Why is it better to sleep alone? How many hours of sleep does a person need?

Surprisingly, many psychologists agree that by the way your partner behaves during sleep, you can understand how attached he is to you. It's not without reason famous writer Milan Kundera once said: “The desire to sleep with women can arise all the time, but usually you want to fall asleep with only one.” ELLE has collected the most obvious signs by which you can determine that he is really in love with you.

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If a man does not toss and turn next to you, trying to turn away from the wall, but, on the contrary, involuntarily begins to hug you during sleep, it means that he is subconsciously trying to protect you. Such a manifestation of care usually occurs only at the moment when the partner is truly in love and is ready to take responsibility for you, even if real life He hasn't admitted it to himself yet.

Another definite plus to spending the night next to your loved one is that sleeping together reduces the risk of developing depression. This is due to the fact that, when spending the night alone, a person begins to turn over from one side to the other much more often, thereby increasing blood circulation and increasing the level of cortisol, a hormone responsible for stress.

To top it all off, co-sleeping stimulates the production of the hormone oxytocin, which helps lower blood pressure. In addition, it helps the body fight fatigue and stress. Australian scientists have recently proven that the production of oxytocin in men is inextricably linked with

Kalinov Yuri Dmitrievich

Reading time: 4 minutes

Is long sleep beneficial? What happens if you sleep a lot? Rarely does anyone ask such questions. It would be worth it though. Quite often, after a hard week of work, people spend the entire weekend in bed. Or, during a long-awaited vacation, they try to get enough sleep without getting up before lunch.

We live in a post-industrial world, where for many, the measure of self-realization is success in the profession. The main value of our society is information. The ability to quickly obtain it and use it effectively gives an advantage in competition, bringing you closer to success. However, everything comes at a price. What do we pay for the opportunity to participate in the pursuit of success? First of all - time. There is always a lack of it, everyone probably sometimes thinks: “I wish there were not 24, but 30 hours in a day!” Where do we find the time to do everything we have planned for the coming day? The answer is obvious: we sleep less, and in the morning, heading to work, we dream of times when we can sleep not five to six hours a day, but doze every day until lunch. But what this can lead to, let’s consider further.

Sleep norms for people of different ages

First, you need to determine what it means to sleep “a little” or “a lot”, what is the temporary norm of sleep. Sleep is very important for a person during this period nervous system, which controls the body, is relieved of stress, muscles rest. In computer language, when we sleep, all body systems reboot. A successful reboot requires a certain period of time. Its duration can be different for each person; it depends on age, health status, body characteristics, and stress received during the day.

The main criterion determining the number of hours required for full recovery of the body, of course – age. Research by many medical centers, studying the nature of sleep, helped to quite accurately name the average temporary sleep norms for people of all ages. In this case, it is conventionally assumed that a person is relatively healthy and receives average physical and psychological stress during the day.

These are the norms:

From the above data it is clear that the older a person gets, the less time he needs to sleep. These figures, of course, are averages, but they allow you to see the overall picture.

Too much sleep: negative consequences

When we do not get enough sleep over a long period of time, it has a detrimental effect on our well-being, mood, appearance. makes us lethargic, apathetic, has a bad effect on brain function, skin color worsens, and may even cause depression. But what happens if, on the contrary, you sleep for a long time? Is it harmful to sleep a lot? It turns out that scientists are carefully studying this issue. Sleep is a natural state, so it cannot cause any harm to health. However, if a person requires significantly more time for night rest and recovery than the specified norm, this is a reason to be concerned. Such circumstances indicate that the quality of sleep is low, so to reboot the body requires more resources, including temporary ones. The cause of poor sleep quality may be some kind of disease, which is impossible to determine on your own; you need to consult a doctor.

Sleep together married couples began not so long ago. Even in the Victorian era, it was not customary for spouses to sleep in the same bed, as in Russia until the revolution. Wives and husbands usually slept separately in peasant houses. In Asia, houses were often and still are divided into male and female halves, in Ancient Rome a joint bed was only a place for love pleasures, and it was customary for spouses to sleep in different places.

"Industrial Dream"

The tradition of co-sleeping came to the world along with industrialization and with the movement of the population to cities.

Cramped living conditions do not always allow you to “free up” and put two beds in the apartment. Played a role and social factor- the tradition of sleeping together, established over the 20th century, led to the emergence of a stereotype that if spouses sleep separately, then something is wrong in their marriage. But is it?

Just for love

They started talking seriously about how spouses sleeping together is not the best benefit of modern civilization in 2009. At this year's British Science Festival, which is comparable in popularity to the scientific Oscars, University of Surrey sleep researcher Neil Stanley gave a talk the main thesis of which was that "sleeping with someone" is good only in the sense of "doing love,” everything else is pathology.

The scientist himself admitted that he has been sleeping with his wife in different beds for many years and wishes everyone the same.

“Sleep is a selfish activity. “You don’t have to share it with anyone,” Stanley concluded. “Isn’t it better to tiptoe down the hallway to your desired lover than to snore and kick her all night?” - Stanley asked the scientists who came to the conference. The scientists thought about it.

Point of tension

According to sociology professor Paul Rosenblatt, author of the book “Two in a Bed. Social system couples who sleep in the same bed”, the bedroom often becomes a “centre of tension”, where arguments and quarrels regularly break out between husband and wife, and sleeping together may not be as harmless a phenomenon as is commonly thought.

So, for example, spouses argue and swear over whether they can allow pets into their bed, or because someone in bed smokes, snores, watches TV, kicks, pulls the blanket towards themselves, rustles newspaper, or does not turn off mobile phone. They also argue about how long to set the alarm clock.

According to the professor, in many cases the problem could be solved simply by moving to different sleeping places. “But people have a stereotype in their heads,” Rosenblatt says. After all, it is believed that it is so natural for spouses to sleep together!”

Opponents of spouses sleeping together really have many arguments. Firstly, the already mentioned snoring is often the reason why spouses do not get enough sleep, become nervous and eventually get divorced. Snoring even reduces libido.

Researchers estimate that one partner's restless behavior robs the other partner of an average of 49 minutes of sleep each night. As a result, a person deprived of proper rest becomes nervous, works poorly, quarrels more often, and reduces sexual activity, which leads to destructive consequences for marriage.

For the sake of sleep

Separate sleep gives spouses the opportunity to get better sleep; it can renew and diversify sexual relationships. According to surveys of psychologists, many couples note that since they began sleeping separately, sexual relations have become more interesting to them.

Poor sleep is the cause not only of poor mood and decreased vitality, but also of hormonal imbalance, nightly trips to the refrigerator and weight gain. Sleeping separately may change this trend.

Finally, many people simply need personal space, and when they are constantly harassed at night, the blankets are pulled off them and pushed to the edge, this is not the most in the best possible way affects the general condition

Today, one of the main trends in psychology is separate sleep. Psychologists are constantly saying that in order to preserve family relationships, spouses need to sleep separately.

How was it received?

To be fair, it must be admitted that married couples started sleeping together not so long ago. Even in the Victorian era, it was not customary for spouses to sleep in the same bed, as in Russia until the revolution. Wives and husbands usually slept separately in peasant houses. In Asia, houses were often divided and are still divided into male and female halves; in Ancient Rome, a shared bed was only a place for love pleasures, and it was customary for spouses to sleep in different places.

The tradition of co-sleeping came to the world along with industrialization and with the movement of the population to cities.

Cramped living conditions do not always allow you to “free up” and put two beds in the apartment. The social factor also played a role - the tradition of sleeping together, established in the 20th century, led to the emergence of a stereotype that if spouses sleep separately, then something is wrong in their marriage. But is it?

Why was the question raised?

They started talking seriously about how spouses sleeping together is not the best benefit of modern civilization in 2009. At this year's British Science Festival, which is comparable in popularity to the scientific Oscars, University of Surrey sleep researcher Neil Stanley gave a talk the main thesis of which was that "sleeping with someone" is good only in the sense of "doing sex,” everything else is pathology.

The scientist himself admitted that he has been sleeping with his wife in different beds for many years and wishes everyone the same.

“Sleep is a selfish activity. It doesn’t need to be shared with anyone,” Stanley concluded. “Isn’t it better to tiptoe down the hallway to your desired lover than to snore and kick her all night?” - Stanley asked the scientists who came to the conference. The scientists thought about it.

Arguments for separate sleep

According to sociology professor Paul Rosenblatt, author of the book “Two in a Bed. The social system of couples who sleep in the same bed, the bedroom often becomes a “centre of tension”, where arguments and quarrels regularly break out between husband and wife, and sleeping together may not be as harmless a phenomenon as is commonly thought.

So, for example, spouses argue and swear over whether they can allow pets into their bed, or because someone in bed smokes, snores, watches TV, kicks, pulls the blanket towards themselves, rustles newspaper, or does not turn off the mobile phone. They also argue about how long to set the alarm clock.

According to the professor, in many cases the problem could be solved simply by moving to different sleeping places. “But people have a stereotype in their heads,” Rosenblatt says. After all, it is believed that it is so natural for spouses to sleep together!”

Those who oppose spouses sleeping together really have a lot of arguments. Firstly, the already mentioned snoring is often the reason why spouses do not get enough sleep, become nervous and eventually get divorced. Snoring even reduces libido.

Researchers estimate that one partner's restless behavior robs the other partner of an average of 49 minutes of sleep each night. As a result, a person deprived of proper rest becomes nervous, works poorly, quarrels more often, and reduces sexual activity, which leads to destructive consequences for marriage.

Separate sleep gives spouses the opportunity to get better sleep; it can renew and diversify sexual relations. According to surveys by psychologists, many couples note that since they began sleeping separately, sex has become more interesting to them.

Poor sleep is the cause not only of poor mood and decreased vitality, but also of hormonal imbalance, nightly trips to the refrigerator and weight gain. Sleeping separately may change this trend.

Finally, many people simply need personal space, and when they are constantly harassed at night, the blankets are pulled off them and pushed onto the edge, this does not have the best effect on their general condition.

Arguments against separate sleeping

Everything would be fine, but if sleeping separately is so great, why are most married couples still in no hurry to go to different beds and bedrooms?

Firstly, everything is still not so clear with the advantages of separate sleep. Separating spouses into different beds or rooms can lead to a breakdown in mutual understanding and sexual attraction.

Sleeping together is one of the most important manifestations of tenderness, trust and love. As the ancient Georgian proverb says, “Lovers sleep even on the edge of an axe.”

Secondly, sleep in different rooms can be downright dangerous, especially for older couples. One of the spouses may simply become ill, and if no one is nearby and no one gives medicine or calls ambulance, the consequences will be very dire.

Finally, there are reasonable concerns that the territorial distance between husband and wife during sleep will sooner or later lead to the idea that without a partner you can not only get a great night's sleep, but also live without him in principle.

Married couples started sleeping together not so long ago. Even in the Victorian era, it was not customary for spouses to sleep in the same bed, as in Russia until the revolution. Wives and husbands usually slept separately in peasant houses. In Asia, houses were often divided and are still divided into male and female halves; in Ancient Rome, a shared bed was only a place for love pleasures, and it was customary for spouses to sleep in different places.

"Industrial Dream"

The tradition of co-sleeping came to the world along with industrialization and with the movement of the population to cities.

Cramped living conditions do not always allow you to “free up” and put two beds in the apartment. The social factor also played a role - the tradition of sleeping together, established over the 20th century, led to the emergence of a stereotype that if spouses sleep separately, then something is wrong in their marriage. But is it?

Just for love

They started talking seriously about how spouses sleeping together is not the best benefit of modern civilization in 2009. At this year's British Science Festival, which is comparable in popularity to the scientific Oscars, University of Surrey sleep researcher Neil Stanley gave a talk the main thesis of which was that "sleeping with someone" is good only in the sense of "doing love,” everything else is pathology.

The scientist himself admitted that he has been sleeping with his wife in different beds for many years and wishes everyone the same.

“Sleep is a selfish activity. “You don’t have to share it with anyone,” Stanley concluded. “Isn’t it better to tiptoe down the hallway to your desired lover than to snore and kick her all night?” - Stanley asked the scientists who came to the conference. The scientists thought about it.

Point of tension

According to sociology professor Paul Rosenblatt, author of the book “Two in a Bed. The social system of couples who sleep in the same bed, the bedroom often becomes a “centre of tension”, where arguments and quarrels regularly break out between husband and wife, and sleeping together may not be as harmless a phenomenon as is commonly thought.

So, for example, spouses argue and swear over whether they can allow pets into their bed, or because someone in bed smokes, snores, watches TV, kicks, pulls the blanket towards themselves, rustles newspaper, or does not turn off the mobile phone. They also argue about how long to set the alarm clock.

According to the professor, in many cases the problem could be solved simply by moving to different sleeping places. “But people have a stereotype in their heads,” Rosenblatt says. After all, it is believed that it is so natural for spouses to sleep together!”

Opponents of spouses sleeping together really have many arguments. Firstly, the already mentioned snoring is often the reason why spouses do not get enough sleep, become nervous and eventually get divorced. Snoring even reduces libido.

Researchers estimate that one partner's restless behavior robs the other partner of an average of 49 minutes of sleep each night. As a result, a person deprived of proper rest becomes nervous, works poorly, quarrels more often, and reduces sexual activity, which leads to destructive consequences for marriage.

For the sake of sleep

Separate sleep gives spouses the opportunity to get better sleep; it can renew and diversify sexual relationships. According to surveys of psychologists, many couples note that since they began sleeping separately, sexual relations have become more interesting to them.

Poor sleep is the cause not only of poor mood and decreased vitality, but also of hormonal imbalance, nightly trips to the refrigerator and weight gain. Sleeping separately may change this trend.

Finally, many people simply need personal space, and when they are constantly harassed at night, the blankets are pulled off them and pushed onto the edge, this does not have the best effect on their general condition