Pagan signs and beliefs in modern life. Slavic beliefs and signs about the house. Forgotten Slavic signs

The “Snake” card means betrayal, deception, betrayal of loved ones, secret affairs. The snake is a cautious and treacherous animal. She acts slowly and without unnecessary noise, secretly creeps up to the victim and attacks her. The snake lives in hidden places, hides in holes and climbs under stones, and often changes its skin.

The card warns against troubles coming from close people. This could be a friend, relative, lover. You must be careful, because next to you there is a person capable of betraying, deceiving, or misleading you.

IN love relationships– this card means betrayal, sex without love. The queen of clubs indicates that there is a woman nearby who is capable of intrigue and competition. We must be attentive and careful in negotiations, transactions, and signing contracts.

In the layout of cards during fortune telling, pay attention to which cards appear nearby. They will tell you who is dangerous when you are close to you, and with whom you should end your friendship and acquaintance.

The card warns of troubles that will not happen immediately, so you have time to prepare for this event. You should not talk about your plans and intentions, you should not talk about your successes and achievements.

In a love scenario, the “Snake” card speaks of insincerity in relationships, cold miscalculation and benefit. The snake is a cunning and intelligent animal, insidious and sophisticated. Perhaps the person next to you is pretending and taking advantage of you. This card indicates duplicity and an unexpected blow, since the snake is a symbol of betrayal.

If the card falls on a person who is sick, it means that chemotherapy must be taken to cure the disease. For such people, the card is favorable and means a good outcome of events.

To identify an unfriendly person near you, pay attention to a dark-haired older woman. It is necessary to show wisdom and hide.

The reversed card warns of danger so that you do not become a victim of scandal. It means a vague threat that will appear unexpectedly. The card shows intrigues and the presence of magic, shows a smart and obstinate person next to you.

The card warns against rash actions and decisions. Be careful and don't trust the people around you. The validity of the fallen situation is about three months, this is a serious warning. You need to show your wits and intelligence to resist the actions of the “Snake”. Consider the “snake” influence on your affairs, since the Snake is the first tempter of the human couple.

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This is the 7th card of the deck, it corresponds to the Queen of Crosses. It is a personal card, as it represents the personality of a woman.

She is openly negative, just like Cloud. A snake is clearly visible on it, it is sinuous and insidious, its mouth is open, and it hisses and wants to attack. This is not just an image, it is dangerous.

Most people will be very frightened when they see a snake in the city; snakes can be poisonous or non-poisonous, but a person does not know which one he will see, so he feels great danger.

It is impossible to understand in advance whether the snake will crawl away or attack; this also causes fear and misunderstanding of what needs to be done.

  • If the Lenormand Snake appears in the scenario, then this is a reason to be wary, as this is a sign of danger. The tarot reader must help the client determine where it is coming from.
  • This card cannot appear by chance, if you believe the cards, then you know that there cannot be random cards, it reveals hidden dangers.
  • Usually they are created by other people; the card represents an ill-wisher.
  • Behind a person’s back there is a dangerous process going on, about which he does not know, someone wants to use another person and weave intrigues against him and deceive him, this is an open or hidden enemy.

She can show her husband’s mistress or the guy’s girlfriend, whom he is dating and about whom he is thinking, or she wants to take her husband away, she will also point out his ex-wife.

If this card is shown, it may be an indication of the mother-in-law, if she is unfriendly to the choice of her son and wants to destroy the family.

It could also be a friend who is plotting against you. It could also be an elderly and experienced woman, since the snake symbolizes wisdom. She can also point at a work colleague.

7 is a magical and mythical number that symbolizes wisdom, it carries evil wisdom and evil deceit, it speaks of a wise, prudent, but unkind person, he directs his abilities to harm.

This card's prediction may come true in 7 days, weeks or months. The seventh house is the house of deceit, if this card falls in the house, it means that you have a rival or enemy and there will be some kind of evil.

If the card comes out with good cards, then its negative significance is practically leveled out.

Lenormand Snake in a reading for a person and relationships

If such a card is shown, this indicates an active person with high self-esteem, they have a fertile imagination, a strong maternal instinct, they are ambitious, attached to their family and are very convinced.

She talks about betrayal, betrayal, wisdom and envy, she is multifaceted, she cannot be called simply negative. The snake is responsible for sexuality, it says that you need to take care of yourself and your property, beware of evil tongues and deception.

If a Fox appears together with a Snake, this speaks of wisdom, deceit and cunning, but if there is also a House nearby, then such a woman enters the house.

If you show this card, it can talk about your spouse’s mistress or rival, however, it is not known whether it is obvious or just emerging, other cards in the layout will show this.

The card shows that another woman is interfering in the family, this could be the husband’s mother or his blood relative, influencing him, this is also a rival, she sets the husband against his wife, such cases occur often.

It indicates the threat of separation, disputes, quarrels and strong eroticism. In the scenario of friendship, she talks about unnecessary accusations, slinging mud, an insidious and deceitful person has appeared in the circle of friends.

Lenormand Snake in a financial reading

If this card is shown, you need to be careful with money, perhaps they want to drag you into some kind of financial scam and deceive you.

The Snake, Fox and Fish cards in the layout clearly speak of a scam, it will be very cunning and insidious, now there are many such cases.

  • If you were asked for money and the Snake appears in the scenario, then it is better not to give it, since they will not return it anyway, the Snake will show deception in this matter.
  • The snake speaks of financial problems, theft, misappropriation of money.
  • IN professional field this card indicates enemies at work, someone wants to set you up or trick you.
  • Perhaps your boss wants to find an opportunity to fire you. She often says that your female boss doesn’t like you.
  • Sometimes she may indicate the help of some woman at work, but everything will have to be paid for. She needs something from you, and she will show deceit in the future; helping you is more beneficial for her.

If negative cards, such as Coffin or Tree, appear along with this card, this may indicate oncological problems; you may also have mental imbalance, progressive pain. Often a snake indicates skin problems; homeopathy, mud and leeches are suitable for treatment.

In general, she is very knowledgeable, she is vengeful, enterprising, cunning and is good at doing various things, not always legal. She knows how to impose her will, you won’t notice, but you will already be in her networks.

She hates criticism. In order to correctly understand the situation, you need to know that even a snake does not always indicate that everything will be bad.

A fern flower brings wealth if you find it on the night of Ivan Kupala.

A pregnant woman should not borrow if she wants her child to be rich.

You can sweep the floor with only one broom. There should not be two brooms in the house at the same time.

You can't whistle in the house - there won't be any money.

Finding a coin means wealth. But if in the morning and on an empty stomach - to poverty.

In the evening, debts are not returned.

On Monday there should be no settlements - neither pay nor take.

Chipped coins bring good luck; these should always be kept in your wallet.

If you give a handkerchief, you have to pay a ransom, at least a penny.

If you don’t keep an empty bottle on the table, there will be no money.

If you borrowed dishes, you must return them full, otherwise your dishes will always be empty.

Having sold the first thing, touch the rest of the things that are intended for sale with money - then they will be bought quickly.
* First in new house old man enters:
The belief primarily reflects respect for elders. But there is also a mystical meaning in it. It is connected with the fact that starting a new business, a new stage of life requires sacrifice. The role of the victim was taken on by the old man, since it was believed that the one who first crossed the threshold of the new house or spent the night in it would be the first to die.

* The cat is the first to be let into the new house:
In essence, this custom is based on the same thing as the previous one. But another interpretation is added to it: a cat is able to find the healthiest, most comfortable place in the home. They enter the house after the cat has settled down in this place. Usually a bed is placed there for the young, and after the birth of a child - a cradle.

* On the first night in a new house, you need to lock up the rooster:
It is clear that the reason for this belief is the same as the previous ones. The main thing is to make a sacrifice, and it is desirable that it be as “bloody” as possible, not human. In addition, the rooster Slavic mythology the ability to disperse evil spirits was attributed (the rooster crowed three times, announcing the dawn, and the devils fled). A rooster is also allowed into the house for the reason that it was considered one of the symbols of fertility. Consequently, his stay in the new hut provided the new settlers with children and wealth.

* Don’t leave the copy out of public view for Fedora:
In every hut there is a “grandfather”, an “owner” - a brownie. He lives wherever he wants - behind the stove, or in the closet, or under the threshold. His favorite item in the house is a broom. On Fedorin's Day, the brownie does not come out from under the broom, so the housewife must be careful not to throw out the “grandfather” with the garbage, otherwise he will be offended and start doing dirty tricks.

* When moving to a new house, take an old broom with you:
This belief, like the previous one, is due to the fact that a brownie can live under a broom. But, in addition, people have developed a difficult attitude towards the broom due to its mystical duality. On the one hand, a broom and a broom are the favorite tools of witches, who fly on them, shake off dew with them, cause damage, and send diseases (throw the broom after them or throw it under the threshold - and you’re done!). On the other hand, since a broom is used to get rid of dirt, it is also credited with the ability to get rid of evil spirits(they sweep their way in front of the newlyweds, etc.). If a broom was used to sweep away the straw on which the deceased was washed, such a broom must be thrown away. But when moving to a new house, they always took an old broom with them: firstly, to move the brownie; secondly, so that they don’t step on the discarded broom and thereby cause trouble for the owners.

* Don't whistle in the house - there won't be any money. You can’t whistle in the house, otherwise it will be empty:
People generally have a negative attitude towards whistling. Whistling is the pastime of idle people. In addition, by whistling sharply, you can scare a child or a pregnant woman, so this fun is dangerous. And mystically, this is associated with the whistle of the wind, which can take money and property away from the house. But the closest thing in this case is an everyday explanation: how can everyone else in the household like it when one of them constantly whistles? So they let him know: if you whistle, you will bring misfortune on everyone, including yourself.

* Washing or sweeping the floor immediately after the departure of a loved one or guest is the same as washing it out of the house:
A belief, the essence of which is the mystical perception of a person and “traces from him.” The man has left, but the atmosphere in the house where he stayed for some time still remains, as does a certain “spiritual trace” of the food on the dishes from which they just ate. There is no need to destroy these mystical traces immediately (unless, of course, we are talking about the “traces” of the enemy).

* Forgetting something in someone else’s house means returning there soon:
I think it’s clear here, even without any mysticism: if you’ve already forgotten something, then willy-nilly you’ll have to come back. And since they usually carry things necessary for every day with them (in our time - a telephone book, an umbrella, etc.), it is logical that they will need to return as soon as possible.

* A brick falls out of the oven - don’t expect any good:
This is due to the attitude towards the stove as one of the most important symbols of the house (not to mention the everyday danger of such damage). The stove in the minds of the people is not only warmth and hot food, but also a place through which the house is connected with the outside world (we remember stories about witches flying out of chimney). Previously, people also slept on the stove, so dreams and the image of the stove were also combined. A fallen brick violates the integrity of the stove as the boundary between the house and open world. Through the resulting hole, evil spirits, the soul of the deceased, illness, damage, etc. can enter the house. Some beliefs connect the falling brick with the penetration of the mythical fiery serpent into the house. It seems that there is also an everyday meaning hidden in this, since we're talking about about the increasing possibility of fire.

* Saying hello and goodbye on the doorstep means a quarrel:
The meaning of this belief goes back to the special role of the threshold in the house (like the stove) - the mystical boundary between the outside world and the home (which we have already discussed). But the everyday meaning is also quite clear: it is inappropriate to start greetings before inviting the person to enter, or to continue the conversation when the guest has already left. That is, we are talking about the rules of decency and politeness.

* The broom should stand in the corner with the handle down: this saves you from the evil eye:
A broom is perceived not only as an object for cleaning the house, but also as one of the important mystical symbols. Garbage was associated with the restless souls of the dead, and a broom was in constant contact with garbage. The broom is also one of the brownie’s shelters. At the same time, witches fly on a broom (on a broom), evil spirits cover their tracks with them, and with the help of a broom left somewhere by a careless housewife, one can cause damage and send illness. Based on all this, the attitude towards the broom is ambivalent. Putting it with the handle down means using it protective function, namely, to call on the brownie for help and show the enemies at home that you are ready to sweep them out. In essence, thrifty housewives always hold the broom with the handle down for the simple reason that it lasts longer this way. And finally, only a clean broom can be placed with the handle down, which is what this custom implicitly suggests.

* Storing broken dishes is bad luck:
Broken dishes symbolize damage, lack of integrity (one can recall the custom of breaking dishes at a wedding, associated with the fact that the bride loses her virginity). Consequently, storing broken dishes in the house can lead to discord and disagreement. From a household point of view, broken dishes are simply dangerous - you can get hurt. And therefore it is better not to provoke misfortune by gluing together shards, but to get rid of them. It’s not for nothing that the old belief has been preserved: “Dishes breaking are good luck.” Everyone has forgotten that this has to do with the bride, and repeats it just so as not to darken their mood because of a broken cup.

* The doors began to creak - unfortunately:
This belief can be explained in the same way as the beliefs about the stove or threshold. The door is not only a real protection from strangers, but also a symbolic obstacle to evil spirits. Naturally, its creaking is perceived as a kind of warning. In reality, the creaking of the door escalates the situation more than any mystical interpretation of it. And the longer the door remains unlubricated, the greater the likelihood of mutual claims and a possible quarrel, which is one of the manifestations of “misfortune.”

From the history of superstitions of the ancient Slavs

Our ancestors - the Slavs - like other peoples in ancient times, gave great importance objects and living beings around them. They deified nature and everything they saw around, thinking of finding protection and support for themselves in a complex and harsh world. This is how the pagan faith was born, which, in essence, is superstition.

We do not have material evidence about Slavic paganism sufficient to build a complete picture of beliefs, that is, superstitions, since the material for the construction of temples, statues, palaces and other buildings was wood, and they simply perished over the centuries. For example, it is known that the most revered goddess of the Slavs was Mokosh, the patroness and protector of all life on earth. Her luxurious huge statue made of gilded wood stood in Kyiv, among other statues of the pantheon of Prince Vladimir. Naturally, they could not survive until the foreseeable time. As well as many idols, which were sometimes located in places inaccessible to Christian servants, who sought to destroy them on the orders of Christian princes. These idols eventually rotted in the forests and swamps by themselves.

The existence of many superstitions and signs among our ancient ancestors can only be learned from oral folk art, therefore, the searches and findings of scientists in this area are extremely valuable. It is folklorists and linguists who have made and are making many discoveries about past life Slavic peoples, in particular, about their beliefs and superstitions.

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Do you know why a large number of moles are considered good sign? Why can’t you step over a sitting person? Why can't you sew up your clothes? Why shouldn't you shake water off your hands that you just washed?

Observation is based on the characteristics of the functioning human body. When a person reads and thinks, blood rushes to the brain, providing it with oxygen. When a person eats, blood rushes to the stomach, because at this time it must ensure its normal functioning (that’s why after a hearty lunch you want to sleep so much). When a person reads while eating, the brain does not perceive what is read to its full potential, we do not remember what we read, we “jam” the memory.

“If after dinner the guests leave before the hostess removes the tablecloth from the table, the brides in this house will not get married.”

First of all, this applies to guests. It turns out that they only came to eat, and when everything is eaten, they immediately leave, although the rules of decency require thanking the hostess and communicating. They say it this way: a table is not a trough to eat and run away from.

But, I think, there is a deeper meaning contained in this belief in relation to the hostess. If she is such that she only knows how to feed, and guests do not expect anything else in this house, or if she is so clumsy that she cannot remove the tablecloth from the table for two hours after dinner, then it is no wonder that suitors will avoid such a house. After all, as is the mother, so is the daughter.

“If you wash your hands, dry them, but don’t shake off the water, don’t breed devils.”

The ban goes back to an old legend about how the devil, who fell from the sky and was left alone, asked God for an army. God advised him to dip his hands in the water and shake it off - there will be as many devils as there are splashes. The everyday explanation is hygienic, and it is associated primarily with children: from the habit of not wiping wet hands Pimples appear, the skin cracks and itches.

“If a stye appears on your eye, you need to bring a fig to your eye and say: “Barley, barley, you have a fig on you: whatever you want, you can buy.” Buy yourself an ax and cut yourself across!”

As funny as it may seem, a fig accompanied by a conspiracy has long been considered a reliable talisman against evil spirits. Some believe that it is a matter of mini-warming with heat that comes from the hand. But the cookie “works” sometimes even without a conspiracy, it has been tested more than once. You fall asleep by rolling up the fig in front of the barley and it goes away quickly.

“If you don’t recognize a person you know, he might be rich.”

This belief is one of the so-called “deceptive” beliefs. When they wanted rich flax to grow, they sowed it naked: let the flax see that the sower doesn’t even have anything to wear, and therefore it will grow. They sowed grain from hand to mouth: let rye and wheat know that the peasant has nothing to eat, and therefore take pity.

To be deceived when meeting an acquaintance means to symbolically meet not one, but as if two, and therefore double his wealth.

“Until the hostess finishes her tea, it is not appropriate for guests to leave the house.”

This everyday belief echoes the belief about the tablecloth not being removed from the table. Both there and here: really, what’s the rush? While the guests drank and ate and had fun, the hostess looked after them and served them. And so, when everyone was already full and happy, she, poor fellow, sat down to drink a cup of tea and hear praise for her dishes - and instead the guests were getting ready to leave. Of course, it’s inappropriate to offend or upset the hostess.

“The knife is dull - the owner is stupid, the tablecloth is black - the hostess is stupid.”

Is any explanation needed here?

On Annunciation Day, girls are not allowed to braid their hair: they won’t have their own home. The key to the solution is in the proverb:

“On Annunciation, a bird does not build a nest, a maiden does not braid her hair.”

The cuckoo once violated this rule and was severely punished for it. She built a nest in Annunciation - and now all the mother cuckoos are paying for it, leaving eggs in other people's nests. The same thing can happen to a girl if she dares to do even such a small job as braiding her hair.

The belief is based on the highest veneration of one of the most solemn Christian holidays.

“It’s not good for a woman to be simple-haired.”

Only girls could go bare-haired (without a scarf or cap on their heads). Their hair was always neat: long hair braided in a braid. On the wedding day, the bridesmaids unraveled the girl’s braid with a ribbon, carefully combed her hair, braided it into two braids and placed them in a crown around her head.

Later, a woman could collect her hair not in braids, but in a bun, covered with a scarf or cap, primarily so that hair would not inadvertently get caught in it while cooking.

However, at home a woman could still afford to go bare-haired; when going out into the street, she certainly covered herself with a scarf, and in cold weather, with a shawl over the scarf. Scarves and shawls were traditionally beautiful, with a variety of patterns, woven or lace.

It was believed that a simple-haired woman did not like her own Guardian Angel and was deprived of his help and protection. In this way, the woman was encouraged to be neat and at the same time protected from unnecessary worries about her hair.

“If you leave your hair on the floor or scatter it around the yard, you’ll get a headache.”

The belief is associated with the cult of hair. They symbolized health and wealth. In addition, hair is part of you, and therefore you cannot throw it anywhere. From an everyday point of view, we are again talking about elementary neatness.

“In the next world you will have to account for every hair.”

This and many other superstitions associated with hair can go back to totemism, that is, to the times of worship of hairy animals. But the explanation that boils down to intimidating sluts seems more realistic. on a similar occasion, he ironically said: “Not a bad rule, otherwise, perhaps, there would be heaps of cut hair lying all over the hut and the yard.”

“There are a lot of moles on the body, especially ones that you can’t see, be happy.”

The belief is associated with popular ideas about damage. The gaze of a spiteful critic immediately falls on something unusual that attracts attention, and loses its power. Amulets and jewelry serve as artificial distractions, while moles serve as natural distractions.

On the other hand, moles attract the attention of the person himself and cause thoughts about his health (especially if they begin to change). You think less about moles that you yourself cannot see (on your back). For a suspicious person, this is also almost happiness - not to worry about thoughts about health.

“Don’t wash yourself or wash your hair before a long journey - you’ll avoid trouble.”

The recommendation may be aimed at preventing a person from catching a cold, since everything is done in a hurry before the road. This ban is also explained by the fact that a person washes away his homely, protective aura and appears unprotected among strangers.

Perhaps there is a reason for this, and that is why some people (even clean people) prefer to take a full shower only before going to bed, and wash only partially before leaving the house. Yes, and advice after the street, after a crowded environment, take a shower to wash off negative energy, is not without meaning.

“Don’t sew anything directly on yourself—you can sew up the memory.”

A belief based on the fact that something done in a hurry will not lead to success. In addition, having carelessly sewn something right on himself and remaining all day in these clothes, a person mentally returns to whether his clothes are in order, whether they look at him like a slob. In other words, he gets distracted from his work and doesn’t remember everything. Hence the threat to “sew up the memory.”

“Itchy in my ear - it’s going to rain.”

This sign can be considered true (unless, of course, we are talking about long-unwashed ears). Before the rain Atmosphere pressure decreases, and the eardrum in the ear plays the same role as the membrane in the barometer; It bends a little and makes it itchy. By the way, this sign existed back in Ancient Rome and was called timutusaurium - “ringing in the ears.”

“When one praises one’s bodily virtues (beauty, corpulence, health, etc.), one must spit over the left shoulder three times so as not to jinx it.”

Now many are inclined to believe that the gaze is to some extent material, that is, it carries a certain energy. The evil eye is “black magnetism.” This belief is by no means only Russian - something similar existed in Ancient Rome. The Romans worshiped a deity named Fascinus, who supposedly protected people from the evil eye. Black eyes are considered especially dangerous.

To spit over your left shoulder in response to praise (of course, symbolically) means to express disbelief in them, not to take them into your soul. Nature evil eye explained in the medieval “Hammer of the Witches”. But modern researchers also attach considerable importance to this issue, “the main reason for the evil eye is the envious glances of others”; therefore, those most often affected are those who are in the public eye, people in public professions, for example, singers.

Probably, many people paid attention to the fact that such people, as a rule, wear excessively bright clothes and heavily hang themselves with shiny jewelry. This reveals a latent desire to avoid the influence of the evil eye, because the public pays attention to the clothes, to the “amulets” of the idol and, thanks to this, does not damage him inner world, does not disturb its energy.

Sometimes they protect themselves with dark glasses, but this is not The best way protection, since the person wearing sunglasses is not wearing sunny street or the beach causes irritation in people and thereby provokes the evil eye.

“To sneeze is to confirm the veracity of the words just spoken.”

The compilers of the Encyclopedia of Superstitions write: “... one famous doctor authoritatively told us that at the moment of sneezing a person is closest to death.” Maybe this is the answer to the sign? Feeling the proximity of death, a person always becomes truthful. However, for a long time there was a custom of using snuff to specifically induce sneezing - for health.

“The hiccups overcome - it means someone is remembering.”

This is just one of the many beliefs associated with hiccups: they also say that someone is jealous, scolds, etc. Long-standing beliefs say that hiccups are a sign of a demon possessing a person. The idea that hiccups are connected to someone's memories seems as baseless to me as the idea of ​​sneezing.

“To step over someone’s outstretched legs is to interrupt his growth.”

If this happens, you must immediately step back. The meaning of the belief is the prohibition of “stopping”, symbolically violating integrity. From an everyday point of view, a very useful warning for the person sitting: in cramped spaces, do not stretch your legs, as this interferes with others.

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