Names of cities by the name of the founder: list, history and interesting facts. Former city names

The tradition of naming streets famous people exists for a long time. Almost every city or major locality there are streetsPushkin , Gogol, Gorky, Nekrasov and other famous writers. Some streets have a history of centuries, others - decades, and others - a few years. The tradition of naming streets after writers, or even after literary works and their heroes, testifies to high level the culture of the inhabitants. This tradition means that most of the people living in this area are familiar with the work of a writer or poet and consider it worthy to imprint his name on the city map.

This section presents the streets of the city, named after famous Russian writers in our city. Toponymy of any settlement is strongly connected with its history and traditions. V XVIII-XIX centuries in Russia, street names often changed following the change of homeowners: the names of the most famous of them served as the main sign of the streets when they were named. Gradually, the tradition of naming a street after famous person, who lives on it, has grown into a tradition of naming streets prominent people settlements or states. No wonder the streets are called "threads of human destinies woven into history."

Streets of the city bearing the names of writers:

Lane.G.Kh. Andersen

(1994, "Central" microdistrict)

ANDERSENGANS Christian (1805–1870) - Danish writer World fame was brought to him by fairy tales, organically connected with folklore, which combine romance, fantasy and realism, humor, satirical beginning, irony, imbued with love for a person: “The Story of a Mother”, “The Little Mermaid”, “The Nightingale”, “The Bell”, "Snow Queen", "Ugly Duckling".

Streetim. V. Astafieva (2004, Yuzhny mine)

Astafiev Viktor Petrovich(05/1/1924 - 11/29/2001) Russian writer, Hero socialist labor(1989), laureate of the State Prize of the USSR (1991), the Russian Independent Prize "Triumph" (1994), the State Prize of Russia (1995), the International Pushkin Prize (1997), the Prize "For the Honor and Dignity of Talent" of the International Literary Fund (1998), the Apollo Prize Grigoriev Academy of Russian Modern Literature (1998).

Main works: novels: "Until next spring" (1953 ), “The snow is melting” ( 1958 ), "Cursed and Killed" (1995 ); story : "Pass" (1958), "Starfall" (1960 - 1972 ), "Theft" ( 1966 ), “War is rumbling somewhere” (1967 ), "Last Bow" (1968 ), "King-fish" ( 1976 ), "The Sad Detective" (1987 ), "Merry Soldier" (1998 ), Vasyutkino Lake, etc.

The Minusinsk Drama Theater staged a performance based on the play by V. Astafiev "Bird cherry". V.P. Astafiev attended the premiere (1991)

Street "Belyaev Brothers" (1994, min. "Coastal»)

Alexander Petrovich Belyaev (1803-1887), author “Memories of what has been experienced and felt” and his younger brother, Pyotr Petrovich Belyaev (1804-1865),.Since 1833 they were in a settlement in the city of Minusinsk, Yenisei province.

Streetim.V. Vysotsky (2003, Yuzhny mine)

VysotskyVladimir Semyonovich(1938 - 1980) - Russian Soviet poet, actor and songwriter, author of prose works. Laureate of the State Prize of the USSR (1987).

Street them. N. V. Gogol (named before 1917)

Gogol Nicholas Vasilevich- one of the greatest writers Russian literature (1809 - 1852). Known for his works"Evenings on a farm near Dikanka", "Taras Bulba". play "Inspector General", "Dead Souls".Books by Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol are sad and funny, serious and very deep - they are relevant today and always.

Street named after M.A. Gorky

(before 1932 st. 2nd line of Tagarsky Island)

GorkyMaxim(real name and surname Alexei Maksimovich Peshkov) (1868-1936), is a famous Russian prose writer, playwright, publicist, author of the works "Petty Bourgeois", "At the Bottom", "Old Woman Izergil", "Song of the Falcon" and others.

Streetim. A. Griboedova

(2009, mine "South-Eastern")

Griboedove Alexander Sergeevich , Russian diplomat, poet, playwright, pianist and composer, nobleman. State Councillor (1828).

Griboedov is known as Homo unius libri - one book writer , a brilliantly rhymed piece "Woe from Wit”, which is still very often staged in Russian theaters. She served as a source of numerouscatchphrases.

Ulicaim.F.M. Dostoevsky (2004, MD "Energetik")

Dostoevsky Fyodor Mikhailovich (10/30/1821 - 01/28/1881) - one of the most significant and famous Russian writers and thinkers in the world, prose writer, critic, publicist, corresponding member of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences (1877).

Most Popular Works: Crime and Punishment”,“ Idiot ”,“ White Nights ”,“ Brothers Karamazov”,“ Player ”,“ Demons ”,“ Poor people ”,

« Humiliated and insulted », « Notes from the House of the Dead », « Notes from the Underground ».

Street named after I.A. Krylova

(until 1957 7th Working Street)

Krylov Ivan Andreevich (1769 - 1844) - Russian poet, fabulist, translator, employee of the Imperial Public Library, State Councilor, Full member of the Imperial Russian Academy.He published satirical magazines "Mail of Spirits" (1789), etc. He wrote tragedies and comedies, opera librettos. In 1809-43 created over 200 fables.

Street them. V.A. Kovaleva (2004, "Naberezhny" microdistrict)

Kovalev Vladimir Alekseevich(1935 - 1999) - geologist, poet, local historian, director of the Minusinsk Museum of Local Lore.Honored Worker of Culture Russian Federation(1993). Honorary citizen of Minusinsk (1996).Books published: "April" [Poems] (Krasnoyarsk, 1972), "Minusinsk" (Krasnoyarsk, 1986), "There is an opportunity to live differently [poetry] (Minusinsk, 2005).

Street them. M. Lermontova (2004, “Energetik” microdistrict)

Lermontov Mikhail Yurievich (October 3 [October 15] 1814, Moscow - July 15 [July 27] 1841, Pyatigorsk) - Russian poet, prose writer, playwright, artist, officer. Lermontov's works received a great response in painting, theater and cinema. His poems have become a real treasure trove for operatic, symphonic and romance works, many of them have become folk songs. Main works:" G hero of our time”, “Masquerade”, “Demon», « The last son of liberty,"Fugitive", "Boyarin Orsha", " Mtsyri», « Song about the merchant Kalashnikov ”,“ Sasha ”,“ Tambov Treasurer »... .

Street named after N.A. Nekrasov

(until 1957 5th Working Street)

NekrasovNicholasAlekseevich (1821 - 1877/78) - Russian poet, writer and publicist, revolutionary democrat, classic of Russian literature. REditor-publisher of the magazines Sovremennik, Otechestvennye Zapiski. Written poems, poems: “Pedlars”, “Frost, Red Nose”, “Russian Women”, “Who Lives Well in Russia”, “Contemporaries” (A satirical poem), prose, criticism, etc.

Street them. A.S. Pushkin

(until 1937 Borovaya street)

Pushkin Alexander Sergeevich (1799-1837) - Russian poet, playwright and prose writer.

The novel in verse "Eugene Onegin", the tragedy "Boris Godunov", the poems "Poltava", "The Bronze Horseman", the novel " Captain's daughter”, small tragedies “Mozart and Salieri”, “The Stone Guest”, “The Miserly Knight”, etc.

Streetim. ON THE. Raevsky (1994, mine "Coastal")

Raevsky Nikolai Alexeyevich(1894-1988) - Russian writer, literary critic, Pushkinist, military memoirist.. Author of books about Alexander Pushkin and his entourage: “If portraits speak”, “Portraits speak”, “Pushkin’s friend P. V. Nashchokin”. Was in exile in Minusinsk in 1957-1961.

Street them. S.V. Sartakov (1994, micro-district "Coastal")

Sartakov SergeyVenediktovich(1908-2005) - Russian Soviet writer. Peru S. Sartakov owns novels - the epic "Sayan Ranges", the trilogy "Barba Tales", the novels "The Philosopher's Stone", "Ice Treasure", "And you burn, star", "Eternal lullaby song”, “Lead monument”, essay “Incidents and curiosities on a long journey”, novels “Along the Chun rapids”, “Stone foundation”. Laureate of the State Prize of the USSR (1970) for the trilogy "Barbinsky Tales". The winner of the Lenin Prize (1982) donated the entire amount to the regional scientific library of the Krasnoyarsk Territory.

In 1928, the Sartakovs moved to Minusinsk, where Sergei got a job in an artel as a carpenter and part-time accountant.

Street them. L.N. Tolstoy

(until 1957 st. 4th Zagorodnaya)

Tolstoy Lev Nikolaevich (1828 - 1910) - count, Russian writer.

Novels: "Childhood. Adolescence. Youth",
"War and Peace",
Anna Karenina, Confession, Power of Darkness, Sunday,
play "The Fruits of Enlightenment"
the drama "The Living Corpse", the story "Hadji Murad", etc.

Street them. F.I. Tyutcheva (2005, m-d "Coastal II”)

Tyutchev Fedor Ivanovich(1803-1873) - famous poet, one of the most prominent representatives of philosophical and political lyrics, diplomat, corresponding member of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences since 1857. Tyutchev's poetry belongs to the best creatures Russian poetic genius. Known for amazing poems about nature: "I love a thunderstorm in early May", "There is in the original autumn", dedications to lovers: "I remember the golden time", "I met you", statements that have become aphorisms: "Russian history before Peter the Great is a continuous memorial service, and after - one criminal case", "Russia cannot be understood with the mind ...", "We are not given to predict."

Street them. G.A. Fedoseeva

(1994, m-n "Coastal")


Grigory Anisimovich(1899-1968) - Soviet writer, geodetic engineer. He visited Khibiny, Transbaikalia, Sayan Mountains, Minusinsk, Tuva, Angara, on the coast of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk and many other places. About our interesting trips and brave, courageous companions G. Fedoseev told in the books: “Taiga meetings”, “We are walking along the Eastern Sayan”,"The Evil Spirit of Yambuya", "The Last Bonfire", "Death Will Wait for Me", etc.
In con. 1930s - early. In the 1940s he was imprisoned in the Minusinsk prison. In the 1950s, while working on the novel Khmel in Minusinsk, he used materials from the Martyanovsky Museum.

Street them. A.I. smacked

(2004, m - n "Energetik")

Chmykhalo Anatoly Ivanovich(1924 - .2013)

Writer, member of the Writers' Union of Russia, executive secretary of the Krasnoyarsk branch of the Writers' Union,Honored Worker of Culture of the RSFSR. Author of over 20 books:“Flood”, “Delayed Shot”, “You Need to Believe”, “Three Springs”, “Wild Blood”, “Disgraced Land”, collections “Nuggets: Obscene Poems” and “Alluvial Placers. Naughty Poems, etc.

Been to many times Minusinsk.

Street them. A.P. Chekhov(until 1957 st. 2nd Pristanskaya)

Chekhov Anton Pavlovich

(1860-1904), Russian writer, honorary academician Petersburg Academy of Sciences, a doctor by profession. He started as the author of feuilletons and short humorous stories (pseudonym Antosh Chekhonte and others). Stories: "Steppe", "A Boring Story", "Duel", "Ward No. 6", "Story unknown person”,“ Guys ”,“ The Man in the Case ”,“ In the Ravine ”,“ Children ”,“ Drama on the Hunt ”; plays: "Ivanov", "The Seagull", "Uncle Vanya", "Three Sisters", "The Cherry Orchard".

Street them. V. M. Shukshina (1994, microdistrict "Coastal")

Shukshin Basil Makarovich (1929 - 1974) - Russian Soviet writer, film director, actor, screenwriter.

Honored Art WorkerRussia. Storybooks: " Villager"," There, far away ","Characters"; novels "Lubavin", "I came to give you freedom"; films “Such a guy lives”, “Stoves-benches”, “Kalina red”.

Street them. V. G. Yana (1994, m-d "Coastal")

Jan BasilGrigoryevich (real name - Yanchevetsky) (1874 / 1875-1954) - Russian Soviet writer, who became famous as an author historical novels. Laureate Stalin Prize of the first degree (1942).

V. Yan's historical novels "The Phoenician Ship" (1931), "Fires on the Barrows" (1932), "Hammers" (1933) and others were very popular. Genghis Khan (1939), Batu (1942), Towards the Last Sea.

From summer 1922 to August 1923 Vasily Yan worked as a technical editor and head of the editorial office of the Minusinsk newspaper Vlast Truda. Under the pseudonyms Gadfly, Worker, Sadko, his stories, poems, feuilletons were published. He wrote plays, staged them on the stage of the Minusinsk Drama Theater, sometimes he played himself. The library in Minusinsk is named after him.

There are many cities in the world named after famous people.

There are many cities in the world named after famous people. Some of them are the largest capitals of the world, important political, economic and cultural centers.

The names of these cities will characterize their history of development. In this article, we present several vivid examples of such cities.

Adelaide- the administrative center and the largest city of the state of South Australia, the fifth largest city in the country. The city was founded in 1836 and named after the wife of the British monarch William IV, who ruled from 1830 to 1836, Queen Adelaide.

Albertville- a city in the French department of Savoy in the Rhone-Alpes region. The city is named after King Charles Albert of Sardinia.

Upington is a city in the Northern Cape province of South Africa. The city is named after Thomas Upington, who was Prime Minister of the Cape Province from 1884-1886.

Arseniev- a city (since 1952) in the Primorsky Territory of Russia. Founded in 1902 as the village of Semyonovka. In 1952, the working settlement received the status of a city and was renamed Arseniev - in honor of the famous Russian scientist, traveler, writer and researcher Far East Vladimir Klavdievich Arseniev.

Monument to Arseniev on the hill Uvalnaya

Barchevo is a city in Poland. Named after Walenty Barczewski (Polish: Walenty Barczewski, 1856-1928), a Polish folklorist, historian and public figure who lived in Warmia.

Borisov- a city in Belarus, the administrative center of the Borisovsky district of the Minsk region. The city is named after Polotsk Prince Boris (Rogvold) Vseslavich.

Monument to Prince Boris and Resurrection Cathedral

Brazzaville It is the capital and most populous city of the Republic of the Congo. Brazzaville was founded on September 10, 1880 as a French military post on the Congo River by order of Pierre Savorgnan de Brazza, who was the commander of the French expedition.

Washington- the capital of the United States, was founded in 1791 and named after the first American president and hero of the Revolutionary War, General George Washington.

Gadzhiyevo is a city in the Murmansk region. The city is home to the naval base of the Russian Northern Fleet. Until 1967, the village was called Yagelnaya Guba. October 16, 1967 was named Gadzhiyevo in memory of the Hero Soviet Union Captain 2nd Rank Magomet Imadutdinovich Gadzhiev, who died on May 12, 1942 in a battle on the K-23 submarine. In 1981, the working settlement of Gadzhiyevo received the status of a city closed type with the new name Rocky. In 1999, the city of Skalisty was again renamed Gadzhiyevo.

Hamilton- the administrative center of Bermuda. The city is named after Sir Henry Hamilton, Governor from 1778 to 1794.

Lermontov- a city (since 1956) of regional subordination in the Stavropol Territory of Russia. Named after the poet Mikhail Yurievich Lermontov.
The city is located 182 km southeast of Stavropol, in Ciscaucasia, on the southern outskirts of the Stavropol Upland, in the center of the Caucasian Mineralnye Vody resorts.

Salavat- a city in Russia, one of the major industrial centers of the Republic of Bashkortostan. Forms the urban district of the city of Salavat.
On July 7, 1949, it received the status of a workers' settlement, named after the Bashkir national hero Salavat Yulaev.

Tursunzade- a city in the Gissar valley, the administrative center of the Tursunzade district of the Republic of Tajikistan.
Named in honor of Mirzo Tursunzade, Tajik Soviet poet, prominent statesman and public figure.
The main enterprise in the city is the Tajik aluminum plant

Sherbrooke- the fourth largest city in the province of Quebec in Canada, the capital of the administrative-territorial unit of Estri in historical and cultural region Eastern Cantons. The city is located 150 kilometers east of Montreal and 50 kilometers north of the US border. The city is named after John Cope Sherbrooke, the British Governor General of Canada in early XIX v. Agrotourism is widely developed in the city, various festivals are held.

Hermosillo- a city in northwestern Mexico, the administrative center of the state of Sonora.
The name of the city is given in honor of Marshal J. M. González de Hermosillo, a fighter for independence from the Spanish crown

Street names after famous people

a) scientists:


Dokuchaev Vasily Vasilievich(1846 - 1903) - Russian naturalist, a prominent scientist who wrote many works on soil science.


Named after the famous doctor, professor and public figure S.P. Botkin.

Botkin Sergei Pavlovich(1832 - 1889). In 1855, Botkin was engaged in a number of medical clinics abroad and in Russia. He was an honorary member of Moscow and Kazan universities, 35 Russian and 9 foreign medical societies.


Ukhtomsky Alexey Alekseevich(1875-1942) - Russian physiologist, academician of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (1935). Laureate of the Lenin Prize (1932). The creator of the doctrine of the dominant, the author of many works on physiology.


Lomonosov Mikhail Vasilievich(1711-1765) - the first Russian natural scientist of world importance, chemist and physicist, founder of physical chemistry, astronomer, instrument maker, geographer, metallurgist, geologist, poet, who laid the foundations of modern Russian literary language, artist, historian, champion of the development of domestic education, science and economics, founder of molecular kinetic theory, science of glass. Developed a project for the Moscow state university later named after him. Discovered the existence of an atmosphere on Venus.


Dmitri Ivanovich Mendeleev(1834-1907) - Russian scientist and public figure. Chemist, physical chemist, physicist, metrologist, economist, technologist, geologist, meteorologist, teacher, balloonist, encyclopedist. One of the most famous discoveries is the periodic law of chemical elements.

b) Russian naval commanders

Admiral Nakhimov

Nakhimov Pavel Stepanovich(1802-1855) - Russian naval commander, admiral, hero of the Sevastopol defense. During the Great Patriotic War On March 3, 1944, the Nakhimov medal and the Order of Nakhimov of the 1st and 2nd degrees were approved.

Admiral Ushakov

Ushakov Fedor Fedorovich(1744 - 1817) - Russian naval commander, admiral, participant in Russian - Turkish war 1787. During the Patriotic War of 1812, he was elected head of the militia of the Tambov province.

Street names in honor of state, public and political figures


Antonova-Ovseenko Vladimir Alexandrovich(1883-1939) - member of the ASDLP since 1902. Active member October revolution. In the years civil war was the commander-in-chief of the Ukrainian fleet.

Karl Marx

Karl Heinrich Marx(1818-1883) - German philosopher, economist, political journalist. His scientific works and publications formed dialectical and historical materialism in philosophy, the theory of surplus value in economics, and the theory of class struggle in politics. These directions became the basis of the communist and socialist movement and were called "Marxism".


Kikvidze Vasily Isidorovich(1895-1919) - an active participant in the civil war. He commanded a number of units of the Southwestern Front.


Lavrov Andrey Sergeevich(1886-1936) - member of the Communist Party since 1905, since the spring of 1921, chairman of the Council of Workers' and Peasants' Deputies of the Tambov province.


Fioletov Ivan Timofeevich(1883-1918) - a participant in the struggle for Soviet power in Azerbaijan. Since April 25, 1918 - a member of the Baku Council of People's Commissars, for the affairs of the National Economy.


Shlikhter Alexander Grigorievich(1868-1940) - Soviet statesman, doctor of economic sciences. From 1920 to 1921, Schlichter was the chairman of the Tambov Provincial Executive Committee.


Ernst Thalmann(1886-1944) - leader of the German and international labor movement.


Usievich Grigory Alexandrovich(1890-1918) Member of the Communist Party since 1907.


On November 25, 1911, the City Duma gave it the name Gavryushenskaya. On March 16, 1938, it was renamed Volodarsky Street.

Volodarsky Moses Markovich(1881-1919) - an active participant in the armed uprising in Petrograd, was a member of the Presidium of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee, a Bolshevik agitator.


On February 27, 1951, the newly designed street was named after Grigory Ivanovich Kotovsky.

Kotovsky Grigory Ivanovich(1881-1925) - Soviet military and political leader, participant in the Civil War.


Named after Nikolai Gavrilovich Chernyshevsko Go (1828-1889) - revolutionary democrat, writer, literary critic and publicist.


Frunze Mikhail Vasilievich(1885-1925) - party, statesman and military leader. An active participant in the revolution of 1905-1907 and the October Revolution.


On May 25, 1953, the executive committee of the City Council named the newly formed street after Dobrolyubov. The street is named after the revolutionary democrat, philosopher, literary critic Nikolai Alexandrovich Dobrolyubov (1836-1861).

Boris Vasiliev

Vasilyev Boris Afanasyevich, since 1904 a member of the Bolshevik Party. From 1921 to 1922 worked as secretary of the Tambov Provincial Committee.

August - Bebel

August - Bebel(1840 - 1913) - a prominent figure in the German and international movement, the founder and leader of the German social democracy and the II International. Author of the famous book "Woman and Socialism".


Chichkanov Mikhail Dmitrievich(1889-1919) - in March 1918 he was elected chairman of the city executive committee of the provincial council.

Bohdan Khmelnytsky

On April 9, 1957, the executive committee of the city council named the newly formed street in memory of the outstanding Ukrainian statesman and commander, hetman of Ukraine, who actively contributed to the reunification of Ukraine with Russia, Bohdan Khmelnytsky (1595 - 1667).


Ieronim Petrovich Uborevich(full surname: Uborevich-Guborevich) - military and political figure, commander of the 1st rank. In January-February 1918 - the commander of the Red Guard detachment in Bessarabia, fought against the Romanian and Austro-German troops, was wounded, taken prisoner.


Kuibyshev Valerian Vladimirovich(1888-1935) - a prominent Soviet party and statesman. He led the struggle for the establishment of Soviet power in the Samara province.


Urbanonyms are the most mobile and changeable layer of toponymic vocabulary, they contain a large amount of information about traditions, foundations, originality of mentality and features of the worldview that characterize a particular language community.

Chapter II, when considering and analyzing urbanonyms, is connected with the study of proper names and determining the status of urbanonyms in toponymy and onomastics. Here an attempt is made to theoretical-linguistic and cultural understanding of the specifics of the names of intra-urban objects.

I analyzed 80 units. As a result of my research, I found:

55 one-piece and 25 one-piece units.

23 street names in honor of the Heroes of the Soviet Union.

Street names in honor of famous creative figures, including 18 writers, 1 painter and 1 musician.

Street names in honor of famous people, including 7 scientists and 2 Russian naval commanders.

28 street names in honor of state, public and political figures.

There are many cities that have received their names in honor of animals. Many of them are quite large and well-known throughout the world. Among them are not only Russians, but also German, American, Greek and even African. For example, the name of the capital of Uganda - Kampala, means "antelope" in a literal translation into Russian from the language of the tribes living there. The city of Ivry, France was named after the wild. Alupka, the name of the city, which is located on the Crimean peninsula and was founded by the Khazars more than a thousand years ago, translated from Greek - fox hole. Located in the state of New York, a city called Buffalo also received a name in honor of the animal, because in English it means “buffalo” or “buffalo”. Many more to be found interesting examples if you dig a little deeper.

History of some cities

Vorkuta, a city in Russia that was founded in 1963, has a name that means "many bears" in the language. Although there are no bears in the vicinity of this city.

Another thing is the Belarusian city of Bobruisk. Here, according to chronicle data at the time Kievan Rus there was a village whose main occupation was fishing and beaver fishing. In some countries of the world at the beginning of the last century, these animals practically disappeared. Belarus was no exception, but the authorities intervened in time and created the Berezinsky nature reserve for animals, which helped stop the disappearance of beavers in the country. There are several monuments in the city, also dedicated to these animals, which tourists from all over the world come to take pictures with.

The Ukrainian city of Lviv, according to ancient chronicles, was founded by Prince Daniil Glalitsky. But most often, the inhabitants of the city tell a romantic story about a lion who stole people who dared to walk alone in the forest, and a brave knight who saved people by killing the beast.

The city in the Yaroslavl region, Myshkin, has been known since the 15th century. At that time it was a small village. Its name is associated with a legend. Once the head of the village was resting on the banks of the Volga. His mouse and thereby saved him from the snake crawling towards him. Since then, the mouse has been a favorite animal of the city's inhabitants.

The Swiss city of Bern, founded in 1191, got its name in honor of the bear. Duke Berthold V swore an oath that he would name the city after the first animal he killed while hunting. The bear became the trophy, and the city was given the name Bern. On the German bear is translated as Bär.

Of course, these are not all cities that are named after animals. There are many of them, and their history and origin of names are very interesting and exciting.

Astrakhan - in different times was called: Ajitarkhan, Ashtrarkhan, Tsitrakhan. According to one of the hypotheses explaining the origin of the name of the city, the descendants of the warlike Sarmatian tribes, the Ases, lived in these parts. For military merits, they received from Batu Khan a letter - tarkhan, exempting them from duties in favor of the state.

Barnaul - the first version of the origin of the name: "good camp" or "village of Barna" (from Kazakh), if we assume that "Barn" is the name of one of the nomads of the Siberian Khanate. The second version: from the name of the river Barnaulka - "wolf river" or "wolf lake" or "muddy river".

Bryansk - from the old Russian word Dbryansk, derived from the word "dbr" - "mountain slope, gorge, moat, valley or lowland, overgrown with dense forest and shrubs"

Buzuluk - from the Tatar "bozau" - a calf, "bozaulyk" - a veal fence

Vladimir - named after Prince Vladimir Monomakh, the founder of the city

Vologda - from Ancient Veps - a river with white (clear, clean) water

Vorkuta - from the Nenets - a bearish area or an area abounding with bears.

Voronezh - there are several theories about the origin of the name. According to the 19th-century Slavic linguist I. I. Sreznevsky, the word "Voronezh" comes from the word "voron". The German linguist M. Vasmer suggested that the name "Voronezh" has a connection with the adjective "black" (black). The opinions of I. I. Sreznevsky and M. Fasmer were united by N. P. Milonov suggested that the name is associated with the color of the water in the river. According to the Voronezh local historian V.P. Zagorovsky, the name "Voronezh" could come from the possessive adjective "voronezh" of the possibly existing ancient Slavic name "Vorone?g".

Gelendzhik - (from Arabic) helendzh - poplar or from Turkish: gelin - bride + ?s?k - light

Grayvoron - from the Old Slavonic: “gray raven”, - that is, “play raven”, or “crow crow”, or “flock of crows”.

Derbent - from the Persian "narrow gate"

Yekaterinburg - named after Empress Catherine I

Yelets - from the name of the Elchik River (on old maps, the river was designated as Yelets - this is how a spruce forest or fish can be called)

Izhevsk - the name comes from the river Izh (udm. O?)

Irkutsk - the name of the city comes from the Irkut River, the hydronym has a multi-valued interpretation and is associated with the Mongol-Buryat words denoting strength, energy, spin, spin, turn.

Yoshkar-Ola - (from Mari) - "red city"

Kazan - from the name of the Kazanka River

Kamyzyak - from the Turks. ?amys?, Qamyzaq - reedy area

Kandalaksha - according to one version - "a dry place among the swamps near the bay", which comes from the Sami words "kant" and "luht". There is also a legend about two brothers - Kant and Lahti, after whom the settlement was named: Kantalahti.
There are interpretations of Sami origin: "kandas" in Sami - "pack" and "luht" - bay, lip, i.e. "pack lip" (a place where deer were loaded in the old days)
There is a variant of the origin of the name from the Karelian word "laksha" - bay and "kanda" - the name of the river flowing into this bay.
But in last years researcher A. A. Minkin unequivocally came to decipher the name as "Lip of the mother-nurse"

Kemerovo - probably from the Turkic "kemer" - mountain slope, coast, cliff, hill, mountain.

Kolomna - Scientific versions:
- from the surrounding of these places by the rivers Oka, Kolomenka and Moscow;
- from the Ryazan words kolomen, kolomenye - meaning the border, that is, Kolomna - a border town
- from the Finno-Ugric word kalma, meaning grave, cemetery
- from the ancient Finno-Ugric words "kol" - fish and "kolva" - a river, that is, a fish river.
- from Lithuanian kalmas "calamus", kalmyne "thickets of calamus" or "river with thickets of calamus"
Folk etymological versions:
- from the word quarry - a stone was mined (broken) near the city
- from the Kolomenka River, on the banks of which there was a market, in the old way - Menok, that is, "a river near the Mena" - Kolomenka
- from the peculiarity of the flow of the Oka River, in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe city, the Oka breaks (the Oka is broken), hence Kolomna, just like the Oka is wide in the city area
Kashira, Oka Lugovaya near the city of Kaluga
- from the Latin "columna" - a column, which corresponds to the historical and modern coat of arms of the city

Kumertau - the name of the city comes from bashk. K?mertau - "coal mountain".

Magadan - the name came presumably from the Oroch "mongodan", meaning sea sediments.

Maykop - from the Adygs. Myekkuape (my - apple, kuape - valley, literal translation - valley of apples)

Makhachkala - bears this name since 1921 in honor of the revolutionary Makhach Dakhadaev. Previously, this area was called Anzhi-Kala - "pearl city" in the Kumyk language or "adobe fortress" in Dargin.

Mozdok - the name of the settlement comes from the Circassian "mez degu" - "deaf (dark) forest"

Moscow - the name of our capital comes from the name of the Moscow River, but the etymology of the origin of the hydronym has not yet been definitely established. One of the variants of the origin of this name is from the Old Slavic root "mosk" (wet, swampy place).

Murmansk - means "city on Murman". Russian people called "Murmans" or "Urmans" Norwegians, Normans. Later, "Murman" began to be called the coast of the Barents Sea, and then the entire Kola Peninsula.

Murom - the name of the city comes from the Finno-Ugric tribe Muroma ?, and the word "muroma", according to one version, comes from the Cheremis verb "muram" - "sing" ("muromo" - song), so "muroma" is a place singing, fun.

Mytishchi - the name comes from the so-called mytnaya duty (or "myta"), levied on merchants Nadym - translated from Nenets, there are several meanings of the name of the city:
- "Nyadey I" - this is a region rich in reindeer moss;
- "ngede ya" - a dry, elevated place on which meadow grass grows.

Nalchik - translated from Kabardian and Balkar means "horseshoe", since geographically the city is located in a semicircle of mountains resembling a horseshoe

Naryan-Mar - (from Nenets) - "red city"

Omsk - the name comes from the Om River

Penza - the name of the city is associated with the name of the Penza River, according to one version, its name is translated as "Fire River"

Perm - the name comes from the Vepsian word pera maa - "distant land"

Ryazan - the name of the city by origin is a possessive adjective male R?zan (with suffix -jь-) from male name R?zan. The very name "R?zan" is a short form of the passive participle from "cut" and the verb "cut", thus, "R?zan" - "Rezanov city".

Salekhard - from not. Sale Harad - "City on the Cape"

Samara - there is no consensus on the origin of the name of the river and the city of Samara. There are several theories:
- from the word Samur (Iran.) "beaver, otter";
- from Tatar, Chuvash. "Samar", Kalmyk. Samr, Chagatai. "Samar" - bag, Kyrgyz. "Sardar" - basin, jug.
- from the Mongolian words "Samar" - "nut, nutty" or "samura, samaura" - mix, stir up
- from a combination of the Iranian root "sam" or "sham" or the Hungarian "semar" (desert, steppe) and the Hungarian root "ar" - that is, the steppe river
- on behalf of the son of Noah Sim (Herself)
- from the name of the city of Samarkand, which, according to legend, was founded by the ruler Shamar (Samar)
- from Biblical Samaria
- from the Arabic "surra min raa" - "he who sees will be delighted"
- from a combination of the Russian word "sama" and the ancient Greek and ancient Egyptian name of the Volga river "Ra" - "full-flowing, like Ra itself"
- from the old Russian "samara", "samarka"

St. Petersburg - Tsar Peter I named the city in honor of his heavenly patron- Apostle Peter

Saransk - from the muzzle. "sara" - a large sedge swamp, swampy floodplain

Saratov - there is no generally accepted theory about the origin of the name of the city, there are several versions:
- by the name of Sokolovaya Mountain, in Tatar "sary tau" - "yellow mountain";
- from the words "sar atav" - "low-lying island" or "saryk atov" - "hawk island";
- from the Scythian-Iranian hydronym "sarat"

Serpukhov - there is no unequivocal explanation of the origin of the city's name, there are only versions:
- from the hypothetical name "Serpokh" (derived from "Sickle");
- from the name of the river Serpeika;
- from the sickle plant;
- from the fact that the Serpeika river curved around the Cathedral (Red) mountain in a sickle shape;
- from the fact that sickles were forged in the vicinity of the city;
- from the canonical name Serapion.

Smolensk - there are several versions of the origin of the city's name:
- from the name of the river Smolnya (Old Slavic "smol" - black earth);
- from the ethnonym Smolensk;
- from the verb "tar"

Sortavala - the origin of the name has not been thoroughly clarified. Versions say that, perhaps, “sortavala” is translated as “the power of the devil” - supposedly, the evil spirit expelled from Valaam moored to this shore.
According to another version, the name comes from the Finnish "sorttawa" (dissecting), which could refer to the bay dividing the city into two halves.

Sochi - translated from the Ubykh language - a country belonging to Sidi Ahmet Pasha

Suzdal - according to one version, the name comes from the Old Slavonic verb "sjdati" - "to mold from clay"

Surgut - translated from the Khanty language - "fish place"

Syktyvkar - from Komi Syktyv - Sysola; kar - city, which means - "city on Sysol"

Taganrog - the name of the city, most likely, is a combination of the words "tagan" and "horn" (meaning "cape"). Another option is from the Turks. to?an - falcon

Tambov - from the Moksha "tomba" - a whirlpool

Temryuk - the city is named after its founder - Prince Temryuk, one of whose daughters was the wife of Ivan the Terrible

Togliatti - from the Greek. ??????????? - letters. "City of the Cross"

Tomsk - located on the banks of the Tom River and got its name from it

Tuapse from the Adyghe "tuapse" - "two rivers", "the area lying below the confluence of two rivers" - the Tuapse River, formed by the confluence of two mountain rivers - Chilipsi (Chylepsy) and Pshenakho (Psynef)

Tula - Dal gives such an explanation of the name: “Tula is a secretive, inaccessible place, a corner, a corner for protection, shelter, or for imprisonment. The name of the city may be related to this.
Some researchers see the similarity of the hydronym "Tula" with the Turkic names: Tuv. tulaa "swamp", "bog", hak. tul "fish", hack. Tula "swamp tussock", Shorsk. tula "to dam the water", there is the Tula River (a tributary of the Ob), which has swamps as its source

Tyumen is a word of Turkic-Mongolian origin and means ten thousand, ten thousandth army (compare: Russian word" dark")

Ufa - from the Bashkir - "dark water"

Khabarovsk - named after the 17th century explorer Yerofey Khabarov

Chelyabinsk - perhaps the name of the fortress "Chelya? Ba" goes back to the Bashkir word "Sil? Be", that is, "depression; large, shallow hole. There are other versions:
- The Chelyabinsk fortress was named after the village of Selyaba, which stood on the river. Selyabka;
- on the site of Chelyabinsk was the Bashkir village of Selyaba;
- the village was founded by the legendary Turkic hero Selyambey;
- the village of the Bashkir tarkhan Taimas Shaimov, who had the honorary title of "chelyabi";
- on the site of modern Chelyabinsk there were patrimonial lands of the Turkic hero Selyabi-Chelebi;
- the name comes from the Turkic root "chelabi" ("selyabi"), that is, "noble"

Chita is an exact translation from Sanskrit - "to comprehend, understand, observe, know" (compare: the Russian word "read")

Yaroslavl - the city is named after the founder, Prince Yaroslav the Wise.