Get rid of mold in the apartment. How to Get Rid of Mold: A Comprehensive Guide. Hydrogen peroxide kills mold

It is amazing to see how the lingonberry is filled with color. At first, these are nondescript whitish balls that begin to turn pink from a sunflower barrel, then blush with enthusiasm, and then suddenly become heavy and purple, and all this is before our eyes, literally within a week!

There is so much energy and so much restraint in this color at the same time! The berry shows its character in everything: in the way it breaks away from the bush, in how its leaves turn yellow, in how it tastes, how it blooms - in everything.

There must be a lot of it! A lingonberry carpet is when there is nowhere to step at the same time and your eyes run up, and when you leave with full buckets, but this did not affect the color of the "carpet".

It is easiest to collect lingonberries, it literally bounces itself into the hand, such dense balls, how much energy is there in this form, in this elastic rebound from the bucket, in this knocking-rustling sound of pouring berries.

It tastes slightly knit, sweet and sour, more sour. Compared to in its pure form, it does not roll at all, so the collection of lingonberries is accompanied by regular blueberry doses. Lingonberries are not eaten just like that so that they show their taste, you still need to try, but she shares very generously, no difficulties. This is the most convenient berry. Minimally - just grind in a blender with a small amount of sugar - already gourmet, and the color from the combination with sugar and air will also be "fast", bright, but still restrained, such a slightly languishing shade that, if not eaten right away, gradually begins to fade dry up.

You can also soak in a special way, then, after some conditionally long time, you can enjoy this seasoned tart-viscous concentrated taste, you get such a super-vitaminized drink with whole berries, which are now not so dense, because there is already juice inside them. What a funny sound you hear in your inner ear when you chew them! And the color! This color can no longer be called "fast", it is sustained, it is complex, and it is still energetic and restrained.

You can also cook jam, the color will turn out - something in between the previous two, but more intense, bright, it will first be closer to the first, and when it stands, it will darken slightly. Only this color, unlike the original berry, turns out to be some kind of melodious, probably, the addition of sugar together with heat treatment does something with this color, which slightly loses its restraint and sings quietly :)

Or is it because the berries "take such a luxurious bubble bath", because syrup is not a syrup, but a part of berries ground with sugar.

In general, the right amount of sugar only adds to the flavor of the lingonberry. Somewhere in the winter, you can endlessly wrap spoons on such a yummy, and you can also enjoy pies with lingonberries! In "Stoll", for my taste, the best such pies all year round with a consistently generous filling! Real jam:)

The lingonberry color is good in itself, it is very cozy and loves comfort, therefore the lingonberry color likes to be surrounded by texture. The berries sit very tightly to each other, thereby creating the integrity of the color spot on the general fractional background. Nature gives us a lot of options for how we can combine these beautiful lingonberry shades with other colors and textures in order to preserve and emphasize this feeling of comfort, energy and restraint at the same time.

Dark woody shades set off this color well, for example, a stole or cowberry-colored boots and such a laconic dark long coat will look great.

This color is also good surrounded by light green mosses, but in this case there should be a little of it, for example, a handbag or cowberry-colored gloves against the background of a luxurious light coat. In this case, the lingonberry color should be inside the light spot, because it will be more comfortable for him.

Since in the north, lingonberry (berry) is widespread and has a distinctive rich color, it began to be widely used as the name of the shade.

If we consider the meaning of color related to its origin, then I will note the special value of lingonberry (before the development of a centralized economy) in the marginal northern land. Lingonberry was harvested for the winter, and it served not only as a delicacy and medicine, but also was one of the points of survival.

The lingonberry color is used in icon painting. For example, they depict the Most Holy Theotokos in lingonberry taffeta, thus expressing her love and care for people. It is not uncommon for the saints to be portrayed in lingonberry vestments, since this color also means spiritual strength, will, and purity.

Varlam Shalamov wrote:

I am a prisoner in prison:
Fourteen years old
I only knew lingonberry
The only color.

But that is not absurdity,
Not a dream of being
Soul fortress
And my will. (Avvakum in Pustozersk).

Lingonberry color combination

- with the color of a fainting frog (2) - calm and life-affirming. Red and green are opposite in meaning, but in this case they balance each other.

- with rosewood (3) gives a soft contrast. The color of rosewood against the background of lingonberry can emphasize the shape, although the contrast will not be striking, due to it harmony is built and the darkness of the lingonberry is diluted.

You can dilute the color scheme with white-pink, pale protective and anthracite gray colors.

This color will make you look slimmer, highlight the elegance and lighten the complexion.

Lingonberry is more suitable for such a color type as and, since it is rather a cold shade of pink than a shade of red.

Lingonberry clothes are worn mainly in winter, in summer more light shades are preferable. And also this color is more office-business than festive, but it is quite suitable for winter holidays (for example, New Year).

In clothes of this color, you are seen as a strong-willed person, however, without any conceit. They may seek patronage from you or ask you for help.

Fabrics of this color are preferably warm: wool, viscose, mohair, angora, corduroy, satin.

Lingonberry color will make any interior sublime, but simplicity will be appropriate in this combination: not carved furniture sheathed with silks, but simple, with straight lines, but does not mean cheap. The environment should feel good quality and solidity.

It is better to choose upholstered furniture upholstered with fabric. Cover the floor with carpet in a neutral color.

To compensate for the lack of light (after all, the lingonberry dark color) is due to lamps with lampshades (table or floor lamps).

In such an environment, a massive writing desk and an extensive bookcase will look good, the best of them.


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  • Lingonberry, a photo of which can be found on the Internet, in order to know exactly what to buy in the nursery, is a very useful and tasty berry. It is worth growing if there are conditions suitable for it and the necessary knowledge to grow it.

    Lingonberry: photo and description

    Lingonberry is an evergreen shrub whose height does not exceed thirty centimeters. It blooms with small flowers, bell-shaped, on last year's shoots, usually from May to June, and the fruits ripen by autumn, likes to grow in mixed and coniferous forests.

    Lingonberry fruits are mealy, red, taste sweet with a slight bitterness, stored for a long time. Lingonberry berries contain many useful, valuable substances, vitamins and microelements. Lingonberry helps to strengthen the body, has an antiscorbutic, astringent and diuretic effect, helps with anemia, vitamin deficiencies, cystitis, urolithiasis, and heart disease. Lingonberry is used both in traditional medicine and among healers, the latter also use decoctions and infusions from lingonberry leaves.

    Lingonberry copes well with drought and frost, but does not tolerate soil that is not suitable for it. She only needs acidic, light, loose soil - peat, or sandy loam soil with peat.

    She also needs a lot of sun, since she does not bloom in the shade, does not tolerate compost and manure, fertilizing with mineral fertilizers in small quantities is allowed. Lingonberries need to be watered regularly, but not poured, it can endure the absence of watering for some time. To rejuvenate the bush, pruning can be done every ten years.

    Lingonberries can get sick with specific diseases, due to which the stem curls, the leaves turn pale, the shoots lengthen and unattractive scales appear, but this happens extremely rarely.

    For growing on your site, it is better to purchase garden lingonberries, since ordinary lingonberries, most likely, will not take root in the garden.

    Interior and lingonberry color

    Lingonberry, this ripe berry, has always attracted city dwellers. Since childhood, we have associated it with jam and pastries, and now interior designers use this rich berry shade and say that it is he who can change your home.

    Why lingonberry color?

    It's all about a unique shade that enhances the luxury of even the most basic living room, bedroom or kitchen. Lingonberry color in the interior is a timeless color that takes its rightful place among berry tones.

    The brightness and saturation of the shade of this berry will always enliven a monochrome solution for a home, correctly place accents and emphasize your taste. Agree that even in hi-tech, which excludes all unnecessary, you can add a zest by choosing a lingonberry color watch.

    Lingonberry color in the interior of the home

    If you do not belong to fans of modern styles, but prefer the luxury of the Victorian era, then the color of lingonberry is perfect for decorating window openings, in particular, for curtains. Choose textured, heavy materials - they look luxurious and expensive.

    Use this berry shade in the bedroom - choose lingonberry pillows for accents. By choosing a lingonberry color for your little dummies, you will bring novelty to the bedroom, and by spending a very small amount. Do not forget about other little things - grabs and curtain brushes, which will become important details.

    Lingonberry color will give any, even the most modest interior a sublimity, which designers advise to combine with simplicity. The furniture chosen for the apartments should be simple, with clear, straight silhouettes, but solid and reliable.

    Light and color

    For your flooring, choose neutral tones and soft textures that lend a cozy atmosphere to this somewhat cold shade. Remember that lingonberry is heavy and dark, so compensate for that with light. Take a closer look at a lamp with a light shade or a scattering of LEDs on the ceiling, which will dilute the regal and luxurious coldness.

    Bright accents

    Lingonberry color belongs to noble shades, but at the same time it is considered quite complex and sometimes even pompous. One of the discoveries of the designers was the lingonberry-colored kitchen, which is the key accent of the entire home. The first question that is asked when using the shade of this berry indoors is furniture. Everything is simple here: choose kitchen cabinets, a table and chairs, as well as household appliances of simple, even ascetic outlines.

    In addition, the color of lingonberry in the interior of the kitchen is an opportunity to play with color combinations. Dilute the royal shade with whites, flesh, pistachio, gray, beige tones, and you will see that the kitchen will transform. However, use one more advice from designers: the colors chosen for combination with lingonberry, like himself, should not be glossy - this is how the whole effect of luxury is lost.

    As for the flooring, a lingonberry kitchen will accept light laminate or floor tiles - sand, cream or milky. Do not use dark tones or other shades for the floor, as they will make the room heavier and make it visually smaller.

    Lingonberry color in the design of the kitchen is another way to play with textures. Use plastic-covered MDF facades for the economy options of this room, and if you have sufficient funds, stop at a tree. Aluminum or chrome frames will go well with the shade of kitchen cabinets.

    As you can see, the lingonberry color deserves to be chosen for the interior design of the premises. Use this shade and it will accentuate any style - from modern to baroque.

    What are the benefits of lingonberry? Lingonberry berry: properties and contraindications

    Surely everyone is worried about their diet. Recently, more and more families are switching to a raw food diet or eating exceptionally healthy foods. And many people prefer not to resort to taking medications, but to be treated according to the prescriptions of our grandmothers. Lingonberry has long been used to eliminate many ailments. It is also eaten because of its special pleasant taste.

    This article will tell you about when lingonberries (berries) are especially recommended. Useful properties and contraindications will be presented to your attention. You will also learn about the methods of preparing this gift of the Russian forests.

    Lingonberry forest berry: general description

    This plant belongs to the heather family. Lingonberry grows on small shrubs that are green regardless of the season. Such plants can be found in almost every region. Everything is explained by the fact that birds eat seeds of berries, which are not digested in their intestines and come out unchanged. As a result, birds carry seeds around the world.

    Lingonberry (berry) is not afraid of frost or sultry weather. This is the undoubted advantage of the plant. The berry is small in size. It looks like small red balls. The leaves of the plant are green, shiny, dense.

    Where are lingonberries used?

    The beneficial properties of this plant are undeniable. It is used in folk medicine to treat various ailments. The product is also widely used in cosmetology. Urology, gynecology, traumatology, cardiology - these are just some of the areas in which lingonberries (berries) are used.

    This product has useful properties and contraindications. You need to know about them before using. Let's consider how this product is useful.

    The content of vitamins in lingonberries

    In this article, you are presented with lingonberry (photo). The berry contains a large amount of vitamins and useful elements. This includes vitamins C and E. Also, the product is rich in vitamins B and A. In addition, lingonberry (berry) contains iron, magnesium, zinc, potassium, phosphorus, manganese and copper. Additional elements are present in the leaves and fruits, but in smaller quantities.

    What effect does the plant have?

    What are the beneficial properties of lingonberry berries? The plant has an analgesic, antipyretic, anti-inflammatory effect. Also, the benefit of lingonberry berries is that they fight microbes and pathogenic microflora in the human body.

    The tool has a beneficial effect on blood vessels and blood. Also, to some extent, the product can be called an antioxidant, immunomodulator and sorbent. It must be remembered that in order to get the most out of a product, it must be prepared and consumed properly. Also, an important role is played by the way of storing lingonberries and bush leaves.

    How to store and prepare lingonberries correctly?

    Below you will find frozen lingonberries (photo). The berry in this case should be processed as follows. Rinse the fruits and select only firm and whole berries. Then place the lingonberries on a towel and wait a few minutes. When the berries are dry, lay them in an even layer on a substrate. Place it in the freezer for 2-4 hours. Then pour the food into the container and prepare the next portion in the same way. If you don't want to freeze the berry, you can dry it. In this case, lingonberries should be processed at a temperature of 60 degrees for several hours.

    The beneficial properties of the lingonberry berry are preserved only if consumed fresh or after freezing. If you decide to make jam or compote from these fruits, then be prepared for the fact that some of the nutrients will evaporate. The most popular dish of this product is fruit drink. To prepare it, you need to squeeze out small berries and strain. Leave the juice for a while, and boil the resulting puree for 5-10 minutes. Add sugar to taste and cool. After that, pour the juice into the resulting mass and enjoy a healthy drink.

    You can also make freshly squeezed juice. However, many people claim that it turns out to be very sour. Lingonberry (berry) can be grated with sugar and packaged in jars for long-term storage.

    Restrictions on use

    Despite the fact that lingonberries have medicinal properties, they also have contraindications. It is necessary to familiarize yourself with them before starting therapy with this remedy. In what cases is it strictly forbidden to use the fruits of the plant?

    Doctors say that the berry and its derivatives are contraindicated in case of a tendency to an allergic reaction. Diabetics should stop eating lingonberries, which are prepared with added sugar. If you have stomach acid or ulcers, this product can seriously aggravate the situation. Lingonberry has other contraindications. The fruits and their derivatives should not be consumed by persons prone to bleeding. This also includes postoperative situations.

    With extreme caution, you should use lingonberries during breastfeeding. Berries can cause an allergic reaction in a child. In this case, it makes sense to replace the fruits with leaves. In cosmetology, the product is not used for sensitive skin, as well as in case of irritation. Do not give lingonberry and its derivatives to children under one year old.

    Application during pregnancy

    What are the medicinal properties of lingonberry berries and contraindications during pregnancy? The product should not be consumed without a doctor's recommendation, especially in the last trimester. This can provoke allergies in the unborn baby. Also, with an increase in blood sugar, you need to abandon fruit drinks and jams, because they contain a prohibited substance. If you have a threat of termination of pregnancy, then this product is contraindicated.

    During the period of bearing a child, lingonberry and everything that is prepared from it helps to prevent early and late toxicosis. In the first third of pregnancy, the berry will protect against colds, which often overtake the body. In the last part of the term, the product will help remove excess fluid from the body. This will prevent swelling and kidney disease. Lingonberry juice will be the most useful. You need to drink it 2 glasses a day. This will be enough to achieve a diuretic effect.

    Benefits for blood vessels and heart

    What are the benefits of lingonberry berry for the cardiovascular system? The product promotes slight blood thinning. This makes it easier for fluid to flow through the veins and blood vessels. Also, the berries prevent the formation of blood clots. It should be noted that about 80 percent of cases of separation of such a particle leads to the death of the patient. The fruits of the plant help to lower blood sugar and cholesterol levels. The only exception is the berry cooked with the addition of sweetness.

    Lingonberry strengthens blood vessels and veins. If you suffer from varicose veins, then this berry should always be present in the diet. In addition, the product helps in the fight against different types of hemorrhoids.

    Benefits for the stomach and intestines

    What other lingonberries (berries) have useful properties and contraindications? As you already know, fruits are contraindicated for stomach ulcers, gastritis and various inflammations of the digestive tract. However, the berry can prevent the development of these pathologies. Doctors have found out that the cause of gastritis is bacteria. The product has an antibacterial effect. With periodic use of fruits or a decoction of bush leaves, you can avoid gastritis and ulcers.

    In what form is it better to use lingonberry? For the treatment of stomach and intestines, give preference to tea. To prepare it, dry the leaves and fruits of the plant. Then grind them with a blender or knife. Pour the resulting powder with hot water and leave for 20 minutes. Take the resulting liquid in 100 milliliters daily on an empty stomach.

    Urinary system: lingonberry treatments

    Lingonberry (berry) can have a therapeutic and prophylactic effect on the urinary system. This product perfectly fights pyelonephritis, cystitis, bacteriuria and other pathologies. At the same time, complex treatment is often required. Lingonberry leaves and berries are antimicrobial for kidney and bladder infections. Also, the product has a mild antispasmodic effect. This allows you to eliminate burning and pain during urination.

    Often this remedy is assigned to expectant mothers. Indeed, during pregnancy, it is forbidden to use almost all antibiotics. Lingonberry berries gently cleanse the excretory system from excess salts, harmful bacteria and pathogenic microflora. Already after one week of regular use of fruit drink, a woman notices the positive effect of therapy.

    With skin lesions

    Even in ancient times, lingonberry decoction was used as a regenerating agent. However, you cannot apply this method of treatment on your own. Before such a correction, you should contact a dermatologist and get individual prescriptions and a scheme. Daily compresses allow skin lesions to heal quickly and promote skin renewal.

    It is worth mentioning the limitations. You cannot make such compresses yourself. This is due to the fact that lingonberry juice contains a lot of acids. Such a composition can harm already damaged skin.

    Lingonberry for immunity

    Lingonberry berries help to increase the protective forces of the body. Surely every person knows this. Unfortunately, lately it has been easier for people to take medicine than to apply alternative methods. However, lingonberry is able to put a cold person on his feet in the shortest possible time. Berries contain a large amount of vitamin C. It has an immunomodulatory effect on the body. Also removes toxins. Do not forget about the antipyretic effect of the product. Lingonberry juice thins the blood. Due to this, the fever is suppressed.

    During the consumption of berries, the oppression of pathogenic microflora in the throat area occurs. This plays an important role in the treatment of the disease. Lingonberry berries can help with both viral and bacterial infections. In addition, lingonberry-based preparations are widely used for prophylaxis.

    How is the product used in gynecology?

    In addition to all these areas, lingonberry berries are also used in obstetrics. The product helps to fight inflammation of various etiologies, thrush, violation of the vaginal microflora, and so on. Often the drug is prescribed as part of complex therapy. How is the composition used?

    During the correction of gynecological pathologies, it is customary to drink a decoction of leaves or lingonberry juice. It is worth noting that in case of violations of the vaginal microflora that did not cause inflammation, lingonberry broth is used for douching. Remember that this technique is contraindicated for colpitis, vaginitis and other diseases. Before use, you should definitely consult with your local gynecologist.

    The benefits of lingonberry in cosmetology

    Lingonberry berries bring tremendous benefits to the skin and hair. It should be remembered that the first time you use it, it is worth testing. Sometimes the product causes an allergic reaction. This fact may come as a surprise to some of the fairer sex.

    You can make a mask from the pulp of the berries. It will transform your appearance and improve your complexion. Vitamin E helps to rejuvenate the skin and restore its elasticity. Decoctions from leaves are often used for hair. They are an excellent antioxidant, and perfectly cleanses curls from external impurities. The product contributes to the acquisition of shine and health of the hair. For poor hair growth and excessive hair loss, use the following mask. Crush a few lingonberries and add two teaspoons of burdock oil to the gruel. Rub the substance into the roots and use a comb to distribute through the hair. Soak the composition for one hour, then rinse with water and shampoo.

    Where can I get lingonberries?

    Currently, it is not difficult to find the described product. Leaves and fruits can be picked directly from the bush. Fortunately, the plant can be found in many regions. You can also purchase a pre-assembled product in supermarkets or markets.

    If you don't want to mess around with processing fresh raw materials, go to your nearest pharmacy chain. There you can buy dried lingonberry fruits and leaves. Some of them already have individual brewing packaging. A decoction and tea can be made from such a product. This form of release is provided for the convenience of consumers. Store this product only in a dry place at room temperature.

    Summing up the article or short conclusion

    You now know what are the useful properties and contraindications of lingonberry (berries). You also learned how to get the most out of your product. If you still have questions about this little berry, see your dietitian. A professional will tell you about the main beneficial properties of certain berries and fruits. He will also give personalized advice and recommendations. Eat right and prevent many diseases with folk remedies. I wish you good health and well-being!

    Lingonberry color and its combination »Pink colors» Lingonberry color and its combination

    Since in the north, lingonberry (berry) is widespread and has a distinctive rich color, it began to be widely used as the name for a burgundy shade of pink.

    If we consider the meaning of color related to its origin, then I will note the special value of lingonberry (before the development of a centralized economy) in the marginal northern land. Lingonberry was harvested for the winter, and it served not only as a delicacy and medicine, but also was one of the points of survival.

    The lingonberry color is used in icon painting. For example, they depict the Most Holy Theotokos in lingonberry taffeta, thus expressing her love and care for people. It is not uncommon for the saints to be portrayed in lingonberry vestments, since this color also means spiritual strength, will, and purity.

    Varlam Shalamov wrote:

    I am a prisoner in prison:
    Fourteen years old
    I only knew lingonberry
    The only color.

    But that is not absurdity,
    Not a dream of being
    Soul fortress
    And my will. (Avvakum in Pustozersk).

    Lingonberry color combination

    With color, a fainting frog (2) is calm and life-affirming. Red and green are opposite in meaning, but in this case they balance each other.

    With rosewood (3) it gives a soft contrast. The color of rosewood against the background of lingonberry can emphasize the shape, although the contrast will not be striking, due to it harmony is built and the darkness of the lingonberry is diluted.

    You can dilute the color scheme with white-pink, pale protective and anthracite gray colors.

    Lingonberry color in clothes

    This color will make you look slimmer, highlight the elegance and lighten the complexion.

    Lingonberry is more suitable for such a color type as "Summer" and "Winter", as it is rather a cold shade of pink than a shade of red.

    Lingonberry clothes are worn mainly in winter, in summer more light shades are preferable. And also this color is more office-business than festive, but it is quite suitable for winter holidays (for example, New Year).

    In clothes of this color, you are seen as a strong-willed person, however, without any conceit. They may seek patronage from you or ask you for help.

    Fabrics of this color are preferably warm: wool, viscose, mohair, angora, corduroy, satin.

    Lingonberry color in the interior

    Lingonberry color will make any interior sublime, but simplicity will be appropriate in this combination: not carved furniture sheathed with silks, but simple, with straight lines, but does not mean cheap. The environment should feel good quality and solidity.

    It is better to choose upholstered furniture upholstered with fabric. Cover the floor with carpet in a neutral color.

    To compensate for the lack of light (after all, the lingonberry dark color) is due to lamps with lampshades (table or floor lamps).

    In such an environment, a massive writing desk and an extensive bookcase, preferably mahogany, will look good.


    Medicinal and useful properties of lingonberry berries and leaves, contraindications to intake and use

    Hello, friends. Today, the “queen of the ball” is a familiar to many lingonberries, which appear on the markets in the middle of autumn and pleases us with an unusual taste and a whole storehouse of vitamins. And the article today is just about the beneficial and medicinal properties of lingonberry berries and leaves, as well as about contraindications to their use.

    Healing berry from the forest edges

    Lingonberries have long been known and appreciated by the people. It got its Russian name because of the color of ripe berries (from the word "lumber" - which means "red" in Old Russian). Due to its medicinal properties in Russia until the XX century, lingonberry was called "young berry".

    Mentions of this evergreen plant are found in the ancient Roman poet Virgil in his "Bucolics" (43-37 BC), and in the Dutch botanist Dodoneus (XVI century), and in the writings of Yuri the Blessed (XIV century) ... And even the great poet Alexander Pushkin in his "Eugene Onegin" contains lines: "I'm afraid that the lingonberry water would harm me." By the way, lingonberry water in those days was called a soft drink made from lingonberries, which was stored in cellars - a kind of analogue of modern fruit drink.

    There are many legends about a green bush with red berries. So, according to one of them, the ancient Greek goddess of fertility Cybele rode around the island of Crete in a chariot, and the beauty's head was decorated with a wreath of lingonberry twigs.

    According to another legend, once a kind swallow wanted people to become immortal and forget about troubles and pain. She took living water into her beak and flew with it to people. But the evil wasp did not want good to people. She flew after the swallow and stung her. The swallow cried out in pain - splashed living water. Her droplets spilled on the lingonberry - since then, the plant has become evergreen.

    In 1745, they first tried to domesticate this historically forest plant in Russia. Empress Elizaveta Petrovna, by her royal decree, commanded to plant "parteri" in the Tsar's garden with lingonberries. 20 years later, instead of bushbom (another evergreen plant from the boxwood family), lingonberries were also planted in Peterhof.

    In the sixties of the last century, a real campaign for the cultivation of lingonberries was launched in the world. In the United States and many European countries (Poland, Finland, Sweden, Holland, etc.), they began to organize lingonberry plantations, develop methods of growing and harvesting, and design mechanisms to help farmers. In total, about 40 hectares of the area were planted with lingonberries. In the 1980s, the lingonberry boom reached Russia, Lithuania, and Belarus.

    Attempts to grow lingonberries are fully justified, since this is a medicinal plant, and it pays for itself entirely. Scientists have calculated that every year from one hundred square meters you can get a harvest of 50-60 kilograms, which is almost 20-30 times higher than the yield on wild plantations in nature.

    Description of the species

    Lingonberry belongs to the genus Vaccinum and the Heather family. Its Latin name is Vaccinium vitis-idaea.

    This perennial plant grows in the forest and tundra zone, traditionally for the pine and mixed forests of Polesie and the Carpathians. Often small bushes (up to 10-25 cm in height) form solid thickets in open forest areas and mountain valleys.

    Lingonberry propagated by seeds and root cuttings. Thin creeping rhizomes of a plant can stretch for several meters underground, and then, getting out to the sun, give life to another bush.

    Lingonberry leaves are small, bright green, smooth and shiny, with upward curved edges. The plant blooms in May-June, pollinated by insects. If not for their small size, lingonberry could claim the title of queen among flowering plants - so beautiful are its small white flowers, collected in hanging clusters of four to eight buds! Their aroma is very pleasant, but barely perceptible.

    Lingonberry bears fruit starting from the third year of life. Its unripe berries are greenish-white in color, while ripe berries are bright red. The berries ripen in August - September. They have a tart sweet-sour taste, they are readily eaten by animal birds as a vitamin supplement. In addition, birds unwittingly contribute to the spread of lingonberries by carrying undigested seeds over long distances.

    Lingonberries are harvested before the first frost. Knowledgeable people are aware that after frost, the berries become watery and soft and lose their beneficial properties. Although, even after wintering under the snow, the berries still remain red, as if they had just ripened.

    If lingonberries are harvested on time, you can make many healthy treats from them, in particular, filling for sweets, marmalade, preserves and jam. On a note to the economical hostess: if you make the latter with apples or sweet pears, then you don't need to add sugar to it - such jam will still be stored for a long time.

    Lingonberry berries, useful properties and contraindications

    These berries are just a storehouse of vitamins and minerals. The berries contain sugars (3.8-8.7%), and ascorbic acid (8-20 mg), and carotene (approximately 0.12 mg%), and riboflavin (0.13 mg%), and organic acids (1.7-2.1%), and flavonoids (400 mg%). In addition to the above, the berries contain manganese compounds, phenolic acids, tannins, pectins, arbutin, dyes, etc.

    For medicinal purposes, berries are used fresh, soaked, fermented, boiled. They are used to prepare teas, infusions, decoctions, lingonberry water, fruit drinks.

    Long-term intake of berries harmonizes the heart rate, normalizes blood pressure, increases the strength and elasticity of the walls of blood vessels, strengthens the immune system, and reduces the amount of sugar in the blood. The use of berries is an effective prevention of scurvy, since thanks to vitamin C they have an antiscorbutic effect.

    ¦ With vitamin deficiency, to improve metabolism, you need to take fifty milliliters of lingonberry juice, three hundred milliliters of rosehip infusion, currant and cranberry juices and forty grams of sugar. Rosehip infusion can be prepared by taking forty-five grams of crushed raw materials and pouring 400 milliliters of boiling water over it, then leave to cool. Pour the filtered mixture into two hundred and fifty ml bottles and screw tightly, leaving them for three months. It is worth drinking twenty ml four times a day one hour before meals for a month.

    Berries will bring tangible benefits to overweight people, because the calorie content of 100 grams of berries is only 40 kilocalories.

    An infusion of berries perfectly quenches thirst and relieves severe conditions with fevers. This reliable diaphoretic will help lower your body temperature.

    For fortified teas, both fresh and dry raw materials are used.

    It has been proven that lingonberry berries significantly increase visual acuity in humans, they are useful for those who spend a lot of time at the computer, as well as for drivers, sailors, and pilots.

    Lingonberry berries have a lot of useful properties, and there are not so many contraindications. To maximize the effect of the treatment, it is important to properly brew lingonberries. Excellent infusions are obtained if the lingonberries are insisted in a thermos. You can also use the old way - to wrap the dishes in which the lingonberries are brewed. They say that from this the infusion acquires simply miraculous power.

    Contraindications to taking berries

    Unfortunately, in some cases, the beneficial properties of lingonberry berries overlap with contraindications. It is undesirable to use lingonberries when:

  • hypotension (lingonberry quickly lowers blood pressure);
  • cholecystitis;
  • stomach ulcer and 12 duodenal ulcer, since the berries have an acidic reaction;
  • individual plant intolerance;
  • kidney diseases (lingonberries contain a large amount of tannins, which negatively affects the activity of the kidneys);
  • if the lingonberry is collected in an area with a high radioactive background. Like many berries, it accumulates radiation and can be very harmful to the human body, especially the child.
  • In other cases, the use of medicinal berries in reasonable quantities will only benefit.

    Morse: useful properties. Recipe

    The infusion of berries in boiling water is the well-known lingonberry fruit drink, the beneficial properties of which are very widely used by northern peoples. It is good for colds, acute respiratory viral infections, fever with chills, high fever.

    The excellent effect of lingonberry juice on the genitourinary system cannot be ignored - when taken regularly, the bladder is washed and cleansed, the painful symptoms of inflammation are reduced. Thus, it is possible to significantly alleviate the condition with cystitis and even cure the disease.

    The easiest and healthiest recipe for making lingonberry juice

    Crush 3 tablespoons of berries with a wooden spoon into a gruel, add 2 teaspoons of sugar and pour in boiling water (0.5 l). Stir well. Wrap the mixture and leave for about two hours. Drink a day.

    To prepare fruit drink in a thermos, you first need to crush the berries, then pour the gruel into a thermos, pour in cool boiling water, close the lid and leave overnight. In the morning, start taking a healing drink.

    Treatment with berries of some diseases: recipes

    ¦ Gout. You need to take four teaspoons of berries and pour them with one and a half glasses of boiling water and insist for an hour. Drink half a glass three to four times a day half an hour before meals, while consuming the fruits of the plant.

    ¦ Tapeworm. Pour a handful of berries into half a liter of water and leave overnight, and in the morning strain, squeeze well and drink a glass of infusion on an empty stomach, and drink the rest after two hours. Carry out the procedure every day until you get rid of the "tenant".

    ¦ Bronchial asthma: mild attack. You need to take the berries and brew like tea. Drink very hot and preferably at night.

    Lingonberry leaves: medicinal properties and contraindications

    Lingonberry is a valuable medicinal plant. Its berries are used as raw materials, however, leaves are more often used for medicinal purposes.

    Lingonberry leaves are a storehouse of nutrients. They contain:

    • acids (ellagic, tartaric, quinic, ursolic, gallic);
    • organic acids (acetic, malic, benzoic, pyruvic, etc.);
    • sugar (about 10%);
    • phenolic glycosides (arbutin (9%), melampsorin, methylarbutin);
    • tannins (10%);
    • flavonoids;
    • hydroquinone.

    Leaves are harvested in spring, before flowering begins, or in autumn, when the plant bears fruit. If the leaves are harvested at a different time (summer or early fall), they will turn black and be unusable. The leaves are carefully plucked from the bush and laid out to dry in attics or in special dryers. Drying temperature - 35-40 C. From time to time the leaves are stirred for uniform drying. The raw materials prepared in this way can be stored for 3 years in a well-ventilated dry place.

    Lingonberry also has antiseptic and choleretic properties.

    Lingonberry leaf tea is useful for a person, even if he considers himself to be absolutely healthy. Such an invigorating aromatic drink with a tart taste will saturate the body with the necessary vitamins, give energy, strength and vigor during the morning awakening, and remove toxins.

    Lingonberry leaves (and sometimes berries) are part of complex therapy for many diseases. They are used for the following diseases:

    • the initial stage of hypertension;
    • cystitis;
    • uterine bleeding;
    • pulmonary tuberculosis;
    • jaundice;
    • neurasthenic manifestations;
    • colitis;
    • enteritis;
    • with diarrhea (have diuretic properties) and chronic constipation;
    • with oncological diseases (fruit drink and fresh berries grated with sugar);
    • with urological diseases;
    • gout;
    • mild forms of diabetes mellitus;
    • musculoskeletal diseases;
    • rheumatoid and infectious nonspecific arthritis;
    • Qatar of the stomach with insufficient acidity;
    • nephrolithiasis in remission;
    • high blood pressure;
    • edema and nephropathy in pregnant women;
    • anemia of pregnant women;
    • neuroses during menopause;
    • nocturnal urinary incontinence;
    • flatulence.
    • Contraindications

      In principle, the leaves have the same contraindications as the lingonberry berries, as well as similar beneficial and medicinal properties. However, as mentioned above, the lingonberry leaf is an excellent treatment for kidney disease, in contrast to berries, which are contraindicated in this case. In addition, the leaves can be used for gastritis with high acidity of gastric juice, since they do not contain as much acid as berries.

      Lingonberry leaves for cystitis, kidney disease, joints and diseases of the genitourinary system

      The main therapeutic effect of the leaves is a diuretic, they remove uric acid salts from the body, and also relieve the effects of salt deposits (various arthritis, arthrosis, osteochondrosis). Unlike berries, which are contraindicated in kidney disease, the medicinal properties of lingonberry leaves do an excellent job with pyelonephritis, uremia and other disorders in the work of the kidneys. The use of decoctions and teas from lingonberry leaves crushes kidney stones and removes sand from the kidneys, gallbladder and bladder.

      How to brew and take lingonberry leaves when cystitis : 2 tbsp. dried raw materials are poured with two glasses of boiling water, boiled over low heat for 5-7 minutes and insisted under the lid until warm. Take half a glass 4 times a day between meals. For the best effect, you can add bearberry (1 teaspoon), acacia blossom, cinnamon rosehip, chicory, onion peel or dill seed to the lingonberry.

      ¦ Pyelonephritis. Take in equal amounts the leaves of lingonberry, coltsfoot and wild strawberry, cornflower flowers, flax seeds, veronica and nettle herb. All herbs must be ground into powder and ten grams of the resulting mixture must be poured with half a liter of boiling water and insisted for eight hours. The filtered infusion should be drunk warm, half a glass four times a day after meals.

      ¦ Kidney stones, gallbladder . You need to take fifteen grams of plant leaves and pour them with three glasses of water, then bring to a boil and boil for five minutes. Drink in equal portions three times throughout the day.

      ¦ To treat gout, rheumatism and get rid of kidney stones, you need to drink an infusion from the leaves of the plant, adding twenty grams of herbs to a glass of water. You can also sweeten it with honey.

      Use of lingonberry leaves for joint diseases, salt deposition and impaired metabolism

      ¦ The following recipe can be used to treat gout. Two teaspoons of the leaves of the plant should be poured with a quarter liter of water and brought to a boil. You need to boil for fifteen minutes on low heat, drink the whole broth in small sips throughout the day

      ¦ For infectious arthritis, rheumatism and gout, this recipe is worth trying. We take one hundred grams of dried plant leaves and pour two and a half liters of boiling water in an enamel saucepan, wrap it with an old blanket and leave for two hours. After that, add two hundred and fifty ml of vodka to the infusion and simmer for fifteen minutes over the lowest heat, without bringing to a boil. You need to drink a third of a glass three times a day half an hour before meals for six months.

      ¦ In order to speed up the metabolism, you can try the following recipe. We take one tablespoon of lingonberry, nettle and dandelion leaves, pour the collection with a liter of boiling water. You need to boil for no more than eight minutes on low heat, then drink half a glass twice a day half an hour before meals.

      ¦ With small stature in adolescents. Take one teaspoon of common lingonberry leaves, dioecious nettle and medicinal dandelion. Pour the mixture of herbs with half a liter of boiling spring or distilled water and send it over low heat to boil for five to six minutes. Drink the broth for half a glass two to three times a day twenty minutes before meals. The course should be carried out for twenty one days and after two weeks of a break it can be repeated again.

      ¦ To fight rheumatism, you need to take the roots and leaves of lingonberry in a ratio of one to eight and brew them in a teapot. You need to drink one glass a day and after two weeks of treatment, the condition will improve significantly.

      ¦ Rheumatism, polyarthritis. Two tablespoons of lingonberry leaves should be mixed with a glass of oats and one and a half liters of water. First, you need to boil the oats for two hours and add the leaves as a seasoning only five minutes before the end of cooking. It is necessary to insist for an hour and store in a dark and cool place, using half a glass three times a day half an hour before meals.

      ¦ Tea from dry or fresh leaves of the plant is drunk without the norm for articular rheumatism, arthritis, salt deposits and spurs. You need to drink until complete recovery. Don't forget about contraindications!

      Medicinal properties for various diseases: recipes

      To prepare an infusion, which will help in the treatment of breast cancer, you need to take two tablespoons of the plant and pour a liter of cold water. The infusion is left overnight, and in the morning it is brought to a boil and boiled over low heat for five minutes, after which it is again infused for six hours. You need to drink a third of a glass a day, and the course of treatment should be carried out for fifteen days.

      ¦ For the treatment of tachycardia and arrhythmias, it is worth trying this recipe. Chopped leaves of lingonberry, lemon balm and wild strawberry, rose hips, heather, St. John's wort, willow-herb and wheatgrass roots are taken in equal amounts. Add a pinch of green tea to a tablespoon of the collection and pour a glass of boiling water, leaving the solution to infuse throughout the night. You need to drink a third of a glass half an hour before meals for three weeks and take a break for ten days, then repeat the course.

      ¦ Thrombophlebitis. We take one hundred grams of lingonberry leaves, buckthorn bark, birch leaves, two hundred grams of immortelle flowers and fifty grams of yarrow herb. Pour one tablespoon of the collection with 300 milliliters of boiling water and send it to low heat for five minutes. Insist warm for about three hours and take three to four times a day, half a glass half an hour before meals.

      ¦ For diabetes insipidus, three parts of lingonberry leaves and dandelion root should be mixed with two parts of birch buds, Veronica herb, nettle leaves and chamomile flowers. Five tablespoons of this collection must be poured with half a liter of 40 percent vodka and kept for a week, shaking daily. You need to take a tablespoon four to five times a day before meals and drink until improvement.

      ¦ Normalization of blood sugar levels. With a glass of boiling water, you need to pour a tablespoon of plant leaves and insist the solution for an hour. Drink a tablespoon three times a day.

      ¦ In order to bring an enlarged liver back to normal, you need to take lingonberry leaves and St. John's wort along with the stem, leaves and root. The herbs are crushed and mixed in equal volumes. Pour one tablespoon of the collection with a glass of boiling water and strain after an hour. The infusion is drunk without the norm three times a day, sweetening it with honey.

      ¦ Alcohol intoxication. Take two tablespoons of plant leaves and put them in an enamel pot. Add two glasses of cold water and send over low heat, where we boil the broth for fifteen minutes. The strained broth should be drunk in small sips for a speedy sobering up.

      ¦ Pancreatitis. It is necessary to mix in equal parts the leaves of lingonberry, blueberry and strawberry, bean pods and corn silk. Pour one tablespoon of the mixture with a glass of boiling water and leave in a thermos overnight. You also need to prepare another remedy. To do this, take one kilogram of lemons together with the peel, but without seeds, and pass it through a meat grinder. This gruel should be mixed with 300 grams of parsley and the same amount of garlic, mixed thoroughly and left for two weeks. You need to take the drug in a teaspoon three times a day half an hour before meals and drink a third glass of herbal infusion.

      ¦ To relieve swelling, you can take one teaspoon of plant leaves and pour a glass of boiling water. Drink regularly and warm.

      ¦ Cough. We take one tablespoon of raw materials and dilute in a glass of boiling water. You need to drink two or three times a day.

      Bearberry and lingonberry - are they the same thing?

      Another small shrub, bearberry, is often confused with lingonberries, as they are very similar in appearance. I can definitely answer and confirm: bearberry and lingonberry are not the same plant, but two shrubs that are completely different in composition and medicinal properties.

      The main difference is in taste. Bearberry leaves, or "bear's ear", are very bitter and tart in taste, which is due to their chemical composition. If lingonberries can be drunk as tea, brewing dried leaves with practically no norm, then with bearberry this number will not work because of the abundance of bitterness and astringents.

      However, lingonberry and bearberry still have something in common - they both perfectly treat diseases of the urinary system and kidneys. With cystitis, lingonberry leaves are drunk as tea, sweetened with honey, and bearberry is simmered in a water bath, and then 1-2 tablespoons are taken several times a day.

      Quite often they are mixed and used in complex preparations for the treatment of inflammation of the bladder, chronic kidney disease. For example:

      With pyelonephritis and cystitis. Mix 30 grams each of lingonberry and bearberry leaves, dandelion roots and bedstraw herb. To this mixture we add ten grams of juniper fruits and pine buds, twenty grams of bergenia roots, goldenrod and knotweed herb, as well as forty grams of wheatgrass roots and fifty grams of licorice roots. Pour two tablespoons of the collection with a liter of boiling water and leave for twelve hours. You need to drink one hundred to one hundred and fifty milliliters half an hour before meals. The course takes two months. After a ten-day break, treatment is carried out again.

      Soaked berry: useful properties and recipe

      Soaking is an old way of preserving berries for the winter. Our grandmothers knew that you can preserve lingonberries without sugar and cooking - you just need to fill a plastic bottle with berries with water and put them in a cellar or a cold place. Do not worry, the berries will be stored for a long time (almost all winter) and will not deteriorate.

      But what our grannies could not know. The secret of the good preservation of berries in water is simple: lingonberries contain a large amount of benzoic acid, which prevents the growth of yeast fungi. In such a soaked lingonberry, all the beneficial properties inherent in a fresh berry are preserved.

      There is also a modern way to soak lingonberries for the winter. It is almost identical to the ancient ones, but instead of water, sugar syrup is prepared with spices and a small amount of salt.

      For 3 liters of water we take 6 tablespoons of sugar, and 1.5 teaspoons of salt. We boil the syrup for about 10 minutes, then add the preservative spices: cloves, cinnamon, cardamom and bay leaves. Boil for another 2-3 minutes, turn off and cool. Fill the lingonberry with the container with a cold solution and roll it up.

      Probably, this method appeared when the villagers changed their huts for comfortable city apartments. There is no cellar here and it is not easy to store such blanks in the warmth according to the old method. But to help soaked lingonberries retain their beneficial properties with the help of preservative spices is a very good idea.

      The berry is good. Is not it? Everything in it is curative - both fruits and leaves, everything has its value and everything heals. So in this publication we tried to consider the most fully useful and medicinal properties of lingonberry berries and leaves, as well as contraindications. Treat yourself with a berry, peyche fragrant teas from the leaves and many ailments will bypass you.

      A cocktail of floral and berry shades can be "canned" in the interior - and there will be a summer mood all year round. This design option will be appropriate both in a country house and in an apartment.

      In order to revive a monotonous room, you need to choose one large object - for example, furniture, a carpet or a panel and a few small details - all this should be in one favorite bright shade.

      The use of rich berry tones in the interior is a fashionable trend that has replaced the conservative approach. One of these "branded" shades is crimson. Wall decoration, built on the predominance of raspberry colors, does not look as aggressive and defiant as red, but at the same time it is not cloyingly sweet as pink. Meanwhile, there are a lot of prejudices and caveats regarding this color, related to the fact that an interior designer should not choose crimson as a base.

      How rational they are and how to work correctly with a raspberry color, a bright and rich raspberry color is associated with joy, summer and activity. This color is preferred by purposeful and easy-going people who are accustomed to looking at the world with optimism. In England, for example, for many years, crimson fabrics were used to sew military uniforms, and in Russia, the shade of ripe berries adorned the costumes of tsars and nobility. Undoubtedly, using this shade in the interior, to one degree or another, its qualitative features will affect our well-being and attitude.

      But, since only one color cannot be present in the interior, giving preference to this shade, it is very important to choose the right combination. The combination of crimson color in the interior is very interesting and varied. On the one hand, one would like to “muffle” this bright and active color a little with the help of pastel shades, but on the other, it is in perfect harmony with other bright colors.

      So, according to the designers, the combination of raspberry and white looks the most ideal.

      Moreover, the crimson shade in this tandem can both dominate and complement the white color. For example, crimson curtains in the interior against the background of white or pastel walls, decorated with paintings in crimson frames or other accessories of this shade, will look very advantageous and bright.

      crimson color tends to visually narrow the space, therefore, in small rooms it is recommended to use it in very small quantities. However, it is thanks to this feature that rooms that are too large and high acquire a warm atmosphere of home comfort.

      In addition, do not forget that this color personifies activity, so a bedroom in crimson tones is not the best place to relax. In a sleeping room, a raspberry hue should be presented as an addition. For example, if a room is decorated in light colors, raspberry textiles will look very beautiful against its background - tablecloths, bedspreads, rugs, curtains, pillows, etc.

      It has long been known that all shades of red in interior design give a room a special nobility and respectability. No wonder that all noble persons at all times preferred to equip their chambers in red tones.

      Nowadays, preferring crimson color in the interior, you can be interesting to beat any living space, be it a living room, kitchen, bedroom or bathroom.

      Crimson is most suitable for Baroque, Renaissance and Empire styles. But it is also preferable for the interiors of the oriental style that is fashionable today.

      Plum blossom

      Not often used in the interior due to its depth and coldness. But at the same time, this shade is very elegant and is combined with absolutely all cold shades - gray, blue and many others. Plum color in the interior also gives a special atmosphere, mysticism, mystery. It is considered one of the noble shades that tune a person to violent emotions and passion (in contrast to the lilac shade of lavender, which tune in to romance and tenderness). Too much plum interior is dangerous, it is better to use plum color in the interior with separate elements, dilute with other colors. Most often, plum color is combined with white and gray.

      A rather bright shade of ripe plums cannot but attract the attention of others.

      The color is soft and delicate, juicy and ripe, warm and tasty. Plum color - neither burgundy nor violet. If I can put it that way: it is something in between. But with all this, the plum color is independent and self-sufficient.

      Since this color was first identified in England, for some reason it is considered to be a purely English version. However, many designers managed to prove the opposite and present the world with modern non-traditional solutions.

      The main advantage of the plum color is its functional versatility. Best of all, this color "behaves" in a formal and strict setting. But the serious interior of the living room can only be slightly diluted with plum elements (pillows, vase).

      Gorgeous plum color can make any interior spectacular. Even a small accessory of this color will surely attract attention and bring notes of luxury and exclusivity. If the walls are painted with plum, then the room immediately turns into a real theatrical stage, illuminated by spotlights.

      Creative people with a developed imagination and rich imagination prefer to be in such an interior. As a rule, this color scheme is chosen for a theatrical dressing room, an artist's studio or a musician's bedroom. Plum also attracts designers, photographers and generally creative personalities.

      Cherry color

      Many designers use the rich color of ripe cherry, the so-called Hollywood cherry, in their interior design. He is also loved by many celebrities. This shade is not as bright and aggressive as red, but it is darker and more saturated. The cherry-tinted interior looks much more noble, solid and solemn.

      Red color, as you know, symbolizes energy, passion, activity. Cherry, although it is a red "brother", is more restrained, sensual, romantic, therefore it is very often used to decorate a bedroom. It can be used in larger quantities, but remember that it darkens the room and visually makes it smaller.

      Cherry color can be dominant in the interior or act as significant accents (pillows, textiles, dishes, accessories). It adds warmth and coziness to the interior. The richness of shades is a fine line of perception.

      This color is distinguished by its richness of shades - wine, ruby, garnet, dark cherry and others. The thin line between them lies in the mystery of human perception of the nuances of color rendering. By combining these sophisticated tones with each other and with other colors, you can create a stylish and sophisticated interior for different rooms.

      A bedroom in cherry tones will look romantic and sensual. Shades of red in different cultures symbolize love, passion, even depravity. But cherry blossom softens those intense emotions. It will warm up feelings, increase attraction, but not cause aggressiveness and outbursts of emotions, like bright red. Even the smallest details in cherry color can completely change an ordinary bedroom and its ambiance. These can be lampshades for lamps, bedspreads, blinds or roller blinds, bed linen, pillows, an armchair.

      Lingonberry color

      Lingonberry color belongs to noble shades, but at the same time it is considered quite complex and sometimes even pompous. One of the discoveries of the designers was the lingonberry-colored kitchen, which is the key accent of the entire home. The first question that is asked when using the shade of this berry indoors is furniture. Everything is simple here: choose kitchen cabinets, a table and chairs, as well as household appliances of simple, even ascetic outlines. In addition, the color of lingonberry in the interior of the kitchen is an opportunity to play with color combinations. Dilute the royal shade with whites, flesh, pistachio, gray, beige tones, and you will see that the kitchen will transform. However, use one more advice from designers: the colors chosen for combination with lingonberry, like himself, should not be glossy - this is how the whole effect of luxury is lost. As for the flooring, a lingonberry kitchen will accept light laminate or floor tiles - sand, cream or milky. Do not use dark tones or other shades for the floor, as they will make the room heavier and make it visually smaller.

      Lingonberry color in the design of the kitchen is another way to play with textures. Use plastic-covered MDF facades for the economy options of this room, and if you have sufficient funds, stop at a tree. Aluminum or chrome frames will go well with the shade of kitchen cabinets. As you can see, the lingonberry color deserves to be chosen for the interior design of the premises. Use this shade and it will accentuate any style - from modern to baroque.

      Burgundy, purple and violet are the most mysterious and mysterious shades of the spectrum. These colors give the interiors a special flair. Plum and wine shades are suitable for living rooms, bedrooms, home offices and libraries. Moreover, in these rooms, these tones can prevail, in the kitchen or nursery it is worth limiting ourselves only to the details. Avoid overdose - dark colors can ruin the interior with excessive gloom and depression, but the right combinations and design techniques will create an amazing effect.

      Purple shades perfectly dilute monochrome interiors. Add to the neutral base - walls, floor and ceiling - a couple of large pieces of furniture in one of the tones, or several accessories that support each other: photo frames, small boxes or vases. The main thing is that the shade of such a decor should not coincide approximately, but completely.

      In addition to white, a light version of green is considered a good companion to the violet range. At times, leaving in yellow, a shade of juicy or, on the contrary, slightly withered grass, will dilute the gloom of plum and refresh the burgundy. This season, purple with barely noticeable splashes of brown is considered the latest squeak of interior fashion - like a grainy dusting.