that it will be so :)

  1. Go to the pharmacy.
  2. Buy 20 jars of 90% alcohol (per liter of water).
  3. Wrap a two-liter jar with foam rubber and foil (insulation).
  4. Pour water into the jar.
  5. Pour alcohol into the jar.

According to the laws of chemistry, the water will heat up. If the water temperature is not sufficient, add 200 grams of concentrated sulfuric acid to the mixture. The heating will become more intense.

Both options are designed for a small volume of water. What to do if you need to heat more water? For example, here's what:

That is, candles, coasters, containers. Heating will go faster, and candle consumption will decrease if you insulate the pan (at least wrap it with foil tape).

But what to do if there are no candles, but you need even more? hot water? Here's how many, many people deal with this in an elementary way:

The only thing is that it is necessary to organize good mixing of the water, otherwise the temperature will be uneven.

And here is an improved, hotter version with organized stirring:

Second option:

Third option:

Please note: having girls without clothes raises the temperature much faster than any other option :)

Happy New Year with unconventional water heating!

In this article we will touch on the problem of heating water. It happens that the task arises to heat water. This task most often arises in hotels, recreation centers, i.e. where it is necessary to provide a large number of people with hot water.

How can you heat water?

There are many ways to prepare hot water:
By using heat pump
By using gas boiler
Using a diesel boiler
Using a solid fuel boiler
Using an electric boiler or tenami
By using solar collector or panels

And so on, we won’t list everything, otherwise the article will turn out to be too long. We have listed the main methods. Everything seems simple: you have network gas, and you need to heat several boilers indirect heating. To do this, it is enough to connect the gas boiler and boilers with a pipeline. They called a plumber, bought pipes and fittings, the plumber put everything together - and voila!... the boilers do not even have time to heat up to 50°C.

What is the reason?

The thing is that your boiler is simply not suitable for heating such an amount of water. And most likely, you simply did not calculate the power sufficient to heat the water.

How to calculate the required power for heating water?

It's not very difficult task, and you can calculate the power required to heat water yourself. Arm yourself with a calculator, paper and pen. To heat one liter of water by one degree Celsius you need thermal power 1.16 W.

For example, you have a water container with a volume of 500 liters, and you need to heat the water in it from 20°C to 80°C. We believe that 80°C – 20°C = 60°C is our delta. 500 l. * 60°C * 1.16 W = 34,800 W/hour or 34.8 kW/hour. This is the required power to heat 500 liters, from 20 °C to 80 °C in one hour.

And if you have a gas boiler installed with a capacity of 25 kW/hour, then naturally it will not be able to heat 500 liters. water up to 80°C in one hour. Therefore, if the initial power is insufficient, these powers are compensated only by heating time. What entails an increase in boiler volume. In addition, you need to understand that heat losses still occur in the system. Therefore, the figures given are approximate.

It is worth noting that hot water consumption is directly related to the number of people who use it. According to SNiP for hotels, with a shower in each room, water consumption per person will be 140 liters per day. According to our data, real consumption hot water in hotels is 50 liters per day, per person.

Heating of water with a solar collector.

Let's calculate how to heat water correctly with the sun. Let's imagine that there is a hotel in which the water needs to be heated using solar energy. This hotel has 40 triple rooms and 20 double rooms. We want to organize heating of hot water using solar energy.

We calculate the maximum occupancy of the hotel: (40*3) + (20*2) = 160 people will live in this hotel. They will need 160 people. * 50 liters = 8,000 liters of hot water per day. In hotels, as a rule, there are two peaks of water withdrawal: in the morning (from 8.00 to 10.00) and in the evening (from 17.00 to 20.00). This means that we need to provide at least 3,000 liters of hot water for the morning water draw, and at least 5,000 liters of water for the evening water draw, since the evening water draw is usually larger.

It is worth noting that by the term “hot water” we mean water with a temperature of 60°C. To avoid installing storage boilers with a volume of 5,000 liters, you can heat the water to 80°C. This will reduce the capacity volume to 3,500 liters.
We calculate the required power: 6,500 liters * 60 °C * 1.16 W, we get 452.4 kW/hour we need to spend to heat this amount of water.

How many solar collectors are needed?

Now we are counting how many solar collectors we will need. The roof of our hotel faces south, so we believe that solar vacuum manifolds will operate at full capacity.
Power of one vacuum tube with 24mm. capacitor is conventionally equal to 65 W/hour. Solar collectors will work 10 hours a day, from 9.00 to 19.00 (ideal). Under such conditions, one tube will produce 650 W/hour in one day. Divide 452.4 kW/hour by 0.65 kW/hour (650 W/hour) and we get 696 tubes. These are 23 solar collectors of 30 tubes each, or 35 collectors of 20 tubes each.

And how many collectors with 14 mm are needed? capacitor? One tube of such a collector produces at its peak about 50 W/hour or 500 W/hour in ten hours. Divide 452.4 kW/hour by 0.5 kW/hour (500 W/hour) and we get 905 tubes. These are 30 solar collectors of 30 tubes each or 45 solar collectors of 20 tubes each.

We carried out all these calculations in ideal conditions, in excellent sunny weather, did not take into account water consumption during heating, if you need more accurate calculations, please contact us. We will calculate, supply equipment and install you an excellent and, most importantly, working solar system.

Unfortunately, we don’t always find ourselves fully armed in nature. In some cases, you may not have basic equipment with you. It is not recommended to drink water from streams without disinfecting it.

There can be many reasons why you could find yourself without a bowler hat. But don’t despair, with some ingenuity you can do without it. useful device. The main thing is that there is fire. Below we will look at the most common methods of heating water in the field.

How to boil water over a fire using a plastic bottle

Do not throw away this utensil immediately after use. She can serve you at least once. No matter how strange it may seem, it is quite possible to boil water over a fire without a kettle in the field using an ordinary mineral water bottle. In the same way, you can get it on a hike.

To do this, you will need to pour it entirely. Please note that the bottle must be filled entirely, up to the edge of the neck. Next, it is carefully placed on the coals. The fire should not have an open flame at this point. It is advisable to place the bottle in the middle of the coals. This will speed up the heating. Monitor the process; once the water is hot enough, quickly remove it from the heat. Oddly enough, the bottle practically does not melt. This allows it to be used several times in this way.

You don’t have to wait for coals to form in the fire; you can heat the water in plastic bottle You can do it over an open fire. You just have to tinker a little with preparing the process. In this case, one third of the water is poured into the bottle. They tie her by the neck to the end of a stick. The other end of this stick is stuck into the ground. You need to make sure that the fire almost reaches the bottle. As soon as the water boils, remove the bottle from the fire.

Both of these methods are based on the difference in the melting temperature of plastic and the boiling point of water:
Water boils at 100°C;
Plastic melts at 200°C.

This way the water cools the bottle, preventing it from melting. This method is good if you find yourself without a pot by accident. For example, they lost it. But you had some liquid with you.

Boiling water with stones

It is likely that this is the oldest and easiest way to get hot water without a boiler. To do this you will need several stones and any container. You can use anything to heat water. First, let's look at the options for preparing the container.

To heat water in this way, you can use anything, even dense plastic bag. You can also make some kind of analogue of a cauldron. A small hole is dug in the ground. It should be lined from the inside with waterproof material. A polyethylene raincoat, a piece of tarpaulin, and so on will do. Water is poured into the resulting container.

Then they select suitable stones. Various round stones like river pebbles are ideal. The size is selected depending on the volume of the resulting “dishes”. The stones should be washed and heated over a fire. Using two sticks they are placed in water. This is done one by one. One stone heats the water, the other is in the fire.

Usually a couple of stones are enough to bring a small volume of liquid to a boil. This way you can even cook dinner. If polyethylene was used for the base of a homemade cauldron, then do not allow the hot stone to come into contact with it.

Wooden dishes

When most people mention wooden utensils, they think of spoons. Well, as a last resort, dugout bowls. It is hardly possible to do this in the field. But anyone can easily organize a birch bark pot. At the right approach It is quite possible to boil water in it and even.

To make it you will need birch bark. Young is best, but this is not important. And four short sticks. Birch bark is cut in the shape of a rectangle or square. Next, the corners are bent and secured using slightly split sticks. The result is a rectangular vessel.

It is not recommended to place such a pot on an open fire. This may damage it. Therefore, wait until coals form in the fire and only then place the dishes there. You can also dig a hole next to the burning fire and pour coals into it. A pot is placed on top.

Summer, dacha, swimming pool - the dream of city dwellers. And many, trying to realize it, choose to be closer to nature during the hot season. But here’s the problem: the main equipment has been purchased street version, and its kit does not include a heating device. Therefore, let’s take a closer look at ways to heat water in a pool. First, let’s look at what types of swimming structures exist.

Types of pools

For summer cottages and country houses, seasonal outdoor models are very popular:

  • Inflatable. Such designs have become famous due to their low price, ease of installation/disassembly, and mobility. Most often they are purchased for children. Small volumes and low sides ensure safety for children.
  • Frame. The types and volumes of such models are numerous. They differ affordable price, easy installation, mobility. Purchased for family holidays.
  • Bowls. This option applies to stationary ones. The shape and size can be very diverse. Buy for the whole family. Installation is simple, the price is quite high compared to previous options. Requires communications.
  • Concrete. The most expensive of the above and technologically difficult option. But the design, volume, dimensions are made to suit any request. When constructing such structures, a heating system is thought through at the design stage.

As you can see, the modern market offers a wide range of models.

Can be purchased a budget option or start a major construction of an outdoor covered structure.

Temperature standards

There are a number of indicators of a comfortable stay in the pool. One of them is the optimal temperature regime. For an adult it should be within 24-28 °C, for a child - 29-32 °C. Such temperatures are intended for active water recreation without harm to health. Therefore, how to heat and maintain heat in a pool is one of the hot topics of the summer.

Heat saving elements

Before considering the question of how to heat water in a pool, you should familiarize yourself with heat saving methods. There are several options:

  • Covering material. Typically, the structure is covered at night to prevent severe cooling. The same material will help warm the water by several degrees if the pool is left covered during the day. The most effective option is bubble wrap.
  • Sometimes a pavilion is built over the pool. Some craftsmen use old greenhouses. This option amazingly retains heat at night and allows you to heat water during the day.
  • Select or arrange structures for swimming with color design bottom, which will absorb heat. This will significantly speed up the process of natural heating of water from sunlight.

The measures considered can be applied comprehensively; they will significantly reduce the cost of heating liquids using electricity.

How to quickly heat water in an inflatable pool

Such structures have a small volume, so one of the popular ways to increase the temperature is to heat water in containers using a separate heat source (gas, electric stove, electric kettle, fire, sauna).

After this, they carry it and pour it into the pool, achieving desired temperature. The method is one of the simplest and safest. But it is suitable for small volumes, for example, children's structures.

Some people try to heat the water in the pool with a boiler. Yes, it can be done. But don't forget about safety. If this method is used in a place where there are children, then they should not be left unattended even for a second. The consequences can be very sad, given children's spontaneity and curiosity. Therefore, think several times about the safety of this method before using it.

We looked at two options for how to heat water in an inflatable pool, now let’s take a look at other, more powerful equipment for such purposes.

Flow heater

Used for structures no more than 35 cubic meters. m. The operating principle is based on the circulation of water through a container with a built-in heating element. The recommended temperature of the incoming liquid should not be lower than 18 °C. The cost of such equipment is low, but significant energy costs arise. The power consumption of the installations is from 3.5 to 18 kW. By using covering material, these costs can be partially reduced.

Heat exchanger

“How to heat water in a swimming pool without electricity?” - this is one of the popular questions. Heat exchangers are just such devices that operate from the heating system. They are presented in which there is a coil inside. This equipment also includes circulation pump, thermostat, valve. Liquid from the heating system is supplied to the coil, and water for heating is supplied to the cylinder itself. Having reached the desired temperature, it enters the pool. Operating parameters are set using a thermostat. The power of such installations reaches 200 kW, which is suitable for heating large volumes of water.

The disadvantage of the heat exchanger is that it depends on the heating of the house. In summer it is usually irrelevant. Therefore, a separate operating circuit will be required to heat the pool. And this will entail reworking the project gas heating and unnecessary financial costs.

Solar collectors

How to heat water in a pool at your dacha using natural resources? This issue is especially relevant in areas where there is no gas connection and the electricity supply is unstable. Solar collectors in such cases become ideal option solving the problem.

Nowadays, such equipment is purchased in stores that sell swimming pools. The units are quite compact and can be placed near the swimming structure. When heated, the collectors transfer thermal energy to the water in the storage tank, after which it enters the pool. This method will allow you to quickly reach the desired temperature in sunny weather, but this will not work in cloudy weather. One collector module can heat up to 30 cubic meters of water, respectively, their quantity is adjusted to the required volume.

Such equipment should not be purchased in regions where cloudy weather prevails. It will not be economically justified because additional heating devices will have to be used.

Solar mats

This type of solar collector is presented in the form of two pieces of black film, soldered in such a way that internal space channels for water circulation are formed. Such a system is connected to a conventional pump included in the basic equipment package. How to heat water in a pool with such a device? Quite simple: it is launched onto the surface of the water, and the pump is placed on the bottom, from where it will supply liquid for heating.

This design operates from a regular network. Minus - it is intended for small volumes and depends on sunny weather.

Heat pumps

This is a fairly new, and therefore expensive, way to heat water in a pool. This equipment is interesting because it can be used in two ways at the same time: as a home air conditioner and a water heater.

The operating principle is based on the operating technology of conventional air conditioners, only in the opposite direction. Swimming water is heated in the condensate system, and the refrigerant cools due to this. The heat itself is taken from the surrounding air.

The power consumption of such a device is three times lower than instantaneous water heater. Therefore, the high purchase price will justify the reduction in energy costs. This equipment is also notable for the fact that it can operate effectively at temperatures environment+5 °С. Having dealt with factory instruments, it is worth familiarizing yourself with what folk crafts offer in this area.

Rubber manifold

For this type of water heater, take a regular watering hose, preferably black, and lay it flat in the shape of a snail. One end is connected with clamps to the hole in the pool, the other to the pump filter. Circulating through the formed system, the water is heated. This method is good for sunny days. This is one way to quickly heat the water in the pool.

Wood heating

A coil is taken; the performance depends on the size of its spiral. It is better to prefer stainless steel. One end is connected to the hole in the pool, the other to the pump. The coil itself should be mounted in a container in which firewood will be burned. This is enough effective option how to heat water in a frame pool.

For greater effect, you can make a coil - a container for burning. That is, the firewood will burn in the internal space formed by the tubes. This is an even more efficient device for heating water.

This method distinguishes low price, independence from energy resources, high speed, independence from weather conditions. The disadvantages include the need to control heating. Overheating can cause the pool to deform.

A few important points

Since heating water in a pool using electricity and heating is quite an expensive task, the field for activity of folk craftsmen is quite wide. Interesting direction- this is the use natural resources, such as wind, sun. By “taming” them, you can get a free and high-quality source of energy, which is suitable not only for but also for other needs.

You should be careful with homemade electric heaters. All safety measures should be observed during their creation and operation, this process should not be ignored and children should not be allowed into it.

If we consider factory-made heating products, then the choice depends, first of all, on the financial component. You should pay attention not only to the initial price of the equipment, but also to the costs that will be necessary to connect and operate it.

Swimming in pools is one of the popular recreational activities for Russians. Therefore, the topic of heating water is always relevant. What choice will be made depends on the weather conditions of the region, the parameters of the pool, financial opportunity. The main thing is to follow the installation technology and safety precautions during operation.

10 ways to wash yourself without hot water

Summer in Russia is not summer without planned shutdowns of hot water. The housing office says that washing with cold water three weeks a year is simply necessary. You are itching, and at this time they are carrying out preventive measures in the boiler room.

But there’s no need to itch – Pics will tell you ten ways to live this time without conflicts with hygiene.

The most obvious way

The simplest and most obvious way to wash your body in the absence of hot water is to heat it in a large saucepan or bucket. There seems to be nothing to explain here. You heat the water harder, and then dilute it in another container to make more. You sit in the bathroom and carefully water yourself with a large mug or ladle. Lathered up, washed off. Lathered up, washed off. The method is quite effective, but for some reason it evokes terrible melancholy and decay.

Technical progress

Until your electricity is turned off, you can heat water using electric kettle. It's much faster than waiting for a large pot to boil on the stove. Of course, one kettle is not enough. You'll have to put it several times. While you wash your hair with one portion, the second is ready for your body. Unless you have a Bruce Willis haircut, your head will take as much water, or even more, than the rest of your body.

For the desperate

Do you remember what a boiler is? Yes, this is the thing that sometimes gives an electric shock. But, if it is working properly, then of course there is no danger. The main thing is to triple check. There are large, powerful boilers that our ancestors used to boil water in buckets. You lower such a device into a filled bath and wait until the water warms up to the desired temperature. After that, you climb into it and rinse yourself. We recommend pouring water for rinsing into a saucepan or bucket in advance. Otherwise, such washing will not be of much use.

Lifehack for those who have long hair To save water when washing long hair, wash warm water the hair at the roots and, in fact, the head itself, and the rest of the length of the hair is washed under the tap. The hair doesn't care about the cold, it's just the skull that's freezing.

Like an astronaut

Have you ever wondered how astronauts wash themselves in orbit? The answer is simple, they don't wash. They just haven’t figured out how to do it in zero gravity yet. They are wiped with special wet wipes. In one pack - for soaping, in the second - for wiping. You can do the same. A pack of wet wipes is enough for the whole body. Or wet a towel with warm water (take it in a kettle) and dry yourself as much as you like.

Like an athlete

Have you been to the fitness club or swimming pool lately? Summer is the time to correct your figure. Moreover, in such establishments there is always a shower. Hooray! You can put yourself in order in every sense of the word. Continuing the logical series, you can go to visit your parents or friends. Don't forget to briefly check with them about the hot water at the tap. If people are good, they will not refuse you a bath.

Emergency Rescue

The water was turned off unexpectedly as always. This means it’s time to take emergency measures. Go to the hardware store and buy a tankless heater. This is such a thing that is put on a faucet and connected to the network. Turn on the water, then the heater and enjoy the thin stream warm water. You won’t be able to wash yourself with pleasure under such a stream, but, nevertheless, in the absence of fish and cancer - fish. If you know that in the summer you cannot avoid turning off the water, then install a large flow-through heater in advance. This is a 40-80 liter tank. It is usually hung in the bathroom or carefully embedded in a shaft with pipes in the toilet. Great stuff! With it you can easily wash yourself as usual, without looking at the time and without fear that you will have to rinse under cold water.

For the desperate

There is such a thing called “dry shampoo”. It is a spray that needs to be sprayed onto dirty hair. Then you massage your head and smear it all over your hair. Then carefully comb your hair with a fine comb. In theory, they should look better now. “Dry shampoo” removes oil from the hair and loose flakes from the scalp. In fact, the cleaner your head is before you start “washing,” the better the result will be, because this product works so-so.

For the inventive

You have houses washing machine? So, with its help you can not only wash your clothes, but also successfully heat water. You choose the fastest mode with boiling, but do not add laundry and powder. You direct the drain into a previously plugged bathtub. The machine will take water, heat it, simulate washing and pour it into the bathtub. This is what people's ingenuity means. We have already talked about what to do with the water in the bath. And don't worry about its quality. It will be as clean as the tap.

The escape

If you are disgusted by all these schemes for obtaining hot water in your apartment, then you can simply go on vacation during the shutdown. Find out from the housing office in advance when they are planning Operation Dirty Harry and get yourself tickets for that time. Go to a place where all the amenities and relaxation from the everyday hustle and bustle will await you. You will rest, and at the same time wash yourself.

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