Wright style house plans. Wright style houses. Project of a Wright-style house made of wood concrete

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A detailed plan and instructions for the foreman, which displays all the necessary stages and technologies in the construction of the foundation, walls and roof.

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Creation of a sketch and its 3D image, which shows the location and size of rooms, walls, roofing, furniture, windows and doors.

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This is a natural process of volume change wooden walls and other parts due to drying of the wood.

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A Wright-style house combines the seemingly incongruous: luxury and minimalism. When designing a house, customers often ask, on the one hand, for it to be “rich”, and on the other hand, modern functionality and simplicity are important. In this case, Wright's house design is what you need.

Wright's style takes its name from the American architect of the late 19th and early 20th centuries, Frank Lloyd Wright. Wright himself called his architecture “Prairie Style.” He was inspired by the Great Plains of the United States. He believed that architecture should not stand out from the surrounding landscape, but, on the contrary, organically fit into the lines of nature. To obtain general idea about the “Prairie style” just look at the famous “House over the Falls”, designed by Wright for the Kaufman family. Today it is a house-museum, open to the public in the state of Pennsylvania, USA.

As a big fan of Japanese culture, Wright brings a lot to his projects from Japan. This is the interweaving of rectangular symbolism when designing interior spaces, the use of different levels, and the removal of consoles.

Wright's architecture blends harmoniously with the landscape

Wright did not accept the dominant style of architecture at that time, Historicism, with its elements of pretentious luxurious decoration. He preferred minimalism in everything. For his time, Wright was an innovator, his ideas were often called crazy. But it was he who planted the seeds of the future development of suburban architecture, or, as he called it, “garden villages.” And now, in the 21st century, his projects are successful and are used in modern world. Moreover, today’s projects do not look “poor” at all, subject to the principle of minimalism.

Prairie style

Distinctive features of this direction are:

  • Minimum vertical lines. The rooms inside are spacious and spacious, flowing into one another. Partitions and walls are used minimally.
  • Low-rise. Houses are usually built one-story, sometimes two floors. Such construction is common in the suburbs of the United States. Wright himself believed that “it is necessary to get out of the urban cesspool,” and it was low-rise buildings in the suburbs that were the future.
  • Abundance of light in the rooms. Windows are often designed as panoramic or strip windows. There are a lot of glass surfaces used in this direction. Wright designed houses that had windows on both sides of the room. He often used glass in ceilings, and entire walls were transparent. In general, light sources here can be found in the most unexpected places.
  • Extending the roof beyond the foundation line. The predominance of horizontal lines in architecture.
  • Asymmetrical composition. The building seems to unfold in all directions, allowing for the possibility of extensions.
  • Availability, or even more than one. This type of home often uses a combination of indoor and outdoor spaces.
  • The color scheme of the building and interior is calm and restrained. Shades are used that are close to those found in nature and the surrounding landscape. White color is practically not used, or in minimal quantities. The architect himself said that “ White color“This is a mockery of nature and violence against man.”

Exterior decoration of Wright's house

The prairie style, or, as it is also called, “organic architecture,” suggests unity with nature. The house should, as it were, merge with nature, not protrude or stick out from it. Therefore, in home decoration they use natural materials, or materials that are close in texture to nature.

Often used in facade decoration natural stone, or “wild stone”, as well as facing tiles “under the stone”. It is possible to use red facing bricks and marble.

Advice. Marble and granite are expensive natural materials. You can consider a more budget option - facing tiles, colors reminiscent of natural surfaces. In addition to saving money, there is also a large palette of colors.

The architect liked to use “textile blocks” - sand mixed with concrete. The surface of such blocks actually resembled fabric in its texture. As a rule, tiles are chosen for the roof, and almost never corrugated sheets.

Houses in this style of architecture require terraces, recreation areas, ponds and gardens nearby. Wood, glass, and stone are often used in decoration here.

Wright's style: an inside look

Wright's style involves the play of planes and verticals in space. The rooms inside often flow from one level to another, all rooms are permeable and flow into one another. Therefore, in general in finishing interior design There is no place for contrasting design, for example, one room is pink, the other is blue. This style presupposes unity of color and compatibility of shades throughout the decoration of the house.

As mentioned above, white is almost never used here. White window frames, traditional for us, are also inappropriate in this interior. Frames made of wood with a natural color are often used.

In general, the interior is designed in warm shades: sand, red-brown, gray and brown.
To imagine the interior decoration of the rooms of a house in the style of Wright and the furniture, it is enough to recall the children's game “with blocks”.

Wright himself was personally involved in the interior of the houses he designed and often used stone in the interior decoration of the walls, and only occasionally could it be supplemented wood panels. He preferred simple, strictly geometric furniture. This decoration was largely borrowed from the East. Therefore, it looks quite organic here Japanese style decoration of premises.

Advice. Since today there are few people who want to live in rooms decorated with stone, a win-win for such an interior - fabric-like wallpaper in beige and sand shades.

Wright style homes are organic, cohesive and functional. All this will undoubtedly find recognition among fans of modern architectural styles with their minimalism, geometric shape and simplicity of decoration.

House project: video

You can order a house project in the Wright style by contacting us using the contacts in the header of the site.

To build a house in the Prairie style means to be in harmony with nature. I put this message in my architectural style American designer Frank Lloyd Wright. Even at the beginning of his career, this architect looked at design with a non-standard look; if at the beginning of the 20th century everyone tried to take their buildings upward, Wright saw his projects as squat, pressed to the ground, so that the house did not seem something separate from the ground, but became “part of the hill or the hill itself." When creating his style, the architect took human height as a basis, explaining this in the following words: “Taking human height as a scale, I reduced the height of the building. Not believing in any measure other than human, I introduced it into spatiality and spread out the length of the mass of the building.” Thus, it gives unity with nature not only to its structure, but also to the person who lives in it, this is harmony in everything - nature, structure and man, which do not exist separately, but are in harmony with each other.

The house, as an addition to the landscape, becomes part of it, and the person living in it becomes part of nature, and not something foreign.

There is nothing superfluous in this style, so its main characteristics are: simplicity, high functionality and comfort.

Despite the fact that it seems that houses in the Wright style should be low-rise, the author of the style was able to even build a skyscraper using his own method. You can find many houses consisting of two or even three floors, which also look organically like one-story buildings.

At the origin of the style, the author created layouts that looked like a cross or a T-shape. Later, to save space land plot houses increasingly became L-shaped, thus saving land area for development.

Features of Wright (Prairie) Style Houses

L-shaped building (T- or X-shaped construction is possible);

3 or 4 pitched almost flat roofs;

Orientation – horizontal;

Rectangular columns

Ledges at different levels

No plinth or high foundation

Wide overhangs

Large windows without shutters, can run along the wall

Brick or stone finishing

Open plan

No complex elements or fancy details

Houses in the Wright style look as laconic as possible, because every element is thought out to the last detail, and due to the organic work with the space and size of the building, such houses always look cozy and functional.

Prairie-style houses are most often not built high; two- or three-story cottages are the most common forms of buildings in this style. However, Frank Wright was able to make not only cottages in his style, but also many other buildings, including a skyscraper, which completely destroys the myth that only one-story cottage projects can be made in this style.

Materials for decorating a Prairie style home.

Most often, ceramic stone or brick is used to build walls in this style, and concrete and wooden beam. Despite the fact that it seems that such a house should be made of wood, it is not typical for it to be built from wooden frame or completely made of timber. An eclectic style is often used for decoration, which harmoniously combines several contrasting design styles. Often during exterior decoration a combination of wood and stone (natural or artificial), as well as glass and concrete is used. You can also find finishes where plastered walls are combined with stone.

One of the most well-known exterior finishing options is the use of a combination of decorative bricks or torn stone, with sections of brick or stone divided into horizontal stripes, between which there is a dividing strip made of concrete. This material is even used to frame some building elements, such as windows, awnings or protrusion borders.

It is customary to choose soft tiles as a roofing material, but in rare cases corrugated sheeting is chosen.

Windows in Wright-style houses are often adjacent directly to the roof or are placed as a ribbon around the perimeter of the cottage. Most often, windows in houses of this style are rectangular in shape and do not have shutters. Framing around them is present in almost every such building; it is made with thick boards or a concrete strip. Also, in warm countries, panoramic windows can be used on several sides of the building.

Wright style house layout

The layout is given a special place in the conversation about Wright's style, since such cozy, small at first glance houses with low ceilings have a lot of space and air inside. In almost every such project you can see the obligatory presence of a terrace, and not even one, but several. Large doorways allow you to create the feeling that the space in the house is continuous. Arches are not made in a house in the Raita style.

Raita style houses are made, for the most part, in calm and neutral shades, which are often taken directly from the nature that surrounds the house. During his lifetime, the architect preferred to collaborate with suppliers of materials from the same area in which the house would be built, so that it would fit into the surrounding nature as much as possible - it would be made from the same tree that grows in this area and even from the same stone, what can be found in local quarries. These are gray, beige, brown, sand colors. Almost the same can be said about the interior of the room, only with a little more bright colors indoors.

Before you consider architectural features Wright's style, we will let Wikipedia () say a few words about the creator of this trend.

"Frank Lloyd Wright is an American innovative architect. He had a huge influence on the development of Western architecture in the first half of the 20th century. Created "organic architecture" and promoted open plan in architecture"

But other? The rest will be told much better than biographical statements by the houses and projects of this architect.

sources of inspiration

It is worth mentioning that when talking about the architecture of Frank Wright, we are talking about a direction - the prairie style (of which Wright was the founder). It's called that for a reason. Its prototype was the large steppes of the Great Plains of the United States. From these natural lines the buildings took their common horizontal orientation and squatness - they seem to be trying to merge with the horizon line.

Another element that can be easily recognized in the architecture of such buildings is motifs of oriental temples: hinged floating roofs extending far beyond the main foundation.

Wright also learned a lot from minimalism, which was developing with all its might at the beginning of the twentieth century. But taking angular and functional forms as a basis, he carefully transferred them to naturalism, added natural outlines, and so the result was very comfortable and at the same time aesthetic interiors.

And, of course, one cannot fail to mention the main paradigm that Wright adhered to: natural organicity. He actively used the natural landscape in his buildings: both in combination with the building and by blurring the boundary between it and the building. A prime example of this is "The House Over the Waterfall"

But this is general. By what features can one accurately determine the prairie style?

Horizontal lines

As we have already said, horizontal orientation is the most striking property of Wright's styles. Buildings with more than two floors will still try to creep towards the ground.


And if horizontal orientation can be called the mother of the prairie style, then the strict lines of minimalism are the father. This gives an amazing feature: despite the angularity of the forms, the buildings fit harmoniously into the natural space - as if the earth thought for a second and took on a geometrically correct shape.


The segmentation of such buildings results from the previous features. Horizontal lines and interfloor coverings divide the building into elongated segments. And in order not to lose visual support, Wright's houses are often equipped with columns. This vertical-horizontal division creates the feeling that the building was created from individual solid cubes.

Hinged flat roofs

An integral attribute of the prairie style. The roof here also works to create a horizontal silhouette and segments the building if there are two or more floors. Oh yes - there will most likely be a roof overhang between the floors. This gives the building a unique shape and has long balconies.

Natural finishes

Naturalness comes first. Therefore, along with glass and concrete, real stone and wood are used. However, with the advent of siding, which fits perfectly into the outlines of Wright’s style, they began to use it.

One of the most interesting features of prairie style finishing is the active mixing of materials. Moreover, it is often used to emphasize the geometric nature of the style. For example, laying stone in a square that occupies a kitchen or a separate segment.

Panoramic windows

Horizontal orientation, smooth walls and correct forms allow (moreover, they have!) the installation of tall and large windows. This works both for the architecture and the interior: from the outside the house, reflecting the surrounding space, gracefully fits into natural beauty, the interior areas appear larger and receive a sufficient amount of light.

By the way: the use of round windows is also common, but what you are unlikely to see are the arched and protruding windows of classicism.

Unity with nature

The main condition of the class of organic styles is the ability to fit into nature. Regardless of their general outlines, they should not be perceived separately from the landscape in which they are located. Thanks to oriental motifs and finishing methods, the prairie style does this perfectly.


It is difficult to underestimate the influence of Wright's architecture on. Like modernity, it tries to unite modern achievements and nature, but if modernity packages convenience in the packaging of nature, it puts aesthetics and smoothness at the forefront; then the prairie style takes the most necessary from environment and gives it functional and neutral forms.

It is this borderline position, the unification of such dissimilar things, that makes Wright's style so popular and adapted to human life. Here everyone will find calm aesthetics, convenience, harmony, and unobtrusive trends of various ethnic groups.

In this article we will analyze the architectural features, as well as designs of houses in the Wright style. First, it’s worth understanding what the layout and interior of a house in the Wright style is.

The style received this name from its creator, Frank Lloyd Wright. This is an American architect who made a huge push in the development of Western architecture in the 20th century. In discussing his style, we must say that the article will talk about the direction of the prairies. Wright borrowed the idea of ​​building houses from the flat steppes of the USA. We can easily verify this by seeing such a house in person or in photographs. The horizontal orientation and lowness of the house seem to be trying to merge it with the horizon.

Another feature by which Wright-style houses can be easily recognized is their roofs. As a rule, they have a very low angle of inclination, and sometimes they are completely horizontal. They also extend several tens of centimeters beyond the main foundation of the house, as if covering the main part with some kind of “hat”.

When creating the project, the architect also drew a lot of design inspiration from such a popular trend as minimalism. Nowadays, it is especially often used in the construction of houses or interior design. Using modern styles and materials, he was able to combine these two trends.

Well, one cannot help but say that Wright was a man who loved nature very much. Therefore, his houses were located exclusively in natural landscapes. The territory before the process of building his houses was never leveled or dug; they built on what was available. Therefore, you can easily find a Wright Prairie style house, for example, near a waterfall or even above it. All this is only in general outline describes to us a picture of a house in the style of Wright. Let's take a closer look at all its features.

Features and main features of houses in the Wright style

We have already touched on this point a little higher - the horizontality and the tendency of the house to “reach out” to the ground. Even two-story houses in the Wright style are an order of magnitude lower than the usual two-story house built according to a simple design.

Smooth angles and regular geometric shapes give the building a neat and minimalist appearance, which emphasizes the regular shape of the building. Thanks to this feature, such houses blend very organically with the natural landscape of the surrounding area.


This feature gives an unusual effect to a house built in the Wright style. Looking at it from the outside, one gets the impression that the building was erected from separate rooms or solid rectangles. This is achieved by dividing the interfloor covering into segments. This effect is especially noticeable in two-story houses. And so that it all looks more complete, and also the strength of the building is not compromised, they often resort to the use of columns during its construction.

Naturalness of finishing materials

Wright-style houses are built from natural, natural materials. Wood, granite, and sometimes even marble are widely used. Concrete and glass are also used.

Large panoramic windows

The house would have looked completely different if panoramic windows had not been installed during its construction. By the way, they complement a one-story house in the Wright style well. The whole shape of the building leads to this decision - the horizontality and lowness of the house, which, by the way, allows you to make the house lower without spoiling the appearance, the correct geometry of the walls and even corners. Moreover, this size of windows improves the appearance of the house both outside and inside. Large windows provide good lighting, which will help with its interior decoration. By the way, we will also touch on this, but a little later.

The final factor that characterizes a Wright-style house is its unity with nature. This explains that mostly houses in this style are built somewhere near a forest with a nearby river, far from civilization and a noisy city. Even indoors, we can often see large pots of green plants. In such houses, you undoubtedly get the opportunity to relax your soul and body, reading a novel on a large sofa by the fireplace and drinking a cup of hot coffee.

Interior decoration and interior of a house in the Wright style

Touching upon the topic of interior decoration of such houses, it is worth remembering its main uniqueness - minimalism and simplicity. Natural materials are used both outside and inside the house, and simple design, correct geometric shapes furniture and other decorative elements.

Here we can find chandeliers made in a rectangular shape of a wall with rectangular corners, etc. In this style there is no place, for example, for a round carpet or oval-shaped glass.

A house in the Wright style implies only clear, even, geometric shapes. There are a huge number of options for finishing a house in the Wright style in the photo, it’s worth paying attention.

As for the color scheme used in the interior decoration of the house, everything is simple. Basically, the walls, floors and furniture are made in warm, calm, natural colors. That is, in most cases these are beige and brown shades that characterize natural wood.

Less common, but still found, are variations with white shades. However, such colors usually resemble houses whose interiors are decorated in the Art Nouveau style. You can also use shades of gray, which also looks quite serious and businesslike. In general, there are no strict rules here; the main feature is natural materials.

In contact with

Wright architectural style or Orient distributed in modern construction residential buildings.

He “came” to Russia from amazing and beautiful Japan, introducing oriental flavor into the development of architecture.

The main feature of Wright style houses- These are interesting flat-shaped roofs that look very unusual. They have large offsets, which is also typical for this direction.

The famous American architect Frank Lloyd Wright was the founder of this style in America and Europe.

Features of the Wright style

The style is considered very organic for country houses and cottages.

The famous architect himself was of the opinion that buildings should be squat and angular.

Luxurious pilasters and majestic columns are not his direction.

Houses created in the Wright style should be a continuation of the earth, that is, they should look as natural as possible - nothing pretentious or shocking.

Also, this style direction is characterized by segmented buildings.

These are one-story or two-story eclectic houses.

Natural wood and natural stone are successfully combined with concrete and glass finishing elements. Houses built in the Wright style are small, contrasting buildings that are rarely seen in Russia.

Decorated facades are not typical for this architectural trend. The “highlight” of the style is the huge panoramic windows that allow you to fill the interior space with natural light.

When constructing suburban buildings, Wright's style has long been in great demand. Over the years, its popularity has only increased.

Real fans functionality, aesthetics and laconic details should appreciate such an architectural design.

Features of house projects in the Wright style

The houses, which were built according to the plans of the famous American architect, have long become historical monuments. But this style continues to be actively used in the creation of new residential buildings.

What Wright's house designs look like? They may have their own nuances, but the general direction will still be visible.

To the main features, inherent in all such structures include:

  • Large wide windows;
  • Using Horizontal Lines;
  • Feeling of the integrity of the building, divided into segments;
  • Hinged flat roofs with original finish;
  • Combination of minimalism with natural, natural forms.

Architectural projects in this style are characterized by a combination of several materials.

Plaster, marble and brick look perfect together and create a feeling of some kind of solidity and impressiveness of the buildings.

Modernism is closest to Wright's style in its unique features.

Therefore, in the project creation can be taken into account original staircase with wrought iron railings with leaf-shaped patterns. However, much should depend on the individual wishes of the customer himself.

In houses you can combine rectangular volumes in different planes.

Depending on the project unique interior interiors are created.

For example, a combined living room and kitchen, as well as separate bathrooms and toilets, can occupy the largest areas.

The remaining area can be evenly distributed between the hall and hallway. A Wright-style house with a small summer terrace is the preferred option for many customers.

The project may include long roof overhangs.

This design protects from excessive sunlight entering the room in the hot summer and allows you not to hang blinds. Developing an architectural and structural design plan can take approximately one and a half months.

In “Wright style” houses, a certain integrity of the space of the room with furniture immediately catches the eye.

Typically, designers select interior items in such a way that there are as few vertical lines as possible. This provides plenty of free space.

Segmentation and angularity external architecture reflected in the interior.

Square lamps, suspended from the ceilings, create an even greater feeling of limitless space.

Style color scheme

Wright's style involves unique combinations. Decorating a dining room using natural stone and standard kitchen will be an excellent example of subordination to this architectural direction.

As for the color scheme, preference is given to calm and neutral shades. But the randomness of colors and elaborate gilded patterns clearly will not correspond to the classical ideas about Wright’s houses.

When developing a project, it would be appropriate to remember about the combination of ethnic features and minimalism. Prairie style (Wright) always amazes with its simplicity and uniqueness. Externally identical houses differ in the original features of their interior decoration.

Unfortunately, projects of such residential buildings are not in great demand in Russia. Just a little of these Japanese houses With flat roofs are beginning to be built in some cities.

Photos of houses

In the photographs taken by professional photographers, you can see the main features inherent in “right” houses.

You can apply many epithets to them. But the best description would be a bright and expressive photograph, allowing you to once again be convinced of the uniqueness of the style.

A doctor can bury his mistake, an architect can only cover the walls with ivy.

In the first half of the 20th century, the American Frank Lloyd Wright (1869-1959) developed the idea of ​​organic architecture proposed by Louis Sullivan (1856-1924) and founded his own style - “prairie houses”.

Organic architecture reveals and emphasizes the natural properties and forms of living nature and integrates buildings organically into the landscape. Wright took advantage of the basic principles of this philosophy; “Prairie style” further began to develop separately, and organic architecture grew into bio-tech (the opposite of high-tech).

Wright's style: history and modernity

Wright-style houses are otherwise called "prairie houses" because the main influence on them appearance had the endless American steppes. Indeed, buildings in this style are wide, squat, as if they are trying to merge with the horizon; natural color schemes used in the style - brown, sand, gray - also help the house to “get lost” against the background of nature.

A house should never be on a hill or anything. It must be part of the hill. Belong to him. The hill and the house should live together, one happier than the other.

So, a few characteristic features of “prairie houses”:

  • location on a hill (to achieve maximum illumination inside);
  • wide windows;
  • low number of storeys (most often - one spacious floor, which seems to be trying to hug the ground);
  • fancy, but comfortable and functional forms of buildings (T-shaped, L-shaped, X-shaped);
  • a large number of horizontal lines;
  • a substantial fireplace or, less commonly, a hearth in the center of the house;
  • maximum rejection of partitions and use of zoning of internal space. Usually only the bathroom and (sometimes) the sleeping area are separated.

Despite the fact that the classic "prairie house" is a single floor with a rather low ceiling, it is spacious: the architect skillfully uses all the space from top to bottom. For example, in one of the houses that Wright personally designed, there is a wide mezzanine along the entire perimeter: it forms an additional mezzanine and adds useful space. For some reason, this technique is not often used in architecture, although it is functional and interestingly played out by designers.

The influence of Eastern culture on Wright's style

Wright was a passionate admirer of Asian culture, so his architectural style adopted some features from oriental temples:

  • angularity and segmentation;
  • the wide flat shapes of the buildings themselves, their roofs and furnishings;
  • harmonious “flow” of the house into the garden and vice versa (for example, through a partially covered terrace, patio, etc.).

Moreover, at the beginning of the 20th century, Wright went to work in Japan and had no less influence on his Japanese colleagues (Kazuyo Sejima, Kengo Kuma, Takaharu Tezuka) than their predecessors had on him.

Wright always viewed nature from a practical rather than an abstract point of view. When he used natural materials, they came to life.
Residents in his houses never come into contact with a cold, rational atmosphere. When he created comfortable spaces, they became environmentally friendly.

Wright's style today

"Prairie Houses" are not only luxury individual projects, but also a number of budget developments. In biographies of Wright, these works belong to the "Usonian" period. They are compact, ergonomic and economical houses, in the construction of which frame technologies are used.

Being an ardent supporter of deurbanization, Wright even created the “City of Broad Horizons” project, a concept for developing low-rise buildings in the suburbs. There his developments of frame “prairie houses” were used.

Wright style house inside and out. Construction and finishing materials

Wright himself used brick, concrete blocks and monolithic reinforced concrete (“House over the waterfall”) for load-bearing structures, and wood and natural stone - for finishing. Not least among the materials is glass: this is required by huge “French” windows that span the entire height of the wall.

Disadvantages of traditional solutions

  • If the house is built from materials traditional to the Wright style, then the foundation cannot always be made lighter. For example, a reinforced concrete structure on marshy soil will require a pile-screw foundation with a grillage or, for example, TISE.
  • If construction material tree selected you will need good fire, bio and moisture protection.
  • Not only are brick and concrete themselves “cold” materials, there will be large heat losses in the “prairie house” through the huge windows. Still, the project originated in the prairies of the North American continent, and for our cold regions it requires adaptation, first of all, insulation. And these are unnecessary expenses.
  • Style welcomes complex designs made from heavy materials, hanging over cliffs and ponds, or simply balconies and verandas. It is difficult and sometimes unreliable to build them from brick or concrete, even with serious reinforcement.

Project of a Wright-style house made of wood concrete

Convenient and practical solution for a “prairie house” in the Russian climate – a house made of wood concrete blocks. It turns out to be light (this allows verandas and rooms to be supported on columns, and not on the load-bearing walls of the first floor) and warm (this slightly levels out heat loss through large windows).

For those who came to this site for the first time and have not yet been to home page: wood concrete block– durable construction material based on pine chips and Portland cement. It has virtually no disadvantages, with the exception of hydrophobia (though no more than wood).

By the way, if such a house is built in the southern CIS countries, it will keep cool perfectly - here thermal insulation properties wood concrete also comes to the fore.


If geodetic data does not indicate that the conditions for construction will be extreme (for example, the level groundwater too high, the soil is weak or waterlogged, there is a danger of seismic activity), the foundation for the house can be made shallow, strip or columnar.

An arbolite block, like wood, requires careful insulation from moisture. For this purpose they do:

  • waterproofing between the foundation and the first row of masonry;
  • blind area;
  • vents (if the type of foundation allows);
  • drainage (water drainage from under the building).

You can read more about the types of foundations and all the above measures in a special article on this topic. True, if Wright’s style philosophy is strictly followed, the house will stand on a hill and will not be exposed to excessive moisture.

Wall masonry

Laying wood concrete blocks is no different from laying any others: expanded clay, foam, aerated concrete: this is a regular spoon dressing. There are only a few nuances that are not difficult to observe.

  • Masonry mortar (preferably with perlite, or better yet, adhesive for cellular concrete) is placed completely thin layer: so that the finished seam is almost invisible. Once set, it will turn the blocks into a monolith.

By the way, it is for this reason that you don’t have to bother pouring monolithic wood concrete: it won’t be as strong (you can get acquainted with the rationale), and there are still no cold bridges in block concrete.

  • As with any block masonry, mesh reinforcement is required every 3-5 rows.
  • As the top row, you can lay an armored belt made of special block, and not install additional formwork to fill the cement belt: the reinforced concrete block itself will serve as permanent formwork.

Finishing technologies

Modern technologies make it possible to accurately imitate wood or stone - so that you won’t immediately guess the origin of the finishing material. At the same time, they will be lighter and more convenient than natural ones.

The main idea of ​​the “Wright” style in architecture is maximum harmony with nature. Such buildings fit organically into the surrounding landscape, become a natural addition to the landscape and combine simplicity, comfort and functionality. This perfect option For suburban construction, and therefore houses in the Wright style are becoming more and more popular every year.

A little history

The organic architecture style was created in the early 20th century by the innovative American architect Frank Lloyd Wright. He was opposed to complex and bulky structures and monotony of buildings, and therefore actively involved the natural landscape in his projects. The flat steppes of America inspired him to create squat houses, as if trying to merge with the horizon, and this direction became known as the prairie style.

During his life, Wright created more than a thousand projects, including not only residential buildings, but also churches, schools, museums, office buildings and skyscrapers. He used various styles and their elements, but the main emphasis was, of course, on organic architecture. Over time, the popularity of “prairie houses” grew noticeably, and the style began to be called after its creator.

Distinctive features

Wright-style mansions and cottages are very diverse, but they all have common characteristic features:

  • horizontal orientation of buildings;
  • angularity and squatness;
  • visual division of the facade into many sections;
  • open plan;
  • finishing with natural materials in various combinations.

The houses look very laconic and cozy, no elaborate details, no complex elements, everything is simple and functional.

Architecture style

Initially, the layout of such houses was T-shaped or in the form of a cross: rectangular elements intersected at right angles, forming a non-standard, but very convenient and reliable design. Modern projects They are predominantly rectangular and L-shaped, which saves building area.

The houses are low, even if there are second and third floors, and the impression of earthiness is further enhanced by the horizontal orientation of the buildings. The angularity of the buildings is given by numerous rectangular projections - bay windows, multi-level extensions, square columns. There is no basement or high foundation, but the house itself is most often built on a hill. The roofs are 3- and 4-slope, with a slight slope, sometimes almost flat. Characteristic feature The roof structures are very wide overhangs, borrowed from oriental architecture.

Materials for construction and finishing

Brick is widely used for the construction of walls, ceramic blocks, natural stone. For floors - wooden beams and concrete. And here frame structures Wright's style is not typical, nor are all-timber houses. Eclecticism is welcomed in the decoration: a combination of concrete and glass with natural wood and roughly processed stone. There are many options for combining stone and smoothly plastered walls.

The most common type of exterior finishing is façade cladding. decorative bricks or torn stone, broken into sections by horizontal strips of concrete. Concrete also frames the boundaries of protrusions, parapets and canopies, and sometimes windows. Wood is used for lining eaves overhangs, finishing terraces and extensions, and erecting partitions. As roofing material the most popular is natural and soft tiles, less often - corrugated board.


The windows in such houses are adjacent to the roof itself and can be located along the perimeter of the building as a continuous strip. As a rule, they have a square or rectangular shape, a small number of lintels, and no shutters. Window openings are always framed with concrete strips or thick boards. Expensive projects require availability panoramic windows on both sides of the main entrance.


The layout of houses necessarily includes the presence of a wide open terrace, and sometimes more than one. The interior spaces are also quite spacious, despite low ceilings, A smooth transition from one room to another creates a feeling of continuous space. Doorways are wide, strict rectangular shape. Arched structures are uncharacteristic for this style.

Wright's houses: color palette
facades and interiors

Color spectrum

The color design of houses in the Wright style includes predominantly neutral and warm natural colors: beige, sand, all shades of gray and brown. White is used infrequently and is always combined with other shades. The roof should be darker than the walls, and the lining of the eaves should be light (usually white or beige). Design elements for corners and openings are matched to the color of the roof.

Kenneth Laurent House

Wright style façade decoration

Designing and constructing a Wright-style building yourself is very difficult if you do not have an architectural background. But with the help of properly selected finishing, you can transform standard housing and make it look like prairie houses. To make the facade appear squat, at the level of the window openings along the perimeter of the house, you need to install a wide cornice made of concrete or. The same cornice must be installed along the upper edge of the walls.

For cladding, wild stone tiles or torn bricks are suitable - this finish looks great, and it’s not difficult to do it yourself.

Preparatory stage

External walls should be properly prepared before finishing. Cladding requires a strong, reliable base with a flat surface, without vertical deviations. Having cleaned the walls of dirt and dust, carefully inspect them for defects: cracks, chips, fungal damage, peeling of the old coating. Anything that is loose and crumbles should be removed to a solid base, otherwise high-quality finishing will not work. The areas affected by the fungus also need to be cleaned with a scraper and then treated with any product containing chlorine.

Protrusions larger than 15 mm are knocked down using a chisel and hammer.

After this, a level or an even long strip is applied to the plane of the wall in several places to determine the degree of curvature of the surface. If there are many irregularities and differences in height are more than 15-20 mm, leveling with plaster should be carried out along the beacons.

Before leveling, the walls are primed and allowed to dry thoroughly.

For plastering you can use ordinary cement-sand mortar or purchased mixture at cement based. It is a little more expensive, but much better in quality: it does not shrink, has increased resistance to moisture, and dries quickly. The plaster mixture is applied in 2-3 layers, each of which, after drying, is rubbed and sanded. Finally, the walls are again coated with a primer.

Installation of facade cornices

When constructing prairie houses, the horizontal delimitation of the facade is made with concrete strips during the process of laying the walls. In our case, you can use wide facade cornices made of polyurethane or fiber-reinforced concrete, which look no worse. You can purchase them at any hardware store.

Advice. In order for the cornices to match the finishing style, you should choose products of a simple rectangular shape, with the least pronounced relief. Optimal height cornices – 140-150 mm.

To install polyurethane cornices you will need:

If fiber-reinforced concrete cornices are chosen for finishing, you will additionally need dowel-nails for fastening, as well as drills and a drill.

Step 1. Determine the height of the cornice on the facade. If the house is two-story, the cornice is attached between the floors and along the upper edge of the facade. In one-story houses, the demarcation line can run at the level of the lower or upper edge of the window opening, or in the center of the window. If the walls are high, you can install two curtain rods.

Step 2. At the selected height they beat horizontal line around the perimeter of the house. Along the marking line, the walls are primed to the height of the cornice. It is advisable to take soil with quartz filler.

Step 3. Prepare the glue: pour the dry ingredients into a container with water and stir with a mixer until smooth.

Take a polyurethane cornice, cover the back side with glue and form grooves with a notched trowel. The wall is also covered with an even layer of mortar, after which the cornice is applied to the surface. Check the location with a level, press it to the base along the entire length of the product. Excess glue around the edges is carefully removed with a narrow spatula.

Step 4. Take the next element, coat the back side and the end of the cornice with glue, apply it to the wall, tightly joining it with the previous one. The remaining elements are fastened in the same way, constantly monitoring the horizontal. When finishing corner joints, the ends of two adjacent cornices are cut at an angle of 45 degrees.

Step 5. When the glue has dried, sand the surface of the cornice with fine sandpaper, sweep away the dust, and seal the seams with sealant. Finally, the finish is primed and painted white.

Fiber-reinforced concrete cornices are much heavier than polyurethane ones, so glue alone is not enough. In this case, on the back side of the product, in its upper part, carefully drill holes for fasteners, going deep to half the thickness of the cornice. The distance between the holes is 40-50 cm, the outer holes are located 10-15 mm from the ends. The same holes are drilled in the wall, precisely observing the specified distance.

Dowel nails are inserted into the holes in the wall, then glue solution on the wall and on the cornice, apply the product to the surface so that the fasteners fit exactly into the holes. Having leveled the horizontal line, press the cornice against the wall and remove excess mortar with a spatula. Finishing performed in the manner described above.

Facade cladding

For cladding, artificial stone is ideal, which in appearance is practically no different from natural stone, but has less weight and is easier to install. You can choose two types of stone that differ in texture and color, then the cladding will look even more impressive.

During the work you will need:

Before starting work, experts recommend laying stones from 2-3 packages on the ground to see how the finish will look on the wall. This will help determine optimal width seams between elements, choose a masonry pattern.

Advice. Before installation, you need to inspect the back side of the stones: if it is glossy or has traces of cement laitance, it is required additional processing wire brush.

Step 1.: pour the dry component into a container with water and stir with a mixer until smooth. Be sure to adhere to the proportions specified by the manufacturer, otherwise the quality of the masonry may decrease.

Step 2. The stones of the first row are laid face down and the back side is moistened with water. While the water is absorbed, the adhesive solution is applied with a spatula to the wall, starting from the bottom of the corner. The layer should be uniform and not too thick. A notched trowel is used to move over the applied layer, forming a relief.

Step 3. The solution is also applied to the back side of the stone and leveled with a spatula in a layer about 6 mm thick. Press it against the wall, level it and press it into the solution with zigzag movements. Additionally, you can trim the element with a rubber hammer.

Step 4. Fasten the next fragment, leaving a seam of the required width between the stones. If glue gets on the front surface, carefully wipe it off with a damp sponge.

During the installation process, it is necessary to check the horizontality of the row by applying a level to the upper edge of the stones. For ease of installation, special corner elements are attached to the corners.

Step 5. Having completed laying the first row, proceed to the second. To prevent the stones from slipping and ensure evenness of the seams, wooden wedges of appropriate thickness are inserted between the lower and upper stones. The vertical seams should not coincide, so you need to start a row not with a whole stone, but with a half. The material is easy to process, and cutting it with a grinder will not be difficult.

Step 6. All subsequent rows are laid in exactly the same way, observing the bandaging of the seams and controlling the horizontality of the cladding with a level. During the installation process, try to evenly alternate the stones in size and color, so the finish will look more aesthetically pleasing.

Step 7 After 3-5 days you can start processing the seams. To do this, mix the grouting solution, put it in a special bag and carefully squeeze the mixture into the joint cavity between the stones. Filling the joints should be done to the same depth, but not less than 5 mm from the base.

Step 8 About half an hour after application, when the grout begins to set, it is smoothed out using a jointer or a narrow spatula. Excess mixture is carefully removed from the lining with the same spatula or brush.

After completely dry solution, the lining is treated with a water repellent. You can apply the composition with a brush, but it is more convenient to use a sprayer, especially if the façade area is large enough. Before treating the surface with a water repellent, you should carefully study the instructions for its use.

Unitarian Meeting House - architect Frank Lloyd Wright

Video - Wright-style houses

Video - Facade facing with stone

Video - Installation of facade cornice

Review of projects - advantages and features

In Moscow and the Moscow region, houses designed in the Wright style have become popular in last decades, taking a strong leadership position in the luxury real estate category. Country cottages, born from "", inherited from them naturalness and earthiness. The ability to “merge” with the surrounding landscape and become an integral part of it.

1. Trendy organic architecture

Cottages built according to architectural designs in the Wright style, as a rule, are of the 1, 2 or 3 storey type with a clearly defined horizontal orientation. Cottages are helped to integrate organically into the surrounding space open terraces, loggias and large multi-leaf windows that unite the landscape and country house into a single whole.

2. "Eastern" roofs

As a "legacy" from eastern temples, houses in the Wright style received roofs with low overhangs that reliably protect interior spaces from direct sunlight. The designs of many projects include - they can be used as an outdoor solarium or terrace for relaxation.

3. Respectable exterior

The decoration of the facades of houses in the Wright style is done in calm, predominantly natural tones - muted shades of gray, chocolate, sand. The elegant color scheme gives the exteriors and emphasizes their status.

Prairie style house - turnkey construction

Any of the projects of cottages in the Wright style can be implemented by the builders of the TopDom company. They have behind them many years of experience work in the field of private housing construction. And carried out in different regions Russia.