How to store lawn grass seeds. Shelf life of lawn grass seeds. Seedlings do not germinate well: reasons

You need to carefully plan her future location. AND key point in this matter is the availability of mowing. After all, a lawn mower should fit on all areas of the lawn. This means that it would be good to avoid areas with trees.

It is very important to initially lay all communications underground, make paths, form a plot according to its intended purpose, and only then plant grass.

Basic rules for planting lawn grass

Seed sowing scheme lawn grass.

It requires quite a lot of attention, because laying out a lawn takes a certain amount of time. It is necessary to decide before planting whether the watering method will be manual or automatic.

A significant problem for planting are weeds, mostly perennial. It is necessary to destroy them even before sowing the crop, otherwise it will be very difficult to fight them later.

When enough time is allocated for sowing grass, the weeds can be treated with herbicides in several stages or weeded out.

After loosening the soil, you need to wait about three weeks, wait for new weeds to appear and apply the treatment again.

All types of work with chemicals must be carried out in special protective clothing. And in small areas you can control weeds with simple tools and do not use chemicals. Sowing of grass is possible only twenty days after the herbicides have been used.

After the weeds are removed, it is necessary to dig up the ground and clear the area of ​​debris; it is advisable to apply fertilizer and level it. If this is not done, then in places with a more fertile layer the grass will grow thicker. The final planting of the grass should begin after the soil has settled, which is approximately 3 weeks later.

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How to choose lawn grass?

Lawn grate installation diagram.

When choosing lawn grass, you should pay attention Special attention, in which region it grows, since a variety not adapted to frost may die. It would be better to use trusted manufacturers, then you can hope for a guarantee of quality and effective sowing. It is more practical to choose a universal mixture of grass, since it is suitable for traditional uses: children's games, picnics, walks with animals.

It is dangerous to buy seeds at a discount, since their expiration date has either already expired or is nearing expiration, which increases the risk of poor-quality germination. And it is very important not to forget that the lawn area should be sufficiently well lit.

The best time for planting is early September. To ensure proper sowing, it is better to divide the entire grass mixture into two parts and sow one along the lawn and the other across it, scattering it evenly with short movements. After this, everything should be mixed with the soil using a rake or cultivator. Alternative way is a covering with a peat layer or peat substrate 1 cm high. It will be great if you roll the lawn with a roller at the end of the process.

If the weather is favorable, the first shoots will appear within ten days. The grass grows unevenly because different varieties have different speed germination. To see an objective picture, at least three weeks must pass. It is advisable to mow the grass for the first time after its height reaches ten centimeters. At first, you should try not to walk on the lawn, as the crop will be destroyed.

The summer season has come to an end, but gardeners probably still have seeds - purchased with a long shelf life and grown on their own plot - which will have to be sown in the spring. Is it possible to leave the seeds in an unheated room for the winter; will frost damage the seeds? Is it possible to store seeds in a city apartment? Let's figure out how to properly store seeds in winter.

It is important to keep the seeds in conditions that ensure the preservation of high sowing qualities.

When ripe, the seed releases water and dries out. Since life processes can only occur in aquatic environment, then as the seed ripens and dries, they fade. Mature seeds contain a dormant embryo and solid reserve nutrients. They are very dry (12–20% humidity). The hardened seed coat surrounds them like a protective shell.

Maintaining dryness of seeds during storage is the main condition for maintaining their viability.

At what temperature should seeds be stored?

The worst enemy of dormant seeds is warm, moist air. Where it is hot and humid, seeds can lose their viability in a matter of months, and in a few weeks if there is free access to air. Sudden changes in temperature are also unfavorable for them. The ideal conditions for storing most seeds are moderate temperature (12–15°) without significant changes and moderate relative humidity (not higher than 50%).

Seeds should not be left in the winter unheated rooms on garden plots, it is better to transport them to the city, without leaving them in damp and cold for a long time. For damp seeds, shallow freezing (from 0° to -10°) is often disastrous, especially when repeatedly passing through 0°.

When deep frozen (from -15° and below), dry vegetable seeds retain their viability well, but still storing seeds at sub-zero temperatures undesirable. They fall into a state of deep dormancy and, under normal germination conditions, behave as non-germinating. To bring them into an active state, stimulating influences, such as heating, are required.

So where is it better to store seeds at home, in particular in a city apartment? It is clear that seeds cannot be stored in the kitchen due to large differences humidity. They should also not be kept in the refrigerator door, since every time the door is opened, the cold objects on it come into contact with warm air, and moisture condenses on them.

The most suitable place for storing seeds is living rooms, although there are no ideal conditions. Temperature in living rooms several degrees higher than optimal, and when turned on central heating the air in them is too dry (relative humidity in winter is usually about 25%).

But temperature changes there are small and not sharp. In these conditions, drying out is a danger: if the seed moisture content drops below 10–12%, this leads to a rapid loss of germination. And yet we won't find best place for storing seeds than the bottom shelf of a linen closet in the living room or the bottom drawer of a desk.

By packing the seeds in plastic bags or foil, we will limit air access to the seeds and prevent them from drying out.

If you prefer to store your seeds in the refrigerator, keep them in the bottom compartment. Before sowing into seedlings, seeds stored in the cold must be activated.

Or the seeds are removed from the refrigerator in advance (a month before sowing) and kept at a temperature of 25-30 ° C, placing the bags with seeds in plastic bag to avoid drying out.

Or you need a short-term warm-up in hot water- at 50-52°C for 25 minutes, which is also thermal disinfection.

Seed longevity different cultures not the same. Under normal storage conditions, it ranges from 1–2 to 6–8 years. Under particularly favorable conditions, seeds can remain viable much longer than the average periods indicated in the table.

The time during which seeds remain viable depends not only on the type of crop and storage conditions, but also on the weather conditions of the season in which the seeds were received. Seeds grown in warm, sunny summers last longer than those grown in cold and rainy ones.

Shelf life of vegetable seeds

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By the way, you can order seeds in our online store

When purchasing seeds, pay attention to their expiration date. When reviewing your own seeds, determine whether they are suitable for sowing by comparing them with the shelf life limits given below.

●10-12 years - purslane;
●6-8 years - watermelon, melon, kale, cucumber, squash, pumpkin;
●5-7 years - endive, escarole, sweet corn;
●5-6 years - vegetable peas, watercress, beans;
●4-5 years - white cabbage, Brussels sprouts, Chinese, cauliflower and kohlrabi, radishes, turnips, red beets, asparagus, tomato, physalis;
●3-5 years - eggplant, okra, hyssop, broccoli, red cabbage, Peking and Savoy cabbage,
●3-4 years - basil, salad mustard, oregano, chervil, coriander (cilantro), onion and leek, lovage, chard, carrots, borage, pepper, lettuce, chicory, spinach;
●2-3 years - anise, katran, catnip, onion, marjoram, lemon balm, peppermint, parsley, rhubarb, cumin, dill, fennel, sorrel, tarragon;
●1-2 years - parsnips, celery, scorcieria, savory.

It must be borne in mind that as the storage period of seeds increases, their germination rate decreases, the vigor of growth changes slightly, and the number of female flowers in a number of crops increases.

✔ Expired seeds

By the way, even if the seeds have expired, do not rush to throw them away. For example, pumpkin seeds (zucchini, squash, cucumbers) do not lose their viability for 6-8 years. And even after the expiration of the shelf life indicated on the label, they can sprout normally.

Tomato seeds are slightly less viable - 5-6 years, but almost every summer resident had the opportunity to verify the high germination of older tomato seeds. The safety margin for seeds of pepper, eggplant, beets, and cabbage is 3-5 years.

Well, the seeds of onions, dill, carrots, parsnips, and parsley lose their sowing qualities faster than others. In favorable conditions, seeds can retain their germination capacity much longer, but in unfavorable conditions they lose it before the deadline.

There is virtually no doubt about the germination of seeds packed in foil bags. Unless the packages are opened, of course. Old seeds should definitely be checked in advance, so that if they are unsuitable, there is time to buy fresh ones.

First, just inspect the seeds. If they look beautiful, without obvious flaws, and seem cool and slightly damp to the touch, then there is hope that the seeds have retained their germination capacity. Seeds that are wrinkled, gray in appearance, dry and warm to the touch cannot be awakened to life.

An exception is sugar pea seeds: their wrinkling should not scare you. The germination of seeds of dill, carrots, celery, parsley, parsnip, caraway, and marjoram can be determined by their smell: old seeds lose their inherent aroma and, therefore, germination.

Seed germination, timing of germination and ripening of vegetable crops

Very often gardeners ask such questions.
➤How to check seed germination?
➤In how many days will they sprout?
➤What are the germination times?
➤When to sow and when to wait for shoots?
➤How many days does it take for the seeds of a particular vegetable to germinate? ➤When will the first shoots emerge from the ground?
➤How many days should I wait for the harvest after germination?
➤When can you harvest?

Knowing the timing of germination of one or another vegetable crop is very important for calculating the date of sowing vegetables for seedlings.
Remember that all seeds have an expiration date, after which germination can be doubted. For example, the shelf life of celery seeds, onions, trumpets, leeks, sorrel, rhubarb is 2-3 years, dill, parsley, tomatoes, eggplants, peppers, carrots are 3-4 years, peas, beans, cabbage, radishes, turnips, salad mustard - 4-6 years, watermelon, melon, pumpkin, cucumber, zucchini, squash - from 6 to 8 years.

Beet seeds can be stored for 10 or even 20 years. And beans do not lose their viability for up to 700 years (it’s hard to even imagine). These periods cannot be considered strictly established.

If certain conditions are observed (required humidity, temperature, tightness), then the seeds of many crops can be stored for a longer time. And under poor storage conditions, their germination rate can sharply decrease. A useful procedure when preparing seeds for sowing is calibration.

It allows you to separate quality flowers from barren flowers. To cull barren flowers, it is customary to dilute salt in water, throw in the seeds, and leave them for a while (from half an hour to 2 hours).

Those that float up must be thrown away. There is no 100% germination rate, but you can find out what percentage will sprout in advance. It’s easy to determine the germination rate of seeds. We need to create for them favorable conditions for growth. We take the seeds of any crop and place them between two layers of gauze.

You don’t need to take a lot to check germination. 8-10 pieces are enough. Cover the seeds soaked in gauze with film or a saucer on top and place them where it is warm.

✔shelf life of vegetable seeds

Periodically, at least once a day, ventilate to prevent mold from appearing, check whether they have sprouted. Seeds that have roots or sprouts are considered sprouted. Each crop has its own time period after which they sprout.

If the radish, for example, did not sprout after 7 days, and the zucchini after 10 days, then do not even try to sow such seeds. If they haven’t sprouted at home, they definitely won’t germinate in the garden.

It also happens that the test showed good germination, but you sowed them in a bowl for seedlings, but they just don’t sprout. There is a very simple way to prepare seeds - to “force” the seedlings to emerge from the ground faster.

True, it is more suitable for small containers. Place your bowl with the sown seeds inside a plastic bag and breathe into it. Then quickly tie the bag and place it in the same place.
The carbon dioxide you exhale and its concentration inside the bag will have a beneficial effect on the seedlings. Soon you will see the first shoots. You can increase germination by warming it up. To do this, place the seeds in a thermos with water at a temperature of 40-50°C.

☀ Keep them there for at least 6 hours.
This method is contraindicated for tomato seeds!
It is better to subject them to a hardening procedure. Rinse the seeds calibrated in salt water. It is advisable to disinfect them with a solution of manganese or a solution of colloidal silver.

After all this, place the bowl with the seeds in a plastic bag and put it in the refrigerator where you store the vegetables for 10-12 hours. Repeat this procedure every day for a week.

That is, the seeds are at room temperature for 12 hours, and the remaining 12 hours are in the refrigerator. Seeds of crops such as carrots, celery, parsley take a very long time to germinate, because the essential oils that are present in their shell prevent the flow of water to the embryo. Therefore, the seeds of these plants must be treated before sowing. Place the seeds of these crops on a gauze (one gauze - one vegetable), place it in a saucer and pour thin layer vodka (40°).

Leave them there for 15 minutes. During this time most essential oils will dissolve. Then rinse the gauze with seeds in cool water several times.

Dry until it flows. All. You can sow. Thanks to this processing method, the seeds will sprout much faster.

When purchasing seeds, pay attention to their expiration date. When reviewing your own seeds, determine whether they are suitable for sowing by comparing them with the shelf life limits given below.

●10-12 years - purslane;
●6-8 years - watermelon, melon, kale, cucumber, squash, pumpkin;
●5-7 years - endive, escarole, sweet corn;
●5-6 years - vegetable peas, watercress, beans;
●4-5 years - white cabbage, Brussels sprouts, Chinese, cauliflower and kohlrabi, radishes, turnips, red beets, asparagus, tomatoes, physalis;
●3-5 years - eggplant, okra, hyssop, broccoli, red cabbage, Peking and Savoy cabbage,
●3-4 years - basil, salad mustard, oregano, chervil, coriander (cilantro), onion and leek, lovage, chard, carrots, borage, pepper, lettuce, chicory, spinach;
●2-3 years - anise, katran, catnip, onion, marjoram, lemon balm, peppermint, parsley, rhubarb, cumin, dill, fennel, sorrel, tarragon;
●1-2 years - parsnips, celery, scorcieria, savory.

It must be borne in mind that as the storage period of seeds increases, their germination rate decreases, the vigor of growth changes slightly, and the number of female flowers in a number of crops increases.

Expired seeds

By the way, even if the seeds have expired, do not rush to throw them away. For example, pumpkin seeds (zucchini, squash, cucumbers) do not lose their viability for 6-8 years. And even after the expiration of the shelf life indicated on the label, they can sprout normally.
Tomato seeds are slightly less viable - 5-6 years, but almost every summer resident had the opportunity to verify the high germination of older tomato seeds. The safety margin for seeds of pepper, eggplant, beets, and cabbage is 3-5 years.
Well, the seeds of onions, dill, carrots, parsnips, and parsley lose their sowing qualities faster than others. In favorable conditions, seeds can retain their germination capacity much longer, but in unfavorable conditions they lose it before the deadline.
There is virtually no doubt about the germination of seeds packed in foil bags. Unless the packages are opened, of course. Old seeds should definitely be checked in advance, so that if they are unsuitable, there is time to buy fresh ones.
First, just inspect the seeds. If they look beautiful, without obvious flaws, and seem cool and slightly damp to the touch, then there is hope that the seeds have retained their germination capacity. Seeds that are wrinkled, gray in appearance, dry and warm to the touch cannot be awakened to life.
An exception is sugar pea seeds: their wrinkling should not scare you. The germination of seeds of dill, carrots, celery, parsley, parsnip, caraway, and marjoram can be determined by smell: old seeds lose their inherent aroma and, therefore, germination.

Seed germination, timing of germination and ripening of vegetable crops
Very often gardeners ask such questions.
➤How to check seed germination?
➤In how many days will they sprout?
➤What are the germination times?
➤When to sow and when to wait for shoots?
➤How many days does it take for the seeds of a particular vegetable to germinate? ➤When will the first shoots emerge from the ground?
➤How many days should I wait for the harvest after germination?
➤When can you harvest?

Knowing the timing of germination of a particular vegetable crop is very important for calculating the date of sowing vegetables for seedlings.
Remember that all seeds have an expiration date, after which germination can be doubted. For example, the shelf life of celery seeds, onions, trumpets, leeks, sorrel, rhubarb is 2-3 years, dill, parsley, tomatoes, eggplants, peppers, carrots are 3-4 years, peas, beans, cabbage, radishes, turnips, salad mustard - 4-6 years, watermelon, melon, pumpkin, cucumber, zucchini, squash - from 6 to 8 years.
Beet seeds can be stored for 10 or even 20 years. And beans do not lose their viability for up to 700 years (it’s hard to even imagine). These periods cannot be considered strictly established.
If certain conditions are observed (required humidity, temperature, tightness), then the seeds of many crops can be stored for a longer time. And under poor storage conditions, their germination rate can sharply decrease. A useful procedure when preparing seeds for sowing is calibration.
It allows you to separate quality flowers from barren flowers. To cull barren flowers, it is customary to dilute salt in water, throw in the seeds, and leave them for a while (from half an hour to 2 hours).
Those that float up must be thrown away. There is no 100% germination rate, but you can find out what percentage will sprout in advance. It’s easy to determine the germination rate of seeds. We need to create favorable conditions for them to grow. We take the seeds of any crop and place them between two layers of gauze.
You don’t need to take a lot to check germination. 8-10 pieces are enough. Cover the seeds soaked in gauze with film or a saucer on top and place them where it is warm.

shelf life of vegetable seeds

Periodically, at least once a day, ventilate to prevent mold from appearing, check whether they have sprouted. Seeds that have roots or sprouts are considered sprouted. Each crop has its own time period after which they sprout.
If the radish, for example, did not sprout after 7 days, and the zucchini after 10 days, then do not even try to sow such seeds. If they haven’t sprouted at home, they definitely won’t germinate in the garden.
It also happens that the test showed good germination, but you sowed them in a bowl for seedlings, but they just don’t sprout. There is a very simple way to prepare seeds - to “force” the seedlings to emerge from the ground faster.
True, it is more suitable for small containers. Place your bowl with the sown seeds inside a plastic bag and breathe into it. Then quickly tie the bag and place it in the same place.
The carbon dioxide you exhale and its concentration inside the bag will have a beneficial effect on the seedlings. Soon you will see the first shoots. You can increase germination by warming it up. To do this, place the seeds in a thermos with water at a temperature of 40-50°C.
Keep them there for at least 6 hours.
This method is contraindicated for tomato seeds!
It is better to subject them to a hardening procedure. Rinse the seeds calibrated in salt water. It is advisable to disinfect them with a solution of manganese or a solution of colloidal silver.
After all this, place the bowl with the seeds in a plastic bag and put it in the refrigerator where you store the vegetables for 10-12 hours. Repeat this procedure every day for a week.
That is, the seeds are at room temperature for 12 hours, and the remaining 12 hours are in the refrigerator. Seeds of crops such as carrots, celery, parsley take a very long time to germinate, because the essential oils that are present in their shell prevent the flow of water to the embryo. Therefore, the seeds of these plants must be treated before sowing. Place the seeds of these crops on a gauze (one gauze - one vegetable), place it in a saucer and pour a thin layer of vodka (40°).
Leave them there for 15 minutes. During this time, most of the essential oils will dissolve. Then rinse the gauze with seeds in cool water several times.
Dry until it flows. All. You can sow. Thanks to this processing method, the seeds will sprout much faster.

Recently, lawn grass has become increasingly popular among domestic agronomists. Beginners in this business often wonder how long after planting the grass will germinate. The answer will depend on many factors, which will be discussed in today’s article.

How long does it take for lawn grass to sprout after sowing?

How long does it take for lawn grass planted in spring to emerge? How quickly does a lawn emerge after sowing in the summer? Late spring and early summer are the most favorable time frames to sow grass mixtures for the lawn. Several factors depend on how quickly seedlings emerge. First of all, this is a type of lawn grass.

  • Red fescue is the main component of shade-tolerant grass mixtures. Subject to all agrotechnical rules and favorable weather conditions, seedlings should sprout in 7-12 days.
  • To grow a parterre lawn, several varieties of fescue, bentgrass and meadow grass are used. When planting in spring and summer, seedlings should germinate after 9-13 days. If you sow in the fall, the seedlings will sprout in the spring.
  • To decorate the Moorish lawn, floral and cereal crops. Depending on weather conditions (temperature and humidity), the quality of the seed and compliance with the rules of care, the duration of seedlings may be from 9 to 16 days.
  • An ordinary lawn in its own way decorative properties not inferior to the above, however, there are several varieties. Bluegrass will take 10-20 days to germinate, while ryegrass will take at least a week.

Note! To sprout sports lawn, it usually takes two weeks.

How long does it take for lawn grass to sprout after sowing?

Seedlings do not germinate well: reasons

If the grass mixture was successfully chosen, then soon the agronomist will be able to contemplate an attractive green living carpet on his plot. But in some areas, seedlings may germinate poorly or unevenly. There may be several reasons:

  • Failure to comply with all sowing rules. The optimal immersion depth of the seed is no more than 2-5 mm. In this case, the seeds are protected from drying out and attacks by pests, they are able to provide for themselves optimal quantity nutrients from the soil.
  • Another equally common problem is an uneven lawn. Most often, seedlings do not appear in lowlands and on hills. To achieve the desired result, it is recommended to first level the area allocated for the lawn before sowing.

If seedlings do not appear at all, then you should familiarize yourself with the following most common reasons:

  • Lack of drainage layer, poor drainage.
  • Low soil moisture.
  • Wrong time for sowing.
  • Excess or deficiency of the norm for sowing.
  • Nutrient deficiency in the soil.

Seedlings do not germinate well

How long does the lawn grow, what prevents the seeds from germinating? These and many other questions concern newcomers to this field. Experts recommend paying attention to the following points:

  • Often the reason for the lack of seedlings is the use of low-quality seed material. Before purchasing seeds, you need to pay attention to the expiration dates and quality of the seed.
  • In order for plants to actively develop, mineral and organic fertilizers must be added to the soil.

Lawn grass can create an attractive picture on every summer cottage, but in order to get the desired result, you need to familiarize yourself with agrotechnical rules and cultivation features.