Dark or light laminate: choice of flooring color. What should you look for when choosing laminate colors for different rooms? Which laminate to choose for cherry doors?

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Laminate and wallpaper: 4 most successful combinations

The key finishing in the renovation is the floor and walls. Laminate flooring is more often chosen; walls are preferred to be decorated with wallpaper. The wrong combination of colors will create dissonance in the interior. I will try to help you avoid mistakes in selecting material.

Selecting the material

When starting a renovation, don’t look for ready-made standards. The decision is always made individually based on several points:

  • room style;
  • appointment;
  • filling;
  • illumination;
  • financial opportunities;
  • design ideas.

Be a designer! Before purchasing laminate flooring, consider the style of the room. This will help you decide on the color scheme. Laminate panels have a lot of shades, grouped by primary colors:

  • white,
  • brown,
  • red,
  • grey,
  • dark (from black to wenge - deep brown).

Texture and pattern are of great importance: imitation of boards, stone, solid wood, tiles and other materials. It is important to know the rules for harmonious combinations of floor and wall colors.

Ideally, furniture, wallpaper, and flooring should be combined. Don't forget about the lighting in the room. When planning to make your living room bright, choose light colors.

Never make walls and flooring the same color. Wallpaper and laminate should be different. It is recommended to maintain a difference of 3-4 tones or use contrasting skirting boards.

Color selection rules

The design of any room is dominated by the law of “trinity”, that is, the interior must contain three shades. Each appears in a different gradation of saturation and brightness.

If you do the renovation yourself, avoid the main mistake: combining cold and warm shades. This deprives the room of charm, comfort and is considered bad taste. Use variations of shades only from one group.

For cold wallpaper, choose similar laminate options. The color doesn't matter - play around with warm or cold. The type of board is also unimportant: gloss, embossed or matte.

Instructions for choosing laminate flooring for a small apartment: be careful with color palette. It is better to make the floors in all rooms the same tone, otherwise the heterogeneity will visually divide the apartment into mini zones and make the apartment even smaller.

The starting point for color solutions can be the interior style:

  • Classic - implies restraint in design and tone. Give preference to those that don't stand out vertical stripes. It is better to lay laminate flooring in a warm golden color ( Italian walnut), birch, brown oak. The appearance should imitate valuable species tree.
  • Modern- create contrast here. Floor – dark colors (wenge, bleached or black oak) or neutral shades grey. The walls are made lighter.
  • Country, Provence- these styles suggest naturalness. On the floor, use an imitation of rustic, old wood light shades. The walls are several tones lighter (plain, relief, with a small golden motif).

Floor and wall colors: 4 combinations

The selection base is extensive. Let's look at a few popular options:

Photo Description

Option 1. Laminate in red shades

Have you chosen cherry, swallowtail, pear or Milanese walnut for the floor? For this coating you need to choose wallpaper in warm colors:

  • light blue,
  • swamp,
  • shades of pink,
  • pale lilac,
  • peach,
  • yellow range.

The reddish patterns on the walls provide a harmonious blend of color.

Option 2. Laminate in brown shades

Most prefer neutrals brown tones. These include:

  • ash,
  • light alder,
  • birch,
  • light oak.

For this floor, choose wallpaper in pastel colors:

  • cream,
  • yellow,
  • green,
  • ocher.

Bright touches on the walls will help add individuality. The nobility of the furnishings and wall panels with dark brown frames are successfully emphasized.

Option 3. Light-colored laminate

Dark rooms need “lightening”. Paul solves this problem perfectly.

Pure white looks luxurious, but is too problematic, especially if there are animals, the elderly and children at home.

An alternative to white would be coconut, jute, linen, beige. Under white laminate You can choose wallpaper in brownish tones.

This is chic and solid. TO light floor take any colors, including richly bright ones. The price of materials is not tracked.

It is difficult to match purple wallpaper to light laminate flooring. If this color is important to you, use such walls in spacious rooms, at large windows. Evening lighting is also important.

Option 4. Gray laminate

It's light today gray laminate at the height of fashion. This is elegance, restraint, aristocracy, practicality.

Suitable for many styles: from minimalism to classic. It looks impressive in any conditions, in any room:

  • bedroom,
  • cabinet,
  • living room,
  • corridor,
  • kitchen.

Any wallpaper will suit gray laminate. And here gray wallpaper and gray laminate should differ in texture and tone.

Gray laminate goes well with walls of any shade of grey, white and black. Good combinations with cold pastel colors.

The gray floor looks cozy with beige wallpaper. Wall coverings interspersed with yellow and crimson are allowed.

The room takes on a glamorous look when used. wall covering orange, purple, pink tones.

Disharmony and complex perception occur with green, red, and rich lilac.

Repair sequence

What does laminate or wallpaper do first? The relevance of this issue affects 80% of families who make repairs with their own hands. Even experts cannot answer unequivocally, although the majority is of the opinion that the wallpaper is glued first.

Why? Let's look at the nuances of the process:

  • Wallpapering is accompanied by the appearance of high humidity. Drying takes place at closed windows. As a result, the floors will absorb the resulting moisture during the day. This may have a negative effect on the coating.

  • On already installed laminate you will have to use glue. When smearing walls or strips of wallpaper, there is a high risk of staining the coating.
  • When cutting a roll, you can drop a knife, scissors, or tape measure. Scratches or other defects will occur from moving the auxiliary ladder.
  • No need to make straight cuts at the bottom– the material is glued to the floor, and the plinth will cover all the unevenness.

It is known that flooring more durable than wallpaper, they are changed several times when the laminate is laid. Nothing bad happens. In most cases, everyone chooses a method that is convenient for themselves.


Wall decor is easier to change than laminate, so choose flooring first and then wallpaper. There are many combination options, you already know the rules. If you respect the colors, you will get an excellent result.

The video in this article contains visual instructions for combining flooring and wall decoration. If you have other ideas or questions, I’m waiting for them in the comments!

January 11, 2018

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Today, there are several main mistakes that buyers make when choosing and purchasing laminate flooring.

In our article we will try to talk about these mistakes, as well as give several recommendations that will help you avoid them and choose the best quality floor covering that matches the color of your interior.

Getting ready to go to the store

In order to choose the most suitable laminate color, first of all, you need to decide how much sunny room it will fit.

If the room faces south, then experts under no circumstances recommend using shades such as:

  1. Asian nut;
  2. Wenge;
  3. Rosewood;
  4. American walnut.

This is due to the fact that with directed sunlight on a dark floor, microparticles of dust and dirt settling on the floor will be especially noticeable. Moreover, it is almost impossible to combat dust; a clear confirmation of this fact can be the results of a study stating that even in a tightly closed and completely sealed room, within six months absolutely all surfaces are covered with a dense layer of dust.

Therefore, just take into account that if you violate this recommendation, you risk becoming the owner of a permanently unkempt and unsightly floor covering.

Therefore, it is best to choose wallpaper 3-4 shades darker than the floor covering, which has the following shades:

  • Birch;
  • White oak.

Advice. Under no circumstances is it recommended to use small apartments laminate of different shades and textures, i.e. lay one floor covering in the kitchen, another in the living room, and a third in the bedroom. This approach will only lead to the fact that small space will be divided into even smaller zones.

Laminate and interior doors

If you have certain difficulties when choosing the color of laminate and interior doors, do not be upset, as there is a simple solution to the problem. The color and texture of the flooring must be combined with each other.

At the same time, designers strongly advise against using a combination of dark red or red doors with brown and black shades for the floor.

It is allowed to use interior doors that are one or two shades darker than the shade of the floor covering, but the rule about color scheme and texture should still remain unchanged.

Eg, when choosing a cherry-colored laminated board, the doors also need to be selected in cherry color, but several shades darker or, on the contrary, lighter.

There is no need to try to choose the floor and doors in the same color scheme, since in this case both interior items will simply be lost in the overall appearance of the room.

Color spectrum

When choosing a laminate, you must take into account that the selected shade should not be too much for one square meter premises. For example, if the owners of the room like white or milky shades, in no case should you overdo it light colors in other interior items:

  • Wallpaper;
  • White furniture;
  • Doors.

Before buying laminate and choosing a color, just look around you. If there are already a lot of white shades in the room, then choosing a light floor covering may create a feeling of sterility, which contributes to a feeling of discomfort and vulnerability.

The main thing to remember is that everything should be in moderation. If you don’t trust your own taste and sense of beauty, you can choose interesting color schemes in fashion magazines dedicated to design and interior design.

Making the interior harmonious

In order to make the interior of the room more harmonious, you just need to follow the instructions below:

Before you go to the store, you don’t need to count on luck, it’s best to decide in advance which flooring you like best:

  • With a dark shade;
  • With a light shade;
  • With a cherry, pine or oak pattern, etc.

Make your choice depending on what mood you want to give the room:

  • Spacious,
  • Warm;
  • Light;
  • Cozy;
  • Playful;
  • Energetic;
  • Elegant.

The floor in the entire apartment must be made of materials that combine with each other. Remember that laminate laid lengthwise goes well with ceramic tiles or carpet, but does not fit at all with natural parquet.

Important to keep in mind that if you choose a laminate that is too dark or too light, the surface will become very dirty and will have to be cleaned very often.

When choosing, you must constantly keep in mind the possible optical features of the future design. In addition, it must be remembered that long and narrow stripes, even from square room are able to make a rectangular one, what can we say about corridors or hallways, which initially cannot boast of width. You can visually expand the room by choosing panels with a horizontal pattern.

Considering the fact that laminate floors can serve faithfully for quite a long time, it is necessary to keep in mind that when choosing a floor covering with original texture or a pattern, the owners of the room will be tied to this style, which means that in 2-3 years it’s unlikely to be possible to change the boring wallpaper or furniture, well, only if together with the laminate...

In the shop

In the store, you should definitely ask about the manufacturers of the flooring, the cost of the laminate, service life and its technical characteristics.

As a rule, the first question buyers face is: what should the floor be - bright or, on the contrary, light? And if light shades visually increase the area of ​​the room, then dark shades, on the contrary, reduce it.

In what cases should you use soft shades?

  • If you need to visually make the room brighter;
  • Dim shades allow you to create a feeling of order, comfort and deprive you of the sense of time;
  • Combined with cool tones on the walls and furniture, a subdued floor helps create a calming atmosphere in the room. In addition, you should not neglect the rule - the lighter the floor in the room, the cooler the atmosphere in it;
  • Light floors look just great, playing in contrast with dark furniture.
  • Dull floors can be combined with equal effectiveness with dark and light shades used in the interior of the room;
  • Best not to use on floors sterile White color, most the best option there will be a choice of light shades of cream, beige, pink, etc.

The main thing to remember that excessive use of dark shades in the interior creates an atmosphere of gloom and discomfort.

Rules for using dark shades

  • The floor covering must be two shades lighter or darker than the color of the furniture;
  • If there is a contrasting carpet on the floor, then it is allowed to use the same shade for the floor and furniture;
  • On flooring made of gray shades Dark or light furniture will look especially attractive;
  • When combining light laid flooring and light furniture, the main thing is not to overdo it, otherwise the interior will turn out to be too boring and uninteresting.


Colors are an important component of the world around us. If the owners of the premises doubt their own design abilities, it is best when planning an interior design to enlist the support of specialists in this field.

Selection of laminate by color and texture for floor design

The color range in which the modern one is currently produced is very rich and extensive. so diverse that you can choose quality material for interior design is quite simple.

Consumers have the opportunity to finish the floor in an apartment or room either with a single-color material or in different variations, including laminate with a pattern. In addition, you can combine different textures and colors. Painting this finishing material not needed, but you can lay the lamellas yourself.

Color variety and visual perception

Laminate is a relatively inexpensive but high-quality material that is quite easy to install and looks great on floors in living rooms or office premises. Correct selection laminate helps to visually expand the space of one room or the entire apartment as a whole. To choose the right material, you should know what design options are available, what laminate can be used in different interiors and how to choose the right color scheme for laminate flooring.

When choosing the color of the laminate, the general concept of the color design of the entire room should be taken into account.

After all, it is the color scheme of the floor that can create the mood in the room. Only after deciding what floor design options are available, as well as how you can practically design the floor space, it is advisable to begin choosing and purchasing material.

Also read materials:

Choosing laminate from a design point of view (video)

How to choose colors for the interior

A wide range of colors and shades of laminated floor boards allows the consumer to implement any design ideas when decorating an apartment or room that will highlight the interior and suit the taste of the residents. To create a harmonious atmosphere in the room, it is very important to correctly select the color combination of the laminate and walls, as well as furniture. As a rule, the most Fashionable style determined not by time, but by the preferences of the apartment owner.

Laminate color for a classic style

The best option for people who prefer conservatism. Available in fine wood staining, including oak, beech or another type of tree. It is these colors that give interiors the most solid and fashionable look. Perfect option for decorating a living room and study room in an apartment. Very often used by company bosses when designing a workplace.

Classic style in the apartment is decorated wooden skirting boards, which perfectly complement this flooring option and are suitable for massive furniture.

Laminate colors for country or retro style

It can be presented in bleached oak, which perfectly complements fireplaces or retro furniture. It is good to use a laminate that imitates cherry, teak, oak or some exotic wood option. A combination of two, three or more types of wood, as well as the presence of bleached, shabby or more, looks interesting in such an interior. rough options floor. This combination gives the interior of the room a certain zest.

Color scheme for avant-garde or contemporary

This style is optimal for non-standard spaces. The following colors can be used: black, white or red.

Use of black color when decorating, as well as its combination with others bright colors, of which there may be two or more, requires caution.

Depending on which version of the main color will be dominant, the flooring is finished in one room or in several rooms at once.

Selection of laminate color for high-tech style

When decorating a space in a room that has furniture of this style, it is recommended to use a laminate board that is painted in metal, stone or tile. This design style goes well with gray painting the floor covering.

Laminate: multi-colored and patterned

IN last years Modern and high-quality flooring material in the form of multi-colored laminate, as well as laminate boards with a pattern, is gaining particular popularity. The consumer always has the opportunity to purchase high-quality material with a detailed imitation of any type of wood, including beech And ash. It is these types of wood that are especially relevant today.

The image of a fantasy or three-dimensional drawing conveys a natural look as realistically as possible. The most common options for decorating laminate boards are imitation wood, stone or ceramics. The use of a special technology when performing decoration involves applying a pattern with high levels of naturalness. For example, when simulating wood such as ash, even a pattern of wood pores is applied, which makes appearance the slats are very attractive.

Exotic designs and colors are applied to laminates by designers if necessary to reproduce the floor finish in a special interior. The elite type of laminate can surprise you by applying a pattern underneath bronze or silver. The pattern can imitate one or two types of wood.

The currently fashionable ethnic trend allows you to complement collections with different shades of the main color scheme.

Combination options

In order to form the most original, having unique style, flooring, designers recommend combining laminate different colors s options. IN Lately The following options are very popular:

  • alternate flooring of material of different colors and shades;
  • use of a perpendicular arrangement;
  • use of diagonal type of laying;
  • staggered laying;
  • use of laminate inserts;
  • use of border;
  • use of three-color technique;
  • laying laminate tiles.

Regardless of the method of finishing the floor using, you should strictly follow the installation technology. In addition, it is very important to correctly select a color that will organically complement the interior of the room.

How to choose the right laminate (video)

  • It is always advisable to observe the law of the trinity color scheme. It is not recommended to use more than three dominant colors indoors.
  • Preference should be given to warm and unobtrusive tones. Yellow shades capable of unloading space.
  • Laminate boards in light shades harmonize perfectly with almost any interior, except for outright exotic ones. A good option is the use royal oak, golden maple or merbau. Great care should be taken when using materials with a contrasting shade that accentuates the edges or wood grain. The best option in this case would be to use a board with imitation paduk or colors panga-panga.
  • Small rooms should be decorated with lighter tones of the floor covering. Light floors add spaciousness to rooms. When arranging large premises with the presence high ceilings, it is advisable to use dark floors, which add coziness. In this case, laminate with imitation comes to the rescue rosewood, dark beech, red oak And stained pine.
  • For cold rooms, it is recommended to use materials painted in warm shades. Go to category warm shades and colors include imitation maple, golden pine, beech, oak, nut And cherries.

The main and fundamental rule when choosing a laminate flooring color is to take into account the compatibility of the floor covering with the interior and style of the furniture. In addition, the laminate should not repel the eye and be visually pleasing.

Laminate is a durable floor covering that has different qualities and can transform any room. You just need to carefully study the characteristics to understand what material structure and what color of laminate are suitable. In general, first things first.

What colors of laminate can be found on the market?

List everything possible options color designs it makes no sense, because every season designers come up with something new. But, in principle, three main groups can be distinguished:

Laminate in neutral shades;

Cold tones;

Check out some of the shade options that laminate flooring can have (colors: photo 1, mostly wood motifs).

The first group includes light beige and similar tones, which do not draw attention to themselves and are suitable for almost any type of room design.

The second group consists of all colors from bleached wood to ash-cream.

The third group is all kinds of red tones.

Also, laminate colors can be not only monochromatic. Which option should you choose for your premises?

Color selection criteria

First of all, we focus on the size of the room. IN large room you can even afford to install black laminate, but in this case small space This option will further reduce the visual impact.

The next thing to pay attention to is the rest of the interior. Usually it is enough to hit one color scheme with doors and window frames. It is enough for the floor to be a couple of shades lighter or darker. If it turns out that both the furniture and the laminate are in the same color, put a carpet of a different shade on the floor - this will dilute the atmosphere.

It’s good if the legs of chairs, tables, and chandeliers also have the chosen colors within plus or minus two tones.

And the last thing is the intended use of the premises. If you are trying to create a cozy place, then do not use flashy colors or cold shades. For the kitchen, for example, you can use options “under ceramic tiles”, the main thing is that the laminate is successfully combined with the kitchen design.

Type of coating: glossy or matte?

The colors of the laminate can be complemented by the type of surface layer. There are two options - matte surface and gloss. What is the difference? The gloss looks more solemn and presentable, such option will do for the living room. But you should remember that such a surface will show very strong traces of dirt. Dust and sand will perfectly hide the matte finish. Therefore, this option is good for hallways and other walkable parts of the apartment.

A few more important points

Take into account the location of the windows. If they face north, it is better to go for bright yellow or reddish colors. This will create the effect of the presence of the sun in the room. If the windows face sunny side, you should not take glossy laminate. Colors don't matter. The rays will illuminate even a small amount of dust, and no cleaning, even in constant mode, will positive result. The housewife will only exhaust herself by wiping the floor with cleaning products. Therefore, the option of a matte dark laminate will be ideal for the room large sizes, whose windows face south.

The colors of the laminate should differ from the color of the wallpaper or other materials that will cover the walls. Otherwise, you risk creating not a cozy or stylish room, but an awkward box.

Do not zone a small apartment using different color laminate This will make the space seem even smaller. It is better to choose one color of the laminate and harmoniously match it with doors, windows and various interior details, which were mentioned earlier. This way the space will be holistic and unified. Choose a matte finish in a light warm tone - you really can't go wrong.

Shape of the drawing

Using a drawing you can achieve a visual expansion of the room. If the room is long and narrow, you should lay the laminate in strips across the width. In that case, don't laminate will do, the colors of which, when added, give a monochromatic pattern. It is better to take one in which each floorboard has clear boundaries, or another option with longitudinal patterns in the texture. This effect should be taken into account for any shape of the room. Happy renovation!