How to make a machine for bending a profile pipe with your own hands: drawings, video. How to make a profile bending machine with your own hands Drawings of a bending machine for a profile pipe

The need to bend strips or steel pipes occurs quite often among home craftsmen. There are many options to solve this problem. For example, the appropriate equipment can be purchased in a store, but making a bending machine with your own hands is quite simple, and this approach will be cheaper.

Making the simplest pipe bender

If you decide to do the mentioned work yourself, then you can resort to the simplest solution, which involves a product that provides a certain bending radius of the pipe. Experts advise home craftsmen to use a template made by themselves. With its help you can work not only with aluminum, but also with steel pipes. To carry out the manipulation, you should prepare wooden boards whose thickness is greater than the diameter of the pipes used for bending. In the process, you will need to make a template by fastening the boards in any way convenient for you.

In order to prevent the pipe from slipping out during manipulation, the boards should be cut with a slight slope. If you decide to make such a simple machine for bending a profile pipe with your own hands, then you will need to secure it to the table or working base in some reliable way. As close as possible to the template, it is necessary to strengthen the stop against which the element will rest. At this point we can assume that the pipe bender is ready.

Features of use

One end of the product should be installed between the stop and the template, and then, holding the other, with careful smooth movements it is necessary to bend it along the workpiece. You can make a lever at the opposite end; for this it is recommended to insert a sufficiently strong rod into the pipe. You can use a method that involves using an element of a larger diameter. Do not try to bend the pipe away from the center of the template, as this may cause the product to break.

If you make a machine for bending a profile pipe with your own hands, you can form a bend of a larger radius, but then the template will be made of plywood and hooks.

Making a pipe bender from hooks

Another fairly simple machine for bending a profile pipe with your own hands can be made using strong metal hooks, which are installed on plywood in such a way that it is possible to form a bending line. An advantage of this model is the ability to adjust the position of the hooks, thereby changing the bend line.

With the help of such equipment you will be able to work with products that can be manual bending, as well as with those pipes that are not so pliable for such manipulations. For this you can use If the need arises for manipulations where a profile pipe will be involved, then there is no need to make a bevel when creating a template. The product is strengthened with several limiters.

Alternative options

If you decide to make a machine for bending a profile pipe with your own hands, the drawings presented in the article will allow you to carry out this work quite simply. More complex model there is a structure consisting of templates and rollers. These elements should fit the pipe as accurately as possible. If you have to bend fairly soft products, then the metal roller and template can be replaced with blanks made of hard wood. A lathe should be used to make rollers.

Another solution is to use plywood with a jigsaw. Thus, an element is created with a slope in a certain direction. Received circles different diameters should be fixed in one roller, and then the unevenness should be processed using abrasive paper. When you make such a machine for bending a profile pipe with your own hands, the photo is definitely worth considering even before the start of work. In order to achieve higher reliability wooden elements, they should be secured with steel plates.

Making a pipe bender from rollers and angles

In order to form a pipe bender, you can use blanks for rollers made of wood. These elements can also be made of bearings, but if the pressing type is used, then wedging must be done to prevent rotation. The pitch between the rollers will depend important features designs. If you decide to make a manual machine for bending a profile pipe, then remember that the more impressive the distance, the less effort you will need to apply. However, in this case the bend radius will be minimal. The sides should be installed to hold the pipe vertically. Whereas in relation to the axis of the rollers it should be located perpendicularly. Otherwise, the pipe will be bent in a spiral shape.

The pressure roller must be tightened from below by rotating the threaded strip, which is cut in the central part. Gradually, the master should tighten the pressure roller, which will facilitate rolling the pipe through the structure. If it is necessary to obtain a bend of a small radius, then about 50 runs may be required.

Another manufacturing option

If you need PG-2 for bending a profile pipe, you can make it yourself using shafts steel profiles, drive mechanism and chain. If you have an engineering education, you can improve the design at your discretion by adding functions. Shafts will be needed in the amount of 3 pieces; they must have axes of rotation. It is with the help of them that bending will be done. A profile will be needed for the frame.

First you will need to prepare the frame. All parts are connected by welding, but it is worth considering the point that it will not provide sufficient reliability when manipulating thick pipes. In order for the structure to be more mobile and stronger, it is necessary to supplement the fastening with bolts. If you are making a manual machine for bending a profile pipe with your own hands, then you must remember that the bending shafts are metal cylinders. Two of them should be fixed slightly above the level of the working surface. While the third is installed above them.

Features of the work

The bend radius of the pipe will depend on the pitch between the lower cylinders. After the shafts can be secured, the machine must be equipped with a system that transmits rotating forces. The most suitable option would be to use a chain mechanism, which can be bought on the market or borrowed from an old car.

Speaking of the above: if you selected the chain separately, then you should take care of the presence of gears, of which there should be three. Two are mounted on lower shafts, while the last one is slightly lower. It is necessary to provide for the possibility of adjusting the position of the chain, which will allow it to be tightened if necessary.

Despite the wide variety of metal products that are presented on the market, among them there are those that have received greatest distribution. This should include greenhouses, canopies, gazebos, and furniture sets. To create the listed structures, you can use bending machines profile pipes, made with your own hands.

Of course, when there is a need to give a particular pipe the required shape, you can use the means at hand. But in this case it is impossible to achieve high quality of the finished product. In order for the part to have the most accurate geometric characteristics, a specialized machine must be used.

Profile pipe bending technology

A characteristic feature of each metal product is presence of a certain hardness and strength. To give a metal rod or profile pipe a certain configuration, it is necessary to make efforts, thanks to which the workpiece can take one or another geometric shape. And for effective solution For this task, it is necessary to use a special mechanism, better known among specialists as a pipe bending machine.

If we talk about the purpose of such equipment, then it is to perform gentle deformation of the workpiece.

To replace the initial shape of a part with the required one, it is necessary make some effort, which can be done manually or using an electric motor. A mechanical device that can simplify the task of bending a metal product can also be pneumatic or Hydraulic Press. In industry, the following types of pipe bending machines are most widespread:

To get a more complete understanding of the design of a machine for bending profile pipes, it is best to find a drawing that shows all its components. If desired and if you have certain skills, this equipment can be made independently. However, it should be borne in mind that such equipment will demonstrate a low level of performance.

Pipe benders of the simplest design are most widespread in housing and communal services. Enterprises specializing in serial production of products usually resort to models of pipe benders equipped with an electric drive. Each product created using such a machine must meet all the requirements of standards and technical specifications.

Every time it is necessary to manufacture a new product, it is mandatory to carry out machine setup for bending profile pipes. If we talk in more detail about this procedure, it includes the following steps.

  • First, you need to insert a template into the pipe bender that has the geometric shape of the product being created.
  • After this, they adjust all the working units of the pipe bending equipment.
  • Having finished setting up the pipe bender, they begin to bend several samples of the product, and then compare them with the template.
  • When you have to deal with a large number of blanks, it is necessary to check the finished products to ensure that they have the necessary parameters. If serious deviations are found between the finished products and the template, then the pipe bending equipment must be re-adjusted.

There are enough videos on the network that allow you to get acquainted with the operating features of electrically driven pipe bending units. Moreover, regardless of the design of the equipment, it uses the same kinematic scheme mechanism. This point must be taken into account if you decide to make a pipe bending machine with your own hands. And it’s best if you make your own drawing for the future machine.

A feature of homemade machines is that when using them, situations occur quite often when the workpieces being processed are flattened. This leads to the emergence at the crease bending area. Workpieces that have such defects are no longer suitable for use.

However, everyone has the power to avoid such unpleasant results. This can be achieved if you still initial stage bending technology will be developed on profile pipes with different sections. If you rely on practical experience, then today there are enough people who are interested in profile pipe bending services. First of all, this should include the owners of dachas, who often have to build greenhouses with their own hands. Such a service can be provided only on the condition that the entrepreneur resolves the issue with the main component, without which it is impossible to provide them - he buys a pipe bending machine.

In order for the selected equipment to most effectively solve the problem of bending products, you should take into account the following parameters:

  • design option, which can be portable or stationary;
  • control, which can be automatic or manual;
  • type of drive, which can be manual or electric.

If we talk about the price of a particular model, then the main attention should be paid to the options that are provided for the selected device. If the buyer is not interested in high precision products, then he may well limit himself to purchasing a machine with a simple design. There may also be an alternative - making a pipe bender yourself.

Making a machine with your own hands

If you are considering the option of making a pipe bender with your own hands, then the first thing you need to do is familiarize yourself with the drawing of the device.

In the design of such a device it is possible highlight the following elements:

  • bed;
  • conveyor;
  • bracket with guide corners;
  • top roller;
  • clamp.

The listed components are assembled separately, and upon completion of this work they proceed directly to assembling the machine as a whole. Even before starting the manufacture of a pipe bending machine, care should be taken to ensure that the materials, parts and devices necessary for the machine are available. You can complete the work of making a pipe bender if you have a welding machine and a set of tools. First you need prepare all the main elements, after which they begin work on assembling them in a certain sequence.

Bed assembly

A bed is an element that looks like a regular table or workbench. To obtain information about the required materials and components from which this device is assembled, you should look at the specification.

To make the legs, you can use a channel or pipe sections reaching a diameter of 100 mm.

If you plan to use welding to connect the main elements, then care should be taken to ensure that all complied with dimensions , which are shown in the drawing. Having finished assembling the frame and making sure that it is securely fastened, you can proceed to installing the conveyor.

Conveyor assembly and fastening

The conveyor is a structure in which there are two rollers located on opposite sides of the frame. For high-quality installation, you need to familiarize yourself with the conveyor drawing, which contains all the necessary information.

Particular attention should be paid to the chain sprocket on the shafts, which must be firmly and accurately fixed. Next, they begin to install the tension mechanism, the design of which also provides similar sprocket. The function of this part is to select the optimal tension level of the drive chain.

Assembling the clamping mechanism

You can usually choose a simple clamp for the role of the clamping mechanism. Moreover, it is important to rely on the data given in the drawing. In order for this element to function correctly, all installation dimensions must be observed.

If certain deviations are detected, the degree of pressure will be such that it will no longer be possible to guarantee the necessary accuracy in the manufacture of products. A similar approach should be followed when installing rolling rollers. When all the operations for assembling the clamping mechanism are completed, you need to make sure that the equipment is working properly by testing it in acceptable modes.

To carry out such tests, it is necessary to take pipes of different diameters. The bending operation itself is performed according to pre-calculated parameters.

Particular attention should be paid to ensure that there are no deviations between the results obtained and the calculated geometric dimensions. If we talk about a homemade pipe bender, then such a machine can be used to process not only ordinary round pipes, but also profile products. If you decide to manufacture pipe bending equipment in order to use it to regularly fulfill many orders, then you should take care to draw up instructions on the rules for its maintenance.

Machine Operation and Maintenance

Manual pipe bending equipment is distinguished by the fact that it is very easy to operate and at the same time during its operation malfunctions rarely occur. But, despite this, you should still regularly check the performance of its components and prevent exposure to aggressive factors environment.

The greatest threat to it is precipitation. First of all, the rolling rollers should be protected from contact with moisture, as this is fraught with the formation of rust. To solve this problem, you can use a tarpaulin shelter.

If the option was initially considered with the creation of a portable pipe bender, then a dry room should be used as a storage place for it. Having finished bending profile pipes, the machine must be put in order and dust, dirt and sand must be removed from its working units. In order for stationary machines for bending profile pipes equipped with an electric drive to demonstrate high productivity and operational efficiency over a long period of time, they must be provided with regular maintenance and preventive maintenance.


A machine for bending profile pipes seems to be an effective device with which you can quickly and easily special effort give any metal blanks required form. Moreover, to complete this task it is not necessary purchase a ready-made pipe bender. Having the necessary skills, each owner can make such a machine with his own hands. Having the drawings of each component at hand, you can make a pipe bending machine that will demonstrate high productivity.

It should be remembered that the pipe bending machine requires special attention. Maintenance is one of the important activities, the correct implementation of which will ensure a long service life of the machine. To do this, care must be taken to minimize the interaction of pipe bending equipment with negative factors that can reduce the service life of certain working components of the machine. Compliance similar recommendations will allow the pipe bending machine to properly perform its function of deforming metal products for many years.

The operating principle of a pipe bender determines its design. These are hand-held, portable and stationary tools, electrically driven, hydraulic. If you need to bend a pipe, the easiest solution is to buy a pipe bender in a store. But you can make a tool with your own hands from scrap materials.

There are several types of pipe benders, which differ in mechanism and principle of operation: hydraulic and pneumatic. Factory units that are driven by both types of drives do a good job of creating bends. Unfortunately, not everyone can use such devices or purchase a factory version, and mastering bending technology on factory machines without experience is problematic. What kind of pipe benders can you make with your own hands? What are the common bending techniques?

Manual homemade pipe bender for profile pipes

The homemade profile pipe bender is available in several variations. It all depends on the materials that are available when creating the equipment.

The most common is the frontal one, for the manufacture of which you will need:

When creating a machine with your own hands, you make the structure or some elements (rollers) from wood or polyurethane. During operation, it is necessary to calculate the strength of pipes (manufacturing material) that will undergo deformation. Otherwise the structure will not hold up.

Manual bending technology

In the process of bending a profile pipe in a homemade machine, the principle of rolling/rolling is carried out. Pipe bending using this method avoids kinks and damage. The result is an exact correspondence of the desired angle to the degree and size. In the unit, the pipe is inserted between the rollers and bends when the handle is rotated.

Stages of assembling a manual pipe bender

How to assemble a manual pipe bender:

  1. Prepare the metal frame for installing the components. The structure is secured by welding and bolted to ensure the strength of the entire equipment.
  2. Installation of the rotation axis and shafts, two of which are mounted above the third. Here the bending radius of the pipe depends on the distance at which the two lower cylinders are located from each other. Therefore, to adjust the deformation angle, install the rollers and stopper.
  3. The rotating mechanism is driven by a chain. The presence or absence of gears is taken into account here. There are only three of them. A chain from an old car, which is mounted on the shafts, is suitable.
  4. Attach a handle to one of the shafts. The element will create a torque force.

Video instruction. How to make a manual pipe bender

To manufacture a rolling machine for bending profile pipes you will need:

  • jack;
  • for the frame: metal profiles and shelf;
  • 4 high-strength springs;
  • 3 shafts;
  • chain and other elements.

Roll bending technology

During the bending process in the machine, the pipe is deformed at a given location. The pipe rests on the side rollers, a third one is lowered from above and thus the product is fixed. When the handle rotates, the chain sets the shafts in motion, and the pipe bends under the right angle.

How to make your own rolling pipe bender

How to make a rolling pipe bender:

  1. The pressure shaft consists of gears, rings and bearings secured through a key. Therefore, the main thing in the assembly process is turning the rollers and bearing races. The size of the shafts must correspond to the bearings and sprockets. The turning process is entrusted to the turner based on the drawings. There are three shafts, two of which are located on the sides, and the third is suspended on springs.
  2. The next step is to drill holes and cut threads in rings (for making grooves, threads for clamp bolts) with your own hands.
  3. Preparing a shelf from a channel - drill holes and cut threads to install the pressure shaft.
  4. The last stage is welding and installation work the entire structure. First, the frame (legs) is installed.
  5. Next, hang the shelf with the pressure shaft on springs and mount the side support shafts, which are connected with a chain. At the end, attach the handle to one of the side support shafts and mount the jack.

Aspects of work:

  • the pressure shaft is screwed through keys to the shelf;
  • The “suspended” pressure shaft is installed on a shelf. Nuts for the springs are welded to this base. Subsequently, the platform is turned over and attached to springs;
  • when tensioning chains, a magnetic corner is used as a holder;
  • in the process of screwing the sprockets, install keys prepared from an engraver;
  • the rotation handle is made with a rotating tube;
  • The jack is mounted on a “suspended” platform using bolts and welding.

How to make a hydraulic pipe bender at home

The hydraulic pipe bender for profile pipes is equipped with a hydraulic cylinder, bars, a pressure device and pipe stops. Making such a unit at home is a labor-intensive process.

Equipment details:

  • hydraulic jack (not less than 5 tons);
  • shoe;
  • several rollers (2-3);
  • channel;
  • metal plates and other parts.

Hydraulic bending technology

The bending process involves deforming a given section of pipe using a hydraulically driven jack. The pipe is inserted into the shoe and both ends are secured. Engage the jack by turning the handle slowly. The force created by the hydraulic drive is transmitted to the roller - the pipe is bent at the desired angle. The work can be stopped at any time; the pipe can be pulled out by making a couple of turns of the handle in the opposite direction, that is, releasing the pressure of the roller.

How to make a hydraulic bending machine

We make a hydraulic bending machine with our own hands:

  1. A channel structure is pre-prepared where the shoe and rollers will be located. Then the frame of the machine is made of similar metal.
  2. The last platform of the structure is reinforced with metal plates. Subsequently, a jack will be mounted on this shelf. Secure the device with bolts and attach the handle.
  3. The difficulty is finding or making rollers that should wrap around the pipe. The parts are mounted in a rectangular channel at an equal height. The shoe is installed lower. The arrangement of the parts determines the specified bend radius.
  4. The rollers and shoe are secured with bolts. The holes are prepared in advance.

Video instruction. How to make a hydraulic pipe bender

When bending pipes, it is necessary to know the diameter of the material and the principles of the process. This will ensure correct deformation of the material without overload or kinks. On machines using hydraulics, it is possible to bend a section of pipe with heating, which allows you to bend products with large thickness walls made of durable alloys and polymer materials.

Hot and cold pipe bending methods

Pipe deformation is carried out in two ways:

Cold bending is used for pipes made of plastic material. As a rule, these are small-sized products made of copper, aluminum and other materials (except cast iron), metal-plastic. The process is carried out using machines or a mechanical pipe bender. For better bend Before deformation, sand, salt are poured into the pipe, or oil and water (ice) are poured into it.

Tatyana Pronina, expert

The second method is used to deform pipes with increased ring rigidity (stainless steel, etc.). The method can be used for all types of pipes, except metal-plastic.

Table of minimum pipe bending radii

Where the smallest bending radius is R, the pipe diameter in mm is d, the minimum length of the straight section is Lmin.

How to make a template for bending pipes along a radius

Most simple method is pipe bending according to a template. The principle is to deform the material by applying it to a wooden structure with a radius of curvature. The method is suitable for aluminum and steel pipes with small wall thickness.

The template is cut out from wooden planks, which are fastened together with bolts or in another most convenient way. The entire structure is bolted to a table or other stable base.

The thickness of the template, where the pipe is directly applied, is several centimeters greater than the diameter of the pipe being bent. The end of this part (the edge of the template) is cut at an angle so that the pipe does not slide off the ledge.

An emphasis is mounted on the template. A pipe is inserted between it and the base of the template and gently pressed - the material bends.

  1. If you are assembling a manual rolling pipe bender for profile materials, then you can not use sprockets, but build a structure with a drive on one roller. But the mechanism will periodically slip. The clamping screw can be replaced with a jack.
  2. When making the template, use hooks attached to the wood to prevent the pipe from slipping.
  3. If you have to bend a pipe under a large radius, it is better to make a unit with three rollers.
  4. The greater the distance between the rollers, the less force is applied for bending. To change the bending radius, first provide for the possibility of the rollers moving horizontally relative to each other.

Video lesson on bending profile pipes

Bending profile pipes at home is carried out using various pipe benders, assembled with your own hands. Professional engineers and hobbyists are increasingly improving homemade equipment and sharing their discoveries on the Internet.

Do you have your own method for bending profile pipes? What tools have you collected yourself? Share with us in the comments.

Making a profile bender with your own hands: step-by-step instructions with photographs

Profile pipes have a wide range of applications, are indispensable in construction, and therefore are necessary for a variety of purposes: the construction of fences, playgrounds, various types of supports. For example, if you decide to make a greenhouse with your own hands on your personal plot, you will have to bend the profile.

Personal pipe bender

The required bending radius can only be made using a special device - a pipe bender, which looks like a machine. There is a wide range of profile benders on sale, both domestic and foreign production. However, there is another option - homemade pipe bender for profile pipe. It is advisable to make a machine with your own hands if you need to bend only a few products and do not want to buy an expensive tool.

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Types and application of profile benders

Bending profile products is one of the most difficult operations, because without the use of special devices, giving the profile the required shape becomes almost impossible. Manufacturers offer the following types of profile benders to choose from:

  • Manual PG-1;
  • Manual PG-2;
  • Manual PG-4.

Using any of the industrial pipe benders simplifies the bending process and saves time and effort.

Manual PG-1

However, in order to save money, you can do manual profile bender with your own hands. Its production does not require large financial costs; most of the materials can be purchased at ferrous metal collection points at a minimal cost. At the same time, such a machine will not be inferior to the factory one in terms of efficiency, only it will not look as beautiful in appearance.

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Materials for the manufacture of profile bending

Making a pipe bender for a profile with your own hands will require preliminary preparation of materials. The list is quite large, but the cost of each individual item is insignificant:

  1. The corner with which the frame is made.
  2. Pipes or profiles on which the machine will stand.
  3. Shafts for bending. They can be made by a turner.
  4. Chain mechanism.
  5. Tensioner.
  6. Shaft guide.
  7. Driving element.
  8. A handle that can be made from any metal available on the farm.
  9. Channel fastening.
  10. Bolts.

In addition to preparing the materials, you should select the desired profile bending drawing in advance.

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Drawings for making the device

Drawings for making a profile bender are different. Masters share them with great pleasure and you can choose absolutely any one. The only thing you should pay attention to Special attention– the diagram must include accurate measurements of each element, otherwise the machine may simply not work. To make a pipe bender with your own hands, you can choose a drawing from the following options:

Drawing for making a pipe bender

Drawing for making a pipe bender with your own hands

After the drawing has been selected and studied in detail, you can move on to the most important stage - the actual production.

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Pipe bender manufacturing process

Since bending profile pipes is quite difficult, you will need a winch or hydraulic mechanism. Also, to make it yourself, welding is necessary, with the help of which individual metal elements are connected to each other.

The machine manufacturing process itself can be divided into several stages:

When the work is completed, you can begin testing the device. It is enough to take any profile and put it on the machine. Then, by rotating the handle, move the shafts and thereby bend the pipe. The profile easily and quickly acquires the required bending radius. Such a machine will become an indispensable device in any private home or country house. A homemade profile bender can be used for the construction of any structures with metal frame, and its production will require mere pennies.

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DIY pipe bender

Interesting on the topic:

DIY machine for bending profile pipes: drawings, video

Profile pipes are used for production various designs and objects: greenhouses, canopies, gazebos, furniture sets, and all this can be done using a machine for bending profile pipes with your own hands.

In case of urgent need, any pipe can be bent using available means. However, the quality of such a product will be a priori low.

Manufacture the part with precise geometric parameters only possible on a machine.

Profile pipe bending technology

Any metal product has hardness and strength.

To bend a metal rod or profile pipe, you need to apply forces that can change the geometric shape of the original workpiece.

This operation can only be performed using a special mechanism called a pipe bending machine.

The main function of the machine is to ensure gentle deformation of the workpiece. This deformation is carried out due to the forces exerted by the worker or the electric motor.

Along with an electric drive, the machine design uses a pneumatic or hydraulic press.

Today, enterprises use pipe bending machines two types:

  • with manual drive;
  • with electric drive.

A drawing of the simplest device for bending profile pipes is presented below. With certain skills, such a machine can be made with your own hands. The performance of such a device will be low.

The simplest pipe benders are used in housing and communal services.

Enterprises engaged in mass production of products are equipped with electric-powered pipe bending units.

Here the final products meet the strict requirements of standards and technical specifications.

When starting to release the next product, you need to re-configure the equipment. In this case, a unit for bending profile pipes. This should be done in the following way.

First, a template is installed in the machine that matches geometric shapes future product. Then all elements of the machine are adjusted.

After customization, you need to “bend” several copies of the product and compare it with the template.

In the process of manufacturing a large batch of products, random inspection should be periodically carried out to ensure compliance with the specified parameters.

In case of significant deviations from the template, the machine is set up again.

Machine design

The video shows how an electrically driven pipe bending unit works. The kinematic diagram of the mechanism, which is used in machines of different designs, is the same.

When starting to make such a machine with your own hands, you need to remember this. It is preferable to make a drawing of the machine yourself.

During operation homemade machine pipes are often flattened. At the bend site, creases form. Such products are not suitable for further use.

To prevent similar results in the future, it is necessary to initially develop the bending technology on profile pipes of different sections.

Everyday practice shows that the service of bending profile pipes is in demand among a certain category of the population. In particular, among summer residents who build greenhouses with their own hands.

To provide such a service, entrepreneurs prefer to purchase a pipe bending machine.

When choosing, you need to pay attention to the following features of the machine:

  • portable or stationary;
  • With automatic control or with manual;
  • with manual or electric drive.

The cost of a specific model is determined by the options that the unit is equipped with. If high precision of products is not required, then you can purchase a simpler design or make a pipe bender yourself.

DIY machine

When deciding to make a pipe bender with your own hands, you need to study the drawing of the device in detail.

The unit consists of the following components:

  1. bed;
  2. conveyor;
  3. bracket with guide corners;
  4. top roller;
  5. clamp.

Each unit is assembled separately, after which the machine as a whole is assembled.

Before starting production, it is necessary to prepare all the materials, parts and devices that make up the machine.

To work, you will need a welding machine and a set of tools. The first step is to prepare all the main elements, and then assemble them in a certain sequence.

Bed assembly

The shape of the bed is regular table or workbench. Source materials and components are specified in the specification.

You can use a channel as legs or use pipe sections with a diameter of 100 mm.

When assembling, which is performed by welding, you must strictly adhere to the overall dimensions indicated in the drawing.

After the frame is assembled and fixed, a conveyor needs to be installed on it.

Conveyor assembly and fastening

The conveyor consists of two rollers, which are mounted on opposite sides of the frame. The conveyor drawing contains all the necessary data to complete the installation.

It is very important to accurately and securely fasten the chain sprockets to the shafts. The next step is to attach the tensioning mechanism, which also has the same sprocket.

It is designed to regulate the degree of tension of the drive chain.

Assembling the clamping mechanism

An ordinary clamp is used as a clamping mechanism. And at this stage it is necessary to be guided by the data indicated in the drawing. It is important to maintain all installation dimensions.

If there are any deviations, the degree of clamping will not provide adequate accuracy in the manufacture of products. In the same way, rolling rollers must be installed with the required accuracy.

Upon completion of assembly, it is necessary to test the device in acceptable modes.

For this purpose pipes are taken various diameters, which must be bent according to predetermined parameters.

It is important that the specified geometric dimensions strictly correspond to the results obtained.

In this context, it should be noted that the assembled pipe bender can work with both ordinary pipes round section, and with profile products.

The video shows a profile bending machine that you assembled yourself.

If it is planned to organize regular execution of orders on the machine, then instructions should be developed on the rules for its maintenance.

Machine Operation and Maintenance

Manual machine for bending profile pipes is simple and trouble-free to use. At the same time, it must be kept in order and protected from aggressive environmental influences.

First of all, from rain and snow. The formation of rust on rolling rollers is not allowed. This can be done using a tarpaulin cover. The portable pipe bender must be stored in a dry place.

After use, the machine is cleaned of dust, dirt and sand. Stationary machines for bending profile pipes with electric drive require regular maintenance and prevention.

The electric motor must be inspected at least once a year.

Both manual and electric machines require maintenance. When moving the machine from one site to another, you should protect it from possible damage during loading and unloading.

After installation in a new location, you need to check the quality of fastening of all components and lubricate the axes of all rollers. Worn parts should be promptly replaced with new ones.

When storing the pipe bender for a long time, all unpainted surfaces must be coated with a preservation lubricant.

With strict adherence to the rules of operation, maintenance and storage, the unit for bending profile pipes will serve for a long time and reliably.

Do-it-yourself pipe bender for a profile pipe - architectural forms without extra costs

In processing, a corrugated pipe is no more difficult than a round one, however, when bending it, some features must be taken into account.

How to bend a profile pipe - the simplest pipe bender

It is not necessary to make a complex device of rolls, levers and a frame. For bending profile pipes of small cross-section, it is enough simple way For example:

Sand filling

Sand, preferably fine river sand, is poured into the internal cavity of the workpiece. The sand is pre-sifted and dried. The holes at the ends are plugged with plugs. Next, the profile pipe is bent around a template of the required shape.

If necessary, the bend area can be preheated with a blowtorch or gas torch. IMPORTANT! With this method, it is necessary to control the side walls of the workpiece. If you exceed the critical radius, the pipe will collapse like a house of cards.

Filling with water

In fact, bending a profile with water is pointless. Therefore, it must first be frozen. To do this, the pipe is plugged on one side with a stopper (ordinary plasticine can be used), filled with water and exposed to the cold.

The frozen corrugated pipe is bent on a template. Of course, you cannot use a torch or blowtorch, otherwise the whole point of filling with ice will be lost. This method is good for bending thin-walled copper or aluminum pipes.

Spring (homemade mandrel)

A spring is first wound from steel wire, the dimensions of which are 3-5% smaller than the internal section of the profile. The finished equipment is placed inside, and the corrugated pipe can be bent in the traditional way around the template. After completion of the work, the spring is removed, leveled and can be reused.

Cutting and welding

The following method is applicable when the bend radius is small and the profile is thick-walled and durable. Segments are cut out from the inside of the intended bend using a grinder, the geometry of which is calculated before starting work.

The pipe is bent to the required radius, and the closed edges of the cutouts are welded in any way. For aesthetics, welding areas are ground with a grinder.

To work with more serious profile dimensions and characteristics, a special tool is required.

On an industrial scale, profiled moldings are bent using special machines, many of which are equipped with CNC. This does not mean at all that the process cannot be repeated at home. At a minimum, there are manual pipe benders for profile pipes that can handle fairly large cross-sections and small bending radii.

Do-it-yourself profile pipe bender of rolling type

The installation can be either portable or stationary. The drive is provided by muscle force or by an electric motor with a gearbox.

Operating principle manual pipe bender one - the corrugated pipe rests on spaced-apart roller stops, between them there is a thrust roller that presses on the workpiece. The profile is stretched horizontally, simultaneously bending along a given radius. The diagram reveals the design and main components of the device.

Rollers for a pipe bender can be cylindrical or grooved, it depends on the size and characteristics of the workpiece. Flat and wide profiles are convenient to roll on even rollers; narrow and high profiles require guide grooves.

The most popular are universal rollers. If necessary, you can put guide washers on the cylindrical base.

Homemade pipe benders are most often made on the basis of this design. They are suitable for professional pipes of almost any size and do not require expensive elements during assembly. All parts, with the exception of the rollers, can be found in your storerooms. The drawing of a manual pipe bender clearly demonstrates the simplicity of the design.

Most home craftsmen use a manual drive, since speed is not needed for such work. However, if you need to produce a large piece of bent corrugated pipe, mechanization is used. Using a simple chain reducer and powerful drill, you can reach the industrial level of production of bent profiles.

Don't be intimidated by the complexity of manufacturing and searching for the necessary components. The cost of services for the production of blanks from corrugated pipes is so high that the production homemade device will significantly save your money. Abundance homemade options profile bending machines only confirms these words.

A self-made pipe bender easily bends a square pipe

For example, here is a structure made from decommissioned and discarded industrial electrical equipment. The two-shaft gearbox was sawn in half and served as support rollers. The lowering part is connected to three-phase electric motor, on which the trigger mechanism has been modified for single-phase power supply.

Both shafts are synchronized with a motorcycle chain and gears from the same bike. The thrust roller is driven using a conventional “Zhiguli” diamond-shaped jack. The machine turned out to be so successful that it outperforms its factory counterparts in terms of productivity. And the costs are a couple of half-liters for the work of a welder.

In the video, the master talks about the dimensions of a homemade pipe bender for a profile pipe. The manual pipe bender was made with your own hands from scrap material that was found in the barn and turned out to be quite high quality. during operation, the pipe turns out exactly along the arc and is not driven by a “screw”.

Lever pipe bender for profile

Bending a profile pipe at small radii is not as easy as bending a round one. Even heating or filling the cavity with sand will not help. This is due to the peculiarity of the geometry. It is impossible for the flat side walls to bend without forming breaks, and the inner plane of the inner radius folds like an accordion, spreading the profile out to the sides.

Therefore, the bending radius of the profile is much larger than that of a simple pipe.

However, even for such workpieces there are small-radius lever pipe benders that operate on the rolling-in principle. The profile is, as it were, wound onto a template of a given radius, pressing against it using a guide roller mounted on the lever. The trick is in the template video profile.

In the middle of the recess there is a protruding part that presses the plane of the inner radius into the profile cavity.

Due to this, the tension on the walls is relieved, and all the “excess” metal goes inside without spoiling appearance blanks. The same thing happens with the outer radius plane, only special rollers are not needed for this. The profile geometry comes into effect.

Another way to bend a profile with a small radius is a rolling pipe bender with a guide.

The template seems to be rolled along the mating part of the machine, constantly monitoring the condition of the profile. With this method, the geometry of the workpiece is preserved as much as possible. If the process is accompanied by intense heating, the quality of the bend will increase significantly.

However, this method is applicable only in industrial conditions using powerful gearboxes or hydraulic drives.

IMPORTANT! Bending a corrugated pipe to a small radius is possible either on a square profile or on the wide side of a rectangular section. It is not allowed to bend a vertically located corrugated pipe to such radii.

If there is a need for rounding along the narrow side, then you will have to cut out the sectors with a grinder and then weld the seams (see the beginning of the article).

In fact, it is not often necessary to bend a profile pipe to small radii. It must be remembered that the profile loses its strength qualities at the bend. Therefore, when creating structures that use angles close to 90 degrees, it is better to cut the workpiece and weld it at the desired angle.

Cold forging

Another area of ​​application for small radii is the manufacture of figured jewelry.

The technology is called “cold forging”. Devices for this type of work can be purchased at the store or you can also make it yourself. Such devices are not widely used, but if you master the technology, you can decorate your Vacation home original elements from a banal square profile.

By using the tips from this article, you will expand your range of craftsmanship and save money.

Examples from life on how I made a pipe bender with my own hands

Do-it-yourself pipe bender for a profile pipe - architectural forms at no extra cost Link to main publication

When arranging a site or preparing for the dacha season, the need arises for arches made of profile pipes. They are needed when constructing a greenhouse, assembling or canopy. It is expensive to buy already bent arches - the price is twice as high as for the same flat rolled products. The solution is to do it yourself, and to make the process easier (it’s very difficult to do by hand) you need to make a pipe bender for the profile pipe. You will need channels or corners, rolling rollers and some other details. Among the tools - a grinder with a metal disc, welding machine, ruler.

Profile bender design

The machine for bending profile pipes is structurally different from the usual one. This is due, firstly, to the greater resistance of the profile to bending loads, and secondly, to the fact that the bending radius usually required is large. Therefore, the design contains three rollers. Two of them are installed permanently, one remains movable. Using a movable roller, the radius of curvature changes. In general, there are two types of pipe benders for profile pipes: with a middle movable roller and with an outer one (right or left, as desired).

Pipe bender with middle movable roller

The two outermost rollers are fixedly mounted on the body. They are raised above the plane of the base. For the middle roller, a special U-shaped frame is welded. A long, large-diameter clamping screw is installed in the middle of its jumper. A third bead is attached to the lower end of this screw (can be welded). By rotating this screw, the roller lowers and rises, changing the bending radius of the profile pipe.

A cloud is welded to one of the stationary rollers, with the help of which the pipe is rolled through the machine. To make it possible to apply less effort for rolling, two stationary rollers are connected using a chain. To effectively transmit torque, sprockets are welded to the rollers (possibly from a bicycle), and a chain is selected for them. This simple mechanism makes bending a profile pipe much easier.

With extreme movable roller

In this design, the right or left roller is made movable. It moves along with part of the base. This part is connected to the rest of the frame using powerful metal hinges.

Drawing bending machine for profile pipes with lifting platform

You can change the height using a jack, as shown in the drawing. The height of the platform in this case is selected depending on the height of the jack. The bending radius is changed by lifting the movable part of the table.

Unlike the previous design, this pipe bender for a profile pipe is driven from the central roller - a handle is welded to it. To reduce the required force, you can also weld the sprocket to two fixed rollers and transmit torque using a chain.

What materials and design details are needed?

The base of the pipe bender is made from a channel or two welded angles. The thickness of the shelves is at least 3 mm; select the width of the shelves and the back of the channel to match the existing parts. One rule - the base must be massive and reliable.

Several holes can be made along the edges of the platform. Through them you can fix the machine to some heavy base using large diameter self-tapping screws. Fixation is necessary, since when bending pipes with a thick wall, significant forces have to be applied and it is more convenient to work if the machine is firmly fixed.

A few words about rollers. They must be made of good, high-quality, preferably hardened steel. It is on the rollers and on the axles that hold them that most of the load falls.

It should also be said about the shape of the rollers. They should not be smooth - there should be rollers along the edges that will prevent the pipe from “walking” during rolling. Only under such conditions will the arc from the profile pipe be smooth and not twisted. Ideally, each pipe size needs its own rollers. But then the design becomes more complicated - they need to be made removable, thought out reliable way fastenings The second option is to make videos of complex shapes, such as in the photo. Carve a few steps under different sizes pipes

In the same photo you can see that the upper part of the bed is not smooth, but toothed. With the help of such teeth, the rollers can be rearranged to different distances and thus also adjust the bending radius.

In general, homemade bending machines for profile pipes are assembled from what is at hand or what they can find/buy inexpensively. Those who have the opportunity grind out the rollers and insert bearings. Those who don’t have such an opportunity use what they have, right down to the bushings from bicycle wheels. In general, you need to understand the design and

Tricks to make pipe bending easier

To make the rollers move better, bearings are used. But, in principle, for a homemade pipe bender, which will be used only occasionally, you can simply make holders from a corner or channel. Make a hole in them that is slightly larger in size than the axis on which the roller will be mounted. Pass the axle with the roller on through the holes of the holders and somehow fix them (at least weld on a couple of points that will be stoppers). During operation, for better performance, lubricate the rubbing areas with a thick lubricant such as Litol. This is not suitable for industrial and semi-industrial production, but it’s just right for making arcs for a greenhouse or gazebo with your own hands.

There is one more trick that helps reduce the required force when bending a profile pipe. You can use the principle of increasing gears as in a bicycle. By the way, you can use bicycle sprockets. In this case, the handle that drives the rollers is welded to a small star. It is installed somewhere on the body. Sprockets are welded onto the shaft axis bigger size(but teeth with the same pitch). All this is connected by a suitable chain.

With such a torque transmission device, an electric drive is not needed - it will be easy to work

And one more improvement - if you constantly use a pipe bender for a profile pipe, it makes sense to mechanize it. In this case, they install a motor that operates at low speeds.

The procedure for bending a profile pipe on homemade machines

It is unlikely that you will be able to obtain the required bending radius in one go - too much force is required for this. It is impossible to create it manually. Receive the required bend in several passes:

  • First, the rollers are aligned so as to obtain a slight bend, the pipe is rolled in one direction, then removed from the rolls, unfolded and inserted on the other side. It is necessary to unfold in order to obtain an evenly curved pipe.
  • With the same position of the rollers, it is pulled several times until the curvature is no longer added.
  • If the required bending radius is not achieved, change the position of the roller and repeat the steps again.

The change in bending radius is achieved gradually, otherwise you will not be able to make an arc from a profile pipe using a homemade pipe bender. What to do if you need to repeat the same bend? Make a graduation - note to what height the roller moved, how many times it was rolled in each position. When repeated, the differences, if any, will be insignificant.

The difficulty of bending lies in the fact that there is no scale and it is difficult to obtain the intended bending radius without experience. Sooner or later you will get it, but you can spoil a lot of material in the process.

Video materials

Explanations and photos are good, but seeing the assembly process or the operation of the finished unit is much more useful. The first video shows the process of assembling (welding) a manual pipe bender for a profile pipe. The option with a movable middle roller was selected.

Second video about work simple pipe bender with a movable platform. This option is not suitable for large sections, but it can bend a small cross-section pipe up to 40*40 mm.

How to bend a profile pipe without a machine

There are two ways to make an arc from a profile pipe without a profile bender - using welding and a template. Let's start with welding.

Get an arc by welding

The profile pipe is cut with a grinder on one side. They are made every 15-30 cm, depending on the required radius, cross-section and wall thickness. The cuts should not touch one side - the one that will be on the outside.

The spare part prepared in this way is bent, giving the desired bend. For reliability, the edges of the arc can be fixed by welding a rod to them. Then welding is carried out along all the cuts, welding them. And the last stage is grinding the weld spots and treating them with anti-corrosion compounds.

Using a template

Thin-walled profiled pipes can be bent by hand using templates. If you need a special shape, it can be cut out of a piece of thick plywood or chipboard and secured to the table using clamps. On the workbench where we will bend the pipes, make about 8-10 holes. The template is placed near these holes.

The holes are repeated at one end of the pipe; with their help, the pipe is attached to the workbench. Now the free end of the pipe begins to be pulled smoothly, forming a bend that follows the shape. You need to pull smoothly, without jerking.

The template can also be made on the ground. Pipes-pegs are driven into the ground (at least half a meter deep). They form the required arc. For emphasis, two additional stakes are driven in, which are located to the side of the arc. The distance you need to step aside is slightly greater than the width of the pipe.

Having inserted the pipe, it is pulled towards the arc. Great efforts are required, the work is hard. This can only be achieved with a thin-walled, seamless pipe. The suture has too much resistance in the seam area. It is very difficult to overcome it manually.

Hello. Today I want to tell you about my homemade pipe bender that I made this winter.
I've been thinking about building a machine like this for a long time. With its help, you can roll profile pipes, giving them an arc shape. This operation is in great demand - you can assemble, for example, a greenhouse, a canopy, a canopy over the entrance. You can give an interesting shape to the top edge of a gate or metal fence...

And this winter I found time and started doing this homemade project. When designing, I considered the following points:
Considering that I am not going to use it professionally, I decided to make a relatively lightweight design, which is also easy to transport and will not take up much space during storage. (After all, I will bend pipes either near the house or at the dacha. I will not use it every year. And I certainly won’t have to bend large-section pipes). Therefore powerful stationary structure With a large resource, I decided not to do it...

There are many descriptions of similar machines on the Internet. Their operating principle is the same - they are based on three shafts, one of which is movable in vertical plane. It is he who bends the pipe and, rolling along these shafts, it takes the shape of an arc.

... Basically, they are all divided into two types:
1. With a “breaking” frame:

2. With a movable central carriage.

The second type is more compact (albeit more complex), so I decided to do just that.

In turn, pipe benders with a movable central carriage are also divided into two types: With a driving central shaft and with two driving outer shafts connected to each other by a drive chain.

If you make the central shaft leading, then it is possible to easily change the distance between the outer ones, which will provide additional adjustment of the work depending on the cross-section (and therefore rigidity) of various profile pipes.

At first I doubted whether there would be slippage if only one drive shaft was used, but after observing a pipe bender with one drive shaft in operation, I realized that for not very large sections this force is quite enough. But I’m not going to bend pipes with a height greater than, for example, 60 mm... That’s why I settled on such a device.

And after some time, I got a pipe bender, which you will see in this video:

So, in more detail... I needed:
1. Old faulty hydraulic jack
2. Profile pipes of various sections.
3. Circle with a diameter of 40 mm, a length of 500 mm.
4. Bearings 6206 4pcs
5. Bearings 6202 8 pcs.
6. Channel No. 65
7. Thrust bearings 2 pcs.
8. Hardware (bolts, nuts, washers, cotter pins)

I started by making the main working elements - shafts. I had a 40 mm round timber, half a meter long. It was possible to take a thicker one, but... I had this one!))). Therefore, I sawed it into three parts. Two - 130 mm each, and one - all that remains))))). On lathe machined shafts for bearings (up to 30 mm diameter)

The shafts are ready. I started assembling the carriage. I decided to make it from the 65th channel - the 206th bearings fit well into it...

After I cut the channel to the required length, I drilled a hole in its center and welded it across the sides along the corner:

After that I started making the center screw. I took it from an old hydraulic jack that I found on scrap metal. When I was sure that it would never be a jack again, I decided to use it.

The screw itself had a diameter of 30 mm. I drilled through its end with an 8mm drill blind hole, hammered a pin in there and grabbed it with welding:

The screw in the jack was screwed into the piston. I cut off the top part (with thread) and another ring, 20 mm wide.

I put this ring on the screw, inserted the screw itself with a pin into the hole in the carriage and welded the ring to the carriage:

This will be the seat for the support shim. (I selected it according to the outer diameter)

I screwed a nut onto the stud and drilled a hole in the nut and in the stud:

It was only possible in high heels, but it seemed safer to me. The nut can now be secured with a cotter pin after assembling the assembly. And the assembly, as you guessed, consists of a screw, a bearing, a carriage, a second bearing and a nut.

Now, when pressed, the screw will rest against the carriage through the upper bearing, and when lifted, the carriage will hang on it through the lower one.
On the sides of the carriage I welded a piece of 50 by 20 profile pipe - these will be the guides, and in the corners I drilled holes and cut M6 threads. The bolts securing the drive shaft clamps will be screwed into them.

I cut out the bearing mounting clamps themselves from tin - there is no need for strength there, as long as the shaft does not fall when the carriage is lifted:

Next I started making the top plate. It needs to be made very strong - it will bear all the force of the screw when it bends the pipe. Therefore, I made it from the same 65 channel. Since for the vertical racks I decided to use a 50 by 25 profile pipe (the distance between the flanges of the 65th channel is exactly 50 mm. The racks will fit into it and are secured with M10 bolts and nuts), then the width of the top plate should be 50 mm larger carriage width (2 times 25). I cut two such pieces of channel.

Another one was cut into half and spread lengthwise:

I inserted the threaded part cut from the jack piston into the center:

I cooked everything and trimmed off the excess:

Next, I started making the frame. It was also assembled from a profile pipe. I took the cross section 60 by 30:

I decided to make three positions for each shaft. I also made the mountings for the bearings from a profile pipe, so I cut 12 identical pieces of 50 mm each. (Here, and not only here, mine, which I told you about in a previous publication, helped me a lot):

After which I welded vertical posts and bearing mountings to the frame:

And also four “ears” along the edges. Holes will later be drilled in them for attaching the pipe bender with screws to the workbench.

The main part is ready. You can start pre-assembly:

I welded a piece of 20 by 20 pipe to the screw on top. I left it long. I decided that during the testing process, if it gets in the way, I will cut it off and use a removable lever made of a 15 by 15 pipe, which is inserted inside... But, looking ahead, I will say that this was not required. The lever really interferes with turning the drive handle if it is turned a quarter turn (it sticks out across the pipe bender). But it turned out that tightening the screw at half-turn intervals is quite normal.

Next, I started making the drive handle...I decided to make the handle itself from a 15 by 15 profile pipe and a stud. I drilled a hole at the end, inserted a piece of M14 stud into it, welded it and cleaned it:

Now you need to make a bend on the lever itself - the pipe bender will be installed on the edge of a table or workbench.

Next, connect it to the shaft. I decided in advance to make it not only removable, but also so that it would turn over and in the transport position would not dangle or cling. I made this profile on the shaft:

Then I drilled a blind hole and cut an M8 thread in it. The handle will be placed on the shaft and secured through a washer with a wing bolt.

Now we need to make a hub on the handle. I used corner scraps:

Then, like a sculptor, I cut off everything unnecessary :)))))

The lever is ready. On the handle itself (which I have made from an M14 pin), I simply put a piece of polyethylene water pipe and tightened the cap nut.

In general, I would like to dwell separately on my use of cap nuts. I often use them if I need an axis of rotation. By selecting correct length axle, you can screw in the cap nut and tighten it with maximum force - it will rest against the axle with the cap and will not unscrew easily. Of course, it is not worth fixing the axle on which, for example, a wheel is located, in this way, without a cotter pin, but for “unimportant” axles, such as “curtains” on which something opens and closes, this is quite suitable.

Let's return to the pipe bender... As I already said, such a moment as a very simple reinstallation of the shafts was important to me. (Because, knowing, for example, myself, I am sure that I will not use the option until the last minute if it is difficult to use... For example, if the shafts were close, and a pipe came across with a large cross-section, I would try carefully roll it in this position of the shafts, if to change it you would have to unscrew a lot of nuts... And most likely, it would crush...). That is why I made the bearing mounting points from a profile pipe. The shaft is simply inserted into the right pair racks

But this design contradicted my other requirement - mobility! After all, when moving the machine, the shafts would have to be removed and moved separately... At the same time, the bearings would have to be removed from them (I machined them for a loose fit and they can fall off). This didn't suit me. Therefore, I decided to make a part that would press the bearings from above and fix them. I took two sections of profile pipe, section 50 by 20 mm, wall 2 mm.

After which I cut them lengthwise along the wide part, dividing the wall into 10 and 40 mm. At the same time, on the other hand, I marked this size in a mirror way. I ended up with four blanks like this:

Considering that the width of the 206th bearing is 15 mm, it fits quite tightly inside this workpiece.
I measured the required length, I cut the rest like this:

After that, I bent the upper part down 90 degrees, making a corresponding angle cut:

I cut out this “tooth” on them:

Now I installed both shafts on one side of the pipe bender, put the resulting parts on them, vertical posts, having drilled through, I attached them with long M4 screws with cap nuts (they turned out to be axles). In front, I bent the strips of side walls sticking out towards each other towards each other. Now, if we rivet them together, we will get a U-shaped cover, which, when lowered down, will cover the shaft bearings and fix them tightly: