What material is better for a wok? Wok (frying pan): what is it? Wok frying pan: recipes, reviews, price. Rules for using an iron wok

Dishes asian cuisine attract the attention of many housewives. Having tasted dishes in a Chinese restaurant that were prepared using a wok, some decide to purchase such a device for use at home. What is special about such dishes and what is it needed for? How to use this device? How to choose good frying pan? And how to properly care for it so that the product lasts for more than one year? The answers to these questions will be given in this article.

The word “wok” means “frying pan” in Chinese. There are many words in this language that mean specific type cooking, and “wok” is the process of frying in a special frying pan. This device has a number of features adapted for cooking:

  1. Rounded bottom - thanks to its unusual shape, the fire evenly touches the walls and bottom, heating them equally.
  2. Thin walls - because of this, the product is fried so quickly that it forms a crust, sealing the juices and nutrients inside it.
  3. Handle shape - during cooking you have to hold the pan directly above the fire, so handles are often made long. Such devices have an additional small handle.

This device is used for in various ways cooking, but it is intended for frying foods. They should be processed at the highest possible temperature of 200 degrees. Dishes can be prepared with or without oil. To prepare food on such a device, it is recommended to use all kinds of sauces.

Product benefits

The wok frying pan has gained its popularity thanks to a large list of its advantages. Knowing how this cookware is used and how to cook food in it correctly will allow you to get tasty and healthy foods. The most significant benefits of the Chinese wok are described below.

Cooking speed

The purpose of this cookware is to cook at the highest possible temperature. Thanks to the heating of the walls (from 200 degrees and above), the product is processed very quickly. The deep shape of this frying pan allows you to cook food in large portions in a short period of time.


A wok pan is designed for frying foods. However, it is also used for cooking, stewing, and combined processing methods. The popularity of this item is explained by its functionality.

Food quality

Those who watch their diet need a wok. The vessel allows for cooking food with minimal or no fat. A Chinese frying pan is suitable for cooking food based on sauces.


Modern manufacturers We took care of the ease of use of this cookware on electric, induction and other types of stoves. The manufacture of wok pans with modified handles has become popular. Depending on the needs and intended scope of application in the modern market, it is easy to choose the most convenient option.


Asian cooking methods are becoming increasingly popular. Some people buy such a frying pan for home, but due to some of its shortcomings, using of this instrument becomes inferior or absent altogether. Therefore, before purchasing such a frying pan, you should be aware of its disadvantages.

Among them are:

  1. Non-standard sizes. Such a tool may not be located on every stove and not in every oven.
  2. The need to purchase special blades. The shape and coating of the frying pan require careful handling, so you won’t be able to use the item without additional tools.
  3. Ability to operate a pen. Not everyone can hold a frying pan filled with food. Some manufacturers make handles from low-quality material, and they heat up quickly. Cooking food in such a device becomes incomplete or even impossible.


There are a huge number of varieties of this tool on the modern market. There are devices with a wide variety of external and internal coating, with interesting handles, even has an electric wok. Knowing the features of each of them, you can choose the highest quality and most suitable option.

External material

Depending on the outer coating of the frying pan, the durability, design, and heating rate of the item are determined. The options described below are the most common and in demand.

  • Teflon - this material is resistant to the aggressive effects of acids, alkalis and moderate temperatures. Using a non-stick frying pan requires special working conditions, as well as the presence of special plastic or wooden paddles for mixing. Otherwise, scratches will appear on the coating, and such dishes will quickly become unusable. The Teflon coating can be destroyed under the influence of high temperatures, and if the protective layer is damaged, the frying pan begins to release harmful toxins.
  • Granite is a safe coating that remains durable during cooking. However, it is sensitive to scratches. Caring for instruments with this coating should be especially careful.
  • Titanium - this coating is environmentally friendly and even with prolonged use does not emit harmful substances.
  • Ceramics - the material heats up quickly and is safe for food. Suitable for use on all types of slabs. However, the material is fragile and unstable to temperature changes.
  • Enamel - at home, enamel is practical. You can store food in it even after cooking. However, this device should be handled with extreme care. It is very sensitive to shock and can crack easily.



Why pay attention to the coating of tools when choosing? The cooking process and the quality of the resulting dish depend on it. It is worth noting that tools with high-quality coating will be many times more practical.

Carbon steel

Requires careful handling and correct first use. When used correctly, it has good non-stick properties. High-quality steel does not emit odor.

Cast iron

Cast iron is a durable, strong material. Suitable for use on gas stoves and open fires. However, these pans are very heavy and take a long time to heat up.


Aluminum requires a non-stick coating. Such frying pans heat up quickly, however, at high cooking temperatures, the protective surface can release toxic substances that get into the food.

Stainless steel

This tool is lightweight and heats up quickly. At correct use lasts a long time. Because of high temperature During cooking, deformation of a product made from low-quality materials is possible.

Stainless steel


Carbon steel

Bottom shape

Before choosing a wok frying pan for a gas stove, you should decide what it is for and how it will be used. The generally accepted standards in China for the manufacture of this cookware differ from the needs of the European user. When choosing the shape of the bottom, you should remember that this is the most important detail.


It allows the heat to be distributed evenly. Dishes cooked in a frying pan with such a bottom are tastier and healthier.


Tools with a flat bottom are suitable for use on gas, induction and glass ceramic hobs. It is easier to work with such a frying pan. However, dishes prepared with it are less nutritious.



This culinary tool is made in diameters from 20 cm to 2 m. At home, the most practical are frying pans with a diameter of 30 to 50 cm. For use on an open fire, tools with a diameter of up to 1 m are practical.



This cookware has two types of handles. Each of them is adapted for a specific type of cooking.

Cantonese style

These handles made it possible to use the dishes directly in the flame of the fire. It was used for cooking food in ovens. Nowadays, purchasing such a frying pan is advisable if you have a special stove. Frying pans with such handles were made larger than 1.5 m in diameter for use in large families.

The most popular type. The long handle allows you to freely control the frying pan near an open fire. The small handle is designed for ease of control and the ability to install the frying pan on a stand.



Handle material

The material of the handles plays an important role. The options described below are the most popular.


Manufactured in one piece. They are reliable, however, they heat up quickly. They often turn out to be impractical.


Does not heat up when used on the stove. If not used carefully over an open fire, they may melt. They are anti-slip.


The most common type. Some manufacturers make them removable, which allows you to use the pan both on the stove and in the oven.


Bakelite handles do not heat up. They have low thermal conductivity. However, they are not unsafe for oven use.

Electric wok - what is it? This is also a frying pan, only connected to electricity. The design of this device involves rapid and strong heating without the help of fire. Electricity is used for this. You can find several models of this frying pan, which allows you to very quickly heat food to high temperatures. Such devices may only be used in accordance with the accompanying instructions.

The features of this cookware require special care to be taken. Here's what to do:

  1. Before first use, heat the instrument. Salt is used for this procedure. 25 grams of salt is enough for one pan.
  2. Before first use, the surface of the device is lubricated. edible oil. It serves as protection after calcination.
  3. Clean with care. For washing, do not use powders, metal scrapers or the abrasive side of a kitchen sponge.
  4. Wipe dry. Prolonged contact with water causes rust. To avoid damage to the instrument, it is recommended to wipe all parts dry after each wash.
  5. Avoid temperature contrasts. Washing should be done only after the item has cooled. A sudden change in temperature (which can be up to 200 degrees) can lead to deformation or cracks.

Must be heated before use

Wipe with oil

Mix food carefully

How to cook

While cooking food this device you should stick to a few simple rules. These requirements will allow you to extract from this device maximum benefit:

  1. Food preparation must be done before cooking begins.
  2. Place food only in a hot frying pan.
  3. The harder the product, the thinner it is cut.
  4. When cooking, use only peanut (in liquid form), sesame or sunflower oil.
  5. In the midst of cooking, do not reduce the heat.
  6. Mixing is carried out in the direction from the center to the walls.
  7. When cooking several products together, the hardest and thickest cut ones are added first.
  8. When preparing hot dishes, pasta or rice should be boiled in advance (before adding to other ingredients).
  9. Cold ingredients are added to the pan gradually so that the temperature inside does not drop.

Prepare dishes using olive oil not possible on this device. Butter is also inappropriate during the cooking process. It evaporates even before the food begins to fry.

As the information described above shows, a wok pan is a device that came to Europe from Ancient China, but has become popular here too. Modern manufacturers have adapted the tool for the average European user. If you properly care for this device, it will last a long time and will help you prepare many delicious dishes.

Prepare food in advance

Chop food finely

Place food only on a hot surface

Turning direction: from center to wall

All products are laid gradually



Fashion for asian style in almost all spheres of life, it has long and imperceptibly penetrated into our everyday life. Its elements can be found in modern house in almost everything: in the interior, food, clothes, in small details. And today everyone knows what Chinese cuisine is. IN Lately there are many fans of spicy, with a special taste extraordinary cuisine. And people like it so much that many are happy to try to cook Chinese dishes at home.

It’s true to cook these special dishes in the usual European tableware It does not always work. Therefore, close attention was paid to the pots and pans in which Asian chefs prepare food. One of these items of “Chinese” dishes became wok pan.

What is a wok pan for and what is it good for? You can cook food in it very quickly and with thereby maximizing the preservation of a large amount of useful substances And vitamins Dishes cooked in such a frying pan always have a special delicate and unique taste.

What is a wok pan

What does a wok look like? This frying pan differs primarily in its shape. Originally, a wok pan is a traditional Chinese utensil. They placed it on a wood-burning stove, so its shape is cone-shaped. Adapting to European cuisine, sometimes the bottom can be flat.

The size of the wok pan is also larger than usual and it weighs decently. The invariable attribute of a wok is a convex lid and a long handle. Cooking time in such a frying pan is significantly reduced. Using this form, the products are fried faster and as a result their taste differs from the traditional one.

What can you cook in a wok?

A wok is a universal utensil. It is used for frying vegetables, seafood and meat. In this case, you can use a minimal amount of oil and the dish turns out to be very healthy.

Oil is added to the already heated frying pan. Sometimes used for cooking dry wok. What it is? This is when vegetables or meat, cut into strips, are thrown into a dry frying pan heated to high temperature and fried without oil. In this case, the dish turns out to be as healthy as possible.

If you will be cooking deep-fried dishes in a wok, it is advisable to purchase a small grate so that the oil can drain from it.

If you cover the pan with a lid and add a little water while cooking, you will get a very tasty stew. Moreover, you can stew everything in a wok, it will be equally tasty.

In order to steam a dish, you need to install a special steamer made of bamboo on top. Then you can also add a little water, cover the wok with a lid and safely continue cooking. The taste will be amazing.

How to choose the right wok pan

Wok with " correct» the bottom has a heat distribution that is optimal for cooking traditional Chinese dishes: the temperature at the bottom is always maximum, then gradually decreases. In frying pans with a flat bottom (which are most often sold in our stores), the heated area is much larger and the heat distribution is different.

For using traditional, proper woks are best suited gas stove, oven or special pit oven.

The materials from which a wok is made can be different, for example, cast iron, aluminum, carbon steel and stainless steel. Most often you can find cast iron and aluminum woks. A cast iron frying pan is quite heavy and can be difficult to handle with one hand, but the absolute advantage of such utensils is durability and reliability.

The coating of an aluminum frying pan does not last as long as a cast iron one, but it is lightweight. Its bottom is smooth and heats up quickly.

How to store and care for a wok

Pay attention to the material from which the wok is made. The non-stick coating should never be scratched. Therefore, avoid using metal utensils when cooking and using a metal sponge and abrasive detergents when washing.

Fire up the new one cast iron frying pan with salt (about a tablespoon), and before first use, grease vegetable oil. Prolonged contact of a cast iron product with water leads to the fact that the frying pan begins to rust. Wipe it after washing with a dry cloth.

Ceramic dishes should not be exposed to “contrast shower”. That is, pour water onto a hot frying pan.

We hope that the tips in our article will help you choose a truly durable and reliable wok frying pan.

Europeans are accustomed to preparing hot dishes using kettles, saucepans, all kinds of frying pans, duck pots, and pressure cookers. For residents of Southeast Asia, this entire arsenal is replaced by a single frying pan, similar to a bowl. Recently, our housewives have also become interested in the Chinese wok frying pan - many users are interested in what it is used for, how to choose it and use it correctly.

In the canonical version, the frying pan is a thin-walled metal cauldron of a conical shape with a convex bottom. The round base and thin walls heat up evenly, allowing you to cook food over an open fire at lightning speed. This happens with constant stirring: the fried pieces are moved to the top with a special spatula, and the raw pieces are moved down. The classic “bowl” had handles on both sides, like a saucepan, making it easy to place the pan in and out of a traditional Chinese wood-burning oven.

The question is quite logical: if a wok pan with a round bottom is unable to stand on a plane Why is it needed in a modern kitchen then? By making the bottom flat, Western manufacturers adapted antique dishes to the currently used glass-ceramic, electric, . The heat distribution in the wok became less uniform, but the main advantages remained.

So, a wok frying pan – what is it for the modern cook:

  • speed of cooking;
  • versatility - in addition to regular frying, the cookware can be used for stewing, smoking, cooking soups, and steaming;
  • maximum preservation of nutrients due to short-term heat treatment, appetizing appearance and good taste of food;
  • minimal fat content in ready-made dishes - the absorption of oil is hampered by the constant movement of pieces in the wok;
  • ease of preparation - due to the high walls of the wok pan, pieces do not spill out of the pan during intensive stirring.

Types of wok pans, selection criteria

Before purchasing, evaluate the main parameters of such cookware that affect its functionality and ease of use.


When thinking about how to choose a wok pan based on material, it is worth studying the pros and cons of different models.

Ceramic and aluminum frying pans are chosen for electric and. Cast iron and steel models Suitable for all heating methods, including using open fire. The wok frying pan must also be made of an iron-carbon alloy, because the main requirement for it is the presence of magnetic properties.


Stores offer options for frying pans from 15 to 76 cm. The selection criterion is the number of simultaneously prepared portions. The most popular sizes of woks are: 15-28 cm (1-2 servings) and 30-38 cm (3-5 servings).

Tip: The optimal diameter is 25-28 cm - such dishes are quite spacious, light and compact. A frying pan with a dimension of more than 35 cm is too bulky for modern kitchens and household stoves.

External design and equipment

When choosing a wok pan, pay attention to its design features.

  1. Bottom. Flat models are suitable for all types of slabs. For gas burners You can buy a traditional convex wok with a round stand for fixing.
  2. Pens. In addition to saucepan-like frying pans, there are models with a long handle and a small oval holder. There are also removable handles (this type of wok is more convenient to store).
  3. Equipment. The functionality of the frying pan is expanded due to the lid (it allows you to stew and cook food). It’s a good idea if the set includes a wire rack: you can use it to strain out oil from fried foods or prepare steamed dishes.

What and how to cook in a wok

As mentioned earlier, a deep frying pan with conical walls is convenient for implementing a wide variety of culinary ideas. But still perfect recipes for wok - stew, roast, pilaf, meat with side dishes of noodles and vegetables, fries.

In this case, the meat can be different types– from beef to chicken fillet, vegetables and seasonings are combined to suit your taste. It is advisable to learn in advance not only what is being cooked in a wok pan, but also how to do it correctly.

The basic principle of cooking is quick frying with continuous stirring (in English - stir-fry). The method is quite simple if you use a few signature techniques of Chinese chefs.

  1. All ingredients are cleaned and cut into small cubes or strips in advance. Hard vegetables are cut more thinly. The meat is chosen to be more tender so that it has time to fry.
  2. Dishes are prepared in sunflower, sesame or peanut oil (butter and olive oil are not suitable for frying).
  3. Before adding food, heat the frying pan, add oil and heat it up. Do not turn down the heat during frying.
  4. The order in which the components are introduced depends on the duration of their preparation. The order of the bookmark may look like this: pork pulp, carrots, onions, bell pepper, greens, sauce, spices, vermicelli.
  5. The contents of the pan are constantly stirred during the cooking process from the center to the periphery. Thanks to this, the fried pieces will not burn and will reach condition on cooler walls.
  6. It is better to boil rice, noodles or spaghetti in advance.
  7. To cook juicy, fried meat with a crispy crust using a wok, you need to know a few nuances.
  • If you place the fillet in the freezer for 15 minutes, cutting it into small pieces will be much easier.
  • Short-term marinating (15-30 minutes) in soy or oyster sauce will help soften the meat fibers.
  • The meat is placed in hot oil in portions of 40-60 g. If the volume of the product is larger, the temperature in the wok will drop, meat juice will be released - and the frying process will turn into stewing.

After acquiring an appetizing crust, remove the meat with a slotted spoon so that it does not overcook. It is better to throw it on a paper towel or wire rack. At large quantities The rest of the ingredients are treated in the same way (but, unlike meat, they are taken out half-raw). At the end, all components are returned to the frying pan and the dish is brought to condition.

For cooking - wok. "What it is? What to cook in it? - these questions became quite expected, since many buyers were perplexed as to why it was needed, since there are saucepans, saucepans and ordinary frying pans. Therefore, first we will tell you what exactly a wok is, and only then we will understand the features of cooking with its help.

Wok frying pan: what is it?

Received its distribution directly from Asian countries- it is there that food is prepared everywhere using these utensils. The history of the item goes back many centuries: the wok was invented back in Ancient China poor village residents who tried to save on everything, including fuel for their fires. It was important for them to cook food quickly and at the same time keep it warm for as long as possible. The creation of a kind of frying pan with beveled walls served these purposes.

The current wok pan is practically no different from its ancestors. It also has a cone-shaped shape with a flat, sometimes convex small bottom, quite large diameter, thin walls and a couple of handles. Due to the original structure of the wok, products, regardless of their category and density, are cooked faster than in a regular frying pan, since pieces of food are concentrated towards the center, where all the heat is concentrated.

Characteristics of woks

Before purchasing this very exotic piece of kitchen utensil, you first need to decide where exactly you are going to cook with it and how often you plan to use it. The shape, size and material from which the wok will be made depends on this. What will it give? Let's try to figure it out.


Woks can be made from various types steel, cast iron, copper, ceramics. In addition, some models have a special feature, such as the Tefal wok pan.

Experts in the field of Asian cooking note that the most durable and durable woks are those made of cast iron and carbon steel. In addition, these materials tend to evenly distribute heat over the entire surface of the frying pan, thereby ensuring the use usable area to the maximum. Dishes cooked on such woks come out with a richer and brighter taste. It is worth noting that, due to its characteristic qualities, steel still cools much faster than cast iron, but at the same time it warms up faster.

Bottom shape

There are two types of bottom - flat and convex - that the wok has. What does this mean?

If you plan to use the frying pan at home, particularly for electric or induction cooker, preference should be given to dishes with a flat bottom - they are more stable and heat up better.

For those who have a gas stove, both flat and convex woks are recommended. In the second option, a special ring is used to install a rounded wok on the grate, which ensures reliable stability of the utensils and protects the burner from contact with the dishes.

For cooking on the street or during a picnic, you can find a wok with a special stand, at the very bottom of which there is a fireplace.

Types of handles

Today, among the variety of wok models, you can find both traditional types with two rounded grips, and with one rounded, and the second elongated. There are also many options with one handle, like a regular classic frying pan.

Since 1 kilogram is the minimum weight that a wok has, there is no point in looking for reviews about the convenience of a particular type of handle - you need to try on each model yourself and choose the one that fits most comfortably in your hands.


This parameter completely depends on how many people there are in the family and how often guests come to you. Woks with a diameter of up to 35 centimeters will be convenient for both one person and a family of 2-3 people. For a large company, accordingly, you will need a much larger wok - with a diameter of 40 centimeters.

In addition, it is worth remembering that a good wok does not come cheap: it is better to purchase a product from a reputable cookware manufacturer that will last a long time. Prices for high-quality woks usually start from 1000-1500 rubles, depending on the diameter and the availability of additional accessories. For example, a wok with a lid or special set spatulas will cost an order of magnitude more than a similar product without accompanying paraphernalia.

What can you cook in a wok?

Speed ​​of cooking, versatility, the ability to preserve the maximum benefits of food - these are the main qualities for which the frying pan is known for cooking food in this dish; they are so numerous that it is not possible to list them all - each ethnic group from Asia has its own culinary delights. However, the most common recipes are the following dishes:

Rice, buckwheat and with vegetables and meat, chicken or seafood. You will need: the noodles themselves, bean sprouts or green beans, carrots, Bell pepper, topping (chicken, beef or shrimp), soy sauce, cumin, garlic, salt, pepper, onion. The topping is pre-marinated in soy sauce, then cut into pieces and fried in a wok. Next, finely chopped vegetables are added, noodles are cooked until half cooked, the dish is flavored with spices and garlic, poured with soy sauce and brought to readiness within 5-7 minutes.

Curry. Ingredients: chicken meat, chicken bouillon, curry seasoning, tomatoes or tomato paste, garlic, onion, red pepper and paprika. First, the vegetables are cut and fried in a wok in tomato paste or mashed tomatoes, then add pepper, salt, curry and paprika. Chicken cut into thin stripes and also placed in the wok. Next, half a glass of broth is poured in and simmered until done. Rice is most often served with curry.

Fried chicken with nuts. Ingredients: chicken meat, onions, mushrooms, walnuts or cashew, bean or soy sauce. The chopped chicken is fried in a wok for about 5 minutes, then the mushrooms and onions are added. After 5-7 minutes, add nuts and pour in the sauce. The dish is brought to readiness and served with rice or noodles.

For those losing weight, a wok will be a real salvation. Reviews about the benefits of dishes prepared with its help are only positive. When frying, oil is used to a minimum. Accordingly, the amount of cholesterol consumed and caloric content is reduced.

Rules for cooking in a wok

Using soy sauce and spices (black and red pepper, ginger, turmeric, sesame, curry).

Meat and especially dense vegetables are put into the wok first.

Constant stirring of the ingredients is necessary to prevent them from burning.

For extra piquancy, meat, chicken and seafood are pre-marinated for 2-3 hours.

A wok is a solution not only for those who are crazy about Chinese and Asian cuisine. It will also please owners who love tasty and healthy food, but at the same time have a minimum of time to prepare it, and the shape and depth of the wok will allow not only to fry food, but even to cook soup and stew vegetables.

A wok is a round deep frying pan with a convex bottom of small diameter. This type of cookware comes from China. It gained its popularity as soon as the world discovered traditional Chinese noodles. Since then, the kitchen of few restaurants can do without these utensils. In today’s review on the M.Vkus portal, we’ll talk about the benefits of cooking in a wok pan and how to choose the right utensils for your home.

Benefits of cooking in a wok

The benefits of cooking in a wok are many. Let's start with the fact that this pan distributes heat evenly, lasts a long time and allows you to use a small amount of oil. However, if you wish, you can fry even spring rolls in a wok in a large amount of fat - high walls frying pans will protect the kitchen from flying splashes. But still, a small amount of fat is one of the main advantages. A wok requires much less oil than cooking in a regular frying pan; you can even use cooking spray. Due to the fact that the products in the wok are constantly mixed, they are all evenly greased.

The second important advantage is the speed of preparation. In a wok, this takes very little time; you will spend much more preparing the ingredients, which will need to be cut into small pieces. Traditionally, food for wok is cut into thin long strips. When everything is ready, you need to heat the frying pan at maximum heat and quickly fry everything.

The main thing you need to know when cooking in a wok is that you need to fry food in small portions. If there are too many of them, mixing will become difficult. This is the third advantage of the wok. Since you can’t cook a lot of food at once, and it’s better to eat it right away while it’s hot, the likelihood of eating too much is small. Even if you decide to make yourself a second serving, while you are chopping the food, you will most likely realize that you are already full and don’t need to cook anymore.

How to choose the right wok?

Nowadays woks are made from the most different materials, however, Eastern chefs traditionally prefer steel frying pans. Great example -Tefal Wok Illico from of stainless steel with a unique Titanium Non-Stick non-stick coating. You just need to understand that such a frying pan itself weighs quite a lot - more than 1 kg. If you put food in it, then lifting the pan to mix the ingredients, tossing them, as professional chefs do, will be quite problematic. In this case, you should pay attention to aluminum pans, for exampleTendance Chocolate . They are no less durable, but at the same time slightly lighter than steel woks.

When purchasing, you should be careful when choosing the size. For a family of 2-4 people a frying pan will be enough standard size with a diameter of 26-28 cm. If you plan to cook for a large company, then you should choose a larger wok, for example the modelTefal Wok with a diameter of 30 cm, which was developed with the participation of the famous English chef Jamie Oliver. This frying pan even has an additional handle to make it easier to handle such heavy cookware.

Speaking of pens. This is also an important aspect when choosing a frying pan. The longer the handle, the more convenient it is to work with the wok, but the handle should fit comfortably in your palm. Ideally, it should be thermally insulated so that you can safely grab it while cooking without fear of getting burned. For example, frying pans have modelsTendance Brownie The handle is made of heat-resistant Bakelite material.

If you want to cook in a wok according to all the rules, then before putting the frying pan on the fire and pouring oil into it, oriental cooks heat the dishes in the oven at a temperature of 220-250 degrees. Place a frying pan in the oven with plastic handle- a bad idea, but a wok with a removable handle, like the model, is perfect for this purposeTefal Ingenio Expertise . In such dishes you can not only fry foods, but also bake them in the oven.

What can you cook in a wok?

You can fry any food in a wok, just like in a regular frying pan, but it works best with Southeast Asian dishes like noodles, fried rice, tofu or various ingredients in tempura. In the collection of the portal "M.Vkus" there are many for you interesting recipes to try out the new wok. Among them there are especially many noodle dishes:, vegetarian or or . You can cook traditional Chinese dishes in a wok or . Fried rice with vegetables, seafood or pork will be ideal in such a frying pan. Seafood such as shrimp can be cooked separately in a wok, although with glass noodles and sweet and sour sauce they will come out even tastier. And, of course, the favorite tempura fruits in Southeast Asia for dessert. Bananas, mangoes, apples and any other sweet fruit, breaded and fried in oil, are best served with a scoop of ice cream or sorbet.

The wok has long been an indispensable attribute of restaurants all over the world. If you have not yet purchased such utensils for home use and at the same time adore oriental cuisine, a wok is exactly the tool that will help you create your favorite culinary masterpieces - from fried rice and noodles with shrimp to pulled beef and fruit tempura.