The best multivitamins for women. Vitamin and mineral complexes: we check and choose the best. Affordable Vitamins

Having made sure that not all the best vitamin complexes are equally useful, I will tell you how to choose the right vitamins and which ones are really the best according to the results of testing, and which failed all hopes.

In previous articles, I wrote the beginning, which is based on multivitamins and three main supplements. The vitamin complex is the basis of the foundation from which any health support program begins!

Who needs to take vitamins and why?

If you live in ideal ecological conditions, breathe the freshest alpine air, eat a well-balanced diet (vegetables, fruits, cereals, protein and dairy products), grow vegetables in micronutrient-rich soil, have no health problems and are not pregnant, then vitamin complexes can not be taken!

In other cases, you can help the body replenish the necessary levels of vitamins and minerals.

All physicians agree with this., and even my favorite surgeon and chiropractor, an osteopath with 15 years of experience drinks vitamin complexes and other supplements all year round (and also orders them from iHerb!), so we always have a topic for conversation during sessions))

Most experts and even skeptics believe that taking a daily vitamin in appropriate dosages is safe and in some cases may even slightly reduce some cancers in both sexes. In women, it may also reduce the risk of death from cardiovascular disease, and in men, it may reduce the risk of developing cataracts.

In one of the last posts about multivitamins, I just wrote that in complexes most often does not exceed the permissible dosage limits (with the exception of vitamin A), which means only one thing: manufacturers do not want to poison us and produce modern vitamins according to new standards in the world, and not with an outdated minimum, the purpose of which is to prevent the development of scurvy and serious diseases.

But even here there are certain nuances and it never hurts to check the label of the vitamin complex with the plate of permissible dosages! Especially when checking vitamin A! It is he who, in high dosages, is recognized as toxic, affects the liver and makes the bones brittle.

Which vitamin complex is better?

On the Internet, the same question is constantly asked - which vitamin complex is better, which vitamins are the best? In fact, it would be great to establish a single form of vitamins and release only that, but the problem is that there is no standard formulation of the vitamin complex!

This is simply impossible to do, because our body's nutritional requirements depend on age, gender, health status, and a few more factors!

Also, vitamin complexes differ significantly in terms of quality.. A large number of ingredients in the composition of the complexes increases the risk that the quality of some can be missed, or to reduce the cost of the vitamin, take other raw materials (Chinese), the quality of which is constantly changing.

There is also the problem with multivitamins that the amount of ingredients listed on the label may differ from the amount of ingredients already in the jar. The second problem is that, like many vitamins and herbal ingredients, in multi-complexes there is a risk that the raw materials may be contaminated with lead and other toxins.

Naturally, at home, we can’t track these things in any way, so we can only hope for the manufacturer’s reputation, the cost of vitamins (the quality of raw materials also depends on it) and independent testing organizations, which all manufacturers are afraid of))

How to choose the right vitamins?

And let's move on to the most important thing! What to look for when choosing the best quality vitamin complex! I wrote a short instruction (do you remember, we wrote at school in computer classes?) in just 2 steps:

  • View vitamin complexes that have already been tested and found to be the best. I have listed them below. All, you can't go any further and buy these without hesitation.
  • But only one vitamin complex was tested from each manufacturer (due to lack of finances), so if suddenly these are not available, then we take another one from the same list or this brand to replace it, but look at the label and check the dosage of vitamin A!

The thing is that not a single US agency regularly checks supplements and vitamins for their content and quality. And even if there is such a problem in the USA, what can we say about Russia, when Chinese raw materials are bought in tons and multivitamins are stamped from pure synthetics and dyes?

As part of the validation program, of the 42 leading multivitamins sold in the US and Canada, 16 failed to be validated. And this is almost 38% of the total number of leading vitamins!

Why Vitamins Haven't Been Tested in the Lab:

  • Fortunately, there was no lead contamination, it was found in only one vitamin complex for dogs.
  • Some vitamins contained less of the active ingredient than indicated on the label (and some, on the contrary, several times more!)
  • Many vitamin complexes exceeded the permissible allowed dosages of vitamins, especially vitamin A, niacin, magnesium and zinc.
  • Some vitamins in tablets did not pass the test - they were so strongly compressed that they did not have time to dissolve in the stomach in the allotted time, which means they passed by and were not absorbed.

According to the results of laboratory tests I wrote only the best vitamin complexes that have been verified! They can be safely bought without fear of exceeding the dosage or poor absorption. I will write about children's complexes in a separate article.

The best vitamin complexes for adults

  • vitamins Carlson Labs, Super 2 Daily, Vitamins & Minerals, Iron-Free
  • Multivitamin Complex Life Extension, Two-Per-Day Capsules, 120 Capsules
  • The famous Solgar complex Solgar, Formula V, VM-75, Multiple Vitamins with Chelated Minerals

The best vitamin complexes for diabetes

  • Abkit, Alpha Betic, Multivitamin, Plus Extended Energy, 30 Tablets

The best liquid vitamin complexes

  • Liquid multivitamins Trace Minerals Research, Liquid Multi, Vitamin-Mineral, Orange Mango
  • Liquid vitamins without sugar Wellesse Premium Liquid Supplements, Multi Vitamin+, Sugar Free, Natural Citrus Flavor

Best vitamins for women

  • Vitamins for women Nature's Way Alive! Once Daily Women's Ultra Potency Multi-Vitamin
  • The most budget vitamins for women Natrol® My Favorite Multiple For Women Multivitamin
  • Complex for women with vitamins, probiotics and enzymes Garden of Life, Vitamin Code, Women, 120 Veggie Caps
  • A complex formulated for female immunity, radiant skin, heart and joints One-A-Day, Women's Formula, Multivitamin/Multimineral Supplement

The best vitamin complexes for pregnant women

  • Multivitamin complex for pregnant women Nature Made, Prenatal Multi + DHA, 90 Softgels

Vitamin complexes that have not passed laboratory tests

As it turned out, as a result of laboratory tests the dosage of some elements was different than indicated on the label. In the case of reducing the dosage of individual vitamins by 5-10%, this is not the biggest problem, but ...

All complexes in the laboratory were checked only for compliance with 3 main components due to lack of funding (these are folic acid, calcium and vitamin A). And if even one of the three components does not match the label, it says a lot!

Vitamins that haven't been tested

1. Centrum® Multivitamin/Multimineral Flavor Burst - The popular Centrum complex has been found to have an excess of vitamin A by as much as 248%. They are not approved for use.

2. Source Naturals Mega-One - Vitamin A overdose, only 15% of labeled vitamin A complex found. They are not approved for use.

3. MegaFood Women - tablets are too compressed or covered with a strong film that does not have time to disintegrate in the required 30 minutes, which affects their absorption. They are not approved for use.

4. Country Life® Maxi-Sorb Max™ for Men- This complex has an excess of vitamin A, but only 27% of the vitamin A declared on the label is found. They are not approved for use.

To sum up, these are proven supplements, they are dosage-compliant and completely dissolve in 30 minutes to be the most useful!

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Important! Before using any medication, be sure to consult your doctor. Do not self-medicate. Take care of your health!

Top 10 vitamin and mineral complexes

Vitamins number 1. Complivit

Complivit tops the ranking of the best vitamin and mineral complexes. A series of vitamins produced under this brand is intended for any age category, as well as pregnant women and does not contain excessive doses of vitamins and minerals, therefore it is suitable for long-term prophylactic use.

"Complivit" contains all the necessary minerals and vitamins. It should be taken not only to replenish all the vital elements, but also at the time of increased mental and physical activity. The complex contains an important group of B vitamins, which are responsible for the condition of the skin, hair and general psycho-emotional state. Daily intake of "Complivit" reduces the risk of viral diseases by 30%.

Vitamins number 2. Alphabet

The Alphabet series is the first vitamin and mineral complexes created taking into account scientific recommendations for the separate and joint intake of nutrients. This approach ensures their more complete assimilation and hypoallergenicity. They are designed for both children and adults. Both men and women can take it.

A multivitamin preparation includes all the elements necessary for the body to function normally. It can be used both for prevention and for replenishing the necessary substances in the rehabilitation period after an illness. "Alphabet" is aimed not only at protecting the body from diseases - it also stimulates mental and physical activity. A specially designed group of vitamins is selected so that a three-time intake optimally replenishes the daily dose.

Vitamins number 3. Supradin

"Supradin" opens the top three vitamin and mineral complexes that exist today. Their effectiveness is confirmed by many positive reviews about it. One tablet a day satisfies the body's daily need for vital substances.

"Supradin" improves metabolic processes, energizes, strengthens bone tissue, increases mental activity, starts regenerating processes and strengthens the immune system. Its reception is especially necessary in the spring, when the body's reserves are depleted and require replenishment. Before use, you should read the instructions, as there are some contraindications.

Vitamins number 4. Daily Formula

"Daily Formula" - vitamin and mineral complex, contains 25 essential vitamins and minerals that your body needs. Vitamins A, B-group, C, D and E will keep colds and flu away. Potassium, calcium, phosphorus, and magnesium minerals are essential for muscle relaxation and contraction, healthy bones, nerve transmission, and fluid balance.

It also contains selenium, which is a powerful antioxidant, and chromium, a mineral that works closely with insulin to regulate blood sugar levels in your body. Plus, it has a digestive enzyme complex that will boost your digestive system function.

In a few months with "Daily Formula", you will feel big and healthy! One tablet per day is the easiest way to achieve a balanced daily intake of all important nutrients. In the presence of any diseases, it is necessary to consult a doctor to receive the "Daily Formula".

Vitamins number 5. Vitrum

"Vitrum" is one of the five best vitamin and mineral complexes. Among the drugs produced are vitamins for children, adolescents, pregnant women, as well as adult men and women. With regular intake, you can be sure that the body receives all the necessary elements to maintain health.

The vitamins and microelements included in the composition improve not only the general condition, but also contribute to better hair growth, strengthen bone tissue, and increase resistance to many diseases.

Vitamins number 6. Pikovit

Pikovit is the best vitamin and mineral complex for children. A growing body has a greater need for vitamins and minerals than an adult. This drug copes well with this task and provides all biological tissues with all the necessary substances.

"Pikovit" helps to improve mental activity, reduces the state of fatigue, which is very important for school-age children. With regular intake of multivitamins, the immune system is strengthened and the risk of viral and infectious diseases is reduced. The complex is also responsible for the growth and full development of all tissues.

Vitamins number 7. Centrum A to Zinc

"Centrum from A to Zinc" also entered the top ten multivitamin and polymineral preparations. Reception of the complex is possible from the age of 12. The main advantage of the drug is that, despite the low price, it is in no way inferior in efficiency to more expensive analogues. It is used as a prevention of vitamin deficiency and hypovitaminosis, during pregnancy, in chronic diseases, as well as during periods of increased emotional, mental and physical stress.

Also, Centrum from A to Zinc is recommended to be taken in the postoperative period, in the treatment of alcoholism and diabetes. The complex should not be taken with other vitamin preparations, as it already contains a daily dose of all the necessary elements.

Vitamins number 8. Univit

The Univit vitamin-mineral complex is considered one of the best poly preparations for children and adolescents. It is taken as a disease prevention, for the treatment of deficient conditions, during a period of active growth.

The drug replenishes the body with all the necessary trace elements and ensures the normal development and functioning of all tissues, strengthens the immune system and improves mental activity. With regular use, resistance to viral diseases is developed.

Vitamins number 9. Triovit

"Triovit" is located in ninth place among the best multivitamin preparations. It is intended for persons experiencing increased mental and physical stress. Its use is necessary for the elderly, smokers, those who live in environmentally polluted areas.

In the absence of a proper balanced diet, Triovit replenishes the daily dose of vitamins in the body and strengthens the immune system. It can be used from the age of ten. The vitamin complex can be taken by diabetics, as it does not contain sugar in its composition.

Vitamins number 10. Undevit

Undevit completes the list of the best multivitamin preparations for today. The complex is prescribed for people with poor eyesight who experience regular mental and physical stress.

"Undevit" is taken during the rehabilitation period after surgery, with hypovitaminosis, vitamin deficiencies, after a long intake of antibiotics, etc. Course reception replenishes the vitality of the body and strengthens the immune system.

Everyone already knows that vitamins are useful for humans. The demand for them especially increases during the off-season, when there is a surge in colds, which is due to a decrease in the level of vitamins in the diet. But still, you should not thoughtlessly buy the first drugs that come across. You need to choose vitamins depending on the needs of the body at a particular moment.

The best vitamins for hair

Advertising of any vitamins intended to improve quality lures the buyer with beauties with lush curls and alluring promises. Let's see which vitamins really match these parameters:

  • Aleran vitamins are very popular among women. Unlike other brands of vitamins, this drug has a dual formula. In a pack of 60 tablets you will find morning and evening pills. Thus, one package is designed for a month of use. The pluses include the fact that Alerana has recommendations from well-known Russian trichologists. Taking Alerana stops hair loss due to stress. But at the same time, Alerana does not accelerate the growth of hair in any way.

  • Another good vitamin complex in this area is Perfectil. It contains echinacea and bardana root. According to doctors, Perfectil is able to strengthen the hair roots and stop their loss in a short time. But at the same time, some buyers of Perfectil noted its bad effect on the gastrointestinal tract.

  • The best tool, but at the same time the most expensive, according to experts and customer reviews, is a complex called Inneov "Hair Density". The composition of these vitamins includes a very powerful antioxidant that affects the hair follicles. In addition, there are natural ingredients that activate blood flow to the hair. These vitamins do not give any side effects.

The best vitamins for children

Children like no one else need vitamins all year round. They will help protect your child from colds and strengthen the immune system.
The best children's vitamins are:

  • For children from a year and older, Pikovit vitamins are suitable in all respects. They have a different form of release - there is both syrup and lozenges. This complex will make up for the lack of vitamins in the child's body. It can be taken by all children up to 14 years of age. It is only necessary to correctly determine the dosage. The only drawback of this complex is the absence of some minerals important in childhood.

  • Another good complex for children is called Vitrum Baby. It can be used for children from two to five years. It has everything that a child's body needs - a full range of necessary substances. In addition, chewable tablets are made in the form of funny animal figurines. Therefore, children eat them with pleasure.

  • Another good vitamin complex for children is Alphabet Kindergarten. Its advantage is a carefully thought-out composition. Vitamins and minerals are arranged in such a way that they help each other to be absorbed in the best possible way. This allows us to approach the issue of strengthening children's health very seriously. But at the same time, such a division implies that the baby should eat three vitamins during the day. And with the constant forgetfulness of some parents, the child may miss something.

Best vitamins for women

On the shoulders of modern women sometimes lies a great responsibility - they need to take care of the family and children, support their spouse. In such a difficult situation, there is no time for yourself at all. To avoid stress, it is simply necessary to support the body with vitamins.

The most worthy vitamins for women's health:

  • All year round, you can safely take a vitamin complex called Revidox. According to doctors, this complex allows you to saturate the female body with the most valuable antioxidants. In addition to them, many plant components are included in the composition. The effect is noticeable after a few days of regular use.

  • Another good complex that can be used constantly is called Vitrum Beauty. As the name implies, this complex is aimed at maintaining female beauty. It has a beneficial effect on the hair, skin and nails of the beautiful half. In this case, you must definitely consult a doctor if you decide to take it. The fact is that the composition contains some components that not all women need.

  • If you decide to drink vitamins only during the off-season, then choose a complex called Alfavit Cosmetic. This complex is specially selected in such a way that the necessary substances are taken separately. This approach improves the absorption of vitamins and reduces the risk of allergies.

The best vitamins for skin

The beauty and health of the skin is also not complete without taking quality. Of all presented on the pharmacy shelves, the following can be noted:

  • Supradin is available in different forms and has different dosages. It contains all the elements necessary for the skin. It must be taken every six months.
  • Complivit Radiance is a special complex designed to maintain female beauty. It has a great effect on the skin and is saturated with many useful elements.

  • The development of the domestic company Evalar called Laura is a dietary supplement of directed action. In addition to vitamins, it contains hyaluronic acid, which is simply necessary for youthful skin.

The best prenatal vitamins

Women who are expecting the birth of a baby need vitamins especially. During the period, the immunity of women weakens, and in this position, vitamins cannot be dispensed with.

Among the most popular remedies are French-made vitamins Elevit Pronatal. Their distinctive feature is an excellent balanced composition. It can be used throughout the entire pregnancy and even while breastfeeding. It is especially often recommended for pregnant women by doctors. The only thing that is not included in the complex is iodine.

In the vitamin complex Vitrum Prenatal, iodine is also absent, but the high content of iron and. Namely, these elements are most often lacking during pregnancy. You can drink them throughout pregnancy and while breastfeeding.

Another worthy vitamin preparation is Multi-tabs Perinatal. The composition of this complex includes all the substances and vitamins necessary for a pregnant woman, even very rare ones - selenium and iodine. This drug is distinguished by its versatility. It has no side effects and is suitable for many women.

The best vitamins for nursing

Pay attention to the drug Alphabet Mom. Its composition is similar to foreign drugs, but it is much cheaper. Its only disadvantage is the need to take three tablets daily for better absorption of substances.

Good Complivit Mama complex. It can be used both to replenish the necessary substances in the body, and to prevent their deficiency. In addition, vitamins have a beneficial effect on the baby.

To correct metabolic processes, if necessary, you can take the drug Femibion. It can be drunk even during pregnancy. It has a beneficial effect on the mother's body and prevents the development of beriberi.

Good vitamins for immunity

Among the most effective drugs for immunity include:

  • Natural vitamin complex Selmevit. It is especially recommended to drink in spring and autumn. It is at this time that the peak of diseases associated with low immunity falls. The composition of Selmevit includes about 20 minerals and vitamins. This is a worthy remedy for maintaining health.

  • A good vitamin preparation for immunity Alvitil. It allows, in addition to strengthening the immune system, to effectively deal with stress and nervous strain. They require a doctor's prescription to take them.
  • The vitamin complex Centrum well increases immune protection. It can be used as a prevention of hypovitaminosis. It is especially effective in the autumn and spring, when various diseases are exacerbated. With the appropriate permission of doctors, Centrum can be taken by children.

Good vitamins: reviews

Of course, before taking this or that vitamin complex, it is necessary to consult with a specialist, pass all the tests and find out which elements you are missing. But if this is not possible, then you have to choose vitamins at your own peril. In this case, you should definitely read the reviews of other buyers. However, it should be borne in mind that the same drug is not suitable for everyone.

And people who have undergone surgery. There are a lot of multivitamin complexes today, and in order to understand how much it is necessary for you personally and which drug is better to choose, you should understand everything in more detail.

What is it

Multivitamins belong to. They include minerals and additional substances. If a tablet contains more than one vitamin, it can already be considered a multivitamin.

The main task of such drugs is to provide a person with all the necessary nutrients that should be in the body, but which do not enter it or are supplied in insufficient quantities.

A person needs different substances at different moments of existence. It depends on many factors: age, way and conditions of life, past and diseases. Accordingly, the composition of the complexes also differs.

Multivitamins are getting more and more popular these days. They consist of many components, often even contain a complete set of minerals and substances necessary for the full functioning of the body. Taking such drugs just one tablet a day, you can protect yourself from the negative influence of the external environment, and feeling unwell.

Composition of multivitamins

Multivitamins differ in drug names, but most of them are based on similar, most common components. In general, 13 essential vitamins and 10 more vitamin substances are involved in it. The rest are variations from existing ones. If there is a need for a specific one, you can additionally take a drug with this element or adjust your diet in such a way as to get the right set of substances from food.
The composition of most complexes includes such vitamins:

  • (responsible for good);
  • AT(this group is responsible for metabolism);
  • (corrects);
  • (child growth factor and adult support function);
  • (supports );
  • R or (feeds and).
These are the most common elements without which the human body cannot fully function. Entering the bloodstream, they are very quickly exhausted, and on their own, unlike, they are not produced by the body. Therefore, it is very important to replenish their quantity on time. Also, multivitamin complexes use a variety of auxiliary components that help the vitamins themselves be better absorbed, and also give the tablets color, taste and smell.

The composition of such preparations necessarily includes various minerals, such as, and others. In addition to independent action, they contribute to the proper absorption of vitamins.

The amount of one or another element in a multivitamin depends on its purpose. For pregnant women, this is one dose, for children - another, for the elderly - the third. The main principle of dosage is only to supplement the daily norm of the necessary substances, the rest of the amount must be ingested with food.

Release form

As a rule, vitamin preparations are obtained from natural products. Only in some cases they are synthesized in the laboratory, but mostly it is a product of natural origin. For example, vitamin A is obtained from the liver of fish, group B is extracted from, E from cereals and soybeans, and vitamin C, oddly enough, from rose flowers.
There are several forms of multivitamin release for different ages. The most common of them are:

  • They are the most convenient to use, stored longer, do not require special conditions.
  • Capsules. Almost the same as tablets, only they dissolve faster in the body and are usually coated with a special shell, which makes them easier to swallow.
  • Powders. They are good because they mostly do not contain any additives that can provoke.
  • syrups. Basically, this form is applicable in children's vitamins, so as not to force babies to swallow tablets or capsules.
  • Liquids. Liquid multivitamins can be dissolved in or any other drink and consumed by people who have difficulty swallowing solid foods.
  • Jelly Bean. Gelatin jelly candies in the form of animals with different flavors, usually produced for.

When You Need a Multivitamin

What are multivitamins and what they are for, we have already considered. Find out in what cases they need to be taken by children and adults.

For kids

If we consider the ideal situation, then vitamins should be supplied to the child's body as a result of a balanced diet. The following foods must be present in the diet:

  • and fermented milk products in the form of cottage cheese,;
  • and fresh;
  • protein-rich foods: chicken, eggs,;
  • cereals:,.
But such an ideal situation, unfortunately, is very rare. It is not always possible to provide a child with good nutrition. Just in this case, pediatricians recommend resorting to the help of multivitamins with minerals for children.
In addition, they need to be taken by children in such situations:
  • when they do not regularly eat fresh food;
  • when sorted out in food;
  • with diseases of the intestines and digestive organs, as well as with asthma;
  • when a large amount of semi-finished products or fast food is eaten;
  • if the child is a vegetarian or has an intolerance.
Separately, there are cases when children need to take vitamins as a result of treatment. In this case, supplements support the body weakened by the disease and help to recover faster.

For adults

There are a number of indications for the use of vitamins by adults:

  • increased weakened as a result of previous diseases;
  • fast fatiguability;
  • poor condition of the skin and;
  • permanent;
  • high physical activity;
  • elderly age;
  • chronic diseases.
And this is only a small part of the reasons from the entire list.
To increase immunity and take multivitamins should be the following categories of adults:
  • pregnant and lactating mothers;
  • people with chronic diseases;
  • athletes;
  • people with difficult working conditions;
  • older people.
Elderly people especially need extra body. This is due to the slow process of assimilation of food, with the age characteristics of the body, as well as with existing chronic diseases.
  • "Multi tabs immuno plus" with a full range of essential substances, vitamins A, B, C, D and folic acid;
  • "Vitrum", which contains 20 important trace elements;
  • "Centrum" with 25 vitamins and excellent antioxidant characteristics;
  • "Revit", "Complivit", "Immunal".

Basic rules for choosing multivitamin complexes

Human health depends on the right drug, so when choosing multivitamins, you should also take into account all the nuances, which are many.

There is an erroneous opinion that the more vitamins and minerals are included in one tablet, the better. This is fundamentally not true. Everything is just the opposite: more vitamins are absorbed with a minimum presence of minerals. And vice versa - additional elements will be absorbed much better when paired with a minimum dose of vitamins. At the same time, it is better to drink the latter, and macronutrients - in the afternoon.
Doctors also advise choosing supplements that dissolve gradually. This is due to the fact that different substances are absorbed in different parts of the intestine, and if each element is dissolved in the right place, the effect of the drug as a whole will be much higher.

Popular drugs and their characteristics

Vitamins are needed by both children and adults, and especially the elderly. Pharmacological companies do not get tired of developing new drugs, taking into account not only the developmental characteristics of children and adults, but also physiological differences and sexes. Consider the benefits and differences of vitamin complexes for men, women and children.

For men

Due to the fact that the male body is fundamentally different from the female, this is accordingly reflected in the nutrients needed by men. For example, the stronger sex does not have an additional need for iron, as they do not experience blood loss like women. But they need to strengthen their musculoskeletal function more, and for this, calcium and iodine are the best suited. Vitamins K and B12 help to provide male muscles with energy.
Men are at risk of developing heart disease as they age. Manufacturers of medical preparations have taken this moment into account and included the necessary minerals in the composition of vitamin complexes for men, which strengthen the heart and cleanse blood vessels. and are directly dependent on their reproductive system.

The composition of such complexes necessarily includes components that women, in contrast to, need especially. These are zinc, iron, calcium, phosphorus, B and E vitamins.
There are also preparations for women who are pregnant or breastfeeding. They take into account the increased need of the body for certain elements and minerals at these stages of life.

First of all, it is worth mentioning such popular women's complexes:

Important! If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, you should consult your doctor before taking any vitamins.

For kids

Children's vitamins, as a rule, are available in various versions for different ages:

  • from 0 to 2 years (mainly syrups and soluble powders);
  • from 2 to 5 years (in the form of lozenges, dragees);
  • from 5 to 12 years old.
Among the popular complexes for children are the following drugs:

Taking Multivitamins: Precautions

When taking multivitamins, as with any medication, you must follow the instructions and recommendations of the doctor. It is especially important not to exceed the required dosage, because in this case "more" does not mean "better". An element that is in excess can replace another vitamin and thus disrupt the proper metabolism, which in turn will lead to serious diseases.

Also, do not rely on the fact that universal complexes will provide you with the right dose of the necessary substances. All nutrients should be ingested with food, and multivitamins are used only as an additive, a kind of insurance.
The daily dose in the medication is allowed only if the person's diet is very poor, he adheres to a strict diet, has had a complex illness, or is taking medication.

Important!Some medications can completely stop the absorption of certain vitamins. In this casegiven element can be taken as a tabletonly after consulting a doctor.

So, now you know what multivitamins are and how to navigate their diversity. Among the complexes of vitamins existing on the market today, you can easily choose the one that suits you. The main thing in your choice is to rely on common sense and carefully read the composition of the drug, and not be led by a beautiful bright package.

Every body needs vitamins for normal development and functioning. In the modern rhythm of life, people do not always have time to eat properly and fully, which causes a deficiency of vitamins in the body.

In this case, it is worth resorting to taking vitamin complexes, many people think that the fundamental factor in choosing vitamins is the price, that the more expensive the product, the better it is.

But this is far from the case, there are many separate pharmacy cheap vitamins and multivitamins that are affordable and effective.

So, meet: effective inexpensive vitamins (complexes and complex supplements, effervescent tablets)!

Cheap and effective

For hair

What cheap vitamins will be effective for hair growth? The main and cheapest vitamins for the growth of strong, healthy and beautiful hair, as well as for hair loss, are A and E. They can not only be taken orally in the form of capsules, but it is also desirable to apply directly to the scalp.

Since they are available in the form of gelatin capsules, inside which are liquid oily contents, these same capsules can be pierced and applied to the scalp instead of a mask. Vitamins E and A are involved in the awakening of dormant hair follicles, stimulate hair growth, strengthen, nourish and restore the damaged structure.

What good vitamins for hair growth at a bargain price can be bought at a pharmacy:

    Alphabet Cosmetic

    Effective and inexpensive complex preparation, which is designed to improve the condition of the skin, to strengthen and grow nails and against hair loss, contains effective vitamins. This is a good combination of vitamins and minerals that are quickly absorbed.

    The chip of this complex is three types of tablets of different colors and with different components in the composition: green - calcium D3 +, yellow - antioxidants +, orange - iron +. Take them according to the color: morning, afternoon and evening, 1 tablet.

    Price— 110 r.


    Enough cheap vitamins against hair loss. This complex combines vitamins and amino acids, helps to accelerate hair growth and prevents hair loss. Does not cause side effects. Release form - capsules. Dosage - 1 tablet three times a day. It contains B vitamins, iron, copper and zinc.

    Price - 400 r.


    This drug significantly improves the condition of the scalp, fights the manifestations of seborrhea. The drug is completely absorbed by the body, the result of the application is noticeable within a month after the start of administration. Daily dose - 1 capsule. Ingredients: vitamins of groups B, E, C, D3, iron, magnesium, zinc, manganese and boron.

    Price— 500 r.

    Complivit Shine

    The complex contains beauty vitamins such as: E, A, C, group B, nicotinamide, copper, selenium, zinc, magnesium, boron and folic acid. This combination allows you to maintain and stimulate the production of natural hair keratin, as well as protect the hair from aggressive environmental factors and weather conditions: direct sunlight, strong wind and hard frost.

    Price packs (30 pcs) - 271 rubles.


    This drug is available in several forms: soluble effervescent tablets, capsules, syrup and chewable lozenges. It contains vitamins: A, B9, B12, B6, C, E, as well as coenzyme Q10. This vitamin complex is an indispensable attribute of every woman's hair beauty. After all, the substances that it contains not only accelerate the growth of curls, but also provide them with unsurpassed radiance, shine and well-groomed appearance.

    Price for 10 tablets - 250 rubles.

    Merz Beauty

    Remedy for damaged hair. Contains L-cysteine, zinc and methionine. Together, these substances replenish the hair structure and contribute to its reconstruction at the cellular level.

    Price— 700 r.

For nails

The main signs of a lack of vitamins (which are noticeable by the external state of the nail plate) are:

  • fragility (deficiency of vitamins C and D);
  • thinness (insufficient amount of zinc, iodine and B vitamins);
  • fragility (lack of protein);
  • white stripes on the nail plate (lack of iron and folic acid).

For strong, strong and beautiful nails, the following effective vitamins and minerals should be consumed daily:

  • vitamin D(strengthens the nail plate);
  • calcium(makes nails elastic, prevents brittleness);
  • (thickens the nail layer);
  • iodine(prevents the appearance of yellow spots on the nails);
  • iron(gives nails an even color);
  • vitamin C(regulates the production and destruction of melanin).

For skin

Essential vitamins for the skin are the following:

    BUT(improves the protection of the body from the influence of natural factors, adds elasticity, prevents premature aging, nourishes and moisturizes, maintains the natural water-fat balance of the skin).

    E(restores the natural water-fat balance of the skin, prevents peeling, roughness and cracking).

These vitamins are sold separately at any pharmacy and cost a penny (within 30 r). By the way, these cheap vitamins are suitable for face skin, hair and nails! But you can buy them already in the form of a finished complex:

For immunity

  • lactating and childbearing women;
  • children;
  • athletes;
  • elderly people;
  • women and men with high workload and difficult working conditions;
  • people who already have chronic diseases.

Weak immunity is a favorable environment for the attack of viruses and bacteria. Therefore, it should be strengthened by taking pharmaceutical vitamins. The very first calls from the body that it lacks vitamins are:

  • hair loss and fragility (indicates a lack of vitamins B2, PP and B6);
  • dry skin and cracks (lack of vitamins A, C, P);
  • bleeding gums (deficiency of vitamins P, folic acid, nicotinamide and C).

First of all, it is worth resorting to enhanced nutrition (increase the daily diet, diversify it with new healthy products). The best natural sources of vitamins for immunity are: red fish, caviar, carrots, legumes, nuts, veal, garlic, spices, citrus fruits, strawberries and other berries, apples, kiwi, persimmon and pomegranate.

However, if there is no time for cooking, you can buy ready-made pharmacy complexes of vitamins. The immune defense of the body is supported by the following components:

  • B1 (thiamine)- processes fats and carbohydrates, converting them into energy;
  • B2 (riboflavin)- normalizes the condition of the mucous membranes, skin, participates in the synthesis of hemoglobin;
  • B3 (nicotinic acid)- provides the synthesis of fats and proteins;
  • B4 (choline)- helps to reduce weight, normalizes fat metabolism;
  • B5 (pantothenic acid)- releases food energy;
  • B6 (pyridoxine)- contributes to normal thermoregulation;
  • B9 (folic acid)- promotes the formation of red blood cells;
  • B12 (cobalamin)- stimulates the nervous system;
  • C (ascorbic acid)- natural antioxidant - strengthens the immune system, accelerates the healing process, affects the synthesis of hormones, participates in the growth of tissues and cells;
  • R- prevents aging of the body;
  • RR- Responsible for the proper functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.


We list the list of the most effective and good, and most importantly cheap vitamins for adult immunity with prices:

For kids

Effective and good, and most importantly, cheap vitamins for children and their immunity and growth should be selected according to age: suspensions and syrups are suitable for the smallest, after a year you can try water-soluble vitamins - powders, and after 3 - chewable lozenges in the form of bears. For schoolchildren and adolescents, there are also vitamin complexes, but already in the form of tablets and capsules.

IMPORTANT! You should not buy adult vitamins for children, because their dose is not designed for the weight of the child and can lead to hypervitaminosis.

    Alphabet "Our baby" is a children's mineral and vitamin complex, which is divided into consumer groups focused on age categories: from one to three. It is available in powder form and contains calcium, vitamin D3, which are indispensable substances in the prevention of rickets.

    Price— 397 r.

    VitaMishki Multi+- made in the form of gummy bears, they contain iodine and choline, which help strengthen memory, concentration and stimulate brain activity. Suitable for children from 3 to 7 years old.

    Price— 750 r.

  1. Multi-tabs Junior- are in the form of fruit-flavoured chewable lozenges, they are intended for children under 12 years of age. They support the immune system, increase the adaptive capacity of the team, supplement irregular and malnutrition. It contains vitamins of group B, iron, calcium, vitamins D3 and C.
    Price— 290 r.
  2. Pikovit(composition: vitamin C, calcium, phosphorus) - form the density of the walls of blood vessels, stimulate an increase in immunity, are responsible for the growth and strengthening of bones, teeth and hair. Price— 270 r.


Ultra D 3

Vitamins "Ultra D3" costs about 750 rubles per package. This is a decent price and, of course, many people want to find a sound and high-quality analogue. Some had to make a lot of effort to find it in their city.

All preparations should contain the active ingredient "(Colecalciferol)" and the price is not important!

Names of cheap analogues of the expensive drug D3 or D in pharmacies:

    Aquadetrim. A drug that regulates the exchange of calcium and phosphorus. Price - 180 rubles.

    Vigantol. Replenishes vitamin D3 deficiency. Enhances calcium absorption in the intestine. Price - 180 rubles.

    Vitamin D3. Oily solution for oral administration. Price - from 40 rubles.



With calcium and magnesium for the heart

The cheapest way to get calcium: eating chicken or quail egg shells. In quail 2 times more calcium, zinc, phosphorus. You can cook it like this: wash 2 shells of quail eggs, let them dry, grind into powder and pour lemon juice for 1-2 minutes. Seething will begin, do not be alarmed: calcium carbonate is formed.

By the way, in pharmacies such a potion will cost from 400 to 600 rubles!

And as a source of magnesium, your best friend for the heart (and also the most inexpensive) is, of course, Asparkam!

Its plus, in addition to being a very cheap drug, is that the active ingredients in it are in a form that allows the body to absorb them almost 100%. These vitamins have a positive effect on the cardiovascular system and muscle tissue, relieve cramps. The price is 60 Russian rubles.

Almost all reviews about Asparkam (more than 95%) are positive! This supplement really improves the general condition and solves the problems caused by the lack of magnesium with calcium!

Group B

What kind of cheap complexes of group B (b) in tablets or capsules can be purchased at pharmacies - names and prices are attached:

Supradin's analogs

What is a cheap analogue of effervescent supradin to choose:

    Additive "Multivitamin with minerals"

    The drug contains a complex of minerals and vitamins (vitamin E, PP, C, D, magnesium, iodine, phosphorus and potassium), which are necessary for the normal functioning of the body. The components favorably affect the biosynthesis of collagen, act as an antioxidant, prevent the development of atherosclerosis and protect the cardiovascular system.

    Price— 200 r.

    Berocca "Calcium and Magnesium"

    Also effervescent vitamins. The components of the complex provide the transmission of nerve impulses to the muscles, take part in enzymatic reactions, participate in the development of bones and teeth. Calcium and magnesium as part of this complex take part in cellular metabolism, optimize the functioning of organs and systems, and reduce nervous excitability. And vitamin C increases blood circulation and strengthens the walls of blood vessels.

    Price— 230 r.


    The composition is supplemented with B group vitamins (nicotinic acid, folic acid, cyanocobalamin and riboflavin), amino acids and minerals, which together participate in carbohydrate metabolism, stabilize the intestines, stimulate blood circulation, and also participate in the formation of nerve cell membranes, promote cell regeneration processes.

    Price— 210 r.

For women

Based on age, the body's needs for vitamins and minerals change. So with the transition to adulthood, the female body may receive less calcium, silicon, zinc, selenium, as well as vitamins D3 and E (especially in winter) from foods.

These complexes of vitamins and minerals for women in tablets will be cheap, effective and good:

    Beresh "Calcium + D3"- vitamins prevent tooth decay, strengthen the musculoskeletal system, and prevent nervous stress and depression.

    NUTRILITE Calcium and Magnesium Vitamin D+- contributes to the preservation of healthy bones, the functioning of muscles and the nervous system, increases blood clotting.

    Doppelgerz Active Magnesium B6 is a complex that increases the supporting forces of the body as a whole, increases efficiency, prevents the appearance of headaches, and stabilizes the level of glucose in the blood.

    BioTech "ONE-A-DAY"- activates metabolic processes in the body, strengthens the immune system, improves hair and nail growth, increases the protective functions of the body.

When planning a pregnancy

Folic acid (vitamin B9)- This is the main component that is necessary for full-fledged women's health. This substance prevents the formation of tumors, cysts, normalizes the work of the heart and blood vessels, participates in the synthesis of amino acids.

This vitamin is necessary for blood formation, it has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the nervous system, improves mood and performance. It is worth taking it, based on the appointment of a gynecologist. Folic acid is a very cheap drug (price - 40 rubles for 20 tablets).

ADVICE! You can pre-take a blood test to understand what problems are in the body and what vitamins it needs.

For pregnant

Even the cheapest vitamins for pregnant women are selected exclusively for trimesters:

    First trimester: the child's body is just beginning to form, it needs various substances, especially folic acid. This is the only vitamin prescribed by gynecologists at the beginning of pregnancy.

    This prenatal vitamin is very good, but inexpensive. It is involved in the synthesis of hemoglobin and prevents the development of anemia. Folic acid can be started long before pregnancy is planned and taken during the first three months of expecting a baby. The dosage is selected by the attending physician.

    In the second trimester the emphasis is on calcium, because during this period there is a process of active growth of a little man and mother's reserves may not be enough. Folic acid intake is not canceled, vitamins A, E, C and group B are added.

    third trimester- increased body's need for vitamins C, A, D and iron. These elements in tandem are an excellent prevention of anemia, they eliminate the tone in the uterus, and participate in the development of the child's cardiovascular system.

    In addition, it is worth preparing for the birth of a child, the body must receive all the necessary substances that are in the composition of multivitamin complexes so that the delivery process goes smoothly.

For nursing mothers

The lactating organism is subject to external changes (hair splits and falls out, nails exfoliate, teeth crumble). To protect yourself from this, you need to fully provide your body with the necessary vitamins (PP, B9, B6, B2, B1, E, C, A, D) and trace elements (magnesium, calcium, zinc, silicon, potassium, boron, copper and iron).

You can not do during the period of bearing a baby without folic acid, because it is she who is involved in the structure of the placenta and reduces the risk of hypoxia. It can be taken even before pregnancy, because this vitamin accumulates in the body and promotes fertilization. The best ready-made complexes for expectant mothers are:

  1. Elevit pronatal.
  2. Pregnavit.
  3. Vitrum Prenatal forte.
  4. Alphabet - Mom's health.
  5. Complivit - Mom.

With menopause

During menopausal changes, a woman's body changes significantly and needs support with multivitamins, because it is attacked by hot flashes, hormonal changes, mood changes, and the risk of cancer increases.

To prevent this from happening, it is worth focusing on such vitamins: D, E, C, A, group B (especially folic acid) and minerals: iron, calcium and magnesium.

Russian cheap vitamin complexes during menopause can be bought at a regular pharmacy:

For men

For men, taking good vitamins is simply necessary, because with their physical and emotional stress it is difficult to keep themselves in good shape. Vitamin complexes should contain the following substances: vitamins E, C, groups B, A, D, as well as trace elements: magnesium, phosphorus, zinc, calcium and iron.

The whole picture is supplemented with amino acids: L-cysteine. Multivitamin complexes stimulate the growth of muscle mass, contribute to weight gain, increase the body's resistance to all kinds of infections and viruses, in addition, they increase libido and increase sexual interest.

Cheap supplements for men:

List of top 5 cheapest in the pharmacy

Expensive doesn't necessarily mean good. There are several multivitamins that are inexpensive, but include all the necessary substances for the normal functioning of the body. These vitamins are suitable for everyone: teenagers, girls, men, women after 30, 40 and 50 years old - their plus is availability and versatility!

We present a list of the 5 most famous domestic vitamins:


    A fairly good vitamin complex, which includes vitamin C, A, E and group B. Suitable for adults and children from 12 years old. Increases immunity and body resistance to viral and bacterial infections. Improves blood circulation, improves mood, prevents premature aging of the body.

    Price in a pharmacy 40 r /


    A complex of vitamins that can compensate for the lack of nutrients during increased mental and physical stress. These cheap pills have a nice amount of vitamin C!

    In addition, the tablet in the package comes in two colors - the red one contains vitamins: D, A, C, B1, B2, B6, B12 - they help reduce the risk of anemia and osteoporosis, and the blue tablet contains trace elements: manganese, copper, magnesium, iron, calcium, sodium - contribute to the protection of body cells from oxidative processes and premature aging.

    Price— 150 r.


    A prophylactic against SARS, strengthens the human immune system. As part of vitamins of group B (B1, B2) - normalize the work of the gastrointestinal tract, C - increases blood clotting and accelerates the absorption of riboflavin into the blood, A - maintains carbohydrate and protein balance. Also, the complex protects the body with beriberi.

    Price- 35 p.

    Magnesium SupraVit.

    Delicious effervescent and inexpensive vitamins. Suitable for apathy, depression, fatigue and laziness. Increases heart rate, increases blood circulation, helps with insomnia, normalizes metabolism and returns appetite. It contains magnesium, calcium, B vitamins (thiamine, riboflavin, cyanocobalamin), A, PP and C.

    Price— 110 r.

    Doppelgerz Active.

    It contains folic acid, B vitamins and magnesium, as well as vitamins D, A, PP, K, E and polyunsaturated fatty acids. These substances maintain the hydro-lipid balance, strengthen the heart muscle, restore damaged areas of cells, increase efficiency, improve mood, promote metabolism, improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

    Price— 175 r.

Useful video


There are a huge number of vitamin-mineral complexes, all of them are effective in their own way, cope with the task and fit any budget. During the period of physical exertion and irregular nutrition, taking multivitamins is mandatory so that the body does not work for wear. Share your comments about the vitamins presented: who tried which ones, did you like them, is there a result expected from taking them?