When everything will be fine. When will everything be fine in Russia? You have many amazing options.

I don’t really understand the dissatisfaction of the “free” public in this vein. I’m not trying to offend or anger anyone now, but I’m just thinking in general. Well, that is. if we talk from the position of liberal views (no, I’m not saying that liberals are bad, that’s not what we’re talking about):
1. Freedom of speech. Almost anything can be voiced today. You simply turn on the TV - there are liberals talking, there are communists, there are soilists, there are Westerners. In general, I can say almost any nonsense out loud, and the state will not do anything to me. Well, today specifically. Formulate the main thing adequately, and everything is ok.
2. Freedom of action. Also, in general, spin what you want. Are monopolies, cruel market rules and annoying freedom of action of other participants already addressed to you? Well, this is very European and American. (It’s also surprising when they swear about corruption and the venality of everything and everyone - in the MARKET. The market is a question of price, not honor, justice or anything else.)
3. Freedom of movement. If I don’t like what’s happening here, I took my feet in my hands and threw myself down, for example. Moreover, judging by the “news on TV” and on “these Internets of yours,” some citizens, along with themselves, also calmly take out impressive amounts of capital, which is like a rare bonus in our world.
4. Not solidarity and not “brotherhood” of the civilian population among themselves. This is what Glukhovsky voices as the “stuckness and constriction” of the population. It’s not tightness, it’s “my house is on the edge,” it seems to me. It is always there in conditions of general competition. Every man for himself, as it were. They don’t invest much in the “business”, not because they are “modest”, but because they simply have not yet learned how to cleverly deceive each other, it’s a matter of time before they take a closer look/adjust to each other.
And here I am philistine with a simple mind I think about it, yes, and I find it difficult to even immediately figure out in which of the “correct countries that everyone refers to” the same kind of anarchy exists in these matters. Personally, this doesn’t seem so good to me on some points, due to my rather left-wing preferences, but why doesn’t this seem like a success to fellow citizens of free, liberal views? This is what they fought for, if I understand correctly? What they organized perestroika for is correct? The power they wanted, the course they wanted. And “freedom”, right now, in this moment- You really can eat it with your ass. Well, Glukhovsky writes that “freedom” is no longer the main thing, the people are already “squeezed”, as it were. Doesn't this mean that "they" won their battle for "freedom", which was the most important thing for them when it all began? Those. This is their success, they have reached certain peaks and are moving on, to other issues, because these issues have already been resolved. Be happy when you win. Why are your faces so sour? You achieve your goal, you succeed.
It is clear that in matters of “freedom” our government has not yet mastered it and is weak on its feet in comparison with “these countries that everyone refers to.” Time will pass, she will get used to it, and such “freedom” will no longer exist. It will not happen precisely because we will finally become “like America” or “like Europe.” Those. “We’ll live well” from the point of view of these fellow countrymen of ours.
Damn, they were so sad, as if they wanted to sit on the Christmas tree without getting ripped off. It’s like, “we fought for it, but when it started to work out, it turned out that it wasn’t as cool as we imagined.” And if I quietly, remembering my thoughts, whisper, “Guys, maybe try to the left then, since you tried it here and were disappointed?” - so they will throw stones at me then. Why? Yes, because this “dissatisfaction” is ostentatious, apparently, but in fact, people in the team of winners today are striving to realize their success even more widely.
Prilepin, if you look at the situation like this, he writes adequate things. From the point of view of those who advocate “freedom”, in their coordinate system it is good/bad - people began to live better. They fought for "freedom" and they got it. They fought for certain values, and they implement them and promote them. I don't see any fatal problems for liberals. Well, the only thing that can cause them concern is the "white" gin, with religions and all that - but they themselves released it, in fact, let them curb it themselves now.

Respect to Glukhovsky as a prerequisite for the appearance of the Metro game - a very cool universe, I just dragged myself along. I read all the books, but I didn’t really share the author’s ideological messages, it was just aesthetically pleasing. Thanks anyway, interesting work.

What do you think distinguishes a rich person from a beggar? Thinking. The state of consciousness, how a person thinks about himself and the world around him. The path to success is very short, it is in our heads. One person is determined to succeed, another is overcome by doubts, and when something doesn’t work out for him, he attributes all his failures to life circumstances.

But in fact, the only thing that really bothers him is his thoughts. Our state of consciousness determines our entire life. As soon as I realized this myself, my life completely turned upside down. When the husband is very successful man, at one point I lost all my money and just wilted, I had the task of finding a way out of the situation.

I re-read all the literature on the topics of personality and thinking transformation, Feng Shui advice, recommendations on how to become successful, how to get out of a crisis and start living, and so on. And I realized that even through force, even if everything is bad, you need to tell yourself, convince yourself that everything is good. This is perhaps the most difficult thing in the process of transformation of consciousness, but the most important.

If we can believe in ourselves, we will begin to radiate the energy of confidence and goodwill.

The brain is like a computer, how we program ourselves is how life will develop. I have already developed a habit - every morning, opening my eyes, I say to myself: “Every day and in everything, my life is getting better and better.” Then I get out of bed and say: “I love my life!” In this way I set myself a favorable program for the day.

It is not necessary to use these exact words, the main thing is that the phrase is inspiring and short so that it can be easily remembered and repeated as often as possible. Another important aspect- Gratitude. Various things have happened in my life, there have been great losses, but even at such moments I said: “Thank you, thank you, thank you.” And after this something good always happened.

We know that thought is material. For example, fear is easily read by animals: if an animal senses fear coming from a person, it will rush at him. But if we can get rid of fears and believe in ourselves, we will begin to radiate the energy of confidence and goodwill. And this will certainly affect our entire lives.

In life, everything is interconnected: without action, ideas are doomed to failure, and without an idea, you will simply perform a lot of unnecessary actions, and this fuss will not lead to success. It is important not to lose heart and move forward. Winston Churchill once said: “If you are in hell, keep moving and you will come out.”

The point is to not allow yourself to become depressed or dwell on depressing thoughts. Depression sucks you in quickly, like a swamp. It’s better to stop feeling sorry for yourself and complaining about life, about the state, about the dollar exchange rate - there’s no point in attracting anything to yourself negative energy. When the ruble collapsed, I said to myself: “So now I need to work twice as efficiently.”

I love my listeners very much and try to help, but it also happens that I tell them: “Anything is possible! I had nothing, and now I got everything I dreamed of. Believe in yourself, love yourself!” And I see their mixed feelings, on the one hand joy, on the other disbelief. I see the reaction, the thoughts that penetrate their consciousness, like, she was just lucky, someone helped her, with me everything is more complicated, she won’t understand, I won’t succeed. At such moments, a person programs himself negatively, instead of saying - I am open to change.

There is such an important metaphysical law: if you give thanks for something, you will receive more of it.

We need to understand that life constantly tests our strength and not always everything works out the first time. You need to prove your intentions and be persistent.

Let me give you an example from the last seminar: I asked the audience to remember any bad event. They chose divorce. I ask: “What does this situation mean to you?” One of the listeners said: “The collapse of all life.” This was the answer of a pessimist. The cynic’s answer sounded like this: “Finally, I’ll have some fun.” The philosopher said: “It was just a period, it’s over, I need to rethink it and move on.” Do you know what the person who was positive said? “I am grateful for this experience and believe that the Universe is generous and abundant, making room for something new and beautiful to appear in my life.” Such a person understands that everything is for the better. Agree, this radically changes the mood and vision of the situation, attitude towards it, emotions, state of mind, and therefore future events.

Of course, this requires effort. But this approach bears fruit and ultimately allows you to enjoy life and appreciate it. There is such an important metaphysical law: if you give thanks for something, you will receive more of it. And if you resist something, it begins to persist. This is very easy to check, just remember all the situations in your life when you accepted and when you resisted, and what happened then.

We need to make requests to the world, and specific ones at that. Sometimes I motivate listeners to scream, to shake the space so that the waves of energy become more active. This especially helps in times of difficulty, when a person loses energy and does not even have enough energy to smile. At such moments, the body needs a powerful shake-up. You can shout: “Lord, give me money!!!” (happiness, love, recovery, whatever), but scream with all your heart, with all your pain, desire, and feel the moment.

First you need to feel how the desire comes from the stomach - it arises there life force, and when the energy reaches the throat, shout out the request. Sensitive people feel it physically, less sensitive people can simply imagine and visualize the process.

about the author

Natalia Pravdina- Feng Shui master, consciousness transformation specialist, founder of the Center for Positive Thinking.

Let me remind you of some obvious signs...

When you wake up in the morning, you immediately begin to worry about what you will eat, what you need to do, what people you need to meet, and so on.

You worry about what others—family members, friends, coworkers, and strangers—might think about you. You pass people on the street and, without even realizing it, you worry about how you look in their eyes.

You worry about your work responsibilities (emails, meetings, paperwork, etc.) and your personal life obligations (family, food, bills, etc.). It constantly seems to you that you are not good enough at something, you do not live the way you “should”, but the moment when you will be satisfied with everything will never come.

You worry about comparing yourself to other people, about how much is left behind, about what lies ahead - good or bad, about what you are missing out on, about feeling guilty about what you... you don't think you're getting fitter, leaner, stronger, or smarter—all the things you shouldn't worry about in the first place.

And time goes by...

But you are not alone in this. We all get stuck in our own thoughts sometimes.

You must realize one thing: no matter what is happening in your life now, everything will be fine, everything will work out.

We constantly worry about what might go wrong, what other people will think of us, and so on and so forth. In short, we focus only on negative options. However, they represent only a small part of all the possibilities available to us. The chances of them becoming a reality are slim. But even if your fears come true (say, someone thinks badly of you), they are unlikely to significantly affect your life.

The truth is that even if your fears become reality, 99 percent of the time everything will be fine.

Remember what you were worried about Lately. You've probably experienced all this before, haven't you? Yes, you were forced to solve the problems that arose, but your life did not collapse; on the contrary, you extracted useful lessons, which ultimately made you stronger.

If you always tell yourself that everything is fine, you can gradually free yourself from worries and worries and learn to prevent their occurrence.

You can improve the quality of your thinking and life in general...

Start your day calmly, with a sincere smile on your face, and only then proceed to all your business...

It's worth practicing.

What to do in difficult times, when real trouble has come into your life?

How to deal with it?

“Today, on my forty-seventh birthday, I was rereading the suicide note I wrote exactly twenty years ago, two minutes before my girlfriend Carol walked into the room and told me she was pregnant. Her words were the only reason why I didn’t commit suicide then. Suddenly my life made sense and I began to change it little by little. better side. It wasn't easy, but now Carol is my wife, with whom we lived together in happy marriage for nineteen years already. My daughter is twenty-one years old, she studies at medical university. She has two younger brother. I re-read my suicide note every year on my birthday - I'm grateful that I was given a second chance at life."

This is an excerpt from email, which I received from a student in my course named Kevin. His words reminded me that sometimes you have to experience “inner death” in order to be reborn and become stronger and happier.

Circumstances and people will sometimes break you. But if you focus on the positive, open your heart to love and continue on the path, no matter what, then you will certainly be able to pick yourself up, recover and become stronger and happier than you were before.

Angel and I have also dealt with upheavals in our lives—losing loved ones and best friends, going through a financial crisis, failing business ideas, and more. We've written about this for years. But today, let me remind you of some clear signs that everything will be fine, even if it doesn't seem so right now...

1. Change is happening right now. Nothing is certain. You are free.

Everything in life is temporary. Nothing lasts forever. Every moment gives us a new beginning and a new ending. We get a second chance every second.

After the rain the sun always shines. After the night, dawn always comes - we are reminded of this every morning, but for some reason we refuse to notice it.

People from all over the world constantly tell me similar heartbreaking stories about how their entire lives have become an attempt to cope with one unjust event from the past. All the opportunities that are given to them, they burn at the stake with a fiery obsession with what cannot be changed. The main thing is to realize that YOU do not have to be one of these people.

You are a product of your past, but you should not be held captive by it. You become a prisoner when you cling to something that is no longer there. Show courage and say “Goodbye” to the past, and then life will reward you with a new “Hello!” No matter how difficult it is for you, you CAN, you MUST let go.

You have to let go and accept that you don't know how your life will turn out next. Learn to love and appreciate this freedom. Only when you are hanging in the air, not knowing what to do next, can you open your wings and fly towards the future. Yes, you don’t know what awaits you, but it doesn’t matter. It is important that you have finally opened your wings, which will only carry you forward.

2. You have plenty amazing options.

As a rule, we strive to gain only a tiny range of life experiences - Good times, comfortable situations, experiences that make us happy. However, what we face every day in reality is completely different. Life gives us a wide range of different experiences that cause inside us anger and love, grief and joy, disappointment and delight, loneliness and confusion... These emotions continuously replace each other. They are part of our reality – our collective condition of humanity.

Question: How will YOU react to this?

You may rebel against injustice because you are unable to get what you want. You may be angry at the world because of the pain and suffering you are facing. You may try to resist and deny sadness, disappointment, embarrassment, and so on. Just remember that if you choose the negative, it will ultimately only make the situation worse and lead to even greater despair.

More effective option, perhaps, is a complete acceptance of reality and the wide range of life experiences that you are faced with. This includes all your emotions, all your ups and downs, all your happy and sad moments, and what happens in between. Life is not all rainbows and colorful butterflies. She is complex and unpredictable.

To fully embrace life means to open yourself up to unimaginable possibilities, to be prepared for unexpected changes, to show yourself compassion and kindness during difficult times, to give love no matter what happens, and to be grateful for the opportunity to experience it all.

This means not expecting that life will always be calm and measured, but accepting reality as it is, accepting yourself as you are, and striving for better.

3. You can take a small step towards changes for the better at any time.

There is no need to build mountains in your head. There is no need to try to conquer the whole world at once. When you seek instant gratification (big, quick changes), your life becomes painful and frustrating. When you see every moment as an opportunity to make a small, beneficial investment in yourself, the results will follow.

When everything has collapsed, you may find many small things that need restoration. When everything seems to be going wrong, even the smallest positive efforts can make a difference. Times of great adversity are times great opportunities. There are no problems that you cannot cope with. When everything is going well, it is very easy to fall into a routine of complacency. It's very easy to forget how incredibly capable and resourceful you can be. Remember to take one small positive step after another to change your life for the better.

If you want to start right now, don't hesitate, challenge yourself. Choose a specific area of ​​your life that you would like to improve and...

Write down specific details of your current situation. (What worries you? What happened? What do you want to change?)

Write down the answer to the following question: What daily rituals will help resolve the current situation? (Be honest with yourself. Are you currently taking any action to help solve the problems you are facing?)

Write down specific details of your ideal situation. (What would make you happy? What does your current situation look like?)

Write down your answer to the following question: What daily rituals will help you get where you want to be? (Think about it. What small, daily steps should you take to move forward?)

The point is that every moment of your life determines the next. This moment is the bridge between the reality of where you are now and the vision of where you want to be.

Reality actually comes to you every second. The amazing thing is that you can change it. You just have to decide what you want to do with it. The greatest of all mistakes is doing nothing just because at the moment you are only capable of doing so little. And, again, it is much more effective to take small steps in in the right direction than to take a huge leap only to stumble, fall and never get up again. The path to what you want most in your life consists of thousands of small steps that you take every day. Decide where you want to be, take the first step and don’t stop. Only hard work and perseverance will help you achieve your goal.

Today I visited the page " Bright colors Peace" and found a small quatrain:

"Flowers. And a girl in flowers -
Runs, laughs...
Everything is fine. And it will be like this...
Grow, little flower!"

Wonderful picture!..
Of course, we are optimists, and we WANT to believe only in the good...
But a thought suddenly came to me: “Who are we to lull ourselves to sleep, to calm ourselves down?.. Am I, God or something, to give GUARANTEES for life or even for tomorrow?..”

Will everything be fine?..

What about Ukraine?.. And the Middle East?.. And various natural disasters?..
Not to mention unexpected accidents, divorces, discord, showdowns...

Our life is very similar to the seasons:
Today is spring, then summer... Great! Grace!..
And there is autumn with rainy grayness...
And HOW to survive the winter with unexpected frosts?..

You just need to be ready for winter: prepare fur coats, sleighs... Let's remember the wise Russian proverb: A sleigh is prepared in the summer, but a cart...

All the prophecies in the Bible are complete, and nothing optimistic for our physical world is not expected - the last time: a time of diseases (especially skin and mental...), various epidemics, wars, earthquakes, floods, fires, economic and political upheavals...

Therefore, today we need to think more about our soul - and ours... and our children... and our grandchildren...
And it is very serious to PREPARE FOR ETERNITY!.. Eternity is not 100 years, or even 1000 years, and not even a million or a billion... but endlessly, without end!!!
God saw this IMPORTANT preparation in the PERSONAL repentance of every person who is accustomed to living without God and... in the Church sacraments!..

God is our Creator, and He knows BEST what or who we NEED...
God is LOVE, and He will NEVER harm a person as long as there is the Holy Spirit on earth...

But the devil distorts, perverts and ALWAYS LIES EVERYTHING of God, therefore, to protect people and strengthen them in the faith, God created His Church on earth (for people of all nations and peoples - O D N U!!! CHRIST oh in y!!!) and said that the gates of hell will not prevail only against E E!.. (Matthew 16:18)

Recently the Church celebrated the Feast of the Ascension...
On the eve of it, I prayed, read Scripture, and this is what I heard from God...

1. First, from 2 Epistle to the Corinthian Church, chapter 6. verse 2

"Now is the time favorable, now is the day
S A S E N I!” - God wants both me and you
save from hell!!!

2. And then God gave me a poem... It’s for you!



To know the ESSENCE of the Ascension holiday,
You should definitely look at the Bible:
Forty days Savior after SUNDAY
stayed with his disciples on earth,
And at the last - giving instructions,
He addressed them too...
and to me...
and to you...

He said that everything that was written about Him was fitting.
come true -
And Christ suffered, and on the third day
to be filled with life again,
And that witnesses of His resurrection
He wants to send it all over the world
with good news:
Whoever repents and accepts forgiveness of his sins,
he will be crowned with God's honor!

He just warned me very much
So that everyone expects the Holy Spirit...
So that they may all be clothed with power from above
So that from great labor
they didn't tense up!

Only in obedient, humble hearts
God's Spirit of the Heavenly Father enters,
So that He Himself could save through people,
He could get sinners out of damnation!

The call to repentance is followed by
I was just angry, I was at war in my heart,
suddenly he threw out the stones!..
Just getting ready to endure the disease some more,
And the Lord took and healed
and entered my heart with joy!..

Miracles of transformation from communication with Him!
Miracles of liberation for those who follow Him
From love for the feat of the cross
I rejected myself
Who took the enemy with his faith and overthrew him!..

Everyone has one enemy: a murderer, a liar and a thief -
Quickly break the agreement with Satan, the devil,
As long as you hear God, while He is close,
So far, salvation is coming for free from all sides!

If you do not have time to take hold of Christ,
Then you can stay with the devil forever...
Do you hear the voice of God?.. He
You don't risk anything -
come forward!

Taste the goodness of God! Forever RATE -
And never exchange it for false lights!
You can have the whole world,
but to harm the soul...
And lose eternity with God
and be
in hellfire...

Today is the day of salvation! Call, shout to Him -
We can’t live in the old way, see in reality
He walks past you...does His work...
And His Words are personally directed to you:

"Beloved! Dear! Lonely!
Come back, come back to the Father!
Darling! Expensive! Far!
Return to your native porch!

Only I know this road
I recognize her by her bloody footprints...
I am now knocking on humble hearts,
And then one day I’ll take it and shut up..."

Of course you are the boss and God is here
like a servant -
He doesn’t judge, but saves you from yourself!
From the lies that eat away all your brains,
Without obedience to God all people
like enemies!

Who else can you trust your soul to?
There are only two paths in life,
it's up to you to choose:
Or hell - don’t listen further...
Or OBEDIENCE to God - heaven!
Friend! Firmly about this
You know this every day! "

What will happen tomorrow?.. Only God KNOWS!..
That's why we need Him, the guidance of His Holy Spirit!!!

AND WE BELIEVE not only in Him, but also in Him, that EVERYTHING is for our good, and therefore... RIP!!!
And therefore FREE from all fear
and I'm excited about tomorrow!!!

This is called happiness!!!

Waking up in the morning, a person begins to worry about many things: what to eat, what needs to be done today, what people to meet, what issues to resolve.

Everyone in this world worries every day about what family members, colleagues, friends, and strangers think of them. We pass people on the streets and don't even realize that we worry about how we look in their eyes. Mark Chernov writes about how to understand that in life everything will be fine in any case.

We constantly worry about what might go wrong, what other people will think of us, and so on and so forth. In short, we focus only on negative options. However, they represent only a small part of all the possibilities available to us. The chances of them becoming a reality are slim. But even if your fears come true (say, someone thinks badly of you), they are unlikely to significantly affect your life.

The truth is that even if your fears become reality, 99 percent of the time everything will be fine.

Think about what you've been worried about lately. You've probably already experienced all this, haven't you? Yes, you were forced to solve the problems that arose, but your life did not collapse; on the contrary, you learned useful lessons that ultimately made you stronger.

If you always tell yourself that everything is fine, you can gradually free yourself from worries and worries and learn how to prevent their occurrence.

You can improve the quality of your thinking and life in general...

Start your day calmly, with a sincere smile on your face, and only then proceed to all your business...

It's worth practicing.

What to do in difficult times when real trouble has come into your life?

How to deal with it?

You will have to experience “inner death” in order to be reborn and become stronger and happier. Circumstances and people will sometimes break you. But if you focus on, open your heart to love and continue on the path, no matter what, then you will certainly be able to pick up the pieces, recover and become stronger and happier than you were before.

Here are some signs that everything will be fine, even if it doesn't seem so right now...

1. Change is happening right now. Nothing is certain. You are free

Everything in life is temporary. Nothing lasts forever. Every moment gives us a new beginning and a new ending. We get a second chance every second.

After the rain the sun always shines. After the night, dawn always comes - we are reminded of this every morning, but for some reason we refuse to notice it.

You are a product of your past, but you should not be held captive by it. You become a prisoner when you cling to something that is no longer there. Show courage and say goodbye to the past, and then life will reward you with a new hello! No matter how hard it is, you can, you must let go.

You have to let go and accept that you don't know how your life will turn out next. Learn to love and appreciate this freedom. Only when you are hanging in the air, not knowing what to do next, can you open your wings and fly towards the future. Yes, you don't know what awaits you, but it doesn't matter. It is important that you have finally opened your wings, which will only carry you forward.

2. You have a lot of amazing options.

Typically, we strive to gain only a tiny range of life experiences - good times, comfortable situations, experiences that make us happy. However, what we face every day in reality is completely different. Life gives us a wide range of different experiences that cause inside us anger and love, grief and joy, disappointment and delight, loneliness and confusion... These emotions continuously replace each other. They are part of our reality – our collective condition of humanity.

Question: How will you respond to this?

You may rebel against injustice because you cannot get what you want. You may be angry at the world because of the pain and suffering you are facing. You may try to resist and deny sadness, disappointment, embarrassment, and so on. Just remember that if you choose negativity, it will ultimately only make things worse and lead to more despair.

A more effective option may be to fully accept reality and the wide range of life experiences you are faced with. This includes all your emotions, all your ups and downs, all your happy and sad moments, and what happens in between. Life is not all rainbows and colorful butterflies. She is complex and unpredictable.

To fully embrace life means to be open to unimaginable possibilities, to be prepared for unexpected changes, to show yourself compassion and kindness during difficult times, to give love no matter what happens, and to be grateful for the opportunity to experience it all.

This means not expecting life to always be calm and measured, but accepting reality as it is, accepting yourself as you are, and striving for better.

3. You can take a small step towards changes for the better at any time.

There is no need to build mountains in your head. There is no need to try to conquer the whole world at once. When you seek instant gratification (big, quick changes), your life becomes painful and frustrating. When you see every moment as an opportunity to make a small, beneficial investment in yourself, the results will follow.

When everything has collapsed, you may find many small things that need restoration. When everything seems to be going wrong, even the smallest positive efforts can make a difference. Times of great adversity are times of great opportunity. There are no problems that you cannot cope with. When everything is going well, it is very easy to fall into a routine of complacency. It's easy to forget how incredibly capable and resourceful you can be. Remember to take one small positive step after another to change your life for the better.

Write down specific details of your current situation. (What is bothering you? What happened? What do you want to change?)

Write down the answer to the following question: What daily activities will help resolve the current situation? (Be honest with yourself. Are you currently taking any action to solve the problems you are facing?)

Write down specific details of your ideal situation. (What would make you happy? What does your current situation look like?)

Write down your answer to the following question: What daily rituals will help you get to where you want to be? (Think about it. What small, daily steps should you take to move forward?)

The point is that every moment of your life determines the next. This moment is the bridge between the reality of where you are now and the vision of where you want to be.

Based on materials from Kluber