Why people love games. Why do people play games? Exercises can be turned into games

You probably won't take my word for it. After all, we are accustomed to the fact that games are associated with a useless activity that brings pleasure only to children and strange adults who play instead of supporting their family, communicating with friends and going fishing on weekends. Did I express your thoughts correctly?

First, I'll give you a study conducted by the University of North Carolina, which proved that adults who play computer games, are happier and less depressed than those who do not recognize games.

Should we believe this study? I think yes. If only because research that would prove Negative influence games on emotional background person, no. Of course, we've all heard about gamers who lost consciousness after spending 24 hours playing games. But these are exceptions to the rule rather than the norm.

In addition to this research, I would like to give 10 reasons why adults should play computer games.

You will connect with your inner child

Only a few of us do something interesting for ourselves after work. And constant thoughts about work (especially unloved ones) lead to depression and boredom.

You can choose any hobby that you like. And if these are games, then why not? Remember how much you played as a child. Once you create this connection with yourself as a child, you will realize that you can enjoy many things, not just games.

Games help overcome stress

The older we get, the more problems and obligations fall on our heads. Loans, debts, problems at work - all this creates stressful situations. First of all, you need to understand the cause of stress and get rid of it. And computer games can help you relax and take your mind off daily stress for a while.

They develop imagination

Anyone who has ever played computer games can say that they force the imagination to work, to associate oneself with the main character and to closely follow the plot. Will this help you in real life? Perhaps yes. After all, we all like people with a rich imagination.

Games are a great topic of conversation

You will be surprised, but many people play computer games. And the next time you're at a party, try casually asking your interlocutor about this. And if he likes to play, you'll have a good topic to talk about.

You will learn to find a balance between work and fun

If you can't get distracted and play all day long, it's not because the games are bad. It's about you. And games are just one way to escape from the problems in life. If they weren't there, you would have found something else. Try to find golden mean between fun and responsibilities.

Games develop visual motor skills

Research shows that people who play computer games have better motor skills and coordination. This way you develop your physical skills. Many activities require good coordination and motor skills. For example, driving.

Hanging out with friends

If you are tired of going to the same places with your friends, try to diversify your leisure time with computer games. This can strengthen your relationships and help you stay close to your friends.

Games always have a goal

There is always a goal in games, be it reaching new level or other achievement. This makes your time more interesting and exciting.

Exercises can be turned into games

Training in and on is wonderful. But sometimes they become too monotonous and boring. In such situations, gadgets like Kinect or Wii can be a great outlet.

Horrible moments of waiting in the past

Queues at banks, hospitals and other establishments can sometimes drive you crazy. It is in such situations exciting game on your smartphone, tablet or console can help not only have fun, but also save nerve cells.

What place do games play in your life? Do you consider them child's play, or is it good way spend time?

Why, from the very beginning of the development of civilization, not only children, but also adults always played?

In the business world, 2016 can easily be called a trend in the entertainment industry.

Why mobile online games have you become a trend? Because even adults love to play and because the number of smartphone users is constantly growing.

In the next article I will show everything in numbers, but today we will talk about why all people, young and old, love to play and from the very beginning of the development of civilization, people have always played.

If you are reading this article, then you, like everyone else, love to play and at the end you will receive toys as a gift.

If you don’t think deeply, the concept of play is associated only with children - this is a big misconception.

But in fact, a person does not stop playing all his life, because they say “all life is a game” according to certain rules. Which we set for ourselves.

Often we stop liking this game of life, but we cannot get out of it, because it has certain rules. And sometimes we want to play another game of life, but the rules of that game allow others to join, but not you.

In sports, teams compete in athletics, biathlon, gymnastics - it’s just a competition. But hockey, football, and volleyball teams do not compete, but play. Don’t you think it’s not without reason that these competitions were called a game?

We grew up, but did not stop playing, only the games changed - checkers, chess, badminton, tennis. Many people like to play cards and lotto...

Computer games are easy new stage in the development of games, dictated by time. First there were electronic toys, I remember playing Tetris. Then on computers, games are already built right into the system. There are also games for every taste on the Internet.

An entertaining page has been created on the blog, a page on which there are mobile games, as well as a crossword section. I will be holding crossword tournaments with real prizes, subscribe to the blog news to participate in them.

Why do adults love to play?

  • To relieve tension or stress of the past day, to switch to the positive.
  • Sometimes this is how one overcomes the fear of reality with its problems and troubles; in the game everything is solved easily and one can become and feel like a winner, at least in an unreal world.
  • Sometimes they move away from real problems into virtual problems, which in any case will not affect real events.
  • You can do everything in the game, even things you can’t do and things you would never do in life.
  • And finally, a simple desire to kill time.
  • Many more reasons can be written...

For example, before going to bed I like to play card solitaire on the computer - it erases the thoughts with which it was filled in my head, I don’t continue to solve problems in bed and therefore fall asleep easily.

In general, I love it. But nowadays you can easily see a 30-40 year old businessman or even a member of the government playing some kind of “shooting game”. And more professional than their children. Nobody thinks this is wrong.

Are mobile games beneficial or harmful?

Gaming has moved to a new level, mobile. And you can play mobile games while you are far from the computer.

Mobile Internet has taken the entertainment industry to a completely different level. This is convenience for players and billions of dollars in revenue for game creators.

You can play a mobile game absolutely anytime and anywhere. This allows people to pass the time while traveling, flying, at train stations and airports.
Huge variety mobile games allows anyone to choose a game or several that suits them. Mobile games are incredibly colorful and dynamic, which attracts both children and adults.

Scientists write a lot about the benefits of mobile games, but they have not given a definitive answer; there is still a lot that remains unsolved.

Educational games, even for a two-year-old child, are useful within reasonable limits. During the game, the child’s practical skills develop and strengthen, he learns to think logically, and begins to train his memory. Children have always developed faster in a family where there are many other children to play with; children in kindergartens are more developed than children at home.

For older people, computer and mobile games prevent Alzheimer's disease. Even if you don’t have a partner to play checkers or chess, a computer can become one.

For people with enormous psychological stress, games relieve stress.

Although a game, of course, is a game, you can lose. But while honing your skills, you must follow the rules - these skills will certainly come in handy in life.

Have you noticed that happiness and success are found in those who live and work effortlessly?

There is also a lot of talk about the dangers of games, in the sense of gambling addiction and addiction to games.

But this is the same as with good wine- no one will cut down the vineyards, no one will stop the production of good grape wine due to the presence of alcoholism among the people.

Or the production of cars and planes increases, despite the fact that people die in car and plane crashes.

Mobile games online on smartphones and tablets are not only interesting, but also profitable?

The convenience of the mobile Internet cannot be overestimated and, accordingly, wide access to mobile communications has brought the gaming industry to a completely new level.

Growing quality of online games for mobile phones, their colors and dynamics attract even more players to mobile games, and game developers have more work.

My fellow countryman, 40-year-old Viktor Kisly, was in first place among the most successful Belarusian businessmen.

His childhood hobby, playing “tank”, and the fact that at school he spent a lot of time in his father’s software laboratory, led to the fact that at the age of 17 he and his friends began creating his first online game.

A couple of dozen created games on Victor’s account, but Victor Kisly brought fame and money World game of Tanks. It is now one of the most popular mobile games in the CIS countries and most of the world.

If you have a smartphone, then you now have the opportunity to get acquainted with the best online mobile games.

Go to this site, choose a game for yourself, install it for free and also receive 20 tokens as a gift to participate in sweepstakes.

It is addressed to everyone who is interested in online and offline games, and even those who do not game at all, but are interested in new ways of thinking and solving problems.

The main question is included in the subtitle: “Why games make us better and how they can change the world.” The author shows that the gameplay is not just entertainment, but inherent XXI century way collaboration, which can be used to solve real problems - from hunger and poverty to climate change and global conflicts.


In April 2009, Halo 3 players celebrated a very exciting collective milestone - 10 billion dead in the war against their virtual enemy, the Covenant. To reach the milestone, Halo 3 players spent 565 days fighting in the fictional Great War, defending Earth from an alliance of evil alien races bent on destroying humanity. During this time, Halo 3 players formed the largest army on Earth, albeit a virtual one. More than 15 million people fought on behalf of the United Nations Space Command in this sci-fi game. This is approximately half the total number of active personnel of the twenty-five largest armies in the real world combined.

Achieving such a figure as 10 billion killed was not an accident, thoughtlessly provided by the broad gaming masses. Halo players have taken a coordinated effort to achieve this. They took 10 billion dead as a symbol that their community was capable of great things, and they wanted it to be something greater than anything any other gaming community had achieved. So everyone worked hard to make sure everyone was playing Halo the best they could. Gamers exchanged recommendations and strategies, and organized round-the-clock joint promotion of campaigns.

Halo players eventually achieved their goal and flooded online forums to congratulate each other and talk about their contributions to the cause.

What's the point?

You may now be thinking, “So what? What's the point? There is no covenant. It's just a game. What did the players do that was special and worth celebrating?”

On the one hand, nothing. Destroying the Covenants has no value, no matter how many there are - one, ten or even a hundred billion. Even the most dedicated Halo fans know that saving the human race from a fictional alien invasion has no meaning. No prevention real threat. There is no saving the lives of real people.

On the other hand, although destroying in-game enemies has no value, this does not mean that it is meaningless.

Meaning is the awareness of involvement in a large, common, and not personal matter. It gives us the conviction that our actions matter beyond our own lives. What is meaningful is important not only to ourselves or our friends and family, but also to a much larger group: a community, an organization, or even the entire human race. We are all searching for deeper meaning, trying to find more ways to improve the overall picture of the world, more ways to leave a mark on it.

We cannot make a difference outside of a larger social context.

That's what teamwork is all about in Halo 3. It's not about whether there's value in destroying the Covenant, it's about the satisfaction of achieving a big goal with millions of like-minded people. This activity is full of meaning. When players dedicate themselves to a vision such as the destruction of 10 billion Covenant, they become part of a great cause and make a significant contribution to it.

To find real meaning, we don't need to do something of real value, we just need the opportunity to contribute.

We need a way to connect with people who are interested in the same global goal as us, no matter how conditional it may be. And we need a reason to reflect on the truly epic scale of our joint actions.

Epic and awe-inspiring

Compared to games, reality is ordinary. Games make us part of something bigger and give our actions an epic meaning. Epicness is one of the most important ideas in modern gaming culture. Gamers use this word to describe their most memorable and satisfying gaming experiences.

According to a very apt definition, epic is something that significantly exceeds the ordinary in meaning, scale and intensity. Gamers love epic games, and there's a reason for that. It's not just that bigger is better, but that something bigger is more awe-inspiring.

Awe is a unique feeling. According to many positive psychology experts, this is the most overwhelming and pleasant positive feeling a person can experience. Neuropsychologists call it "the pinnacle positive emotions" We experience awe when we realize that we are close to something greater than ourselves.

Without a doubt, this is the feeling Halo 3 players get when they say the game gives them goosebumps. This feeling is typical physical symptom awe, along with chills, goose bumps and a lump in the throat. The ability to experience awe serves as a kind of emotional radar for identifying meaningful activities. At the same time, each time we understand that we have found a probable source of meaning, real opportunity to benefit, to unite, to contribute to the achievement important goal. In other words, awe doesn't just make us feel good, it inspires us to do good deeds.

Game developers know better than anyone how to get people to do their best and how to reward hard work. They know how to enable interaction and collaboration on once unimaginable scales. In addition, they are constantly inventing new ways to motivate players to complete increasingly difficult tasks.

Do you want to become an expert in modern games, gain new ways of thinking and learn how the virtual can change reality for the better?

Prepared based on materials from the book “Reality in Question”.
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You probably won't take my word for it. After all, we are accustomed to the fact that games are associated with a useless activity that brings pleasure only to children and strange adults who play instead of supporting their family, communicating with friends and going fishing on weekends. Did I express your thoughts correctly?

First, I'll give you a study conducted by the University of North Carolina, which proved that adults who play computer games are happier and less depressed than those who do not play games.

Should we believe this study? I think yes. If only because there is no research that would prove the negative impact of games on a person’s emotional background. Of course, we've all heard about gamers who lost consciousness after spending 24 hours playing games. But these are exceptions to the rule rather than the norm.

In addition to this research, I would like to give 10 reasons why adults should play computer games.

You will connect with your inner child

Only a few of us do something interesting for ourselves after work. And constant thoughts about work (especially unloved ones) lead to depression and boredom.

You can choose any hobby that you like. And if these are games, then why not? Remember how much you played as a child. Once you create this connection with yourself as a child, you will realize that you can enjoy many things, not just games.

Games help overcome stress

The older we get, the more problems and obligations fall on our heads. Loans, debts, problems at work - all this creates stressful situations. First of all, you need to understand the cause of stress and get rid of it. And computer games can help you relax and take your mind off daily stress for a while.

They develop imagination

Anyone who has ever played computer games can say that they force the imagination to work, to associate oneself with the main character and to closely follow the plot. Will this help you in real life? Perhaps yes. After all, we all like people with a rich imagination.

Games are a great topic of conversation

You will be surprised, but many people play computer games. And the next time you're at a party, try casually asking your interlocutor about this. And if he likes to play, you'll have a good topic to talk about.

You will learn to find a balance between work and fun

If you can't get distracted and play all day long, it's not because the games are bad. It's about you. And games are just one way to escape from the problems in life. If they weren't there, you would have found something else. Try to find a middle ground between entertainment and responsibilities.

Games develop visual motor skills

Research shows that people who play computer games have better motor skills and coordination. This way you develop your physical skills. Many activities require good coordination and motor skills. For example, driving.

Hanging out with friends

If you are tired of going to the same places with your friends, try to diversify your leisure time with computer games. This can strengthen your relationships and help you stay close to your friends.

Games always have a goal

Games always have a goal, whether it's reaching a new level or some other achievement. This makes your time more interesting and exciting.

Exercises can be turned into games

Training in and on is wonderful. But sometimes they become too monotonous and boring. In such situations, gadgets like Kinect or Wii can be a great outlet.

Horrible moments of waiting in the past

Queues at banks, hospitals and other establishments can sometimes drive you crazy. It is in such situations that an exciting game on your smartphone, tablet or console can help not only have fun, but also save nerve cells.

What place do games play in your life? Do you consider them child's play, or is it still a good way to pass the time?