Why do you dream of boiled sausages? If you dreamed of a sausage. Sausage in a dream or sexual worries in reality

Runic lapel or cooling with runes is used to cool relationships. By performing this ritual, a person directs the energy that is the basis of our world. Using it correctly, you can achieve any goal. Runic sorcery uses the principle of energy movement. In love magic, runes, as well as staves, are often used in love spells and cooling rituals. Strong runic lapel will solve the problem forever.

By using runes, you will achieve miraculous results that will change your life. Also, with these symbols you can remove a lapel made by another person.

Runes for lapel

Hagallaz, Algiz and Isa are very important for such rituals.


The sign of the Isa rune is the symbol that causes the most powerful runic lapel.

This sign is a symbol of cooling, shackling. It can only be used once for a lapel.

Proceed very carefully! Otherwise, this runic will harm the person who loves you.
Plural or misuse can lead to dire consequences.

  • For example, a person you don’t love may have problems with brain activity and may lose energy.
  • Repeated use of this symbol can lead to incurable impotence in men, and completely deprive women of the ability to love.

Algiz lapel rune

Algiz is used for protection. This symbol corresponds to the roots of Yggdrasil, which are located underground, in the world of the dead. Algiz in upright position symbolizes life, and when turned upside down means death. This sign is used to invoke other runes.

Rune Hagall

Hagall (Hagallaz) is also actively used to destroy the senses. The sign symbolizes absolute destruction, change, the severance of unpleasant relationships and the elimination of love that is not predetermined by fate. Used to remove a witch's love spell. Together these two runes are used in the cooling formula.

Groups of runes for lapel

A powerful runic lapel can be created using chains of symbols.
  • Algiz-Gebo-Isa

It is allowed to be used only if you really love the person you are going to turn the lapel on. Using this runic stave (lapel), you must be ready to commit absolutely any act and sacrifice everything in order for this person to be with you.
  • Isa-Turisaz-Isa

It is the formula that will contribute to a slow but inevitable break. It rarely has the desired effect on legal spouses. If they married for love, then the runic lapel will not be able to quarrel between them.
  • Ansuz-Perth-Ansuz-Laguz

This magic chain helps to cool the connection. She erases memories. Using the rune, you will ensure that the person will forget about all the good things done for him and will not remember the reasons that made him feel love.
  • Gebo-Isa-Thurisaz

Causes a sudden quarrel that will cause complete destruction relationships. Former lovers will become each other's worst enemies.
  • Laguz-Sovulo-Hagalaz-Eyvaz-Algiz

Destroys the strongest feelings. This is a very powerful way to end a relationship. When using it, be careful and careful! This is a very strong runic lapel. It can cause long-term and complex illness in humans.

Simple runic lapel

To perform this lapel with runes, study the groups described above and select a set of runes that suit your case.
  1. Take a blank sheet of paper and fold it in half.
  2. Write the names of the people you want to turn away. On the left side write the woman's name, on the right side write the man's name.
  3. Unfold the sheet and draw on the fold the rune or group of runes you have chosen for the runic lapel.
  4. There is no need to pronounce conspiracies, but during the rituals, keep the most main idea- you make a lapel and really want, as a result of it, these people will never be together.
  5. Fold the paper again along the fold line and hide it so that no one will ever find, see, or touch it.
The validity period of a lapel with runes can vary from 3 days to 3 months.

There are two options for behavior. Some people just tolerate it and do nothing. Other people are trying to somehow influence the events that happen in their lives. For example, using various cool runes. You can make a lapel on yourself as follows.

  1. It is better to carry out the cooling ritual on yourself at midnight.
  2. You need a photo of the person with whom you want to break off relations.
  3. The ritual is based on the runes Hagalaz and Isa. Hagalaz will help destroy emotional attachment. Isa will help you lose interest in a person.
  4. A photograph of your adored person must be placed in the middle of the table.
  5. The top of the table on the right needs to install aromatic substances. Incense sticks with the scent of pine needles, amber or sandalwood are suitable.
  6. Be sure to place a candle on the left side.
  7. Don't forget to place a vessel with water at the bottom of the table on the left. The water must be spring water. If you cannot get spring water, use unboiled tap water after settling.
  8. A small container with salt should be placed on the right side.
  9. Next, you should light the candles and aromatic substances, stand facing the table, raise your hands up and ask for help from the gods. You can appeal to Thor. Those who are experienced and understand the magic of runes use their own texts. People who have little understanding of this section of magic can use this text: “ Oh, Thor, great and mighty, I turn to you. I call on your power and strength. I need your powerful hammer for the battle and I ask for your protection in this battle».
  10. After the words have been spoken, you should freeze for a while with your hands raised.
Nothing at this moment should distract the person performing the ritual. If the ceremony is successful, then at this moment some sensations will appear. For example, some people feel a slight tingling sensation throughout the body or a strong influx of internal energy. After this, you should lower your hands and bow, expressing gratitude in your thoughts. higher powers for assistance and return to the ritual.

Turn on yourself

Perform actions in strict order:
  1. The photograph is taken over a candle flame, so as not to burn it, and proclaimed magic words: « I illuminate you with the power of flame».
  2. The photo is taken over the aromatic substances, and the words are said: “ I illuminate you with the power of air».
  3. The photograph is sprinkled with water and the words are said: “ I illuminate you with the power of water».
  4. The photograph is sprinkled with salt, and the words are spoken: “ I illuminate you with the power of the earth».
  5. After performing these manipulations, the picture is again placed in the center of the table, and the following magic words are pronounced: “ I appeal to you, great, omnipotent and mighty gods, give the runes Hagalaz and Isa, inscribed by me, directed power. I want a connection between me ( given name) and (name of loved one) was torn apart forever».
After this, you are supposed to sit and wait until the incense and the candle burn out. The ashes should be scattered to the wind, and the photo should always be carried with you until you feel that your feelings have cooled down. After this, the photo just needs to be burned, and the ashes also scattered to the wind.

How to “win back” the feelings of a loved one from a rival?

Fighting against a rival with the help of runes can also help in achieving the goal if there is a third person in the relationship. A strong runic lapel will quarrel between a man and a woman. There are several rituals for this purpose. The ritual actions are similar. For cooling you need:
  • joint photographs of people who need to quarrel;
  • sheets of white and black paper;
  • pen with black paste.
Anyone can perform the ritual. The main thing is to make the lapel with runes correctly, without making mistakes.
  1. At midnight, you need to sit down at the table, take a sheet of white paper and draw rune symbols on both sides: “Soulu” + “Teyvaz” + “Raido” + “Isa” + “Dagaz” + “Isa”. Thanks to these symbols, the runic lapel will be completed instantly, within a few days.
  2. Place a sheet of paper between two saved photographs of people and say the words to activate the formula (in any form). They must contain the intention of turning away.
  3. After the words of the conspiracy are spoken, it is necessary to hide the magical attributes from prying eyes.
  4. The photo and sheet with runes are wrapped in black paper and placed in a pre-designated location.
A person should be aware that the rune sparring will function only as long as the photographs are next to it.

Despite the fact that the site administration is not a supporter of negative magical interference in the lives of other people, it is always very difficult to bypass the runic “Rassorka” spell. Still, situations are different: someone’s husband was taken away, someone loves a person very much, and someone simply sees from the outside that one partner negatively influences the other, and therefore wants to separate people, because someone then from the pair - his friend or relative. Therefore, we will not touch upon moral issues - you decide for yourself how ethical such manipulations are.

What is a runic quarrel and how does it work?

In fact, any runic fight is a combination magic symbols, which, with a certain reservation, negatively affects the relationship between two people, ultimately leading to their separation. And this will not necessarily happen love relationship: quarrels are often made against friends, work colleagues, and relatives. Everything essentially depends on the will and desire of the operator. When activating such formulas, it is definitely worth considering that interference in someone else’s fate may be followed by a certain retribution, but it is difficult to say what it will be expressed in. It could be health problems, loss of luck or money, or something else. Therefore, we strongly recommend that you do not use spreaders unless absolutely necessary.

General rules for using stretching stakes

Working with formulas for separation is no different from using ordinary rune staves. Here, perhaps, the main thing is to get a joint photograph of the people you want to separate, since runes are applied in most cases to it. If you haven’t found such a photo anywhere, you can take two photos of each person separately, and then glue them side by side to put symbols between them. But the first option, of course, is still preferable.

After application, we make a reservation - it is better to draw it up in advance. The clause includes all the nuances of the action of the runes included in the ligature (one by one) or describes common task stava. The second option is more convenient and more suitable for beginners, who may accidentally “say too much,” as a result of which they will get a completely different result.

The next stage is activation in any way. If the author does not indicate a specific method, then choose the one with which you are used to working. Some people prefer a ritual with four elements, while others prefer just one, or even “start” the work of the formula with breathing. Here, as they say, who is closer to what. After the runes complete their effect, they become destroyed by fire along with the photograph. Just don't forget to thank the runes for their help!

Becoming “Arrow of the gap” from Vitoria

The runic stave “Arrow of rupture” is aimed at irrevocably destroying the relationship between two people. Under its influence, constant quarrels, conflicts, misunderstandings begin between partners, the joy of mutual communication disappears, attraction to each other decreases, and as a result, the only way out for lovers is a break. The author recommends making a reservation in writing.

Active symbols:

  • Stylized Hagalaz - destroys relationships
  • Nautiz - forces people to disperse
  • Reverse Vunyo - symbolizes the loss of joy from communicating with each other
  • Mirror rune - eliminates the sexual desire of partners, makes intimate life boring, unsatisfying
  • Inverted Uruz - reduces potency, libido
  • Reverse Ansuz - responsible for loss of mutual understanding, provokes scandals
  • Two - block the situation, make it so that a way out of it is possible only through a gap

Destruction of relationships based on common interests from Anwar and Kuka

This runic pattern is a quarrel between friends, lovers, and business partners. The main thing is that the people you want to separate along different paths are united by some common interests, a common cause. It could even be a married couple of businessmen. Be sure to include specifics in your clause that suit your individual situation.

Working runes:

- destroys relationships
Gebo - a partnership that is destroyed by Hagalaz
Isa - “breaks in half”
Ansuz - provokes misunderstanding, due to which people stop hearing each other
Kenaz - burns mutual interest of partners
Yera - loops the action of the stave
Fehu - incites conflicts on material grounds

Secondary ones, directed at each other, symbolize mutual aggression, and the Raido runes separate people’s roads in different directions

Powerful becoming “Tekken” from Mo Flying

As the name suggests, this work the masters of Mo Flying are a runic brawl before a fight. This formula has one feature - it removes protection, if any, on partners. In general, ligature has proven itself to be really fast and reliable way set people at odds forever.

  • Two combinations of inverted Algiz and Nautiz - remove protection from one and the second partner, respectively
  • Ansuz is reversed from the center - it forces people to constantly quarrel, conflict, be at enmity, and also regularly lie to each other. By the way, this lie will definitely come to light, so you can consider this an additional “bonus”
  • Hagalaz - harshly destroys communication, powerfully destroys relationships until complete collapse

If you are looking for a runic quarrel forever, pay attention to this formula.

Becoming “Like ships at sea” from Black Bonpo

This work is a runic quarrel between husband and mistress, friends, partners. They say that it was even tested on a couple with non-traditional sexual orientation, and it worked perfectly.

Working symbols:

  • Two Mannaz - two people who must separate
  • Gebo - their relationship
  • Hagalaz - destruction, blocking energy exchange between partners, interruption of all communication channels
  • - brings disharmony into relationships, makes people intolerant of each other, provokes discord, the inability to conduct a normal dialogue
  • Turisaz - pushes people together like two bulls, awakens in them such negative qualities as the desire to compete, lie, take revenge, cheat, betray
  • Teyvaz - aggression, misunderstanding, path to separation
  • Nautiz - forcing partners to separate
  • Raido - paths that diverge in different directions

“Relationship Wake” by orobas

And finally, let’s give one more example - this is a runic fight under any circumstances from a runologist with the nickname orobas. Everything is quite simple here: there are two people - he and she (two Mannaz runes). Isa pierces them, freezing them, slowing down the development of the connection (inverted Evaz). Four Hagalaz destroy relationships (Gebo), the Odal-Uruz combination sows disagreements, quarrels, and conflicts, and the mirror Vunyo destroys all the joy from mutual communication. At the same time, inside the formula you can also notice the secondary Nautiz and Teyvaz - they speed up the process, make it forced and bring what you have planned to the desired result.

Of course, there are many other runic quarrels, but it is simply impossible to list them all in one article.

The magical effect of runes on a person has been proven by thousands of reviews from those who wanted to attract good luck to their business, find love and even become richer. The topic of lapel is no less popular among people.

Runes will help save relationships between people from severe, painful consequences, endless quarrels and problems

A runic lapel can help save relationships between people from severe, painful consequences, endless quarrels and problems. For some couples, the period of mutual understanding and warm feelings for each other has long ended. But, breaking unreliable love ties on your own is too difficult. Special rassorki can help everyone in solving this issue.

When relationships reach a dead end

Every person on Earth emits their own energy. He spends it on his own and public needs, concentrates on certain areas own life. Sometimes it becomes too little. And help restore own strength maybe only close person, reliable support and support.

Strong feelings for a loved one are a strong energetic connection. But, over time, they become less durable. Some people try not to think about it, fearing that the relationship will end soon. Others are no longer able to restrain themselves and they want to quickly bring the inevitable closer.

But how is rune magic used to break up relationships? The answer lies deep in history. Our ancestors believed that runic symbols have strong energy that can influence a person for one purpose or another.

All fortune telling and divination were carried out carefully, with careful adherence to all instructions and plans. These features have been preserved in modern magic. Faith in runes and their understanding leads a person to what he wants, even if it is a turnaround.

For the lapel to really work, you need to believe in the power of the runes

Sobriety of mind and rejection of one’s own feelings

Sometimes love becomes a serious obstacle to achieving certain goals in work, business, creativity and other areas of a person’s life. But not many people decide to break the relationship on their own.

Sometimes a sober mind wins over a heart filled with love. At this moment it is necessary to act. And one of effective ways to achieve what you want - use cool spells with runes. One of the most popular methods is to apply a stamp to a photograph.

The following runes are used to write the formula:

  1. Gebo is a symbol of partnership.
  2. Turisaz is a symbol of strength and courage that is used to make an important decision.
  3. Isa – pause, stopping the relationship.

The main symbol in the “Isa” stave. It is its meaning that determines the course of further relationships between people. This formula is applied to your own photograph with a pen, felt-tip pen or pencil.

But, the symbols will not work until they are activated. To do this, you need to come up with words of conspiracy. The exact wording is not needed. The main thing is to express in one or two sentences your desire to cool your own feelings.

In addition, this form can be applied to your own body. A felt-tip pen is used for this. The main thing is that the symbols located on the skin are not noticeable to others. We must not forget about the correct spelling of runes. Any mistake can lead to serious problems that will be difficult to fix on your own.

To write a runic stave on own body use a regular felt-tip pen

If you need a break in your relationship

Cooling down can also be temporary, necessary for a person to make some important decisions. One option is to take a photo together. It consists of:

  1. Gebo - partnership.
  2. Algiz – protection, friendship.
  3. Isa - the end or pause of a relationship.

The combination of these runes is also referred to as ostudas. They are written on a joint photograph with the person with whom you are planning to separate. It is important, after the symbols cover the photo, to read the words of the spell, which is necessary for the correct concentration of the energy of the formula itself. These words can be said in any form. The main thing is to believe in their strength.

There is another position that allows you to achieve the desired temporary break in relations. His formula looks like this: “Isa” + “Algiz” + “Raido” (inverted) + “Turisaz” + “Halagaz”. In this combination of runes, “Raido” is the main symbol that stops a person from searching for a choice life path, and therefore relationships. The remaining runes only consolidate the effect.

How to “win back” the feelings of a loved one from a rival?

Cooling down on your rival can also help in achieving your goal if there is someone else in the relationship. To quarrel between a man and a woman and to “tie” feelings to oneself is not an easy task. But, there are some sparring exercises that everyone can do. The main thing is to do everything right without making mistakes. For the quarrel itself you will need:

  • photographs of people who need to be quarreled;
  • sheets of white and black paper;
  • pen with black paste.

At midnight, you need to sit down at the table, take a sheet of white paper and write on the formula on both sides: “Soulu” + “Teyvaz” + “Raido” + “Isa” + “Dagaz” + “Isa”. Using these runes, the turning away will happen very quickly, within a few days. Place a sheet of paper between the prepared photographs of people and say the words to activate the formula (in any form). They must accommodate the purpose of the lapel.

After the words of the conspiracy are pronounced, it is necessary to hide magical accessories from prying eyes. The photographs and a sheet of runes are wrapped in black paper and placed in a pre-selected location. A person should also be aware that the formula will only work as long as the photographs lie next to it.

The power of individual symbols

In order to get rid of love feelings It is not necessary to use formulas for a person. Sometimes the energy of one rune is enough to remove close ties with a loved one and break off relationships. One of the most strong runes Those who are able to achieve what they want is “Isa”.

The rune symbol is a vertical line that characterizes cessation. Cooling of feelings is achieved through other signs drawn in this symbol. In addition, its sacred meaning is associated with the strongest rejection, sometimes interpreted as death. Don’t worry, this concept has nothing to do with the physical death of a person. Only feelings, relationships with neighbors and a common future die.

One of the elements of the lapel is cooling. In this material, I am magician Sergei Artgrom, I will talk about runic cold. Every magical tradition has lapel rituals. An interweaving of ancient witchcraft systems and modern interpretation magical influences indicate the colossal power of lapel rituals. Moreover, in some magical schools, a lapel is considered an antidote to a love spell, while others imagine a lapel as certain type magical damage affecting natural processes Everyday life person.

Lapel with runes as a tool for shaping reality

Each rune sign represents a link in the large-scale construction of the world. Runes allow you to symbolically describe objects and situations, as well as influence them in detail. An example is ostuda. Knowing this feature, magicians resort to runic signs, as a colossal mystical instrument, using which correctly, you can influence people and events.

Runes have a wide coverage. Love corrections occupy not the last place in the runic tradition. Cooling with runes affects objects and forms necessary situations. The advantage of runic practice is the relative simplicity of the rituals of turning away and breaking apart. In some cases, when performing runic cooling, you can get by having a stable connection with the gods and a clear logical intention.

Runic symbols are applied to a photograph of the desired object or pair. This action determines and activates the lapel with runes. If there is no photo, it is allowed to make a schematic drawing, visualizing and keeping in your field of influence the right person. Magic rune symbols must be applied to this drawing. For a magical turn, when you need to begin the process of destroying the relationship between lovers, take a photo of the couple.

To make a runic cooldown, a photo of one person is enough.

Runic signs are applied to photographs with a marker, ink, or gel; can be scratched with a needle or cut with a ritual knife.

The method of drawing runes for discord can be determined intuitively. I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, think this: for someone to draw with a marker a certain color it suits my heart. Some people like to pierce the surface of a photograph with a knife so that magical runic signs appear. The color of the inscriptions is not fundamentally important, but most magicians intuitively choose red or black. At the same time, black color is more often used for lapel rituals with a negative character.

An effective runic cooldown for your feelings

If you want to cool your heart, moderate the flame of love, then cooling the runes can be considered as excellent, the most. Apply outlines to your photo runic formula: Gebo - Turisaz - Isa. This formula can also be applied to the body. When making rune outlines, say a special spell, with the help of which the right direction for the flow of energy is set. Without a conspiracy, cooling may not produce results, or the energy will not flow in the direction you need.

The conspiracy is formulated in one’s own words, but in such a way that the intention is clearly formed and defined as straightforwardly as possible. For example, like this:

“Let this cold runes cool my head, cool my heart for (man’s name). Let cold and peace enter my soul. Let the runes (name the runes used) help me feel free from the hot captivity of love.”

Freeze relationships with runic cooling

Runic cooling of other people's relationships can be done using the formula: Gebo - Algiz - Isa. Apply these runes to a joint photo and immediately read the disclaimer, setting the direction for the desired event. Lapel plot You can say it in verse (read visu), or you can just as well say it in your own words. Each event is distinguished by it unique features, and therefore the words

Our universe consists of small clots of energy that are invisible to the human eye. At the same time, they act as bricks in the construction of existence.

Runes are used in various magical rituals. When using them, you can form new life situations or eliminate existing ones. Runic magic is widely used for colds and to extinguish the passion of unnecessary love.

Cooling down our own feelings

If you want to cool your feelings for a person, then runes will help you a lot with this. To do this, you need to apply the following formula to your photo:

Gebo – Turisaz – Isa.

At the same time, the same symbolic inscription should be applied to your body, using a felt-tip pen desired color. During the application process, concentrate and direct energy in the right direction to achieve effective results. The reservation must be pronounced in your own words, the main thing is to clearly formulate the thought and idea. For example, you could say the following:

“Let this coldness cool my heart for (man’s name). Let indifference appear in my soul. Let the runes (say the name of the runes) help me feel free from the flame of love.”

The runic lapel has its own meaning, so before applying any symbols to your body, familiarize yourself with their meaning.

Freezing love relationships

A very strong cooling of relationships can be achieved using the following formula:

Gebo – Algiz – Isa

The formula is applied to a joint photo of those people for whom the cold is being carried out in exactly the same sequence as presented. A felt-tip pen is used for writing. Next, a disclaimer should be made. It can be expressed through poetry, or simply stated in your own words.

Every situation has its own meaning. Therefore, each individual rune expresses certain thoughts in a separate fact. Interpret the meaning correctly before applying. Next formula looks like this:

Isa – Algiz – Raido (inverted) – Turisaz – Hagalaz

The inverted rune is the central one. It means blocking all roads of life. It is then that the road to living together is closed. A very good and effective lapel. The other runes presented in the formula consolidate and enhance the effect, and cool the feelings.

The clause may look like this:

“The road to shared happiness is blocked for you (names). All connections have been destroyed, and the cold of icy Isa fills your hearts! Let the separation become eternal!

This is just an example, and you can create your own text for yourself.

lovers' quarrel

It is necessary to prepare for the event:

  • a sheet of white and black paper;
  • photos of lovers;
  • pen with multi-colored ink.

This kind of quarrel happens at midnight. On a white sheet of paper write in black ink:

Soulu - Teyvaz - Raido - Isa - Dagaz - Isa

We apply the runogram on both sides of the sheet, after which we place it between photographs of two people. Images of people should be turned away. After this we say the spell:

“Enmity begins between you (names)! There will be no end to quarrels and fights! Let your love die forever! All my words will come true!”

After this, wrap the photos in a black sheet and put them in a secluded place. The ritual will last as long as there is a piece of paper with the formula between them.

A break up

On one sheet of paper you print the image of lovers, leaving between empty place. In this space write the name of the runes in black ink: Thurisaz – Hagalaz – Thurisaz. You can write either in a column or in a line. The first and last runes will push lovers away from each other, and the middle one will completely destroy the relationship.

To further enhance the effect of discord, you can additionally do the following:

  • in summer the leaf can be placed under the rays of the scorching sun;
  • Place a black candle on the sheet and burn it. Wrap the leaf itself in black material and bury it near the house of one of the lovers;

put the sheet in a secluded place, and after a week, burn it on a black candle. The ashes should be scattered to the wind.