Colored curtains - The best new items with beautiful designs (82 photos). Colored curtains - selection of materials and color combinations in a single design format (113 photos) How to choose the right curtains

In order to ensure aesthetic interaction between a person and the surrounding space, the design of any interior involves the use of various decorative items and accessories with a variety of shades and textures. Curtains are a striking representative of those decorative details that can minimum costs time and money to influence the change in the interior of any room.

What do drapes and curtains go with?

When choosing colored curtains for a room, compatibility with objects or other interior details is taken into account. In this case, other important features of a particular residential premises should also be taken into account, including internal dimensions. In practice, there are no strict rules that govern the choice of texture and color of curtains. But it is still important to consider the following:

In practice, colored curtains may not be in harmony with the surrounding objects in shade, but they will fit well into the interior in terms of texture, ornament or style and look impeccable in it. It all depends on a skillful design decision.

How to choose colored curtains for your interior

There are several simple and clear rules that determine the choice of colored drapes and curtains when decorating the interior of a room. Firstly, in order to save money, it is recommended to match the curtains to the furniture textiles, since both will last for quite a long time without replacement. Also, colored curtains can harmonize well with floor covering, a large carpet or kitchen facade as in the photo. Another important nuance when choosing the shade of window curtains is the presence of many colorful objects in the room. In this case, you need to choose plain curtains with a calm texture.

Colored curtains in rooms of various sizes

The dimensions of the room can be visually changed using various design techniques. Colored curtains are just the decorative item that can be used to visually increase or decrease the volume of a room. To do this you just need to do correct selection curtain colors:

  • Warm tones from yellow to bright orange create the effect of magnifying and bringing the object closer.
  • The color scheme of the cool tones of the palette will visually distance the space, as can be seen in the photo. This effect can be created by light pearl, soft blue, lavender or soft green shades.
  • White and light colors can visually enlarge even a 6-meter kitchen.

In rooms with high walls, curtains with horizontal colored stripes or a pattern with a long transverse texture will look better. Rooms with a large area should be decorated with curtains with large patterns that match the tone of the overall interior. This mainly applies to the living room.

Combination of the color of the curtains with the functional purpose of the kitchen

For the kitchen, the shape and color of the curtains play an important role, because in general such rooms have a fairly small area. Designers advise choosing for the main canvas transparent fabric light colors - beige, pink, peach, blue, which will not prevent sunlight from penetrating inside. Dark curtains in the kitchen are possible, but mainly in the form of lambrequins or Roman blinds decorating the window itself - this can be seen in the photo.

What's better for the living room?

The choice of curtains for the living room can only be limited by the owner’s imagination. The main thing is that light tulle and curtains fit harmoniously into the overall color palette of the room. In the interior of the living room it is possible to use bright and colorful fabrics various shades, which are able to emphasize the individuality and uniqueness of the style.

Bedroom decoration

The bedroom is a special area in a living space, as it is intended for relaxation and sleep. Therefore, the design of such a room must be approached with special care and caution, thinking through every detail of the interior. When choosing curtains for the bedroom, you need to avoid using flashy colors and bright colors. Colors such as:

  • creamy grays that go harmoniously with many shades;
  • light green colors, which have the effect of visual relaxation;
  • Pearl tones go well with wallpaper in matching shades.

The design of a window opening has a decisive influence on the interior of the room. Even the most sophisticated and rich furnishings look unfinished and dull if it is not complemented by properly selected curtains.

Colorful colors are fashionable now

The final design of the room depends on the palette of combined shades, which we will talk about in this article. You will learn what results can be achieved using curtains of different tones and what you need to consider when choosing a curtain color.

Colored curtains in the interior

The color of the window opening is a factor that determines not only the visual appeal of the curtains, but also their functional purpose. With the help of the right decor, you can smooth out the flaws in the room’s layout and place emphasis on the design ideas used in the interior.

Each color scheme influences our perception of the geometry and space of a room in its own way:

  1. It makes sense to use a warm palette - from purple to soft yellow - in rooms with small windows. This tonality has the effect visual increase window opening and the approach of the wall on which it is located.
  2. A cold palette, on the contrary, visually moves the window away, thereby creating the impression of a longer room. It is rational to use colored curtains in blue, turquoise, light green and light red tones in small rooms;
  3. The spectrum of dark shades has a reducing effect, while light colors make the room wider and more spacious.

Light tone lifts your mood

Colored curtains on the windows look appropriate if they are chosen in accordance with the style of the interior. Modern design trends, such as high-tech, fusion, loft, involve the use of a palette of light pastel and gray colors, whereas classic design allows you to use bright, rich shades - from blue to burgundy and emerald.

Selecting the right combinations

The combination of shades in the interior is a whole science that does not forgive rash decisions. There is a set of design recommendations, following which you will select the best option for window decoration. Check out the basic rules for combining color palette in the interior of the room:

  1. Curtains should match the color of the base surfaces. As a base, you can use walls or large interior elements - furniture, carpet, bedspread, canopy;
  2. The presence of a pattern or design on the curtain depends on the wallpaper of the room - if the room is decorated plain wallpaper, the fabric can be patterned. In this case, you will receive a harmonious addition to the interior and new accents in its design, however, if the room is already covered with wallpaper with a pattern, use simple plain panels;
  3. When decorating small, poorly lit rooms, avoid using dark shades, since such a design not only visually reduces the size of the room, but also negatively affects the emotional state person.

There are two ways to combine the color of curtains and other interior elements - the harmony method and the contrast method. Harmonious combinations combine shades that complement each other - pink, blue, beige, yellow, light green, turquoise. This is a win-win solution for any interior and especially for small rooms.

Turquoise is a very beautiful color

In a contrasting combination, opposite shades are used - light and bright. This approach is often practiced when decorating interiors in the minimalist style. You can combine almost any color, the main thing is that one of them is less saturated: white and orange, gray and graphite, beige and burgundy - the space for imagination is not limited here.

When using contrasting combinations, avoid the effect of a color spot. It occurs in cases where colorful curtains in the interior are the only bright detail. Contrasting combinations require complementing the curtain with smaller ones decorative elements similar shade - upholstery upholstered furniture, carpet, pillows or bedspread.

Choosing colored curtains for different rooms

Specific Variations color combinations must be chosen based on functional purpose rooms, in the same bedroom an overly colorful palette will be inappropriate, while in a children's room the brighter and more energetic the interior, the better.

  • Choosing colored curtains for the living room;

Beautiful curtains for the windows in the living room will help you emphasize the solemnity of this room. In spacious rooms, beige and blue curtains look beautiful; this is a calm, but at the same time elegant combination. If you are interested in contrasting combinations, use bright green curtains or rich turquoise curtains, their use in bright interior allows you to focus on window opening, gives the room freshness and coolness.

You can complement the panels using colored eyelets. On curtains of rich shades - orange, blue, emerald, use white eyelets or products in the color of metal; on fabrics of light shades - eyelets of a color similar to the fabric.

  • Choosing colored curtains for the bedroom;

Designers do not recommend using overly bright curtains in the bedroom interior, since this room requires a consistent, relaxing environment. When choosing a curtain for the bedroom, give preference to calm pastel colors- beige, blue, light green, purple.

Do not use contrasting combinations in the bedroom - complementary combinations of shades of panels and wallpaper will give best result in terms of the atmosphere in the room. Among dark colors, appropriate in this room, we highlight burgundy and coffee. They can be successfully combined with any light colors. base surfaces without creating a flashy heterogeneity of the interior.

  • We decorate the window in the nursery;

In a children's room, bright curtains look just right. For the good emotional well-being of the baby, it is important that the interior is decorated in light but energetic colors, without rich dark tones. You can use all the colors of the rainbow, with the exception of bright red.

Multi-colored curtains in the nursery will give the room a positive atmosphere. To combine shades in one curtain, use thin curtains vertical stripes different fabrics, or decorate the usual ones curtains light lambrequin of a different color.


  • We decorate the kitchen with curtains;

IN kitchen area A light, cheerful atmosphere is important. To get it, use translucent curtains warm shades- orange, red, light green.

In the kitchen there are no strict restrictions on design, everything should be comfortable and pleasing to the owner’s eye, so you can decorate the canvas with anything - ruffles, fringe, an airy lambrequin, the main thing is not to compromise with the practicality of the curtains in favor of their beauty.

The choice of materials for finishing rooms and furniture is not all the activities that end the interior design process.

One of the most important elements curtains of any design. It is the curtains that are responsible for the completeness and integrity of the image of the room, its stylistic direction and special atmosphere.

In order to create a cheerful, bright atmosphere in your home, colored curtains will help with this.

Harmonious combinations of colored curtains

Colored curtains in the interior of any room should not be present as a separate element.

Bright ornaments and shades must certainly be duplicated in the interior composition of the room.

Designers do not adhere to any strict rules and recommendations when choosing colored curtain designs, colors and materials.

However, there are several features that you need to pay attention to when selecting them:

  • textured coating and color design features of wall and ceiling surfaces;
  • color palette of furniture items;
  • room area;
  • individual preferences of the owners; It is not at all necessary that the curtains be combined with color design the entire room.

It is enough that the curtains are in harmony with the style and ornaments in the decorative selection of other interior items.

Choosing curtains for functional rooms

Photos of colored curtains prove that curtains should be selected based on the characteristics of each room in the apartment: area, functional purpose, shade of finish, etc.

Curtains can be combined in the interior with carpeting, and with furniture finishing facade in the kitchen, and with flooring in children's rooms.

If the room is already filled with bright decorative items, then it is better to give preference to plain curtains on the windows.

Depending on the area of ​​the living space, colorful curtains can have different effects on the perception of space. So, for a small children's room it is better to use light shades textiles

This will contribute to the visual expansion of space. For spacious living rooms, you can choose plain colored curtains, made in bright orange or rich yellow palettes.

For kitchens, it is preferable to choose shades of lavender, light greens, soft blue or pearl curtains.

If indoors high ceilings, That best choice There will be curtains with bright patterns or horizontal stripes.

Living room

In order for the curtains in the guest room to be a real decoration, it is better to choose them the same color as the furniture.

Since these elements change extremely rarely in the interior, they must be in harmony with each other.

Because it's pretty big room, then curtains decorated with a large bright print that matches the overall tone of the design would be appropriate here.


For such a small room, it is advisable to select curtains made of lightweight materials, made in peach, bluish or pinkish shades. And here dark curtains It is not recommended to use it for a small kitchen, as it will visually make the room smaller.

Also, you should not use lush lambrequins and numerous complex folds to decorate a window opening in the kitchen.


In the bedroom main task is to create a warm atmosphere that would set residents up for relaxation and sleep.

Choosing any interior details here is very responsible. For window curtains, it is better to use light-colored textiles, with a shade of beige, green or cream.

It is also important to choose the right density of material for curtains. It is better that it is dense enough to prevent direct sunlight, which can interfere with rest and relaxation.

But more saturated colored curtains in a beige lounge room can add a little cheerfulness and dynamics to the atmosphere. However, do not overload the interior with too bright prints and shades.


It is in this room that colored curtains are very appropriate, as they can create a playful and relaxed mood, which little tomboys need so much.

Most often, curtains for children's rooms are decorated with images of cartoon characters, and to develop intelligence, you can decorate the window opening with bright orange curtains.

To appearance Window curtains have been completed, you can use colored curtain ties that are made of the same material as the main product.

Photos of colored curtains in the interior

A dull, dim interior can be easily diversified without even resorting to renovation work.

After all, the external environment should please, lift your spirits, and inspire.

It will be possible to achieve this goal through the use of bright accents. These are bright curtains.

Proper Use

It is important to choose the right curtains. This will help them not only act as a curtain for the windows, but also be a design addition to the overall decor.

Brightness makes the room appear larger, or, if chosen incorrectly, it will reduce the space even more. Consider the following recommendations:

  • If your room itself is bright and well-lit, your eyes will get tired from excessive brightness. Buy rich, truly vibrant colors;
  • the best option when choosing curtains bright color are Roman. They are easy to install and have rich colors. Decorate them with a brush, interesting metal structures. This option will fit perfectly into the living room;

Promote transformation Japanese curtains. They are quite versatile, as they visually enlarge small room, A large area reduces.

They are made from multi-layer fabrics. Therefore, they are easy to change, combine, and create new compositions.

Can be clearly seen in the photo bright curtains that they fit perfectly into any style decision. For example, bright curtains for the kitchen will refresh the room, make it richer and at the same time cozy.

Choose colors carefully, because this is the place where the family most often gathers and spends time together. The color you choose should not irritate or negatively affect your mood or mental state.

You can stop at just this accent, you can add a few more. The main thing is not to overdo it.

Note! It is not necessary to buy ordinary bright fabrics for curtains; you can sew them individually for you.

Make them unusual, use your imagination, add something of your own. Your originality will not go unnoticed, because in the company of friends you can present this interior detail as a designer one.

Curtain material

The taboo is being established on velvet material. It is quite capricious, dust settles on it and is difficult to wash. These are unnecessary worries and waste.

Give preference to cotton fabrics and polyester. These types are easy to wash, are not picky, and do not require much effort in caring for them.

Silk or satin materials are often chosen. They will fit perfectly into general interior. They have a number of advantages: natural shine, brightness.

To reveal all the beauty of these materials, it is worth assembling several parts.

Thanks to this trick, heavy fabrics will become visually lighter and more luxurious, and will perfectly decorate your windows.


There are no restrictions in this matter. It might be bright yellow curtains. But, keep this point in mind: if the color is very bright, you can resort to a little trick.

Leave the top and bottom parts bright, and the middle central part dilute neutral shade, for example, white or beige.

This solution looks quite organic and attractive.

It is not necessary to choose plain fabrics. Choose light shades with small patterns, bright images, or geometric shapes. This will only highlight your individuality.

Green, light, airy fabrics will also fit perfectly into your interior.

Design of bright curtains

Bright fabric is already bright accent in your room. But, if you don’t want to stop there, you can supplement it with other elements.

Designers use rhinestones for these purposes. Butterflies and iridescent beads will help decorate ordinary curtains.

Handicrafts are also fashionable now. That is, you can easily decorate bright curtains in the interior yourself. A beautiful embroidered or knitted element will only highlight the curtains you have chosen.


Beautiful, bright curtains play a huge role in the overall design picture. Give in your choice preference for light fabrics that are easy to care for.

Choose rich, vibrant shades that will lift your spirits and visually enlarge the space. Don’t forget about the quality of the materials you choose.

Don't be afraid to experiment and bring something of your own.

Photos of bright curtains in the interior