How to prime alloy wheels for painting. What paint to paint car rims? Preparing the disc surface before painting

Every car owner sooner or later faces the problem of aging. car rims– after endless kilometers on domestic roads, they get scratched, and if the paint doesn’t peel off, it definitely loses its original appearance. And it also happens when, after buying a new car, you want something more original and, most importantly, unique, so that no one else has it. Therefore, the question often arises about how and with what to paint cast or stamped wheels on a car yourself, so as not to mess up the result.

You can, of course, buy new wheels or take the car to a service center so that the technicians can provide first-class service, but all this costs a lot of money. And if you doubt whether the wheels are painted yourself, look at the attached photos and see for yourself. In this article, we will analyze the entire process step by step to understand how to properly paint cast and stamped wheels on a car. Moreover, the process will not take much of your time or money.

What paint to paint car wheels

First of all, you need to decide what paint to paint your car's rims, and, of course, what color. For this purpose, there are two types of paints: powder and acrylic; Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages that you should pay attention to before choosing.

  • Powder paint is durable, wear-resistant, and can last a long time. The coating is not deformed or scratched. This is production paint, since it is what is used to coat new, freshly manufactured, alloy wheels. Negative side– complex application technology requiring special equipment; inability to paint part of the disc, for example, a scratched area.
  • Acrylic paint gives more room for imagination due to the variety of color palettes. It is easier to apply and distribute it over the disk, and you can also expose a small piece of the surface. However, this coating is less resistant to damage, and if you drive carelessly over bumps, pieces of paint can quickly break off.

When choosing what paint to paint stamped, cast or forged wheels, it is better to give preference to powder, since it will last much longer, but if you still want brightness and variety, and you are ready for careful care of the wheels, then try acrylic - then for sure you can make your car the most original.

Preparing to paint rims on a car

If when deciding how to paint your car’s rims yourself, it doesn’t really matter what they are like “from birth,” but for the process of preparing for painting this is a significant nuance.

For example, how to properly paint alloy wheels. First, they must be carefully prepared - primed with a special primer intended for non-ferrous metals, otherwise the paint will peel off quickly. Steel and forged wheels do not necessarily require this, but the primer provides a base for the paint, then it adheres and sticks better.

The first stage of preparation is removing the old paint. To do this, use a stiff brush and a special detergent, which will help you easily remove layers of old paint from disks. If it remains in small areas that cannot be reached with a brush, use an awl or a thin screwdriver. Remember, in order to properly paint cast or stamped wheels yourself, when removing old paint, it is better not to damage the disk.

Next, go over the entire surface with coarse sandpaper - this process will take a little longer as you need to thoroughly sand the wheel if you want to paint it correctly. Gradually move to finer sandpaper until you have sanded the entire surface. Tip: periodically water the disc with water - then it will be better polished, and the sanded material will be removed without leaving a trace.

If the disk is not new, then you will need finishing putty, which needs to treat the surface and putty all chips, scratches and other defects that appear on the disc. After this, sand again with fine sandpaper, not forgetting to water.

  1. Dry the surface after the last step and degrease it with a solvent.
  2. Start priming with inside car rim, only then cover the outer one.
  3. Shake the can of primer periodically while spraying so that it applies evenly; keep it about 30 centimeters from the disc.
  4. Apply two or three layers, allowing each to dry thoroughly - to speed up the process, use a hair dryer, a hair dryer or a regular cosmetic one, available in almost every apartment.

Allow all layers of primer to dry - for this purpose it is better to start painting the next day.

How to paint wheels on a car? Step-by-step instruction

After all the preparatory measures have been carried out, you can paint the car's rims. To do this you will need the following equipment:

  • paint and varnish (we recommend choosing from the same manufacturer - they will interact better with each other);
  • a piece of fabric or polyethylene on which you will place the disc;
  • protective film and masking tape to cover the wheel;
  • sandpaper or abrasive paste;
  • polish and silicone grease (optional).

Step 1. Spread a clean cloth or polyethylene on a free area - this will protect the surface from dust. Then cover the tire protective film and secure with the provided masking tape. Try not to let it climb onto the surface of the disks themselves.

Step 2. Carefully read the instructions for the selected paint and apply it following the manufacturer's recommendations. In this case, proceed with the same caution as with the primer - rims paint in several layers, allowing each layer to dry. The exact exposure time depends on the paint, usually you need to wait about 10 minutes. Next, apply 2 layers of clear varnish, also following the instructions. The layers should be thin, the drying time before applying the next one is from 3 to 5 minutes.

Step 3. After completing the process, let the disc dry thoroughly, and in general, you can finish there. But to add shine, after about a week, go over the surface with polish - after that, the car wheels will shine like new. And the rubber can be renewed with silicone grease.

If necessary, you can paint the wheels again if the first painting did not bring the desired result or a certain defect remains. Now you already have the necessary experience, and things will go faster and the result will be better.

You have to work hard to paint chrome wheels - the old coating cannot be easily removed either with sandpaper or grinder. We advise you to try sandblasting, it cleans the surface more thoroughly. The top can be coated with chrome (if, for example, a separate area is damaged and needs restoration) or the disc can be painted as described above.

So, you can paint car rims yourself. To do this, you only need special paint, varnish, time and a little skill. Knowing certain subtleties, you can get results no worse than turning to professionals at a car repair shop, but at a much lower price. Look at the photos and videos that clearly demonstrate the process, and get started.

They constantly experience various mechanical loads, are in direct contact with road reagents, and are often in mud or water. Also, the discs are hit by stones, there is always a risk of scratching the disc against curbs, etc. As a result appearance disks may noticeably deteriorate.

The solution in this situation is to paint the car's rims. On the one hand, powder coating of wheels is common today, but the price of such a service is usually not suitable for owners of many cars, especially budget ones.

If you paint the wheels yourself, in the case of casting, not everything is so simple. In other words, painting alloy wheels with your own hands will require certain knowledge and skills. Next, we will look at how to paint alloy wheels, as well as what you need to consider if you need to paint wheels of this type on one's own.

Read in this article

When and why should you paint alloy wheels?

As it may seem, alloy wheels do not require maintenance. In fact, this is far from the case. First of all, they need to be regularly removed from dirt, washed and cleaned. At the same time, you should not use aggressive chemicals when washing, so as not to damage the protective varnish coating.

Further, in winter, varnish and paint are destroyed from the aggressive effects of salt and reagents. Flying stones and mechanical damage also create protective coating microcracks. Then chips and other defects appear. The salt and chemicals that get there from the roads are already under paint coating actively destroys the paintwork and the disc material itself. As a result, large-scale paint peeling occurs.

How to polish car headlights yourself: grinding headlights and polishing optics made of plastic and glass. How to polish headlights, subtleties and nuances. Recommendations.

Steel wheels of passenger cars are quite durable parts. A steel disk made by stamping cannot become unusable over time. The only thing is that with prolonged use the paint gradually scratches. To prevent rust from forming, the discs are replaced or repainted. We talk about how to paint stamped wheels in the next chapter. Enjoy reading.

It is clear that it is best to clean the disc “to the metal” before painting. In this case, only sandpaper (ISO P400-P1500) and, perhaps, a drill with a metal brush are used.

This is how you remove a layer of old paint

The problem is that such cleaning will take more than one day. But the result will please you with its appearance:

Fully cleaned steel disc

In order not to waste time, the surface is only cleaned of rust, then sanded and degreased. " Old paint” remains the same. This option is also considered acceptable. Let us list the stages of preparation “step by step”:

  1. Thoroughly rinse the disc with water. To simplify the task, use a brush;
  2. Mechanical rust removal;
  3. If necessary, you can use a rust converter: apply the product, leave it for 2 hours, then grind the surface and clean it. You cannot use water!
  4. Degreasing (white spirit or solvent 646 is suitable);
  5. if the wheel has obvious defects.
  6. Apply two layers of primer with an interval of 20 minutes.

On last step Universal acrylic primer is used. These products are sold in aerosol packaging.

Application of primer

Note that phosphoric acid can act as a rust converter. And dry the soil if finishing layer applied, it takes a day.

It is important to know: once a mark has been made on the metal with sandpaper, water should not touch the surface in principle. Use organic solvents for cleaning.

The priming itself is a dress rehearsal for the painting process. To simplify these “processes”, the disk can be placed on an inverted bucket. The rim is then painted by turning the disc with the desired side facing you. As you can see, everything is simple.

You may have to work with sandpaper after applying the primer. Sanding with P1500 sandpaper is carried out before painting, which is mandatory.

Painting process

So we got to the most important thing. Let's look at how to properly paint stamped wheels so that you don't have to redo everything from scratch later. In principle, there is nothing complicated in this process:

Applying paint to the rim

Of course, not everyone has a spray gun, nor does everyone have special equipment. Therefore, an upside down bucket, unnecessary tires, etc. will help again. The main thing is to be smart, as the author of this photo did:

Homemade equipment for disks

Also, it is advisable to follow these tips:

  • When using an aerosol, the can must be shaken periodically;
  • The temperature of the aerosol package should not be too low: 30-35 degrees is the norm;
  • Keep the aerosol at a distance of 20 cm from the surface (no less);
  • When painting, you should not stay in one place for a long time, otherwise streaks will form.

The paint is applied in two or three layers, maintaining an interval of 10 minutes. An hour after painting, the surface is treated with varnish. enjoy finished product possible in a day. But it’s better to wait 60-80 hours – during this time the varnish gains maximum strength.

Typically, acrylic paint, glossy or matte, is used to paint metal. The primer for this paint is also acrylic (universal). There are also nitro paints. All of the above materials are packaged in an aerosol. But, as is easy to understand, not every primer is suitable for nitro enamels. Be aware that nitrogen based primers and paints are prohibited for use in most countries.

Here are some tips that are known even to beginners:

  1. The higher the air temperature, the faster drying occurs;
  2. The color of the primer should approximately match the color of the paint;
  3. The aerosol must be shaken before use. The packaging temperature, moreover, should not be lower than 25 degrees. This advice applies to any aerosol: with paint, primer or varnish.

It was said how to paint stamped wheels if you know that the work will be done with your own hands. And therefore, such an option as using powder paints. Good luck.

According to reviews, 4 discs require: 2 cans of dye (450 ml), one can of primer (450 ml), one can of varnish.

Unfolding is not necessary

Sometimes, in order to complete painting faster, rims are painted without removing the tires. First, the pressure is reduced to the maximum, and then, as can be seen from the photo, masking tape is used:

Scotch tape pasted under the edge of the rim

Probably, comments are unnecessary here. Do the same to save time.

Hub like a lathe

There is a method that allows you to quickly paint the rim:

  1. Let's say there is rust on the surface of the rim. To find out about this, you will have to disassemble the disk (Fig. 1);
  2. Next, the disk is mounted on the hub, the engine is started and the gear is engaged (Fig. 2);
  3. If you are using a left-hand hub, turn the steering wheel to the left, and vice versa;
  4. Using cloth-based sandpaper, sanding is carried out (Fig. 3). It is better to fix the sandpaper on a block;
  5. Just as “preparation” was done in step 4, painting can be done (Fig. 4).

All steps are illustrated in the photo:

Use specified method at one's own risk.

How to make a border

You can buy contour tape to paint it in two colors. Standard option two-tone color – border near the rim. The result of all work will look like this:

Stamped discs with border

The border color is the first layer of paint. Or rather, two or three layers. When doing two-tone painting, keep the following in mind:

  • Allow the paint to dry before applying the tape. Which takes 15-20 minutes;
  • Do not use regular tape along with the contour one. It will come off along with the paint;
  • In the example shown above, painting could be done like this: 2-3 layers of red enamel, drying, one “outer” layer.

The last layer must be dried finally. Then varnish treatment is performed. Know that the width of the contour tape is always 6 mm. But this is not a problem, since polyethylene can be glued under the tape.

Express painting: four discs in 15 minutes, example in video

If you need to paint stamped steel wheels, you need to do it urgently and preferably without removing the rubber, then this method will definitely suit you. True, the wheels will still have to be removed.

But this is approximately the result you should get in the end.

So, let's start with the tools and materials that will be needed to prepare the wheels and paint them.

  • Bulgarian;
  • Brush (attachment for grinder);
  • Abrasive sandpaper;
  • Rust converter;
  • Acrylic primer*;
  • Paint* (or base for metallics);
  • Varnish* (if we paint metallic);
  • Antisilicone or other degreaser;
  • Clean napkins.
  • Plastic

*Try to take painting materials from the same manufacturer in order to avoid their incompatibility and subsequent bitter disappointment.

Those who own painting equipment and tools will certainly use them. And in this article I will tell you how to paint stamped steel wheels using aerosol cans with acrylic primer and paint.

If you want to paint your rims in a metallic color, then instead of regular acrylic paint you will need a base (base) and varnish.

Let's go... We jack it up, remove the wheels, put the car on supports or fix it in another convenient way.

This is the disk we have at the moment.

The first, longest and dirtiest part of the job is to clean the rims from dirt, rust and peeling paint. To do this, you will need a grinder with a brush attachment (you can also use a drill). And also abrasive sandpaper with a fairly coarse abrasive P80-P180.
Other cleaning methods are also possible, for example, using sandblasting, but then you will most likely need to remove the rubber from the rims.

Depending on the corrosion, use brushes of varying degrees of hardness.
The discs should be cleaned until the rust is completely removed.

Don't forget to wrap it with electrical tape or masking tape nipple nipple to protect it from damage.

As a result, after cleaning you should get something like the following.

If after cleaning the stamped disc mechanically(grinder, drill) there are places where the brush did not reach, then use abrasive sandpaper and use your hands to achieve the desired result.

Now you need to blow out the disk compressed air from debris, if, of course, you have a compressor in the garage. If it is not there, then use a clean rag or napkin with a degreasing composition.

Follow the manufacturer's instructions on the converter bottle.

The next step is applying acrylic primer. To do this, protect the rubber from spraying with primer.

This needs to be done by sliding thin plastic rectangles under the rim, which can be cut from any stationery folders or other material. In the end, you can just carefully seal it with masking tape. As an option, to protect the rubber, you can apply a thin layer of grease, which can then be easily washed off.

Now you need to degrease the surface of the disc with a clean napkin and, thoroughly shaking the can of primer, apply the first layer of primer with broad gestures, without stopping, trying to cover the previous one by one third.

Before applying the second layer, you should wait for the primer to dry (drying between layers for 3-5 minutes at +20 o).

Apply a second layer of primer. It is better to do this perpendicular to the first layer, not forgetting the edge of the rim.

If two layers of soil completely cover the surface of the disk, then this is enough; if not, then another 1-3 layers should be applied.

Remember! The primer, as well as the paint in aerosol cans, is made more liquid than when using a spray gun in conjunction with a compressor. Therefore, try to prevent drips! It's better to make more thin layers than one fat one that can leak.

After the primer has been applied, there are two options for applying paint:

1. “ON WET”

If after applying the primer there are no streaks, debris or other paint defects left on the surface of the disc, then after 20 minutes you can begin applying the first layer of paint.

2. “DRY”

This method is used if it is necessary to correct existing defects.
The applied primer should be dried for at least 2-3 hours, depending on the ambient temperature. To speed up the process, you can use forced drying.

But, we work quickly, so we use the first method - we will paint the wheels wet.

The next step is to apply acrylic paint to the disc. In our case, it is black.

Paint, like primer, should be applied in several layers (usually 2-3). Paint can also bleed when overfilled, so if you are not confident in your abilities, it is better to apply more thin layers.

After applying the last layer you should get a similar result.

If you want to paint stamped steel wheels in a metallic color, for example silver, then instead of paint you should apply a base the desired color and a clear varnish on top.

And one last piece of advice.
If dust from paint or primer does get on the rubber, you can wipe it off with regular Scotch-Brite.

About painting alloy wheels in the near future.
Happy painting! If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask below in the comments.

As Henry Ford said, 80% of a car's appearance is its wheels. There are both cast and stamped options. Naturally, the first ones look much better. But today we will talk about how to make steel wheels no worse than cast ones. For this we do not need special tools or a special room. Moreover, it can be produced in an ordinary garage. Well, let's look at how to do this.

Choosing paint

The final result will depend on the correct choice. There are several paint options:

  • Powder. As reviews note, they are the most durable. The composition is created on the basis of dry polymer material. Often, this technology for painting stamped wheels is used at the factory by the manufacturers themselves. This method is rarely used at home, as it requires a spray gun and special skills. The cost of the powder composition is the highest among others. Therefore, the question of its use on budget steel wheels remains open.
  • Acrylic. Widely distributed among car owners. Typically sold in aerosol cans. They have high adhesion and can stay on the surface for more than a year. The cost of one can of acrylic paint on average ranges from 200 to 500 rubles.
  • Liquid rubber. This technology came to us from the USA. The method involves applying a rubber compound (not paint) to the surface of the disc. What is remarkable about this composition? Unlike powder and acrylic products, this coating can be removed at any time without damaging the previous, factory coat of paint. It looks like this:

However, the cost of a can of liquid rubber 2-3 times higher than acrylic. And the composition lies unevenly on the surface, forming streaks. Therefore, the most budget and practical option- This is a can of acrylic paint. You can choose any color - from banal black to pink or purple.

Tools and materials

Having decided on the paint, you should prepare the necessary set of tools and materials. For painting to be successful, we need:

  • Primer (if the surface is cleaned down to metal).
  • Sandpaper.
  • Rust converter (in advanced cases).
  • Degreaser.
  • Protective gloves.
  • A piece of clean rags.

Concerning specialized tools, this can be a drill with an abrasive attachment and a spray gun. The latter is expensive to use. In addition, working with it requires certain skills and experience. Spray paint is a great alternative to a spray gun. Moreover, if the operation is not performed in commercial volumes, once a year or even less often.


The ideal option is to break up the tires. But this requires additional expenditure of time and money. In addition, not every motorist has a set of spare wheels. Therefore, work is often carried out on site. But painting stamped rims on the car itself is not the right decision. This will cause a lot of leaks. In addition, paint pollen can get on the arches and other body elements.

After removing the wheels from the car, we clean them of the previous paint. If you just need to change the color while the paintwork is completely intact, you can apply the composition without stripping. As practice shows, it adheres well to such a surface. But in this case, you shouldn’t apply primer - it simply won’t dry out. We perform priming only on bare metal. You can clean it either with a drill attachment or by hand, with a coarse-grained one. If there is rust, the area should be treated with a converter. Next, we degrease the surface. An anti-silicone product containing white spirit is suitable for this. The composition perfectly removes dirt, greasy deposits, as well as some acrylic paints.


If you want to paint the “stamps” quickly, without removing the rubber, you need to properly glue its sides. You can do this in several ways:

  • It’s trivial to paste it over all the places where the presence of paint is undesirable.
  • With cards. We install them vertically in the groove between the sidewall of the tire and the disk shelf.

  • Large A3 paper (the thicker the better). We arrange the sheets in a circle. We secure them with pieces of tape. You will get a kind of “drum” that will prevent paint from getting onto the sidewall of the tires.
  • Old tires. Cut out from unnecessary tire sidewall of the same diameter and simply apply it to our wheel. This way we will prevent pollen from getting onto the surface.

Let's get started

After full preparation We paint stamped wheels. Shake the container thoroughly. Place the wheel on flat surface. If the disc has been stripped down to metal, first apply a primer. We make a developing layer at a distance of 40 centimeters.

It should be as thin as possible. After it dries, we walk around the perimeter again. But the layer should be thicker. We hold the torch at a distance of 25-30 centimeters. Typically, during priming, the composition is applied in three stages.

How to paint the wheels next? After the surface has dried (about 10 minutes for each layer), acrylic is applied. Similar to the previous case, first they do surface application. After the developing layer, the entire disk is covered with paint. To speed up the drying process, you can use a home hair dryer. But do not bring it close to the surface (30 centimeters or less), otherwise drips may form. But the answer to the question of how to paint wheels with your own hands does not end there. There is one more important point.

The final stage of painting stamped discs is varnishing. The process of applying it is no different from priming or To give steel wheels the desired shine, two layers of varnish are enough. Its drying time is about 10 minutes. After this, we expect the final hardening of the paintwork. This usually takes 1-2 hours. Next, the disk is ready for installation.

How to hide defects?

It often happens that the paintwork has chips and scratches. But there is no point in deleting the entire layer. How to hide unwanted defects? To do this, we apply “anti-gravel” to the surface. Thanks to its shagreen, the composition will ideally hide all defects. It's simple and convenient.

So, we found out how to paint stamped wheels at home.