Children's stories about kindness for children. Fairy tales about good and evil are short. Sunshine and snow men

    Noun, number of synonyms: 2 frying (2) plant (4422) ASIS Dictionary of Synonyms. V.N. Trishin. 2013… Synonym dictionary

    EUROPEAN SWIMSUIT (TGO-LLIUS EUROPAEUS L.)- see European swimsuit; Asian swimsuit Perennial with fibrous roots. The stem is 25-90 cm high, with pentagonal-shaped plates, dissected to the base into 5 rhombic, jaggedly incised segments. Flowers are solitary,... ... Meadow herbaceous plants

    Swimsuit- Asian (frying). BATHROOM, a genus of perennial herbs (ranunculaceae family). Over 30 species, in cold and temperate zones of the Northern Hemisphere. There are about 25 species in Russia, mainly in Siberia and the Far East. The flowers of the swimsuit are spherical,... ... Illustrated encyclopedic Dictionary

    - (Trollius), a genus of perennial grasses of the family. Ranunculaceae. The leaves are palmate or lobed. The flowers are large, homogamous, yellow or orange, with a nectar pit at the base of the petals; pollinated by insects. The fruit is multi-leafed. St. 30 species, in... ... Biological encyclopedic dictionary

    This term has other meanings, see Agrafena Swimsuit. Swimsuit ... Wikipedia

    European swimsuit (Trollius europaeus). Botanical illustration from the book by O. V. Thome Flora von Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz Scientific classification ... Wikipedia

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    Western Sayan Highest point: Kyzyl Taiga 3121 m. Location: Russia ... Wikipedia

This plant received the popular name frying, frying or light for good reason. Its bright, red-orange flowers “burn” among the greenery. Asian swimsuit (Trollius asiaticus) is the most beautiful view sort of Bathing suit. Grows in Siberia, the Northern Urals, in Central Asia, Mongolia.

The habitats of this flower are wet meadows, light meadows of the northern forests of Russia, it grows in high mountain meadows, in zones of melting glaciers. Surprisingly, this plant can also be found in Asian deserts. In meadows, frying birds often grow in continuous masses, covering them with the bright lights of their flowers. This is one of the most beautiful wild perennial plants. Protected by law.

The leaves of the Asian swimsuit are petiolate, palmately five-parted. Flowering shoot 40-50 cm tall. The flowers are spherical, closed, large, up to 5 cm in diameter. The sepals are orange-red, the nectary petals are orange. In flowers, the internal cavity is closed, there is only a small hole through which pollinating insects enter. This structure protects pollen well from damage by rain.

In the cold climate of the highlands, in the north of Russia, frying flowers bloom in mid-summer, flowering lasts about a month, in the gardens of warmer regions the flowering time is spring. In gardens, roasting plants do not require special care and look beautiful with blue aquilegias. They reproduce by seeds or by dividing the bush. Tips for growing in the garden.

Asian swimsuit, also known as Siberian frying, is a perennial herb from the genus swimsuit, which is common in the Middle, Western, and Eastern Siberia, as well as in Altai. Outside Russia it is found in Mongolia. Grows in damp clearings and meadows. It can also be found in the tundra near the edges of glaciers.

Asian bathwort is a rhizomatous plant that has one or more flowering stems, which vary greatly in height depending on the habitat. Thus, in the tundra they reach a height of 10 cm, while in middle lane you can find meter representatives. The Asian swimsuit blooms with large bright orange flowers up to 6 cm in diameter. Flowering begins in late May - early June. The calyx of the flower has a spherical shape, more open and flat than that of European variety. The calyx consists of 10-25 spherical sepals. Petals narrow shape, expanded upward. During the flowering period, which lasts 25 days, the flowers look double due to the numerous protruding nectary petals.

The Asian swimmer has a complex fruit, which consists of individual 10-mm leaflets, ranging from 26 to 54 pieces. Each leaflet contains up to 10 black seeds, which ripen in late June - July. The plant has been cultivated since 1759 because it is very decorative. There are terry garden representatives, and a number of hybrid varieties With large flowers different colors. It is considered a good honey plant.

Asian swimsuit is poisonous and has no use in official medicine. In natural habitats, it is often used by local residents for diseases of the eyes and gastrointestinal tract as a tonic.

The plant is also included in a number of regional red books.

Lights (swimsuit) - perennial with very beautiful flowers yellow or bright orange.

People call the swimsuit lights, but it also has other names: Siberian rose, bells, balabolki, troll flower, frying. Flowers of Siberia, by the way, have an interesting legend associated with one of their names: the lights are called the flower of trolls, because forest dwarfs brew their magic potion of life in these flowers.

Let's look at everything about it amazing flower: types and varieties, characteristics, advantages, cultivation on the site (propagation and care).

Characteristics of the swimsuit

Here are the main indicators of the plant:

  • Family: Ranunculaceae;
  • Type: perennial;
  • Flowering time: late spring - early summer;
  • Height: up to 1 meter;
  • Advantages: beautiful, bright flowers and unpretentiousness;
  • Interesting fact: the swimsuit is depicted on the coat of arms of the city of Shelekhov, Irkutsk region, and the Asian swimsuit was also depicted on Soviet stamps.

Swimsuit - herbaceous plant with a strong root system. She prefers damp places: meadows, swamps, banks of reservoirs. Perhaps this is one of the reasons for the name of the plant.

By the way, the lights always keep the stem straight, this is necessary for preservation favorable conditions inside the flower, and this is often used by insects that settle in the bud.

Types and varieties of lights

In total, there are about thirty varieties of swimsuits. Let's look at the main ones, the most popular.

  • Asian. Basically, such a swimsuit grows in Siberia. She has rich orange flowers. It also grows in the Alps, Mongolia and the Urals. Here in spring and early summer you can see huge fields with bright blooming lights.
  • Chinese. Such a swimsuit can be seen in Japan, China, and the Ussuri region. It begins to bloom around July and continues to bloom for about 36 days.
  • European. The flowers have a bright lemon-yellow color, they bloom from May to June and grow in the temperate zone of Russia, as well as in the countries of Scandinavia.
  • Altai. It grows in the mountains, in Altai. Bright orange, but has distinctive feature- a dark spot in the center of the flower.

There are many more cultivated varieties of this flower: from cream to bright orange and reddish.

Growing on your own plot

Nowadays, lights are very popular among gardeners. All thanks to their advantages. Let's look at how to propagate the plant, as well as the rules for caring for it.


Now very often these flowers have begun to be planted on their own plot. Of course, the easiest way is to dig up seedlings and transplant them yourself or buy ready-made seedlings. But if this is not possible, you will have to grow the plant with seeds. However, the lights also have a drawback - The germination rate of swimsuit seeds is low. It is best to sow seeds in autumn.

You can do this in the spring, but then you need to stratify the seeds. To do this, you need to keep the seeds in the sand at a temperature of 3-5 degrees for 3 months. In March, the seeds can be sown in a greenhouse or boxes, sprinkled with soil. In a month the shoots will appear. If necessary, plants are pruned. In the 3rd - 4th year the lights bloom. By the way, swimsuits are planted in nests of several at a distance of about 50 cm from each other.


Since the lights are unpretentious plant, caring for them is not at all difficult.

The plant needs watering during drought. You also need to regularly weed from weeds, loosen, fertilize with mineral and potash fertilizers every 5 years, and the flower also needs pruning.

By the way, lights love light. The more it is, the more abundant the flowering, the stronger, taller and stronger the plant. Despite the fact that the swimsuit is shade-tolerant plant, it develops much better in the light, but in the shade growth occurs slowly and the plant is not as strong. Bathworts pair well with some garden herbs and flowers, especially blue and blue ones, such as bluebells, delphiniums, columbine, fescue, scilla and others.

Advantages of a swimsuit

It is not surprising that many different cultivated varieties of this plant have been bred and that it is popular, because the lights have a number of advantages:

  • beautiful, lush and bright flowering;
  • unpretentiousness;
  • disease resistance;
  • medicinal properties.

The unpretentiousness and disease resistance of the flames are important advantages, especially in the harsh climate of Siberia, because it is not for nothing that the flames are called the Siberian rose: they combine beauty and durability. At the same time, they delight with their bright and abundant flowering for a long time.

What is a swimsuit used for?

Besides beautiful flowers, frying flowers are used as an excellent medicine for swelling, bruises, wounds, skin lesions, and tinctures are also prepared from it to treat the liver and other diseases. This is because the leaves and flowers contain a large number of vitamins, minerals and others useful substances. Both the leaves and flowers of the plant are used in medicine.

The lights look very nice on alpine roller coaster, mixborders, flower beds. They look especially interesting in combination with some other herbs, flowers and landscape elements.

Thus, lights are magnificent, bright, unpretentious flowers that look great on the site and in wildlife, their buds are like a hot flame. In addition, they have quite a lot of advantages and beneficial properties, for which they are so valued by both gardeners and doctors.