Installation of intercoms in an apartment building. Selecting and connecting an entrance intercom How to change an intercom at the entrance

The cost of installing an intercom in apartment building with video equipment it will be slightly more expensive. Now almost every intercom can be improved by replacing the panel and adding related equipment. SVM LLC

Principles of intercom operation

Audio equipment provides for communication via voice conversations. A panel with call buttons and an identification block necessary for key recognition is mounted on the entrance door. The calling part has numbered buttons; when a person comes to visit, he dials the apartment number and then waits. At this time, the internal mechanism signals the visit like an ordinary bell. Communication can be carried out via an intercom handset or speaker. Audio intercoms are cheaper.

1 Installation of an overhead audio/video intercom calling panel (per subscriber) 1500 2 Installation of a mortise audio/video intercom calling panel (per subscriber) 2500 3 Installation of an overhead intercom calling panel (from one to 4 subscribers) 1900 4 Installation of a mortise intercom calling panel (from one to 4 subscribers) 3000 5 Installation of an overhead video intercom monitor 1800 6 Installation of a built-in video intercom monitor 3000 7 Connecting a video intercom to an entrance intercom (without laying a wire) 500 8 Installing an automatic fuse in an electrical panel with disconnection 800 9 Connecting a video intercom to an entrance intercom (via adapter) 800 10 Installation of audio tube for intercom 800 11 Installation of a backup power supply 800 12 Installing a reader or button on an access control system 400 13 Installing a reader or mortise button 650
1 Cable laying open in a box or corrugation (per meter) height up to 2.5 m 80 2 suspended ceiling(per meter) height up to 2.5m" data-order="Cable laying under a suspended ceiling (per meter) height up to 2.5m"> Cable laying under a suspended ceiling (per meter) height up to 2.5m 50 3 Cable laying by gating (per meter) height up to 2.5 m 150
4 Cable laying in the ground (per meter) 300
5 Punching holes Ф up to 30mm with wall thickness up to 500mm (brick) 400 6 Punching holes Ф up to 30mm with wall thickness up to 500mm (concrete) 600

The video complex provides for several additional elements chains. Outdoor unit contains a camera aimed at the visitor. When a call is made in the apartment, a screen mounted in the unit turns on, transmitting the guest’s image. The cost of installing an intercom in an apartment building with video equipment will be slightly more expensive. Now almost everyone

Prices for housing and communal services are growing every year, so owners of premises in apartment buildings want to know what they are paying for, which services are included in the receipt legally, and which services are being profited from by unscrupulous management organizations.

One of the services that consistently raises questions among residents is the installation and maintenance of an intercom. We will tell you what is the procedure for installing an intercom in an apartment building and in what cases the management organization has the right to charge a fee for it.

Intercom - common property of owners of premises in apartment buildings

The management organization, under the agreement for the management of an apartment building, undertakes to provide the owners of premises in this building with work and services for the proper maintenance and repair of common property (Part 2 of Article 162 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation).

The composition of the common property of the owners of premises in an apartment building is established by clause 2 of Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 13, 2006 No. 491. It includes:

  • inter-apartment landings;
  • stairs;
  • corridors;
  • technical basements containing utilities;
  • other equipment serving more than one residential or non-residential premises.

Intercoms in apartment buildings are installed at the entrance to the entrance; they serve more than one room, therefore they are part of the general property of the apartment building. Automatically locking devices for the doors of apartment building entrances are also included in the common property in apartment buildings in accordance with clause 7 of Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated August 13, 2006 No. 491.

The procedure for installing and connecting an intercom

Installation and maintenance of an intercom are possible in two cases: such work and services are provided for in the contract MKD management or the corresponding decision was made at a general meeting of owners (Article 44 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation). We will tell you separately about the case when a management organization installs an intercom with its own money.

The management agreement for an apartment building may not provide for Maintenance intercom as part of the maintenance and repair of common property of the apartment building. Then, in order to charge fees for the maintenance of locking devices, a decision by the OSS is required, according to which the owners can enter into an agreement for the maintenance of the intercom either directly with the contractor or with their management organization.

Even if the owners of only one entrance plan to install an intercom, to resolve this issue it is necessary to obtain the consent of other owners of premises in the apartment building (Article 36 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation).

At the general meeting, the owners can decide to include the intercom service fee in payment document as part of the fee for the maintenance and repair of common property in the apartment building, according to Art. 155 Housing Code of the Russian Federation. Owners of premises in an apartment building can enter into an agreement directly with a contractor and receive separate receipts for servicing the intercom.

The management organization cannot require owners to pay for the separate service “Intercom Maintenance” (letter of the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation dated August 23, 2010 No. 30665-IB/14). The Ministry of Construction of the Russian Federation adheres to the same position in its letter dated April 11, 2016 No. 10686-AT/04 “On the maintenance and repair of common property in apartment buildings.”

If there is no decision of the general meeting of owners on installing an intercom or paying for its maintenance, and the management organization decided to install it on its own, it will not be able to subsequently charge the owners for installation and maintenance of the locking device.

Intercom service

Work and services, the provision and implementation of which is required to maintain the operation of the intercom, must be specified in the contract for the maintenance and repair of locking devices, concluded between the management and the contractor. Here is a sample list of them:

  • technical inspection of equipment,
  • intercom repair,
  • visit to troubleshoot intercom problems,
  • restoration of communication lines.

The service agreement, at the request of the owners, can provide for a different list of works and services.

If a contractor improperly fulfills its obligations under a service agreement, this may be a reason to refuse its services. A decision to change the contractor can only be made at a general meeting of owners of premises in the apartment building.

There are cases when the intercom does not work for several months, and the management organization transfers a fee to the contractor for its service and includes it in the receipt. In this case, any of the owners of premises in an apartment building can demand that the management organization make a recalculation from the day the intercom stopped working.

Determining the cost of intercom maintenance

The cost of technical maintenance of the intercom is determined by the contract for the provision of services and performance of work by the contractor. Usually, contractors They set their own fees for their services.

The management organization should remember that the amount of the fee for servicing locking devices, which they include in the tariff for the maintenance and repair of common property, must be justified. Any owner can contact the MA and request a transcript of the article on the maintenance and repair of common property apartment building(clause 10, 10.1 of article 161 of the RF Housing Code).

It is much easier to hold a general meeting of owners and resolve the issue of paying for an intercom in an apartment building with the help of.

Intercom - already required device for the owner of a home in an apartment building. It minimizes the access of strangers to the entrance: tubes equipped with audio and, in many houses, video communications allow you to quickly identify the person on the other side of the door. Many people are interested in whether it is possible to connect an intercom in an apartment on their own. Of course, if you understand at least the basics of electrical engineering. And we, in turn, will bring for you detailed instructions, which will help you easily cope with this matter.

About the design of the intercom

Before connecting an intercom in an apartment building yourself, let’s look at the design of the device. This throughput device with communication functions (audio and video communication) has become popular in last decade, taking the place of less convenient combination locks that previously protected some of our entrances. Intercom systems are most often installed by specialized companies for the entire entrance. They subsequently maintain the system.

The most popular manufacturers of intercoms today are Vizit, Commax, Falcon Eye, etc.

In the diagram above you saw the main components of the intercom system. Before connecting the intercom yourself, let’s refresh our memory of their functions:

  • A tube. It is installed in the apartment so that the tenant can answer the call and open the door for the guest. This subscriber element must be connected to a common locking system.
  • Call panel. This is what we see next to the entrance door - a key code reader, keys for dialing an apartment number or code, an auxiliary screen.
  • Lock (locking device). Today, electromagnetic variations are the most popular. At least with proper application physical strength It is still possible to open them without a key; they are considered the most reliable. Previously, there was a popular option with a regular metal valve, which was opened by an electric motor.
  • Switch module. This element of the system is responsible for transmitting a signal from the calling panel to a specific resident.
  • System power supply.
  • Exit button and so on.

In the video intercom system, an element such as a video camera appears at the calling panel. The image is transmitted by a microcomputer.

Types of intercoms

Before you connect the intercom yourself, you need to decide on the type that suits you best:

  • Digital. The guest's call is transmitted over a two-wire line, where the apartment number is recognized. Pairing here is the work of jumpers that transmit a signal to a specific handset over a twisted network. Each of the latter is equipped with microcircuits for such an operation. All apartments, not only the entrance, but also the floor are connected to this controller.
  • Coordinate matrix. A simpler option, which is why it is considered more reliable. Here a switch is connected to the coordinator, and when a call is made, it transmits a signal to a specific handset. The connection itself is wires of units and tens. From here, each apartment is defined by two cables, the numbers of which, naturally, cannot be repeated. To establish communication, a signal via DAT1 is required. Then the information is converted and processed by the modulator, after which it is connected to a specific one and ten. The connection to the apartment via LIN occurs due to the operation of an electromagnetic relay.

Safety precautions

Before connecting the intercom yourself, remember the most important rules safety precautions:

  • Turn off the power supply at the main electrical switch before working on electrical wiring.
  • Use high-quality licensed products and components.
  • Do not install the transformer outdoors or in a damp room.

Wire selection

Begin self-installation We advise you to choose a wire for an intercom - focus on its required length:

  • For audio device:
    • Up to 50 m - 6/10.
    • More than 50 m - 1.5 mm.
  • For video device:
    • Up to 25 m - 6/10.
    • More than 25 m - 1.5 mm or maximum cable.

Electrical protection and wiring

We continue to talk about how to connect the intercom handset yourself. The connection itself is only possible to an electrical network protected by a 16 A circuit breaker or a 10 A fuse. To ensure the safety of residents, a 30 mA residual current device is also installed.

Two types of power supply are used for the intercom device:

  1. The transformer is located separately from the intercom, connected both to it and to the network.
  2. The tube is integrated with a transformer and is connected to an outlet using a power cable.

One of important topics regarding how to connect the entrance intercom yourself - wiring. Make sure that it fits only in corrugated pipes. Therefore, you need to accurately measure the distance from the outer panel to the speaking tube in order to lay the pipes to the required length. The free ends of the wires should protrude approximately 20 cm from them.

Installation of a street panel

How to connect an intercom yourself? The next item is the installation of an outdoor external panel:

  1. The approximate height of the element from the ground is 1.6 m.
  2. For overhead panels on the door or wall, the locations of the mounting dowels are marked, then holes are drilled according to the marks and the device is attached.
  3. For built-in options, lines are drawn for the groove, and the position of the built-in box is noted.
  4. Using a chisel, cut the groove, taking into account the thickness of both the built-in element and corrugated pipe.
  5. Install and secure the recessed box with cement.
  6. Then place the corrugated tube in the hole. If necessary, secure its position with nails.
  7. Carefully putty the fine with the pipe, simultaneously pulling out the nails holding the last one.
  8. Now cut the wires from the pipe to the required length and connect them to the street panel.
  9. The action ends by fixing the street panel in the built-in box.

Installing the Internal Device

If external device You don’t always have to install it (the company that supervises the intercom at your entrance can do this), then you will have to do the installation of the handset if you want to take matters into your own hands. Here is an approximate algorithm of actions:

  1. The approximate recommended location of the tube is 1.5 m from the floor.
  2. Next, you need to determine on the wall where to lay the corrugated pipes from the external access element. If the transformer is built into the tube, then there is only one path, if not, then two - to the intercom and, in fact, to the transformer.
  3. Again, you make fines with a chisel along the thickness of the corrugated pipe.
  4. The next step is to place the pipe in the groove and further cement it or putty it.
  5. Mark the exact location of the tube, drill holes for the dowels that will hold it.
  6. Attach the handset stand.
  7. From a corrugated pipe, connect necessary wires to the handset.
  8. Install the intercom on the mounting brackets and secure it with screws.
  9. The transformer (if it is not built-in) is installed in a protected place (for example, a distribution panel) and connected to common system wires strictly according to the diagram. It can only be connected to a network protected by a fuse!

Video intercom installation

We figured out how to connect a digital intercom yourself. Its variety is a video intercom, connected according to a similar scheme. But before installation, please consider the following:

  • The video camera should not be installed against sunlight or powerful lighting.
  • The video eye must be protected from vibrations and mechanical damage.
  • The camera should be protected from rain and not exposed to high temperatures(more than 40 degrees).

Independent installation of an intercom is the prerogative of people who have dealt with electricians more than once. If you are doing this for the first time, we advise you to carry out the work under the guidance of an experienced friend, since all descriptive instructions are of a general, advisory nature and do not prevent specific problems during installation.

Date of publication of the article: 06/10/2015 In the article we bring to your attention, we will consider a question that is relevant for management companies: does the company have the right to charge residents for the installation and maintenance of intercoms and indicate it on the receipt as a separate line, or should these costs be included in the cost of maintenance services and repair of common property? To answer the question posed, you should know whether the intercom is part of the common property in a particular apartment building, and also how the amount of payment for the maintenance of common property in a given house was established. Intercom - common property By their own functional characteristics The intercom meets the criteria of common property of the owners of premises in an apartment building, since it is intended to serve more than one room in the house (clause 3, part 1, article 36 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, subsection “e”, clause 2 of the Rules for the maintenance of common property).

Intercoms in apartment buildings: installation and payment procedures

This means that it is the management company that is obliged to service your intercom and you have already paid for it.

How to competently hand over an intercom for service to the Management Company? After installing the door and intercom, the intercom company must hand over the system to the owners and the management company or homeowners association according to the act.

If the intercom was installed before the introduction of the RF Housing Code in the latest edition, then the system can be transferred at any time.


In this case, the intercom company can become a contractor of the management company or HOA.

From now on, the system itself and the door must be serviced by the management company or the HOA for a fee for maintenance and repairs, which is what you already pay for monthly.

There should be no separate fee for intercom! I was disconnected for non-payment, what should I do? You may be offered additional subscription services, but you can refuse.

The form of this refusal can be tacit; you simply do not sign a service agreement and that is enough.

Intercom in an apartment building: who owns it and who maintains it?

It states, in particular, that if the maintenance of locking devices (intercom) is provided for in the management agreement for an apartment building, then payment for this type of work is made from the fee for the maintenance and repair of residential premises, which is established in the manner prescribed by Article 157 Housing complex of the Russian Federation.
If the management agreement for an apartment building does not provide for maintenance of a locking device (intercom) as part of the maintenance and repair of common property, then in order to charge such a fee, a decision of the general meeting of owners of premises in the apartment building and the conclusion of an appropriate agreement with the management organization or with organization providing intercom service.

Intercom for every home

Consequently, if at the time of concluding a management agreement or the next agreement on the amount of payment for the maintenance of common property, the intercom was available and belonged to the common property, but the management company ignored the issue of the source of financing the costs of its maintenance, it does not have the right to charge a fee for maintaining the intercom in addition to established size fees for the maintenance of common property.

Thus, in the Appeal ruling dated January 13, 2015 in case No. 33-118, the Saratov Regional Court excluded payment for the intercom from the calculation of the amount of debt collected from the owner of the premises.

Is it legal to charge for intercom every month?


When installing a digital intercom, one line is laid to connect the switch with all apartments.

The coordinate system is designed in such a way that each apartment will have a separate wire connecting it to the switch.

Today, digital intercoms are considered more reliable in operation.

But their price is three times higher than the price of coordinate ones. Another characteristic worth paying attention to is the type of connection.

There are audio and video intercoms. The difference between them is the presence of a display on which you can see who is calling. The video intercom provides high security; thanks to it, no strangers will be able to get inside the entrance.
But the cost of such devices is high. Apartment owners for the most part give preference to audio intercoms.

Installing an intercom: pros and cons

Vsevolozhsk, Koltushskoe highway, 138, OGRN 1064703000911, TIN 4703083640; hereinafter referred to as the administration) contacted Arbitration court the city of St. Petersburg and Leningrad region with an application to challenge the decision of the Office of the Federal Antimonopoly Service for the Leningrad Region (location: 191124, St. Petersburg, st.
Smolny, 3, OGRN 1089847323026, TIN 7840396953; hereinafter - department, OFAS) dated January 19, 2017 in case No. 64-03-221-RZ/17 and the OFAS order issued on the basis of this decision dated January 19, 2017 in the same case.

As you know, every apartment building has common property (elevators, stairs, entrances, etc.). And all this property is legally the property of the residents of this house with the right of ownership and disposal. Therefore, if the majority of residents of an apartment building decide to install a security system (for example, an intercom), then in most cases it will be installed. But in any situation there are opponents of the general idea. Are they obligated to pay for what they consider to be an unnecessary intercom installation? And in general, who should pay for the installation of security systems in the house? We will answer these and other questions in today's material.

Who makes the installation decision?

According to Article 36 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, entrances and entrance doors belong to the common property of an apartment building. Installation of intercoms (and installation is carried out on access doors) refers to the major renovation of an apartment building in accordance with Appendix No. 3 to the Rules and Regulations technical operation housing stock. Consequently, the decision to install an intercom is made by all residents at a general meeting of owners. If 2/3 of those present voted “for”, then according to the Housing Code of the Russian Federation (Article 46), an intercom must be installed. This decision is mandatory for all owners of an apartment building, regardless of their presence and consent at the general meeting.

If all premises in an apartment building belong to one owner, the decision on major renovation houses (in particular, the installation of an intercom) are accepted individually and are documented in writing in accordance with the Housing Code of the Russian Federation (Article 46, clause 7).

Who pays for the installation and maintenance of the intercom? What's included in the price?

After making a decision to install an intercom in an apartment building, the cost of installation and maintenance services is agreed upon security system. None of the residents has the right to refuse to pay for services for installing security systems in the house! We remind you that a door with an intercom is the common property of all residents of the entrance, therefore everyone is required to participate in the purchase (pay for installation services). These are the laws. However, in practice, those who oppose intercoms in the entrance are often paid by residents who agree to the installation. The cost of all work and the security system is divided by the number of apartments in the entrance.

Since installation new door all home owners will have to pay for the maintenance and service of the intercom. Service tariffs, by the way, are discussed at the same meeting, approved by the property owners and enshrined in the service agreement (concluded between the office and management company). A subscription fee is established, which provides for subsequent repairs of general access equipment installed under the contract, and preventive inspection of this equipment.

Reference. Offices that install intercoms are required to enter into an installation, maintenance and any other type of agreement with the management company or HOA. According to the law, such an agreement is valid only if there is a protocol of the general meeting of residents. The contract and work certificates can be drawn up with each owner individually.An agreement concluded on a different principle has no legal force.

After installing the intercom on the door, all residents receive at least one key and mandatory instructions for using the security device.

Is it possible to refuse to install an intercom and not pay?

The owner of the apartment has the right to refuse to install an intercom and use it. In this case, the intercom (handset) will not be installed in the apartment of the dissenting tenant. However, the owner must be provided with one free key to the entrance door by law! According to the Housing Code of the Russian Federation (Article 36, Part 2) “the owners of premises in an apartment building own, use and, within the limits established by this Code and civil legislation, dispose of common property in an apartment building."

Refusal to use the intercom and the subscription fee must be made in writing. Otherwise, you will have to answer in court for non-payment of services and debt.