Second place after Cleopatra. The reign of Queen Cleopatra. Cleopatra's beauty was not her greatest achievement

Cleopatra VII (69 - 30 BC) - the last queen of Egypt, the most famous woman of the ancient era.

Queen-courtesan, evil genius of Egypt. Cunning, cruel, cowardly and treacherous, who built her well-being on the misfortunes of others, in the end she had to die, entangled in the networks of her own intrigues.

Intelligent and educated, Cleopatra is perhaps the most legendary woman in the world. Cleopatra mastered the rare art of charming people, and since the power was still in the hands of men, the Egyptian successfully used her talents in the field of love. Possessing beauty, passion and intelligence, she could be the second Semiramis. But, being a slave to her desires, she remained only a courtesan.

Cleopatra came from the remarkable Greek family of Ptolemies. The closest associate of Alexander the Great, his childhood friend Ptolemy I Soter (Savior), asked for Egypt, a beautiful land full of secrets, as a military reward. When his great ruler died, Ptolemy embalmed Alexander's corpse, departed for his kingdom and settled in Alexandria, named after the Macedonian. In Alexandria he gained fame as a wise, enlightened ruler.

In July 51 BC. The ruler of Egypt died, bequeathing the throne to his eldest children: the beautiful Cleopatra and thirteen-year-old Ptolemy-Dionysus. Following Egyptian custom, they immediately married each other.

Cleopatra grew up in the outstanding center of that time - Alexandria. Poetry, arts, and sciences found shelter in this city, and at the courts of the Egyptian kings there were quite a few outstanding poets and artists. The beauty received an excellent education and spoke several languages ​​fluently, studied philosophy, was well acquainted with literature and played the different instruments. She was an educated, intelligent girl who inherited a political mind from her ancestors. But at the same time, she had a voluptuous nature. To satisfy her desires, Cleopatra kept many handsome men. In those days it was not at all considered immoral.

Evidence from a contemporary has been preserved, who writes that Cleopatra appointed death at the price of her love and that there were admirers who were not frightened by such a condition. For the night spent with the queen, the madmen paid with their lives, and their heads were exhibited in front of the temptress's palace!

After her marriage to the young Ptolemy XII, it seemed that power itself came to Cleopatra, but fate prepared an absurd incident for her. Young Ptolemy XII was raised by the eunuch Pofin, who dreamed that with the accession of his pupil he would become the main ruler of the country.

No reliable images of Clepatra have survived. There are several ancient busts of Cleopatra, the most reliable is the Algerian bust of Cleopatra, now located in the Berlin Museum of Antiquity, created after her death on the occasion of the wedding of Cleopatra’s daughter. Some scientists believe that this is a bust of Cleopatra herself in her last years, others believe that the bust does not depict Cleopatra, but her daughter. Images of Cleopatra have been preserved on coins cast during her reign, but it is difficult to say to what extent they reflect her actual appearance.

The ancient Greek historian Plutarch, who saw the portrait of Cleopatra, in the biography of Mark Antony describes Cleopatra’s appearance as follows: “the beauty of this woman was not what is called incomparable and amazes at first sight, but her manner was distinguished by irresistible charm, and therefore her appearance, combined with rare persuasiveness speeches, with enormous charm, visible in every word, in every movement, firmly engraved into the soul. The very sounds of her voice caressed and delighted the ear, and her tongue was like a multi-stringed instrument, easily tuned to any mood, to any dialect, so that only she spoke with very few barbarians through an interpreter, and most often she herself talked with strangers - Ethiopians, troglodytes, Jews, Arabs, Syrians, Medes, Parthians... They say that she learned many languages, while the kings who ruled before her did not know even Egyptian, and some have forgotten Macedonian."

Bust of Cleopatra VII from Cherchell in Algiers (Berlin Antique Collection)

The Roman historian Sextus Aurelius Victor, who was negatively disposed towards Cleopatra, writes about her this way: “She was so depraved that she often prostituted herself, and had such beauty that many men paid with their death for possessing her for one night.” However, Roman sources describing Cleopatra should not be trusted, because Cleopatra in the eyes of the Romans was an enemy, and the ancient historiography of Cleopatra was inspired by Cleopatra’s conqueror, Emperor Octavian Augustus, who did not at all want to idealize her.

At first, Cleopatra ruled alone, removing her young brother, but then the latter gained revenge, relying on the eunuch Pothinus (who was something like the head of government) and the commander Achilles.

At this time, the Roman Republic was in Civil War between Caesar and Pompey. Defeated, Pompey fled to Egypt, hoping to find support, but was killed by Ptolemy's entourage, who hoped to gain Caesar's favor. However, Caesar, having arrived in Egypt, was angry at the reprisal against Pompey. Caesar decides to restore order in Egypt, torn apart by the strife between Cleopatra and her brother. Plutarch, in his biography of Caesar, describes the first meeting of Caesar and Cleopatra:
“Cleopatra, taking with her only one of her friends, Apollodorus of Sicily, got into a small boat and, at nightfall, landed near the royal palace. Since it was otherwise difficult to remain unnoticed, she climbed into a bed bag and stretched out in it to her full length. "Apollodorus tied the bag with a belt and carried it through the courtyard to Caesar. They say that this very cunning of Cleopatra seemed bold to Caesar and captivated him. Finally conquered by Cleopatra's courtesy and her beauty, he reconciled her with the king so that they would reign together."

A rebellion began against Caesar in Egypt, which Caesar managed to suppress. King Ptolemy died. Cleopatra, formally united with her other young brother Ptolemy XIV, actually became the undivided ruler of Egypt under the Roman protectorate, the guarantee of which was the three legions left in Egypt.
Cleopatra gave birth to a son from Caesar, who was named Caesarion.

In the summer of 46 BC. Caesar summons Cleopatra to Rome (formally, to conclude an alliance between Rome and Egypt). Cleopatra was given Caesar's villa in his gardens on the banks of the Tiber. There was even a rumor that Caesar was going to take Cleopatra as his second wife and move the capital to Alexandria. Caesar himself ordered a gilded statue of Cleopatra to be placed at the altar of Venus the Progenitor (Venus as the mythical ancestor of the Julian family to which he belonged). However, Caesar did not dare to officially recognize Caesarion as his son.

Caesar was killed as a result of a conspiracy on March 15, 44 BC. e. A month later, in mid-April, Cleopatra left Rome and arrived in Alexandria in July. Shortly after this, 14-year-old Ptolemy XIV died. According to Josephus, he was poisoned by his sister: the birth of a son gave Cleopatra a formal co-ruler. In this situation, her growing brother was completely unnecessary to her.

A civil war began in Rome between Caesar's murderers, Cassius and Brutus, on the one hand, and his heirs, Antony and Octavian, on the other. Antony and Octavian won. During the division of the Roman world, carried out after the defeat of the Republicans, Antony got the East. Antony, planning a war with the Parthians, arrives in Egypt to secure Egyptian help. At the time of their meeting, Cleopatra was 29 years old, Antony was 40. The queen arrived at the meeting with Antony, according to Plutarch, “on a boat with a gilded stern, purple sails and silvered oars, which moved to the tune of a flute, harmoniously combined with the whistling of pipes and the clanking of citharas .

The queen rested under a canopy embroidered with gold in the headdress of Aphrodite, as painters depict her, and on both sides of the bed stood boys with fans - like Eros in paintings. In the same way, the most beautiful slaves were dressed as Nereids and Charites and stood some at the stern oars, some at the ropes. Wonderful incense rose from countless incense burners and spread along the banks."

Anthony was completely captivated by Cleopatra. Their romance lasted more than 10 years until their death. Cleopatra had three children with Antony.

By 32 BC. Relations between former allies - Antony and Octavian - finally turned from friendly to hostile. Anthony, who was carried away by Cleopatra and broke up with his official wife Octavia (sister of Octavian), who distributed Roman lands to the children of Cleopatra, began to look like a traitor in the eyes of the Romans. At the Battle of Actium on September 2, 31 BC. e. The fleet of Anthony and Cleopatra lost, the defeated returned to Egypt and tried to escape to India, but when they tried to drag the ships across the Suez Isthmus, they were burned by the Arabs. The escape plan had to be abandoned.

When Octavian reached Egypt, Antony committed suicide by throwing himself on his sword. Cleopatra tried to seduce Octavian or at least come to an agreement with him, but this time the charms of the 39-year-old queen were powerless. Octavian wanted to take Cleopatra as a prisoner to Rome to take part in his triumph, but Cleopatra committed suicide. This happened12 August 30 BC

According to the most common version, Cleopatra died from a snake bite, but the snake was not found in the room. According to another, more plausible version, Cleopatra was poisoned. This version is supported by the quick death of Cleopatra, the fact that shortly before her death she tested poisons on prisoners, and finally, the fact that two dead maids were found with Cleopatra (it is doubtful that one snake killed three people). Octavian tried unsuccessfully to revive Cleopatra with the help of the Psylli, an exotic tribe that knew how to suck out poison without harming itself.

Cleopatra was buried with honors, next to Anthony.

The death of Cleopatra deprived Octavian of a brilliant captive at his triumph in Rome. In the triumphal procession they carried only her statue.

Caesar's adopted son Octavian executed Caesar's own son from Cleopatra, Ptolemy XV Caesarion, in the same year.

Antony's children walked in chains at the triumphant parade, then were raised by Octavian's sister Octavia, Antony's wife, "in memory of her husband." Subsequently, Cleopatra's daughter, Cleopatra Selene II, was married to the Moorish king Juba II, which is why the bust of Cleopatra from Cherchell appeared.

Drawing of Cleopatra's mausoleum

The image of Cleopatra has been depicted many times in cinema. The most famous performer of the role of Cleopatra is Elizabeth Taylor, who left us on March 23. The film "Cleopatra" with Elizabeth Taylor in leading role was released in 1963.

Elizabeth Teylov's predecessors in playing the role of Cleopatra were no less famous actresses - Vivien Leigh (the film "Caesar and Cleopatra", 1945) and Sophia Loren (the film "Two Nights with Cleopatra", 1953).

Among the modern incarnations of Cleopatra in cinema, one can note, for example, Monica Bellucci in the film “Asterix and Obelix: Mission Cleopatra”.

What was the secret?success of the queen of Egypt:

Mind games

Thinking through every detail of any situation, all your steps and tactics. It was not without reason that, of all the men of her time, she preferred Julius Caesar and was able to win him with her courage and unusualness.

Games of love

Cleopatra understood perfectly well that if a man is experienced in love, it is quite difficult to keep him for a long time; to do this, you need to constantly surprise him and show yourself from a new side.

Spouse games

Thanks to distracting her beloved from anger and anger with all sorts of pleasant little things, Cleopatra knew how to avoid marital quarrels and scandals. Having married Antony, she was with her beloved man until the end of her life, despite all the obstacles, of which there were quite a few.

Games of fate

Everyone knows that Cleopatra, without fear, tempted fate and loved to take risks. Several times, canceling meetings with Anthony, she could easily lose him, but for the last meeting she prepared him a magnificent gift - an excellent ship.

Inimitable games

You can never imitate anyone, you must always remain yourself, as unique as you are. Cleopatra knew how to do this with special talent, as a result of which Antony forgot his Roman wife Octavia.

Deadly games

Do not be afraid of death - this is Cleopatra’s main motto. Realizing that she and Anthony were doomed, she thoroughly studied death from all known angles and decided to die with a viper bite.

Cleopatra VII Philopator is an Egyptian queen, whose biography is still discussed to this day. Not being attractive in appearance, Cleopatra managed to gain the attention of two great Roman commanders - and. This love triangle has found its echoes in many books and films: directors make films, and writers talk about the image of this femme fatale on the pages of their works.

Childhood and youth

Cleopatra was born on November 2, 69 BC. The true place of birth still remains a mystery, but it is generally accepted that her homeland is Cultural Center ancient world Alexandria. Contrary to popular belief, the queen did not have a drop of Egyptian blood and came from the Ptolemaic dynasty, which was founded by the Diadochi Ptolemy I, and therefore had Greek roots.

Almost nothing is known about Cleopatra’s childhood and youth. But it is worth assuming that the future ruler voraciously read books in the Alexandria library and studied music, since she knew how to reason philosophically, think logically, and played the various instruments and knew eight foreign languages.

This is surprising because in those days the Greeks did not care about the education of children, especially girls. For example, her sister Berenice was of a completely opposite nature: she loved entertainment, was quite lazy and thoughtless. In 58-55 BC. Cleopatra had to watch as her father Ptolemy XII Auletes was expelled from the country, and power was concentrated in the hands of his daughter Berenice (the ancient Greek historian Strabo noted that Berenice was the only legitimate daughter of Ptolemy XII Auletes, so there is an opinion that Cleopatra was born from a concubine).

Later, by the forces of the Romans under the leadership of Aulus Gabinius, the king again ascended the throne of Egypt. However, he could not skillfully use power, so repression, delinquent behavior in society and brutal murders spread under him. Thus, Ptolemy subsequently became a puppet controlled by Roman governors. Of course, these events left an imprint on Cleopatra’s mind: later the girl recalled the reckless reign of her father, who remained in her memory as the person whose mistakes she needed to learn from.

Rule of Egypt

After Ptolemy XII Auletes returned what was rightfully his, the heiress Berenice was beheaded. After the death of the king, according to tradition, which called for preserving the divine blood of the royal families, 17 (18) year old Cleopatra married her 9 (10) year old brother Ptolemy XIII and began to rule Egypt. True, formally, since she could only have full power cyclically: in ancient times, girls were destined for a secondary role. She ascended the throne as Thea Philopator, meaning "goddess, loving father».

It is worth saying that Egypt was desired by the Romans, despite the fact that 96% of the territory in this country is occupied by deserts. But the valleys - the treasure troves of the Nile civilization - are famous for their exceptional fertility. Therefore, during the reign of Cleopatra, one of the most powerful empires - the Roman - laid claim to the territory of Egypt: some of the outer regions of Ta-kemet belonged to the Romans, but the country itself was not completely conquered. Therefore, Egypt (also due to financial debts) turned into a dependent state.

The first years of her reign turned out to be difficult for Cleopatra, because there was not enough food in the country: an insufficient flood of the Nile provoked a two-year crop failure. In addition, the battle for the throne began - internecine wars between brother and sister. Initially, the queen removed her husband and ruled the country alone, but, becoming older, Ptolemy XIII did not accept the arbitrariness of his relative and, relying on his tutor Pothin, who was also the regent and de facto ruler, organized a rebellion against Cleopatra. The people were told that the girl had stopped obeying the ruling trio of Pothinus, Theodatus and Achilles and wanted to overthrow her younger brother.

The queen fled to Syria and thus remained alive. Being an uninvited guest in the Middle East, the girl dreamed of returning full power. Around the same time, the dictator and ancient Roman commander Gaius Julius Caesar goes to Alexandria in order to overtake his sworn enemy Pompey: defeated in the civil war (Battle of Pharsalus), Gnaeus fled to Egypt. However, Julius was unable to get even with his enemy personally, because when the emperor arrived in the Nile Valley, Pompey had already been killed.

Caesar had to stay in Alexandria due to weather conditions unfavorable for the long journey, so the ruler of Rome did not miss the opportunity to collect the accumulated debts of Ptolemy XII Auletes from his successor (ten million denarii). So Julius took part in the conflict between the comrades of Ptolemy and Cleopatra, hoping to benefit both himself and the Romans.

In turn, the queen needed to win Caesar’s trust, so, according to a beautiful legend, in order to win the commander over to her side, the resourceful girl secretly entered the Alexandria Palace: she wrapped herself in a carpet (or in a bed bag) and ordered her faithful slave to deliver a generous gift . Julius, fascinated by the beauty of the young queen, took her side.

But it is worth noting that the commander came to Egypt with a small army (3,200 warriors and 800 horsemen). Ptolemy XIII took advantage of this circumstance. Society supported the ruler, so Julius had to hide in the royal quarter, putting his life in danger. In winter, Julius Caesar again invaded Egypt and defeated the army of supporters of Ptolemy XIII, who drowned in the Nile. Therefore, Cleopatra again ascended the throne and ruled together with the young Ptolemy XIV.

Personal life

Legends are still made about Cleopatra's personal life. Thanks to the cinema, this ambitious girl was seen in the performances of (“Cleopatra” (1963)), (“Asterix and Obelix: Mission Cleopatra” (2002)) and other film actresses who played the ruler. Therefore, many believe that Cleopatra is a fatal beauty who seduced men with just one look. But, contrary to popular belief, the appearance of the Egyptian queen was rather mediocre.

What Cleopatra looked like is not known for certain. But one can judge from some statues and a bust from Cherchell in Algeria (there is an opinion that this bust belongs to Cleopatra’s daughter Selene II), as well as from the face depicted on coins, that the queen had a rather large nose and a narrow chin. But women's charms and intelligence helped Cleopatra make her faithful admirers out of men. She was not a noble person; sometimes cruelty could be traced in her character. For example, the queen often tested poisons on prisoners and watched them die in order to test the effect of a dangerous potion on the body.

It was rumored that Cleopatra was a loving girl. In fact, promiscuity between a man and a woman was not condemned in Rome and Ancient Egypt; kings and queens had several lovers and concubines. According to legend, madmen paid with their lives to share a bed with the Siren of the Nile: after a night with Cleopatra, their heads became trophies and were exhibited in the palace.

The relationship between the Egyptian queen and the Roman commander Julius Caesar is still being debated to this day. beautiful legends. Indeed, it was love at first sight. For the sake of 21-year-old Cleopatra, the emperor forgot his mistress Servilia.

After defeating Ptolemy XIII, Cleopatra and Caesar set off on a pleasure trip along the Nile, accompanied by 400 ships. June 23, 47 BC The lovers had a son, Ptolemy Caesar (Caesarion). It can be said that because of his alliance with Cleopatra, Caesar brought disaster upon himself. The Egyptian queen, her brother and son arrived in Rome, surrounded by a large retinue. The girl was disliked because of her arrogance, so she was called the queen without adding a name (“I hate the queen,” Cicero wrote in his manuscript).

Those close to Caesar were sure that the dictator wanted to become the new pharaoh and make Alexandria the capital of Rome. The Romans did not like this turn of events, and for this and other reasons a conspiracy arose against Julius. March 15, 44 BC Caesar was killed. After the death of Julius, a civil war began between the Romans, in which Cleopatra did not intervene. Mark Antony was proclaimed ruler of the eastern territory of Rome.

The commander was going to accuse the queen of assisting against Caesar, but Cleopatra, knowing about Mark’s amorousness and vanity, acted with feminine cunning. She arrived on a gilded ship full of treasures dressed as Aphrodite and charmed the ancient Roman commander. Thus began a romance that lasted about ten years. In 40 BC. The lovers gave birth to twins Alexander Helios and Cleopatra Selene. In the autumn of 36 BC. The third child, Ptolemy Philadelphus, was born.


There are many fictions about the death of Cleopatra, so it is almost impossible to reconstruct this event with the greatest accuracy. Generally accepted version the story that is told is considered. True, his version was later interpreted in their own way by writers, because Cleopatra’s biography provided background for romantic works. So, others wrote poems about the queen.

Octavian Augustus, the legitimate heir to the Roman throne, arrived in Rome in the spring. Local residents welcomed young man, however, the active army and admirers of Caesar stood on the side of Mark Antony. The Mutino War soon followed, from which Octavian emerged victorious. When Augustus moved towards Alexandria, Mark Antony was given false news about the death of the queen. Mark could not withstand such a tragedy, so he threw himself on his own sword. At that moment, Cleopatra and her maids locked themselves in the tomb; The wounded lover of the Egyptian seductress was taken there.

Mark died in the arms of a crying girl. The queen wanted to demonstratively stab herself with a dagger, but began negotiations with Octavian’s subject. The Siren of the Nile hoped to bribe Augustus with her charms in order to restore the state, but all attempts were in vain. After the death of her beloved, Cleopatra fell into depression, starved herself and did not get out of bed. Cornelius Dolabella informed the widow that she would be exiled to Rome for Octavian's triumph.

According to ancient Roman custom, Augustus, in honor of the victory over Egypt, was going to lead Cleopatra behind the triumphal chariot, chained like a slave. But the queen managed to avoid shame: in a pot of figs, which was delivered to the palace at the behest of Cleopatra, a snake was hidden - its bite gave the woman a quiet and painless death. Where Cleopatra’s mummy is located is still unknown, but most likely, the queen and her lover Mark Antony are buried under the necropolis temple near Taposiris Magna (modern Abusir).

  • Ancient alchemists believed that Cleopatra was the owner of the philosopher's stone and could turn any metal into gold.
  • According to legend, the queen met with Mark Antony on Cleopatra Island, famous for its golden sand, which was brought there especially for the Egyptian seductress.

  • Cleopatra was fond of cosmetology. According to rumors, the queen bathed in a bath with milk and honey. She also made creams from a mixture of herbs and lard.
  • According to another version, Cleopatra was killed by poison, which she stored in a hollow head pin.



  • Cleopatra (1934)
  • Caesar and Cleopatra (1945)
  • Two Nights with Cleopatra (1954)
  • Legions of Cleopatra (1959)
  • Cleopatra (1963)
  • Discovery: Queens Ancient Egypt(TV) (2000)
  • Cleopatra: Portrait of a Killer (TV) (2009)


  • The Diaries of Cleopatra. Book 1: The Rise of a Queen (Margaret George)
  • Cleopatra (Karin Essex)
  • Cleopatra. The Last of the Ptolemies (Michael Grant)
  • Cleopatra's last passion. New novel about the Queen of Love (Natalia Pavlishcheva)

Queen Cleopatra VII Philopator is the last ruler of Hellenistic Egypt.

She belonged to the Ptolemaic dynasty and lived in 69 – 30 BC.

Cleopatra is considered the last Egyptian pharaoh, although this is not entirely correct. The queen became famous for her beauty, which was considered unearthly.

According to legends spread by Greek and Roman authors, she was so beautiful that many men were willing to give their lives for just one night with her. The dramatic love between Cleopatra and the Roman commander Mark Antony and Julius Caesar is well known. She had children from both of them.

However, Cleopatra's unearthly beauty did not save Egypt from losing its independence. The country was conquered by Rome. Later ancient authors describe Cleopatra most often in a negative way.

Apparently, ancient authors denigrated the image of the queen to please Octavian, the conqueror of Egypt, who considered her a dangerous opponent of Rome, who also “spoiled” Mark Antony. Perhaps Octavian was enraged by the pride of the queen, who committed suicide so as not to become his captive.

General information

Cleopatra (69 - 30 BC) was the daughter of Ptolemy XII and sister of Ptolemies XIII and XIV. Most likely, she was born from a concubine, since only Berenice was the legitimate daughter of Ptolemy. At first, Cleopatra reigned with her brothers as co-rulers, but soon gained full power, getting rid of her second co-ruler-brother, Ptolemy XIV.

There is very little information about the queen’s childhood and youth. It is known that in 58-55 there was a turmoil in Egypt, as a result of which her father was overthrown and expelled from the country. Berenice became the new ruler. But not for long - the father, relying on the help of the Romans, returned and again took the throne.

He launched large-scale repressions against his enemies, including killing his own daughter Berenice. These dramatic events certainly influenced young Cleopatra, teaching her to be strong, domineering and ruthless. Egypt remained an independent country, but from now on existed under Roman protectorate.

What is unusual is the fact that Cleopatra had a good education. At that time the Greeks, even in royal families did not care about the upbringing and education of women. In addition to this, the queen had a natural intelligence and intelligence and could properly use the education she received.

Egyptian Queen Cleopatra photo

In addition to her native Greek, she spoke many languages ​​- Egyptian, Aramaic, Hebrew, Ethiopian, Berber, Persian and Latin. There are many images of the queen, but almost all of them idealize her appearance. However, there are several statues and coin portraits that show her apparently realistic features - wavy hair, large eyes, prominent chin and hooked nose; all these traits were hereditary in the Ptolemaic family.

Meeting with Caesar

When her father died, Cleopatra was supposed to take the throne. However, according to the custom adopted by the Ptolemies, a woman could not reign on her own. Therefore, she had to enter into a formal marriage with her brother Ptolemy XIII, who was then only nine years old. At first, the fully grown girl ruled herself, but the boy quickly grew up and, relying on the courtiers, achieved primacy in matters of power.

Then Cleopatra fled to Syria and gathered an army there. She moved towards Egypt, but her brother and his army were waiting for her at the border. The situation became critical, but “something” happened. Gnaeus Pompey, the great Roman senator, arrived in Egypt. He was hiding from Caesar, who seized all power in Rome. Ptolemy ordered the death of the senator, which was carried out. So he hoped to earn the favor of the Roman dictator.

However, he acted differently. He ordered his political opponent to be solemnly buried, and demanded that Ptolemy XIII repay the debts accumulated by his father. In view of this, he could have conquered Egypt, but he did not do this and decided to rely on Cleopatra, who would become a puppet.

Caesar summoned Cleopatra to his place in Alexandria. It was not easy for her to get there - her brother’s troops were standing in front of the city. She was helped by her lover Apollodorus, who secretly smuggled her in a boat and then carried her into the palace - but not in a carpet, as is commonly believed, but in a bed bag. The dictator was immediately captivated by the beautiful queen. Soon they entered into a de facto marriage, despite the fact that Cleopatra was formally married to her second young brother.

Ptolemy, believing that he had been betrayed, raised an uprising, but it was suppressed by Caesar. After the victory over the rebels, Caesar and Cleopatra organized magnificent celebrations in the Egyptian capital.

Under the patronage of Caesar

Caesar allocated his favorite a rich villa in Rome, where she received noble Romans. He ordered her gilded statue to be installed in the Temple of Venus. However, the honors given to her did not please the Republicans, and this accelerated the death of the dictator.

Meeting with Mark Antony

After the assassination of Caesar, Cleopatra was forced to maneuver between the supporters of the murdered man and his opponents. More precisely, she decided to collaborate with the murderers of her patron, since they were very strong politically and controlled vast domains.

Serapion, Cleopatra's Syrian governor, helped Cassius on her orders by sending him money and a fleet. The further reign of the queen was accompanied by disasters within the country:

  • Prolonged crop failures and the threat of famine;
  • The outrages of the Roman legions remaining in Egypt;
  • Egypt was also under threat from Antony, the Roman commander and governor in Cilicia.

Anthony was preparing for a big military campaign. To get it for this more money, he decided to accuse Cleopatra of collaborating with Brutus and Cassius. For this purpose, he summoned the queen to him. However, she resorted to a trick. Knowing Anthony's love for external splendor, vanity and craving for luxury, she equipped a luxurious ship, decorated with gold, silver and other jewelry, and set off on it to him.

She herself was dressed as Aphrodite, and the ship was steered by girls dressed as nymphs. Arriving at Anthony, she called him to the ship, where she arranged a feast. Mark Antony was captivated by this treatment and by Cleopatra herself. She also said that Serapion helped Cassius without her knowledge, and she herself prepared another fleet for the Caesarians, but it could not be sent due to unfavorable winds.

Instead of the punishment that Antony intended to bring down on Cleopatra, he fell in love with her. Their romance and living together lasted ten years. However, it is difficult to say what the role of political calculation was in these relations; it is known that with the help of Anthony, the queen was able to carry out many of her plans, and he, with the help of Egyptian money, was able to maintain an army.


When Egypt was occupied by troops, Cleopatra tried to resist, but it did not help. Roman troops reached the capital. Then the queen hid in her tomb. But Octavian was informed that she had committed suicide. Then in despair he threw himself on the sword and died.

Cleopatra was saddened and also wanted to stab herself with a dagger, but then changed her mind and decided to surrender to Octavian - in the hope that she would again charm the conqueror. However, Cleopatra's beauty, somewhat weakened over the years, did not touch him. Octavian conquered Egypt and prepared to celebrate his triumph.

Cleopatra pretended to be sick and fell ill. The servant, at her request, secretly brought poison into her chambers (according to another version - poisonous snake). After some time, the queen died.

Cleopatra lived more than 2000 years ago, but is still remembered in history as a very influential and powerful woman. She was the last independent ruler and became famous not only for her life, but also for her death.

As the last representative of the Macedonian Ptolemaic dynasty, she ruled the country for almost three decades, first with her brothers, then with her son. She made alliances not thanks to strength and army, but to cunning and feminine charm. There were legends about Cleopatra, because in her short life (38 years) she had two affairs with influential Romans - Julius Caesar and Mark Antony.

What is Cleopatra's secret? This article contains the most fascinating facts from her biography!

Cleopatra's childhood and youth

There are few reliable sources about the life of this woman, since after her death her image was greatly distorted by the Romans. It is known that she was born in 69 BC. e. and was one of the three daughters of Ptolemy XII, whose names remained in history. Her childhood was marred by a rebellion against her father, which resulted in the death of his only legitimate daughter, Berenice. He bequeathed his throne to Cleopatra and her younger brother, since a woman could not rule alone.

She ascended the throne at age 18 as co-ruler with her 10-year-old brother Ptolemy XIII. Cleopatra VII faced problems with crop failure and soon fled Egypt due to differences with her brother. In Syria, she gathered a huge army and returned to lay claim to her throne. Meanwhile, in Rome there was a war between Caesar and Pompey, who fled to Egypt, but was killed on the orders of Ptolemy XIII.

Ptolemy wanted to gain the favor of the Romans, but Caesar, who arrived in Egypt and learned about the murder of the enemy, was angry at such treachery. Cleopatra took advantage of this, in whom Caesar was interested as a Roman puppet that could be controlled. He summoned the girl to Alexandria, and at first sight she captivated the mighty commander.

Cleopatra and Caesar

Despite the fact that Ptolemy was recognized as the king of Egypt, Caesar decided to lean towards Cleopatra and return to her father’s will, where she was recognized as ruler along with her brother. According to legend, an acquaintance led her to guarded Alexandria in a sleeping bag (a carpet is often mentioned in films). The indignant Ptolemy XIII did not calm down and raised an uprising, which was barely suppressed in 47 BC. e. The young man himself drowned in the river, and Cleopatra married her other younger brother, Ptolemy XIV. After this, she went to Rome following Caesar.

By that time, she and Caesar were already living together, and Cleopatra had a son, Caesarion (little Caesar). It is worth noting that, despite all the negative descriptions of Cleopatra, her intelligence and natural charm were noted by all her contemporaries. She was not beautiful in the usual sense, but she had powerful energy and skillfully used her art of seduction. In addition, she was educated and smart, and was even known as a polyglot - Cleopatra knew about 7 languages, considering that at that time people had difficulty speaking their native language perfectly.

Upon arrival in 46 BC. e. In Rome, Cleopatra and her son settled in Caesar's villa, and her arrival accelerated the conspiracy against the great pontiff. There were rumors that he planned to make her his second wife and locate the capital of the Roman Empire in Alexandria. In 44 BC. e. Caesar was brutally killed right at the Senate meeting. Cleopatra with her son and brother immediately left Rome for Egypt. It is curious that her younger brother soon died, and, according to rumors, not without the participation of Cleopatra. Now she had a son who could become her co-ruler, and she did not need a rival brother.

Cleopatra and Mark Antony

The queen was safe with her son as co-ruler, but there was again a crop failure in Egypt, and the country was on the verge of rebellion. In addition, after the death of Caesar, a conflict raged in the Roman Empire between his murderers and his heirs - his nephew Octavian and his comrade-in-arms Mark Antony. They soon shared power in Rome, and turned their attention to Egypt. Mark Antony showed interest in Cleopatra and summoned her to him to clarify her attitude to the murder of Caesar. The queen prepared for the trip and arrived on a gilded ship in the guise of Aphrodite, which immediately captivated Mark Antony.

She was 28 years old at the time of their meeting, and he immediately promised her protection and the crown of Egypt. She returned to Egypt, and he followed her, leaving a third wife and children. In 41-40 he stayed in Alexandria all winter, and after his return home Cleopatra gave birth to twins. His wife Fulvia caused clashes with Octavian's men, and he was forced to return to restore order. However, Fulvia soon died, and Mark Antony married Octavian's sister Octavia.

They did not see each other for several years, in 37 BC. e. They met again, and a year later the queen gave birth to a son. The Roman Empire began to perceive the union of the Egyptian queen and the Roman consul as a threat to Octavian, and Mark Antony himself was the initiator of the rumors. He named Caesarion the official heir of Caesar and recognized all his children by Cleopatra. The Roman also ceased to be interested in his army and country, spending most of his time having fun with his beloved. Octavian became convinced that his comrade-in-arms was under the authority of the Egyptian queen and was a direct threat to his power.

Death of the Queen

Mark Antony remained in Alexandria, and in 32 BC. e. the Senate stripped him of his titles and declared war on Cleopatra. Already in 31 BC. e. A civil war broke out between Mark Antony and Octavian, which ended with the Battle of Accinum, when the fleet of the Egyptian queen was defeated. The lovers returned to Alexandria and began to feast, simultaneously swearing an oath to die if defeated. They tested poisons on those close to them, looking for the most painless and fastest ones. Meanwhile, Octavian's troops reached Alexandria, and all his comrades turned away from Mark Antony.

In 30 BC. e. Cleopatra locked herself with her maids in her tomb. Mark Antony was given the news of her death, and he committed suicide by throwing himself on his sword. Meanwhile, the queen met with Octavian, but her spell had no effect on him. She buried her lover and a few days later she was found dead in her own bedroom. By different versions, she died from a snake bite or kept the poison in her hairpin.

She, according to the will, was buried along with the body of Mark Antony, but this moment their tombs have not been found. In 2008, they managed to find a bust of Mark Antony in the Temple of Osiris in Alexandria, but the research did not progress further. This 2000-year-old mystery still remains unsolved.

Cleopatra already during her lifetime became the heroine of legends; her tragic death further strengthened the tendency to romanticize the image - so that the romantic halo created by ancient Roman authors and the enthusiasm of modern filmmakers prevents an objective look at the queen - undoubtedly the most famous of all women of antiquity...

short biography

Cleopatra VII Philopator was the last queen of Hellenistic Egypt from the Macedonian Ptolemaic dynasty. She is the last Egyptian pharaoh. Cleopatra VII ruled Egypt for 22 years successively in co-government with her brothers (who are traditionally formal husbands) Ptolemy XIII and Ptolemy XIV, then in actual marriage with the Roman commander Mark Antony.

She was the last independent ruler of Egypt before the Roman conquest and is often, although not entirely correctly, considered the last pharaoh of Ancient Egypt. She gained wide fame thanks to her love affair with Julius Caesar and Mark Antony. She had a son by Caesar and two sons and a daughter by Antony.

Cleopatra's love affairs

If it didn't exist, it would have to be invented. Her life inspired first painters and poets, then playwrights and filmmakers.

They like to present her relationship with Caesar and Mark Antony in the form of a classic love triangle: some authors believe that she adored Caesar, others, no less authoritative minds, are sure that the only true love of her life is Mark Antony.

Appearance and character of Cleopatra

Contrary to popular belief, the last Egyptian queen was not at all pretty. On old coins we see her image - a long nose, masculine facial features. But the gods endowed Cleopatra with a charming voice and charisma.

In addition, she was a well-educated woman. And let the spiteful critics shut up - Cleopatra VII was the first pharaoh from the Ptolemaic dynasty who could speak Egyptian. In addition, she knew 8 more languages. It was no secret to anyone that Ptolemy XIII was only called pharaoh, but Cleopatra ruled the country.

Cleopatra grew up in the outstanding center of that time - Alexandria. Poetry, arts, and sciences found shelter in this city, and at the courts of the Egyptian kings there were quite a few outstanding poets and artists. The girl received an excellent education and spoke several languages ​​fluently, studied philosophy, was well acquainted with literature and played various instruments.

She was educated, intelligent, and inherited a political mind from her ancestors. But at the same time, she had a voluptuous nature. To satisfy her desires, Cleopatra kept many handsome men. In those days it was not at all considered immoral.

Evidence from a contemporary has been preserved, who writes that Cleopatra appointed death at the price of her love and that there were admirers who were not frightened by such a condition. For the night spent with the queen, the madmen paid with their lives, and their heads were exhibited in front of the temptress's palace!

Pharaoh's daughter

She was born in 69 BC. Her parents are Pharaoh Ptolemy XII Auletes and Cleopatra V, Native sister and the consort of Ptolemy (a common practice for representatives of the ruling dynasties of Egypt at that time). In addition to little Cleopatra, the family had two older sisters - Cleopatra VI and Berenice, a younger sister - Arsinoe, and two younger brother- Ptolemies.

The last Egyptian pharaohs were not Egyptians: Ptolemy I was a general in the army of Alexander the Great. After the death of the great commander, he became king of Egypt. If you are unlucky and were not born the eldest child in the royal family, then your chances of taking the throne are extremely small. In 58 BC, the people of Alexandria rebelled against the tyrant Auletes and overthrew him. The elder sister Berenice ascended the throne.

Berenice marries her cousin, but very soon, on her orders, the unfortunate husband will be strangled so that the queen can connect her life with someone else. Berenice has been in power for three years. During her reign, Cleopatra VI, the next contender to the throne, dies of an unknown illness.

In 55, Ptolemy XII regained the throne with the support of the Roman general Pompey. Berenice and her husband are beheaded. Now Cleopatra VII becomes the eldest child.

If you are in power, you should have been prepared for the fact that they would try to take this power away from you. The first attempt to overthrow the queen was made... by her own husband, three years after the wedding. 15-year-old Ptolemy XIII was not an independent figure, but behind him stood the ambitious mentor Pofinus...

In 48, an uprising began in Alexandria; Cleopatra fled Syria with her younger sister Arsinoe.

Cleopatra and Caesar

But Cleopatra was not one to give up easily. Very soon she moved the army to the Egyptian border... Brother and sister, husband and wife were going to sort things out on the battlefield.

At the same time, there was also a fight for power in the Roman Empire: between Julius Caesar and Pompey. After losing the battle of Pharsalos, Pompey fled to Alexandria, hoping to receive political asylum there. But in power is not the same Ptolemy, whom the Roman general once helped return to the throne, but his weak-willed offspring.

The advisers believe that it is unwise to quarrel with Caesar, so Pompey is killed right in front of the pharaoh. Three days later, Julius Caesar, who arrived in Alexandria, was presented with a kind of “gift” from Ptolemy XIII - the head of Pompey. The advisers miscalculated - before the struggle for power began, Pompey was a friend of Caesar, so the “gift” horrified the Emperor. Caesar ordered a cessation of hostilities and ordered his brother and sister to come to the palace for clarification.

Cleopatra understood perfectly well that as soon as she appeared in Alexandria, her brother’s henchmen would immediately kill her. The queen comes up with a brilliant move - she, wrapped in a carpet, is secretly brought to the palace as a gift to the great Caesar. The carpet is unrolled... Caesar falls under her charm. That same night they become lovers.

The next day, Ptolemy discovered that his older sister had outwitted him. He tries to storm the palace, but Caesar orders his arrest. Have you forgotten about Pofinus yet? Led by him and (look at this) Cleopatra's younger sister Arsinoe, the Egyptian army begins an offensive.

The Alexandrian War lasted six months, until its ideological inspirer Pofinus fell in one of the battles, and Pharaoh Ptolemy XIII drowned in the Nile while trying to escape.

Alexandria swore allegiance to Caesar, Arsinoe was arrested, the throne returned to Cleopatra, who marries... the only surviving brother of Ptolemy XIV (12 years old).

After the victory, Caesar and Cleopatra set off on a two-month journey along the Nile. It was during this period that Cleopatra became pregnant and in due course gave birth to a son, who was named Ptolemy XV Caesarion. Caesar recognized the boy as his son.

From now on, three Roman legions are stationed in Alexandria to protect the queen. A year later, Cleopatra comes to Rome with her son and husband to celebrate the end of the war. Prisoners are driven through the Roman streets, including Arsinoe. Caesar spared her life, but a little later Mark Antony would kill Arsinoe at the request of her older sister Cleopatra.

For two years, Cleopatra and her son lived near Rome. Her royal lover idolizes her: a golden statue of the Queen of Egypt is placed in the temple of Venus; Caesar even tries to change the law in order to marry Cleopatra and make Caesarion his only heir... Alas, Caesar had a legal wife, Calpurina, a woman whom few people remembered then and remember now.

On March 15, 44 BC, the famous meeting of the Senate will take place, during which a group of conspirators kills Caesar.

Cleopatra immediately leaves Rome and heads back to Egypt. Soon after her arrival, Ptolemy XIV dies, poisoned by order of the queen - no one should stand between power and her son, Caesarion.

Arrival in Rome

Cleopatra and Mark Antony

After Caesar's death, power was divided between Caesar's nephew Octavian, Marcus Lepidus and Mark Antony.

In 42, Mark Antony orders Cleopatra to appear in Tarsus to find out if she supports his enemies. The Queen arrives on a barge, dressed as Venus, surrounded by maids dressed as sea nymphs and cupid boys. She accurately identifies Mark Antony's weaknesses and skillfully plays along with him. Cleopatra is not embarrassed by the fact that her new lover is somewhat uncouth and loves crude soldier humor.

Mark Antony is enchanted, he drops everything and goes with the queen to Alexandria. Orgies and dubious entertainment continue throughout the winter. Cleopatra does not leave him unattended either day or night. With great difficulty, the Roman manages to escape from this round dance of pleasures and return home.

6 months after his departure, Cleopatra gave birth to twins - Cleopatra Selene and Alexander Helios. She will see their father again only after 4 years. By that time, Mark Antony would marry Octavian's half-sister Octavia, and in this marriage he would have two daughters, both of whom would be named Antonia.

In 37, Mark Antony begins another military campaign. But very soon he finds himself in the arms of Cleopatra, who in 36 becomes his wife. Another heir is born - Ptolemy Philadelphiaus.

Unexpectedly, Octavia’s wife goes to visit her husband who has been on a spree. A letter from Anthony is waiting for her in Athens, in which he informs her that she does not need to go further, he himself will come to Athens. Having learned about this, Cleopatra uses all her feminine tricks to prevent Mark Antony from meeting his first (legal) wife. She succeeds - Mark Antony cancels the trip, Octavia returns to Rome without seeing her husband.

The Romans are outraged by this attitude of Mark Antony towards his legal wife. The last straw was the proclamation of Alexander Helios as the king of Armenia, Cleopatra Selene as the queen of Crete, and Ptolemy Philadelphiaus as the king of Syria. Caesarion was declared the "king of kings" and Cleopatra the "queen of kings".

Outraged, Octavian declares war on Egypt. In a fatal battle near Actium (Greece), Cleopatra, deciding that Mark Antony is losing, hastily leaves the battlefield and actually “surrenders” her lover.

For three days Anthony refuses to see her or talk to her. The lovers return to Egypt, where they are overtaken by the news that the troops of Mark Antony are surrounded and defeated. It's time to prepare for death. Cleopatra experiments with various poisons to find out which one brings quick and painless relief.

In the year 30, Octavian's army was on the outskirts of Alexandria. Mark Antony's army swears allegiance to Octavian - after the Battle of Actium, no one doubts that Mark Antony has lost his head over a woman and is unable to think for himself.

Cleopatra orders the servants to announce to Antony that she has died. In desperation, he stabs himself with a dagger. Still alive, Mark crawls to Cleopatra’s mausoleum. The queen is afraid to open the door, so the mortally wounded Mark Antony is forced to climb through the window using the ropes dropped by Cleopatra. He dies on her bed.

Death of the Great Queen

When Octavian's soldiers surrounded the mausoleum, Cleopatra refused to open the door and attempted suicide. But she was disarmed and taken prisoner.

After Anthony's funeral, she tried several times to take her own life - the alerted guards stopped all attempts. To deceive the vigilance of the future emperor, the proud queen fell at the feet of Octavian, begging for her life. Surprisingly, the insightful ruler of Rome believed in the sincerity of the suffering woman.

The queen had no illusions about her future - like her sister Arsinoe, she had to walk in chains through the streets of Rome. The only thing she asked Octavian was that the Egyptian throne remain with her children.

Cleopatra managed to avoid shame: the servants devoted to the queen gave her a basket of fig fruits. The guards examined the basket and found nothing suspicious in it.

After dinner, Cleopatra wrote a letter in which she asked Octavian to bury her next to Mark Antony. Alarmed, Octavian sent guards in case she attempted suicide again. But it was too late - the poison of the small snake kills almost instantly; when the guards arrived at Cleopatra’s chambers, the queen was dead.

Cleopatra VII was the last pharaoh; after her death, Egypt became one of the Roman provinces.

Her son Caesarion, by order of Octavian, was strangled by a teacher, her daughter Cleopatra Selene married the King of Mauritania, nothing is known about the fate of Alexander Helios and Ptolemy Philadelphiaus.