VI. The procedure for calculating and paying utility bills. Why do houses with meters pay for heating all year round? Calculate heating payment

The calculation of the heating fee from 06/01/2013 must be made according to the calculation rules approved by the Government Decree Russian Federation dated 05/06/2011 No. 354 as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 04/16/2013 No. 344 (hereinafter referred to as the Rules).

From June 1, 2013, heating consumers in apartment building pay for this service in aggregate without dividing the payment for heating provided in a residential or non-residential premises, and for heating provided for general house needs, as was previously provided.

Thus, in invoices for utility bills, the “heating” service should appear in only one line. This rule applies to both apartment buildings having centralized system heating supply, and for houses where such a system does not exist.

The calculation of heating fees depends primarily on the equipment apartment building and the premises located in it with metering devices (common house (collective), individual and common (apartment)) and is carried out in the following order.

Calculation No. 1

The apartment building does not have a building-wide (collective) heat metering device installed, and in all residential and non-residential premises there are no individual or common (apartment) heating metering devices.

In this case, the heating fee is calculated as the product of the heating consumption standard, the total area of ​​the occupied premises and the tariff established for thermal energy (formula No. 2 of Appendix No. 2 to the Rules).

P i = S i x N T x T T

N T - consumption standard established for heating,

S i - the total area of ​​your premises,

T T is the tariff for thermal energy established for your region and service provider.


Your house does not have a common house meter for thermal energy (heating). Residential and non-residential premises located in the house are not equipped with individual and general (apartment) heating meters.

» the heating consumption standard for your region is set at 0.03 gigacalories per 1 square meter of total area.
» the tariff for thermal energy for your region and service provider is 1,200 rubles per 1 gigacalorie.

The heating fee for your apartment will be calculated in the following order:

0.03 Gkl x 60 m2 x 1200 rub. = 2160.00 rubles.

Calculation No. 2

An apartment building has a common building meter for thermal energy (heating), but not all residential and non-residential premises are equipped with individual and common (apartment) metering devices for heating.

In this case, the payment for heating will be calculated based on the readings of the common house meter, the total area of ​​the occupied premises and the tariff established for thermal energy (formula No. 3 of Appendix No. 2 to the Rules).

V D - the volume of thermal energy determined according to the readings of a common house meter,

S i - total area of ​​residential or non-residential premises,

S about - the total area of ​​all residential and non-residential premises located in an apartment building,

T T is the tariff for thermal energy established for your region.


Your apartment building has a common building meter for thermal energy (heating). Not all residential and non-residential premises located in the house are equipped with individual or shared (apartment) heating meters.

» the total area of ​​your apartment is 60 square meters.
» the total area of ​​residential and non-residential premises located in the house is 8000 square meters.
» the tariff for thermal energy established for your region and service provider is 1,200 rubles per 1 gigacalorie.

The heating fee for your apartment will be calculated as follows:

200 Gkl x 60m 2 / 8000 m 2 x 1200 rub. = 1800 rubles.

Calculation No. 3

A common building (collective) heat metering device is installed in an apartment building. All residential and non-residential premises located in the house are equipped with individual or shared (apartment) heating meters.

In this case, the calculation of the heating fee is based on the readings of the general house and individual heat energy meters, the total area of ​​the occupied premises and all residential and non-residential premises in the house, as well as the tariff established for thermal energy (formula No. 3(1) of Appendix No. 2 to the Rules).

V i n - the volume of thermal energy determined according to the readings of the individual meter for which the fee is calculated,

V i ODN - the volume of thermal energy provided for general house needs, which is defined as the difference between the readings of a common house meter, the volume of thermal energy determined from the readings of all individual metering devices installed in the house, as well as the volume of thermal energy used to heat hot water supply . Moreover, the last component is used in houses that do not have a centralized hot water supply system.

S i - total area of ​​the occupied premises,

S about - the total area of ​​all residential and non-residential premises located in the house,

T cr - the tariff for thermal energy established for your region.

In other words, payment for heating in this case consists of thermal energy consumed according to an individual meter and thermal energy allocated for general house needs, which is distributed in proportion to the total area occupied.


Your house is equipped with a common house heat meter. Individual heating meters are installed in all residential and non-residential premises. The apartment building does not have a centralized hot water supply system.

» the amount of thermal energy determined from the readings of a common house meter is 200 gigacalories.
» the volume of thermal energy, determined according to the readings of an individual meter installed in your apartment, is 2 gigacalories.
» the volume of thermal energy, determined according to the readings of individual metering devices installed in all residential and non-residential premises of an apartment building, is 160 gigacalories.
» the amount of thermal energy used in the production of hot water is 20 gigacalories.
» the total area of ​​your apartment is 60 square meters.
» the total area of ​​all residential and non-residential premises located in the house is 8000 square meters.
» the tariff for thermal energy is set for your region and supplier in the amount of 1,200 rubles per 1 gigacalorie.

The heating fee for your apartment will be calculated as follows:

(2 + (200 - 160 - 20) x 60/8000) x 1200 = 2580 rubles.

Tariffs and Standards

By Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 603 of June 29, 2016, it was proposed various options heating payments. The population has already been notified about some nuances. Some remain unclear.

So, let us remind you that as of July 1, 2016, the Rules for the provision of utility services to citizens, according to which Russians lived in accordance with Russian Government Decree No. 307, officially ceased to apply. In some regions they began to live in a new way earlier, but now it has become mandatory for everyone.

The decree was issued on May 23, 2006 and announced payments throughout the calendar year. There was quite a lot of indignation about the fact that one has to pay for heat in the summer, as well as in the first month of autumn and the last month of spring, when the service is not provided. As a result, on May 6, 2011, the sixth paragraph of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 354 canceled the effect of the 307th legislative act. Cancellation was scheduled for this year- 2016. Moreover, amendments were made to this Resolution almost every year. The last time this happened was in December 2015.

Shortly before this, regions were given the right to decide for themselves how to collect payments - throughout the year or only during the heating season. The new law proclaims the following order: the service is first provided, then paid for. But, again, options are allowed. And it is even possible to return to the old system - due to numerous requests from the population and by decision of the regional authorities. By the way, similar requests have already appeared. Not everyone was happy with the transition to payment based on consumption. After all, when new system there is a big difference in payments.

The amount of payment depends on the outside temperature. In the colder months, payments naturally rose sharply and no one liked it. In some regions, calls have already begun to pay, for example, as before, in equal payments, and then the resource supplying organization will recalculate. The legislator, in principle, allows such a payment system. True, it no longer allows one to be willful and appoint different quantity months for the distribution of such payments. Now they should be divided not into seven, for example, months, but into twelve. And, of course, this applies primarily to apartment buildings in which heat meters have never appeared.

Note that the legislator does not oblige the installation of meters in dilapidated, emergency facilities that are subject to demolition or major renovation in the coming years, as well as in apartment buildings where the heat load is less than 0.2 gigacalories. MKDs, where it is technically impossible to install a metering device, have also been relieved of this responsibility. Everyone else will pay the increased rate. According to the law, the cost of heat from the “regulators”, who could, but did not want to supply a heat meter, should increase quite significantly. In fact, many regions are in no hurry to take advantage of this urgent recommendation, taking into account the already difficult situation of the population.

Resolution No. 354 contains separate clauses regarding the amount of payment for heating and states the need to adjust the calculations. Formulas for calculating the increasing coefficient for certain categories of owners are prescribed. A change in the provider of the heating utility service was also taken into account. And the failure of a common house heat meter. If this happens: it breaks down, the service life has expired, or it is stolen, then after two months the fee will be charged according to the standard.

The decision on the method of payment for utilities is made by the constituent entity of the Russian Federation a year before the start of the heating season, during which it will be necessary to switch to the chosen method. When changing the method of payment for the heating utility service, the contractor adjusts the amount of payment for the heating utility service in the 1st quarter of the calendar year following the year in which the change in the payment method occurs.

We emphasize that homeowners cannot choose a heating payment method at the meeting. This is not permitted by housing legislation.

Rules No. 354 establish a ban on presenting utility services to consumers for payment of the cost of an excess volume of utility services provided for general household needs in the billing period in which such excess volume was generated. Reimbursement of lost income to utility service providers is carried out from the funds received by them as payment for the relevant services provided.

And they have repeatedly pointed out the illegality of using such a coefficient.

However, the above-mentioned resolution states:

"To establish that if payment for heating by the population is made
was carried out monthly (in equal shares) during the calendar year, taking into account the standard (0.016 Gcal per 1 sq.m), then the volume of thermal energy
energy supplied during the heating period for heating needs until the day
entry into force of this resolution, determined taking into account
other than the ratio of the length of the calendar year in months to the duration heating season in months (12/7), subject to revision taking into account the ratio 12/7."

The consequences of such “legalization” are not difficult to predict.

Coefficient 12/7, increases the monthly standard for thermal energy consumption by 12/7 times from 0.016 Gcal/sq.m. up to 0.027 Gcal/sq.m., that is, by 59%

While the Rules for calculating the amount of payment for utility services for heating (approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 27, 2012 N 857) with amendments and additions dated September 10, 2013, the calculation methodology with a coefficient of 7/12 has already been approved:

1. If the government body of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation makes a decision on consumers paying for utility services for heating evenly for all billing months of the calendar year, the amount of payment for utility services for heating is determined using the coefficient of frequency of payments by consumers for utility services for heating (hereinafter - payment frequency coefficient), determined by dividing the number of months of the heating period in a year by the number of calendar months in a year. In this case, payment for utility heating services is calculated in each billing period of the calendar year.

2. Calculation of the amount of payment for utility services for heating is carried out in the following order:

a) the amount of payment for the utility service for heating in the i-th residential building not equipped with an individual heat energy meter, as well as the amount of payment for the utility service for heating in the i-th residential building not equipped with an individual or shared (apartment) heat energy meter (apartment) or non-residential premises in an apartment building that is not equipped with a collective (community) heat energy meter, is determined by the following formula 1:

The total area of ​​the i-th residential premises (apartment) or non-residential premises;

The standard for the consumption of utility services for heating in residential premises, established in accordance with the Rules for establishing and determining standards for the consumption of utility services, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 23, 2006 N 306;

K - payment frequency coefficient determined in accordance with paragraph 1 of these Rules;

Thermal energy tariff established in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation;

That is, this is a coefficient of 7/12, not 12/7!

While changes have already been made to the acts of the Government of the Russian Federation on the provision of utility services (approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 16, 2013 N 344)

1. In the Rules for establishing and determining standards for the consumption of utility services, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation

Federation of May 23, 2006 N 306 (Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2006, N 22, Art. 2338; 2012, N 15, Art. 1783):

add clause 3.1 with the following content:

3.1. If it is technically possible to install collective (common house) metering devices, the standard consumption of utility services for heating in residential premises is determined by formula 5, taking into account the increasing factor of:

since 2017 - 1.6.

Moscow housing associations recognize P, which legitimizes the increasing coefficient of 12/7, as contrary to current federal legislation.

Heating payments make up the lion's share of total expenses for public utilities. Find out from this article how heating fees are calculated according to the new rules of 2016 and how the tariff is determined when meters are not installed. By being able to “read” your receipt, you will be aware of how much you are paying and for what. This will allow you to timely identify intentional or accidental errors in the calculations indicated on the receipts.

Formula for calculating heating charges

The rules for the provision of utility services are regulated by Decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 354 and No. 344. They indicate that heating payments are calculated in two ways:

  • Based on meter readings.
  • According to consumption standards (if meters are not installed).

Excluding instruments

The total area of ​​the apartment x the standard for thermal energy consumption x the heating tariff established in the region.

According to current legislation, in all houses where there is a technical possibility, communal meters must be installed. If they are absent, a multiplying factor is applied when calculating the heating fee. In 2016 it was 1.4, and since the beginning of 2017 it has been increased to 1.6.

With a communal meter

Another calculation method is used when only one common meter is installed in the house, and there are no meters in the apartments. In this case, the formula is applied:

The total volume of heat consumed in the house x the area of ​​the apartment/the total area of ​​all premises in the building x the tariff established in the region.

The total amount of heat consumed in the house is determined based on the readings of the common house meter taken over a certain period of time. Usually it is 1 month.

With individual counter

Now let's see how heating is calculated in an apartment in which an individual heat meter is installed. The formula is quite simple:

Volume of heat consumed (readings apartment meter) x heating tariff established in the region.

Heating charges are calculated using this method only if two conditions are met:

  1. Metering devices are installed in 100% of apartments.
  2. The building has a communal meter.

Let's look at how the heating fee is calculated at specific example:

How is the tariff determined if there are no meters?

Although the state encourages property owners to install metering devices, not everyone still has them. In such cases, the tariff is calculated in one of two ways:

  • If even a common house meter is not installed, the tariff set by the local administration is taken.
  • If there is a common house meter, the tariff is calculated for a specific house.

The tariff is reviewed once a year. Its size is influenced by various parameters, the main ones being:

  • energy prices;
  • expenses for paying salaries;
  • average temperature for the last 5 heating seasons.

When it ends heating season, the tariff is being revised and costs for the past season are recalculated. If actual expenses turn out to be lower, the resulting overpayment remains in the owner’s personal account. It will go towards paying for heating in next year. If it turns out that the tariff was underestimated, additional amounts appear on the receipts.
Please note that if you yourself discover a discrepancy between the accrued and paid amounts, you have the right to write a request for recalculation. Sample application for recalculation utility payments can be downloaded in this article

Something is not clear? Ask a question and get expert commentary

IN management company We were informed that this year they are going to install a new house heat meter in our high-rise building. In the meantime, they will change it, we will have to pay for heating at higher rates. Explain whether they can charge us inflated amounts and how they generally calculate the payment for heat?

Denis Potapov. Southwestern district.

As explained in the capital's mayor's office, if a common house heat meter works properly all year round, heating fees are charged based on the average calculated readings of the house meter for last year. This is necessary to evenly distribute the amount throughout the year. That is, every month we pay for heat 1/12 of the total heat recorded on the house meter for the previous year. The management company divides the amount of heat that, according to the meter readings, heated the house last year by 12 months. The resulting figure is divided by the total area of ​​the entire house and multiplied by the total area of ​​the specific apartment and the current tariff (see “Specific”).

At the end of the year, the management company checks the resulting figure with the amount of heat actually used and changes the amount depending on whether the house spent more or less heat this year than last year. The payment adjustment is indicated on the receipt in the “Recalculation” column.


If there was a break in the operation of the home heat meter for at least a month (for example, the device broke down or the management company did not transmit the meter readings to the heat supplier), then residents will pay for heating this year according to the meter data for last year. And next year - already according to the standard. The payment for heat in a residential building is affected by the number of floors, wall material, year of construction, and the work of the management company on energy saving in the building. On average, the price for heating one square meter in houses where a house heat meter is installed, it ranges from 23.11 rubles. up to 29.42 rub. And in houses where they pay for heat according to the standard - more than 33 rubles, that is, the amount in receipts may be higher.


If the residents of the house doubt the correctness of the amount in the payment, they can contact the Moscow Housing Inspectorate with a request to check utility payments. You can send a complaint to: