Life is a game. A playful mood for life. How to buy it? Absurd thoughts attract good luck

He did not profess any one religion and believed that the most important criterion a person's life is whether he is happy or not. Osho himself said that he does not have a system, because systems are initially dead.

At birth he was given the name Chandra Mohan Jein, but in history he remained as “Osho” ​​- in literal translation"monk" or "teacher". His instructions truly inspire and force you to reconsider your approach to life.

Oh happiness

What difference does it make who is stronger, who is smarter, who is more beautiful, who is richer? After all, in the end, the only thing that matters is whether you are a happy person or not.

People take everything so seriously that it becomes a burden to them. Learn to laugh more. To me, laughter is as holy as prayer.

If you are rich, don't think about it, if you are poor, don't take your poverty seriously. If you are able to live in peace, remembering that the world is only a performance, you will be free, you will not be touched by suffering. Suffering only comes from taking life seriously. Start treating life like a game, enjoy it.

About love

Love, and let love be as natural to you as breathing. If you love a person, don't demand anything from him; otherwise you will build a wall between you at the very beginning. Don't expect anything. If something comes to you, be grateful. If nothing comes, then it doesn’t need to come, there’s no need for it. You have no right to wait.

Never mistake anything else for love... In the presence of another, suddenly you feel happy. Just because you are together, you feel ecstasy. The very presence of another satisfies something deep in your heart... something begins to sing in your heart. The very presence of another helps you to be more collected, you become more individual, more centered, more balanced. Then it's love. Love is not a passion, not an emotion. Love is a very deep understanding that someone completes you. Someone makes you a vicious circle. The presence of another increases your presence. Love gives you the freedom to be yourself.

About my path

First, listen to yourself. Learn to enjoy your own company. Become so happy that you will no longer be bothered whether someone comes to you or not. You are already full. You don't wait in trepidation to see if someone will knock on your door. Are you at home already. If someone comes, great. No - that's also good. Only with such an attitude can you start a relationship.

Every action leads to an immediate result. Be careful and observe. A mature person is one who has found himself, who has determined what is right and wrong, good and bad for him. He did it himself, that's why he has huge advantage to those who have no opinion.

We are all unique. No one has the right to tell you what is right and what is wrong. Life is an experiment in which we define these changing concepts every day. Sometimes you may do something wrong, but that is how you will benefit greatly.

About God

There are times when God comes and knocks on your door. It can happen in one of a million ways - through a woman, a man, a child, love, a flower, a sunset or a sunrise... Be open to hear it.

About fear

Courage is moving into the unknown, despite all fears. Courage is not the absence of fear. Fearlessness happens when you become bolder and bolder. But at the very beginning the difference between a coward and a daredevil is not so great. The only difference is that a coward listens to his fears and follows them, while a daredevil leaves them aside and moves on.

About life

You change every moment. You are like a river. Today it flows in one direction and climate. Tomorrow will be different. I never saw the same face twice. Everything changes. Nothing stands still. But it takes very discerning eyes to see this. Otherwise the dust settles and everything becomes old; it seems that everything has already happened.

When you feel like everything is boring, kick yourself hard. Yourself, not another.

Recipes of fate. Master of Life Textbook – 2 Valery Sinelnikov

Lesson 58 About treating life like a game

About treating life like a game

Shakespeare was right when he said that the whole world is a theater, and the people in it are actors. This is true. From childhood we learn roles, we are taught to play a certain game. We learn its rules. But then we forget that this is just a game. That the rules can be changed, you can play a different game, according to your own rules. And make it as real and truthful. Every game has its own rules. Any model has its own laws. They only work within this game.

We came into this world. He already lives according to certain laws. It already has rules in place. Study them, follow them, improve your game.

I think the whole problem is that adults have forgotten that the world is a great mystery. And what we see in our lives is still far from Reality Itself, unimaginable and infinite at every point. They stopped treating themselves and the world around them as a mystery. And this is the most main mistake adults.

Life is a game. Let it be serious and maybe sad somewhere. But only in the game can we learn something.

Master your roles in this game. There is the role of executioner or victim, jester or wizard. Choose any one.

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From the book Recipes of Fate. Master of Life Manual-2 author Sinelnikov Valery

Lesson 1 That in order to change your life, you need to choose the right goal and means of achieving it. Everything earthly is subject to destruction: a car rusts, a house deteriorates, loved ones leave this world, some ideals are replaced by others, knowledge is constantly changing. Unchangeable and

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Lesson 37 About the fact that for spiritual and physical health you need to learn to accept the situation. What is acceptance? This is a deep understanding that we live in a very harmonious and fair world and everything that happens to us in life must be accepted unconditionally, without

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Lesson 41 That for spiritual and physical recovery it is necessary to replace the feeling of guilt with responsibility. Guilt This feeling goes along with resentment. You could even say that these are two sides of the same coin. In the case of resentment in the subconscious - the image of the offender,

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Lesson 48 About the functions of fear in our lives It turns out that the whole point is not in feelings, but in the images and thoughts of a person that are hidden behind these feelings. It is images that give feelings one or another meaning. It depends on the images what we call our feelings: fear, resentment or pity,

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Lesson 62 About the fact that you need to leave the usual roles of Victim - Tyrant and become the Master of life or the Wizard. Leaving means running away from problems. Many people do this. Some people go to the mountains, others to monasteries. Some seek salvation in the green fog of alcohol and

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Lesson 68 About the fact that before you change the world, you need to start changing yourself Self-knowledge What then happens when people interact? But in fact, the process of SELF-KNOWLEDGE occurs. It turns out that every word (and not only the word, but also other forms of communication, such How

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Lesson 78 About the role of money in our lives Money is an object, therefore, it does not have power and strength. But power and strength can be manifested through them if the person himself has made himself dependent on money. Money is a zone high voltage. This is a tool invented

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Lesson 81 That in order to become rich, you need to reconsider your attitude towards money Money is a means for acquiring goods, services and labor. Money is an object of the inorganic world, and an artificial object, created by man and for man. And therefore

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To find out the meaning of your life, you don’t have to look far. Oscar Wilde noted that most people “know the price of everything, but have no idea of ​​the true value.” For example, the value of time. Or - the value of attention, this or that action, word, gesture. Know your meaning

From the author's book

“Of course, you need to take care of your parents. They don’t need to be in debt.” One instructive parable tells how one day a certain farmer, as a joke or just out of curiosity, threw an eagle’s egg to the eggs that a chicken was hatching. After some time, together with

The whole world is a theater, and the people in it are actors. William Shakespeare

I don’t know about today’s youth, but people of my generation probably remember well the musical intro for the program “What? Where? When?”

What is our life? -Igameaaa!

Let's imagine a little and create some kind of symbolic code based on the rules of the game of life.

First, game of chess- the world is divided into black and white, it is like a platform where the struggle between dark and light forces takes place. The same struggle occurs in the soul of every person. They say that an angel on the right and a demon on the left sit behind a person’s shoulders and whisper to him what to do. Whatever a person chooses, he will go there, towards Light or Darkness, with his every action, with every thought, sometimes he becomes on bright field and sometimes on black. Moves in chess take a long time to think through, various tactics and strategies are used, the main one is to think through the line of development of the game several moves ahead.

So from the game of chess we take the following Tao lesson: think through your life several steps ahead, dream, set goals and plan how you will achieve them.

Second, game of dice- using the method of random numbers, we are presented with certain opportunities, sometimes we quickly move forward, jumping over several squares at once, and sometimes we take just a small step, or even stand still, skipping a move, and sometimes even going back. Well, let's rejoice when the wind is in our sails and won't be upset by the downtime. These are the terms of the game and we should follow them just accept, otherwise it’s not interesting to play, right?

Lesson: life is cyclical, the seasons follow each other, the time of sowing gives way to the time of harvest, day turns to night, there is a time to rest and a time to work, “a time to gather and scatter stones.” Therefore, listen to the mood of the moment and follow its vibrations, after the decline there will be a rise, the planted seed requires time to mature, no need to pull the grass to make it grow faster and no need to wait for the apples to fall from the tree themselves . Be careful!

They say that the world is a big platform for the game of Life; this idea is played out in the works of many authors. For example, there is an opinion that we, as Highly Developed Beings, voluntarily agreed to play the game “ Incarnation on Earth“, having accepted as a rule that we will forget Who we really are, we will incarnate on Earth again and again and play a variety of roles, but we will be able to leave the game only by defeating the earthly Maya illusion, remembering Who we are. Therefore, treat life like a game - do you want to be a Winner or a Loser? You cannot leave the game, everything has already been paid for, so relax and enjoy. Sometimes it is very difficult for us to overcome various obstacles and decide complex problems, but without them life would be insipid, boring and uninteresting. Take every challenge as an opportunity to hone and improve your skills. As a reward, you will be rewarded with a transition to another level and a bunch of bonuses in the form of life accomplishments and achievements, success and well-being.

The world operates on algorithms and resembles a giant computer, and everyone loves to play computer games . Many games have a similar scenario - The hero must go through a certain Path. Along the way, he collects bonuses, gaining points, and fights against obstacles, overcoming dangerous places. He is free to choose where to go, that is its direction of movement in within a given space, the speed with which he will move, hone his skills and become an ace and a true professional. Gradually there is a transition to new levels, more and more complex, and those already completed, which previously seemed super difficult, are now seen as the easiest and simplest.

I noticed that many Russian people began to live in constant anxiety and stress. They almost live with these feelings every day. In another country, for example in Rio de Janeiro Brazil, people are much poorer and live many times happier than we do. They don’t have the material benefits that we have, but for some reason they smile much more often than we do. Probably it all depends on your attitude towards life. In this article we will talk about how to approach life more simply.

Research has found that as the number of rich people increases, the amount of antidepressant consumption also increases. That is, the richer a person becomes, the more he experiences. It seems that everything should be the other way around. After all, all people want to become successful and rich, but as soon as they achieve this, after that they can only improve their health with the money they earned.

And no matter what realizations were in my head like: I need to take life more simply, I shouldn’t take everything to heart, everything will be fine, and so on, all this did not help me get rid of anxiety. If something is important to me, then it will be important to me for a long time.

Let's look at a few examples. Let's say Petya wants to make a brilliant career in X company. The boss recently informed the entire team that he would soon resign and his place would be taken by the best employee in his opinion. After these words, all the workers began to work like horses, tirelessly. Petya also began to work like Carlo’s dad, because if he takes the boss’s chair, he will achieve his goal - to make a brilliant career.

And what do you think, will he live in peace for the next month? I bet he will not sleep at night and live in anxiety and stress. He has competitors who also want this place, and they will also live with thoughts of a happy future.

To approach this situation more simply, Petya can think like this: “I’ll do everything I can, and whatever will happen will happen.”. But such an attitude is not guaranteed to help him get rid of the feeling of anxiety, because this goal important to him. And Petya won’t sleep all night when there are only a day left before the boss’s final decision. He will come to work with black eyes. And imagine what will happen to him when the boss says that he was joking and he is not going to go anywhere. It was an experiment that ended successfully. And the goal was to motivate people to grow the company as a whole. Poor Petya.

Another example: Petya likes one girl, and he is afraid to approach her and talk to her. He is afraid to ask her out because no one likes rejection. He might think like: “Nothing will happen to me if she refuses. I have nothing to lose". But these realizations will not help him.

One conclusion suggests itself: awareness does not always help us learn to relate to life more simply. We all easily give advice to other people when something has happened to them. Of course, we are hurt by what hurts them. It turns out that in order to approach life more simply, you need to be a complete indifference. Only such people live without thinking about anything. Ambitious people are always worried about something.

Therefore, I will give ways that will help you reduce the level of anxiety and stress.

So, those same realizations sometimes help us approach life a little easier, but not in the way we need to. Many people are afraid to make mistakes, because you know, at school we were not allowed to do this. We were terribly punished for this. And excellent students have a syndrome "Excellent student", which further constrains. Therefore, once and for all, give yourself the right to make mistakes. He who does not make mistakes means he does nothing, but only chats and criticizes. Don't be one of these talkers. It's always easier to sit on the fence and criticize than to get off it and start doing something. Such a right as the right to make mistakes will help you approach life more simply.

To approach life more simply, you need to reduce the importance of everything that is very important. This is extremely difficult to do. There is only one thing left to do - treat everything like a game. If you fail at something, you have one more try. For example, if a girl refuses to meet with you, you will have a million more chances to invite her again. After 5 times he will definitely agree. Failed two castings? You will still have a hundred of them. And if you do many things playfully, the importance decreases and life becomes easier.

Humility is also a great tool for learning to approach life more simply. Not all people know how to do this. In my opinion, humility comes when a person has failed at something many times. Suppose girls refused to go on a date with him many times. After 10 refusals, a man accepts refusals much easier, because he understands that there is nothing bad behind it. He continues to try fearlessly, and does not keep himself waiting long.

It's the same in business. Many times I was afraid of failure when I tried some kind of experiment. I was so afraid to see the results that I turned pale. After a series of failures, I stopped being afraid of failing when I tried an experiment. Failures are normal, and I've come to terms with that. Now I don't turn pale before viewing the results of an experiment.

Get plenty of rest. To approach life more simply, it is enough to turn off your brains. I don’t mean hit yourself in the head and pass out (although that’s also an option). During active recreation, you switch your attention from business to relaxation. During surfing training, you won’t think about your dog, who stayed with her grandmother, and she probably didn’t feed her. All your attention will go to the process of surfing. Active recreation has many times freed my head from anxious thoughts. It was as if I was healing my nerves.

Think less about the negative. It is negative thoughts that poison your life. Read the articles: , .

And remember that you are not the only person in the world who has problems. We all have something. Some have more, some have less. Remember this fact.

Now you. Write in the comments your suggestions on how to how to approach life more simply.

how to approach life more simply


IN last years many esotericists and psychologists call for a simpler approach to life, as if playing. This is justified by the fact that a person takes some points too seriously - mistakes, actions, often blames himself and worries for no reason. But when you play the game of life, it turns out that all life has turned into a game.

For me, if a person plays in life and treats it as different roles, then Life treats him as a role - something passing and unreal.

The role comes and goes, it is acted out and removed. Then all life is a game in various “performances and productions.” In this case, you need to be prepared that the director and screenwriter will most likely be someone else...

On the other side, the human spirit cannot be in the role of a “pawn”. His purpose is to create his own life. And when a person leaves creation and begins to play, instead of living, there is a high probability that the spirit will break, leave, and then the soul begins to do whatever it wants, because there is no one else to guide it.

In my opinion, this is a very difficult path, there are too many turns, trials, ups and downs. Although on the other hand, it’s like “less responsibility”, because I’m not a creator, I’m just playing another role in the production.

Life has become a game. Consequences of the game of life

I often observe the results of such “games” in clients when working with past lives and ancestral memory.

When, in the process of working with a person during “immersion,” we build a clear relationship consisting of a chain of events passing from life to life or from generation to generation, then the result of such an irresponsible attitude towards ourselves as a Creative Man becomes clearly visible.

After all, when playing, a person is subconsciously sure that the game is final, the performance will end, and the role will “go into the archive of experiments.” He forgets about the law of cause and effect and stops taking it into account.

But let's remember that Ignorance of the laws does not exempt you from responsibility. And this means that the Universe, created in order to help a person, will do everything possible to show those who have forgotten their purpose that games are not Life, but only an illusion of it, that a role is not the essence of a person, but just a mask that covers, hides the real self...

Situations will become more complicated, the tangle of events will become more and more confusing, which means that subsequent lives will become more complicated, and with each new one you will have to put in more and more effort in order to change at least something in better side or simplify. In the clan, approximately the same thing happens: from generation to generation, the clan programs become more complicated and confused.

Conclusion: with your irresponsible attitude towards yourself and own life a person influences his entire family and his subsequent life.

This is very clearly seen if we examine the consequences of lives in which a person deliberately and cruelly killed or harmed other people, committed suicide, or committed meanness and betrayal. With each such life, the human spirit loses strength, the soul weakens, talents and abilities become less and less and it becomes more and more difficult to express oneself.

Play roles or be yourself?

Another point is the attitude towards one’s gender as a role for one life. Choosing to be born a woman or a man, man chooses life path . After all, a woman and a man are not just gender - they are different perceptions world, thinking, way of acting, and therefore way of life. This is not just a role - it is your essence, your purpose and how you will solve problems in life.

If a person does not realize this and plays “woman” or “man,” then it will be very difficult for him to find and remember his purpose. He will be carried away either into a male way of thinking and acting, or into a female one. Which is basically what is observed in modern society.

I don't want to impose my opinion. I invite everyone to think and decide for themselves: what is for me, as an immortal being - a Human Creator, who remembers that life is an eternal process?

Yes, it happens that you need to “put an end to it,” but after a completed sentence a new one is born, followed by another, and a story, a story, is built. A web of events is woven, and if a person wants, he can see how a global canvas is born from all this - a picture of Life, consisting of many mosaics.

When a person lives consciously, remembering the goals set by the Spirit, about his Soul - the keeper of wisdom, and understands that only by living in the obvious world - in the body - can one realize and accomplish everything planned, then he the picture of Life is a brilliant work of the Creator, where every stroke carries its own meaning, giving rise to a new feeling and inspiration to accomplish.

When a person lives from life to life playing, without thinking about the future, without drawing experience from the past, then his picture is the awkward strokes of a small child who is just playing around, mindlessly grabbing pencils and trying out different colors.