Fortune telling for feelings of love online. How to find out if a person loves you - with the help of magic! Layout “Loves - does not love”

Fortune telling “for the king” is one of the oldest, it has long become a classic and has been tested by more than one thousand women from all over the world. If a person has a need to find out whether it is worth starting a relationship with someone, or how the relationship will develop in the future, professional fortune tellers turn to such divination.

Usually, special cards there is no accessibility within the radius for predictions, and you have to take a regular playing deck. In this case, it must be new - you cannot cast magic on cards that have already been played.

You are allowed to guess only once a day. At the time of the reading, the questioner must be healthy and sober. Masti does not recognize drunk people and lies to them.

Deck of 36 playing cards Before the layout you need to shuffle well.

Fortune telling process

Remember the appearance and age of the person for whom you are making the deal. Depending on this, we find an image meaning betrothed (betrothed).

There are 4 houses to choose from - hearts, clubs, spades and diamonds. Based on who we are guessing for, we should choose a card of a certain suit:

Place the chosen image in the center of the table. There are several options for further action.

Option 1. One king

The deck needs to be shuffled, remove a few top cards with your left hand and place them down. Then proceed like this: around the king lying on the table, with the same hand, face down, we lay out 4 cards. The first is placed on top, the second on the bottom, the third on the left, and the fourth on the right. A cross should form.

The total value of four playing cards is standard for any layout. It should be interpreted in this context:

  • top – human thoughts;
  • bottom - his future actions in your direction;
  • left – attitude towards you;
  • right - options for a joint future.

Option 2. Three kings

Place three of the four remaining kings (queens) on top of the beloved (favorite) card. Mix the deck. The description is quite difficult to understand, so it is given point by point:

Option 3. Simple

Fortune telling is no longer carried out on four maps, but on the entire deck. But the principle of choosing a king is identical. We read the plot out loud and lay out 1 card on each line. Which phrase goes on the card you choose, this is the relationship between you.

Conspiracy words:

Dear King,
Tell me dear
Do you love me?
With all my heart,
With all my soul,
But there is someone better than you!

Repeat this verse as many times as necessary until the desired king appears on the cards. Word combinations cannot be interchanged. If the object of divination fell on the question words - “Do you love me?” or “Tell me, dear,” then the person’s feelings towards you are in question.

Interpretation of cards

The meanings on the cards are always read together, and not in isolation from each other.

Example: you get a six of hearts – a merry way. This does not mean that tomorrow you will meet a comedian on the minibus. But in combination with a ten, indicating a career or job, this will be interpreted as “an easy way to the top, an easy promotion.”

Meaning of suits

The meaning of the cards

Ace The object's secret feelings for you. Soon everything will become obvious, you need to wait for the moment.
Lady This is a rival. If she is close to the king, then everything is very serious, she has big plans for your chosen one.
Jack Take a closer look at it. He either does not have feelings for you, or is too selfish or childish.
10 This is not love, but friendly affection. Don't make plans, he perceives you as a friend or acquaintance.
9 General feelings will be constantly subjected to severe tests. If emotions are strong, try to pass the tests with flying colors.
8 A frank conversation will take place between you. During the conversation, you will both sort out your feelings and determine the future of your relationship.
7 He probably has big plans for you and life together. You can expect a marriage proposal or other unexpected pleasant event.
6 An unhappy union, it is better not to try to maintain such a relationship. Relationships will not bring you anything good or useful, except for bitter experience.

Sometimes girls resort to fortune telling to find out the future of their relationship. Fortune telling for 4 kings will allow you to find out about the feelings and intentions of the chosen one. For fortune telling, you will need a new deck of 36 playing cards or an old deck that has not been used before.

Preparing for the schedule

It is worth thinking in advance what kind of man will be hidden under each king. For fortune telling to be as effective as possible, the chosen young man must have common features with the king.

  • ♢ Under the king of diamonds they wish for a blond man with light skin. Most often, this is a bachelor with virtually no relationship experience. The young man has great potential in business and can become successful.
  • ♡ Underneath the King of Hearts is a blond man who had a long-term relationship. Perhaps this man is married or divorced. He supports his chosen one in everything and is always ready to help.
  • ♧ The King of Clubs symbolizes a brunette with a fiery temperament. He is a man of high moral principles; honesty and decency come first for him. Friends consider him reliable and responsive.
  • ♤ The king of spades is usually used for military or civil servants. Has dark hair and light skin. Perhaps this young man has bad intentions or is in a quarrel with a girl.

Step-by-step instructions for fortune telling for 4 kings

Fortune telling is carried out according to the following principle.

  1. Shuffle the deck, remove an arbitrary number of cards with your left hand and place them under the deck.
  2. Take 4 kings from the deck, wish for a specific man under each one and arrange them in a row.
  3. Shuffle the remaining cards well again.
  4. Place one card on each king in turn, front side up.
  5. Do this manipulation 3 times.
  6. If two identical cards fall in succession on one king, they are put aside and replaced with two other cards.
  7. When all the cards are laid out, you can begin to interpret.

How to read layouts and interpret dropped cards

The pairs of cards drawn for each king have a specific meaning.

  • Sixes. Signifies possible betrayal. Most likely, the man is quite frivolous and can flirt with other girls. He does not take relationships seriously and does not experience deep feelings, so he is not yet ready for marriage.
  • Sevens. They foretell a quick date that will help young people get to know each other better and sort out their feelings.
  • Eights. Expect an important conversation that could be decisive for the relationship. Show wisdom and do not be led by emotions.
  • Nines. They say that a man has sincere feelings for a girl and over time can truly love her.
  • Jacks. They symbolize physical attraction between people and predict a kiss.
  • Ladies. They mean that a girl can only be connected with a man by friendship. Don't expect it to develop into a romantic relationship.
  • Aces. They report that the man is bored and longs to be near the girl. He's ready for romantic relationships and sincerely wants it.

Features of fortune telling question-answer

There is another type of fortune-telling for 4 kings at home: question-answer fortune-telling. It is carried out according to the principle described earlier, but while shuffling the cards you need to formulate the question of interest and mentally say it.

The most popular questions: “What does a young man like in a girl?”, “What are his intentions?”, “What is the future of the relationship?”

What does a young man like in a girl?

Leave the kings in place and shuffle the deck again, mentally repeating the question “What attracts him?”

The dropped cards have following interpretation:

  • Sixes - they say that a man is frivolous. He could have been attracted by the girl’s appearance, in particular, by her slender legs.
  • Sevens mean that the guy is carried away by the girl’s eyes.
  • Eights - they say that a man is attracted to a kind heart.
  • If nines are rolled, the chosen one likes it when a woman takes the initiative.
  • Tens - young man I was attracted by the girl’s behavior in society and her way of communicating.
  • Jacks - means the guy is conquered beautiful figure.
  • Ladies predict that the chosen one cannot take his eyes off the girl’s face.
  • Aces mean that the guy is very passionate about his chosen one and he likes every feature of her.

What are his intentions?

The next question is: “What does the chosen one want?” The cards are laid out in the same way as in the previous fortune telling.

Their meaning can be interpreted as follows:

  • Sixes foretell that the guy intends to invite the girl to a restaurant or movie.
  • Sevens indicate an invitation to a date.
  • If eights are rolled, the guy wants to have a heart-to-heart talk.
  • Nines mean the sincere love of the chosen one.
  • Jacks - they say that the guy is trying to kiss the girl.
  • Ladies report that the young man only intends to be friends.
  • Aces indicate that the chosen one wants to be nearby all the time.

What future does the relationship hold?

The last question of fortune telling for 4 kings: “What future awaits the couple?” It will help you know what to expect from a relationship with a man.

The interpretation of the cards is as follows:

  • Sixes mean that the guy is not faithful and may cheat in the future.
  • Sevens - foretell a date.
  • Eights - they warn that there will be no serious relationship with this man.
  • Nines - talk about sincere feelings and mutual love.
  • Tens indicate physical attraction between people.
  • Jacks mean that the relationship will not progress beyond kisses.
  • Ladies say that a man will only be a friend for a girl.
  • Aces - portend separation in which young people will yearn for each other.

☞ Video story

To make fortune telling as effective as possible, consider several points.

  1. During fortune telling, concentrate as much as possible and do not be distracted by extraneous thoughts.
  2. A girl should have a clear idea of ​​the man she wants to know about a future with. His image should be constantly before your eyes. If you can’t concentrate right away, you should practice before fortune telling.
  3. You must believe that the cards will help you find out the truth. Doubts will distort the overall picture. The stronger the belief in the cards, the more information they will tell.
  4. To avoid ambiguity, ask a clear question. If it is formulated vaguely, you will get a vague answer.
  5. For the session, choose a clean, bright room.
  6. The presence of a cat in the room has a positive effect on the result.
  7. Do not continue fortune telling if the deck has fallen to the floor. It's better to reschedule the session for next time.
  8. Crossed arms or legs can distort the result of fortune telling.

Also remember that fortune telling will not come true if you use a deck that was held in the hands of other people. Therefore, do not take cards that have been played before or have already been used for divination by other people.

Fortune telling can be treated as in a reliable way find out the truth or as ordinary entertainment. In any case, you should not abuse and resort to cards too often. Do not forget that the development of a relationship largely depends on the desire and efforts of two people.

Fortune telling by 4 kings online is a ritual that many girls performed in childhood. If you are now popular among men and don’t know which of your suitors to choose, then use a simple ritual that can be done online for free or.

The alignment of four kings was carried out by our ancestors if they were not sure with which partner they would have a bright future. Four cards are involved in the ritual. Each of them symbolizes a specific man.

You can use fewer kings if the number of suitors is different. After the person identifies which of the pictures each man belongs to, then you can begin the ceremony.

You will get the answer to the most important question:

How does he treat me... and what future awaits me with him?

Be sure that you will receive a definite answer. It won't be blurry or hazy.

It is important to concentrate before performing the ritual. It is best to imagine in front of you the people for whom the alignment is being carried out. At the time of the ceremony, you should not be sick or angry.

You can make a schedule only by tuning in positive emotions And good result. Only in this case will the answer be truthful, and the cards will reveal all the secrets of the relationship.

In contact with

Or the attitude of young people towards themselves, trying to lift the mysterious veil of the future. Often such fortune telling was carried out on the eve New Year's holidays, with the help of a mirror and a comb, saying the cherished words: “Betrothed-mummer...”. But it was not only winter that pleased young ladies with the opportunity to learn about their cherished things. In the summer, on Ivan Kupala, girls floated wreaths on the water in the hope of meeting their betrothed, who, according to legend, was supposed to find the girl’s wreath. But the most inquisitive could resort to the help of cards or gypsy fortune-tellers, asking them to spread the kings into four. Nowadays, this has not been forgotten, and you can easily ask the cards about the attitude of a young man towards a young girl.

Fortune telling and the meaning of cards

Fortune telling by the gypsy Aza for 4 kings is a way of laying out the cards of the famous modern sorceress, who made a real revolution in her field of activity. The method, of course, is not new, but thanks to this woman it began to sound with renewed vigor.

Everyone knows very well that kings symbolize the images of men on whom a girl is making fortunes. Each person has his own symbolic characteristics depending on age and appearance, type of activity and characteristic behavior. The values ​​are:

  • The king's suit of hearts is usually a young man. A blond or light brown haired man who is in love with a girl. The main traits of his character are passion and gentleness.
  • Clubs is a young guy with dark hair, successful in life, who has realized himself, often in military activities.
  • Tambourines include mature, intelligent, socially and financially successful men.
  • The King of Spades is an older man with dark hair, strong character, a little tyrannical in his behavior.

Fortune telling for the betrothed by 4 kings

There are many techniques and ways of fortune telling. For each goal that the person asking may pursue, it is worth choosing a different method. You can learn a few and then you can easily host the “Gypsy Aza’s House of Fortune Telling for 4 Kings” for yourself and your loved ones, if desired, at any time. Then you will be able to lift the veil of secrecy about the future and human relationships at any convenient moment.

The most common fortune telling by the gypsy Aza for 4 kings

For this method you need a deck of thirty-six cards. Next, looking at the meaning of the kings, determine which king you will be guessing at. Thoroughly shuffle the cards in the deck and arrange the cards into seven piles of 4 cards each. As you form each pile, say the following words: “Name, king! (The name is the name of the chosen one) Say, dear, my betrothed! Do you love me? But I love you! With a big heart. With your soul. But there is someone better than you!”

Next, draw a circle and, one by one, starting with the first deck of seven cards, throw these decks. If a deck without a king lands in the circle, move on to the next deck. Depending on which deck the king came up in and whether it came out at all, they look at the result of the fortune telling.

If the hidden king is in the first deck, it is interpreted that the relationship has just begun.

The second or third pile with the chosen king indicates an uncertain attitude towards the fortuneteller.

Fourth to seventh piles: in them the question is the same answer, only with an affirmative sign.

But if it happened that the king never fell out, there is no point in talking about it, the relationship cannot begin.

This method is used to perform fortune telling by the gypsy Aza for 4 kings.

How to choose the right one from several men?

For this, too, there is a fortune telling by the gypsy Aza for 4 kings. And it was created for those who doubt the choice between several men at once. To do this, you need to wish for one man for each king and place the kings from the deck face down. From the shuffled deck, place a card with the values ​​facing up and ask each card a different question.

This needs to be repeated three times. If two cards of the same value appear under a king, place them above the king. These pairs of cards will tell you about the relationship.

  • Sixes are treason.
  • Sevens - dreams of meeting.
  • Eights - desires your company.
  • Nines - love.
  • Dozens - interested in you.
  • Jacks - dreams about you.
  • Ladies - friendship.
  • Aces - misses you.

At first glance, fortune telling for 4 kings has a narrow focus - to find out the feelings of the men around you. It refers to love magic, explaining possible prospects intimate relationships, as well as determining the degree of attachment of the object to the fortuneteller.

Fortune telling for four kings

In fortune telling for 4 kings there are versions for women and adapted for men, the interpretation of which concerns business, friendly, family and public spheres Everyday life. When you are offered, as in the famous song, “,” keep in mind that there are several layouts.

Here are the most popular card versions. Prepare a new, unused deck (36 cards), choose your favorite option and reveal the secrets of the future!

Choose kings, think for each specific man. Place the images in front of you. Shuffle the deck and place the cards face up one by one, from left to right. Look for coincidences: if a pair of the same rank appears in a column on one king, put it on top of this fellow.

Now interpret the resulting combinations:

  • sixes - relationships are unformed, fragile;
  • sevens - the young man is timid, he likes you, but will not take the first step;
  • eights - from the side of this person there is passion;
  • nines - all the prerequisites for a strong union;
  • tens - the guy has a strong interest in you;
  • jacks - you will kiss soon;
  • ladies - expect recognition and proposals;
  • aces - the man misses you, perhaps there will be separation.

This is a more detailed version of the previous option, how to tell fortunes on four kings.

After the first layout, which answers the question: “How does it relate?” make three more that define:

  • what do you like;
  • what he wants;
  • What will happen.

Here are the interpretations of the cards in order of questions:

  1. changes;
  2. legs;
  3. invite guests;
  4. may betray.
  1. wants to see;
  2. eyes;
  3. repeat date;
  4. you will meet.
  1. talks about you;
  2. character;
  3. talk about your concerns;
  4. you will remain friends.
  1. loves;
  2. initiative;
  3. expects reciprocity;
  4. respond to his feelings.
  1. interested;
  2. behavior;
  3. wants intimacy;
  4. love, sex.
  1. likes to kiss you;
  2. figure;
  3. waiting for a kiss;
  4. embrace.
  1. as a friend;
  2. face;
  3. devoted friendship;
  4. good friendly relations.
  1. yearns;
  2. you are perfect;
  3. wants to be close;
  4. there will be separation.

This method shows the near future. It is suitable for both sexes. Take the deck face down, shuffle it thoroughly and start removing one card at a time - up to the first king or queen.

Compare with the interpretation:

  • King of Hearts - a secret date, a long-awaited meeting; lady - you will soon meet an interesting person;
  • clubs - deterioration of health, gossip; lady - illness, illness or trouble;
  • king of spades - caution does not hurt, especially on the road, limit your movements; lady - a surprise from a loved one, not always good;
  • diamonds - profit, improvement of financial situation; lady - anxiety, deception.

Which ?

To find out the character and position of your future spouse, it is enough to tell fortunes for 4 kings like this: before going to bed, separate 4 older male images from the deck and place them under your pillow.

Upon awakening, take out any of the hidden cards and determine its value:

  • diamond - the groom’s feelings will be tender, sincere, and the marriage will be happy;
  • club - good-looking, physically strong and financially independent;
  • bearded man of spades - symbolizes a spouse much older than you, stern and strict, you can become the wife of a tyrant;
  • a royal person of the suit of hearts - the best choice for a girl is a young, loving and kind guy.

By the way, if you want to protect yourself from an unfavorable prognosis, use the gypsy spell before starting fortune telling. Read seven times, you can sight-read:

Gypsy power, I call upon you, because today I am telling fortunes about kings. They will show me the character of the spouse I choose from my circle. Bubnovy is healthy, not sick, not rich, just one flaw - maybe the guy is married. Chervovy - with prosperity, health, love. From a good family, with unspoiled blood. I will ask for the gypsy powers to bewitch the guy of hearts. I ask you, don’t let the cross suit go to waste, especially don’t let the spades suit go to waste! Save me from all the dark ones, give me love, take away the attack! So be it!

It happens that a person simply sits down or picks up a deck in order to cast a spell for the future in a way that does not involve the deliberate extraction of male cards. And suddenly the pictures form a unique combination, as poker players would say - royal quads.

What does this coincidence mean:

  • General interpretation: they promise the fortuneteller success in upcoming business meetings, fulfillment of desires, implementation of plans, and a lucrative contract.
  • Interpretation for a man: a noble card society promises financial takeoff and career growth.
  • Meaning for a woman: a lady who finds herself in the circle of four handsome kings will in reality enjoy success among her male circle: perhaps an interesting and promising acquaintance, a cheerful celebration or a romantic date awaits her.

Regardless of the identity of the fortuneteller, the prediction is favorable, so let your attempts to find out your fate end with the iconic fall of the magnificent four.