Academy of Magic Secrets 2 Alena Fedotovskaya in full. Academy of Magic Secrets (SI). Gentlemen don't read other people's letters Oleg Goryainov

I wonder if there is a magical world, how do people learn there? Is it possible that everyone endowed with a magical gift faces the same difficulties as ordinary students in the ordinary world? Alena Fedotovskaya’s novel “The Academy of Magic Secrets” will help answer this question. It gives readers the opportunity to feel like they belong in the world of magic, meet unusual creatures, and also learn about everything that happens at the Academy of Magic.

Alexia is a young representative of one of the wonderful, but small races. Nayan is distinguished by her wondrous beauty, excellent health and constant youth. When such a girl comes to her husband’s house, she brings joy and prosperity there. For these features, Nayans are highly valued.

The father decided to successfully marry Alexia, but she is temperamental, at times quarrelsome and does not want to get married at all. The girl has a sister, Sana, who is modest and quiet. She could become the best wife, but she has a drawback - a birthmark. Her father believes that it will be for her the best option go study. It so happens that Sana just wants to get married, so the sisters decide to use disguises and switch places. This is how Alexia ends up in the magical Academy. But did she expect that here, too, people are greeted by their clothes, and it’s not always easy to establish relationships with classmates and teachers... And when you start to feel sympathy for someone you should hate, it becomes very difficult. But what would you agree to do for the sake of your dream...

The work was published in 2017 by Eksmo Publishing House. The book is part of the "Academy of Magic" series. On our website you can download the book "The Academy of Magic Secrets" in fb2, rtf, epub, pdf, txt format or read online. The book's rating is 3.27 out of 5. Here, before reading, you can also turn to reviews from readers who are already familiar with the book and find out their opinion. In our partner's online store you can buy and read the book in paper form.

It all started when I ran to the Temple the next morning after capturing the werewolf. It was not possible to stay at the Academy; I had to go with my father and sister to a rented house in the capital. She wrote the petition for divorce throughout the rest of the night, and in the morning, not having slept well, but with a sense of accomplishment, she was already standing on the threshold of the Temple.

It seemed to me that the Chief Priest was not surprised. But he sarcastically noted that he is not the secretary of His Highness the Junior Prince, and not the magic mail to send my petition to my husband - the consent of both spouses is required for divorce.

Of course, I knew this, but I really hoped that either the procedure was different for the princes, or the Serpent had already left his. But no, but that means I just didn’t have time. And without further ado, I sent my request to the palace and began to wait.

There was still no answer, but a day later I received a polite but very convincing invitation to visit the Guild for a hearing in the case of Lord Firth and Lady Emma. I was not going to refuse, and, reluctantly, I went there with my father and Aleksana. My father, by the way, had been in such shock for several days that he even stopped drinking. The marriage of his daughter to one of the princes did not fit into his head, although he sometimes said that this was natural, because I was such a beauty. He reacted to my desire to get a divorce with a hiss, but nothing more. I immediately made it clear to him: now he has no right to anything, and from now on I am in charge of my own life. Surprisingly, he didn’t even mention the ransom.

The guild did not impress me: a tall, five-story, nondescript building made of gray stone, except that there was a magic lamp perched on each of the fence posts. I wonder why, to see her from afar? But the call interested me - it was really loud and obnoxious. It's amazing how much the Serpent loves my voice...

The hearing took place in a huge round room with dark walls and windows covered with thick curtains. In the very center I saw two large horseshoe-shaped tables opposite each other. As the magician who accompanied us explained, on one side were the prosecution and the victims, on the other were the accused, usually under the control of battle magicians. I confidently walked forward and sat down at the table for criminals, and did not pay any attention to my father’s sigh and the magician’s weak objections.

Literally in a few minutes the hall was filled, however, there was a slight crush at the entrance - everyone, seeing my choice of side in the process, considered it their duty to stumble. Around the fifth unfortunate moment, I was already grinning openly, my father was clenching his fists, and Sana was shuddering. Although, perhaps I’m wrong - it’s possible that those who entered had simply never seen two identical nayans.

The hearing turned out to be quite boring: I didn’t learn anything new, except perhaps the names of the adepts from whom the former rector of the Academy took away almost all of their magic. One of them was present - a timid, thin young lady who had difficulty finding words. She left the academy and got married. Apparently, it was unpleasant for her to answer questions, and I mentally pitied the poor thing. But mostly abstract and pretentious phrases were heard about the werewolf and his accomplice, who encroached not only on the magical power of the adherents, but, most terrible, on the life and health of the princes. By the way, Their Highnesses were also present at the hearing: Martin looked distant and looked thoughtful, and Darren simply ignored me. He glanced at me a couple of times, and that was all. Great! Well, okay! I'll make do! Reptile, ghoul and traitor!

I was asked one single question - how and why I called upon earth magic to help the criminal escape. Moreover, they asked this in such an apologetic tone that I even doubted whether they were waiting for my answer? I had already quickly studied the necessary books from Count Otten’s library in my spare time - they did not have the right to interrogate me, and I could not answer. But she said firmly and with dignity:

I don’t know what surprises the respected Guild and everyone present, but I would like to remind you that Lady Emma tried to stop Lord Firth at the last moment, despite her attitude towards him, and we got a few minutes that saved our lives. I repeat, she is my own grandmother, and I could not allow the battle mages to kill her. My earth magic is uncontrollable, I have no idea how it manifested itself. But I don’t regret it, I assure you, I would do the same now. If you don’t understand this, then I feel sorry for you,” I looked around everyone with an angry look and asked impatiently, “I hope this is all and I can go?”

Of course, Your Highness,” one of the magicians sitting at the table opposite and playing the role of investigators jumped up and bowed to me. - Thank you for your time.

I met my husband’s gaze for a moment, but could not determine the expression in his eyes. But they hardly reflected understanding.

My father wanted to object, but he just grabbed Sana’s hand, and she didn’t dare follow me. It was for the best - I wanted to be alone.

I flew out of the Guild at high speed - I was already starting to shake, and I was afraid that roots would start creeping out from everywhere. Although this is unlikely - after all, the Guild building is so saturated with magic that mine would turn out to be just a grain of sand in the sea, but I didn’t want to risk it. The magicians I met on the way parted in fear, and I freely left the inhospitable building. Why is everyone rushing to work here? I don't want to at all.

There was nowhere to go, I climbed into the carriage that took us to the Guild, and asked to be taken to the outskirts of the capital. If the coachman was surprised, he didn’t even show it with a glance. No one argued with me at all, any wish was fulfilled, everyone showed exaggerated respect, it was even disgusting. What has changed? Nothing, except the prefix to my name “Your Highness.” But I didn’t have any happiness from the fact that I now belonged to the royal family. And I really wanted to get rid of the hated title and no less hated husband.

The carriage stopped at the very edge of the forest, I thanked the coachman and sent him back to the Guild to pick up my father and sister. The coachman asked worriedly if I was sure I wanted to stay here alone, and I nodded. What should I be afraid of? I came to see a friend.

Bert followed me out of the Academy and moved closer to the capital. True, sometimes I flew to friends to find out the news. Magic mail with the Academy did not work - now everything was not the same as before...

Bert! - I shouted loudly out of habit, and the lizard flapping its wings immediately landed on the road. My friend and I have not yet risked meeting at Otten’s house, despite the bracelet. I wanted to wait for the hearing at the Guild, well, I did...

Lexa,” Bert, out of habit, poked his muzzle into my shoulder. - How did everything go?

What could I answer? I briefly recounted what happened at the hearing, and Bert looked at me carefully.

Are you not going to put up with him?

The friend sighed again and began to talk, and I began to understand how much Darren did not want publicity. What happened with my friends was also my fault - after all, I confessed to him, who knows about his race. Sylvia said that in the morning representatives of the Guild appeared at the Academy and secretly took them away through the portal for teachers, and with them Professors Teller and Admir. Everyone who knew that Erian Albert from the beginning of the semester was Prince Darren. However, only they knew that Alexana Rain was Alexia Milne, so they were also required to take an oath of non-disclosure of this circumstance. I thought about it.

So they didn’t cover everyone,” I noted. - Bert stayed.

Suddenly we heard the flapping of wings, and the lizard landed on the windowsill. True, the window in my living room was not as wide as in the Academy, and Bert grumbled with displeasure.

They charged me too,” he admitted. - Just from there. But I met the Head of the Department for the Control of Magical Creatures, he looked at me nervously, I think, Lexa, last time your... well, the youngest prince scared him a lot.

Both from me and from my father,” Aleksana suddenly admitted. I looked at my sister in surprise.

Immediately after the Guild hearing. I tried to tell you, but you didn't want to know anything about what happened after you left.

Yes, I admit, I got excited. True, Sana began with the fact that “your husband became sad when you disappeared behind the door,” and I decided that my sister’s subjective opinion about what the Serpent looked like did not interest me. Wow... but that's not bad!

I was inspired.

So no one knows that adept Raine is Tarrin’s new princess?

No one,” Jordan responded, “and those who know have sworn to silence.”

Very good! - I happily rubbed my hands. - I'm going back to the Academy!

My friends and sister stared at me.

Lexa,” Sana said carefully, “are you sure?”

I looked at my sister:

What should I do here? The princess’s life doesn’t interest me, there is no husband as such, he won’t give me a divorce,” I looked back at the pile of crumpled paper, “and, judging by the words of the Chief Priest, it is useless to write to the prince. Well, as His Serene Highness said, I can change my destiny, so I will return to the Academy. I will act from there, and maybe there I will finally learn to control my magic, sign up for meditation with Teller, and, perhaps, for classes with Admir. I hope they won't refuse the princess? - I smiled slyly.

Sylvia shook her head.

Lexa, there may be some difficulties with this...

Which ones? - I was surprised.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door, and on the threshold I saw a maid with an envelope. It had Aleksana's name on it, and the sender was our Academy. My little sister jumped up to me, apparently feeling that the letter was touching her, which means that the gift of divination is only progressing. Great! I tore the envelope, took out a folded piece of paper and read the following aloud: “Dear Lady Alexana Milne. We are forced to deny you admission to the Academy of Magical Secrets, this is not possible at this time. Best wishes, Vanessa Tinar, secretary to Lord Eton, rector of the Academy of Magical Secrets."

I couldn't believe my eyes!

What kind of Lord Eaton is this?!

“I tried to tell you,” Sylvia answered, “the day before yesterday they sent a new rector from the Guild.” He gathered all the adherents in the Main Hall, and we heard this about ourselves... Mediocrity is the most affectionate thing he said about us. He promised to increase the workload and said that Lord Firth’s actions would not be an indulgence, he would make real magicians out of us, and those who could not cope would be thrown out of the Academy, and quickly. He promised extraordinary exams and other tests. Now I myself don’t know how to study there.

“Alas,” Jordan echoed her, “I talked to my grandfather, he is also worried. He is acquainted with Lord Eaton, although only casually; believe me, in comparison with him, Professor Lockfest is a sweet and charming creature. By the way, she was left at the Academy, but there are rumors that if she doesn’t cope and her students don’t show results in the subject, she will be recalled. The Guild decided to take the adepts and the Academy seriously, it feels like we are to blame for Lord Firth’s atrocities. Although we are, in essence, victims. I don't understand the Guild, to be honest. The Academy is going through big changes, Lexa, I don't know if it's a good idea for you to come back...

And the professors and deans began to shake,” Sylvia noted. - They walk around nervous and angry, the Guild suspects each and every one of helping Lord Firth. Admir gets it more than the others - after all, he was his friend. Also, the dean of artifacts came under suspicion - they say he supplied the former rector with something. Professor Bruni is not being touched yet, but I think the repressions will affect everyone.

I clenched my fists and flower pots jumped up again.

What a misfortune!

The Guild is weird,” Jordan sighed. - Of course, I hope that everything will be fine, but, you know...

I nodded. The situation was not looking good, but when did that stop me?

What about Firth? - Sylvia suddenly asked. - We don’t know anything about him...

I frowned:

While he is alive, he is carefully guarded, and the healers somehow support him. Waiting for the end of the trial and verdict.

“Oh,” Jordan began, but bit his tongue. In vain, I understood perfectly what he meant. More precisely, about whom.

No, I haven’t heard or heard anything about her. And she can be understood.

It was true, I haven’t heard anything about Emma since that memorable night. Of course, I hoped that grandma would make herself known, but I understood that now it was too dangerous.

So you're still going to come back? - asked a friend. - What about the Serpent?

I clenched my fists again, the pots began to move, and tree branches fell on Bert’s back, who shuddered and almost fell into the room.

Lexa! - he hissed indignantly.

“I’m sorry,” I said guiltily and, running up to my friend, hugged his neck. - Now they will return to their place.

Indeed, I pulled myself together, and the branches retreated, and the flower pots calmed down. The events in the lair completely unsettled me, it’s high time I learned to master my own magic. Well, how can I refuse to study at the Academy in this case?

Sylvia and Jordan stayed with us for a while longer, but soon said goodbye and left for the Academy. I quickly got ready to go, but inopportunely I remembered that I still owed a debt to Professor Bruni. In light of recent events, he will definitely demand it from me before the end of the semester, and I sat down to write an essay on my own husband. I scribbled it from the heart - on one and a half sheets, without mincing words. Sana, who snatched the first sheet from me, shook her head:

You are crazy! You can't show it to anyone!

“Exactly,” I responded, “maybe I should send it straight to the Magic Herald?”

Okay, okay, come on here, now I’ll write it as expected, and you’ll give me hints. What does this Tailed One... that is, the master do?

With the help of Aleksana, I, with great grief, typed out another sheet and a half in large handwriting. Only official data - when he was born, who he married (here I had a blast, though, at the same time flashing knowledge about my own race), what he does (I mentioned work on theoretical and practical magic five times), in the end I concluded that my husband is one of the best magicians of the kingdom, and that’s where it ended. The abundance of delight made my teeth ache, and with irritation I grabbed the sheets of paper into a folder and put it in my bag. I’ll rent it out and forget about it forever!

Having finished with the abstract, I set out to solve another serious problem. Calling the maid, I waited while she styled my hair, put on one of the best dresses that had been delivered just yesterday, and kissed my sister on the cheek.

I'll be back soon.

Aleksana looked at me strangely, but didn’t ask any questions. I ordered the carriage to be laid, ignoring my father’s puzzled look, and told the coachman:

To the Mages Guild.

The loud ringing brought back unpleasant memories of Darren and I's adventure together, but I tried to push them out of my mind. It was - and it was not. The magician who met me on the threshold froze in amazement. Nayana, and even a princess - what could be more unusual?

How can I help you, Your Highness? - he bowed.

“I need a pass to all of Tarrin’s portals,” I said decisively.

It was very arrogant, I didn’t even really count on success, but I didn’t see any other way out. Through the general portal, I could only get into the Academy by giving my real name, and this was excluded. Jordan admitted that his grandfather took away his pass until everything gets better, and they will return through a common portal with the official permission of the rector. Adept Rain did not have such permission.

The magician froze, but quickly controlled himself and invited me inside. I followed him, and for some reason everyone we met shuddered; did the news of my uncontrollable earth magic really shock everyone so much? Hmm... the visit was a success. I wonder how long it will take for Darren to find out about him?

Half an hour later I got what I wanted. I was met by a tall, silent magician in a black robe, who led me to a small sparkling portal and forced me to put my hand on one of the stones. A blue light flashed around my palm and I flinched in fear. I thought they would give me a small plate, like the one Jordan had. However, what surprises me is that the Serpent also used the portal without the help of artifacts.

Don’t be alarmed, your highness,” the magician stated dispassionately, “now you have access to all of Tarrin’s portals, as the princess of the kingdom.” Please take it,” he handed me a small brochure, and I leafed through it with interest. It contained a list of all the portals and the sequence of touching the arch stones. Wow, I have to learn all of it?!

“Not all of it,” the magician answered, and I gasped. I'm speaking out loud again! - Only those that you need. But if you forget some drawing, you can always put your palm on any of the arch stones and name the desired exit point. We are constantly improving the network of portals, so there shouldn't be any problems.

Thank you,” I sincerely thanked and headed towards the exit. I got what I needed, I hope no one can take this ability away. True, I was itching to ask what would happen to my access if I divorced the prince, but I decided not to give a new reason for gossip. And so, I'm sure, all of Tarrin is abuzz about Prince Darren's hasty marriage and our separation from him.

And she turned out to be right. When I asked the coachman to stop at the largest magic shop in the capital and entered it, the visitors shuddered, and the owner, apparently, was on the verge of fainting. All the customers bowed and headed out in a flock, and we were left alone with the owner.

I am immensely happy that you visited my humble shop, Your Highness.

Ugh. I don't like sycophants. There is no happiness on your face, and all this wealth on the shelves certainly cannot be called modest.

I'm afraid I walked out of there two hours later only because the sun was setting and my stomach was growling from hunger. The owner, who hung a “Closed” sign on the door, by the way, offered me dinner, but I wisely refused. My purchases did not fit into the carriage, and the satisfied shop owner promised to send them to my house within an hour. I’m such a bad princess: I didn’t buy any jewelry, I didn’t spend money on dresses, but there was an abundance of magical plants and other items necessary for potion making. I decided to stock up thoroughly before returning to the Academy. I collected two bags of neutralizers alone! I'm afraid Darren will be shocked when he sees the bill and shopping list. It’s my own fault, there was no point in making my credit limitless!

I happily rubbed my hands. In general, being a princess is not so bad, although today I only took advantage of my rights, and I’m unlikely to be delighted with the responsibilities. No, excuse me, adept Rain suits me much better.

Sana was waiting for me, nervously pacing the room. My father decided to return to his old occupation and, as the maid whispered to me, was finishing his third bottle of wine in the library, so I slipped unhindered into my room. True, I was afraid of talking to him more out of habit - my father had not asked me anything for a long time. Maybe at least he was happy? However, if he drinks again, it’s unlikely.

Lexa! - my sister hugged me. - You've been gone for so long!

Having calmed Sana down, I asked her for help, and we spent the entire evening packing and signing my purchases. Of course, I could have sent all this stuff to the Academy in the name of Alexana Raine while still in the shop, but why reveal my incognito to a dubious person? We went to bed well after midnight, but I was pleased with the results today.

In the morning I woke up when the sunlight was already shining through the window. Goddess, I overslept! Jumping out of bed, I hastily got dressed and immediately began changing my appearance and turning into an adept of Rain: God forbid anyone sees Nayana at the Academy. Sana ran into my room in a dressing gown and disheveled: no wonder, we were very tired yesterday.

I rushed to the closet for my bag, threw the strap over my shoulder and kissed my sister.

Make arrangements for the magical mail,” I asked. - I'm very late!

How are you without things? - Sana was surprised.

I assured her:

I have everything in my room at the Academy. And in the bag - the most valuable thing - I lovingly stroked the thick canvas fabric. Of course, a handful of neutralizers, a rare mandrake in our area, a brochure on portals and, most importantly, grandma’s book. Having followed Darren into the werewolf’s lair that fateful night, I amazed everyone when the first thing I did was snatch my bag from one of the magicians, into which he had already stuck his curious nose. There is nothing to touch mine - that's it! If anyone had any objections, they were dashed by my decisive gaze. Nobody wanted a repeat of the show.

What should I tell my father? - Aleksana’s question overtook me already on the threshold.

I shrugged:

Say that you decided to be alone, went to your house and don’t want to see anyone. By the way, if he pesters you, or, God forbid, threatens you with marriage, do just that. Especially if Otten returns unexpectedly. You don’t even have to say that you are my sister, but introduce yourself as me.

What if your husband shows up? - Alexana asked with fear.

Believe me, he’ll figure you out right away,” I grinned. - But you don’t have to worry - he won’t show up, his wife is not interested in him.

“I’ll contact you as soon as I can,” I promised. “And I’ll also talk to Teller, maybe he can offer something.” Keep your nose up, little sister, we didn't handle this!

Sana smiled back, and I quickly ran down the steps. I hope my father is still sleeping after yesterday’s libations and will not hear me leaving. There was absolutely no time for idle talk.

I reached the portal from which Darren and I left last time in about ten minutes. I didn’t take the carriage: firstly, the portal building was not far from our house, and secondly, I didn’t want unnecessary publicity. The later everyone knows where I am, the better.

I learned the sequence of touching the stone vault to get into the Academy first. Not too confidently, but she touched the stones as it was drawn, and the portal lit up blue. And I closed my eyes again and stepped into it - after all, it’s very difficult to get rid of bad habits.

I was lucky - no one met me in the hall with the portal for teachers. Quickly emerging from it, I hurried to my room. By the way, it turned out to be empty - there was a quarter of an hour left before classes, but Sylvia probably did not spend the night here. She quickly threw her valuables into the closet and put on her robe. Then she hastily packed her bag, stuffing her notes into it, and ran out of the room. I really wanted to eat, so I finally decided to run into the dining room and get hold of at least a couple of buns so as not to die of hunger. In the doorway, I unexpectedly ran into some guy in a purple robe - I ran into him, but slowed down in time, and both stayed on their feet.

Excuse me, please,” I said and rushed to the tray of buns. She grabbed one and stuffed it into her mouth, biting it off as she went, took the second one with her and rushed back. Unfortunately, the guy I almost dropped was waiting for me on the way out.

“Go to the rector immediately, adept Rain,” Bruni hissed. “I’ll even risk incurring the wrath of Lord Eton as a teacher, but such mockery must be cut at the root.” Go away!

I shuddered, rushed to my desk, grabbed my bag and notebook and quickly walked towards the door. Professor Bruni's shout stopped me on the threshold.

Grab the abstract,” he said sarcastically. - Good luck, adept Rain.

And it sounded like “We are unlikely to see you again.” Returning, I took the sheets and cast a farewell glance at the audience, came across the suffering Sylvia and the triumphant Albert, and went out into the corridor. Yes, my training ended quickly...

I slowly trudged towards the rector’s office and went through the options in my head. If I now admit who I am, of course, I’m unlikely to be expelled, but I won’t be allowed to study here either. And if I don’t confess, then, judging by the reviews about Lord Eaton, I’ll get out of here even faster. So what should I do?

Entering the familiar atrium, I frowned. I don't have very pleasant memories of this place. Especially if we remember that we left the werewolf’s lair through it. There’s a familiar door... I shook my head, driving away the sad memories, and walked up to the rector’s office. Thoughts were confused; I still couldn’t figure out what to say to Lord Eaton, and in exhaustion I pressed my forehead to the door. I don’t know how long I stood there, gathering my strength, but my support suddenly moved forward, I lost my balance and fell inside the office. Who would doubt that I would knock someone down with my fall? Throwing my arms out, I closed my eyes and screamed loudly, landing on someone’s body, which immediately groaned.

“You stunned me, adept,” I heard a muffled, but so familiar voice, and immediately opened my eyes. And they almost crawled out of their orbits, because the Serpent himself was lying under me, and doom flashed in his gaze. I opened my mouth to call the prince by name, but suddenly the meaning of his words dawned on me. What did he call me?!

Adept Rain, why are you so sloppy?” Professor Gorrain jumped up to me and offered me her hand, helping me get up. - Sorry, Lord Eaton, it was an accident.

Who?! Lord Eaton?! I turned my gaze to the Snake, but he was silent. And my eyes probably reflected something predatory, and my lips themselves stretched into an ominous smile. Nice to meet you, Lord Director!

Lady Gorraine finally made me stand up, and the Serpent stood up after me. I don’t know how I restrained the hysterical laughter bursting out. I had to cough because my emotions were overflowing. My husband is the new rector, how wonderful! Another cover, is Albert not enough for you anymore? Well, that's it, you got it, Snake!

Current page: 2 (book has 19 pages total) [available reading passage: 13 pages]

Chapter 2

Sylvia and Jordan stayed with us for a while longer, but soon said goodbye and left for the Academy. I quickly got ready to go, but inopportunely I remembered that I still owed a debt to Professor Bruni. In light of recent events, he will definitely demand it before the end of the semester, and I sat down to write an essay on my own husband. I scribbled it from the heart - on one and a half sheets, without mincing words. Sana, looking over my shoulder, just shook her head:

- You are crazy! You can't show it to anyone!

“Exactly,” I responded. – Maybe we should send it straight to the “Magical Messenger”?

- Okay, okay, now I’ll write it as expected, and you’ll give me hints. What does this tailed master do?

With the help of Aleksana, I, with great grief, typed out another sheet and a half in large handwriting. Only official data - when he was born, who he married (here I had a blast, at the same time showing off my knowledge about my own race), what he does (I mentioned work on theoretical and practical magic five times). In the end, I concluded that my husband is one of the best magicians in the kingdom, and that was the end of it. The abundance of delight made my teeth ache, and with irritation I grabbed the sheets of paper into a folder and put it in my bag. I’ll rent it out and forget about it forever!

Having finished with the abstract, I set out to solve another serious problem. I called the maid, waited while she styled my hair, put on one of the best dresses delivered just yesterday, and kissed my sister on the cheek.

- I'll be back soon.

Aleksana looked at me strangely, but didn’t ask any questions. I ordered the carriage to be laid, ignoring my father’s puzzled look, and told the coachman:

- To the Mages Guild.

The loud ringing brought back unpleasant memories of Darren and I's adventure together, but I tried to push them out of my mind. It was – and it wasn’t. The magician who met me on the threshold froze in amazement. Nayana, and even a princess - what could be more unusual?

- How can I help you, Your Highness? – he bowed.

“I need a pass to all of Tarrin’s portals,” I said decisively.

It was very arrogant, I didn’t even really count on success, but I didn’t see any other way out. It’s unlikely that she would have gotten into the Academy through a common portal, who knows if they’d put a ban on her, and she wasn’t going to give her real name. Jordan admitted that Bruni took away his pass until everything gets better, and they will return through a common portal with the official permission of the rector. Adept Rain did not have such permission.

My interlocutor froze, but quickly controlled himself and invited me inside. I followed him, and for some reason all the magicians I met along the way shuddered and shied away in different directions. Did the news of my uncontrollable earth magic really shock everyone that much? Hmmm... the visit was a success. I wonder how long it will take for Darren to find out about him?

Half an hour later I got what I wanted. I was greeted by a tall, silent magician in a black robe; he led me to a small sparkling portal and made me put my hand on one of the stones. A blue light flashed around my palm and I flinched in fear. I thought they would give me a small plate, like the one Jordan had. However, what surprises me is that the Serpent also used the portal without the help of artifacts.

“Don’t be alarmed, your highness,” the magician stated dispassionately. – Now you have access to all the portals of the kingdom, like Princess Tarrin. Please take.

He handed me a small brochure, and I leafed through it with interest. This was a list of all the portals and a diagram of the sequence of touching the arch stones. Wow, I have to learn all of it?!

“Not all of it,” the magician answered, and I gasped. I'm speaking out loud again! - Only what you need. But if you forget some drawing, you can always put your palm on any of the arch stones and name the desired exit point. We are constantly improving the network of portals, so there shouldn't be any problems.

“Thank you,” I sincerely thanked and headed towards the exit. I got what I needed, I hope no one can take this ability away. True, I was itching to ask what would happen to my access if I divorced the prince, but I decided not to give a new reason for gossip. And so, I'm sure, all of Tarrin is abuzz about Prince Darren's hasty marriage and our separation from him.

And she turned out to be right. When I asked the coachman to stop at the largest magic shop in the capital and entered it, the visitors shuddered, and the owner, apparently, was on the verge of fainting. All the customers bowed and headed out in a flock, and we were left alone with the owner.

“I am immensely happy that you visited my humble shop, Your Highness.”

Ugh. I don't like hypocrites. There is no happiness on your face, and all this wealth on the shelves certainly cannot be called modest.

Two hours later, I left there only because the sun was setting and my stomach was growling from hunger. The owner, who hung a “Closed” sign on the door, by the way, offered me dinner, but I wisely refused. My purchases did not fit into the carriage, and the satisfied shop owner promised to send them to my house within an hour.

I turned out to be some kind of wrong princess: I didn’t buy jewelry, I didn’t spend money on dresses, but there were plenty of magical plants and other items necessary for potion making. I decided to stock up thoroughly before returning to the Academy. I collected two bags of neutralizers alone! I'm afraid Darren will be shocked when he sees the bill and shopping list. It’s my own fault, there was no point in making my credit limitless!

I happily rubbed my hands. In general, being a princess is not so bad, although today I only took advantage of my rights, and I’m unlikely to be delighted with the responsibilities. No, excuse me, adept Rain suits me much better.

Sana was waiting for me, nervously pacing the room. Father decided to return to his old occupation and, as the maid whispered, was finishing his third bottle of wine in the library, so I slipped freely into my chambers. I was afraid to talk to him more out of habit - my father had not asked me anything for a long time. Maybe at least he was happy? However, if he drinks again, it’s unlikely.

- Lexa! - My sister hugged me. -You've been gone for so long!

Having calmed Sana down, I asked her for help, and we spent the whole evening packing and signing my purchases. Of course, I could have sent all this stuff to the Academy in the name of Alexana Raine while still in the shop, but why reveal my incognito to a dubious person? We went to bed well after midnight, but I was pleased with the results of today.

I woke up when the sunlight was already flooding the bedroom. I overslept! Jumping out of bed, she hurriedly got dressed and began to change her appearance and turn into an adept of Rain: God forbid, anyone would see Nayana at the Academy. A few minutes later Sana appeared, in a robe and disheveled - no wonder, yesterday we were both too tired.

I rushed to the closet for my bag, threw the strap over my shoulder and kissed my sister.

“Make arrangements for the magical mail,” I asked. - I'm very late!

- How are you without things? – Sana was surprised.

I assured her:

– I have everything in my room at the Academy. And in the bag is the most valuable thing,” I lovingly stroked the thick canvas fabric. Of course, a handful of neutralizers, a rare mandrake in our area, a brochure on portals and, most importantly, grandma’s book.

Having followed Darren into the werewolf’s lair that fateful night, I amazed everyone when the first thing I did was snatch my bag from one of the magicians, into which he had already stuck his curious nose. Nothing to touch mine - that's it! If anyone had any objections, they were dashed by my decisive gaze. Nobody wanted a repeat of the show.

- What should I tell my father? – Aleksana’s question overtook me already on the threshold.

I shrugged:

- Say that I decided to be alone, went to my house and don’t want to see anyone. By the way, if he pesters you or, God forbid, threatens you with marriage, do just that. Especially if Otten returns unexpectedly. You don’t even have to say that you are my sister, but introduce yourself as me.

– What if your husband shows up? – Alexana asked with fear.

“Believe me, he’ll figure you out right away,” I grinned. “But you don’t have to worry, he won’t show up, he’s not interested in his wife.”

- Lexa...

“I’ll contact you as soon as I can,” I promised. “And I’ll also talk to Teller, maybe he can offer something.” Keep your nose up, little sister, we didn't handle this!

Sana smiled back, and I quickly ran down the steps. I hope my father is still sleeping after yesterday’s libations and will not hear me leaving. There was absolutely no time for idle talk.

I reached the portal from which Darren and I left last time in a matter of minutes. I didn’t take the carriage: firstly, the portal building was not far from our house, and secondly, I didn’t want unnecessary publicity. The later everyone knows where I am, the better.

I learned the sequence of touching the stone vault to get into the Academy first. Not too confidently, but she touched the stones as it was drawn, and the portal lit up blue. And I closed my eyes again and stepped into it - after all, it’s very difficult to get rid of bad habits.

I was lucky - no one met me in the hall with the portal for teachers. Quickly emerging from it, I hurried to my room. By the way, it turned out to be empty - there was a quarter of an hour left before classes, but Sylvia probably did not spend the night here. She quickly threw her valuables into the closet and put on her robe. Then she hastily packed her bag, stuffing her notes into it, and ran out of the room. I really wanted to eat, so I finally decided to run into the dining room and get hold of at least a couple of buns so as not to die of hunger.

In the doorway, unexpectedly for herself, she ran into some guy in a purple robe - she ran into him, but slowed down in time, and both stayed on their feet.

“Excuse me, please,” I said and rushed to the tray of buns. She grabbed one and stuffed it into her mouth, biting it off as she went, took the second one with her and rushed back. Unfortunately, the guy I almost dropped was waiting at the exit from the dining room.

“‘Sorry’ isn’t enough for me,” he said caustically.

A piece of bun almost got stuck in my throat, I swallowed and looked at the speaker in bewilderment. The young man with brown hair and dull blue eyes did not evoke any emotion.

- I'm sorry we collided. And I sympathize that you don’t have enough,” I snorted and tried to rush past, but they grabbed me by the elbow. I looked from his fingers to his face and suspected my comrade of wanting to commit suicide.

“If you don’t let me go right now, the consequences could be dire,” I honestly warned.

“Are you threatening me, little girl?” – he was amazed. - To me?!

– Which one of us is a bigot? – I was indignant. - Look at yourself, it’s a misunderstanding!

By the way, the stranger really was not very tall and growled at my words.

“From today on, you won’t study here,” he hissed.

Deja vu, however. Before you get to the Academy, you are immediately threatened with expulsion. Some kind of mania.

- Let me go! – I shouted, with an effort I pulled my elbow out of the grip of his fingers, causing it to immediately begin to sting. - Psycho!

Such people should be weeded out from the Academy back in admissions committee!

And she quickly galloped away to the schedule. The first lecture was history, and I almost groaned. Because of this abnormality I am late, Professor Bruni will be unhappy. Strongly. But it was not in my rules to retreat, and I resolutely pushed the door of the auditorium.

“I’m sorry,” I said repentantly.

Bruni, who was laying out his notes, looked at me in surprise.

– Adept Rain? Please explain why you missed the previous lecture.

I looked down and quietly answered:

“They sent me home, professor, there were problems in the family.” “And she raised her eyes: “But now there’s no problem, can I come in?”

Bruni relaxed a little:

– Family is definitely more important, I hope you have resolved all your issues. Come in, Adept Raine.

“Thank you,” I answered joyfully and looked around the audience. Sylvia waved at me from the middle of the left row, and I hurried towards her.

As soon as I sat down at the table, the classroom door opened again, and my unwitting offender appeared on the threshold. I frowned: what is he doing here?! There are no such things on our stream!

Professor Bruni groaned audibly:

– Adept Albert, you are late.

Who?! I looked at the newcomer with all my eyes and couldn’t believe it. The real Erian Albert?!

“Not by much, professor,” he answered, grinning, “I hope you’ll let me in.”

Bruni frowned, throwing a quick glance at me:

- As an exception.

Albert walked forward imposingly and plopped down next to his retinue, who, unfortunately, were located nearby. I couldn’t help myself and constantly looked askance at Erian, and Sylvia, noticing this, pulled me back:

“Lexa, stop it, you’re attracting attention, it’ll catch you.” You don't want a conflict with him, do you?

“Already,” I admitted with a sigh. – We ran into each other at the dining room.

- Lexa! – my friend widened her eyes. – Are you magnetically drawn to the name Alberta? Believe me, this one won’t be so kind, he’s been harassing everyone for a couple of days now, I completely forgot to tell you...

Yes, it was a surprise!

Professor Bruni cleared his throat.

– The topic of today’s lecture is the Battle of the Sea. Open your notes and write down: the beginning of the battle. Demon intervention. The death of mermaids.

“It’s going to be a terrible story again,” I sighed.

And suddenly I heard a loud whisper:

“It doesn’t get any worse than you, Rain.”

She slowly turned her head and met the gaze of a grinning Albert and a pleased Hoggart. And she almost mentally groaned: it just wasn’t enough to quarrel with the real Erian!

- Leave me alone, Albert!

“I haven’t even started yet,” he chuckled. - All the more so to pester.

- Don’t start! – I exclaimed.

Silence fell in the audience. She turned her head and looked at the gloomy Professor Bruni.

– Adept Rain, I thought you had reformed, but apparently, being away from the Academy did not do you any good. You interrupted me again, apparently, one abstract is not enough. Have you even started it?

I gave him an apologetic smile.

“And I even finished it, professor.”

- Is that so? – Bruni was surprised. - Let me familiarize myself.

She reached into her bag, pulled out the abstract from the folder and headed to the professor. Of course, I was counting on praise, but the mischievous Albert ruined everything! But maybe Bruni at least won’t swear that I interrupted his lecture.

The professor picked up the sheets of paper and began to read deeply. I stood next to him with a satisfied smile, and Bruni’s muffled groan made me literally jump.

- What is this?! – he asked ominously.

“An abstract,” I answered carefully. – As you asked, according to Prince Darren.

The professor stared at me angrily, shaking me with my assignment:

“Are you kidding me, Adept Rain?” Or did you decide to outdo Albert? I hope you didn’t send this to the Magic Bulletin?!

Um... what is he talking about? I couldn’t resist, I came closer and looked into the abstract. And she moaned even louder than the professor. I mixed it up! This is the very first option where I... mommies!

“To the rector immediately, Adept Raine,” Bruni hissed. “I’ll even risk, as a teacher, incurring the wrath of Lord Eton, but such mockery must be cut at the root.” Go away!

I shuddered, rushed to my desk, grabbed my bag and notebook and quickly walked towards the door. Professor Bruni's shout stopped me on the threshold.

“Grab the abstract,” he said sarcastically. - Good luck, Adept Rain.

And it sounded like “We are unlikely to see you again.” Returning, she took the sheets and cast a farewell glance at the audience, came across the suffering Sylvia and the triumphant Albert and went out into the corridor. Yes, my training ended quickly...

I slowly trudged towards the rector’s office and went through the options in my head. If I admit who I am, of course, I’m unlikely to be expelled, but I won’t be allowed to study here either. And if I don’t confess, then, judging by the reviews about Lord Eaton, I’ll get out of here even faster. So what should I do?

Entering the familiar atrium, I frowned. Not very pleasant associations arose about this place: we left the werewolf’s lair through it. There's a familiar door...

She shook her head, driving away the sad memories, and walked up to the rector’s office. Thoughts were confused; I still couldn’t figure out what to say to Lord Eaton, and in exhaustion I pressed my forehead to the door. I don’t know how long I stood there, gathering my strength, but my support suddenly moved forward, I lost my balance and fell inside the office. Who would doubt that I would knock someone down with my fall? She spread her arms, closed her eyes and screamed loudly, landing on someone’s body, which immediately groaned.

“You stunned me, adept,” I heard a muffled, but so familiar voice, and opened my eyes. And they almost crawled out of their orbits, because the Serpent himself was lying under me, and doom flashed in his gaze. I opened my mouth to call the prince by name, but suddenly the meaning of his words dawned on me. How did he contact me?!

– Adept Rain, why are you so careless? “Professor Gorrain ran up to me and offered me her hand, helping me get up. - Sorry, Lord Eaton, it was an accident.

Who?! Lord Eaton?! I turned my gaze to the Snake, but he was silent. And my eyes probably reflected something predatory, and my lips themselves stretched into an ominous smile. Nice to meet you, Lord Director!

Lady Gorraine finally made me stand up, and the Serpent stood up after me. I don’t know how I restrained the hysterical laughter bursting out. I had to cough because my emotions were overflowing. My husband is the new rector, how wonderful! Another cover, is Albert not enough for you anymore? That's it, you got it, Snake!

Chapter 3

Apparently, Darren immediately understood everything, although he didn’t show it. In the office, besides him and the dean of our faculty, there was one more person - a plump man with a receding hairline and a prickly, but at the same time mocking look in his pale blue eyes. I noticed the Guild emblem on his chest, and he behaved as if he held a significant position.

“Sorry, Lord Eaton,” repeated the discouraged Professor Gorrain, “the girl just didn’t expect it, she’s one of my best students.”

The dean's desire to protect me spread warmth through my heart. In contrast to the words of the beloved spouse:

“Only clumsy,” he snorted.

“And some are unstable,” she didn’t remain in debt, but immediately bit her tongue. What am I talking about?!

“Adept Raine,” Professor Gorrain gasped. - Apologize immediately!

I bowed my head repentantly.

- Sorry, Lord Eaton. – And she bit her lip so as not to laugh. In response, I heard Darren sigh, not at all joyful.

-What are you doing here, Adept Rain? – the dean hissed. – Where have you been all week?

“She’s also a truant,” the Serpent grinned.

“Lord Firth let me go,” she blatantly lied, turning to Lady Gorrain. - Right after the ball. You see, I had problems in my family, and I had to leave urgently to solve them.

And I heard my husband chuckle:

- Well, how did you decide?

“I’m working on it,” I said vindictively. “I think that in light of recent events, final relief from problems is not far off, Lord Eaton.”

I made a fake address with emphasis, and the Serpent raised an eyebrow.

“I really hope that this will not interfere with your studies, Adept Rain,” he answered calmly.

“I hope so too, Lord Director.”

There was a cough from the fourth person present, and we all turned to him.

– Sebastian, I am sure that you will restore order at the Academy. Lady Gorraine, prepare everything for what we talked about. All the best.

“Of course, Lord Albert, don’t doubt it,” the dean nodded, and my eyes widened for the second time in the last few minutes. Is this Erian's father, the Head of the Guild?!

The snake could hardly contain his smile and nodded:

- Goodbye, Jarel.

I bowed slightly, and Albert Sr. left the office. Professor Gorrain turned to me:

“What brings you here, Adept Rain?” Were you going to explain your absence? Why didn't they warn me?

I batted my eyelashes. Oh, I forgot again that you can’t see behind the glasses.

- Sorry, professor, I didn’t have time, I promise that this won’t happen again. And Professor Bruni sent me here with an essay,” I looked mockingly at the Serpent, “on Prince Darren.”

– What’s wrong with your work? – the dean frowned.

“I made an indelible impression,” I replied. By the way, the truth.

“Let me take a look,” Lady Gorrain said a little nervously, but the Serpent hastened to intervene.

“Professor, you can go, I’ll figure it out myself, because they sent an adept to me, right?” – he said firmly.

The dean shuddered, apparently realizing that she had exceeded her authority.

“Of course, Lord Eaton, I beg your pardon.” I hope everything works out for the best. “She headed towards the door, but on the way she glanced at me with a worried look.

– Adept Rain, come to the dean’s office when you are free.

“Okay, professor,” she nodded.

When the door closed behind her, I turned to the Serpent.

“My admiration, Lord Eaton.”

“Mutually, Adept Raine,” he retorted. – What kind of demon brought you here?!

– I can ask you the same thing!

Darren shrugged vaguely.

– I had reasons to return to the Academy.

– Has another wolf cub turned up? I didn’t expect that, in addition to the title of prince, you also have the position of werewolf hunter. Who do you suspect this time?

The snake looked at me with interest:

- Do you think I will answer you? I hope you haven’t laid out your belongings yet? Go back to the capital, Alexia!

- I won’t even think about it! – soared. – I came here to study, a very worthy occupation, unlike your dubious affairs.

- Study? – he grinned. – That’s why you bought the entire magic shop?

“I don’t understand what surprises you,” she said with dignity. – I don’t change my habits and study at the same faculty, and even in the same image.

The snake glanced at my hair:

“You went too far with yellow this time, honey.”

“I was in a hurry, dear,” I answered him in the same tone. - Does my appearance really bother you?

He sighed.

“Your presence confuses me, Thorn.” You'll ruin my whole mission again!

– I can’t help you, Snake! What kind of mission?

He almost gnashed his teeth:

- Thorn, my hands are already itching to sign an order for your expulsion!

- If they itch, wash them! And just try to expel me, unlike the others, I didn’t take the Eternal Oath!

The snake grabbed me by the shoulders:

– Are you threatening?!

- You started first!

We glared at each other for at least a minute before Darren finally pulled himself together and unclenched his fingers.

- Okay, Alexia, so be it, stay. Just do me a favor and stay out of my sight!

- With pleasure! And if you finally sign the petition for divorce, then I won’t even appear in your life!

“You’re an idiot, Lexa,” he sighed. - The hearing in the case of Lord Firth and your beloved grandmother is not over yet, we will get divorced - and you will not have any protection, like a princess. Do you want to go to jail?

I hesitated.

- Are you serious? Doesn't the title remain after a divorce?

- Do you need it? – Darren raised an eyebrow.

“No,” I answered after thinking. - But…

“Yes, perhaps you really need to study,” the Serpent grinned. - Otherwise, with stubbornness worthy of a donkey... best use, trying to ruin your own life.

I frowned:

- Why couldn’t you say it right away?! Why mock and give consent, and even add about the heir?!

The snake let go of me and walked away a couple of steps.

– I wanted to amuse the Chief Priest, otherwise he was bored in the Temple. They say you run fast, honey.

– Darren!!!

He burst out laughing.

- And the heir... why not? There must be some kind of compensation for a dubious marriage? And, as you probably know, I can only have children from your race. So, Alexia, agree, and then, following the example of your grandmother, you can go in all four directions. The love of freedom is in your blood, isn't it?

- I hate it! – I shouted, clenched my fists, and flower pots jumped on the windowsill. Darren looked around and, muttering “I didn’t think about it,” immediately grabbed me into his arms.

- Calm down!

One of the pots fell off and flew towards the prince. A quick glance - and the flower hovered near his head, and then slowly moved back. Other pots suffered the same, in this case an enviable, fate. The snake turned to me.

“You don’t change,” he sighed and hugged me tighter. - Sorry, I know it was too much.

- Yes, yes, I remember, the bastard, the ghoul and the Snake. “His breath burned his cheek, and his lips touched his temple. I froze. - Sorry, Thorn.

All you have to do is wait for the goosebumps! I struggled out of his arms.

“Apology accepted, Lord Eaton,” I said in an official tone. “I hope that when the hearing is over, you will not refuse to sign the petition for divorce.”

“I’ll think about it, Adept Rain,” he replied calmly. “Although the number of your husbands, Lady Alexia, is multiplying at an incredible rate,” he quipped.

“I have one husband, but he has a great many names. Prince Darren, Arian Albert, Lord Eton, although you were still a Serpent!

“Look at yourself, Thorn,” he grinned. – Alexia Milne, Alexana Raine, Princess of Tarryn, granddaughter of Emma...

- Leave my grandmother alone! I’m not talking about your brother, who is ready to lay down his soul to become the king of Tarrin!

- Thorn! – the Snake gasped.

- What, is it wrong? – I narrowed my eyes. – Not everyone is capable of agreeing to marry a princess of easy virtue. Emma at least loved Firth, but your brother can boast of feelings? Also tell me that he loves his bride too! Do not make me laugh!

Darren clenched his fists.

– It’s none of your business, Alexia!

- Of course, not mine. – I crossed my arms over my chest. “I’m not interested in Prince Martin at all, but don’t meddle with my grandmother either!” I don’t regret one bit that I saved her and told the truth at the Guild! But you are both ahead of everything Tarrin! One is going to marry for the sake of the throne, the other first pretends to be the most obnoxious adherent of the Academy, and then plays the most disgusting rector of all possible. Yes, yes, I’ve already heard a lot about your welcoming speech and the repressions that you are going to introduce. And I even believe that you don’t want to leave the image of the real Lord Eton. What's better than you, Darren?! You're great at opposite roles, there's a reason to think about it!

He grabbed my shoulders again and I gasped.

“Didn’t it occur to you, Thorn, why I had to do this this time?!” Because my wife's tongue is too long! I could easily take this post in my true form, fortunately the title of master allows it, but you told half of the Academy about who I am! And if she didn’t tell you herself, she contributed to the fact that they found out! Are you suggesting that we communicate through clenched teeth with those deans who are in the know? I’m already silent about the adepts who fell under the Eternal Oath! When will you start thinking about what you are doing, Alexia?!

I shuddered. There was undoubtedly reason in his words. But this is not a reason to yell at me and blame me for everything!

“If it weren’t for the actions of Alexana and Professor Teller, we would not have gotten out of the lair!”

“Oh yes,” answered the Serpent. – But besides them there is a whole list of knowledgeable ones! The battle at the training ground, the transfer of power... Lexa, do you even understand that before your intervention, no one on Tarrin, except for the royal family and some close associates, suspected of my race?! And now even part of the Guild knows, and everything is under the Eternal Oath. What if someone else knows?

I frowned:

“Are you saying that Lord Eaton’s appearance at the Academy is my fault?”

– You are amazingly quick-witted, Thorn!

I hesitated, but then I found it:

– Don’t expect me to apologize!

– That’s what I never hope for!

She looked at him from under her brows, and Darren’s eyes flashed blue. Although it was noticeable that he had already let off steam, just like me. Yes, they both did bad things...

But I still have one more question.

– Did you deny Aleksana admission because she is my sister?

He let go of my shoulders and shook his head.

- Thorn, where is your intelligence? If only because she was new and could recognize me. Who would have thought that you would return here?! You freed yourself from your father, because that’s what you went to the Academy for? Although the Guild now has very strict requirements, it will weed out adherents and not take new ones, and even in the middle of the semester. Let your sister wait until everything calms down, then write again. Preferably, when I leave the Academy, one nayana will be enough for me!

That’s not why I went to the Academy, but I didn’t intend to prove anything to the Snake. And was there any point if he had such an opinion about the Nayans in general and about me in particular? But the last sentence interested me:

“How long will you remain Lord Eton?”

He grinned:

“Don’t even hope for an answer, Thorn, you have an amazing ability to ruin any of my undertakings!”

I frowned. I didn't really want to.

The snake exhaled, finally calming down, and his usual irony returned to him.

– Why did you come to the rector’s office, by the way? – he suddenly remembered. – She said something about the essay.

“Oh yes,” I answered, stretching my lips in an anticipatory smile. – Professor Bruni was inspired and decided that Lord Eaton should definitely familiarize himself with the completed task.

“I’m already scared,” Darren chuckled. - Give me your opus here, did you at least write it and not draw it, as you like? Don't you need to use your imagination?

“Well, come on, Snake,” I retorted, “everything is there in black and white and very intelligible.” I just don’t recommend reading it, otherwise your self-esteem will drop and you’ll be even more upset...

The prince crossed his arms over his chest.

“Where can she sink lower if my own wife outplayed me,” he grinned. - Give me the abstract, Thorn.

I was embarrassed. It seems that I no longer want it to be read again, especially by the person to whom it is dedicated.

- Let's pretend that there was no report, you will reprimand me and let me go, eh, Lord Director?

“Well, dear, how can I not get acquainted with your masterpiece, you’ll be upset,” he answered, taking a step towards me and extending his hand.

I pulled back.

- Snake, I... won’t give it up!

His eyebrows went up:

– I’m intrigued, Thorn, what’s written there? “He took another step and practically pressed me against the wall, and then with a deft movement he took away the bag. - Come on, let's get curious.

- Snake! – I hissed indignantly, and my husband let me go, fished out a folder with an essay from his bag, quickly went to the table and sat down in a chair. I rushed to him:

– This is the use of force!

“I’m very ashamed, really,” he grinned, pulling out sheets of paper from the folder and running his eyes over them. I froze, waiting for his verdict. – Yes, everything seems to be decent, I just forgot to mention, I also have a reward from the King of Lyonia, but you can be forgiven.

It all started when I ran to the Temple the next morning after capturing the werewolf. It was not possible to stay at the Academy; I had to go with my father and sister to a rented house in the capital. She wrote the petition for divorce throughout the rest of the night, and in the morning, not having slept well, but with a sense of accomplishment, she was already standing on the threshold of the Temple.

It seemed to me that the Chief Priest was not surprised. But he sarcastically noted that he is not the secretary of His Highness the Junior Prince, and not the magic mail to send my petition to my husband - the consent of both spouses is required for divorce.

Of course, I knew this, but I really hoped that either the procedure was different for the princes, or the Serpent had already left his. But no, but that means I just didn’t have time. And without further ado, I sent my request to the palace and began to wait.

There was still no answer, but a day later I received a polite but very convincing invitation to visit the Guild for a hearing in the case of Lord Firth and Lady Emma. I was not going to refuse, and, reluctantly, I went there with my father and Aleksana. My father, by the way, had been in such shock for several days that he even stopped drinking. The marriage of his daughter to one of the princes did not fit into his head, although he sometimes said that this was natural, because I was such a beauty. He reacted to my desire to get a divorce with a hiss, but nothing more. I immediately made it clear to him: now he has no right to anything, and from now on I am in charge of my own life. Surprisingly, he didn’t even mention the ransom.

The guild did not impress me: a tall, five-story, nondescript building made of gray stone, except that there was a magic lamp perched on each of the fence posts. I wonder why, to see her from afar? But the call interested me - it was really loud and obnoxious. It's amazing how much the Serpent loves my voice...

The hearing took place in a huge round room with dark walls and windows covered with thick curtains. In the very center I saw two large horseshoe-shaped tables opposite each other. As the magician who accompanied us explained, on one side were the prosecution and the victims, on the other were the accused, usually under the control of battle magicians. I confidently walked forward and sat down at the table for criminals, and did not pay any attention to my father’s sigh and the magician’s weak objections.

Literally in a few minutes the hall was filled, however, there was a slight crush at the entrance - everyone, seeing my choice of side in the process, considered it their duty to stumble. Around the fifth unfortunate moment, I was already grinning openly, my father was clenching his fists, and Sana was shuddering. Although, perhaps I’m wrong - it’s possible that those who entered had simply never seen two identical nayans.

The hearing turned out to be quite boring: I didn’t learn anything new, except perhaps the names of the adepts from whom the former rector of the Academy took away almost all of their magic. One of them was present - a timid, thin young lady who had difficulty finding words. She left the academy and got married. Apparently, it was unpleasant for her to answer questions, and I mentally pitied the poor thing. But mostly abstract and pretentious phrases were heard about the werewolf and his accomplice, who encroached not only on the magical power of the adherents, but, most terrible, on the life and health of the princes. By the way, Their Highnesses were also present at the hearing: Martin looked distant and looked thoughtful, and Darren simply ignored me. He glanced at me a couple of times, and that was all. Great! Well, okay! I'll make do! Reptile, ghoul and traitor!

I was asked one single question - how and why I called upon earth magic to help the criminal escape. Moreover, they asked this in such an apologetic tone that I even doubted whether they were waiting for my answer? I had already quickly studied the necessary books from Count Otten’s library in my spare time - they did not have the right to interrogate me, and I could not answer. But she said firmly and with dignity:

I don’t know what surprises the respected Guild and everyone present, but I would like to remind you that Lady Emma tried to stop Lord Firth at the last moment, despite her attitude towards him, and we got a few minutes that saved our lives. I repeat, she is my own grandmother, and I could not allow the battle mages to kill her. My earth magic is uncontrollable, I have no idea how it manifested itself. But I don’t regret it, I assure you, I would do the same now. If you don’t understand this, then I feel sorry for you,” I looked around everyone with an angry look and asked impatiently, “I hope this is all and I can go?”

Of course, Your Highness,” one of the magicians sitting at the table opposite and playing the role of investigators jumped up and bowed to me. - Thank you for your time.

I met my husband’s gaze for a moment, but could not determine the expression in his eyes. But they hardly reflected understanding.

My father wanted to object, but he just grabbed Sana’s hand, and she didn’t dare follow me. It was for the best - I wanted to be alone.

I flew out of the Guild at high speed - I was already starting to shake, and I was afraid that roots would start creeping out from everywhere. Although this is unlikely - after all, the Guild building is so saturated with magic that mine would turn out to be just a grain of sand in the sea, but I didn’t want to risk it. The magicians I met on the way parted in fear, and I freely left the inhospitable building. Why is everyone rushing to work here? I don't want to at all.

There was nowhere to go, I climbed into the carriage that took us to the Guild, and asked to be taken to the outskirts of the capital. If the coachman was surprised, he didn’t even show it with a glance. No one argued with me at all, any wish was fulfilled, everyone showed exaggerated respect, it was even disgusting. What has changed? Nothing, except the prefix to my name “Your Highness.” But I didn’t have any happiness from the fact that I now belonged to the royal family. And I really wanted to get rid of the hated title and no less hated husband.

The carriage stopped at the very edge of the forest, I thanked the coachman and sent him back to the Guild to pick up my father and sister. The coachman asked worriedly if I was sure I wanted to stay here alone, and I nodded. What should I be afraid of? I came to see a friend.

Bert followed me out of the Academy and moved closer to the capital. True, sometimes I flew to friends to find out the news. Magic mail with the Academy did not work - now everything was not the same as before...

Bert! - I shouted loudly out of habit, and the lizard flapping its wings immediately landed on the road. My friend and I have not yet risked meeting at Otten’s house, despite the bracelet. I wanted to wait for the hearing at the Guild, well, I did...

Lexa,” Bert, out of habit, poked his muzzle into my shoulder. - How did everything go?

What could I answer? I briefly recounted what happened at the hearing, and Bert looked at me carefully.

Are you not going to put up with him?

The friend sighed again and began to talk, and I began to understand how much Darren did not want publicity. What happened with my friends was also my fault - after all, I confessed to him, who knows about his race. Sylvia said that in the morning representatives of the Guild appeared at the Academy and secretly took them away through the portal for teachers, and with them Professors Teller and Admir. Everyone who knew that Erian Albert from the beginning of the semester was Prince Darren. However, only they knew that Alexana Rain was Alexia Milne, so they were also required to take an oath of non-disclosure of this circumstance. I thought about it.

So they didn’t cover everyone,” I noted. - Bert stayed.

Suddenly we heard the flapping of wings, and the lizard landed on the windowsill. True, the window in my living room was not as wide as in the Academy, and Bert grumbled with displeasure.

They charged me too,” he admitted. - Just from there. But I met the Head of the Department for the Control of Magical Creatures, he looked at me nervously, I think, Lexa, last time your... well, the youngest prince scared him a lot.

Both from me and from my father,” Aleksana suddenly admitted. I looked at my sister in surprise.

Immediately after the Guild hearing. I tried to tell you, but you didn't want to know anything about what happened after you left.

Yes, I admit, I got excited. True, Sana began with the fact that “your husband became sad when you disappeared behind the door,” and I decided that my sister’s subjective opinion about what the Serpent looked like did not interest me. Wow... but that's not bad!

I was inspired.

So no one knows that adept Raine is Tarrin’s new princess?

No one,” Jordan responded, “and those who know have sworn to silence.”

Very good! - I happily rubbed my hands. - I'm going back to the Academy!

My friends and sister stared at me.

Lexa,” Sana said carefully, “are you sure?”

I looked at my sister:

What should I do here? The princess’s life doesn’t interest me, there is no husband as such, he won’t give me a divorce,” I looked back at the pile of crumpled paper, “and, judging by the words of the Chief Priest, it is useless to write to the prince. Well, as His Serene Highness said, I can change my destiny, so I will return to the Academy. I will act from there, and maybe there I will finally learn to control my magic, sign up for meditation with Teller, and, perhaps, for classes with Admir. I hope they won't refuse the princess? - I smiled slyly.

Sylvia shook her head.

Lexa, there may be some difficulties with this...

Which ones? - I was surprised.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door, and on the threshold I saw a maid with an envelope. It had Aleksana's name on it, and the sender was our Academy. My little sister jumped up to me, apparently feeling that the letter was touching her, which means that the gift of divination is only progressing. Great! I tore the envelope, took out a folded piece of paper and read the following aloud: “Dear Lady Alexana Milne. We are forced to deny you admission to the Academy of Magical Secrets; this is not possible at this time. Best wishes, Vanessa Tinar, Secretary to Lord Eaton, Rector of the Academy of Magical Secrets secrets."

I couldn't believe my eyes!

What kind of Lord Eaton is this?!

“I tried to tell you,” Sylvia answered, “the day before yesterday they sent a new rector from the Guild.” He gathered all the adherents in the Main Hall, and we heard this about ourselves... Mediocrity is the most affectionate thing he said about us. He promised to increase the workload and said that Lord Firth’s actions would not be an indulgence, he would make real magicians out of us, and those who could not cope would be thrown out of the Academy, and quickly. He promised extraordinary exams and other tests. Now I myself don’t know how to study there.

“Alas,” Jordan echoed her, “I talked to my grandfather, he is also worried. He is acquainted with Lord Eaton, although only casually; believe me, in comparison with him, Professor Lockfest is a sweet and charming creature. By the way, she was left at the Academy, but there are rumors that if she doesn’t cope and her students don’t show results in the subject, she will be recalled. The Guild decided to take the adepts and the Academy seriously, it feels like we are to blame for Lord Firth’s atrocities. Although we are, in essence, victims. I don't understand the Guild, to be honest. The Academy is going through big changes, Lexa, I don't know if it's a good idea for you to come back...

And the professors and deans began to shake,” Sylvia noted. - They walk around nervous and angry, the Guild suspects each and every one of helping Lord Firth. Admir gets it more than the others - after all, he was his friend. Also, the dean of artifacts came under suspicion - they say he supplied the former rector with something. Professor Bruni is not being touched yet, but I think the repressions will affect everyone.

I clenched my fists and the flower pots jumped again.

What a misfortune!

The Guild is weird,” Jordan sighed. - Of course, I hope that everything will be fine, but, you know...

I nodded. The situation was not looking good, but when did that stop me?

What about Firth? - Sylvia suddenly asked. - We don’t know anything about him...

I frowned:

While he is alive, he is carefully guarded, and the healers somehow support him. Waiting for the end of the trial and verdict.

“Oh,” Jordan began, but bit his tongue. In vain, I understood perfectly what he meant. More precisely, about whom.

No, I haven’t heard or heard anything about her. And she can be understood.

It was true, I haven’t heard anything about Emma since that memorable night. Of course, I hoped that grandma would make herself known, but I understood that now it was too dangerous.

So you're still going to come back? - asked a friend. - What about the Serpent?

I clenched my fists again, the pots began to move, and tree branches fell on Bert’s back, who shuddered and almost fell into the room.

Lexa! - he hissed indignantly.

“I’m sorry,” I said guiltily and, running up to my friend, hugged his neck. - Now they will return to their place.

Indeed, I pulled myself together, and the branches retreated, and the flower pots calmed down. The events in the lair completely unsettled me, it’s high time I learned to master my own magic. Well, how can I refuse to study at the Academy in this case?

Sylvia and Jordan stayed with us for a while longer, but soon said goodbye and left for the Academy. I quickly got ready to go, but inopportunely I remembered that I still owed a debt to Professor Bruni. In light of recent events, he will definitely demand it from me before the end of the semester, and I sat down to write an essay on my own husband. I scribbled it from the heart - on one and a half sheets, without mincing words. Sana, who snatched the first sheet from me, shook her head:

You are crazy! You can't show it to anyone!

“Exactly,” I responded, “maybe I should send it straight to the Magic Herald?”

Okay, okay, come on here, now I’ll write it as expected, and you’ll give me hints. What does this Tailed One... that is, the master do?

With the help of Aleksana, I, with great grief, typed out another sheet and a half in large handwriting. Only official data - when he was born, who he married (here I had a blast, though, at the same time flashing knowledge about my own race), what he does (I mentioned work on theoretical and practical magic five times), in the end I concluded that my husband is one of the best magicians of the kingdom, and that’s where it ended. The abundance of delight made my teeth ache, and with irritation I grabbed the sheets of paper into a folder and put it in my bag. I’ll rent it out and forget about it forever!

Having finished with the abstract, I set out to solve another serious problem. Calling the maid, I waited while she styled my hair, put on one of the best dresses that had been delivered just yesterday, and kissed my sister on the cheek.

I'll be back soon.

Aleksana looked at me strangely, but didn’t ask any questions. I ordered the carriage to be laid, ignoring my father’s puzzled look, and told the coachman:

To the Mages Guild.

The loud ringing brought back unpleasant memories of Darren and I's adventure together, but I tried to push them out of my mind. It was - and it was not. The magician who met me on the threshold froze in amazement. Nayana, and even a princess - what could be more unusual?

How can I help you, Your Highness? - he bowed.

“I need a pass to all of Tarrin’s portals,” I said decisively.

It was very arrogant, I didn’t even really count on success, but I didn’t see any other way out. Through the general portal, I could only get into the Academy by giving my real name, and this was excluded. Jordan admitted that his grandfather took away his pass until everything gets better, and they will return through a common portal with the official permission of the rector. Adept Rain did not have such permission.

The magician froze, but quickly controlled himself and invited me inside. I followed him, and for some reason everyone we met shuddered; did the news of my uncontrollable earth magic really shock everyone so much? Hmm... the visit was a success. I wonder how long it will take for Darren to find out about him?

Half an hour later I got what I wanted. I was met by a tall, silent magician in a black robe, who led me to a small sparkling portal and forced me to put my hand on one of the stones. A blue light flashed around my palm and I flinched in fear. I thought they would give me a small plate, like the one Jordan had. However, what surprises me is that the Serpent also used the portal without the help of artifacts.

Don’t be alarmed, your highness,” the magician stated dispassionately, “now you have access to all of Tarrin’s portals, as the princess of the kingdom.” Please take it,” he handed me a small brochure, and I leafed through it with interest. It contained a list of all the portals and the sequence of touching the arch stones. Wow, I have to learn all of it?!

“Not all of it,” the magician answered, and I gasped. I'm speaking out loud again! - Only those that you need. But if you forget some drawing, you can always put your palm on any of the arch stones and name the desired exit point. We are constantly improving the network of portals, so there shouldn't be any problems.

Thank you,” I sincerely thanked and headed towards the exit. I got what I needed, I hope no one can take this ability away. True, I was itching to ask what would happen to my access if I divorced the prince, but I decided not to give a new reason for gossip. And so, I'm sure, all of Tarrin is abuzz about Prince Darren's hasty marriage and our separation from him.

And she turned out to be right. When I asked the coachman to stop at the largest magic shop in the capital and entered it, the visitors shuddered, and the owner, apparently, was on the verge of fainting. All the customers bowed and headed out in a flock, and we were left alone with the owner.

I am immensely happy that you visited my humble shop, Your Highness.

Ugh. I don't like sycophants. There is no happiness on your face, and all this wealth on the shelves certainly cannot be called modest.

I'm afraid I walked out of there two hours later only because the sun was setting and my stomach was growling from hunger. The owner, who hung a “Closed” sign on the door, by the way, offered me dinner, but I wisely refused. My purchases did not fit into the carriage, and the satisfied shop owner promised to send them to my house within an hour. I’m such a bad princess: I didn’t buy any jewelry, I didn’t spend money on dresses, but there was an abundance of magical plants and other items necessary for potion making. I decided to stock up thoroughly before returning to the Academy. I collected two bags of neutralizers alone! I'm afraid Darren will be shocked when he sees the bill and shopping list. It’s my own fault, there was no point in making my credit limitless!

I happily rubbed my hands. In general, being a princess is not so bad, although today I only took advantage of my rights, and I’m unlikely to be delighted with the responsibilities. No, excuse me, adept Rain suits me much better.

Sana was waiting for me, nervously pacing the room. My father decided to return to his old occupation and, as the maid whispered to me, was finishing his third bottle of wine in the library, so I slipped unhindered into my room. True, I was afraid of talking to him more out of habit - my father had not asked me anything for a long time. Maybe at least he was happy? However, if he drinks again, it’s unlikely.

Lexa! - my sister hugged me. - You've been gone for so long!

Having calmed Sana down, I asked her for help, and we spent the entire evening packing and signing my purchases. Of course, I could have sent all this stuff to the Academy in the name of Alexana Raine while still in the shop, but why reveal my incognito to a dubious person? We went to bed well after midnight, but I was pleased with the results of today.

In the morning I woke up when the sunlight was already shining through the window. Goddess, I overslept! Jumping out of bed, I hastily got dressed and immediately began changing my appearance and turning into an adept of Rain: God forbid anyone sees Nayana at the Academy. Sana ran into my room in a dressing gown and disheveled: no wonder, we were very tired yesterday.

I rushed to the closet for my bag, threw the strap over my shoulder and kissed my sister.

Make arrangements for the magical mail,” I asked. - I'm very late!

How are you without things? - Sana was surprised.

I assured her:

I have everything in my room at the Academy. And in the bag - the most valuable thing - I lovingly stroked the thick canvas fabric. Of course, a handful of neutralizers, a rare mandrake in our area, a brochure on portals and, most importantly, grandma’s book. Having followed Darren into the werewolf’s lair that fateful night, I amazed everyone when the first thing I did was snatch my bag from one of the magicians, into which he had already stuck his curious nose. There is nothing to touch mine - that's it! If anyone had any objections, they were dashed by my decisive gaze. Nobody wanted a repeat of the show.

What should I tell my father? - Aleksana’s question overtook me already on the threshold.

I shrugged:

Say that you decided to be alone, went to your house and don’t want to see anyone. By the way, if he pesters you, or, God forbid, threatens you with marriage, do just that. Especially if Otten returns unexpectedly. You don’t even have to say that you are my sister, but introduce yourself as me.

What if your husband shows up? - Alexana asked with fear.

Believe me, he’ll figure you out right away,” I grinned. - But you don’t have to worry - he won’t show up, his wife is not interested in him.

“I’ll contact you as soon as I can,” I promised. “And I’ll also talk to Teller, maybe he can offer something.” Keep your nose up, little sister, we didn't handle this!

Sana smiled back, and I quickly ran down the steps. I hope my father is still sleeping after yesterday’s libations and will not hear me leaving. There was absolutely no time for idle talk.

I reached the portal from which Darren and I left last time in about ten minutes. I didn’t take the carriage: firstly, the portal building was not far from our house, and secondly, I didn’t want unnecessary publicity. The later everyone knows where I am, the better.

I learned the sequence of touching the stone vault to get into the Academy first. Not too confidently, but she touched the stones as it was drawn, and the portal lit up blue. And I closed my eyes again and stepped into it - after all, it’s very difficult to get rid of bad habits.

I was lucky - no one met me in the hall with the portal for teachers. Quickly emerging from it, I hurried to my room. By the way, it turned out to be empty - there was a quarter of an hour left before classes, but Sylvia probably did not spend the night here. She quickly threw her valuables into the closet and put on her robe. Then she hastily packed her bag, stuffing her notes into it, and ran out of the room. I really wanted to eat, so I finally decided to run into the dining room and get hold of at least a couple of buns so as not to die of hunger. In the doorway, I unexpectedly ran into some guy in a purple robe - I ran into him, but slowed down in time, and both stayed on their feet.

Excuse me, please,” I said and rushed to the tray of buns. She grabbed one and stuffed it into her mouth, biting it off as she went, took the second one with her and rushed back. Unfortunately, the guy I almost dropped was waiting for me on the way out.

“Go to the rector immediately, adept Rain,” Bruni hissed. “I’ll even risk incurring the wrath of Lord Eton as a teacher, but such mockery must be cut at the root.” Go away!

I shuddered, rushed to my desk, grabbed my bag and notebook and quickly walked towards the door. Professor Bruni's shout stopped me on the threshold.

Grab the abstract,” he said sarcastically. - Good luck, adept Rain.

And it sounded like “We are unlikely to see you again.” Returning, I took the sheets and cast a farewell glance at the audience, came across the suffering Sylvia and the triumphant Albert, and went out into the corridor. Yes, my training ended quickly...

I slowly trudged towards the rector’s office and went through the options in my head. If I now admit who I am, of course, I’m unlikely to be expelled, but I won’t be allowed to study here either. And if I don’t confess, then, judging by the reviews about Lord Eaton, I’ll get out of here even faster. So what should I do?

Entering the familiar atrium, I frowned. I don't have very pleasant memories of this place. Especially if we remember that we left the werewolf’s lair through it. There’s a familiar door... I shook my head, driving away the sad memories, and walked up to the rector’s office. Thoughts were confused; I still couldn’t figure out what to say to Lord Eaton, and in exhaustion I pressed my forehead to the door. I don’t know how long I stood there, gathering my strength, but my support suddenly moved forward, I lost my balance and fell inside the office. Who would doubt that I would knock someone down with my fall? Throwing my arms out, I closed my eyes and screamed loudly, landing on someone’s body, which immediately groaned.

“You stunned me, adept,” I heard a muffled, but so familiar voice, and immediately opened my eyes. And they almost crawled out of their orbits, because the Serpent himself was lying under me, and doom flashed in his gaze. I opened my mouth to call the prince by name, but suddenly the meaning of his words dawned on me. What did he call me?!

Adept Rain, why are you so sloppy?” Professor Gorrain jumped up to me and offered me her hand, helping me get up. - Sorry, Lord Eaton, it was an accident.

Who?! Lord Eaton?! I turned my gaze to the Snake, but he was silent. And my eyes probably reflected something predatory, and my lips themselves stretched into an ominous smile. Nice to meet you, Lord Director!

Lady Gorraine finally made me stand up, and the Serpent stood up after me. I don’t know how I restrained the hysterical laughter bursting out. I had to cough because my emotions were overflowing. My husband is the new rector, how wonderful! Another cover, is Albert not enough for you anymore? Well, that's it, you got it, Snake!

Academy of Magic Secrets

Alena Fedotovskaya

Academy of MagicAcademy of Magic Secrets #1

What to do if your father decides to marry you off, and you want to study? Of course, switch roles with your twin sister, turning from a beauty to an ugly one, and enroll in her place at the Academy of Magic Secrets. Grandma's book with potion recipes, a little luck - and forward to your dream! But who knew that at the Academy, as elsewhere, people are greeted by their clothes, other people’s intrigues can turn the world upside down, and love can strike at the most inopportune moment? And once again you will have to answer the question: what are you ready for for the sake of your dream...

Alena Fedotovskaya

Academy of Magic Secrets

© Fedotovskaya A., 2017

© Design. LLC Publishing House E, 2017

Explosion! The cauldron escaped from his hands and spat a shimmering cloud of poisonous yellow color into the air. I even managed to close my eyes, and this saved my eyes, because once again I forgot to put on my glasses, but my hair suffered again. A decent clump of hair, covered with yellow drops, landed at his feet. I sighed. Yes, I haven’t seen yellow color on my head yet; one might say, I acquired an exclusive one. I barely got rid of purple! Well, grandma, well, she’s made friends! This time the seventh spell in a row - and again it missed!

The morning was definitely not going well. First, I discovered the disappearance of belladonna - I suspect that Tiana, our maid, snatched it. It’s an infection that always sticks its nose where it’s not asked. I had to urgently run into the forest and replenish supplies. But I needed dried, so I used a torch - and, of course, burned my fingers. True, now they are already in order, but for the whole hour I remembered Tiana with an unkind word, along with daddy’s prohibitions. The sixth spell from the ninth ten also failed, but here I at least limited myself to a cut on my cheek and black dust on my head - my hair was originally the color of a raven’s wing, so it’s not noticeable. But seventh... how will I get rid of the consequences? I'm almost out of serum too.

But the most unpleasant thing awaited me a few minutes later.

Jumping up from the floor, I rushed to the window and opened it - the vile broth not only looked poisonous, it smelled the same. Then I grabbed the book, hair and bowler hat and shoved them under the bed - I also had to remember to pull the covers lower, otherwise my father would notice. I prayed to Narini that he would go to Sanya first, but, unfortunately, it was impossible to refuse the parent’s mind.

- Alexia!

I heard the front door open slightly and my father choked mid-sentence. He was probably impressed by my legs sticking out from under the bed.

- What are you doing over there? Get out now! And what does it smell like here?

Everything... began...

- Alexia! – the father rumbled again. – You used magic again, despite my ban?!

Of course, it’s not my fault that you’re against it! I hastily tore the floorboard off the floor and hid the book, having first pulled out the bottle of serum. Of course, I won’t be able to hide the bowler hat, but it’s no big loss, I’ve stocked up thoroughly on them. But it was impossible to lose the book.

“I dropped the ring,” I lied without blinking an eye. “It rolled under the bed.”

She hastily opened the bottle of serum and smeared it through her hair. A wonderful thing, colorless, odorless and self-evaporating, the ninth spell of the fourth ten, at least you can thank your granny for this. The hair grew right before our eyes and changed its color to its original color.

– You will feed your grandmother with these fairy tales! - the father barked. - Get out immediately!

- Now!

I hastily smeared it on my face too, what if it turned yellow too? It’s a pity that I didn’t bother to grab a mirror; I’ll have to appear to the parent at my own peril and risk. I shoved the bottle under the floorboard and began to hastily crawl out from under the bed.

Daddy was angry. And when I saw the lightning in his feisty brown eyes, it immediately became clear that I had failed in the task of returning unearthly beauty to my appearance. Although I already saw it - a couple of strands, alas, remained short.

“You see, dad...” I began and fell silent. I couldn't even find the words.

“I see,” my father said skeptically, looking at me. – I see disobedience and further damage to your appearance. Narini gave her daughters - one is defective in the face, the other in the whole head! I can’t even believe that you are both nayans!

- Don't talk about my sister like that! – I hissed. Whatever, I won’t allow even my own father to offend Sana.

But he himself realized that he had gone too far, so he did not scold him for using an inappropriate tone for a conversation with a parent. But he didn’t lower his voice.

“Nothing, everything will change soon,” he began threateningly, but did not have time to finish. My beloved sister, having obviously heard his screams, ran into the room. When he saw her, his father grimaced as usual, and she shuddered just as expected. And I clenched my fists - I will never get used to such obvious disdain from my father for my sister.

“And here you are,” he snorted. - Well, so much the better. Sit down, both of you!

We didn’t argue and sat down on the bed, closer to each other. I took my sister's hand and squeezed it lightly, to which Sana responded in kind. For some reason it seemed that now we were both going to hear something very unpleasant.

Father clasped his hands and stared at us.

“Three days ago, to my great joy, you turned eighteen, and it’s time to determine your destiny,” he began. “Since the goddess clearly laughed at me on the day I married your mother, and then on the other day when you were born...”

Father, as always, was too straightforward and unceremonious, I perfectly understood our mother, who ran away from him.

“...we’ll have to correct her mistakes.” You, Alexana,” he looked at his sister, “are going to the Academy of Magic Secrets, I have already sent a request there. And for you, Alexia,” my father looked at me displeased, “I found a suitable groom.” Count Otten will gladly take Nayana as his wife, even despite the reputation that your dissolute grandmother and her no less dissolute daughter have bestowed on the family.

What news! I released my sister’s hand and jumped up, clenching my fists.

- Aren’t you confused? – I began ominously. – Maybe, on the contrary, Sanu is getting married, and I’m going to the Academy? It will be more logical, don't you think?

“I don’t find it,” the father snapped. – Who will take her, with such decoration on her face?!

I involuntarily turned around and looked at my sister. Her lips trembled, and two tears hung on her long black eyelashes. It brought me to tears. Gad. I had no other thoughts about my parent at that moment.

“If you haven’t noticed, she and I are like two peas in a pod,” I began. - A small difference...

- Small? – the father suddenly burst out laughing. – You call this small?! Who would agree to marry her?

Sana could not stand it, and tears rolled down her face. I rushed to my sister and hugged her. I did it. And how is it her fault that she was born like this? Sana and I are twins, from the Nayan family - the most beautiful race on Tarrin. Nayans have always been proud of their truly ideal appearance - high breasts, long legs, thick hair, and bright blue eyes framed

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there were long fluffy eyelashes distinctive feature of our race. To all this was added excellent regeneration and eternal youth - having reached the age of eighteen, we did not age, lived for more than a hundred years, delighting my husband with beauty and freshness. The Nayans usually gave birth to only girls, and the characteristics of the race were transmitted exclusively through the female line. Rare sons were satisfied with their father's abilities. Marriage to one of us was a gift of fate for any resident of Tarrin: external beauty was accompanied by other qualities important for women - meekness, humility and a good disposition. True, this was not entirely smooth sailing in the family, starting with my grandmother. Rather, only Sana possessed such qualities, but, alas, in her main value of all nayans - beauty - there was a flaw that her father always reproached. A large, half-cheek-length birthmark that poisoned my sister’s life. Unfortunately, all the tried magical and non-magical means did not give positive result, the stain could not be removed by any means; apparently, it was still a generational curse. It’s a shame, because my sister would have made an ideal wife, unlike me.

– Do you think that your daughter is impossible to love? – I was indignant. – If you couldn’t do it, it doesn’t mean that others can’t either! – and I bit my tongue. It seems that this time I went too far.

- How dare you! – the father was indignant.

I released Sana from the hug and stood up, proudly raising my chin:

“Don’t expect me to marry your count.” And if I do get out, I’ll exercise my right to divorce within a month! Maybe at least then you will understand that in our family the real nayana is my sister, not me!

The father narrowed his eyes angrily:

- Nothing will work out for you. I warned the count about the oddities of your character, he will not agree to a divorce, but even if you use all your tricks and get divorced, think about your sister. No one will hire Sana after this, and I’m not going to keep her as a freeloader all my life!

I frowned:

– What other job? You didn't give us any education!

“Why do you think I’m sending her to the Academy?” She has some powers of prediction, she has never made a mistake with the weather, I hope your sister has enough brains to complete at least the first year of the faculty of soothsayers. He will return, he will predict the weather in our village, Dinor is going to retire, and he needs a worthy replacement. True, I doubt about a decent one, but he will have no alternative, I will take care of it. And yes, she will go under the name of my distant relatives, but it was not enough to disgrace the Milnovs with such beauty, she will also upset your wedding. Not everyone outside our village knows that I have two daughters, but he hides his eyes somehow, puts on glasses!

I looked at him, not believing my ears:

– You understand that this is unreasonable? Sana will make an ideal wife, and the best place for me is in the potions department, I just wanted to ask you about this!

- Forget! – the father snapped. “I’ll settle at least one daughter, as it should be, and I’ll have what Nayan’s parents get without any difficulty!”

“I see that money means much more to you than the happiness of your own daughters!” – I couldn’t stand it.

- Alexia! – the father boiled. - I said everything! In a week, Alexana will not be in my house, and I can breathe easy!

He turned on his heel and walked out, slamming the door angrily.

I returned to the bed and hugged my sobbing sister again. How unfair life is! This very birthmark would not bother me at all, I had no intention of getting married, at least being sold by my father was not part of my plans. And I’m not much of a wife, so to speak. But from Sana... I looked at my sister and quietly asked:

- What do we do?

She shrugged, but didn't answer. And I knew perfectly well that the decision was still mine to make. Well, let's start small.

– Do you know this Count Otten? Maybe I should talk to him and he’ll give up on me?

And then my sister cried even more bitterly, and I was perplexed, looking at her. What did I ask?

“Sana, calm down,” I asked. “If you keep crying, I won’t be able to think of anything.”

Sana wiped her tears with her sleeve, and I looked at her in surprise. My sister never allowed herself to do this, her outfits were impeccable, her hair was perfect, unlike my constantly stained dress and disheveled mane. I turned to the mirror - yes-ah, yellow I still didn’t remove it completely, but the serum was almost gone. And there are no ingredients...

“He came to visit last week,” Sana answered with a shuddering sigh. “My father, of course, didn’t let me out, and you sat there with red-green hair and a burn on your cheek, remember?”

I nodded, as if I didn’t remember, the second spell of the ninth decade was no better than the seventh.

“Father said that you were a little sick and talked to him alone. But the door was slightly open, and I peeked... The Count is a handsome young man, very pleasant to talk to, he will make a good husband, you’re lucky,” she sighed. And I snorted. He might make a good husband, but I’m unlikely to make a good wife. Wait a minute...

- What, have you fallen in love? – I gasped. Sana looked down, but didn’t answer. - You love! Can't be!

“I wouldn’t say that,” my sister stubbornly shook her head, “but...

“I see,” I said. - Great! Let's marry you to him!

Sana closed her eyes.

- But this is impossible! He will never marry a girl with such an ugly appearance as mine! “Her eyes filled with tears again.

“Wait to get upset,” I said. – Granny, at the end of her ninth dozen spells, promised something outstanding. I have three left, what if something works out?

Little sister sighed:

“You’ve been trying for a whole year now, but you’re only hurting yourself, but there’s no point.” Lexa, I love you very much and am grateful for everything you do for me, but I will never get rid of this stain. If the best magicians couldn’t, then... I know you’re smart,” she said quickly, seeing how I was boiling, “but you can’t help but admit that everything is useless?”

– Why is this useless?! – I was indignant. “Grandma, of course, was a comedian, but I learned a lot of useful things from her book!” A potion that removes acne, that same serum - these are excellent things, and if you sell them, you can get rich!

Sana smiled through her tears.

– Who will allow you to trade them? And besides, out of a dozen spells, only one is useful, the rest are crippling, and if not for our regeneration...

I snorted.

– And the book is not intended to be read by non-nayans! Moreover, no one but me will read it!

This was the absolute truth. The book came to me by chance two years ago, when I once again snuck into the attic of the house that was forbidden for my sister and me and dug up this book among my mother’s other things. Judging by the name on the cover, it was written by our grandmother, and not in Tarrin, but in Nayan. I didn’t know him, but, fortunately, I found a dictionary nearby. Over the course of several months, I memorized it and, at the very least, was able to read the book.

At the very beginning, grandma hinted at the presence of some kind of curse on our family and said that her research to remove it was crowned with success. However, only the direct heir, also Nayana, will be able to read the book, for

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For the rest, the grandmother’s creation is fraught with death. Yes, she correctly noticed this; anyone else in my place would have long ago gone into the Abyss. Spells, or potions, that require the utterance of certain words during preparation, were divided into dozens in the book, and with a small note, the grandmother warned that only one of the ten spells was necessary, the rest threatened the loss of health or life. Only Nayana could recover from them! Well, I was recovering... I had burns, then abrasions, I even had a fracture somehow... when I unexpectedly dropped the bowler hat on my leg. Since then I have been brewing potions exclusively on the floor. By the way, for some reason my hair loss could not be regenerated, and creating a serum became a salvation for me. I was somehow afraid to remain bald forever.

And then I was faced with another problem - where to look for ingredients for potions. Of course, most of them could be bought at the local magic shop, but my father, who learned about my hobby, as the owner of our lands, strictly forbade me to release them. True, I got excited about the owner; the land had long belonged to someone else, I suspect it was Count Otten. My father went bankrupt almost immediately after my mother’s escape - Nayans as a wife also bring prosperity to the house.

But my father still had some influence in our village, so I was quickly left without potions. Well, I managed to buy a book on collecting magical herbs, so I had to get them myself in our forest. What we didn’t grow, we bought at the fair that came every two weeks, and one of the components of the whey could only be purchased there. I was waiting for the day after tomorrow like manna from heaven, I’ll take more pimply cinquefoil so that there will be enough for a year. Hopefully they'll accept one of Grandma's trinkets found in the same attic as payment. Still pure gold. And I can’t imagine how daddy missed it. However, he didn’t even find the book, otherwise he would have burned it right away. He couldn't stand his mother-in-law, he constantly accused her of negative impact on my daughter's behavior.

Sana touched my hand and looked devotedly into my eyes.

“Lexa, I’m very grateful to you, but I’m afraid it’s all useless.” You will have to get married, and I will have to enter the Academy...

- Here's another! – I frowned. – We have a whole week! If I had two required ingredients, I would try to make a dozen potions today! But the fair will only be the day after tomorrow...

“Wait,” Sana perked up, and even her tears dried up. – There was hail this morning!

I looked at my sister in bewilderment:

Sana broke into a smile:

– And yesterday I predicted it to Mr. Truver! Understand? He owes me!

Ah, that's what she's getting at! Mr. Truver was the owner of a magic shop in our village, and a weather predictor was vital for him, because he grew some of the plants in his own garden. Dinor, who is very fond of wine, was not always able to predict the weather, and yesterday, after a walk, Sana boasted to me that she told Truver about the hail. I think he didn’t believe her, but, as Sana said, he still made sure to protect his plantings. Well, this plays into my hands, now he definitely won’t refuse to sell us what we need!

- Sana, you are a genius! – I was delighted. – Maybe this is the right place for you at the Academy, and not for me?

The sister, having completely calmed down, snorted.

– You know, this is the maximum of what I am capable of, but you are a real fan of studying. If only I could replay everything...

- And we’ll try! – I responded. “I’ll write you a list now, run to Truver, just make sure your father doesn’t see you.” And I'll prepare everything for the potions. Don’t be afraid, I think we will succeed, grandma, of course, was a very harmful person, but not to the same extent as to deceive her own heiress?

Of course, my confidence was feigned, but I couldn’t allow Sana to decide to cry again. And I really didn’t want to marry, even a handsome and pleasant count, especially if my own sister had her eye on him. I have no one dearer than Sana... just like she has no one closer to me.

Sana returned two hours later with a whole bag of herbs and bottles according to my order. I didn’t waste time on trifles and wrote a long list of what was needed, and my sister laughed and told me how Truver grimaced. But he didn’t dare refuse, as far as I understood, with her prediction Sana saved something very valuable in his garden.

Everything turned out extremely well, the father retired with wine in the library, lately he often took a sip from the bottle, complaining about his villainous fate and his traitorous wife. But today, it seems, he had a different reason - he had long said goodbye to the idea of ​​​​successfully settling his daughters, and here was such a gift in the form of a count. It’s strange, did the rumors about my mother or the desire to marry Nayana, and probably at a relatively low price, not really seduce him so much? Oh, my sister fell in love with the wrong one...

Having laid out the pot and everything I needed on the floor, I checked the next list and swore in frustration. After all, she knew that the mistletoe was over, and completely forgot about it in the morning! I was afraid that my father would catch me drinking another potion, and I was in too much of a hurry to get home. And without her, I won’t be able to start the eighty-eighth spell. Well, it’s my own fault, I’ll have to go into the forest again.

Sana volunteered with me, but I decided that this was not the best best idea.

“You better keep an eye on your father, in case he decides to check what I’m doing, if anything happens, you’ll warn me,” I ordered. Sana nodded in agreement and went downstairs to spy at the library, and I, tucking up my skirt, climbed out the window.

I mastered this method of leaving the bedroom several years ago. Right in front of my window there was a spreading oak tree, one of whose branches was literally asking to be used. The first time, however, I almost fell off and tore my dress, but, hanging upside down on the fabric bursting at the seams, I learned dexterity and almost didn’t get hurt when landing in the nettles. I only itched for a long time. Over the course of several years, the method was brought to perfection, otherwise the clapping front door the father heard in any state and was always interested in where his daughters were going.

Quickly going downstairs, I straightened my skirt, straightened the bag hanging over my shoulder and walked briskly towards the forest. Our house stood almost next to the village, and the forest began immediately behind it. My father bought this crumbling mansion eight years ago, when he finally went broke and was forced to sell it. family estate. He got it cheap: no one wanted to settle so close to the forest; according to legend, an unprecedented monster lived there and various small evil spirits lived there. They're lying. I looked all over and didn’t find a single monster lying around. Well, they didn’t mean Bert, did they?

Bert was the best flying lizard in the world. I couldn’t dare call him a dragon, although he was born precisely by a dragoness, but from whom... history is silent. It did not take root with the dragons - they did not consider it theirs, so it settled in our forest and whiled away the time alone, until a year ago I began my active forays into the forest for the missing herbs. Bert, however, decided to scare me, I suspect, like many others, but this time the attempt was unsuccessful - while diving down, he broke his wing. But then I took my serum

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It was not in vain that I healed his wing, and we became friends. And most of the tall plants, like mistletoe, were brought to me by Bert.

I learned to whistle quite quickly, and the lizard learned to recognize my whistle. And he flew right there, he already knew how to go into a tailspin and dodge branches.

This time I didn’t even have to whistle - Bert was waiting for me at the very edge of the forest. Over the past months, the lizard had grown significantly, although it was still too small for a dragon, and its wings were disproportionately large. By the way, he promised that someday he would even take me for a ride, but I didn’t really count on it.

“Lexa, I didn’t think you’d be back today!”

Probably only I could mistake this grin of a double row of teeth on a green muzzle for a smile. By the way, I thought Bert was very handsome, he was much better than any arrogant dragon, which, however, I only read about.

“I forgot Mistletoe,” I admitted. - Will you help?

“What are we talking about,” Bert smiled again. - I'll be there in a minute.

A flap of green membranous wings, a loud crack – and a bunch of the necessary branches already lies in front of me. I gratefully stroked the scaly muzzle, causing Bert to growl in his gut, which meant a satisfied purr for him. At that moment he always reminded me of a cat.

“Thank you,” I was delighted and sat down next to him on the fallen trunk. By the way, this tree was not seen here yesterday. -Are you playing around?

“Here you go,” Bert snorted. – Two boys came today with an ax, and this is the result... Maybe you can return my promise not to attack people, huh? I really wanted to devour these.

I shook my finger at him:

- You promised! And why eat them, it would scare them, that’s all.

“Then they would have seen me,” the lizard sighed. - And why do I need this? No, you either exist or you don’t, there is no third choice. Next time I’ll eat it, even if I have to break my word - they made me very angry.

- And who will you do better for? – I was surprised. “Representatives of the Department for Control of Magical Creatures will arrive immediately, and you are an unregistered individual of an unknown species,” I chuckled. “They’ll let you in for the experiments, is that what you want?”

- But will you protect me? “And his yellow eyes, the size of my palm, were so pleading that I laughed.

- How? Douse them with serum?

The lizard cocked his head to the side.

– And the ninth spell of the fifth ten? There's a real explosion there, I remember!

– Are you seriously suggesting that I blow up representatives of the Department? – I was amazed. - And who will then get me out of prison?

- I! – Bert proudly spread his wings, and I laughed again. Entertainer.

- Look! – the lizard suddenly hissed. - They're coming back!

Indeed, two bright heads flashed behind the trees, and I recognized the Dinor brothers, the sons of our fortuneteller. Bert, of course, got excited about the boys; these idiots are already over twenty, although they have the minds of five-year-olds. Harmful and evil, they were capable of anything. And why did they need to cut down the trees?

“Sit down,” Bert suddenly said, exposing his back, “there’s nowhere to hide here, unless you go further into the forest, but then we won’t see anything.”

I looked at him doubtfully:

-Can you stand me?

“Easy,” he waved it off. “You’re like a piece of fluff, but you don’t trust everything.” Sit down, I say. At the very least, in an hour you’ll be as good as new, with your regeneration, nayana.

“Comforted me,” I chuckled, but quickly climbed onto the scaly back and sat down between the wings, hugging Bert’s neck. I always wanted to ride a lizard, but I was terribly afraid.

“Don’t strangle me,” he wheezed, and I thought that it seemed like I had agreed in vain...aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrh0b000000000000000

The lizard flew into the air and hovered, hiding in the crown of the trees, and then settled on the branch of one of them, and I instinctively grabbed the trunk. Well, I definitely got excited when I agreed to this!

“Don’t puff,” responded the lizard. “And don’t yell, otherwise you’ll scare the victim away.”

Is he planning to attack them right now?!

The Dinor brothers heard either my scream or our squabble, because they turned their heads around in bewilderment. Having found no one, they calmed down, not even thinking to raise their heads. After spitting on their palms, they grabbed axes from their belts and, looking at the tree closest to them, began to chop it down. The lizard beneath me shuddered, as did I. We settled down on this very tree that was being cut down. Why did they need it?

The sound made by the axes, unfortunately, drowned out the quiet conversation, but even without it I guessed what the brothers were up to. Bert and I settled down on a tanaria branch, which was also a tree that had already been cut down. She was not found very often in our forest; The first ring in the barrel had narcotic properties - when added to alcohol, it caused long-term euphoria and heightened feelings, judging by the entries in grandma’s book. This means that this is why they are cutting down the tree, Dinor no longer has enough ordinary wine for predictions, now give him dope! This way his sons will destroy all the tanarii in the forest...

Anger took hold of me and was transmitted to Bert. He cowered under me and was clearly about to dive down on the destroyers of the forest, which he had long considered his own home. I was in solidarity with the lizard, but I didn’t want to reveal my presence, and even less so Bert’s existence. And murder was not part of my plans. I was upset at my own powerlessness and clenched my fists, mentally wishing that the brainless brothers would immediately get out of the forest. But I never expected what would happen next. Suddenly, tanaria roots burst out of the ground behind the brothers, which they, engrossed in chopping, did not notice, and, shooting up, wrapped themselves around the legs of the hapless woodcutters. They screamed loudly, dropped their axes and waved their arms. And the roots did not spare them, hanging them upside down, and even pressed them against the trunk a couple of times. Blood splashed onto the ground, and the brothers screamed louder. I covered my mouth with my hands in fear, and the roots immediately released their victims. Having splashed into the grass, the brothers, still screaming, jumped up and, limping, took off running. I watched in delight as they left the battlefield, hoping that they would never return.

“Congratulations, Lexa, I was wondering when this would happen,” Bert said contentedly, releasing the branch from his paws and carefully landing. I crawled off the scaly back with relief, but when I heard the lizard’s words, I looked at him in surprise.

- What do you mean?

“Earth magic,” he explained, smiling. “I always suspected that you had it, it was high time it showed up.”

I shook my head in disbelief.

- Why? No Nayana has ever mastered the elements.

I carefully fished the remaining serum out of my bag. Even though the bottle was at the bottom, I didn’t hesitate for a minute, donating the potion to the unfortunate tree. The wounds on the trunk healed, and new bark grew in their place. Someone touched me on the shoulder, and I was surprised to notice a raised tanaria root. The tree thanked me, but I couldn’t believe it.

“You are an unusual nayana,” the lizard remarked confidently. “At least the fact that you don’t want to get married already distinguishes you from your relatives.”

“I don’t want to,” I agreed. “Father, however, doesn’t understand this and has decided to give me away.”

- For whom? – Bert widened his eyes, and with a sigh I told him the morning conversation. The lizard frowned, it looked touching. - I hope you can think of something?

“I’ll try,” I sighed and immediately felt the bracelet on my hand warm up. Touching

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reaching him with her fingers, she quietly called: “Sana?”

- Going! “I touched the bracelet again and looked guiltily at Bert. - I have to go.

- I'll miss you. – The lizard rubbed his head on my shoulder.

- Me too.

Smiling, she ran towards the house. I just missed my father’s next displeasure; I didn’t speak too politely today anyway. I'm afraid I'll pay for this.

The bracelet came to life again when I was already approaching the mansion.

“Count Otten has arrived,” Sana whispered. -Are you coming down for dinner?

“What else,” I protested. “I’m out of shape, and my father knows it very well!”

- I'm afraid he will insist...

“I'm afraid I'll have to disappoint him,” I snorted. “I’m already there, make sure my father isn’t in my room.”

- Fine.

Bracelets turned out to be an irreplaceable thing for my sister and me. They were left over from my mother, or more precisely, from the magician with whom she ran away when we were eight years old. He stayed at our family estate for a couple of days, and two nights later we woke up in a house where my mother was no longer there. And the day before, this strange man, whose appearance was not etched in our memory, gave me a bracelet, saying that in this way we could communicate with my mother at any time. True, I didn’t understand then what he meant, and Sana, almost for the first and last time in her life, broke the rules of behavior and stole the second bracelet from the magician’s pocket. I found out this on the day when my mother disappeared, and, obeying the words of the magician, I tried to contact her. And my sister answered me next room. How I swore then... Then news reached us that mother and her companion were spotted on board a ship sailing to neighboring Lyonia. Unfortunately, the ship was wrecked, and since then we have not heard anything about mom.

I grabbed a tree branch and pulled myself up with my arms as usual. You need to get to your bedroom as soon as possible.

I hid in the bathroom at the last moment. Next, my father burst into the room - I heard the door slamming and his quiet roar, apparently so that the guest would not be afraid of the manifestation of parental love ahead of time:

– Where are you going, Alexia?! How long will you hide?

I quickly grabbed the scissors lying on the sink and heartily chopped off half of the curls from the front, and then wet them with water. And she looked out of the bathroom.

My father almost choked when he saw my head.

- Who do you look like?! – he hissed.

“To myself, of course,” I replied sarcastically. – Or did you think that I would change dramatically for the sake of some count?

Well, here I am again being disrespectful. But for some reason I’m not the least bit ashamed.

- Alexia! - the father rumbled. “I don’t care how you do it, but in an hour you’ll be downstairs in decent shape!” I know very well about your magic serum, use it and get yourself in order.

“Alas,” I batted my eyelashes, “I ran out of it.”

- So cook it, I allow it! - the father barked. “You have an hour, Alexia, otherwise I won’t be responsible for myself!” And for the fate of your sister too!

Well, the threats began. The father came out, slamming the door, apparently no longer embarrassed by his own behavior. It seemed that the count's presence did not bother him now. Sana sidled into the room.

- Why are you making him angry? – she sighed. – I would like to meet the count, what’s wrong with that...

“So go ahead and meet your fiancé,” I grumbled.

- He is not my fiancé! - my sister flushed.

“But he will become one,” I noted confidently. - That’s it, go, don’t bother me, I’ll call you when I’m finished. It’s better to overhear that daddy will lie to the count, okay?

“Okay,” Sana smiled. She was clearly pleased with my reluctance to meet Count Otten, and I myself already wanted to look at the one who so struck my sister’s gaze. However, oh well, I’ll make do. The eighty-eighth spell is much more interesting. And I, without wasting time, sat down on the floor in front of the pot.

To start, I quickly prepared a large bottle of life-giving serum. Who knows what awaits me after the next spell, maybe it’s time to order a wig? Daddy's got a blow. And how surprised the count is... the bald Nayana, he will run away from here, dropping his boots. Okay, let's leave this killer remedy as a last resort.

Apparently, grandma heard the passionate pleas of both granddaughters, because the eighth spell of the ninth decade was still successful. The promised silvery cloud and the liquid of the same color were pleasing to the eye. I carefully poured it into a small bottle and, without thinking twice, smeared it on my hand. In the end, there is a serum, I hope I will have time to use it if I suddenly find myself without skin. But nothing of the kind happened, moreover, the liquid accidentally fell on a tiny mole on the wrist - and it disappeared! I couldn't believe my eyes! Did it really work?!

Immediately touching the bracelet, I whispered:

- Sana! Let's run here!

My sister flew into the bedroom a few seconds later. Out of breath, she looked me up and down and sighed with relief. Apparently, the image of the bald Nayana arose not only in my imagination. Yes, it’s not for nothing that they say that twins feel each other like themselves.

- What's happened? – she exhaled, leaning back against the door. I stood up with difficulty, rubbing my legs that were numb from sitting for a long time in an uncomfortable position, and resolutely approached my sister with the bottle. She recoiled involuntarily.

“Don’t be afraid,” I said confidently. - Coward. I have the serum. And I have already tested this remedy on myself.

- And what is it? – she asked incredulously, and I, without thinking twice, smeared my frightened sister on the birthmark on her cheek. Sana gasped and slid down the door in surprise. How impressionable is she, or does my always unpresentable appearance affect her like that?

However, after a second her emotions were of little interest to me. I looked at the clean pink cheek and couldn’t believe it.

- What? What's there? – my sister became worried, but I didn’t even have words. I just grabbed her hand and dragged her to the mirror. It took at least a minute before Sana woke up and sat down on the floor again. Tears were streaming down her cheeks.

“This can’t be,” she wailed, peering into the reflection in the mirror. And I looked at my sister’s ideal appearance and was quietly glad that now we are absolutely the same. However, I got excited about the sameness; my appearance was far from ideal. - Thank you!!!

Sana hugged my neck and burst into tears from the bottom of her heart. I patted her on the back, although my eyes stung treacherously. I have always been less sensitive than my sister, and I can’t give up, I need to warn you about the pitfalls of this spell...

“Darling... wait... this is not forever... unfortunately,” I squeezed out.

Sana raised her head sharply and looked at me with fear.

- How?! - frightenedly grabbed hold of left cheek, where there once was a birthmark. - How long?!

I sighed.

“Look, it says here: in danat – that means for a day,” I translated. – You will need to smear your cheek at least once a day. Unfortunately, I haven’t come across an eternal spell yet, but as soon as I find it, I’ll add it to this potion, and you’ll get rid of your stain forever. At least now you can go downstairs and meet your beloved count,” I smiled.

But Sana

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For some reason I wasn’t happy.

- What if you don’t succeed? Will I really fall in love with him? I can't marry him!

- Why? – I was surprised. “Well, you’ll be smearing your cheek all your life, in my opinion, it’s better than going to the Academy you hate, don’t you think?”

“You forgot about the Arch of Truth,” Sana said with fear, and I frowned. Indeed, I forgot. The Arch of Truth is installed in every Temple, and they must pass through it in order to remove all spells and illusions, and each of the spouses appears before the goddess in his original form. But granny mentioned in her book that the eternal spell helps to bypass even the Arch, which means we must make it at all costs! Which I did not fail to tell my sister about.

- But what if…

- Sana! – I shouted. - Let's assume that everything will work out for me. You're not getting married in a week, but at best a few months later, first there will be an official engagement, then meeting your parents and being introduced to the court - it seems like the count is not the last person in the kingdom? I think that during this time at the Academy I will have time to try the hundred and twelve remaining spells and get you this eternal potion,” I finished confidently.

Sana closed her eyes:

– Will you go to the Academy instead of me? To the Faculty of Diviners?

“Here you go,” I snorted. – What did I forget there? I’ll say that my father made a mistake in the request, and I’ll go to the potions department. I hope that I will learn something necessary there, and my eternal fuss with pots will not surprise anyone.

“Thank you,” Sana was touched. “You do so much for me, and I... I’m completely useless...”

“You’re stupid, that’s for sure,” I smiled, hugging her. - But the best. And in general, you will do the main thing - marry your count and save me from this, because I don’t need your Otten for my soul,” I chuckled.

“His name is Randor,” Sana sobbed.

“Even His Highness Martin, it doesn’t matter to me,” I typed. - That's it, stop snotting, quickly wash your face and run downstairs to pretend to be me. Don’t forget that from this day you answer to the name Alexy.

“And you look like Aleksana,” my sister smiled.

- Agreed. “I hugged her again and pushed her towards the door. - Go, I have the eighty-ninth spell coming up. What if granny gives you something else useful?

“I doubt it,” Sana shook her head. “She was harmful... although I have to thank her.” But especially for you!

I feel like she will thank me for hours now. It’s nice, of course, but there’s no time left.

“Sana, hurry up before dad goes looking for me.”

- By the way, don’t you want to tell him about this potion? – she suddenly asked.

- No, and don’t even try! – I waved my hands. “Father will never deceive the count; he still doesn’t believe in my potions and he definitely won’t risk his marriage.” And if a miracle happens and he still admits that I am worth something, then I will still not see school, his dream of two married daughters will come true, and I will be left with my nose, that is, with my husband. There is only a week until I enter the Academy, and I don’t want to miss my chance.

“Okay, whatever you say,” Sana answered conciliatoryly and looked at herself in the mirror again. However, she almost did not take her eyes off her reflection the entire time we were talking. I completely understood my sister - after all, her dream came true, even if not completely.

“Everyone, run, hello to Otten, who is Randor,” I giggled. “And make sure your father doesn’t guess that you are you.” Don't look at the floor, okay?

- As you say! Thank you! – Sana kissed me loudly on the cheek and fluttered out the door. Great. I hope my father doesn't suspect anything. However, I am sure that he has already drunk more than one bottle of wine and is unlikely to be able to distinguish his daughter from a maid. I hope the Count isn't too shocked.

And I again sat down in front of the pot in anticipation of what kind of surprise my grandmother had prepared for me once again.

A satisfied sister burst into my bedroom just at the moment when I was inhaling the bitter-spicy aroma of the ninety-first potion. I read the spell, nothing happened, at least a purple explosion, like in the eighty-ninth, or a poisonous pink cloud, like in the ninetieth, did not happen, and the smell interested me extremely. But for some reason my eyes stung a lot.

- What... what are you doing? “Sana’s bright mood immediately left her, and she stared at me in horror: “Your eyes...”

-Are you there? – I was seriously scared. Although what a stupid question, I see her.

- Yeah... but they're gray now!

- Can't be! “I jumped up and rushed to the mirror. Indeed, the bright blue color changed to mouse-like, the size of the eyes decreased significantly, and the beautiful almond-shaped shape turned into round and expressionless. Even her eyelashes seemed to become thinner and shorter, and disheveled hair, dyed partly yellow and partly violet, completed the new look. Now no one would recognize me as Nayana... So this is for the best! I found an elixir to change eye color, which means I have nothing to fear at the Academy! At least, matrimonial plans of the strong half of the adherents. Did her father want to send Sana away under someone else’s name, so that no one would guess that she was Nayana? Great, so be it!

– Will they remain like this forever? - Sana asked upset, and I looked at her in surprise and pointed my finger at two words she already knew - in danat. The sister nodded understandingly. - And you don’t feel sorry for this beautiful color?

“Firstly, this is for a while,” I reassured her. “Secondly, Nayan’s beauty will only bother me there.” What if someone wants to get married, this was not enough yet, the father will find out and immediately discover the substitution. By the way,” I looked thoughtfully at my sister, “Granny had some kind of spell for drawing moles in the third ten potions, if I work on it properly, I can draw the same birthmark on my cheek as yours...

Alexana stared at me in horror.

– Do you voluntarily want to stick this dubious decoration on your cheek?!

- Why not? – I smiled. - Disheveled multi-colored hair, a birthmark, glasses, nondescript eye color - but no one will even look at me! But I will study, and not fight off a flock of anxious adherents. All is decided! I will go to the Academy with a wonderful miracle, a wondrous miracle, so that no one will recognize me as Nayan.

“You’re crazy,” Sana shook her head. “I always dreamed of getting rid of the stain, and you voluntarily want to disfigure yourself.”

“Well, my father said today that I’m completely defective,” I giggled. - True, I wouldn’t agree with him, it seems that he has it... okay, better tell me how your meeting with the count went.

My little sister blossomed literally before our eyes.

“He’s amazing,” she breathed. - Handsome, polite, helpful... And he talks so interestingly, he’s been to a lot of places...

“You fell in love,” I stated.

- Yes! – my sister answered fervently and immediately flushed. - That is, probably...

“Advice and love,” I admonished. - Just don’t forget to respond to Alexia, otherwise you never know...

“I remember,” Sana smiled. - Thank you for everything. “And she hugged me tightly.

“Well, that’s enough already, I’m completely embarrassed,” I snorted. - Go to bed, I still have half the night to sculpt a birthmark, it’s time to get used to your role. Yes, and the most

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important,” I shoved the eighty-eighth potion into my sister’s hands, “don’t forget to smear yourself!”

Happy Sana wished me good night and finally left. True, I looked with doubt after my sister, who was in euphoria, and was afraid that she might fail our plan. However, it is in her interests not to allow this to happen, since she dreams so much about Count Otten.

I went to bed in the morning. But she coped with the task - the birthmark turned out just right and stuck tightly to her cheek. For the same day. Then I scrubbed myself in the bathroom with serum - returning my hair and eyes to their original appearance. And now I was sure that my own father would not distinguish me from Aleksana. And hers - from me.

The week flew by quickly, much faster than I had planned. The father did not notice the substitution, if only because he spent whole days building a new mansion. Count Otten turned out to be very generous and allocated part of the required price for the bride even before the wedding, which our parent was incredibly pleased with. Yes, my sister and I went out of our way - I wore her frilly dresses, and she wore mine, stained with grandma’s potions, although she secretly cleaned them off. We switched rooms, but my father was still away from home, so there was no one to keep track of who was where.

We taught each other: I taught my sister insolence, and she taught me silence, because the concept of meekness was not at all familiar to me. But if I had the opportunity to at least just bite my tongue - and, to be honest, there was no longer a living place on it - and at least in this way become like Sana and not object to my father, then the poor sister blushed and turned pale, trying to copy mine manner of communication. I was worried about her, although I hoped for my father’s euphoria and his desire to get away with at least one nayana. And sell it profitably. Baron Milne was in in a great mood and for several days now he has not mentioned our mother and grandmother with florid curses.

Sana met with Randor twice more and looked head over heels in love, while I filled my suitcases with the necessary ingredients and studied my grandmother’s book. True, now it was rare to practice - I spent all my free time either with my sister or with Bert. He was in despair and threatened to move to the forest closer to the Academy, and I could not help but rejoice at his intentions. I don’t know how long I’ll study there, but I didn’t want to leave my close friend for long.

“And why do you need this Academy,” he grumbled, “you’ll put senior courses in your potions belt.”

“Yeah, if only,” I objected, “I don’t know the simplest things.” In addition to potions, there are other disciplines; future adepts studied them at least at home, not to mention magic schools. I'll sit in a puddle there.

“But you’ll be the best in potions,” the lizard confidently declared. – And the history of magic and other nonsense will not be useful to you in life.

“I’ll tell the professors that at the first session,” I giggled. - They will be happy. Are you sure you've decided to move to the forest nearby?

“Yes,” Bert nodded his head, “I’ll fly out early, I need to explore the surrounding area, it’s unknown who lives in the forest and whether it’s possible to live there.” I hope your future teachers didn’t set any magic traps?

“Anything is possible,” I frowned. – I’m sure there’s protection there – be healthy. But I'll think of something. Until you find out everything, try not to get close to the walls of the Academy, and I’ll get out into the forest as soon as possible, okay?

- Okay, just don’t delay the outing. “The lizard was sincerely concerned.

- Don't worry, I won't leave you for long. “I patted him on the back of his neck. -Will you take me for a ride?

- Sit down if you're not afraid. “He winked with his yellow eye and shook his head, inviting him to come onto his back. It seemed to me that over the past few days Bert was growing by leaps and bounds and would soon become the size of a baby dragon. But, of course, I didn’t tell him about this, so why open the wound?

I was returning from the forest when I unexpectedly saw my father behind a low fence surrounding our modest property, on which nothing grew. All my plantings of magical plants were mercilessly weeded by Tiana on my father’s orders, so apart from weeds, the front garden had nothing to boast of. Baron Milne was clearly waiting for me, and next to him, a frightened Sana was shifting from foot to foot, apparently worried that she did not have time to warn me. The father was gloomy and threatening, which clearly did not bode well.

- Since when are you interested in walking in the forest? – instead of greeting, the father began. – Unlike Alexia, you won’t be able to stand up for yourself, if that happens.

Was that a compliment... to me?!

- Sorry, father. “I lowered my head and didn’t just scratch the ground with the toe of my shoe. I wanted to laugh so much that I bit my cheek painfully.

– The carriage will arrive tomorrow morning, it will take you to the city, to the stationary portal. I corrected your pass, you will go to the Academy under the name of Alexana Raine. I found out that no one else from our district is going to the Academy this year. We won’t see you off, but it just wasn’t enough for anyone to know that you are my daughter.

“Narina forbid me,” I thought, and said out loud:

- Yes, dad.

“But,” Sana tried to object, but her father did not allow her to finish.

– This is my last word!

Turning around, he entered the house, and I winked at my sister:

“Don’t worry, but in the carriage I’ll put myself in proper shape.”

Alexana was silent, and tears froze in her eyes again. I didn’t care about my father’s words, but she understood perfectly well that his dismissive speech, in fact, was intended specifically for her. I patted my sister on the shoulder encouragingly.

– Don’t worry, this doesn’t concern you anymore. When do you go to the capital?

“One of these days,” she sobbed, “when my new wardrobe is ready.”

– Great, don’t forget to tell us about everything that happens. The potion will last you a long time, and at the Academy, if necessary, I will prepare the next portion. I think I can give it to you somehow.

Sana hugged me impulsively.

“I’ll miss you,” she whispered.

- Me too…

I had to exhale and think about pressing matters so as not to burst into tears like Sana. Only this was not enough.

But I still burst into tears, in the carriage, on the way to the city. I have never left home in my life, but, most importantly, I have never left my sister. We never went to bed that night and talked until the morning. It was very painful to part, but, unfortunately, necessary. It looks like our carefree childhood is over...

Having wiped away uninvited tears, I began my complete transformation. With scissors taken from home, I mercilessly cut off my long hair, and my hairstyle took on its usual disheveled appearance. I smeared the remnants of the last two unsuccessful decoctions - poisonous yellow and blue-violet - on individual strands so that my subsequent experiments with my grandmother’s book would not cause surprise on the faces of fellow students and teachers - if I struck them with my appearance, then immediately. She checked how the birthmark was holding up, inhaled the aroma of a potion that changed the color and shape of the eyes, and to complete the look, she put glasses on her nose. Even though they were plain glass, but now it would definitely not occur to anyone to suspect a Nayana in my appearance - they have always been in excellent health, and they had no problems with vision. In my desire to completely change my appearance, I wondered if I should put something on myself to hide

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thin waist, but rightly decided that a student’s robe would do the job well. As far as I knew, its cut was quite roomy.

I knew almost nothing about the Tarrin Academy of Magical Secrets. In the books available in the home library, it was rarely mentioned, and from our village only Dinor studied there, and then, I believe, this was a long time ago and was not true. But he loved to brag about his training, which lasted exactly a year. It was rumored that he was expelled from the Academy for drunkenness, which Dinor, spitting saliva and dramatically wringing his hands, zealously denied, but I was sure that it was pure truth, judging by his preferences. By the way, after we scared away the sons of the fortuneteller, they never returned to the forest. Apparently, they were afraid that next time they might simply not survive the attack of another Tanaria. That’s right, without Bert the forest remained practically defenseless.

The scanty information that leaked into our village said that there were four faculties at the Academy. I only knew about the faculties of soothsayers and potions; others remained a mystery to me, shrouded in darkness. However, they did not interest me, although soothsayers were not part of my interests. I still had to somehow convince the admissions committee of my father’s mistake. No matter how they sent him a request... Although I warned Sana to make an effort and open any mail from the Academy on her own. Our plan shouldn't fail because of such a small thing.

We entered the city, and I looked out the window with curiosity. My sister and I were in the city only a couple of times, a very long time ago, and we almost never left the carriage. I categorically refused to go without Sana, and my father did not want to show her face to the world, so we just drove through the streets, looked at the neat houses built of white and gray stone, patterned bars on the windows, bright colorful signs and never even looked to famous confectionery shops, although both had a sweet tooth. Father reluctantly went there once and brought a small bag of cakes. The more I remembered our childhood, the more anger I became at my father. Even I didn’t always notice his disdainful attitude towards Sanya, because I tried to share everything with her in half, and she also suffered because I was losing a lot because of her. Stupid. I need these pastry shops if my sister is unhappy.

I was pulled out of my memories by an abrupt stop of the carriage, so abrupt that I flew off the seat and almost ran my nose into the opposite wall. Pressing my knees painfully against the floor, I groaned and straightened my glasses that had slid down to the tip of my nose - how this additional accessory irritated me! I already doubted my decision to use it, but, on the other hand, it was justified - the glasses will definitely discourage those who want to see the features of my face. Having risen with difficulty, I plopped down on the seat and looked out of the window, wondering what caused such an unexpected stop.

Diagonally from our carriage, I noticed another one - apparently, we unsuccessfully drove onto a common road and the horses simply shied away from each other, so much so that the carriages turned around and someone else's window was almost opposite mine. I leaned out, looking with interest at the involuntary nuisance, and its owner, not surprisingly, did the same.

- Are you alright? – said a pleasant male voice, and I stared at my counterpart. He was young, no older than thirty, his bright blue eyes looked unusual on his dark skin, and the dimples on his cheeks softened his facial features. His appearance could hardly be called perfect, but definitely attractive. A neat, perfectly ironed suit completed the look, and I involuntarily reached for the folds in my dress that the man could not see.

“Yes, everything is fine,” I came out of my stupor. “Sorry, it looks like it’s my coachman’s fault.”

The man smiled:

- It’s okay, you definitely have nothing to do with it. Are you in a hurry?

- A little.

Why does he have this effect on me? However, I quickly guessed - unlike other representatives of the strong half of humanity who come to our house, he did not look with lust, and he did not have any matrimonial plans for me. And it couldn’t be, but now I look like...

“I don’t dare detain you, I’ll ask the coachman to hold the horses,” the man smiled again, and I even regretted that I was in a hurry to change my appearance. Although, what am I talking about, if I had the appearance of a nayan, the man’s eyes would have lit up, just like everyone else, and our future daughters and the gold that he could get for them flashed in his thoughts. And to boot, an eternally young wife... However, with such and such a man... wait, Alexia, where has this taken you! Have you really forgotten about the countless offers that rained down on your father? True, the candidates for my hand were very poor, which did not suit daddy at all, even despite the reputation of our family.

- Lady, are you sure everything is okay?

Oh, I didn’t answer, being carried away by my own rather sad thoughts. I smiled, while adjusting my glasses and blowing my bangs off my forehead.

“Of course, don’t worry,” she nodded to him mechanically, “you are very kind.”

- Bon Voyage. “The stranger waved his hand at me and disappeared inside the carriage. Which is to be expected. I probably should have been glad that the disguise was working, but for some reason my heart ached from an incomprehensible melancholy.

Having agreed with a colleague who gave way with obvious reluctance, because the truth was on his side, my coachman shouted at the horses and started them almost at a gallop. The other carriage was left far behind, which was a pity, I was wondering where it was going.

Before high two-story building I came out of the stationary portal completely transformed, I even loosened the lacing on my dress so that my waist didn’t seem so thin. Moreover, I tried hard, the attendant at the entrance shuddered and, it seems, acquired a nervous tic in his right eye. Wow, how impressionable. It was he who didn’t see me after the sixth spell of the fifth decade!

-Where are you going? – he muttered, without taking his eyes off me. I politely said hello and handed over my pass. The attendant hardly focused his gaze on the cardboard with gold embossing and waved his hand, inviting him inside. - Come on in.

And I heard the quiet words he said under his breath:

- Yes, such a scarecrow is only expected at the Academy...

Ah, that's how it is! Well, I'll show you the stuffed animal! I couldn’t even explain to myself why I was so annoyed with this man, because, in fact, I achieved exactly what I wanted. But for some reason his words touched me. Perhaps I’m not used to people not admiring my appearance? My hands went into my coat pocket, and I quietly slipped the ball with the twenty-sixth potion from my grandmother’s book down the poor fellow’s collar. Quite harmless, by the way, but it causes tickling that doesn’t stop for an hour.

- Ay! – the servant chuckled. - A-ya-yay!

“Ignorant,” I muttered, walking past a man writhing with laughter. And for some reason I didn’t feel the least bit ashamed.

The portal building greeted me with twilight and downright grave cold. There was a feeling that it was not used often, however, that was the case. The city and surrounding villages were self-sufficient, and movements to other parts of the country were rare, so much so that it was necessary to issue a special

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a pass to travel somewhere. I walked down a long corridor with a vaulted ceiling, and the sound of my steps echoed throughout the building. Not otherwise, so that the next minister would know about the approach of an unexpected visitor. And the fact that I was unexpected was noticeable even at the entrance.

The man in nondescript gray clothes who met me in the room with the portal, thank Narini, did not comment on my appearance. It seemed to me that he was incapable of any emotions at all. Dispassionately taking the pass, the attendant nodded, inviting him to come closer. I saw the portal for the first time, although I had read a lot about them: a large silver frame inside a stone arch, with strange inscriptions along its edges. The servant ran his fingers over some of the inscriptions, and the portal flashed blue.

“Tarrin Academy of Magical Secrets,” the attendant said dispassionately, waving his hand at me. I clutched a large bag with a set of the most expensive things that I did not dare to send by magical mail - including my grandmother’s book - and, closing my eyes, stepped into the portal.

And the next moment I was carried away by someone’s rather large body and slammed into the stone floor, and with such force that my ribs almost cracked, and real sparks fell from my eyes. It seems that I even lost consciousness for a split second and was glad that I had nayan regeneration. Anyone else in my place would have spent a week in the infirmary after this.

- Watch where you're going! - they snorted in my ear, and the next moment the weight that had pressed me to the floor disappeared.

I was unceremoniously lifted to my feet and even shook slightly. I risked looking around and came across an indignant look from emerald green eyes. “Frog color,” I managed to think until this miracle, which by the way was quite beautiful, opened its mouth again.

“Didn’t they teach you that closing your eyes when passing through a portal is unnecessary?”

My ears were ringing, but I was still able to sense that the young man was angry. I don’t understand, he almost hurt me, and it’s also my fault?!

“Get your hands off,” I hissed, pushing away the impudent man and almost dropping my bag.

He was a head taller, with dark wavy hair falling to his shoulders, and his clearly defined lips curled into a venomous grin. No, not a frog. Serpent. Even though he is beautiful. He looked at me with increasing amazement, gradually turning into a contemptuous grin.

– And where did such a disheveled miracle come to our Academy? Girl, are you at the wrong address?

Ugh, he's also a boor.

– I wasn’t mistaken, which I can’t say about you!

I proudly raised my chin and wanted to walk around the statue frozen in front of me, but an unexpected interlocutor grabbed me by the shoulder. I looked at the long fingers in bewilderment and raised my eyes.

“It seems like someone really doesn’t want to study here,” he said thoughtfully, squinting.

“I sympathize,” I snorted. – The portal is behind me, the road is open, have a nice journey.

And I tried to free my shoulder, which, of course, didn’t work. A large crowd of adepts had already formed around us, emerging from two portals located nearby. Apparently, this boor appeared from the second portal.

“Girl, you’re forgetting yourself,” he said evenly. – I am already entering the third faculty, and it is in my power to prevent you from being enrolled here.

I burst into a smile.

- Third faculty? Is it true? And the two previous ones couldn’t stand your presence? How I understand them! If I were you, I wouldn't even unpack my things.

There was giggling all around us, turning into quiet laughter here and there. Emerald eyes flashed, and fingers squeezed my shoulder even tighter. Well, the bruises will appear, okay, at least they will go away quickly. However, the scene clearly dragged on. I put my free hand into my cloak pocket and felt the ball with the thirty-eighth potion. I’ve never used it before, but here’s the reason. And without thinking twice, I threw grandma’s masterpiece into the collar of the snow-white shirt of the boor who was clinging to me. Needless to say, it was a small lightning bolt? My hair stood on end for two hours afterward.

- Infection! – my tormentor shouted, but released my hand. I ducked under his elbow and ran forward along the wide corridor leading out of the hall with portals, finally shouting:

- Nice to meet you!

Oh, I hope I didn't go too far? But he didn’t look like a teacher, probably some kind of representative of the golden youth - as far as I knew, there were many of them here. Capital dandies, what to take from them. And this one is also a mediocrity, since he was kicked out of two faculties.

I maneuvered between the students, and they shouted after me with hooting. Well, no sooner had she appeared than she had already created problems on her own head. And why should I remain silent? But for some reason this green-eyed guy didn’t want to give in at all.

I was one of the first to reach the admissions office. The proud inscription “Welcome to the Tarrin Academy of Magical Secrets. The Admissions Committee stood above the huge oak doors, in front of which several people were crowded. The future adherents looked in surprise at me, disheveled from the fast run, and some even giggled. Of course, my appearance is already far from perfect, and now my hair is even more disheveled, and my glasses have slipped down my nose.

- Are you in a hurry, girl? – a stocky young man of pleasant appearance winked at me. His hair was pulled back into a ponytail, and his dark, almost black, eyes sparkled with laughter.

- Very. – I could hardly catch my breath.

- And where are you going? – he asked a new question.

“For Potions,” I admitted.

“Apparently you have a lot of practice,” he chuckled, his gaze lingering on my hair, and winked again. – Jordan.

“Alexi... sana,” I quickly corrected. - Maybe just Lexa.

- Very nice. Come in,” and he let me go ahead. Just in time, because the green-eyed ghoul had already almost reached the doors of the admissions office with the most brutal expression on his face. I groaned and quickly slipped inside.

The door behind me slammed shut, and I found myself in a huge hall with a high vaulted ceiling. The walls, devoid of any windows, were hung with gloomy tapestries depicting scenes of some battles, and the further I moved forward, the darker the scenes from the battlefield became. Shivering, I almost started running, stopping at the last moment at a massive table at which three, apparently, teachers were sitting. They looked at me disapprovingly, and their appearance did not bode well. And what have I done wrong here? What can you do if I can’t stand the scene of war?

An elderly man with gray hair tied in a ponytail extended his hand to me. I stared at him in bewilderment, but decided to behave politely and shook his dry palm. The old man's face reflected sincere amazement, and sitting next to him, a tall, curly blond man in a blue suit and a dark-haired, thin woman in a strict purple robe could hardly restrain their laughter.

“Very nice,” I muttered. – Alexana Raine.

The old man pulled his hand away and mechanically introduced himself:

Oops, it seems I did something wrong.

- Of course of course. – I reached into my bag, almost dropping the book. - They were somewhere here...

- Can I help you? – The blonde was clearly having fun looking at me.

“No, thank you,” absentmindedly

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I answered and finally found what I was looking for. - Here! “I handed the folder to the old man, but immediately warned: “Only there was a mistake in the faculty, my father filled it out incorrectly, and there was no time to correct it.”

Professor Bruni chuckled in bewilderment, but took the folder and leafed through its contents. And then he looked at me intently.

“It says here that your father enrolled you in the faculty of divination,” he noted. - And how wrong was he?

“Strongly,” I sighed. – I want to study potions.

“Amalia, you’re very lucky,” the blond grinned.

“I see,” the woman smiled, looking at me with interest, but I felt somehow uneasy. The old man coughed.

– If your father really made a mistake, we will find out now; the magic crystal will help determine his predisposition to the faculty. Pre-application from parents is required if you have multiple talents and there is a problem of choice. True, to get the transfer completed, if the crystal shows your potion-making abilities, you will have to contact the rector. The will of the parents is taken into account in the event of a disputed distribution.

“As you say,” I looked down.

That's it, I promise, from this moment I am meekness itself. I wish I could learn this from my own sister, whose disguise I put on myself. And then she broke out in a cold sweat. What was his father thinking when he sent Sana to the faculty of soothsayers under a false name? After all, they would immediately understand that her surname is not real... What was I thinking when I came here under the name of my sister? Yes, this crystal will immediately open their eyes! Or is divination still unable to detect lies to such an extent? What if they see in images? My sister couldn’t exactly determine anything like that, but she also has a small gift!

There was nowhere to retreat, and I obediently extended my hands to a large, orange-sized, multifaceted iridescent stone that appeared on the table in front of me on a stand that seemed to me to be made of pure gold. Wow, how serious this is... and scary. I wanted to close my eyes, but for some reason I remembered the mocking words about my eyes being closed when crossing the portal and changed my mind, decisively touching the crystal. It instantly flashed with a purple light, so bright that Professor Amalia flinched.

“Yessss,” said Professor Bruni. – The girl did not deceive, she has very strong potion-making abilities. Well, Amalia, accept the replenishment.

For some reason, the woman swallowed, staring at me, and scribbled something on my documents.

“Welcome,” she muttered. – There is a door to the left of the table, open it, go up to the third floor and go to the end of the corridor. In front of you will be the rector's office. Complete the transfer with him and come back. We will decide on your accommodation.

- Thank you! – I beamed, grabbing a folder from the table. - Believe me, I won’t let you down!

“For some reason I don’t even doubt it,” she smiled wryly, not taking her eyes off my hair. I probably went too far with the yellow potion. Okay, I’ll wash it off with the serum, that’s all.

Walking briskly in the indicated direction, I opened the right door, but, unable to bear it, looked back. The three teachers whispered to each other without taking their eyes off me. Yes, I made an impression on them...

Behind the door a narrow corridor was revealed, illuminated by bright lamps, apparently of a magical nature. Walking forward cheerfully, I came across the promised staircase, spiraling around a stone pillar. I carefully began to climb the steps, every three dozen of which ended in a small stone platform with a corridor going off to the side. I hope I correctly determined that the second platform is the third floor? I wouldn’t want any surprises; there are enough of them already in the morning. And I really wanted to sleep - after all, the sleepless night made itself felt...

But I was lucky - the corridor behind the second platform ended in an impressive hexagonal hall with doors on each side and huge lancet windows between them. Panels of dark stained wood made the room look strict, but bright blue soft sofas added lightness to this strange room. Probably so that those who came would not be too frightened before meeting with the authorities. I sighed, gathering my courage, and still knocked on the door with the golden sign “Rector of the Academy of Magic Secrets - Professor Sheldon Firth.”

- Come in!

Hearing this, I pushed the door, but it was not going to budge. Another test for visitors. What is it made of, stone, or what? And the oak looks like an oak. I leaned on my whole body and even thought: shouldn’t I run away just to be sure? Maybe this is another test - take out the door, get a transfer?

But the object of my torment unexpectedly succumbed - it seemed that someone had pulled it from the other side, and I groaned and flew into the office, immediately falling into someone’s strong arms. I'm definitely lucky today! However, this time at least I didn’t get dropped. By the way, it’s still time to get rid of the bad habit of closing your eyes, that green-eyed bastard is right...

Opening my eyelashes, I stared at the one into whose arms I accidentally fell. The sight of the amazed man immediately brought me to my senses. Somehow I didn’t plan to hug the rector in the morning... It was not difficult to guess that it was the rector - who else could be in his office alone? But I couldn't believe my eyes! Who knew that the owner of the carriage that almost collided with mine was the rector of the Academy?!

- I'm sorry, I completely forgot that I locked the door. – A pleasant baritone caressed my ears, and I even somehow relaxed in someone else’s arms. “You’re in a hurry again, lady,” he laughed.

Narini, what a smile... my hand involuntarily itched, I so wanted to rip off the unnecessary birthmark from my cheek and find my serum in my bag. Wow, what came over me?! That's not what you're thinking about, Alexia!

“I didn’t want to be late for admission,” I admitted, looking down. And I heard a cheerful snort.

– Every year it’s the same thing. For some reason, adherents think that the sooner they get to the selection committee, the more privileges they will receive. I assure you, the living conditions in the hostel are not bad, rooms for two people, unless you want separate apartments, but this must be ordered in advance. In all other respects, there is no difference whether you get into the Academy first or last.

I found strength and gently freed myself from the rector’s embrace. He looked at me cheerfully and walked away a couple of steps, crossing his arms over his chest.

– What brings you to my office? Just don’t tell me that you did something, I won’t believe it.

“I haven’t had time yet,” I blurted out automatically, and I blushed. And the rector laughed.

“Duke Sheldon Firth, maybe Lord Firth,” he said, still laughing. – What is your name, adept? As I understand it, the future?

I sighed.

“I hope... that is, I hope that...” My thoughts were confused, but I pulled myself together and looked firmly into his eyes. In beautiful blue eyes, by the way. -Lady Alexana Raine. I need a translation, my father indicated the faculty incorrectly, - and I handed him the folder.

Firth took what I had offered and, bypassing the big massive table, sat down at it, motioning for me to take one of the chairs on the other side. I carefully sat down on the edge of the leather chair and looked around. In many ways, the office resembled an atrium, with the only difference being that it was not blue.

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observed, the atmosphere was strict, befitting the position of the rector of the Academy, but not particularly suitable for the smiling Firth. Perhaps he was trying to look more respectable with her help?

I turned my attention away from looking at the portraits of gloomy men in long robes and turned my gaze to the rector. As he read my documents, his eyebrows inexorably crawled up.

– A very interesting error, this is the first time I’ve encountered this. “He looked up at me. – People often come to me for a transfer from the Faculty of Potions to Artifacts and back, after all, they have a lot in common, but for something like this... Why did your father enroll you in the Faculty of Divination? Was there a reason? I don’t think it’s possible to make a mistake in the documents for submitting to the Academy; after all, this is not a bill at a grocery store.

His gaze burned, and I shuddered. But she was going to play her role to the end.

“You see, I once accidentally predicted the weather,” I began to lie with inspiration. “To be honest, it’s a big deal, but it all worked out, which is surprising.” My father was happy because he doesn’t like my passion for potions; he thinks that it doesn’t reflect well on the girl’s appearance.

Firth couldn't help but chuckle.

“I think I’m beginning to understand him,” he said, but then corrected himself: “Don’t be offended, but you have a very original hair color, I would even say, exclusive.” Believe me, I have been accepting first-year potions faculty members for more than one year now, but you are unique in your kind.

Of course, they didn’t have Grandma’s book!

“Thank you,” I said mechanically, although, actually, for what?! The charm of acquaintance began to slowly recede, and it even somehow made me feel better. “Actually, I want to enroll in potions to learn at least safety precautions.”

“Commendable,” nodded the rector. – I see that Professor Gorrain recorded a third score in ability - this is the highest score, very interesting. I believe I have no reason to refuse you, otherwise the Potions department will lose a promising magician. “He was serious, but there was merriment in his eyes. – Okay, Adept Rain, you have been accepted and transferred to your desired faculty. Return to the admissions office, they will give you a check-in slip and a list of necessary books that you can get from the library.

My heart jumped with joy and I smiled at the rector again, this time with sincere gratitude. My dream has come true! I will study where I want!

“Thank you, Lord Firth,” I said, continuing to smile. Taking the outstretched folder, she pressed it to her chest, but it was the rector who wanted to hug and even kiss. Ugh, what a thought, Alexia! Although, what else should a person whose lifelong dream come true feel?! It seems that I am still quite restrained, at least I do not attack Firth in a fit of gratitude. Why is he smiling so much, wouldn’t he really mind? Oh, I don’t look like Nayana now, what kind of “don’t mind”, I’m just well-mannered and polite...

“Greetings, adept Rain,” the rector replied, getting up. – I hope your training will be enjoyable for both you and the Academy.

- I doubt it.

Hearing a mocking voice behind me, I turned around sharply. I never closed the door, and in its opening I saw the one who had suffered at my hands. More precisely, we suffered mutually, but... I swallowed. “Snake,” and I couldn’t find any other words to describe him, approached me with the soft gait of a predator and stood next to me. I physically felt the waves of contempt emanating from him and involuntarily backed away.

“Especially since... hmm... the adept violated the third point of the eighth paragraph of the Academy Charter,” and the green eyes flashed with satisfaction.

With fear, I looked from Snake to Lord Firth and back, tightly clutching the folder with documents. The only thing that wasn’t enough was for me to be expelled for violating some clause before I could be accepted!

- Erian, what a surprise. – The rector measured my offender with an attentive glance, in which the laughs were still dancing. - Third run? What is it this time? Just don't say it's a prophecy.

“I won’t tell, Lord Firth,” the Serpent chuckled. - Potions making, of course.

My heart sank at his answer. Am I really going to study with this ghoul?!

“Well, welcome, we missed you,” the rector chuckled. - And about the third point... Should I remind you that you could have been expelled for it ten times already, or can you guess it yourself?

“Oh,” he grinned in response, “that is, this clause of the Charter has long been covered in cobwebs, and I can use the Convention for the Protection of Life and Health?” Thank you, Mr. Rector, I always wanted to hear this from you!

“Don’t be a clown, Albert,” Firth admonished him. “Are you saying that Lady Raine attacked you first and used the spell?”

“That’s right,” the Serpent grinned, “I have half the faculty as witnesses.” But, perhaps, for once, I will show leniency and will not demand her immediate expulsion; after all, I would like to spend another year at the Academy, as usual, fun and with a spark. “He looked at me carefully. - True, the fun, I believe, will be short-lived for some, but I hope it will be funny.

I closed my eyes, and the rector frowned.

“It’s not for you to decide who to keep and who to expel, Albert.” My advice to you is to at least behave decently this year,” he said sternly. - Otherwise, you know, I won’t see that...

“Of course, Lord Firth, you have no doubt.” “His smile was so malicious that I shuddered.

-What brings you to me, Erian? – the rector asked.

The snake grinned contentedly.

“Lady Gorrain, when she found out that I would study at her faculty... in general, she needed help,” he readily explained.

– What did you do to her?!

“I swear, Lord Director, I didn’t even touch anything, I just entered the admissions committee room.” By the way, she also whispered something before fainting about multi-colored hair, so I believe that we can share the responsibility for Lady Gorrain’s illness with the adept... what’s your name, Thorn?.. for two.

I looked at him indignantly and wanted to answer with dignity, but I involuntarily burst out:

– Why “Thorn”?

- Because your spell, my dear disheveled one, became only prickly for me, but if I apply it to you... Will you give me the formula itself or help you?

– Adept Albert! – the rector said menacingly. - Go to your place! I assume you've known how to get there for a long time. List of books and so on...” He suddenly fell silent. - Get out of my sight, Erian.

The snake broke into a smile:

“As you say, your rector,” he bowed mockingly. - Let me escort adept Thorn.

“You’ll get by,” Firth hissed. “Don’t even hope for any concessions this year, Erian.”

“Of course,” the Snake chuckled. And suddenly he turned to me and quietly, so that Firth could not hear, asked: “Which faculty will you study at, tricolor?”

Well, this is no good at all! How long will he call me names?!

- In Potions, and you can be sure that some Snake will have an extra tail, like a lizard! – I couldn’t stand it.

Erian paused for a moment, and then, smiling widely, suddenly leaned towards my ear and whispered:

“Are you going to tear it off yourself, poor thing?”

– Erian Albert!

But the Serpent did not have time to answer - unexpectedly

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The same curly blond from the admissions office appeared on the threshold. The expression on his face was worried, to say the least.

- Lord Firth, they are waiting for you below. Amalia felt unwell,” he cast a hostile glance at the Snake, “and we don’t have enough members on the selection committee.”

The rector nodded.

- Albert, you are free. – He turned to the blond. “I’ll take Adept Raine to the commandant, I think he’ll sort out the list and the check-in himself, and then I’ll join you.”

He nodded understandingly.

“Perhaps I will not fail to do the same with Adept Albert.” “He looked at the Snake, to which the latter grinned and answered sarcastically:

“I hope you won’t start poking around in my head, Lord Teller?” I would like to remind you that this is prohibited.

Not a single muscle moved on the professor’s face, and he calmly replied:

- Do not worry. And you can rest assured that I remember not only your rights, Adept Albert, but also your responsibilities. And yes, just in case, I warn you that you will not enter my faculty under any circumstances, because you are mediocre in divination.

The snake shrugged.

“Believe me, Lord Teller, I didn’t even try, because I don’t consider myself mediocre, but your faculty.” Oh, sorry,” he bowed his head, “accept my apologies, I got carried away, you have very talented hoaxers studying with you.” “He turned and looked at me with a mocking look. “I’ll see you soon, Thorn, and believe me, you’ll remember our meeting for a long time.”

Turning around, Erian left the office, and Lord Teller, seething with indignation, reluctantly followed him. I was about to follow their example, but suddenly Lord Firth put his hands on my shoulders and looked intently into my eyes, and I was glad that their natural color was well hidden.

“Adept Rain, did you really attack Albert?”

Oh, how I didn’t want to answer this question!

- Not really, he pushed me, grabbed me, and...

I fell silent, but Firth, apparently, did not need to continue. He shook his head:

- We found someone to contact. Erian has been crying out for expulsion for a long time, but, unfortunately, the Mages Guild is against it, they are looking forward to him.

I looked at the rector in surprise:

– The Guild is waiting for an adept who has been assigned to the faculty for the third time and can’t finish his studies?!

“If only it were that simple,” Firth sighed. - Albert graduated from two faculties in two years instead of the required three for each. Divination - yes, he is not given, but the rest... I ask you, Lady Raine, do not mess with him. I’m not going to spare him, but scandals at the Academy are also undesirable. However, I assure you, you can always contact me, perhaps we will be able to get Erian out of here.

Yeah... well, you're in trouble, Alexia. So lucky, so lucky! However, if I managed to enroll here, deceive my father and deceive the admissions committee, then no one, not even the most brilliant adept, will scare me! Moreover, he has just entered the potions faculty, and we’ll see who wins!

While we were going down to the first floor, Lord Firth was silent and clearly immersed in his thoughts, and I did not dare to disturb him. Surely he thought that in addition to one problem in the form of the Snake, he received another in my face. And I really wouldn’t want to cause problems for the rector. I actually came here to study.

The lord, as promised, took me to the commandant - a cheerful and smiling man with radiant wrinkles around his eyes. As soon as we entered his small office on the first floor, with an inconspicuous door, but clean, literally licked to a shine with modest furnishings, he rose from the table and looked in surprise, first at Firth, and then at me. Apparently, it is not often that the rector himself brings adepts to him.

“Good afternoon,” I greeted politely, and the commandant answered me in the same way.

“Irwin Corel,” he nodded to me and smiled, causing the wrinkles around his eyes to deepen. - Lord Firth, did something happen? – he asked worriedly.

“Nothing yet,” the rector answered mechanically and, stuttering, glanced sideways at me. Yes, I was right about his thoughts. “Unfortunately, there was a misunderstanding in the admissions committee, and Lady Rain did not have time to pick up the assignment sheet and other necessary things. I think you can manage without them.

“Of course, Lord Director,” Korel nodded and looked at me. “Could this sweet girl really do something bad?”

I am cute?! But the admissions committee thought differently.

“Not her,” Firth chuckled.

“I understand,” the commandant frowned. “Albert was already here.” How I hoped that at least this year it wouldn’t happen! When will we run out of faculties capable of accepting him! Oh, sorry, Lord Firth,” Corel came to his senses.

“It’s okay,” the rector waved it off, “there is hardly anyone from the administration at the Academy who would treat Albert differently.” – He turned to me. - All the best, Lady Raine, good luck with your studies. And don't forget what I told you.

I looked down and smiled timidly. That's it, I'm modest and quiet... with my grandma's book, yeah.

- Thank you, Lord Firth. I will try very hard.

The rector nodded to the commandant and headed towards the exit. But before he had time to open the door, he almost collided with a girl who burst into the room. Oh, the rector is definitely lucky today! Although the experience gained did him good, because he deftly dodged another girl’s hugs.

The one who entered, or, more correctly, who flew in, was very beautiful. Of course, she is far from being a Nayan, but she knew how to make an impression. Blonde, neatly styled long hair, plump pink lips, though now curled with displeasure, a chic expensive dress - the girl carefully looked after herself and was clearly proud of it. But all the charm faded after her words:

– What are you allowing yourself to do? You gave my sister and I one room for two! Count Lammer's daughters can't live together, we don't even have anywhere to hang our dresses!

And then I heard Firth chuckle:

– Adept, why do you need dresses at the Academy? Here they wear a robe of the accepted color of the faculty.

She looked indignantly at the rector, although when she saw him, her arrogant gaze softened a little. However, Lammer did not have time to restrain her already prepared words:

- It's horrible! I have to wear the same thing for three years?! I protest!

Firth shrugged.

“You don’t have to study here and shine at court in whatever you want.” Take the documents and the problem is solved,” he suggested.

The girl’s eyes turned into narrow slits, and she spat out angrily:

– But it’s not up to you to decide!

- Really? – Firth was amused. – As the rector of the Academy, I can simply not accept your documents, lady... as you said? Lammer?

The girl, her eyes bulging, opened and closed her mouth, which immediately reminded me of a fish. Golden. But the goggle-eyed one thought quickly - clasping her hands, she pressed them to her chest, putting it out in front of her and almost touching Firth’s bodice.

- Sorry, Lord Rector, I didn’t know who you were, my sister and I took a long time to get from the capital, we were so tired and nervous, I don’t even know what I’m saying! Of course I will wear whatever you say!

Or rather, filming is closer to the truth.

“Using the portal from the capital is certainly an ordeal,” the rector chuckled. – Don’t overwork yourself while studying, Lady Lammer. – He turned to Korel and me. “All the best,” and, gently moving the fish, he finally went out the door.

The girl's expression became angry again, and

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she looked at the commandant and me with hostility, especially at me. Her lips curled again as she examined her hair, her birthmark, and her gaze lingering on her glasses. It seems that I have found another enemy - not everyone will forgive the moment of shame for his witness.

“I demand to be served in front of this scarecrow.” “The girl pointed an elegant finger at me, while addressing the commandant.

I was taken aback, and Corel, clearly amused by what had happened, immediately stopped smiling and answered sharply:

“I don’t serve anyone, Lady Lammer, I provide the students with everything they need.” In addition, in your father’s application it is written in black and white - one room for two with your sister. I hope you find a way out yourself.

- How dare you! – the girl was indignant.

I couldn't stand it:

– If your sister is like you, then your father is absolutely right - it’s better to keep piranhas together. Maybe you'll bite each other or even eat each other.

At that moment, the door suddenly swung open, and Lady Lammer was carried out into the corridor, where she hit the opposite wall with a light thud. The lock clicked, cutting off the brawler from the commandant's office. I looked at him in surprise, and Korel correctly deciphered it:

– The previous rector cast this spell, it’s very convenient. Unfortunately, different students study at the Academy, and some are deliberately sent here by their parents for re-education. For some reason they prefer to discuss the guardians' decisions only with me. It's fraught, you know.

I nodded understandingly, mentally drawing up a list of enemies in my head. If they multiply at such a rate, they will have to be recorded.

“Don’t listen to her, Lady Rain,” Corel suddenly said, “you’re very sweet, really.” They look like my eldest granddaughter, who is five years old, but she is heading straight for potions. You applied for it, right?

I smiled, although the comparison to a five-year-old child was a little jarring. But it was too late to change his appearance.

“Yes,” I answered. – Please, if it’s not difficult, give me a room away from Albert and Lammer.

“Of course,” Korel nodded. – Here you go, this is a list of books for the library, hurry up while there are decent copies. But this,” he handed me a round metal plate half the size of his palm, “apply it to the door of the room, and then touch it with your hand - the door reads the information and will open only to you. And your neighbor, of course. Room four hundred twenty-five, fourth floor, from here to the right, walk along the corridor and see the stairs to the dormitory.

“Thank you, Mr. Korel,” I smiled warmly.

“It’s nothing,” the commandant waved it off, “contact me if anything happens.”

I thought that Lammer was waiting for me in the corridor, but my fears were in vain: she clearly considered it beneath her dignity to pursue some kind of scarecrow. Eh, the list of name-calling that I was awarded today is growing. Or will there still be...

I got to my new home quickly, without meeting anyone along the way. Having overcome the steps of the next stone serpentine, I walked a few steps and saw the three numbers I needed. The door was closed, and I, after a little hesitation, did everything the commandant said. I barely put my hand to the door when it clicked invitingly and opened slightly, and I looked inside with curiosity.

The room turned out to be spacious and, most importantly, bright. What pleased me most was the huge, almost entire wall, window with a wide window sill, many shelves under it and two wooden chairs near. It seems that this is where they offered to study. Well, not bad, I hope the sun won't shine in your eyes.

On the left wall there was a door to the bathroom, which I immediately poked my nose into - an ordinary bathroom, without any frills, but it had everything you needed. In opposite corners of the room there were two beds, covered with identical dark purple bedspreads, and next to each there was a small double-door wardrobe. The floor, covered with a carpet worn out in places, inspired fears - how would I place the pot on it? However, they promised me a neighbor, which means I’ll have to look for another place to brew my potions.

I didn’t find either my neighbor or her things in the room, so, without thinking twice, I chose the bed on the right. Having shoved my bag into the closet, I sat down on the bedspread and finally finally realized that my idea was a success. I entered the Academy, even if instead of my sister! Oh, how is Sana, I should contact her, I promised!

But before I had time to use the bracelet, there was an unexpected knock on the door. Wondering who it could be, I walked over and opened it. My suitcases were standing in the corridor right at the threshold, but whoever brought them was nowhere near me. Probably the brownies - there was only one left in our house, and the other two ran away, they turned out to be very squeamish - they didn’t like taking out bottles for father at all.

Having difficulty dragging the suitcases inside (of course, the pots and liquid ingredients weighed a lot), I unloaded them by the bed and began to sort them out. Of course, it would be better to take Corel’s advice and go to the library, but I didn’t want to show my future neighbor the contents of my suitcases. There will be too many questions.

I quickly laid out my clothes in the closet, hung my few outfits on hangers, stuffed my grandmother’s book under the mattress, and wiped the sweat from my forehead. Now you can go to the library. Or should I talk to Sana first?

But neither one nor the other could be done. The door suddenly opened, and on the threshold I saw my future neighbor. Short, a little disheveled, with red curls sticking out in all directions, in a green traveling dress, she burst into the room like a hurricane and slowed down, only almost running into me.

- Hello! – she began cheerfully. - I'm Sylvia. Original hair color, did it take you a long time to choose? The admissions committee works so slowly, I thought I would grow old faster than they would accept me. Oh, what a window, you can even sit on the windowsill! And it’s nice here, the amenities, I hope, are not on the floor? Why are you silent, what is your name?

I almost laughed. Yes, I can’t even get a word in! And my father said that I talk a lot.

– Alexana, it’s better just Lexa. “I took advantage of the fact that the neighbor took a breath.

“But there’s no need to shorten my name, it makes me wild,” the red-haired woman unexpectedly sternly warned. “Once our neighbor called me Silei, so I set him on fire a little,” she said proudly. “Just a little, don’t worry, he annoyed me anyway.”

Wow, looks like we'll get along! But Sylvia was unstoppable:

“I have a small gift for the element of fire, unfortunately, it didn’t reach Higher Magic, but oh well, potions is also good, and if you get a successful job after the Academy, it’s profitable.” And I didn’t come from a background, they say that the crystal is still a snob and doesn’t qualify adepts with a title lower than the count’s to the Highest.

Wow, a flood of information! I opened my mouth and hastened to interrupt her:

- High magic?

Sylvia nodded.

- Well, yes, one of the faculties. You didn't know?

I shook my head.

“Unfortunately, I didn’t have any books available, and only one person from our village studied at the Academy, but he didn’t talk about it.

The neighbor waved her off:

– To be honest, many envy the Faculty of Higher Magic, after which all roads are open, and the Guild of Mages welcomes graduates with open arms. And so we are, in the wings. There are few higher ones, and in the Academy, they say, they keep to themselves, they say,

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we are the best, and you are small fry. Just don’t touch the soothsayers, otherwise they will predict something like this for them,” she giggled.

So, this is what the last faculty is called. Lord Firth mentioned the artifact, which means that the Serpent, in addition to him, also completed High Magic. Well, wow, I have an opponent... I’ll have to actively study grandma’s book.

There was another knock on the door, and on the threshold Sylvia found her own suitcases. I helped drag them in, although her luggage was very modest compared to mine.

- Not very good, right? – the neighbor chuckled. “The whole family gathered me anyway.” I have a big one, but not a rich one. My father has seven daughters, I am the fifth. He collected a dowry for four and married me off, but it wasn’t enough for me,” she said contentedly for some reason. “And this is for the best, as I look at the elders - it’s easier not to get married at all than like this.” Well, I persuaded him to attend the Academy, especially since my gift is stronger than that of my sisters. He was even happy, the younger ones are very small, he has a lot of time to save money.

I opened my mouth to ask a reasonable question: why collect a dowry if, on the contrary, future husband must pay for the bride, but she bit her tongue in time. Only Nayan parents are paid to marry their daughters, while the rest are taken as wives with a dowry.

“Why am I all about myself and about myself,” Sylvia realized, briskly putting her belongings into the closet. - Tell me what you have. Have you tried to remove your birthmark? Although why am I asking, I probably tried it. I recently invented a powder that perfectly masks skin imperfections; of course, it won’t completely hide it, but at least it won’t be so bright. Want?

Sylvia turned and stared at my stunned face.

– I talk a lot, right? So my father said that no husband could stand me,” she giggled. “Or were you upset that I mentioned the stain?” I'm not out of malice, really.

I took advantage of her hesitation and hastened to answer.

“It’s okay, I’m used to it already,” I lied. In a week it is very difficult to come to terms with the fact that instead of admiration you receive either contempt or polite condescension. “It doesn’t go away, they’ve tried everything, they say it’s a generational curse.” That’s why my father sent me to the Academy; I still won’t get married, but at least I’ll have a profession. We also come from a poor family, and he won’t feed me forever,” I added, remembering my father’s words.

“And that’s right, but you’ll take care of yourself and no one will control your life,” Sylvia nodded. – I’ve already decided to open a beauty salon and a shop with cosmetics after the Academy. My girlfriend's shimmering mascara is torn off with her hands.

“And I prepared a remedy for acne,” I blurted out. Oh, maybe in vain? It’s good that at least she kept silent about the serum.

- What are you talking about! – Sylvia plopped down on the bed and looked at me with delight. - This is actually a gold mine! Your medicinal products and my cosmetics - may we become rich! Do you want to open a joint business after graduating from the Academy?

Yes, she has the right grip! I also thought about this, but Sana always pulled me back, but here...

“First you need to finish your training,” I smiled. – Although I like your proposal.

And I thought: actually, why not? My thoughts rarely went beyond creating an eternal potion for my sister. I had almost no doubt that I would cook it, but what then? Will I wash off the stain, put myself in order - and, by the will of my father, will I marry the one who offers the most ransom? Well, no, I’ll finish my studies and free myself from my father’s influence. As far as I remember, after the Academy, parents do not have the right to control the destinies of their children. That is why Nayans never studied at the Academy - who would want to miss out on such benefits from their daughter’s marriage?

“Well, that’s wonderful, we’ll figure it out as we go,” Sylvia answered cheerfully. “We need to change clothes and go to the library, and then it would be nice to look for a canteen - I’m hungry, I haven’t had a crumb in my mouth since the morning.”

My stomach immediately responded to my neighbor’s tirade, and I was embarrassed. With all these events, I completely forgot about food. But now I was interested in something else. Sylvia mentioned dressing up, but what?

The neighbor, without thinking twice, opened the closet again and pulled out from the depths a long purple robe with a yellow patch in the form of a circle with a mandrake root inside. Haven't I noticed the same thing in myself? Following Sylvia’s example, I quickly found what I was looking for at the farthest wall of the closet. Lightweight, but thick fabric It hides my figure perfectly, which is exactly what I needed. We didn't take off our dresses and just threw our robes on top. Sylvia twirled in front of the mirror and then looked at me carefully.

“She’s perfect for you,” she said confidently. – It harmonizes with the yellow and purple in your hair. Are multi-colored strands really yours?

“No,” I answered carefully, “this is the result of unsuccessful experiments in potions.”

“Wow, I can’t imagine what you’re experimenting with, I’ve never succeeded in doing this,” she was surprised, heading towards the door. “Let’s go quickly before our fellow students take away all the best things from the library.” By the way, do you know where she is?

I shook my head, but Sylvia's enthusiasm was infectious, and I happily followed my neighbor. Well, at least I was lucky with her, I hope the list of enemies will end with two names.

We found the library quite quickly, Sylvia caught some adept, apparently a senior student, wearing a robe of the same color as ours. He was slightly stunned by her unceremoniousness, but pointed out the right path. I listened to my neighbor’s chatter about my sisters and their children and, it seems, I was already completely confused about her family ties. Having a big family is good, but hearing about it is tiring. Although I was even envious - my sister and I could only rely on ourselves, and in Sylvia’s family everyone was very supportive of each other.

There were a lot of people crowding the huge, unusually gloomy room, filled with bookshelves from floor to ceiling. We found ourselves at the very back of the line, and I looked around with curiosity. Massive oak tables were hidden behind numerous shelves, apparently for adepts working with books that were not allowed to be taken out. I looked at the book wealth with admiration - the library in my home was very modest, filled mainly with tomes on etiquette, history and the world order of Tarrin. I flipped through a couple, they seemed rather boring to me, but my father, completely devoid of magic, did not keep others in our house.

The woman behind the tall oak counter flew around the library like a bird, and the line moved surprisingly quickly. When ours approached, I noticed that the librarian was already pretty exhausted. No one took over after us, and I suggested that she take her time.

“Oh, thank you,” she said wearily. – My head is spinning, although this only happens twice a year, but I just can’t get used to it. What do you do, potions? List please.

Well, Alexia, you are becoming the calling card of your own faculty! More precisely, its visual aid. You definitely wouldn’t be accepted into the game “guess the faculty by appearance.” I frowned, looking at the librarian who darted towards the shelves, but then I remembered that I was wearing a robe, and it was probably from this that the librarian identified potions. It seems that I began to pay attention to my own appearance even more than

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those around.

“Come more often, I see you like to study,” the woman suggested, smiling.

No, still no more.

“Thank you,” I smiled back, grabbed the textbooks under my arm and hurried after Sylvia.

And behind the doors a surprise awaited us. Or rather, me, Sylvia has not yet met two charming piranhas. Second Lady Lammer turned out to be very similar to her sister, although she looked even more arrogant, if that was even possible. Both were dressed in red robes, which gave their cheeks a bright blush.

“Look,” the familiar piranha said mockingly, “this is the same scarecrow I told you about.”

“Yes, Gloria, an interesting specimen,” said her sister. “How was such a monstrosity only accepted into the Academy?”

“I saw her with the rector, probably an act of charity,” Gloria snorted. “He really didn’t set his sights on her.”

I broke into a wide smile:

– They released the piranha from the aquarium and forgot to put on a muzzle?

- How dare you! – the second one soared.

Gloria pulled her back:

“Karina, I think it’s worth teaching this presumptuous boor a lesson,” and raised her hand.

Am I the rude one?!

“Well, come on, it’s like walking to you to the capital,” I answered calmly, looking at the raised palm with interest. – By the way, haven’t you read the third paragraph of the eighth paragraph of the Charter yet? Check it out, everything is healthier than packing dresses in the closet. Did daddy order you at least one wardrobe for two?

The Lammer sisters almost choked with indignation, frozen with their mouths open, but did not have time to say anything. Suddenly a vaguely familiar voice was heard nearby:

- Hey Lexa, is there a problem? Have beauties from high society lost the remnants of their minds? However, I flattered them; they had never seen it. Poor Guild, who will they have to hire.

I turned my head sharply, surprised to find Jordan next to me, the same one who saved me from the Serpent at the doors of the admissions office. The robe of my twice-defender was a strict black color.

“But she’s unlikely to take you,” Gloria said sarcastically, “if the count’s son didn’t reach High Magic.”

“But at least I know how to use mine,” Jordan chuckled, “unlike you.” Is it really possible that no one even coveted Dad’s inheritance, Gloria? After all, she shone in the light for a whole year. It seems like he decided not to waste any time on Karina, did he send her here right away?

- You!!! – For some reason, Karina couldn’t find any other words; apparently, it’s something that runs in their family.

- What's going on here? – Professor Teller was quickly approaching the library. The fortuneteller looked at our company with an attentive glance, while keeping it on me longer than on the others. It has begun... and what do I have to do with it?!

“It’s okay, let’s get acquainted,” Jordan smiled broadly. “We’re already leaving,” and grabbing Sylvia and me by the arms, he led us away from the indignant Lammer sisters.

Once we were a good distance away, I gently released my elbow from Jordan’s hand and smiled.

– Thank you, this is the second time this day you’ve helped me.

“It’s nothing,” he waved it off, “I know these arrogant people too well, even their father can’t stand them.” So he floated to the Academy, out of sight, hoping that they would find a mate here. He’s still naive, although it’s possible that someone might be drawn to his appearance.

– They are at the Faculty of Higher Magic, right?

“Yes,” Jordan grimaced, “she awarded Narini with abilities... and why?”

- And what kind? – I asked tensely.

“Gloria has water magic, Karina has cold magic,” he answered. “They hardly know how to use them; dodging them is a piece of cake.” Although the sensations are very unpleasant. I don’t think they will learn anything, they just don’t have enough brains. The guild will never take them anyway, and they won’t go, in any case, their father will somehow get them married.

It was noticeable that he did not like to talk about the Lammer sisters, and he tried to answer briefly. But with ever-increasing interest he looked at the quiet Sylvia.

“Oh,” I realized, “meet Sylvia, my neighbor and...” I paused, “friend.”

“It’s a pleasure, Jordan West,” he bowed.

“Mutually,” Sylvia blushed, looking at my savior. He decisively took away our textbooks.

“Show me where to take you,” he said in a tone that brooked no objections. But we were just glad - we didn’t want to carry heavy books ourselves.

We made it to our room in a matter of minutes, and Jordan unloaded armfuls of textbooks onto our beds without even mixing them up. However, the books are the same, so there was no difference.

“Lunch will start in half an hour, I’m waiting for you in the dining room,” Jordan said and disappeared as quickly as he had appeared. Sylvia looked at me in confusion.

- How do you know them all?

I sighed.

- Not only them, unfortunately...

And she began to tell. As my story progressed, Sylvia’s eyes became more and more round, but at least not as bulging as those of the Lammer sisters.

“Wow, showing up at the Academy,” she giggled. – But the fact that she got into a fight with Albert is very bad.

– Have you heard about him too? – I was amazed.

“Yeah,” nodded Sylvia, “a friend of one of the sisters finished the artifact last year.” She told me a lot of things... A creepy guy, it’s not the best to get involved with someone like that best start training. When she talked about his “pranks”, sparks flew from my fingers. Okay, don’t worry, you have protection in the form of the rector and Jordan, and I see that you are capable of a lot. What kind of spiky spell is there, show me!

– Actually, it’s a lightning bolt, a small one.

I reached into my coat pocket and pulled out one ball. If you don't pour the potions into bottles and screw them tightly, they thicken and roll into balls. However, this potion rolled off immediately.

Sylvia turned it over in her hand:

- Great! Take it with you to the dining room, Albert will probably show up there,” she ordered. “I had sleeping powder somewhere, I’ll blow on it and he’ll fall asleep like a baby.”

I couldn't believe my ears.

“Are you going to fight him too?”

“Well, I can’t leave you,” the neighbor smiled. - And besides, my hands have been itching since the summer, as I heard enough stories about him. You are not the only one who suffered from his actions, believe me. And hiding is not in my rules. Although you chatted me up with the Lammer sisters, and I thought you were quiet.

“I’m trying to become one,” I chuckled, “but it’s difficult.”

“I found something to train with,” the neighbor was surprised. – Be yourself, and then you will get what you deserve. That's what my dad said. You won't be able to stand out from the crowd anyway.

Yes, she is right about this, unfortunately. Probably like her dad. I raked out all the potion balls I had from my cloak and put them in my robe pocket. Slamming the door to the room, we hurried downstairs - our stomachs had long been demanding attention.

We didn’t even have to ask for directions to the cafeteria - students, individually or in small flocks, rushed in one direction: admission and settling in not only caused us a strong feeling of hunger. On the way to the dining room, we were almost knocked off our feet by the mind-blowing smell - and here, it turns out, the food is delicious! Judging by the aromas wafting from the dining room, the cooks in this establishment know their job; Tiana is no match for them.

The dining room turned out to be a huge and very bright hall with large windows. It was impossible not to

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note that all the rooms in the Academy, with the exception of the library, are very bright and comfortable, which cannot be said about the stairs. The spirals twisting around their axis were already making my head spin. And run from the fourth floor every time? But at least we won’t get fat – if that’s how they feed us here, then excess weight we are provided with. Although, what am I talking about, I have never seen a single full nayana.

The line at the self-service table was short - most of the adherents had already settled down at the tables and devoured their food with appetite. I felt a sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach and grabbed the tray and cutlery, waiting for my turn. Sylvia quickly dealt with the choice and quantity - apparently, she was still trying to take care of her figure, but my eyes widened from the variety, I wanted to try every dish. It seems like it's all going to be hard to fit on my plate.

“It looks like Thorn will soon become Donut,” I heard a malicious voice in my ear and almost dropped the tray in surprise. The grinning Snake looked down at me, and his appearance did not bode well. – Adept Rain, weren’t you taught to wash not only your hands, but also your face before eating? And you obviously have problems with your head... or with your hair. Although no, perhaps not with the head.

I flushed, and behind Erian the chuckles of a group of purple-robed adepts were heard. Apparently, the ghoul has already assembled a support group.

– Adept Albert, I advise you to eat better, otherwise the tail will fall off on its own, and there will be nothing to tear off. “I took the tray and, turning around, added: “And thank you for the discussion about the problematic head, it’s always nice to get advice from someone who has long experienced all the means of dealing with such an ailment.” Did not help? Sorry.

Green eyes flashed, and Erian's fingers tightened on my elbow. Don’t let Narini drop the tray again, I’ve been collecting food for so long and I don’t want to lose it. My hands were full, and there was nothing to reach the pocket with potions, so, without thinking twice, I stepped with all my might on the offender’s foot with the heel of my shoe. He groaned and released my hand, and I admitted with malice:

“I also have problems with my legs, so stay away from me, Adept Albert.”

Someone behind me even clapped, although he quickly deflated, apparently under Erian’s stern gaze. And I hurried away, looking for my friend. She showed up next to the table in the corner, already on her feet and hurrying towards me.

– Did he offend you? – she hissed, looking at the limping Snake. “I barely found a table, I looked around - and he was already clutching you.”

“So let’s say we’re even,” I chuckled, sitting down at the table. “Let’s eat quickly so we don’t run into him on the way out.”

– Don’t doubt it, it will happen much earlier.

– Do you want to spit poisonous saliva on my plate?

He replied calmly:

– If it helps to get rid of you, why not?

– Adept Albert! – a menacing voice rang out, and the Snake’s retinue hastened to scatter in different directions. Lord Firth himself looked at the green-eyed man with disapproval. – You’ve got the wrong table, take another one, don’t deprive your fellow students of their appetite with your appearance.

Erian looked at Sylvia and me with a mocking glance:

- Do you think they will choke? I would help remove the corpses...

– Erian Albert!

“Well, you don’t want to, as you want,” the Snake shrugged and finally went home.

The rector looked at me carefully:

“Are you all right, Adept Rain?”

I nodded.

“Everything is fine, Lord Director, don’t worry.”

- I hope so.

Firth walked away from our table, and Sylvia immediately leaned towards me.

“With such a protector, no Snake is afraid of you,” she said with conviction.

“If only,” I sighed, “the rector won’t shepherd me around the clock.”

- Would you like to? – Sylvia winked, but I was saved from having to answer by the appearance of Jordan, who put the tray on the table and plopped down next to me.

- Phew, I thought I wouldn’t have time for lunch. We had this on our floor... And for what reason did the rector approach you, Lexa?

I snorted and looked at my friend cheerfully:

– Why to me and not to Sylvia?

“Because, as far as I know, she hasn’t done anything yet,” Jordan said philosophically, and I choked. It seems that my troubles today began with a similar phrase.

– What happened on your floor? – I asked, hoping to divert the conversation.

“It’s a scandal,” he answered simply. “The third-year student put an artifact of submission on the newcomer and forced him to crawl, pretending to be a caterpillar. In the midst of the fun, our dean appeared... In general, someone will be very unlucky today. Although, perhaps, there will be no expulsion - they turned out to be brothers, maybe the older one will be pardoned.

Oh, and I didn’t even ask Jordan what department he entered! I felt ashamed - the young man saved me twice today, and I showed complete indifference to his fate. I was completely carried away by my troubles.

-Are you at the artifact? – I decided to clarify, and she and Sylvia looked at me in surprise.

“Well, yes,” Jordan said carefully, “but you couldn’t guess from the color of the robe?”

“She didn’t even know that the Faculty of Higher Magic existed,” Sylvia shook her head.

“This is no good at all,” Jordan said, “Sylvia, take her under your wing.”

I sighed and again felt like an equal to the commandant’s granddaughter. That’s it, Alexia, you’ll be covered in textbooks, but at least you’ll learn the history of the Academy by heart! Oh, where can I get all the time... But I still haven’t contacted Sana!

We finished lunch very quickly, Sylvia and Jordan were rushing me, but I couldn’t get enough, apparently, the excitement took its toll last hours. However, the words of friends forced them to move the plate away - at the end of lunch, the first-year students were expected in the Great Hall for Lord Firth's welcoming speech. And I didn’t even know about it!

“It’s strange, they told everyone this at the admissions committee,” Sylvia was surprised as we almost ran along the corridor.

“You know what an appearance I had there, and then our dean fainted... I wonder if she came to her senses?”

“I’m sure so,” Sylvia answered, taking a breath, “as far as I’ve heard, the Academy has very good healers.” By the way, if I were you, I would contact them - if they don’t help with the stain, then at least you can take off your glasses.

Oh, but I don’t need this! I can see perfectly well!

Our breathless trio made it at the last moment, literally before Lord Firth entered the hall. He shook his head and stared at me as if I was the reason for our delay. In fairness, it was worth admitting that this time it was so.

We filtered inside and sat down in the empty seats in the last row - all the rest were already taken. The rector walked forward to the low stage, which was visible from everywhere, and took the pulpit in the middle. Sitting down between Jordan and Sylvia, I scanned the room and, to my delight, did not find the Snake, at least not nearby. And she frowned: will I really flinch every time now?

“I am glad to welcome new adepts within the walls of the Academy of Magical Secrets,” Lord Firth began, and I became all ears.

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were thrilled listening to the rector’s speech.

– Each of you has an invaluable gift, which, I hope, will serve for the benefit of our country upon graduation from the Academy. But you must understand that a gift is not a sign of mastery; any abilities must be developed and worked to improve them every moment spent within these walls. Magic requires work on yourself, and you shouldn’t be lazy. I hope that the three years spent here will be some of the best in your life and that you will become true professionals. Welcome to the Academy of Magic Secrets!

The rector suddenly clapped his hands, and multi-colored fireworks flashed above our heads, illuminating everything around us. This was so unexpected after his very dry and official speech that all the first-years gasped in admiration. I was among them, exactly until the moment when I saw the Snake in the glare of the third volley. He looked condescendingly at the miracle created by Lord Firth and smiled contemptuously. And when he met my eyes, his smile became simply unrealistically vile. What a bastard!

When the enthusiastic cries died down, the rector continued:

– And now you will meet the deans of your faculties, I ask them to come out here and introduce themselves. After this they will communicate with their followers.

I nudged Sylvia:

– Do you think this will last long?

“I don’t know,” she whispered, “the main thing is that we don’t drag out dull talk about the benefits of education.”

– Professor Admir, Dean of the Faculty of Higher Magic.

A tall, fit man of pleasant appearance, who at first glance evoked vague anxiety, climbed onto the stage. And it's clear why. Surely he has more than one gift of this very magic.

The man bowed and took a place on the right hand of the rector.

“Professor Grant,” Firth continued, “is the dean of the faculty of artifacts.”

A short, older man came out, clearly self-absorbed. And as soon as he noticed the “caterpillar” under his feet, he saw nothing around him. No other way, I tripped over an adept, I had no other thoughts.

-Professor Gorrain, Potions Department.

Lady Amalia, a little pale, quickly found herself next to Lord Firth, nervously looking around at the adepts. Holding her gaze on the Snake, she shuddered and said a few words to the rector, and he answered with a smile, but, of course, we did not hear what exactly.

– And finally, Professor Teller, Dean of the Faculty of Diviners.

The curly blond man I already knew calmly walked up the steps and stood next to Amalia, who was Professor Gorrain. Everyone was assembled. I hope the rector won’t decide to give another boring speech?

– Thank you all for your attention, adherents, good luck in your studies. Now, together with your deans, you will choose the prefects of your courses and you can be free until tomorrow morning, when classes begin. Yes, we kindly ask you not to get carried away with strong drinks, our healers refuse to help in case of a hangover,” Lord Firth grinned, descending from the stage. He left to the roar of applause, and I was among those trying to smack his palms away.

When Lady Amalia left the stage, the future potions masters surrounded her in a flock, hoping to quickly choose the unfortunate one who would become our prefect and leave the official event. After Lord Firth left there was absolutely nothing to do here. However, as it turned out, the potential unfortunate person does not feel like one at all.

“I’m ready to be a prefect.” – A tall, awkward girl in a robe that barely reached her ankles stepped forward. – Arnia Geland.

Professor Gorraine looked lost.

- If no one objects, then...

“Nobody, no one is against it,” confident voices were heard, and the dean nodded.

“I’m waiting for you in class tomorrow, try not to be late, this is not welcome and may become one of the reasons for your expulsion,” she said a little confusingly and headed towards the exit.

The other deans also did not stay long; apparently, they quickly chose the prefects almost blindly. I wonder if they even understand what this entails, or is this position here just for show?

However, our headman did not think so and immediately developed vigorous activity.

– Dear first-year adherents of the Faculty of Potions of the Academy of Magic Secrets!

And notice, she blurted it out without hesitation, had she really been preparing for so long?

– I propose to celebrate our admission to this worthy educational institution...

Here we all perked up.

She's kidding, right?!

- And “Long live the king!” won't we sing? – the Serpent asked mockingly, to which he received a disapproving glance from Arnia.

- Why not? – she asked. It seemed to me completely sincere. Oh, we were in a hurry to agree to the election of the headman!

– Do you think he will hear? – Erian chuckled, looking at her mockingly.

Arnia paused.

– And if not, then it’s not necessary to sing?

“Not at all necessary,” the Serpent nodded and turned to us. – Maybe, as usual, we can have a drink and celebrate our arrival?

His proposal was met with numerous exclamations of approval, and the newly appointed head girl pursed her lips.

“And how did such an adept appear in our faculty,” she shook her head.

Albert answered her with a sarcastic smile:

“You won’t believe it, Geland, he came with his legs.” Or are you interested in the circumstances of my birth? I hope you know how babies are made. – He looked at the headman with a derogatory look. “However, I’m not sure, and you’re unlikely to ever find out.” Not everyone has it, unfortunately.

Arnia became covered in spots, and me... that’s who pulled my tongue!

“And you, apparently, are very good at this,” I couldn’t resist. – Apparently, there is nothing more to be proud of.

He slowly turned to me:

- Shall I prove the opposite to you?

I snorted:

- I'll make do. Continue to believe in your uniqueness, Albert, arrogance is a sign of stupidity.

Perhaps it was my imagination, but there was such silence that if a fly flew by, we would have heard it. Everyone was silent, and the Snake asked with a grin:

-Are you afraid, Rain?

I narrowed my eyes:

- What more!

“Then you are paired with me on the basics of defense,” he said calmly.

- Agree!

Oh, did I say that?! I'm a fool! What are the basics of protection?! From what?! I don’t know anything except potions!

“I asked for it myself,” the Serpent said with satisfaction and turned away. - Let's go have some fun?

“Thank you, but the girls said you were strange,” she smiled wryly and hurried to the exit. And for this reason I grappled with the Serpent again?

- Why did you do that? – Sylvia was surprised, shaking her head. - Of course, he is a boor and a dirty trick, but now he was absolutely right. Who wants to drink tea and sing stupid songs?

“He annoys me,” I admitted sincerely. - No matter what you say or do.

“I already understood,” my friend sighed. – Do you even know what the basics of defense are?

“No,” I answered upset, “is it something scary?”

Sylvia chuckled.

– This is a subject that is taught at all faculties, taught

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protection from magic. Of course, in the first year and initial classes you cannot use anything other than your own gift, but what lies ahead is unknown. I think we’ll neutralize the potions... But do you have any idea what the Serpent is capable of if he’s already graduated from two faculties? Are you sure he'll limit himself to potions? A shield from elemental magic wouldn’t hurt you... I know a little, my sister’s friend showed me, I can teach you, but that’s very little.

And I felt bad, very bad. What have I gotten myself into again?!

An excited Jordan jumped up to us:

– What are you going to do? Come join us, such a fun party is planned!

“Apparently, we will train Lexa for magical defense,” Sylvia snorted, “so that she does not lose face and defeats the enemy of all times and peoples.”

- What? – Jordan was surprised, and his girlfriend briefly told him about what happened. I was silent, sighing, and admitted that she was right.

Jordan frowned.

“Well, you got carried away,” he finally said. – Okay, let’s decide, we’ll ask the senior students for some kind of protection artifact. Our guys are understanding and will help,” he said confidently.

- You're lovely! – Sylvia smiled, and Jordan grinned rather pleased. I suddenly felt superfluous, although very grateful to both of them.

“Change into yours,” Jordan said in a mentoring tone, “you’ll need your robes tomorrow, and after the party they can look anything but formal.” I'll pick you up in half an hour. Cheer up, Lexa, you'll be a great potion master with an artifact around your neck. Girls, get ready quickly before you drink all the potion. By the way, the potion from your faculty, the second year brews, they say, is excellent. – He rolled his eyes. - Don't be late!

His enthusiasm was so infectious that Sylvia and I, without thinking twice, ran up the stairs to our room. We still need to prepare!

Jordan came to pick us up as promised. His eyes sparkled; apparently, he had already tried the potion brewed by the second-year students. Sylvia spent half an hour spinning in front of the mirror, choosing the best of the three available dresses, and I could not find privacy, even in the bathroom, and felt burning shame in front of my sister. She is probably going crazy there from the unknown: we immediately agreed that I would be the first to contact her, and Sana would not break the agreement.

“That’s it, I’m ready,” Sylvia finally said, without looking up from the mirror. She seemed to suit any outfit as long as it was a shade of green. She looked incredible in this color, I had to admit. Just then Jordan knocked on the door.

The party at the Faculty of Artifacts was truly unforgettable. Most of the students were male; there were practically no girls there, which was surprising. True, they explained this to me by the fact that their practice is very serious, with travel to the Abandoned Lands, and not every adept can withstand life in the camp. But what is found there is so valuable that adherents rush there and tear their hair out if they are assigned to practice in the capital. It is much more interesting to look for lost artifacts than to work in some shop and supply picky clients with amulets of good luck or health. Although this practice is probably much more useful for the future, I immediately realized that artifact makers are fanatics of their own gift, unlike potion makers. We still look at our future profession more from a practical point of view.

The promised potion flowed like a river from our faculty. We sat by the fireplace in the artifacts living room and felt great. The senior students running past either joked cheerfully or did not comment on the party at all - they were probably remembering their own. And it’s unlikely that it was any different from ours.

I drank very little - firstly, I didn’t know how to do it at all, and secondly, someone had to take care of Sylvia. True, after a couple of hours I realized that my help was unlikely to be needed - there were many who wanted to transport their neighbor, but Jordan, who, as it seemed to me, drank the most, sternly drove away the others. Almost no one bothered me, and realizing this fact was both funny and sad. If I had come to the party as a true Nayana, I would have formed a ring of people who wanted to brighten up my leisure time, and more than one. Today, only one adherent approached me, wanting to talk about his plans for his future life. Apparently no one else agreed to listen to them. To be honest, at the end of his boring speech I almost yawned.

When I realized that the party had dragged on, I approached Jordan and asked him to escort Sylvia, who flatly refused to leave the artifacts’ living room. He looked at me as if I had said something completely indecent - Jordan was like a kite making sure that no one touched Sylvia again, and my request was clearly late. True, he frowned as soon as I mentioned that I was going to my place.

“Let me ask someone to accompany you,” he said confidently. “I’m afraid to leave Sylvia, but our people will be happy to take care of you.”

He got excited about the pleasure, but I smiled:

– No need, Jordan, I can get there just fine on my own. Moreover, I need to go in... in general, don’t embarrass me, I’ll find the way myself, don’t worry.

“Lexa,” he said sternly, “you don’t understand what you’ve gotten yourself into.” More precisely, who I contacted. – He grimaced. - Albert will do anything...

I looked at him in surprise:

– But you don’t think that he’s watching over me?! They drink even worse than ours!

Jordan thought about it.

- Yes, you're probably right. It was nice to meet you, Lexa! – and he gave me a loud peck on the cheek. I smiled, looked at the dazed Sylvia and waved to everyone.

I wasn’t lying – my body insistently demanded to visit a certain room. I had barely washed my hands and was about to leave when I suddenly heard muffled voices on the other side of the door:

“She came here, I saw it myself!” Just now!

- Great, let's wait for her here. – A familiar voice made my heart beat quickly. Because of fear. The snake has absolutely nothing to do?!

My thoughts ran restlessly in search of a decent way out of the situation. I didn’t want to call for help, but meeting the Serpent was not an option either - in any case, I couldn’t cope with him and his henchmen, especially since I didn’t have a single ball with spells with me. I thought about it. The artifacts dormitory is located on the third floor, not that high, which means there is a chance to go down.

I rushed to the large window opposite the door and resolutely pulled the shriveled handle. She gave in with difficulty, but she gave in nonetheless. Standing on the windowsill, I looked down and swallowed. It was impossible to get down; there was nothing nearby to grab onto. But I really didn’t want to jump from the third floor! Fractures, of course, will heal quickly, but not instantly. What to do?!

But I felt that Narini was on my side! The help that arrived was completely unexpected, but so pleasant!

A large shadow covered the stars, and the rustling of wings became for me the best music in the world. How I missed him!

Bert, professionally folding his wings, landed a little awkwardly next to me and showed the world a double row of teeth. I was ready to kiss the lizard! However, why am I ready, I attacked him with hugs, almost

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knocking the winged one off the windowsill.

“I’m also very glad to see you, Lexa,” Bert remarked contentedly, clinging to the tree with his claws, “but you’re going to drop me now.” I'm not sure I'll be able to spread my wings before we hit the ground.

- You are the best! “I was so delighted with his appearance that I didn’t even try to hold back my emotions. The lizard grunted contentedly.

“If I had known that you would greet me like this, I would have arrived this afternoon.” Although it is dangerous during the day, so many people are wandering around, and everyone is doing nothing.

I perked up:

– Is there no magical protection?

“Surprisingly, no,” Bert replied. - Yes, and from whom to defend? I explored all the surroundings - not a single living creature, you won’t believe it. I’ve never seen anything like this, I don’t even have anyone to talk to. Or devour... That's why I've been sitting on the fence for an hour now, hoping that you will appear, I finally waited. Are you planning on jumping?

- Bert, please, let's fly away from here! They are waiting for me outside the door, but I don’t want to meet him at all!

The lizard frowned, revealing his teeth again, and was far from smiling.

– Is someone hurting Lexa? Do you want me to eat him?

“I’ll tell you later,” I promised and faltered. -You always joke like that, don’t you? He said himself that he was a herbivore!

He snorted amusedly.

“You said it, but I didn’t dissuade you.” White bones, and with meat...

- I’m silent, I’m silent, sit down. “The lizard began to turn around on the windowsill, and I had to climb down to the floor, and then quickly climb onto its scaly back and wrap my arms around its neck. -Hold on, Lexa!

A moment - and the window sill of my little prison was far behind. It would be nice if Albert grew old while waiting for me, or at least fell asleep. The artifact workers will have fun in the morning when they discover the sleeping Serpent at the door of the women's restroom!

I showed Bert where to fly, and he masterfully landed on our windowsill. Sylvia and I left the window open - the musty smell in the long-empty room was not pleasant, and now I praised both of us for our foresight.

The lizard grabbed the window sill with its claws, and I easily slid to the floor. Looking around, Bert admitted that I had settled in well and looked at me expectantly.

“Tell me what happened during those two days when I didn’t see you.”

Sighing, I sat down on the bed and collected my thoughts. As I spoke, Bert frowned and clenched his claws, scratching the painted wood.

“I’ll eat it, I’ll eat it as it is,” he promised. – The main thing is to show it to me, and the green eyes will be a delicacy.

- Bert! – I gasped.

“Okay, I have to go,” the lizard broke into a smile. - It’s already late, and you have classes tomorrow. Cheer up, Lexa, I won't hurt you.

- Thank you! – I hugged his neck. - Come, at least every day. I'll talk to Sylvia, you'll like her.

“Okay,” he nodded. - If possible, hang or put something red on the window - so I can see it from afar. There is something unclear with your protection, I’ll try to figure out why this is so. Good night, Lexa.

- Good dreams, Bert. Thank you!

The lizard snorted, turned around and, spreading its wings, disappeared into the night. I followed the vague silhouette with my gaze and finally touched the bracelet.

Well, if my sister is so nervous, then things are bad. Or I'm just bored. The last thought was more pleasant, and I decided to dwell on it. Briefly describing the events last day, I received exclamations of “Well done, sister!” and “What will happen now?!”, and then decisively turned the conversation:

– What’s going on there, tell me!

And I heard Alexana’s heavy sigh.

– To be honest, it’s nothing good. Today my father and I went into town, he was going about his business, and I went to a pastry shop. There were two matrons chatting... Lexa, I don't even know how to tell you this...

“As it is,” I couldn’t resist. “There’s not much that can surprise me anymore.”

“Not this time,” Sana sighed again. – The conversation was about me. More precisely, about you. Or about me? They mentioned Randor and I's upcoming wedding and noted that he was very lucky. I may be poor, but I’m still young, and the Count... he’s already been married and divorced, and not in the first month!

I couldn't even find an answer. Of course, I understood perfectly well what Sana was getting at. Our goddess, Narini, they say, personally allowed divorces, and there were two types. In the first month, the marriage was dissolved quickly, only at the request of both spouses, and there was nothing reprehensible in this, although it reduced the chances of remarriage. Another divorce could take place over time, but with the permission of the priests, sometimes the Chief was involved, and the reasons must be more than serious. Rarely has anyone gotten to this point; cases of divorce that are more than a month old are rare, and few people would want to choose a person who has gone through this as their life partner. But the main thing that kept him from any divorce was that a man could not remarry even someone of the same age as his ex-wife, only someone who was lower on the social ladder. This is how the goddess protected women so that a man would not be seduced by the high social status of another bride or a rich ransom. Therefore, the count’s marriage to the baron’s daughter, and Nayana at that, even despite the reputation of our family... he was truly very lucky. Doesn't your father know about this?

“Father knows,” Sana anticipated my question, “but he thinks that with your character, this is still the best match.” And I keep thinking, what kind of person is the count if it comes to divorce over time?! Lexa, I’m afraid,” Sana admitted, and I realized that my head was already spinning. I was hoping that I would brew the potion and my sister would be happy... Of course, if I brewed it, she would become happy in any case, but the upcoming marriage did not make me happy at all. As her.

– There is no need to panic, take a closer look at the count and try to find out the reason for the divorce. “I didn’t believe my own words, but my sister needed to be reassured. - Maybe it's not so bad. In any case, there is time before your wedding, we’ll come up with something.

“Thank you, Lexa,” my sister sobbed. “A week ago nothing would have embarrassed me, not even this conversation, but now... Everyone pays attention to me, even when I just get out of the carriage, and it’s so nice.” Thank you! Tomorrow we are leaving for the capital, Otten rented a house for my father and me, we will live there. I will contact you as soon as I can!

“Okay,” I agreed absentmindedly, although my head was busy with thoughts about the count, “the main thing is, don’t be nervous.”

“I won’t,” Sana cheered up. “With your help, I become a real nayana, and... I love you, Lexa,” she said unexpectedly.

I smiled.

- I love you too. Chin up!

The bracelet became cold again, and I exhaled. The news from her sister was not at all encouraging - as if she would not fall into the clutches of a pervert. Okay, the morning is wiser than the evening, today I’m still not capable of anything, not even thinking. Sylvia's absence was concerning, but hopefully Jordan will keep his promise. With this thought I fell asleep.

I won’t even describe my neighbor’s condition when the iridescent trill of the bell woke us up in the morning. Apparently, the Academy cared not only that the students ate well, but also that they did not wake up in the morning. True, from loud sounds My head immediately began to pound, but compared to Sylvia, I held on well. I really feel sorry for her

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was to watch.

“Kill me,” she moaned, covering herself with the blanket. I wanted to suggest turning to healers, but in time I remembered the words of the rector. And she suggested something else:

– Would you like me to lend you a sparring session with Albert?

- Oh, No! – Sylvia jumped up, however, she immediately staggered and sat back on the bed. “I got excited, I want to live some more.” Sorry. “She saw my long face and hurried to the bathroom. - Wait for me, I’ll be quick!

It didn’t work out quickly, of course, and we ran into the cafeteria ten minutes before classes started. Gobbling down freshly baked buns as they walked, they even refused tea and immediately rushed back. And we don’t even know the schedule yet!

Narini's generosity apparently ended last night. The collision with someone else's body happened so quickly that I almost choked and dropped the rest of the baked goods. But today I was on top! This made me happy, exactly until the moment I saw him lying under me.

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