Archive of the blog "VO! circle of books". April 6th is World Cartoon Day International Cartoon Day

Cartoon Day!

World Cartoon Day, established in 2002 by the International Animated Film Association and is celebrated throughout the world. Animators from all over globe exchange film programs and arrange screenings for an appreciative public.

With the support of the Committee for Culture of the Government of St. Petersburg, a monument to the Plasticine Crow was erected in the city at the Rodina children's cinema center. “A Bird from Childhood” appeared in the early 80s. Plasticine Crow is the most amazing image of Russian cartoons, which children adore and remember. The model of the monument was made by the artist of the Pilot studio, Alexey Pochivalov. Heroes of Russian and Soviet cartoons enjoy great love all over the world.

Everyone loves cartoons, both adults and children.Several years ago, animators and film critics from different countries called “Hedgehog in the Fog” by Yuri Norshtein the best animated film of all time. The list of 150 best also included “Cheburashka” by Roman Kachanov, “Boniface’s Vacation” by Fyodor Khitruk, “The Old Man and the Sea” by Alexander Petrov, a Yaroslavl director who received an Oscar for his cartoon in 2000.
And who doesn’t know Leopold’s song from the cartoon “Leopold the Cat and gold fish"directed by Anatoly Reznikov? All Soviet children started singing it.
The beloved TV series “Well, Just Wait!” is still popular among children and adults. - one of my favorite animated films.
"The Town Musicians of Bremen" - a cartoon intended for children, has become a favorite cartoon for adults. It’s impossible to list all the wonderful cartoons!

It is difficult to find a child in the world who does not love cartoons. However, everyone enjoys watching colorful animated films, regardless of age and hobbies. The professional holiday of everyone who makes and simply loves cartoons is International Animation Day.

Animation Day is still a very young holiday; it appeared in 2002. The initiator was the French branch of the World Animated Film Association. The holiday was founded in honor of the one hundred and tenth anniversary of the first public demonstration of the animated film.

When did the first cartoon appear?

Despite the fact that the history of the holiday dates back only a few years, it has already gained great popularity among both children and adults.

Viewers were able to see the first cartoon more than 120 years ago. 28 of October In 1892, the first animated film was demonstrated in Paris. True, at that time the unusual spectacle was called not a cartoon, but an optical theater.

The author of the invention was the artist Emile Reynaud, he came up with a special apparatus called the praxinoscope, with which it was possible to demonstrate moving pictures. It was the date of the first public display that was chosen for holding a professional animation festival.

What about in Russia?

International Animation Day in Russia is celebrated no less widely than in European countries. The history of Russian animation begins in 1906, when, through the efforts of Alexander Shiryaev, who served as choreographer at the famous Marinka, the first puppet animated film was created. In it one could see 12 puppet ballerinas performing an intricate dance against the backdrop of static scenery.

Graphic animation began to develop in our country in the mid-20s. Already in 1924, 5 animated films were released at once, and in 1935 the first full-length animated feature film “The New Gulliver” was released.

A year later, a film studio specializing in animated films was founded in Moscow - the famous Soyuzmultfilm. Not a single generation of children has enjoyed watching cartoons produced by this studio, empathizing with the characters and learning to be kind and sympathetic.

Since 2006, an animation museum was founded on the basis of Soyuzmultfilm. At first it was just a traveling exhibition that introduced visitors to the process of creating the most famous and beloved cartoons by children. Later, the exhibition became permanent; a room was allocated for it on the territory of the All-Russian Exhibition Center.

Today the animation museum is a large collection of various, including interactive, exhibits. And in the museum’s workshop, any visitor can try his hand at creating animated videos.

How is it celebrated?

Various events on Animation Day, as a rule, begin in advance and are not downloaded after the end holiday. New animation films are shown on this day, various festivals are held, and awards are given to artists working in the field of animation.

Modern animation no longer bears much resemblance to the “optical theater” demonstrated in late XIX century. Modern technologies allow you to shoot amazingly realistic animated films. Today in cinemas you can see two- and three-dimensional cartoons shot using digital technologies.

However, there are still many fans of traditional cartoons, despite the fact that creating one film takes a lot of time. After all, when creating hand-drawn cartoons, the artist puts a piece of his soul into each character.

Animation lovers are not left out of the festive events either. On this day, a display of the works of non-professionals, an exchange of films and experience in creating homemade animation films are often organized.

Cartoon lovers can celebrate this wonderful holiday in their own way. For example, you can go to the cinema to watch a new animated film, or organize a “multi-session” at home, watching old cartoons that you love from childhood. Children will really like this holiday, so Animation Day is another reason to spend time together as a family.

Lovely live pictures - cartoons! There is so much joy and warmth in them - they smell like childhood for all of us.

How animation was born

The history of living pictures is as old as the world: attempts to revive drawings date back to the 1st century BC. Chinese “shadow theaters” were popular already in the 2nd millennium AD.

In the middle of the 15th century. wandering actors with mechanized images entertained people in the squares, and in the 17th century the “magic lantern” was born, which projected living pictures onto glass.

Many attempts to revive the images testified to the special approach to this at all times.

Finally, the turn of the 19th century, rich in discoveries, came. After many years of improvements and attempts, in Paris on October 28, 1892, Emile Renault publicly demonstrated a luminous pantomime for the first time, which delighted the public. The discovery of cinematographic technologies overshadowed the brilliance of the French invention, but many decades later this particular day became a memorable date for animation for the entire planet.

In 2002, it was 100 years since the first public showing of the forerunners of animation by E. Renaud of their pantomimes, and French animators proposed to celebrate animation annually. Since then, on October 28, the entire planet pays tribute to the great art of animated films.

History of Russian animation

Our compatriot, choreographer of the Mariinsky Theater Alexander Shiryaev, distinguished himself in the field of animation at the beginning of the 20th century: in 1906, he became the creator of the world's first puppet cartoon. Now 12 moving dolls against the backdrop of motionless scenery might seem primitive - what is there to look at? - however, at that time it was a definite breakthrough in animation.

Animation graphics began to develop in the USSR in the period 1924-1925 with the founding of the Kultkino studio. A decade later, in June 1936, the popular film studio Soyuzmultfilm was opened in Moscow. Today it is difficult to find a person who is not familiar with the products of this studio: “ Winnie the Pooh and that’s all, that’s all,” “A Kitten Named Woof,” “The Littlest Dwarf” and other cartoons that have been loved since childhood.

70 years later, Soyuzmultfilm veterans decided to perpetuate domestic animation milestones and reveal some of the secrets of animation technology to cartoon fans. In 2006, the Animation Museum was opened, initially as a traveling exhibition. Today it is located in the All-Russian Exhibition Center and includes more than 5,000 exhibits.

International Animation Day has been celebrated in Russia since 2007. The first celebration was dedicated to the memory of the talented animator, founder of the animation studio "Pilot". Who is not familiar with the entertaining and funny animated films “Plasticine Crow”, “The Koloboks Are Investigating”, “Last Year’s Snow Was Falling”? Their author and director was A. Tatarsky.

In Moscow, the Big Cartoon Festival, which opened in 2014 for the eighth time, is timed to coincide with global cartoon celebrations. This animated show lasts for a dozen magical days, during which viewers can enjoy a wide variety of films from all over the world.

The story of one boy

Most kids don't think about how animated films are created - it seems to them that cartoons have always existed. One boy became interested in how to get his favorite cartoon characters from TV.

As he grew older, he received a wonderful toy movie camera as a gift: if you look at the screen and turn the handle, you can see the cartoon recorded in it! Of course, the camera was immediately disassembled, and the secret was revealed: inside the device was a miniature film with printed images. Since then, the curious boy became interested in animation, turning the creation of cartoons into his life's work.

Favorite cartoons in children's educational institutions

Creating an animated film is not an easy task: to “make” a cartoon character just raise his hands, you need at least a hundred images. For a 10-minute cartoon, about 15,000 such drawings are needed!

International Animation Day in preschool educational institutions is a suitable occasion to give children an idea of ​​how cartoons are created. This is not only a fun activity for children, but also a creative process that has a beneficial effect on the child’s abilities.

The simplest version of the cartoon can be made by your child yourself: drawings are drawn on each sheet of a thick album. For example, to depict an opening bud, on the first page you need to draw it completely closed, on the last - completely open, and on intermediate pages - various stages this process. When quickly flipping through a painted album, the child will see a “picture come to life” - this is the simplest cartoon. Experienced teachers in kindergartens and schools use a wide variety of technologies to create animated works:

  • drawing;
  • origami;
  • appliqué;
  • plasticine.

Any material is suitable for traveling to fascinating world animation - you just need to add a little imagination!

Congratulations to animators and cartoon fans

On International Animation Day, congratulations can be sent not only to famous figures and famous animators, but also to simply familiar cartoon lovers:

Cartoons bring joy to everyone since childhood,

Bring smiles, fun and laughter!

We are carried away into a fairy tale,

Just open your eyes, please.

And here's another:

Happy World Multiday

We send you congratulations!

Let the cartoons fill

Children's laughter in every home!

Or like this:

A fairy tale is rushing towards you on horseback -

This cartoon is knocking on the door:

Not only children are waiting for him -

People of the whole big planet!

With a worldwide multi-fairy tale

Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts:

Let them rejoice in the miracle

Moms, dads, babies!

When we watch cartoons, we smile. Smile more often!

Today, April 6, the UN countries celebrate the International Day of Sports for the Benefit of Development and Peace, the Day of the Geologist is celebrated all over the world, and in Russia the Day of Investigative Authorities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. What holiday do workers know today in Kyrgyzstan? physical culture and sports of the Kyrgyz Republic, this is their day. Turkmenistan has its own holiday - “A drop of water is a grain of gold”, and in Thailand on April 6 there comes a little-known holiday - Chakri Dynasty Day.

Holidays April 6, 2019

International Day of Sport for Development and Peace

- holiday at the UN
The International Day of Sports for Development and Peace is a new holiday among UN countries in the sports calendar. On April 6, 2013, the UN General Assembly unanimously decided to celebrate International Sports Day every year on April 6. Among the sponsors of this draft resolution were the following countries: Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Georgia, Romania, Serbia and Macedonia.

Geologist's Day

- international holiday
Today, April 6, almost all mining and geological organizations in Russia and the CIS countries celebrate Geologist's Day. This holiday was established by Decree of the Presidium Supreme Council USSR on October 1, 1980 and is celebrated annually on the first Sunday in April. The beginning of April was chosen for this holiday because it was during this period that the winter cold ends and the snow begins to melt, and specialists in this industry begin to prepare for summer expeditions and field work.

Day of Investigative Authorities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation

The investigative apparatus of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is the largest investigative structure in Russia. Every year on April 6 in our country, workers of the investigative bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation celebrate their professional holiday - the Day of Investigative Workers in the Internal Affairs Bodies. Russian Federation, which was established by decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR on April 6, 1963.

Day of Workers of Physical Culture and Sports of the Kyrgyz Republic

In the Republic of Kyrgyzstan, significant attention is paid to sports today. From this year, the Day of Workers of Physical Culture and Sports in this republic began to be celebrated annually on April 6. The resolution on celebrating January 11, 2014 was signed by the Prime Minister of Kyrgyzstan Zhantoro Satybaldiev due to the fact that the UN General Assembly declared April 6 as International Sports Day for the benefit of peace and development.

“A drop of water is a grain of gold”

- holiday in Turkmenistan
Every year on the first Sunday of the month of April, residents of Turkmenistan celebrate an official holiday called “A drop of water is a grain of gold,” which was established by decree of Saparmurat Niyazov in 1995. The holiday was intended to artificially soften the harsh climate of the Karakum Desert and turn Turkmenistan into a resort of world significance. “A drop of water is a grain of gold” is a celebration of water, the gold that was lacking in the arid dry zones of Central Asia.

Chakri Dynasty Day in Thailand

In Thailand, every year on April 6, Chakri Dynasty Day is celebrated - a public holiday established in honor of the founding of the ruling royal dynasty Chakri, which has ruled this country since 1782 and is therefore listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the longest-ruling dynasty.
On this holiday, His Majesty the King and his entire royal family hold a religious ceremony in the Royal Chapel, the meaning of which is to remember the deceased ancestors of the dynasty.

Unusual holidays

On April 6, you can celebrate unusual holidays for children: Cartoon Day and Russian Day folk tale. And Muscovites today can celebrate the birthday of the Moscow tram.

Cartoon Day

Since childhood, we have all loved cartoons, or cartoons, as we affectionately called these extraordinary works. But probably few people know what holiday it is today. Did you know that Cartoon Day began to be celebrated only in 2002 and since then it has been celebrated in many countries around the world. On this day, animators from all over the world exchange different programs films, and organize public screenings of new animated films. New cartoons are shown in many countries simultaneously.

Russian Folk Tale Day

Today is a wonderful and at the same time unusual holiday - the day of Russian folk tales! Congratulate all your friends and children on this wonderful holiday. After all, everyone loves fairy tales, both adults and children. Don’t forget your roots, tell your children and grandchildren the fairy tales that your mothers and grandmothers told you.

Birthday of the Moscow tram

Today's Moscow tram can no longer be called a popular means of transportation; it carries only 5% of passengers. April 6 is the day when in Moscow in 1899 there was Grand opening movement of the first tram along the Moscow line from Butyrskaya Zastava along Nizhnyaya and Verkhnyaya Maslovka to Petrovsky Park.

Church holiday according to the folk calendar

Artemon - drag the runner

On this day, Orthodox Christians honor the memory of St. Artemon (Artemy), the Bishop of Thessalonica, who lived and preached in the 1st and 2nd centuries at the dawn of Christianity.
At this time, the weather was already warm, the snow had melted, so the peasants, who had not yet exchanged their sleighs for a cart, risked stripping the runners along the way.
On this day, the peasants lit fires in the yard and walked around the huts in circles to drive out evil spirits. To show travelers the way to the church, fires were also lit along the roads.
In the evening of this day, families prepared for a big holiday - the Annunciation. On Annunciation Day, the peasants considered any work a great sin, so they tried to redo all the work in advance.
On this day, seeds for planting were blessed in churches.
Our ancestors had this belief: if a girl can stand the entire night service in church, then she will marry a man. good man.
The people had signs about the weather on this day, for example - if the night of this day is warm, then spring will be friendly.
They also judged the future weather about the harvest - if there is dew in the morning on that day, then the horses will not need oats, because there will be good millet, and if there is rain, then the cattle will have an easy year. If it snows on this day, then the buckwheat will grow, but if frost hits, then both millet and oats will grow.
Name day April 6 from: Vladimir, Zakhar, Martin, Peter, Stepan, Yakov
April 6th is also celebrated:
— Birthday of the Moscow tram,
— Day of colorful ribbons.

On October 28, the world celebrates International Animation Day, established in 2002. International Association Animated films - ASIFA (the International Animated Film Association).

This day is considered the beginning of animated films. On October 28, 1892, the French inventor and artist Emile Reynaud, who is considered the father of animated cinema, invited viewers to watch an unprecedented show - the “optical theater.”

On this day in Paris, at the Grevin Museum, the inventor for the first time publicly demonstrated his praxinoscope apparatus, showing moving pictures. Reynaud showed the film "Around the Cabin" ("Autor d"une cabine"), in which there was a real plot with elements of humor. The film contained about 500 drawings, designed to be shown for 12 minutes.

The idea to celebrate World Cartoon Day arose only in 2002 and since then this day has been celebrated in many countries around the world. On this day, animators from all over the globe exchange film programs and organize public screenings. Cartoon shows are held simultaneously in many countries.

In Russia, this day has been celebrated since 2007. The premiere of the celebration of World Cartoon Day in Russia was dedicated to the memory of director-animator Alexander Tatarsky, who died untimely that year - the author of the popular cartoons "Plasticine Crow", "Mountains of Gems", "The Investigation is Conducted by Koloboks", “Last year’s snow was falling” and the founder of the country’s largest animation studio “Pilot”.

The highlight of the program was the opening ceremony of the monument to Plasticine Crow in St. Petersburg at the Rodina cinema center. The creation of the monument was initiated by the International Festival of Animation Arts "Multivision" with the support of the "Pilot" studio and Russian animators. A model of a temporary monument made of plasticine was created by the artist of the Moscow studio "Pilot" Alexey Pochivalov, accurately reproducing the feathered heroine of the cartoon.

In December 2008, the temporary monument to the Plasticine Crow, installed at the Rodina cinema center, was replaced with a ceramic sculpture. The author of the work is the famous ceramic artist Elena Yurkovich.

In 2010, the Multivision festival takes part in the celebration of the IX world day cartoons in an original way - the World Cartoon Night will be held in St. Petersburg, at the Rodina cinema center.

The program of World Cartoon Night 2010 includes three international programs of the best, according to ASIFA, films of recent times.

The Animation of France program includes works by the famous studios Autour de Minuit, Sacrebleu, Metronomic, as well as a selection of films created in latest technology 3D.

The "Animation of Spain" program includes films-winners of international festivals, made in the most different techniques: puppet, hand-drawn, 3D.

The “From Dusk to Sunrise” program contains films from all over the globe - from the most western country - the USA to the easternmost - Japan, from young directors to such famous authors.

The material was prepared based on information from open sources