How to measure the required amount of wallpaper. How to calculate how much wallpaper you need for a room: use an online calculator. Walls with complex configurations

Calculate the number of wallpapers, necessary for pasting a room, is much simpler than it seems. To do this, you just need to measure the room, study the label of the selected wallpaper and make simple calculations using a wallpaper calculator.

How to calculate the amount of wallpaper for a room: step-by-step instructions.

What determines the consumption of wallpaper? There are three main factors that determine number of wallpaper rolls required for gluing the walls in the room:

  • Size and shape of the room. Everything is clear with this: without at least knowing the length, width and height of the walls of the room that is planned to be covered with wallpaper, it will not be possible to make any calculations.
  • The width and length of the roll of selected wallpaper. Most often, wallpaper comes in two types - 0.53 m and 1.06 m wide. The length of wallpaper in a standard roll is 10 m plus or minus 5 cm. Some types of wallpaper may differ in width and length, so when going to the store to buy wallpaper, you should take a calculator with you so that you can recalculate if necessary.
  • The size and complexity of the pattern on the selected wallpaper. Thus, wallpaper with a large or intricate pattern requires combining the pattern, which is why wallpaper consumption increases significantly. For comparison: from one roll of wallpaper without a pattern or with a pattern that does not require joining, 3-4 panels are obtained, and from a roll with a large pattern - only 2-3, depending on the height of the walls of the room.

That is, before you start making calculations, you need to measure the room (preferably taking into account doors, windows, niches, bay windows and other convex-concave parts), choose the wallpaper you like and find out what they are exact dimensions by studying the label or information provided on the manufacturer’s website.

To measure a room, you will need a long and flexible tape measure, an assistant to hold the other end of the tape measure, and a stepladder if the ceilings in the room are high.

First you need to measure the room from corner to corner along one wall in length, then along perpendicular to the wall- width. And the last measurement is the height of the wall from floor to ceiling.

If the room has a complex shape, for example, with a bay window or a protruding beam, then you need to separately measure the wall where this planning element is present, placing a tape measure along all its recesses and protrusions.

Separately, you need to measure the width and height of the window and door, so that you can then subtract their area from the total number of wallpaper panels.

All values ​​obtained as a result of measurements must be written down - they will be needed for further calculations number of wallpapers per room.

Study information about the selected wallpaper.

The easiest way to get necessary information about the roll size of the selected wallpaper on the seller’s or manufacturer’s website. If you couldn’t find the wallpaper you liked from home, you’ll have to go to the store and study the label on the spot.

The wallpaper label indicates the dimensions of the roll (length and width), wallpaper type(non-woven, vinyl, etc.), country of origin and batch number. First of all, you need to find the dimensions of the roll - they are the ones needed to calculate the amount of wallpaper. The type of wallpaper will help you choose the right wallpaper glue, and the same lot number will ensure that the wallpaper rolls will not differ in color.

Having completed all the measurements and received information about the selected wallpaper, you can proceed to the calculations.

  • Room length × 2 + Room width × 2 = Room perimeter (sum of the lengths of its walls).

If the room has complex shape, then the perimeter is calculated as follows:

  • Length of the first wall + Length of the second wall + Length of the third wall + Length of the fourth wall = Perimeter of the room (sum of the lengths of its walls)

The resulting value should be written down, and if it turns out to be fractional, then rounded up to a whole number.

Example: room perimeter = 5 m (room length) × 2 + 3.75 m (room width) × 2 = 17.5 m (room perimeter).

The fractional number must be rounded to a whole number = 18 m. This is the perimeter of the room, which is needed for further calculations.

Next step - calculation of the number of wallpaper panels to cover the walls of the room. To do this, you will need the perimeter of the room and the width of the wallpaper roll. This data must be substituted into the formula:

  • Perimeter of the room ÷ Width of the wallpaper roll = Number of panels of wallpaper.

Example: 18 m (perimeter of the room) ÷ 1.06 m (width of the selected wallpaper roll) = 16.981.

The number of panels cannot be a fractional number, which means it must be rounded to the nearest whole number = 17 panels.

  • Number of panels × (Wall height + 15 cm) ÷ Wallpaper roll length = Number of rolls.

Before substituting the height of the walls into the formula, you need to add another 10-15 cm to the measurement data. This is due to the fact that the walls in apartments are rarely perfectly smooth, and the difference in heights can reach that same 10-15 cm.

Example: 17 (number of panels) × 3 (wall height = 2.75 m + 15 cm) ÷ 10 m (length of wallpaper) = 5.1 (number of rolls).

Calculation of the amount of wallpaper around the perimeter of the room.

In principle, five rolls of wallpaper should be enough, especially if you subtract the area of ​​the door and window openings from them, and use leftover wallpaper. However, experienced craftsmen advise always rounding up and buying wallpaper with a reserve. That is, it would be more correct to buy not five, but six rolls, and if the wallpaper is large drawing, then seven, especially since some roll may be defective or the wallpaper may become worn or dirty during use. Having a supply of wallpaper, it is easy to correct such defects without re-pasting the entire room.

Skill count the number of wallpapers- a useful skill that will save both energy and family budget, especially since it is not at all difficult to cope with this task.

Cosmetic or major renovation home should begin by drawing up a preliminary estimate, which can display the quantity and price of the necessary materials for restoration work. If you decide to just replace the wallpaper in the room, you will need an accurate calculation of the number of rolls. This will allow you to purchase required amount material, save money and avoid possible problems.

Where to start calculating wallpaper for a wall?

It may not be strange, but for an accurate calculation you don’t have to take up the rolls and try in every possible way to find out how many square or linear meters of vinyl, paper, non-woven or fiberglass they contain.

Initially, it is necessary to find out the exact area of ​​​​the room that we will paste over. Of course, the floors do not need to be taken into account, since we are interested in the walls and, possibly, the ceiling, if you plan to decorate it to match the walls. To take measurements, just arm yourself with a tape measure and take measurements along the entire perimeter of the walls.

To get the most accurate result, measurements are taken twice: the first near the baseboards, and the second under the ceiling. Even with a slight curvature of the walls, discrepancies in the results may occur. This will reveal the error that will have to be taken into account when calculating materials.

Quite often a situation arises when the lower measurement at the baseboard shows a result of 8 meters. That is, each of the four walls has 2 meters. Accordingly, the room has the shape of an ideal cube. But measurements near the ceiling may be several centimeters smaller. Coming from this, we can conclude that the room in volume is not a cube, but a truncated pyramid or prism. Even small discrepancies will cause the corners of the wallpaper at the top to deviate from the overall pattern of the material.

Because of this, wallpaper should be pasted horizontally. The transverse application of the material can hide the unevenness of the room. As a result, we can conclude that measurements make it possible to find out not only the perimeter of the room, but also to find out the true geometry of the room, accordingly, you can choose the most effective option finishing.

Further steps to calculate the amount of wallpaper on the wall consist of a fairly simple calculation. To do this, the obtained values ​​are substituted into the formula S = a * b. In this case, a and b are the sides of the rectangle that represents the wall. After this, it is necessary to measure the window and door openings, they are calculated using this formula, only the obtained values ​​are subtracted from the entire area of ​​the wall. As a result, you can get fairly accurate values ​​for the amount of wallpaper needed to cover the walls.

Today, there are several options for calculating wallpaper on a wall:
  1. By the number of stripes and the perimeter of the room.
  2. Based on the total area of ​​the walls that need to be covered.
  3. When using a special online calculator.

To choose the most best option just for you, we will consider each of the options in more detail.

  1. Calculation of wallpaper for a wall based on the number of stripes and the perimeter of the room.

This option provides for an accurate determination of the number of strips of material that will be required for pasting a specific room. To do this you need to do the following:

  1. Initially, the width and length of the room are measured. Based on the data obtained, the total perimeter of the room is determined.
  2. The width of the door and window openings is also measured. The obtained data must be subtracted from the total perimeter.
  3. After this, the resulting value is divided by the width of the roll of wallpaper that is planned to be used.
  4. The resulting value should be rounded up to the nearest whole number. This value will be the number of stripes needed for pasting.
  5. Once you know how many stripes are needed on a certain wall, given value must be divided by the length of one roll.
  6. To ensure that there is enough material, the obtained values ​​are rounded up.

Thus, you can get exact amount strips and rolls of wallpaper. To become more familiar with the calculation methodology, you need to consider all the steps in specific example.

Calculation example. If you need to wallpaper a room measuring 7 m by 3 m and a wall height of 2.5 m, which has a window opening of 2 m by 1.5 m and a door opening of 1 m by 2 m, you must specify the dimensions of the wallpaper roll: length 10 m, and width 53 cm.

To calculate the required number of rolls you will need to perform the following manipulations:

  1. Determination of the perimeter of the entire room: (7+3)x2=20 meters.
  2. Calculation of the width of the door and window opening: 3+1= 3 meters.
  3. Calculation of the total perimeter minus openings: 20-3 = 17 meters.
  4. The resulting value must be divided by the width of the material roll: 17/0.53=32. The result shows that a given room will require 32 strips of the selected wallpaper.
  5. To calculate the number of strips in a roll, divide the total length of one roll by the height of the walls: 10/2.5=4. This means that there are 4 strips in one roll.
  6. The last step is to divide the number of all strips by the number of segments in one roll: 32/4=8.

Quite simple mathematical calculations will allow you to get the answer that to cover this room you will need 8 rolls of the selected wallpaper. It is worth remembering that this calculation method does not take into account the required amount of material under and above horse and door openings. Accordingly, you will have to buy a little more material.

  1. Calculation of the amount of wallpaper on the walls based on the area of ​​the surfaces to be pasted.

This is a more economical and accurate calculation method, especially when we're talking about about a room with a large area. This option is based on determining the entire area wall surfaces that need to be covered.

To do this you need to do the following:

  1. Initially, the entire perimeter of the room is measured and multiplied by the height of the walls.
  2. It is also worth calculating the openings of doors and windows. The obtained data must be subtracted from the total area of ​​the room, which will allow you to obtain the exact size of the surfaces to be pasted.
  3. To calculate the area of ​​the web of material used, it is enough to multiply the length of the roll by its width.
  4. After this, it is enough to divide the total area of ​​the room by the area of ​​the material in one roll.
  5. The resulting values ​​must be rounded upward. This data will be the number of rolls.

Let's consider this method miscalculation using a specific example. Let's take the same data as for the first option.

  • To measure the perimeter: (7+3)x2=20 meters.
  • The pasting area is calculated by multiplying the perimeter by the height of the walls: 20 * 2.5 = 50 sq.m.
  • Total area of ​​the room without door and window openings: (2*1.5)+(1*2)=5 sq.m.
  • As a result, you can get the exact amount of area that needs to be covered: 50-5 = 45 sq.m.
  • As for calculating the wallpaper in one roll, for this you need to multiply its length by its width: 10 * 0.53 = 5.3 sq.m.
  • The last step is to divide the area of ​​one roll by the total area of ​​the room: 45/5.3 = 8.4. Thus, we found out that 8.4 rolls of the selected wallpaper will be required per room. As a result, you need to round up the data obtained and purchase 9 rolls of material.

The examples given show that the results of the first and second options are almost identical. In this case, the second method allows you to take into account the space under and above the openings. Because of this, we can conclude that the calculation itself is not very complicated and in practice both options can be used.

  1. Calculating wallpaper for a wall using an online calculator.

If there is no opportunity or desire to carry out independent calculations necessary materials for gluing a room, you can use a special online calculator. Today there are many sites on the Internet that allow you to use this service for free.

To carry out the calculations, you will have to take small measurements of the room, which will need to be entered into the program, namely:
  1. Length and width of the room.
  2. The height of the walls is from floor to ceiling.
  3. The length and width of the roll of wallpaper that you plan to use for pasting.

All of the above parameters must be entered into the appropriate fields of the online calculator. After which you can get the finished result of the required amount of wallpaper.

It is worth noting that quite often wallpaper with patterns is used for pasting a room, which should be matched with the adjacent canvas. Accordingly, the calculation must be based on the size of the report (the size of the ornament or design). Some online calculators have the ability to of this type miscalculation, which will significantly save time, effort and money.

Features of using different methods for calculating wallpaper for walls

All of the above options for calculating the material for walls allow you to quite accurately determine the amount necessary wallpaper. But this is only if the walls of the room have perfectly even parameters, and the wallpaper itself does not have large drawings, which require additional adjustment when gluing.

If the walls have projections or niches, their dimensions must also be taken into account when calculating. To do this, you need to make appropriate notes or notes.

More challenging task is to calculate the number of wallpapers with large patterns. When gluing, these materials require adjustment of the canvases at a certain distance. This period of the pattern, which is repeated, is called a report. To ensure accurate calculations, one report length is added to each roll of wallpaper; as a rule, it does not exceed 25 centimeters. Quite often, the manufacturer indicates this parameter on the packaging of the material. If the value is missing, then you can take measurements yourself using a tape measure.

In this case, a 10-meter roll, which is used for a wall height of 2.5 meters, will have three stripes, not four, as was originally calculated. All this must be taken into account to avoid troubles and additional costs in the future. As practice shows, if you plan to cover a room of 23-25 ​​sq.m., it is worth buying two additional rolls of wallpaper. If the room is larger, for every 6 rolls you need to add one more.

When starting a renovation, you will inevitably encounter the problem of how to correctly calculate the required amount of materials, in particular wallpaper. Whether you do the repairs yourself or resort to the help of specialists, it is better to independently control how many rolls of wallpaper you will need to purchase for each room.

How to calculate the quantity correctly

Buy necessary materials It will be necessary with a small reserve so that there is no need to run to the shops for the missing material. Moreover, wallpaper from different batches may differ in color shades, which will be noticeable in the pasted canvas.

Extra rolls are also almost always not used, and modern high-quality wallpaper is also not cheap. Throwing away a lot of money so that an extra couple of rolls then gather dust in the pantry is also not interesting.

Experts advise:

  • Use the services experienced craftsman-upholsterer;
  • Use wallpaper calculator;
  • Calculate the amount of material using old wallpaper.

For an experienced craftsman, counting the number of wallpapers will not cause any difficulties. But if you are new to wallpapering walls, you can use the services of a special construction calculator. Their developers suggest entering data on the size of the room and the width of the proposed wallpaper, and you will be given the result based on the number of rolls.

We count at our own peril and risk

It would be more correct to calculate using a calculator, the operating conditions of which include data on the number and area of ​​windows and doors in the room being covered, as well as the sizes of the rolls that you are going to use. IN different rooms of the same perimeter there may be one window and one door, or maybe several, or three, or five. When calculating the dimensions of the surface to be pasted, the area of ​​windows and doors will need to be subtracted from the total area of ​​the room. Therefore, the more parameters included in the algorithm of its operation, the smaller the error in calculations given by the calculator.

What is a construction calculator

On the other hand, there is nothing difficult about how to correctly calculate the number of rolls of wallpaper without using a special one. To do this, you need to measure the perimeter of your room. If the room has a standard rectangular shape, you can measure two adjacent walls, add their size and multiply by two. This will be the perimeter of the room. If the room has non-standard shape(in individually built houses or as a result of redevelopment, or for some other reason), and also if there are protrusions, niches or other non-standard elements in the room, you will need to measure the length of each with a tape measure straight section walls and add up all the indicators.

It happens that, due to cost savings, some areas of the walls are not intended to be covered with wallpaper. For example, if you have massive cabinets or a wall of furniture in your room that cannot be placed in any other way. If rearranging or replacing furniture is not intended, then the dimensions of the wall behind the furniture will need to be subtracted from the calculations.

Important! Before buying the wallpaper you like, carefully study the information on the label, check the dimensions of the wallpaper (length and width), and how to properly join the panels.

Specifics of material calculation

The correct calculation of the required amount of materials depends on this. Then it is recommended to calculate how many whole wallpaper sheets are obtained from one roll. To do this, you need to measure the height of the wall to the ceiling or to the level on the wall to which you plan to stick the wallpaper. If you purchased or are planning to purchase wallpaper without a pattern, then you will not need to make adjustments for matching the pattern. In this case, you need to divide the length of the roll by the length of one panel, which you determined when measuring the height of the wall to the ceiling, and calculate how many panels will be made from the roll.

Calculation examples

With a ceiling height of up to 2.5 meters, one standard 10-meter roll produces four whole panels (if there is no need to combine the pattern). If you purchase wallpaper that requires matching the canvases according to the pattern, you will need to make an allowance for matching the pattern; see the calculation for such wallpaper below in the text.

If the length of your panel (ceiling height) is above 2.5 m, only three whole panels will come out, but from each roll you will get a large remainder, almost in the panel, which can be used by gluing doorways and the space under and above window openings. In this case, you can subtract the perimeter of the doors and windows from the perimeter of the room, and calculate only how many long panels are required. We divide the resulting perimeter of the walls by the width of the roll, so you can calculate the number of long panels required for gluing the walls. Then we multiply the required number of panels per room by the resulting number of whole panels from one roll, the result will be equal to the required number of rolls.

For example, your room has a perimeter of 25 m, the width of the roll is 0.5 m. The total number of panels for pasting such a room is 25: 0.5 = 50. With a ceiling height of up to 2.5 m, 4 sheets are obtained from a roll; the number of rolls is 50:4 = 12.5, rounded to 13.

If during calculations you get a fractional value, then rounding must be done upward. When making calculations, do not forget that all quantities must be in the same units of measurement. If you take the perimeter of the room in meters, then also use the width of the wallpaper roll in meters, and do not forget to convert the remaining indicators into meters. Otherwise, you won’t get a reliable result, no matter how much material is needed.

Wallpaper without a distinct pattern is the easiest to glue. Difficulties arise if the material has a large pattern, floral ornament or geometric pattern. In this case, you will have to take into account the displacement of the pattern on the canvases in order to correctly align adjacent stripes.

Usually the marking indicates the size of the repeat (at what distance the same pattern is repeated on the wallpaper), as well as what kind of joint the wallpaper should be when gluing it.

There are such docking options:

  • Free docking;
  • Direct docking;
  • Offset docking;
  • Counter docking.

Free joining involves gluing strips without adjusting the pattern; the strips can be cut off from the roll the right size, without cutting anything to align the stripes. In this wallpaper, the pattern does not have any clear repetition, and there is no need to select the pattern of adjacent paintings. In this case, it is easy to calculate how much material will be needed.

In wallpaper with direct joining, there is no need to move the wallpaper to align the pattern. They indicate the size of the repeat, that is, the length of the repeating section of the pattern. It is only necessary to combine adjacent panels in repeating patterns. For example, we have a ceiling height of 230 cm, wallpaper with a pattern with a repeat of 60 cm with direct joining. One wallpaper panel should have a size of 230 cm, that is, 230:60 = 3.833 repeats, round up to 4 repeats so that the next wallpaper starts with a whole repeat. Thus, when gluing such wallpaper with a pattern, one strip will be 230 cm and 10 cm will have to be cut off each time for waste.

If the wallpaper you purchased indicates an offset joint, each subsequent strip must be shifted by the offset amount indicated on the label. For example, the marking indicates the values ​​60/30, that is, a repeat of 60 cm, the amount of shifting of the pattern is 30 cm. With the same dimensions of the ceiling height, we will have to cut the wallpaper the size of four repeats and cut off another 30 cm to match the shifted pattern. Thus, one strip with scraps will be 270 cm, and from one 10-meter roll of wallpaper you will get not four whole stripes, as in wallpaper with direct or free joining, but only three (10: 2.7 = 3.7 stripes) . If you do not maintain the required offset, you will not get the correct pattern on the wall as a result of gluing all the strips.

There are also wallpapers in which each subsequent strip must be turned 180 0 in relation to the previous one, so that the result is the correct ornament on the wall. This is quite rare in wallpaper with a geometric pattern.

Important! When buying wallpaper, pay attention to the markings for joining the panels indicated on the label. The correct calculation of how much wallpaper materials will be required depends on this.


In order for the results of the repair to please you, spare no time and effort and carefully consider the question of how much wallpaper will be required for the repair. It is better to make several calculations using a calculator, tape measure and pen and paper, and resort to the help of store clerks, than to look for missing rolls or collect the canvas from all the remaining scraps and waste. If the calculations are made correctly, there will be neither excess material nor problems with its shortage.

Wallpaper calculation is one of the main stages preparatory work, which allows you to obtain data on the required quantity finishing material. This procedure should be approached with all responsibility; if the calculation is incorrect, many problems will arise during wall cladding. There are several methods that allow you to get the correct result.

How to calculate wallpaper? It is necessary to resort to step-by-step implementation actions, this will help to take into account all the nuances and get an accurate result. Many people think that determining how much wallpaper is needed is easy. But in the end, important factors are missed, which leads to rather unpleasant consequences.

Determining the parameters of different wallpapers

It’s worth mentioning right away that without a choice specific type material count will be conditional. Therefore, work begins with defining standard parameters all available varieties from which the final choice will be made.

So, the following sizes exist:

On a note! In order to calculate how much wallpaper you need for a room, you should take into account that, in addition to standard length 10.05 m, there are roll options with an indicator of 5, 8, 12 (15) and 18 meters.

Fabric adjustment

It may seem that knowing all the parameters, you can accurately determine the wallpaper consumption. But it is quite difficult to imagine a situation where all the stripes are superimposed on the surface with absolute accuracy. In reality, there are a number of factors that influence the accuracy of the calculation:

All stages of calculation are taken into account without fail, this helps to avoid annoying and ridiculous mistakes.

On the standard marking there are several symbols related to the adjustment of the pattern; they directly relate to the number of rolls

A natural question arises: why determine exactly how much wallpaper is needed for a room? Indeed, if you purchase material with a sufficient supply, then absolutely precise parameters are not needed, but there are situations when expensive products or financial opportunities limited.

On a note! Many people think that if there is a shortage of material, it is better to buy more - this opinion is wrong. The fact is that when using different batches of goods, the appearance of different colors is almost guaranteed.

There are many shades of the color spectrum and you should not expect that in another batch of wallpaper the palette will match 100%

Determining room parameters

Based on the available parameters, it is possible to calculate the wallpaper for the room with the greatest accuracy.

Calculation formulas

There are two main ways to determine how much wallpaper you need for a room, each of which has advantages and disadvantages.

Perimeter calculation

In principle, the formula is quite simple:

  • The perimeter of the room is determined.
  • The length of the strip is calculated. To do this, add a small margin to the height and, if necessary, rapport.
  • Next you need to count the number of stripes. To do this, the perimeter is divided by the width of the roll of selected material.
  • Then you need to calculate how many strips are included in one roll. To do this, the total length of the roll is divided by the height of the web, taking into account all allowances.
  • All that remains is to determine the number of rolls of wallpaper per room.

Knowing the width of the roll, you can roughly calculate the amount of material per room

Calculation based on area

  1. The area of ​​the room is determined. From these data, the specific volume that will be finished is calculated.
  2. The area of ​​the selected type of material is calculated taking into account one roll.
  3. The quantity of required products is calculated.

On a note! This method allows you to get more correct indicators, but it does not take into account the characteristics of the room. Therefore, it is often worth adding some margin.

Theoretically, when calculating the area of ​​walls, you need to subtract the area of ​​windows and doors, but in reality it is better not to do this, since a reserve is needed

Examples of calculations

For convenience, we can give several examples that allow you to calculate how much material is needed depending on the chosen method.

Room of 12 sq. m

Since the total area is 12 m2, this means that the room is 3 meters long and 4 m wide. The ceiling height is 2.5 m. Thus, it is necessary to determine how many rolls of wallpaper will be required:

  • Room perimeter: 3+4+3+4 = 14 m +5% = 14.7 m.
  • The number of stripes must be calculated depending on the type of material. In this case it is used standard size 53*1005 cm. Then, with a height of 250 cm, taking into account the margin and rapport, the result is 260 cm.
  • Based on the fact that the width of the product is 53 cm and the perimeter of the room is 1470 cm: 1470/53 = 27.7, that is, 28 stripes.
  • There are 3.8 strips in one roll, which is obtained if 1005 is divided by 260. But only the whole value is taken into account, 3 segments will be used for continuous gluing, and the rest will be used for areas above and below the openings.
  • Thus, for a room of 12 m2 you will need: 28/3 = 9.3. Which is 9 rolls, 0.3 is excess.

If you calculate the consumption, it turns out that there is a lot of excess material left, so it is recommended to choose products of a different length.

Room 20 sq. m

  • The area is calculated from the calculation: 4*5, the perimeter is: 4+5+4+5+5% ≈ 19 m. And the ceiling height and headroom are 235 cm.
  • The material chosen is 106*1005.
  • Required number of strips: 1900 (19 m)/106 = 17.9. You can round up to 18.
    1005/235 = 4.2. That is, there are 4 strips on a roll.
  • Then 18/4 = 4.5. Thus, with a reserve you will need exactly 5 rolls.

Naturally, total material depends on the selected type.

Room of 18 sq. m

With this value, adjacent walls will be 4.5 and 4 meters. The ceiling height is 3.2 m. Therefore, the calculation of wallpaper over an area of ​​18 square meters. m is produced in this way:

  • The area of ​​the walls is calculated: 4.5 * 3.2 = 14.4 and 4 * 3.3 = 12.8.
  • It must be taken into account that there are two opposite walls with approximately the same area, then 14.4 * 2 + 12.8 * 2 = 54.4 m2 - the total area of ​​the walls.
  • When choosing a product with parameters of 0.53 * 15 m, the roll area will be 7.95 m2.
  • Then for a room of 18 m2 you will need: 54.4/7.95 = 6.8, which corresponds to 7 rolls of wallpaper. This figure already includes the required margin, since openings were not subtracted.

Using a table to determine wallpaper consumption

To determine the amount of material required for the wall, you can use or use a table that makes it easy to check the calculations.

Calculation according to the tables provided is made without taking into account the selection of the pattern. When purchasing wallpaper with a pattern, you need to take into account that for every 6-7 rolls you need to take one additional one. For example, for a room of 24 sq. m with a ceiling height of more than 2.5 m, 15 + 2 = 17 rolls of standard size wallpaper will be required.

The question of how to calculate how much wallpaper you need for a room is not an easy one, because no one wants to overpay for leftovers or, conversely, buy several rolls. And if the desired color is not left in the store, then the problem is where to look for them now? In order not to complicate your life, before buying wall covering learn how to calculate the required amount of wallpaper.

Advice! If you have not yet removed the old ones from the walls before purchasing new wallpaper, you can count how many old sheets are pasted on the wall. But when gluing a new coating, keep in mind that the width of the new ones must be equal to the width of the old ones, otherwise the advice will not work.

Preliminary room measurements

Measurement accuracy is the basis of any calculations. For all measurements and in order to calculate the amount of material per room correctly, you will need:

  • construction tape or measuring tape;
  • calculator;
  • paper and pen for recording results.

First, measure the length and width of the room, as well as the height of the ceiling. You should not take into account the level of the walls, and the sizes of windows and doors should be measured separately - this data will be useful in calculations. If the design provides for a wide ceiling molding, box or dropped ceilings- their width should be subtracted.

Measure with extreme care:

  • projections;
  • niches;
  • space above doors and windows.

Advice! If in the room uneven ceiling, it is recommended to measure the wall at the most high place.

Calculation of wallpaper around the perimeter of the room

One way to calculate the number of pieces of wallpaper is to calculate the perimeter of the walls of the space. In a similar way, you can calculate how much wallpaper is needed to finish the ceiling.

Attention! For those who have forgotten the formula for calculating the perimeter: you need to add the length of one wall to the length of the adjacent wall, and multiply the resulting result by two. To avoid mistakes, use a calculator.

Times when all wallpapers had standard width, passed. Modern manufacturers offer decorative coating the following width:

When calculating, take into account whether there is a pattern on the wallpaper or not. Wallpaper with a report (a design element that is repeated on the wallpaper) requires a margin for selection. If you choose one with a large pattern, when making calculations you will have to add up to 0.7 m for each sheet. Before starting calculations, measure how much the length of the report “takes up” in your case. Plain coatings without a pattern do not require any reserves.

Important! If the design of the room includes several types of canvases, first think over the gluing scheme, and only then calculate the quantity.

Let's start with the calculations. Necessary:

Attention! To avoid making downward mistakes when making calculations, numbers should be rounded to the nearest whole value, and upward.

Calculation by room area

The method described above has one drawback - the presence of windows and doors in the room is not taken into account, so you will still have excess materials. Alternative way- calculation by wall area. To do this you need:

  1. Calculate the total area - multiply the length and height of the wall.
  2. Calculate the area that will be covered. First you need to calculate the area of ​​the window and doorways(multiplying their height and width). Next, subtract the total area of ​​windows and doors from the total area of ​​the room (calculated in point 1).
  3. Count the number of rolls. With standard wallpaper 0.53x10 m you can cover 5 square meters.
  4. The final calculation of the number of rolls is to divide the pasting area (the figure from point 2) by the area that can be covered with one roll (for example, as in point 3).

Important! If you choose non-standard ones, for example, meter wallpaper, the size of the surface that can be covered with one roll is easy to find out. To do this, multiply the width and length of the roll or carefully study the label; perhaps it contains this information, which will save you from unnecessary manipulations with calculations.

How to check your calculations

There are ready-made tables in which the number of standard rolls for rooms with standard sizes. If you counted along the perimeter, check the resulting value:

  • pay attention to the series. The numbers on all rolls must be the same, otherwise there may be differences in color and brightness;
  • the material may be defective, so you should unwrap and check all rolls after purchase;
  • even in wallpaper with a small pattern there can be a report that is invisible at first glance;
  • You can reduce material consumption if you cut strips not from one roll, but from several at the same time;
  • walls above the door and window openings It is recommended to glue with leftovers and scraps, but the image on the sides must match;
  • glue internal corners, you need to start with a new piece;
  • glue external corner, lay the wallpaper overlapping or simply wrap the corner;
  • sometimes it is necessary to level the angle thin strip, the length of which is a whole sheet, take this fact into account when calculating the wallpaper consumption.

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