Witchery still. Detailed guide Ch2

Many people underestimate the mod and its capabilities, perhaps due to the complexity of development, which is quite different from many other mods, perhaps just looking at the paucity of assortment in Nei, but in vain) I will try to describe the development path step by step with some features for the local server. I hope for adequate criticism and corrections if I make mistakes.
Part 1. Beginning

Of course, first we will need to find ourselves a “place in the sun” and somehow develop (there is no other way). And the first step in becoming a true all-powerful witch will be collecting herbs from the mod. Here we will come across the first feature of the server, namely the collection of seeds. By breaking the grass, we will not get anything other than the opportunity to “shove away” Sprigan, who is angry with your action, so we will need a hoe. Since many vanilla tools are not available for crafting, the solution would be to either buy a hoe at an auction from other players, or craft it yourself. In the second case, the simplest solution would be a thaummetal tool.
And so we have a hoe, what should we do next? It's simple - we find an area with blocks of grass (namely blocks, not the grass itself) and just right-click on them, but do this away from water sources, otherwise you will dig up the beds. In this way, we extract a certain number of seeds from the mod, preferably all types.
I’ll briefly describe all our starting plants:

1) Mandrake Seeds:
When you start collecting the Mandrake, there is a chance that the Mandrake itself will appear and start screaming and running like crazy, at the same time hitting you and causing nausea.
Drop: The same Mandrake seeds and Mandrake Root (Flower).

2) Belladonna Seeds:
Planting: Plowed land and there should be a source of water nearby.
Drop: Same Belladonna Seeds and Belladonna Flower

3) Water Artichoke Seeds:
Planting: This flower grows on water.
Drop: Same seeds and Water Artichoke Tuber

4) Snowdrop Seeds:
Planting: Plowed land and there should be a source of water nearby.
Drop: Same seeds, Snowball and Ice Needle.

5) Wolfsbane Seeds:
Planting: Plowed land and there should be a source of water nearby.
Drop: Same seeds and Wolfsbane Tuber.

6) Garlic Seeds (Garlic) Well, or not seeds, but just garlic.
Planting: Plowed land and there should be a source of water nearby.
Drop: You plant garlic and get a little more garlic in return, logical? Logical.

Here is another nuance of the server: when collecting plants, in addition to the mandrake, we may be attacked by Sprigan. At the beginning, it is a painfully serious opponent, since it heals while shooting at you, SHOOTs and at the same time quite far away (although not particularly accurately -_-), flies and looks rather unpleasant. There is a way out: put a flag for disspawning mobs in the region (available to flies), but in this case there will be problems with collecting mandrake, grow flowers in the nuboworld with the same problematic mandrake, be wary and prepare a tapor, because Sprigans, Ents and some other mobs take more damage from an axe.
A little off-topic about this: I advise beginners to craft a large two-handed ax from Tinker as quickly as possible, since right-clicking gives us buffs to strength, speed and jumping for a couple of seconds, to the detriment of our hunger (hunger debuff). When used skillfully, this feature can make your life quite a lot easier.

As soon as we have stocked up on all the seeds and their ingredients, we can safely go create Witch's Oven.
It is created simply:

It has an interface like this:

This stove does not overcook ore. Her work is based on roasting seedlings various trees, logs and food. As you noticed, it has several slots, the top slot on the right is the slot of 100% result after frying, the slot on the lower right is no longer a 100% chance, as you guessed. It is to obtain the second that clay jugs are needed.
We can see all the available recipes in the oven by clicking on the arrow in its interface, so I will not focus on this.

To increase the chance of a secondary product coming out, we can pump up the witch’s furnace, namely by attaching auxiliary blocks - filters - to it.
or improved version
Have you noticed a block of glowstone in the craft? You can get it in the standard way - by breaking it with a tool with a silk touch in hell, or somewhere else, or by crafting it, having opened the study in Thaumcraft in advance for it, by the way, here we will need a silk touch -_-, or buy it from players)

Filters can be placed to the left, right and top of the furnace block. They can ultimately increase the chance of a secondary product yield by up to 90%, and the design will look like this:

The next step will be - Witch's Cauldron. It's not that difficult to do. We need a regular vanilla cauldron from regular Minecraft, while you set it up and prepare it for cooking, in the meantime we will start making a special lubricating mass, specifically Anointing Paste.
It is created from 4 seeds added by the Witchery mod, here is the craft:

We use this Lubricating Paste on the vanilla PKM cauldron and as a result it becomes a witch’s cauldron, and for the cauldron to be fully functioning: the final steps will be: 1) We dig a block under the cauldron, place a hellish stone and set it on fire - this is fuel. 2) The boiler must be filled with water and completely! (3 buckets to fill completely)

I would like to point out that there should be fire under the cauldron, and not lava or nitor. To set it on fire you will have to turn off some flags in the region, and then turn it back on, otherwise you risk burning down your den (like half my house was engulfed in flames... I love wooden houses =)).

Why did we even create this boiler? And for further development in “witchology” we’ll say so. In this cauldron we can create certain things, create potions and even perform rituals. I would like to note that when creating any objects in this cauldron we need the energy of the Altar, otherwise we won’t succeed! About the energy of the Altar - below.

The Witchery modification, in addition to natural resources (seeds), also adds 3 types of trees, but unfortunately they can only be obtained in several ways:
-Search in dungeons (which is very difficult on many servers, but not on this one - the world is comparatively huge and there are still many unexplored places in its vastness)
-We can get Rowan through Thaumcraft.
-Buy from players.
-And create with the help of Mutandis.

We will consider the last method.
It is in this cauldron that we will create this Mutandis. It is created using 3 ingredients: 1) Mandrake Flower, 2) Demon Exhale, 3) Ordinary Egg. The scheme itself is simple - we throw objects into the cauldron. BUT! The order is very important here, you must throw the mandrake first, the demon’s exhale second, and so on, be careful.

What is it anyway Mutandis and what is it for? The answer is again simple..
Mutandis- This is something like bone meal, but with a different functionality. Mutandis allows randomly change a flower or tree seedling to something else.
Let's take an ordinary vanilla dandelion as an example: (And before you start, stock up on scissors, you will just thank me for this, because you may come across necessary plants, which can only be obtained with scissors)
We put it on, right-click with this mutandis and miracle, the dandelion has turned into a Rowan sapling (and that’s what we need)!!!
In fact, it’s not so easy to get the plant you need, stock up on this mutandis and mutate the plants to get the ones you need, in principle, these are all its properties.
A little about obtaining eggs (and some other items): the server has a wonderful function for packing mobs, you can buy a packer in the shop or from other players (I think I will no longer use this extremely simple and logical option) and, if there is no other option, with with its help we bring home chickens/pigs/cows, well, you understand, I’ll also note that you should place your chicken coop in the F9 chunk where you are most often, to get eggs faster; the second way to obtain it is by setting traps for game, but I will not describe it in detail.

We need Altar! This will be our main structure. To create it you will need the following blocks:

The structure is multi-block and is done this way:

The red tablecloth will appear when we install all 6 blocks.
To obtain rowan logs, I will give the same advice as when collecting plants above. But here we have one difference: in addition to sprigans, we can be attacked after cutting down a tree by Ents, Trants and Ents from the witchery itself. All these enemies are extremely dangerous and the option with an ax will only work if you have well prepared the cutting area with barricades, shelters and fences, or if you are already hefty and dangerous =)

I won’t write much about improving the altar, because the Internet is simply teeming with guides specifically about “improving the altar by 100500”.
BUT! I would like to note that the altar “scans” the space around itself (14 blocks in all directions) not in the form of a cuboid, but in the form of a SPHERE. Those. diagonally the distance will decrease. Please take this into account.
It’s also not a good idea to put different heads on the altar (skeleton, zombie, player) since they interrupt each other’s effect, and usually to a lesser extent. Place your head and it will be enough
I’ll also note that 15k energy in the altar will be enough for us, and getting it is very easy, since the altar reads blocks from different mods. For example: we put 50 blocks of vanilla wood (maximum 50 is taken into account), 100 from Witchery (100 is possible), 100 from Thaumcraft, 100 from Arsmagika, 100 from Evilcraft and we will already get enough nice bonus. The same applies to flowers and other plants. Making a vegetable garden next to the altar is an ideal solution.

Since there is a limit on attaching images, I will continue in the replies to the topic.

Finally, let's move on to the still. We place it close to the Altar.
This distillation cube is created like this:

This still produces more complex aromatic infusions, and still produces side effects, let's say, plaster, a clot of mucus, light dust and even sand of souls. We will need these tinctures in the future.
The interface of this still looks like this:

There is a little book called “Witchcraft: Distillation”.
It describes all the recipes in this still to get This, drop it This etc. Creating this book is simple:

Mini pot
I'd say it's just another witch's cauldron, but it's smaller and looks nicer.
In this cauldron we will brew potions, decoctions and the like.
For this cauldron to work, it needs fuel (altar energy) and must also be suspended 1 block above the fire, just like a witch's cauldron.

After you make the potion, or rather throw it there necessary ingredients, the decoction will begin to produce effects similar to those from killing a slug, and then you must take an empty bottle and RMB scoop up what you need.

Now we again need a book, which is already called “Witchcraft: Potions and Decoctions”
It describes all the recipes for each potion and decoction. For example, a potion from Liana, below is written what needs to be thrown into a cauldron, filled and heated! Here, in principle, is the crafting of books:

Potions, decoctions, infusions

1) Vine Potion: When thrown (RMB) at a wall, you instantly summon a vine that remains and hangs there.

2) Potion from the Web: When thrown anywhere, a web is summoned, 5 blocks in the form of a star, let's say.

3) Thorn Potion: When thrown on the ground, you "summon" a cactus and a block of sand in the area.

4) Ink Potion: When thrown at a player or mobs, you cause the effect of blindness.

5) Potion of Germination: When it hits a certain area, it “summons” a pillar of hawthorn or rowan, a random block of wood, sharply lifts players (mobs) up, or yourself if you are under the influence of germination. Roughly speaking, the creator of log pillars.

6) Potion of Erosion: When thrown, destroys everything it touches. The radius is small.

7) Potion of Exaltation: Breaks one block where the potion hits and summons a zombie, zombie pig or skeleton, in general, undead, maybe even 2 or 3 at once.

8) Potion of Absurdity: After drinking it, you will have the head of a demon, peaceful mobs will be afraid of you and will move away from you if you come close, and spiders will not be able to attack you at night, and they will also be afraid during the day.

9) Potion of Love: By throwing it on 2 mobs (cows, chickens, pigs), you so to speak “force” them to prolong their lineage and multiply.

10) Potion of Frost: By throwing it, you create a wall of ice 3 blocks high, and if the potion gets into a liquid (water or something else), it freezes, not all of it, but in a decent radius.

11) Potion of the Depths: Drinking it gives you the effect of Underwater Breathing for 4 minutes and Wither for 2-3 seconds, which will drain you again until you are underwater.

12) Infusion of Dream: Drinking this puts you into your dream. In the main world you lie as if on a bed and you can be killed, be careful (more on this will be in other parts)

13) Infusion of the Haunting Spirit: Opens a portal to the astral plane (spirit world), more details in the next part. Throwing into an area, it breaks and spreads into a liquid, upon entering which we receive the “Recovery 2” effect for 4 seconds. If you throw torn silk into this liquid, it will turn into thin silk.

14) Flask of the Spender: Inflicts poison and hunger on the target, and can even set the target on fire.

15) Bat Brew: When thrown into an area, it explodes and summons 8-10 bats, and slows those caught in the area of ​​the explosion.

16) Flask of Substitution: Replaces a specific area with blocks that lie on the ground as drops. That is, we threw a stack of cobblestones on the ground and threw this potion, as a result, the grass blocks were replaced by cobblestones, and instead of a cobblestone drop, we now have grass blocks lying around.

17) Infusion of Discovery: When thrown into a certain area, or better yet at mobs that are invisible, it reveals them. There are mobs in Witchery called poltergeists, they are generally invisible, but this infusion makes them visible. It reveals even under the effect of invisibility.

18) Brew of Infections: When thrown at a target, it causes damage and also slows it down. If thrown on a resident, he turns into a zombie. If we throw Rock, Cobblestone, and Stone Bricks at them and then wait, we can end up breaking the rock and getting Silverfish. This great way“find” them and use them in the future.

19) Decoction of Toad Tongues: Explodes when thrown at a block, and if mobs or players enter its area, they automatically jump towards you, or they are pushed by your magic.

20) Cellar Brew: Summons 3-4 owls if the potion hits any target. The owls begin to attack the target, dealing 2 damage.

21) Cursed Jump Brew: Throws the target into the air 6-8 blocks and gives a jumping effect of 4 for 10 seconds.

22) Frozen Spirit: After drinking it, you get night vision effect 2 and creatures called “Spirit” will not be afraid of you for 30 seconds and you can catch them. But more about this in other parts.

23) Redstone soup: We need it to create some items and for rituals, and if you eat it, you will get the effect of increased health 2 for 1:30 minutes.

24) Flask of Empty Tears: When thrown on an area, it breaks down and creates a liquid, entering which we instantly receive the Weakness 2 effect for 4 seconds. A large number of liquids can be turned into blocks, it is this infusion that also interacts with the other 5 infusions.

25) Hardening infusion (Stone, Earth, Sand, Sandstone and Erosion), each infusion is separate, for example, take Infusion (Sand). If you throw this infusion into the spread liquid “Infusion of Empty Tears”, it will instantly replace the liquid with sand, and if you use the “Stone” infusion, it will replace everything with stone. The “Erosion” infusion, on the contrary, will replace the liquid with emptiness, that is, it has a destructive effect on the area where the replacement of the Infusion of empty tears will occur.

26) Enchanted Infusion of Floating: By drinking it, you will be able to control your broom in flight much better and with better quality. The infusion lasts 120 game minutes.

27) Enchanted Grave Flask: Allows you to use the Necromancer Stone to control any undead, not just those raised using an Exaltation Potion. Besides. if you kill under this effect Living being, a peaceful mob, a pig or a resident, then you replenish your supply of food and lives, that is, you satisfy your hunger and increase your health. The effect lasts 120 game minutes.

To prepare (not all) potions, altar energy is required - keep this in mind. It is also advisable to throw the ingredients in order so as not to screw everything up. Well, of course, throw ingredients one at a time, because throwing a stack at once will not get a stack of potions).

The magic of circles.
Each witch or witcher must be adapted to magical powers. To do this, they must perform rituals, and the more, the better. Let's begin preparing for this ceremonial ritual!

First we need a book called “Witchcraft: The Magic of Circles”

it describes all the rituals that we will need and which we will study in the future. Circles play a big role in creating a ritual, and we draw these circles with crayons.

There are only 4 types of crayons:
1) Ritual chalk(White, regular).

2) Chalk other world (Violet). Created in a witch's cauldron:

3) Hell chalk(Red). Created in a witch's cauldron:

4) Golden chalk(Middle of the circle, base). Created:

Each ritual requires its own circle, it can be hellish, otherworldly or ordinary, but in any circle there must be a center, namely, golden chalk, it is the activator of the ritual.

It’s easy to draw all these circles, we take the chalk in our hands and right-click on the block, a symbol appears there. Count 2 blocks from the central golden “heart of the circle”, so to speak, and start drawing a small circle, then you need to retreat 1 block and continue on to the next one. draw already middle circle, the same procedure with a larger circle.

Let me note that the center of the circle (drawn in gold chalk) should be located no further than 14 blocks from the altar in order for it to be recharged with energy. Of course, there are rituals that do not require an altar, but I will write about this, as well as about rituals in general, sometime later.
Also, if you are doing all this indoors, I advise you to make the ceiling at least 4 blocks in the center (3 blocks on each side of the golden symbol), otherwise the rituals for summoning various creatures may not work. Also keep in mind that not a single summoning ritual will work if the center of the circle is in a region where mob spawning is prohibited.

Well, first of all, I advise you to “save” the circles you have made with a simple ritual. But first, let's make a circle talisman:

Then we throw this talisman and 1 redstone dust into our ritual circle, RMB on the golden symbol and VOILA - our circles have disappeared and signed up for the talisman. Now at any time we can use the talisman to place our circles in any place we need, to do this we simply right-click on the block that will be the center and our circles miraculously will be drawn instantly.
I give this advice because a couple of times the water elementals erased half a circle with their attacks, and the chalk is consumed quite quickly when drawing. And of course, to transfer circles from private in which mob spawning is turned off.

I guess I'll finish with this for now. I’ll continue as soon as I’m in the mood)

We encourage it.
I'm just waiting for the end)
Plus, you will need to check the recipes on our server and add “it works for us like this and like this” (namely add, and not remove incorrect ones, since the guide should work not only for us). If I have to add recipes myself, the reward will be less, since another person did part of the work)
Gelt already nstarted making a guide, but stopped doing this because first it was worth waiting for the mods to merge, since the recipes would change. And it will be too lazy to change.
I will hide these posts later, since they will interfere with the topic with the guide.

I'll try) However, this moment I have little information left, namely verified information. Until, as the Prince wrote above, the merger took place, the recipes have not changed, except for some components, and if they change, I am ready to edit the guide. However, everything needs to be tested so that there are no problems using the guide information on Rune. There are plans to continue the guide with footnotes exclusive to the local server, as well as some clarifications on the extraction of certain resources.
By tomorrow I will try to prepare information with clarifications on the magic of circles, as well as a more detailed alchemical component of the mod.

Part 2.
Perhaps we should first consider some of the items we need in the future and how to obtain them.

First, let's remember Artana - a small golden blade from a mod with weak damage and durability, but its peculiarity is that it has a double chance of knocking out rare drops from mobs, i.e. with the enchantment "prey lll" we essentially have "prey IV". I think it will work on lycanites, but on vanilla mobs it’s worse than the “skull collector” from thaum - heads fly left and right ^_^ (or almost the same).

With the help of artana we will obtain the ingredients we need.

Demon heart.
A rare drop from a demon that is summoned using a rare drop from Lycanites) Sounds quite difficult? This is true)
First, we need a ghast tear, which comes out of cute creatures:
Using a still from a tear we get "Absolute Evil"

Then we proceed to the ritual itself. Open our book on the magic of circles

I note that, unlike potion making, in circle magic the order of the ingredients does not play any role, we simply throw everything required into a pile within our circle and right-click in the center. A nice feature of the mod is that some items are returned during crafting or rituals, for example, returning an empty bucket during crafting a power stone or a power stone instead of a charged one during rituals.

So we summoned the demon, laughed at his insignificance, finished him off with artana and received the heart of the demon (not a fact).

Spectral dust.
I will tell you about the first method available to us to obtain it. We will need the ritual on page 56.

The ingredient "Drop of Luck" is extremely expensive because... we will need the ghast's words again) Let's start the ritual. We throw away the items, activate the ritual, and voila! We summoned a spectral creature, specifically a pig. This pig is not simple, but “golden”. If you give her some ore, a diamond or an emerald, she will go looking for it and as soon as she finds it, she will give us a message in the chat about the coordinates of this block of ore, and the pig itself will sit down. But this Piggy has a sad story, we need a material called “Spectral Dust” for the recipe for the ritual and the Necromancer Stone, and this is the spectrum. the dust is extracted from the pig itself, and specifically, we must kill it.

The fur of a bat (hereinafter referred to as the mice themselves^_^)
The method is as old as Minecraft itself) We dig underground (50 - normal level) a giant stadium cave 2 or 3 blocks high and hang out somewhere nearby. Periodically, mobs will spawn there, mostly lycanites, but if mice spawn, then there will just be a bunch of them there. We boldly hit them with artillery and with almost a 100% chance we get wool.

Dog tongue
A great difficulty awaits us here) During the game I have not met a single dog in the world, so we will have to craft them through a very expensive recipe. It’s much easier to simply find them in dungeons/dungeons near idle spawners or in an untouched village.

I note that for it to work we need the energy of the altar, like many devices in the mod, but we need to place the spinning wheel close to the altar or on it -_-

We brew a “love potion” in a mini-boiler

Next, we brew the “infusion of sleep” there.

To fall asleep, just drink the infusion and that’s it - we are in the world of dreams.

A little about the features of this world.
We won't meet any LYCANITES here! And now you already thought that life here is just a fairy tale in comparison with the main thing, but no one has canceled “PAIN AND SUFFERING”)
The first problem will be a "nightmare". Since we can immediately go to only bad dream(there may be a tiny chance of getting into a good one, but I was unlucky). This very cute creature is somewhat similar to the enderman, but has many tentacle-like appendages. He has 100hp and attack 4, but he hits like a Chupocabra quite quickly. Having hit him, he becomes invulnerable for a couple of seconds, which will not allow him to be dealt with quickly. And even when we kill him, there won’t be much time to rest, he will appear again in 30 seconds. He can also teleport to us if we run far away from him, and at the same time restores all HP. We will have to kill him a couple of times (hundreds) because of his drop. I will also note that the mob is stupid, does not pass through blocks and therefore is afraid of fences and other tricky things, and sometimes falls into a stupor, completely forgetting why it was chasing you in the first place.
The second unpleasant fact will be that we appear, sorry, with a “bare bottom” without an imba-gun, armor and arsa spells.
The third problem will be omnipresent hunger. Since it will not be possible to grow cucumbers and eggplants here (they simply cannot be obtained here), our diet will be extremely meager. I note that if we die of hunger, we will wake up in a simple dream without consequences, but if we die of bad food, the poisoning debuff will be transferred to the ordinary world)
It is also worth noting that moving to the world of dreams works on the principle of portals to hell. Those. drank the infusion at home - we are in the middle of the ocean on a tiny island, drank the infusion at the spawn - we are in the desert or somewhere else.
You can wake up by dying in this world, while all our inventory is preserved (this is a dream) or by pricking your finger with a snowdrop needle (this is the only thing that we can take with us from the ordinary world into a dream).

Why exactly did we come here?
First we need to get silk. You can easily find this plant; it grows everywhere. If he is not nearby, then someone has already been here and you will have to look elsewhere.

In a nightmare, when we pick a silk flower, we get “torn silk.” We need to stock up on a little (at least 12 pieces) and wake up. Upon waking up, “torn silk” will appear in our inventory.
Here we will need a spinning wheel made earlier to make a tangled thread from silk (second craft)

Next we make the “Nightmare” dream catcher

Have you noticed bottles of potions in crafting?) To get them we will need all the intelligence and luck in the ordinary world)

We hang this dream catcher in the place where we usually fall asleep (like a prilo above the bed) and now after drinking an infusion of sleep near it (usually I put it on the bed and stick it in the catcher) we get a chance to wake up in a good dream, where the sky is pink on the horizon and no one is behind us is chasing)
We repeat the steps for collecting silk, but now we will get “Thin Silk”; we will need it to create other catchers, as well as in some crafts.

primary goal why we came to this world in the first place - to create the “Infusion of the Haunting Spirit”.

As you noticed, the ingredients are quite unusual) and you already realized that you will have to stay in this world for a while.
The problems you will face to achieve your goal will make you suffer and will take you a long time. Some of the problems are described at the beginning of crafting.
Some problems (specifically concerns the Runa server):
1) There are no aura nodes, great or silver trees, which automatically cuts us off from most crafting.
2) Getting seeds is the initial task, but not the simplest.
3) We will need to build an altar, at least for the spinning wheel to work.
4) Get bat fur (the extraction method is above)
5) Get the rest of the ingredients ^_^
6) Privates cannot be set in this world and everything obtained with sweat and blood can be found by another player, because the world is shared ^_^

I’ll also note that we can only take 4 items out of this world, so don’t get your hopes up in terms of the “mining world” and “mob farms”. The items themselves: thin and torn silk, loot from a nightmare, and the “Infusion of the Haunting Spirit” itself. Perhaps there is something else, but I don’t know.

Perhaps I’ll also tell you about one possibility associated with this world, namely the “astral form”.

Exit to the astral plane.
If you were able to make an infusion, we can also make a portal from the dream world to the ordinary world! Sounds great? Agree)
First, we need to perform a ritual in the ordinary world.
Ritual of Manifestation. Requirements: Energy - 5000, Circle - Small, Otherworldly, Items - Spectral Dust, Sweet-Sounding Hunger, Necromancer Stone, Golden Pickaxe, Artana, Gunpowder. The ritual will help us to be reborn from the World of Spirits in the form of a Ghost. I note that the necromancer stone and artan will return after the completion of the ritual. After completion, the effect of the ritual will be applied to you; this will not be written anywhere.
Next, we drink the infusion of sleep and go, preferably into a good sleep. In it we build a vertical portal from 4x4 snow blocks. The portal lights up if you throw the “Infusion of the Haunting Spirit” we made earlier into it.

Having entered the portal (if we have not performed the ritual, nothing will happen) we will find ourselves in the ordinary world in astral form. We will appear without an item, but we will be able to interact with the world: open chests, pick up weapons, beat mobs and players. We also become absolutely IMMORTAL. Players and mobs will still be able to see and hit us, just like we can them, but no one can kill you))) HP will drop to 1, but you won’t die even while swimming in lava. Unfortunately, with 1 HP, all the “wonderful” debuffs from injuries are applied to us and, frankly speaking, we are not a good fighter in this form. I will also note that in this form we will stay in the ordinary world for only TWO AND A HALF minutes, and at the end of the time (you can still inject yourself with a needle early) we will return to the world of dreams, and everything that was in the character in the astral form will simply fall out in the usual one the world in the place where he was.
Perhaps someone will find a use for this opportunity, but the entertainment is quite expensive, because the ritual will allow us to enter the astral plane only once for two and a half minutes, or many times for a couple of seconds if we prick ourselves with a needle)

Status Closed for further replies.

A magic circle is a circle of symbols drawn on the surface of blocks with magic chalk for ritual magic. Magic circles contain energy and form a sacred space, or provide the user with a form of magical protection. The circle is drawn physically, with a special type of chalk, to a certain size, for the corresponding ritual that is going to be performed. It is a hotbed for the formation of ritual-related magic and the consumption of energy from a nearby altar. The rituals are varied.
First, we need a book called “Witchcraft: The Magic of Circles” Crafting the book “Witchcraft: The Magic of Circles”

There are only 4 types of crayons:

1) Ritual chalk (white, regular).

Crafting ritual chalk:

Plaster is used in the middle

Craft of gypsum:

At the top in the middle, the Tear of the Goddess tincture is used.

Craft tears of the goddess:

2) Otherworld chalk(Violet). Created in a witch's cauldron.

Crafting otherworldly chalk:

3) Hell's chalk (Red). Created in a witch's cauldron.

Crafting hellish chalk:

4) Gold chalk (Middle of the circle, base). Created in a witch's cauldron.

Crafting gold chalk:

Each ritual requires its own circle, it can be hellish, otherworldly or ordinary, but in any circle there must be a center, namely golden chalk, it is the activator of the ritual.

Types of circles:
1) 7x7 – small circle
2) 11x11 – middle circle
3) 15x15 – large circle

Glyph patterns drawn on the ground can be associated with the circle Talisman (the glyphs disappear from the surface and are recorded in the circle Talisman itself) and are later transferred to a new location. Makes it easier for a witch or wizard to draw Magic Circles of any complexity.

Crafting a circle talisman:

The picture shows all the circle talismans:

How to draw circles is shown in the book "The Magic of Circles".

Each ritual requires energy, and we don’t need a small amount of energy, to increase it, we need special items:

1) Environment. We grow trees, plants and plant everything with grass using bone meal.

2) Chandelier: Craft of candelabra:

3) Filled bowl:

Crafting a filled bowl:

Crafting a regular bowl:

Crafting redstone soup (mini cauldron):

In crafting soup, items that are unknown to you are used: a dog's tongue (knocked out from wolves), a drop of luck is created in a witch's cauldron:

Craft drops of luck:


The crafting of this drop of luck includes a still unknown item - absolute evil and Mutandis Extremis.

Absolute evil is created in the alembic, with the help of ghast tears and diamond evaporation.

Crafting absolute evil:

Crafting diamond evaporation:


Craft Mutandis Extremis:


4) Skeleton Head or Wither Skeleton Head. The player's head is best.

5) Pentacle +2 x regeneration.

Crafting a Pentacle:


6) Artana - increases the radius of influence of the altar, touches circles, cauldron, cauldron, alembic. It's important to note that the radius extension is a sphere and not a cube, as the altar defaults to. The radius of the sphere of influence is approximately 28 blocks. This means that strictly to the sides in a straight line from the altar there are 28 blocks, diagonally in one plane there are approximately 18-16 blocks. Diagonally at an angle to the altar even less. Therefore, do not rely too much on Artana, so as not to look for a place where there is energy and where there is not.

Artana does not increase the radius of perception by the altar of blocks to replenish the energy of nature!

Craft Artan:

DNA collection kit:

To start learning the Witchery mod, you will need seeds. The fact is that the Witchery modification adds new seeds for various crafts and recipes. When you break a decent amount of grass, you find other seeds in your inventory, namely:

After collecting the seeds, you will need to plant them, as shown in the picture:

We collect plants and get:

1) Mandrake 2) Belladonna 3) Water artichoke 4) Garlic 5) Aconite 6) Icicle


As soon as we have collected a sufficient number of seeds and their ingredients, we boldly go to create the Witch’s Oven.

Craft furnaces:

Oven interface:

For it to work we will need: coal, clay jugs, tree seedlings, food from vanilla minecraft.
Crafting clay jugs:

This stove does not overcook ore. Her work is based on roasting seedlings of various trees, logs and food. As you noticed, it has several slots, the top slot on the right is the slot of 100% result after frying, the slot on the lower right is no longer a 100% chance, as you guessed.

Let's take an ordinary Oak Sapling as an example, its 100% drop is wood dust. But the slot below already contains such a particularly important ingredient “Demon Breath”.

Also, if you click on the arrow in the middle, you can see all the recipes that are produced in this oven.

Witch accessories:

The next stage is the Witch’s Cauldron.
We need a regular vanilla cauldron, while you set it up and prepare it for cooking, in the meantime we make a special lubricating mass, specifically Anointing Paste.

It is created from 4 seeds added by the Witchery mod, here is the craft:

We use this paste on a PCM vanilla cauldron and as a result the cauldron becomes a witch’s cauldron, and for the cauldron to be fully operational, the final steps will be:

1) We dig a block under the boiler, place a hellstone and set it on fire - this is fuel. 2) The boiler must be filled with water and completely (3 buckets for complete filling)

In this cauldron we can create certain things, potions and even perform rituals. When creating any items in this cauldron, you need the energy of the Altar, otherwise we won’t succeed! About the energy of the Altar - below.
The Witchery modification also adds 3 types of trees, but unfortunately they can only be obtained in one way:
Create using Mutandis.

In this cauldron you will create Mutandis. It is created using 3 ingredients: 1) Mandrake Flower; 2) Exhalation of the Demon; 3) Regular Egg.
We throw objects into the cauldron. The order is very important here, you must throw the mandrake first, the demon’s exhale second, and so on, be careful.

Mutandis is similar to bone meal, but with different functionality. Mutandis allows you to randomly change a flower or a tree seedling to some other one. Let's take a regular vanilla plant (grass, flowers, seedlings): We put it, RMB with this Mutandis and we get a Rowan seedling.

Thus, you can get seedlings of rowan (3), alder (1), hawthorn (2), other witchery plants, as well as vanilla plants.


ny cube:

An alembic is used by a witch for distillation. magic ingredients. To work, it needs energy from the altar, so the Alembic must be near the Altar for 14-16 blocks, receiving energy from it.
Crafting a still:

As you have already noticed, below in the craft we have an unknown item, it is called a power stone.
Crafting a power stone:

A breath of magic is created in a witch's oven by roasting rowan berries.
Distillation interface:

A small icon in the alembic interface will tell you whether or not it can receive power from the altar. If a red circle is drawn, the power is not available (see below).

For further recipes in the still, the book "Witchcraft: Distillation" will help you. It describes all the recipes in this still.
Crafting a book is very simple:

Witch's Cauldron: