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No change on the Western Front
Im Westen nichts Neues

Cover of the first edition of the novel All Quiet on the Western Front

Erich Maria Remarque

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"All Quiet on the Western Front"(German) Im Westen nichts Neues) - the famous novel by Erich Maria Remarque, published in 1929. In the preface the author says: “This book is neither an accusation nor a confession. This is only an attempt to tell about the generation that was destroyed by the war, about those who became its victims, even if they escaped from the shells.”

The anti-war novel tells about all the experiences seen at the front by the young soldier Paul Bäumer, as well as his front-line comrades in the First World War. Like Ernest Hemingway, Remarque used the concept of “lost generation” to describe young people who, due to the mental trauma they received in the war, were unable to settle into civilian life. Remarque's work thus stood in sharp contradiction with the right-wing conservative military literature that prevailed during the era of the Weimar Republic, which, as a rule, tried to justify the war lost by Germany and glorify its soldiers.

Remarque describes the events of the war from the perspective of a simple soldier.

History of creation

The writer offered his manuscript “All Quiet on the Western Front” to the most authoritative and famous Weimar Republic publisher Samuel Fisher. Fisher confirmed the high literary quality of the text, but refused publication on the grounds that in 1928 no one would want to read a book about the First World War. Fischer later admitted that this was one of the most significant mistakes of his career.

Following the advice of his friend, Remarque brought the text of the novel to the publishing house Haus Ullstein, where, by order of the company's management, it was accepted for publication. On August 29, 1928, a contract was signed. But the publisher was also not entirely sure that such a specific novel about the First World War would be a success. The contract contained a clause according to which, if the novel was not successful, the author must work off the costs of publication as a journalist. To be on the safe side, the publishing house provided advance copies of the novel to various categories of readers, including veterans of the First World War. As a result of critical comments from readers and literary scholars, Remarque is urged to revise the text, especially some particularly critical statements about the war. A copy of the manuscript that was in the New Yorker speaks about the serious adjustments to the novel made by the author. For example, the latest edition lacks the following text:

We killed people and made war; we cannot forget about this, because we are at an age when thoughts and actions had the strongest connection with each other. We are not hypocrites, we are not timid, we are not burghers, we keep our eyes open and do not close our eyes. We do not justify anything by necessity, idea, Motherland - we fought people and killed them, people we did not know and who did nothing to us; what will happen when we return to our previous relationships and confront people who interfere with us and hinder us?<…>What should we do with the goals that are offered to us? Only memories and my vacation days convinced me that the dual, artificial, invented order called “society” cannot calm us down and will not give us anything. We will remain isolated and we will grow, we will try; some will be quiet, while others will not want to part with their weapons.

Original text(German)

Wir haben Menschen getötet und Krieg geführt; Das ist für uns nicht zu vergessen, denn wir sind in dem Alter, wo Gedanke und Tat wohl die stärkste Beziehung zueinander haben. Wir sind nicht verlogen, nicht ängstlich, nicht bürgerglich, wir sehen mit beiden Augen und schließen sie nicht. Wir entschuldigen nichts mit Notwendigkeit, mit Ideen, mit Staatsgründen, wir haben Menschen bekämpft und getötet, die wir nicht kannten, die uns nichts taten; was wird geschehen, wenn wir zurückkommen in frühere Verhältnisse und Menschen gegenüberstehen, die uns hemmen, hinder und stützen wollen?<…>Was wollen wir mit diesen Zielen anfangen, die man uns bietet? Nur die Erinnerung und meine Urlaubstage haben mich schon überzeugt, daß die halbe, geflickte, künstliche Ordnung, die man Gesellschaft nennt, uns nicht beschwichtigen und umgreifen kann. Wir werden isoliert bleiben und aufwachsen, wir werden uns Mühe geben, manche werden still werden und manche die Waffen nicht weglegen wollen.

Translation by Mikhail Matveev

Finally, in the fall of 1928, final version manuscripts. November 8, 1928, on the eve of the tenth anniversary of the armistice, Berlin newspaper "Vossische Zeitung", part of the Haus Ullstein concern, publishes a “preliminary text” of the novel. The author of “All Quiet on the Western Front” appears to the reader as an ordinary soldier, without any literary experience, who describes his experiences of the war in order to “speak out” and free himself from mental trauma. introduction for publication was as follows:

Vossische Zeitung feels “obligated” to open this “authentic”, free and thus “genuine” documentary account of the war.

Original text(German)

Die Vossische Zeitung fühle sich „verpflichtet“, diesen „authentischen“, tendenzlosen und damit „wahren“ dokumentarischen über den Krieg zu veröffentlichen.

Translation by Mikhail Matveev

This is how the legend about the origin of the novel’s text and its author arose. On November 10, 1928, excerpts of the novel began to be published in the newspaper. The success exceeded the wildest expectations of the Haus Ullstein concern - the newspaper's circulation increased several times, the editor received a huge number of letters from readers admiring such an “unvarnished portrayal of the war.”

At the time of the book's release on January 29, 1929, there were approximately 30,000 pre-orders, which forced the concern to print the novel in several printing houses at once. All Quiet on the Western Front became Germany's best-selling book of all time. As of May 7, 1929, 500 thousand copies of the book had been published. The book version of the novel was published in 1929, after which it was translated into 26 languages, including Russian, in the same year. The most famous translation into Russian is by Yuri Afonkin.

Main characters

Paul Beumer- the main character on whose behalf the story is told. At the age of 19, Paul was voluntarily drafted (like his entire class) into the German army and sent to the Western Front, where he had to face the harsh realities of military life. Killed in October 1918.

Albert Kropp- Paul’s classmate, who served with him in the same company. At the beginning of the novel, Paul describes him as follows: “short Albert Kropp is the brightest head in our company.” Lost my leg. Was sent to the rear.

Muller the Fifth- Paul’s classmate, who served with him in the same company. At the beginning of the novel, Paul describes him as follows: “... still carries textbooks with him and dreams of passing preferential exams; under hurricane fire he crams the laws of physics.” He was killed by a flare that hit him in the stomach.

Leer- Paul’s classmate, who served with him in the same company. At the beginning of the novel, Paul describes him as follows: “wears a thick beard and has a weakness for girls.” The same fragment that tore off Bertinka’s chin rips open Leer’s thigh. Dies from loss of blood.

Franz Kemmerich- Paul’s classmate, who served with him in the same company. At the very beginning of the novel, he is seriously injured, leading to the amputation of his leg. A few days after the operation, Kemmerich dies.

Joseph Boehm- Beumer's classmate. Bem was the only one from the class who did not want to volunteer for the army, despite Kantorek's patriotic speeches. However, under the influence class teacher and his loved ones he enlisted in the army. Bem was one of the first to die, two months before the official draft deadline.

Stanislav Katchinsky (Kat)- served with Beumer in the same company. At the beginning of the novel, Paul describes him as follows: “the soul of our squad, a man with character, smart and cunning - he is forty years old, he has a sallow face, blue eyes, sloping shoulders and an extraordinary nose for when the shelling will begin, where he can to get hold of food and how best to hide from the authorities.” The example of Katchinsky clearly shows the difference between adult soldiers who have extensive life experience behind them, and young soldiers for whom war is their whole life. He was wounded in the leg, shattering the tibia. Paul managed to take him to the orderlies, but on the way Kat was wounded in the head and died.

Tjaden- one of Bäumer’s non-school friends, who served with him in the same company. At the beginning of the novel, Paul describes him as follows: “a mechanic, a frail young man of the same age as us, the most gluttonous soldier in the company - he sits down for food thin and slender, and after eating, he stands up pot-bellied like a sucked bug.” He has urinary system disorders, which is why he sometimes pees in his sleep. His fate is not exactly known. Most likely, he survived the war and married the daughter of the owner of a horse meat store. But he may have died shortly before the end of the war.

Haye Westhus- one of Bäumer’s friends, who served with him in the same company. At the beginning of the novel, Paul describes him as follows: “our peer, a peat worker, who can freely take a loaf of bread in his hand and ask, “Well, guess what’s in my fist?” Tall, strong, not particularly smart, but a young man with a good sense of humor. He was taken out from under the fire with a torn back. He died.

Detering- one of Bäumer’s non-school friends, who served with him in the same company. At the beginning of the novel, Paul describes him as follows: “a peasant who thinks only about his farm and his wife.” Deserted to Germany. Was caught. Further fate is unknown.

Kantorek- class teacher of Paul, Leer, Müller, Kropp, Kemmerich and Böhm. At the beginning of the novel, Paul describes him as follows: “a stern little man in a gray frock coat, with a face like a mouse.” Kantorek was an ardent supporter of the war and encouraged all his students to volunteer for the war. Later he volunteered himself. Further fate is unknown.

Bertink- Paul's company commander. Treats his subordinates well and is loved by them. Paul describes him as follows: “a real front-line soldier, one of those officers who are always ahead of any obstacle.” While saving the company from a flamethrower, he received a through wound in the chest. My chin was torn off by a shrapnel. Dies in the same battle.

Himmelstoss- commander of the department in which Bäumer and his friends underwent military training. Paul describes him as follows: “He was reputed to be the most ferocious tyrant in our barracks and was proud of it. A small, stocky man who had served for twelve years, with a bright red mustache curled up, a former postman.” He was especially cruel to Kropp, Tjaden, Bäumer and Westhus. Later he was sent to the front in Paul's company, where he tried to make amends.

Joseph Hamacher- one of the patients of the Catholic hospital in which Paul Beumer and Albert Kropp were temporarily housed. He is well versed in the work of the hospital, and, in addition, has “absolution of sins.” This certificate, issued to him after being shot in the head, confirms that at times he is insane. However, Hamacher is psychologically completely healthy, and uses the evidence to his advantage.

Film adaptations

  • The work has been filmed several times.
  • American film No change on the Western Front() director Lewis Milestone received an Oscar.
  • In 1979, director Delbert Mann made a television version of the film. No change on the Western Front.
  • In 1983, famous singer Elton John wrote an anti-war song of the same name related to the film.
  • Film .

Soviet writer Nikolai Brykin wrote a novel about the First World War (1975), entitled " Changes on the Eastern Front».


  • Im Westen nichts Neues in German in the philologist's library
  • All Quiet on the Western Front in the Maxim Moshkov Library

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See what “All Quiet on the Western Front” is in other dictionaries:

    From German: Im Westen nichts Neues. Russian translation (translator Yu. N. Lfonkina) of the title of the novel by the German writer Erich Maria Remarque (1898 1970) about the First World War. This phrase was often found in German reports from the theater of war... Dictionary of popular words and expressions

    Other films with the same or similar title: see All Quiet on the Western Front (film). All Quiet on the Western Front ... Wikipedia

    All Quiet on the Western Front Genre Drama / War Director Lewis Milestone ... Wikipedia

    Other films with the same or similar title: see All Quiet on the Western Front (film). Quiet on the Western Front All Quiet On The Western Front Genre ... Wikipedia

    All Quiet on the Western Front (film, 1979) All Quiet on the Western Front All Quiet On The Western Front Genre drama Director Mann, Delbert Starring ... Wikipedia

Erich Maria Remarque is not just a name, it is an entire generation of writers of the 20th century. Enlisted in the ranks of "", the writer, probably like no one else in the world, drew a line of unprecedented width between peaceful life and war. The sadness and hopelessness caused by the war, like a red thread, runs through all of Remarque’s works, and each of his new books seems to be a continuation of the previous one, thereby blurring the line between them, but there is one work on which I would like to place special emphasis. This is the great novel All Quiet on the Western Front.

The monstrous and shocking events that took place in the first half of the 20th century became a tangible impetus for the appearance of a number of works dedicated to anti-war movements and calls to lay down arms. Along with such high-profile novels as "" by Ernest Hemingway, "Death of a Hero" by Richard Aldington and many others, we have no right to ignore "All Quiet on the Western Front."

The history of the creation of the novel is very interesting. Being one of the first works by Remarque, “All Quiet on the Western Front” largely predetermined the further, including creative, fate of the writer. The fact is that Remarque published his anti-war novel in 1929 in Germany, a country that was in a kind of transitional stage between the two world wars. On the one hand, the country that lost the First World War was defeated and was in a serious crisis, but on the other hand, revanchist ideas were glowing in the minds of the population, and therefore pro-war sentiments were revived with renewed vigor. Before the Nazis came to power, Remarque's novel gained universal recognition for its author, which, to a certain extent, became a real revelation. After the establishment of the Nazi regime, the writer’s work was banned, his book was publicly burned, and the writer himself was forced to leave the aisles of his beloved and once native land. The writer's departure allowed him some freethinking, which cannot be said about his sister, who remained in Germany. In 1943, she was sentenced to death for "unpatriotic statements."

Remarque said about his novel that this is not an attempt to justify himself to the public, that his book does not act as a confession to the millions of victims who died during the conflict. Thus, he is only trying to show the situation from the inside, as an eyewitness and direct participant in the hostilities. Everyone knows that the writer took part in hostilities, so he was familiar with all the horrors firsthand. This is probably why his book is filled with such realistic and sad events. Remarque's hero does not look like a typical American savior, a worn-out image of Superman. His hero does not kill enemies in droves, he does not rush into battle first with a sword drawn, on the contrary, he is a completely down-to-earth person with an instinct for self-preservation, who is essentially no different from hundreds and thousands of other soldiers of the same kind. Realism also lies in the fact that we do not see pictures that are pleasing to the eye with a happy ending or miraculous salvation of the characters. This is the usual story of ordinary soldiers who are caught in the meat grinder of war; there is no need to think anything out, it is enough to just tell without embellishment how everything really happened. And in this regard, for the reader who historically adheres to differences from the Germans political views, it will be doubly interesting to observe what the soldiers felt and how they lived on the other side of the barricades.

All Quiet on the Western Front is largely an autobiographical novel. The main character, on whose behalf the story is told, is named Paul. It is noteworthy that the writer’s birth name was Erich Paul Remarque, and later took the pseudonym Erich Maria Remarque. It is safe to say that Paul in “All Quiet on the Western Front” is Remarque himself, with the only difference being that the writer managed to return from the front alive. While still a schoolboy, Paul, along with his classmates, was overtaken by wartime, and as mentioned above, war sentiment reigned in the country and young man in the prime of life, it was not appropriate to sit at home, therefore, out of duty, everyone was supposed to go to the front along with other volunteers, otherwise constant sidelong glances from the outside would be ensured. Paul, side by side with his school friends, volunteers to join the army and sees with his own eyes all the fear and horror that is happening. Arriving at the front as a yellow-throated chick, after a short time, the surviving comrades meet the new arrivals already at the rank of experienced fighters, who have seen the death of their brothers-in-arms and the hardships of war. One by one, the war, like a sickle cutting off young ears of corn, mowed down former comrades. The scene of a dinner in a village burning from shelling looks like a real feast during the plague, and the height of all the recklessness and senselessness of the war was the episode in which Paul carries away his wounded comrade from under fire, but upon reaching a protected place, he turns out to be dead. Fate did not spare Paul himself!

We can debate for a very long time about who is right and who is wrong in that war; and whether we could have avoided it altogether. But it is worth understanding that each side fought for its own beliefs, even if it is difficult for us to understand, and most importantly, accept the ideals of the other side. But in that war the same ordinary soldiers fought, driven forward by obese generals. One of the characters in All Quiet on the Western Front, Kropp, said: “Let the generals fight themselves, and the winner will declare his country the winner.” And it’s true, it would be fun if kings, kings or generals fought themselves, risking life and health. Such wars hardly lasted long, if at all they lasted even one day!

All Quiet on the Western Front is the fourth novel by Erich Maria Remarque. This work brought the writer fame, money, and a worldwide calling, and at the same time deprived him of his homeland and exposed him to mortal danger.

Remarque completed the novel in 1928 and initially tried unsuccessfully to publish the work. Most leading German publishers considered that a novel about the First World War would not be popular with modern readers. Finally, the work was published by Haus Ullstein. The success caused by the novel anticipated the wildest expectations. In 1929, All Quiet on the Western Front was published in 500 thousand copies and translated into 26 languages. It became the best-selling book in Germany.

IN next year A film of the same name was made based on the military bestseller. The film, released in the United States, was directed by Lewis Milestone. She won two Oscars for best film and director. Later, in 1979, a TV version of the novel was released by director Delbert Mann. The next release of a film based on Remarque's cult novel is expected in December 2015. The film was created by Roger Donaldson and Daniel Radcliffe played the role of Paul Bäumer.

An outcast in his homeland

Despite worldwide recognition, the novel was negatively received by Nazi Germany. The unsightly image of the war drawn by Remarque ran counter to what the fascists presented in their official version. The writer was immediately called a traitor, a liar, a falsifier.

The Nazis even tried to find Jewish roots in the Remarque family. The most widely circulated “evidence” turned out to be the writer’s pseudonym. Erich Maria signed his debut works with the surname Kramer (Remarque vice versa). The authorities spread a rumor that this clearly Jewish surname was real.

Three years later, the volumes “All Quiet on the Western Front,” along with other inconvenient works, were betrayed to the so-called “satanic fire” of the Nazis, and the writer lost his German citizenship and left Germany forever. Physical reprisals against everyone’s favorite, fortunately, did not take place, but the Nazis took revenge on his sister Elfriede. During World War II, she was guillotined for being related to an enemy of the people.

Remarque did not know how to dissemble and could not remain silent. All the realities described in the novel correspond to the reality that the young soldier Erich Maria had to face during the First World War. Unlike the main character, Remarque was lucky enough to survive and convey his artistic memoirs to the reader. Let's remember the plot of the novel, which brought its creator the most honors and sorrows at the same time.

The height of the First World War. Germany is engaged in active battles with France, England, the USA and Russia. Western Front. Young soldiers, yesterday's students, are far from the strife of the great powers; they are not driven by political ambitions powerful of the world So, day after day they are just trying to survive.

Nineteen-year-old Paul Bäumer and his schoolmates, inspired by the patriotic speeches of class teacher Kantorek, signed up to volunteer. The young men saw the war in a romantic aura. Today they are already well aware of her true face - hungry, bloody, dishonest, deceitful and evil. However, there is no turning back.

Paul writes his simple war memoirs. His memoirs will not be included in official chronicles, because they reflect the ugly truth great war.

Fighting side by side with Paul are his comrades - Müller, Albert Kropp, Leer, Kemmerich, Joseph Boehm.

Müller does not lose hope of getting an education. Even on the front line, he does not part with physics textbooks and crams the laws under the whistle of bullets and the roar of exploding shells.

Paul calls short Albert Kropp “the brightest head.” This smart guy will always find a way out. difficult situation and will never lose self-control.

Leer is a real fashionista. He doesn’t lose his shine even in a soldier’s trench; he wears a thick beard to impress the fair sex, which can be found on the front line.

Franz Kemmerich is not with his comrades now. He was recently seriously wounded in the leg and is now fighting for his life in a military hospital.

And Joseph Bem is no longer among the living. He was the only one who initially did not believe in the pretentious speeches of teacher Kantorek. In order not to be a black sheep, Beyem goes to the front with his comrades and (the irony of fate!) is among the first to die even before the official conscription begins.

In addition to his school friends, Paul talks about his comrades whom he met on the battlefield. This is Tjaden - the most gluttonous soldier in the company. It’s especially difficult for him because supplies are tight at the front. Even though Tjaden is very thin, he can eat for five people. After Tjaden gets up after a hearty meal, he resembles a drunk bug.

Haye Westhus is a real giant. He may clutch a loaf of bread in his hand and ask, “What’s in my fist?” Haye is far from the smartest, but he is simple-minded and very strong.

Detering spends his days reminiscing about home and family. He hates war with all his heart and dreams of this torture ending as soon as possible.

Stanislav Katchinsky, aka Kat, is the senior mentor of the new recruits. He is forty years old. Paul calls him a real “clever and cunning.” Young men learn from Kata soldier's endurance and combat skills not with the help of blind strength, but with the help of intelligence and ingenuity.

Company commander Bertink is an example to follow. The soldiers idolize their leader. He is an example of true soldier's valor and fearlessness. During combat, Bertink never sits undercover and always risks his life alongside his subordinates.

The day we met Paul and his company comrades was, to some extent, happy for the soldiers. The day before, the company suffered heavy losses, its strength was reduced by almost half. However, provisions were prescribed in the old fashioned way for one hundred and fifty people. Paul and his friends are triumphant - now they will get a double portion of dinner, and most importantly - tobacco.

The cook, nicknamed Tomato, refuses to give out more than the required amount. An argument ensues between the hungry soldiers and the head of the kitchen. They have long disliked the cowardly Tomato, who, with the most trifling fire, does not risk pushing his kitchen to the front line. So the warriors sit hungry for a long time. Lunch arrives cold and very late.

The dispute is resolved with the appearance of Commander Bertinka. He says that there is no good thing to waste, and orders that his wards be given a double portion.

Having had their fill, the soldiers go to the meadow where the latrines are located. Conveniently seated in open cabins (during service these are the most comfortable places for spending leisure time), the friends begin to play cards and indulge in memories of the past, forgotten somewhere in the rubble of peacetime, life.

There was also a place in these memories for the teacher Kantorek, who encouraged young students to sign up as volunteers. It was "strict" little man in a gray frock coat" with a sharp face reminiscent of a mouse's muzzle. He began each lesson with a fiery speech, an appeal, an appeal to conscience and patriotic feelings. I must say that the speaker from Kantorek was an excellent one - in the end, the whole class went to the military headquarters in an even formation right from their school desks.

“These educators,” Bäumer sums up bitterly, “will always have high feelings. They carry them ready in their vest pocket and hand them out as needed on a per-minute basis. But then we didn’t think about it yet.”

The friends go to the field hospital, where their comrade Franz Kemmerich is located. His condition is much worse than Paul and his friends could have imagined. Franz had both legs amputated, but his health is rapidly deteriorating. Kemmerich is still worried about the new English boots that will no longer be useful to him, and the memorable watch that was stolen from the wounded man. Franz dies in the arms of his comrades. Taking new English boots, saddened, they return to the barracks.

During their absence, newcomers appeared in the company - after all, the dead need to be replaced by the living. The new arrivals talk about the misadventures they experienced, hunger and the rutabaga “diet” that the management gave them. Kat feeds the newcomers the beans he took from Tomato.

When everyone goes to dig trenches, Paul Bäumer discusses the behavior of a soldier on the front line, his instinctive connection with Mother Earth. How you want to hide in its warm embrace from annoying bullets, bury yourself deeper from the fragments of flying shells, and wait out a terrible enemy attack in it!

And again the battle. The company counts the dead, and Paul and his friends keep their own register - seven classmates were killed, four in the infirmary, one in an insane asylum.

After a short respite, the soldiers begin preparations for the offensive. They are drilled by the squad leader, Himmelstoss, a tyrant whom everyone hates.

The theme of wandering and persecution in Erich Maria Remarque’s novel “Night in Lisbon” is very close to the author himself, who had to leave his homeland because of his rejection of fascism.

You can check out another novel by Remarque, “The Black Obelisk,” which has a very deep and intricate plot that sheds light on the events in Germany after the First World War.

And again, the calculations of the dead after the offensive - out of 150 people in the company, only 32 remained. The soldiers are close to insanity. Each of them is tormented by nightmares. The nerves are gone. It’s hard to believe in the prospect of reaching the end of the war; I want only one thing – to die without suffering.

Paul is given a short vacation. He visits his native places, his family, meets neighbors and acquaintances. Civilians now seem alien to him, narrow-minded. They talk about the justice of war in pubs, develop entire strategies on how to “beat the Frenchman” with hunters and have no idea what is happening there on the battlefield.

Returning to the company, Paul repeatedly ends up on the front line, each time he manages to avoid death. One by one, the comrades pass away: the clever Müller was killed by a flare; Leer, the strongman Westhus and the commander Bertink did not live to see victory. Bäumer carries the wounded Katchinsky from the battlefield on his own shoulders, but cruel fate is adamant - on the way to the hospital, a stray bullet hits Kat in the head. He dies in the arms of military orderlies.

Paul Bäumer's trench memoirs end in 1918, on the day of his death. Tens of thousands of dead, rivers of grief, tears and blood, but official chronicles dryly broadcast - “No change on the Western Front.”

Erich Maria Remarque's novel “All Quiet on the Western Front”: summary

This book is neither an accusation nor a confession. This is only an attempt to tell about the generation that was destroyed by the war, about those who became its victims, even if they escaped from the shells.

We are standing nine kilometers from the front line. Yesterday we were replaced; Now our stomachs are full of beans and meat, and we all walk around full and satisfied. Even for dinner, everyone got a full pot; In addition, we get a double portion of bread and sausage - in a word, we live well. This hasn’t happened to us for a long time: our kitchen god with his crimson, like a tomato, bald head himself offers us more food; he waves the ladle, inviting passers-by, and pours out hefty portions to them. He still won’t empty his “squeaker,” and this drives him into despair. Tjaden and Müller obtained several basins from somewhere and filled them to the brim - in reserve. Tjaden did it out of gluttony, Müller out of caution. Where everything that Tjaden eats goes is a mystery to all of us. He still remains as skinny as a herring.

But the most important thing is that the smoke was also given out in double portions. Each person had ten cigars, twenty cigarettes and two bars of chewing tobacco. Overall, pretty decent. I exchanged Katchinsky’s cigarettes for my tobacco, so now I have forty in total. You can last one day.

But, strictly speaking, we are not entitled to all this at all. The management is not capable of such generosity. We were just lucky.

Two weeks ago we were sent to the front line to relieve another unit. It was quite calm in our area, so by the day of our return the captain received allowances according to the usual distribution and ordered to cook for a company of one hundred and fifty people. But just on the last day, the British suddenly brought up their heavy “meat grinders”, most unpleasant things, and beat them on our trenches for so long that we suffered heavy losses, and only eighty people returned from the front line.

We arrived at the rear at night and immediately stretched out on our bunks to first get a good night's sleep; Katchinsky is right: the war would not be so bad if only one could sleep more. You never get much sleep on the front line, and two weeks drag on for a long time.

When the first of us began to crawl out of the barracks, it was already midday. Half an hour later, we grabbed our pots and gathered at the “squeaker” dear to our hearts, which smelled of something rich and tasty. Of course, the first in line were those who always had the biggest appetite: short Albert Kropp, the brightest head in our company and, probably for this reason, only recently promoted to corporal; Muller the Fifth, who still carries textbooks with him and dreams of passing preferential exams; under hurricane fire he crams the laws of physics; Leer, who wears a full beard and has a weakness for girls from brothels for officers; he swears that there is an army order obliging these girls to wear silk underwear, and to take a bath before receiving visitors with the rank of captain and above; the fourth is me, Paul Bäumer. All four were nineteen years old, all four went to the front from the same class.

Immediately behind us are our friends: Tjaden, a mechanic, a frail young man of the same age as us, the most gluttonous soldier in the company - for food he sits thin and slender, and after eating, he stands up pot-bellied, like a sucked bug; Haye Westhus, also our age, is a peat worker who can freely take a loaf of bread in his hand and ask: Well, guess what’s in my fist? "; Detering, a peasant who thinks only about his farm and his wife; and, finally, Stanislav Katchinsky, the soul of our squad, a man with character, smart and cunning - he is forty years old, he has a sallow face, blue eyes, sloping shoulders, and an extraordinary sense of smell about when the shelling will begin, where he can get hold of food and What's the best way to hide from your boss?

Our section headed the line that formed near the kitchen. We began to get impatient as the unsuspecting cook was still waiting for something.

Finally Katchinsky shouted to him:

Well, open up your glutton, Heinrich! And so you can see that the beans are cooked!

The cook shook his head sleepily:

Let everyone gather first.

Tjaden grinned:

And we are all here! The cook still didn't notice anything:

Hold your pocket wider! Where are the others?

They are not on your payroll today! Some are in the infirmary, and some are in the ground!

Upon learning of what had happened, the kitchen god was struck down. He was even shaken:

And I cooked for a hundred and fifty people! Kropp poked him in the side with his fist.

So, at least once we'll eat our fill. Come on, start the distribution!

At that moment, a sudden thought struck Tjaden. His face, sharp as a mouse, lit up, his eyes squinted slyly, his cheekbones began to play, and he came closer:

Heinrich, my friend, so you got bread for a hundred and fifty people?

The dumbfounded cook nodded absently.

Tjaden grabbed him by the chest:

And sausage too? The cook nodded again with his head as purple as a tomato. Tjaden's jaw dropped:

And tobacco?

Well, yes, that's it.

Tjaden turned to us, his face beaming:

Damn it, that's lucky! After all, now everything will go to us! It will be - wait for it! - that’s right, exactly two servings per nose!

But then the Tomato came to life again and said:

It won't work that way.

Now we, too, shook off our sleep and squeezed closer.

Hey you, carrot, why won't it work? - asked Katchinsky.

Yes, because eighty is not one hundred and fifty!

“But we’ll show you how to do it,” Muller grumbled.

You’ll get the soup, so be it, but I’ll only give you bread and sausage for eighty,” Tomato continued to persist.

Katchinsky lost his temper:

I wish I could send you to the front line just once! You received food not for eighty people, but for the second company, that’s it. And you will give them away! The second company is us.

We took Pomodoro into circulation. Everyone disliked him: more than once, through his fault, lunch or dinner ended up in our trenches cold, very late, since even with the most insignificant fire he did not dare to move closer with his cauldron, and our food bearers had to crawl much further than theirs. brothers from other companies. Here is Bulke from the first company, he was much better. Although he was as fat as a hamster, if necessary, he dragged his kitchen almost to the very front.

We were in a very belligerent mood, and things would probably have come to a fight if the company commander had not appeared at the scene. Having learned what we were arguing about, he only said:

Yes, yesterday we had big losses...

Then he looked into the cauldron:

And the beans seem to be quite good.

The tomato nodded:

With lard and beef.

The lieutenant looked at us. He understood what we were thinking. In general, he understood a lot - after all, he himself came from our midst: he came to the company as a non-commissioned officer. He lifted the lid of the cauldron again and sniffed. As he left, he said:

Bring me a plate too. And distribute portions for everyone. Why should good things disappear?

Tomato's face took on a stupid expression. Tjaden danced around him:

It’s okay, it won’t hurt you! He imagines that he is in charge of the entire quartermaster service. Now get started, old rat, and make sure you don’t miscalculate!..

Get lost, hanged man! - Tomato hissed. He was ready to burst with anger; everything that happened could not fit into his head, he did not understand what was going on in this world. And as if wanting to show that now everything was the same to him, he himself distributed another half a pound of artificial honey to his brother.

Today turned out to be a good day indeed. Even the mail arrived; almost everyone received several letters and newspapers. Now we slowly wander to the meadow behind the barracks. Kropp carries a round margarine barrel lid under his arm.

On the right edge of the meadow there is a large soldiers' latrine - a well-built structure under a roof. However, it is of interest only to recruits who have not yet learned to benefit from everything. We are looking for something better for ourselves. The fact is that here and there in the meadow there are single cabins intended for the same purpose. These are quadrangular boxes, neat, made entirely of boards, closed on all sides, with a magnificent, very comfortable seat. They have handles on the sides so the booths can be moved.

This is a adaptation of the novel that Erich Maria Remarque released in 1929. First World War appears before the viewer through the perception of the young soldier Paul Bäumer. While still schoolchildren, Bäumer and his friends eagerly listened to the patriotic speeches of their teacher and, as soon as the opportunity arose, they signed up as volunteers for the front. Everything that happens next is obvious: the severity of training and the rudeness of commanders, trench mud, protracted battles, deaths and serious injuries - Bäumer and his friends hate war more and more. Returning to his home school during vacation, Bäumer tries to convince his teacher and peers that there is nothing more disgusting than war, but they consider him a defeatist and a traitor. Bäumer can only return to the front and die.

Remarque's novel became a notable event even before it was published in full; it was published in parts in the German newspaper Vossische Zeitung. The rights to publish the translation were immediately purchased by many countries, and Hollywood immediately responded to the most anti-war work of its era with a large-scale film production in the format of a still poorly mastered sound film. However, a silent version with intertitles was created for cinemas that were not yet equipped to play sound.

The battle scenes were filmed in California, involving more than 2,000 extras, with a camera attached to a huge mobile crane flying over the “field.” Director Lewis Milestone, for whom this was the first sound film in his career, tried not only to convey all the cruelty and depressiveness of the novel, but also enhanced Remarque’s pacifist pathos to the maximum. He refused on principle musical accompaniment to the film and from the happy ending that the producers insisted on: he not only “killed” Bäumer, but also staged a scene at the end of the film with a vast cemetery and the faces of dead soldiers. The Universal studio agreed with the director reluctantly: the financial crisis had already begun, and releasing an expensive film was a risk.

Still from the film. Photo:

Still from the film. Photo:

Milestone specifically for this filming sought out veterans of the great war, German immigrants, in California. At first it was assumed that they would serve as experts and become a guarantor of the authenticity of uniforms, weapons, etc. But there were so many veterans that Milestone not only took many of them into the crowd, but also invited them to seriously train actors as recruits. Therefore, some training scenes can be considered almost documentary. Milestone even thought about calling main role Remarque himself, but in the end she was played by Lew Ayres. The actor was so imbued with the pacifist spirit of the film that he subsequently refused to go to the front during World War II and was subjected to severe persecution - to the point of a ban on films with his participation in the United States.

In the USA, the film received two Oscars in the categories “Best Picture” and “Best Director”. But in Germany, the Nazi party organized riots in cinemas where the film was shown - this process was personally led by Goebbels. As a result, the German government was forced to ban the film's distribution in Germany, and this ban was lifted only in 1956. However, the film was shown with great success in France, Holland and Switzerland, and a special bus and railway connection, so that the Germans could go specifically to watch the film directly to the desired cinema.

The original version of the film lasts more than two hours, but subsequently it was released more than once in shortened versions. For its 100th anniversary, Universal Studios released a restored complete edition of the film on Blu-Ray.