Japanese hand healing method. Shiatsu massage is a magical Japanese technique for health and youth. What is Shiatsu

One of the varieties of Japanese therapeutic treatment methods is Shiatsu massage, which is performed by pressing fingers and palms on active points on the human body. It is based on an ancient technique used by Japanese martial arts teachers to recover from injuries and increase the endurance of students. Thanks to this method, regulatory processes in the body are established, protective functions and your well-being improves.

The essence of Shiatsu massage and its features

A special feature of Shiatsu massage is its oriental technique. The usual kneading and stroking movements for any massage are combined with simultaneous pressure on certain points on the patient’s body. At the same time, the massage therapist, helping the patient, sets him special poses.

Uneven pressure on active points in Shiatsu is often performed with the thumbs of the palm to enhance the massaging effect. During the procedure, the massage therapist uses the strength of his entire body. The pressure is applied slowly and then released abruptly.

This massage technique activates defense mechanisms human body, forcing it to fight diseases and build up immunity.

Shiatsu massage has a beneficial effect on emotional condition human, improves memory and brain activity, and also corrects incorrect posture

Types of Shiatsu massage

Depending on the method of execution, Japanese acupressure is divided into two types:

  • professional, performed by a specialist;
  • independent, or non-professional, not requiring special skills, usually performed to relieve fatigue and nervous tension.

Depending on the changes and additions made, massage is divided into the following types:

  • massage using Shiatsu Meridians, which consists of combining the Japanese method of influence and the Chinese theory of energy flows;
  • Zen Shiatsu, which contains the "makko-ho" exercise aimed at stimulating the life energy called "Qi";
  • Toshiatsu, when pressure on active points is accompanied by mantras to concentrate the mind;
  • Tsubo Shiatsu, a combination of massage with auto-training, in which negative emotions are represented in the form of inanimate objects;
  • Ohishiatsu, a classic Shiatsu massage created by Wataru Ohashi;
  • “quantum” shiatsu has a beneficial effect on various human energy levels, creating harmony between them;
  • Shiatsu movements, exercises reminiscent of classical yoga, are designed to treat chronic diseases.

Contraindications to the use of acupressure

Like any therapeutic procedure, Shiatsu acupressure has a significant effect on the body. Accordingly, there are contraindications for its use:

  • infectious diseases;
  • skin diseases;
  • malignant and benign neoplasms;
  • diseases requiring surgical intervention;
  • diseases associated with impaired functioning of the heart, kidneys, liver and lungs;
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • disorders of the hematopoietic system, predisposition to hemorrhagic diathesis;
  • bone fractures;
  • acute form of tuberculosis;
  • high fever, diarrhea, vomiting.

Rules for preparing for Shiatsu massage

Depending on the type of massage, there are different preparatory rules. Before performing a professional massage, the patient should adhere to the following rules:

  • You should wear light, loose clothing natural material and do not remove it during the procedure. Clothing is needed so that the massage therapist's fingers do not slip on the skin and the pressure is accurate.
  • It is not recommended to eat immediately before the procedure. The digestion process can interfere with determining the state of the meridians.
  • It is not recommended to drink alcohol or smoke during the course.
  • The patient's skin and the technician's hands must be clean.

In cases where the massage is performed independently, you need to follow these recommendations:

  • Before the massage, you need to warm up the skin, take a bath or make a hot compress.
  • To relax, use aromatic oils and relaxing music.
  • The massage is performed on cleansed skin.

How to find massage points

For getting maximum results From massage, it is very important to correctly determine the location of biologically active points. There are certain locations of these points on the human body and face:

  • on the arteries, in places where the pulse can be easily felt;
  • in small depressions on joints and bones;
  • between muscle fibers;
  • on the tendons.

With the slightest pressure on the bioenergy point, slight pain and discomfort should be felt. The dot size varies within 2-12 mm

Scheme of general body massage

General body massage is performed to improve well-being; it is not prescribed for specific diagnoses. This technique is mainly relaxing in nature, helps relieve stress, improve muscle elasticity, restore emotional balance and impart calmness. This massage can be performed while lying on your side, on your back or sitting on a chair.

Japanese wellness massage comes down to the use of two main techniques: stroking, which makes up 10-20% of the session, and pressing with the fingertips and palm on bioenergy points - 80-90% of the total massage time. During the procedure, the massage therapist uses the force of his weight. The direction of force is always perpendicular to the surface of the body. The strength of the effect depends on the patient’s health and age. It is unacceptable to strike or push, which could cause severe pain and leave bruises.

Most often used when pressing thumb hands. The pressing is performed slowly at first with increasing pressure, and then the finger is abruptly lifted from the point. Such techniques are performed with a frequency of 5-10 times per minute. The time of exposure to one point varies from 3-5 seconds. The full course of procedures lasts 7-10 days, followed by a break.

Another basic movement in Shiatsu is the heavy pressure of the fingers and palms, which are placed one on top of the other. This technique is used on areas of large joints and muscles.

Depending on the massage area, the specialist uses different fingers and sometimes palms.

Energy pressure points are located throughout the body, the main ones are presented in the following diagram.

Shiatsu facial massage and its implementation scheme

When performing a facial massage, you should adhere to the following rules:

  • The skin must be cleansed of any contaminants. Before the procedure, it is better to make a hot compress and apply cream or oil.
  • Before the session begins, you need to relax as much as possible with the help of music and aromatherapy.
  • It is advisable to carry out the procedure in the morning.
  • Movements are performed only with fingers alternately or simultaneously.
  • The pressure lasts 2-3 seconds and ends with circular movements. One point can be worked on for several minutes.
  • When pressing on active points, only a feeling of slight discomfort is allowed.
  • The force of pressure should be moderate, it depends on the fat layer under the skin.
  • Stretching of the skin during the massage is not allowed, so movements should be without turning.
  • The session ends with stroking, subsequent cleansing of the skin and application of cream.
  • The duration of the session is 15-20 minutes. One course includes 10 sessions.

Acupressure for the face is not only a cosmetic procedure, but can also affect the patient’s well-being. This is due to the fact that there are many energy points on the face associated with the functioning of various organs. The facial massage scheme is presented below.

Acupressure back massage and its implementation scheme

Japanese back massage is considered a unique method of influencing certain areas of the body responsible for the functioning of various organs. Shiatsu does not cure serious illnesses, but with the correct influence on energy points it can help get rid of many painful symptoms: lower back pain, headaches, dizziness, numbness in the hands, pain in the heart, pain behind the knees. The causes of these problems may be osteochondrosis of the cervical vertebrae or protrusion in the lumbar region. In turn, disturbances in the functioning of certain organs can cause pain in the back.

For correct implementation Shiatsu massage requires knowing the location of certain points on the back. For example, on the 12th lumbar vertebra there is a point responsible for the digestive process and metabolism. The location on the 2nd and 3rd vertebrae allows you to diagnose kidney disease. Points on the 4th vertebra are used to determine disturbances in the functioning of the large intestine and help get rid of pain in the lower back and hips. Massage of the 5th vertebra will help improve the functioning of the genitourinary system and kidneys.

Thus, if you accurately determine all the energy points on the back, you can significantly improve the patient’s well-being.

Quite often, acupressure is performed in combination with manual therapy. This helps to improve the condition of the spine and helps to put the discs in place, and if there is a curvature, to straighten it

Acupressure foot massage and its implementation scheme

Poor circulation in lower limbs causes fatigue and heaviness in the legs; in such situations, Japanese foot massage is very effective. By pressing on the energy points you need, you can also improve the functioning of the organs associated with them.

Before the procedure, your feet should be wiped, or better yet, a bath should be taken.

The massage is performed in the following sequence:

  1. The procedure begins with three pressures on each point of the toes, with three points on each toe. Then you should move on to pressing in the area between the bones in the places where the leg is raised.
  2. Next area of ​​influence – inner side feet, from toes to heel. Massage of this area helps relieve tired legs and is responsible for kidney function.
  3. Next, massage the points located on the inner and outer surface of the ankle, from the heel to the instep.
  4. Three points are massaged alternately on the heel tendon.

When the Shiatsu foot massage is finished, the points in the area are worked out knee joint and shins. WITH outside Below the kneecap there is a point, massage of which improves blood circulation in the legs. Further down the shin, subsequent points are worked out. Massage in the same way inner surface shins, starting from the top.

One of the forms of influence on the skin, not only stimulating the flow of blood and lymph, but also leading to harmony of thoughts and energy flows of the human body, is Shiatsu massage, although it is called Shiatsu or Shiatsu, derived combinations of words translated as “fingers” and “ press." This technique became widespread relatively recently, in the twentieth century, but it is a kind of modern adaptation of the traditional Japanese amma massage, which has been practiced by specialists in oriental medicine for centuries.

The founder of the school and developer of the Shiatsu technique, Takiyuro Namikoshi, believes that a targeted effect on the skin of the face can cope with wrinkles and restore youth, and when used comprehensively, acupressure of the whole body improves overall health, promotes longevity and vigor, and allows one to cope with many pathologies affecting various internal organs.

Shiatsu massage is officially recognized as a therapy method by the Japanese government. According to the generally accepted definition in the country, this is the name of a non-drug treatment method in which the fingers apply pressure on reflex points on the body. Shiatsu massage has gained wide popularity, both among specialized specialists and ordinary people, because learning the technique is not difficult. There is even a complex designed to improve the health of the whole family.

Regardless of the therapeutic goals, this massage always uses the same energetically active zones in each part of the body. For example, on the face these are the nasolabial folds, forehead, and area of ​​the bridge of the nose. The forearms are also actively involved, outside surface hips, feet, scalp, area along the spine. The fact is that the procedure does not affect the symptoms of a specific disease, it only mobilizes and stimulates the body’s defenses. And the immune and lymphatic systems themselves “decide” how to deal with this or that pathology.

This technique is completely justified, because the human body unconsciously reacts to stimuli. A striking example of this is active sneezing when dust enters the respiratory tract, secretion of mucus to cleanse the nasal cavity of viruses and allergens, and lacrimation to remove debris from the eye. Namikoshi suggests harnessing these powers before turning to drugs and other traditional medicine. This explains the fact that the seemingly similar movements that make up Shiatsu massage are used for various diseases.

From the perspective of the energy aspect, such an impact activates own energy person and directs her in the right direction. But it is worth noting that many Shiatsu points do not coincide with massage according to the Asahi method or the classical one. Chinese technology reflexology (acupuncture). Moreover, even in Namikoshi’s own book dedicated to Shiatsu, these points are designated very conditionally. The author proposes to use instinct, which makes a person mechanically rub one or another part of the body.

Shiatsu massage is divided into the following subtypes:

  • the use of Shiatsu meridians, based on a combination of Japanese impact techniques and Chinese theory of energy flows;
  • Zen Shiatsu, consists of a combination of massage and exercises aimed at focusing QI energy;
  • Toshiatsu, which consists of pressing on active points and using mantras to concentrate mental energy;
  • tsubo shiatsu, another combined technique consisting of a combination of massage and auto-training using the tsubo technique, aimed at performance negative emotions in the form of inanimate objects;
  • ohishiatsu, classic shiatsu massage, which was complemented by Wataru Ohashi, a resident of the Land of the Rising Sun;
  • Quantum Shiatsu was developed by a Japanese American origin Polynom Sasaki, this technique is aimed at creating harmony between various aspects of human existence: physical, spiritual, emotional and mental;
  • Shiatsu movements are somewhat reminiscent of classical yoga, but in combination with an impact on energy points.

In addition, Shiatsu massage can be professional, which is performed by a specialist who has completed a training course, mutual, a striking example of this is the family Shiatsu technique. But the most popular is Shiatsu self-massage. It is completely safe if we're talking about about working on facial contours, skin color and wrinkles, but before treating any systemic pathologies, it is better to get qualified advice.

The features of massage include its positive effect on the following diseases:

But for certain symptoms, it is not necessary to do a comprehensive massage. To quickly improve your well-being, it is enough to influence certain points. For example, to rejuvenate the skin and give it a truly royal look, you need to do a facial massage every day. If you've been on your feet all day, you should apply pressure to each toe three times after returning home.

Then move to 4 points located from the space on the ball of the foot between the big and second toe and in a straight line until the transition of the arch of the foot to the heel. In addition, this area is related to the functioning excretory system, which helps eliminate swelling. To relieve general fatigue, you need to stretch your shin with your fingers. Shiatsu massage along the entire length of the thigh muscles, first inside then outside, will help maintain overall tone.

Pressure on the sciatic nerve helps relieve the symptoms of sciatica. If there is heaviness in the head, you must first press on the top of the head, and then on the right and left carotid arteries, starting from the area under the chin and gradually moving to the collarbones. Pressing on the nasolabial folds and inner corners of the eyes will relieve tension from prolonged work on the computer.

Shiatsu massage for the face: technique, preparation and flow chart

Before the procedure, it is necessary to cleanse the face of sebum, and it is better not to use aggressive chemical peels and mechanical herbs. A plant-based product is quite sufficient. To better cleanse the skin of toxins and open the ducts of the sebaceous glands, it is recommended to make a hot compress and apply cream or oil.

Shiatsu facial massage is performed taking into account the following nuances:

  • Pressure is applied using only the pad of the thumb, or the index, middle and ring fingers, if the movement requires simultaneous impact on several points.
  • The duration of pressure on areas located in the face and neck is from 3 to 7 seconds.
  • The procedure is completed with general stroking, then the remaining massage base is removed from the face with cotton pads, after which a non-greasy nourishing cream is applied.
  • It is better to perform the procedure immediately after waking up.
  • The intensity of pressure should not be too weak, but not too intense; only slight discomfort is allowed when pressing on the point.
  • The duration of the course is up to 10 days, usually this time is enough for visible results to appear. Then they take a break for several weeks.
  • Significant stretching of the skin should not be allowed.

Find the points where Shiatsu massage is performed according to simple description It's hard enough. It’s better to look at the diagram presented in Namikoshi’s original method. The technique of the procedure is also explained quite clearly in training videos. But according to the author of the technique, the main sign that the points have been found correctly is slight pain when pressed. You also need to influence reflex zones accordingly.

First, you should lightly press on the skin (for 1-2 seconds), and then, without removing your fingers, make 2-3 circular movements. After finishing working on a certain area, you need to run your fingers along the trajectory of the points. At the same time, Shiatsu massage for the face is not carried out simply by pressing on any area, you need to try to concentrate energy on a particular movement.

Shiatsu facial massage is not so much a cosmetic procedure, but more of an energetic one.

When performing it, you need to completely relax and not be distracted; after mastering the technique of the exercise, you can choose an aroma composition and combine massage with aromatherapy procedures. The total duration of the session is on average 15-20 minutes, depending on the area of ​​treatment and the desired effect.

Self-massage technique

Elimination of longitudinal expression wrinkles on the forehead. Place three fingers of each hand on your forehead. Active points are located directly above the eyebrows. Then move to the sides (approximately above the middle of the eyebrow), finish working on the forehead by pressing three points located a short distance from the temporal region.

Pressure duration is up to 7 seconds. After this, make several stroking vibrating movements. Folds on the bridge of the nose can be removed by pressing three fingers (index, middle and ring) on ​​the point between the eyebrows.

This is where the skin folds when you frown. Duration - 7 seconds. To smooth out wrinkles and eliminate bags under the eyes, you need to place three fingers on the eyebrow line: the ring finger at the beginning, the middle finger at the middle and the index finger at the end. Apply pressure, combining pressure with circular movements for 7 seconds. This Shiatsu massage for the face can also be performed with pads. thumbs, pressing on the points one by one. You need to finish the exercise by smoothing your eyebrows.

To relieve eye fatigue, you need to press on the outer corners of the eyes in three approaches for no longer than 3 seconds each. A similar movement is used to prevent and eliminate the so-called “ crow's feet", appearing when smiling. Active points are located between outer corner eyes and temple.

To remove swelling of the eyelids, press on internal corner eyes (for 7 seconds). To prevent sagging cheeks, you need to act on 3 points located in a semicircle for 7 seconds. If you draw it mentally, it will start a centimeter away from the bottom of the wings of the nose, and end 2 cm below the outer edge of the eye.

Shiatsu facial massage can eliminate a runny nose and other symptoms of sinusitis. To do this, press on the indentations on the side of the wings of the nose for 7 seconds.

Elimination of wrinkles and folds around the mouth. Place the middle finger in the groove located between the upper lip and nose, and the index and ring fingers nearby. Massage for 7 seconds or 2-3 approaches per second. Next, place your middle fingers in the corners of your lips and also press for 5-7 seconds.

Pressing the point in the middle of the fold under the lower lip can relieve toothache.

Correction of the oval shape of the face. Place three fingers of each hand on either side of the middle of the chin. Gradually move towards the earlobes, lingering at each point for 7 seconds. Finish this massage by applying the skin to the neck. The fingers are placed on the lateral surface in the area of ​​the carotid artery. The duration of exposure should not exceed 3 seconds. Do three approaches.

Shiatsu acupressure: contraindications, cost of a session in a beauty salon, reviews

The effect of the impact on energy significant points noticeable literally immediately. After the first session, the skin acquires a healthy tone and becomes more elastic. Almost instant results also have an effect on specific active zones. Headache and toothache disappear, dizziness is relieved, nausea goes away, sleep improves, normalization arterial pressure. However, Shiatsu acupressure is not suitable for everyone.

Absolute contraindications to the session are:

A variety of chronic diseases, including those of the cardiovascular system, are not contraindications for performing Shiatsu facial massage, but you must first consult a doctor.

If you contact a specialized specialist in a beauty salon, the cost of the procedure will depend on its type. For example, a Shiatsu facial massage will cost an average of 900 rubles, and a comprehensive effect on the whole body, including working on points in the chest area to enlarge the bust - about 3,000 rubles.

There is practically no negative review on the forums about this Japanese acupressure technique. As a rule, its lack of effectiveness is associated with incorrect execution of movements or excessive pressure. Shiatsu acupressure can be called one of the most effective ways preventing age-related skin changes. Well, if you master the technique of systemic influence on the body, you can get rid of chronic pathologies.

Shiatsu- Japanese massage, which appeared in the 40s of the 20th century. This is a therapy that includes self-massage, diagnosis and effective restoration of the human body, through finger pressure on the vital important points. Anyone who wants to improve and restore their body can do Shiatsu procedures by learning a simple technique.

Features of Shiatsu: advantages and disadvantages

Shiatsu massage is used to restore the energetic, physical, and psychological balance of the body in several procedures. Experts include the main advantages of this technique:

  • Pressure is applied to the necessary areas in a targeted manner, so recovery can be directed both to a specific area and to the entire body;
  • The effect is felt after the first massage;
  • Ease of implementation;
  • Effective elimination of headaches, pain in the arms and lower back, also effective for stress, constipation, diarrhea, etc.;
  • Receiving unprecedented peace during the procedure: massage calms the nerves and smoothes out the manifestations of neuroses.

The rather high cost of one procedure from a master is the only drawback of massage, but it also comes to naught if you perform Shiatsu at home.

Indications and contraindications for Shiatsu

Shiatsu technique is indicated for people who have:

  • Various diseases nervous system(migraines, neuritis, radiculitis, neuralgia, enuresis, etc.);
  • Heart and vascular diseases;
  • Diseases of the respiratory system;
  • Problems with the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Diseases of the musculoskeletal system (if there is no need for surgical intervention);
  • Wrinkles, sagging skin.

But the procedure also has a number of contraindications:

  • Reduced intracranial pressure;
  • Skin neoplasms;
  • Serious diseases of the musculoskeletal system that require surgical intervention;
  • 2nd and 3rd stages of tuberculosis;
  • Diseases caused by infections;
  • Skin allergic reactions, inflammation, herpes, rashes, rosacea, furunculosis, etc.;
  • Vascular diseases with manifest hematomas;
  • Open wounds.

Preparation and nuances of facial massage

Most cosmetic procedures require preparation and Shiatsu facial massage is no exception:

  • First, we treat the facial skin with a tonic or any other cleansing solution (for example: medicinal herbal infusions, micellar water or a light scrub with exfoliating particles);
  • We warm up the skin with hot compresses or take a steam bath, which relaxes the muscles and dilates the blood vessels of the face (about 10 minutes);
  • We apply fortified creams to moisturize the face about five minutes before the massage, thus increasing the effectiveness of Shiatsu.

When massaging yourself, you need to know three very important rules:

  1. Pressing is done using the index (2nd), middle (3rd) and ring (4th) fingers (sometimes the thumb is also used). The pressure should be felt and be somewhere between light and slightly painful pressure.
  2. We apply pressure strictly at an angle of 90 degrees (perpendicular) to the points being massaged, always from bottom to top; you cannot press directly and pull the skin. We carry out the procedure with soft and leisurely movements.
  3. We act on each of the points for a time of 5 to 7 seconds. (the power and time of pressure are directly proportional to the thickness of the subcutaneous fat layer; the larger it is, the more intense and longer the pressure). Do not allow the skin to stretch or move under any circumstances. Choose points for massage depending on the place where it hurts or areas that require correction.

Training in Shiatsu facial massage techniques

The entire eastern part of the world, not without reason, compares Shiatsu massage with ceramics - it is a kind of author of porcelain faces, helping to acquire a rested appearance of the skin and even out the tone of the faces.

Technique for performing Shiatsu for the face:

Once the massaging is completed, it is necessary to clean and moisturize the skin. Then lie down for a couple of minutes and relax.

This massage is best suited for the morning - as a morning exercises. It should be performed every day, for at least 15 days.

Next, you can watch a video that clearly shows the entire Shiatsu facial massage scheme. Tatyana Zhemchuzhina teaches in it correct technique point pressure on the muscles, demonstrates the location of all biologically active facial points. Are you performing this procedure for the first time? Then follow the actions of the cosmetologist and repeat, very soon your technique will be perfect.

The three Royal points for Shiatsu massage are zones whose stimulation can effectively replace lifting done by professionals. These points include:

  1. Royal Tenyo Point, which evens out the tone of the face and eliminates puffiness of the face and neck.
  2. Royal Koryo Point, which eliminates sagging cheeks and removes wrinkles.
  3. Royal Sokkoku Point, which creates a unique skin tightening effect.

The technique of massaging is quite easy, the best way Perform this massage in the morning. First, cleanse your face, then moisturize your skin with a nourishing day gel or moisturizer essential oil. Next, place the 2nd, 3rd and 4th fingers together on the pair of points you need. Then press synchronously for 5-7 seconds.

Or the massage can be carried out by pressing only one point, in which case we press with our thumbs on the Koryo point, with our index fingers on the Tenyo point and with our little fingers on the Sokkoku point.

Below you can watch a series of videos about three reactive points and the technique of massaging them. The master will talk about how to maintain youth and restore the condition of facial skin by massaging just three points: Tenyo, Koryo and Sokkoku, respectively.

Japanese Shiatsu acupressure massage is an excellent alternative to expensive salon procedures. It is absolutely easy to do yourself at home. It has a beneficial effect on the body tissues, and the lifting effect on the skin will be noticeable after a couple of procedures. If you introduce this procedure into your daily beauty routine, then young and beautiful skin will be your faithful companions for many years.

Massage of active points is called the cheapest method of treatment. Studying the ancient oriental techniques of acupressure of the face, a doctor from Japan Tokujiro Namikoshi created a qualitatively new technique of shiatsu (translated as finger pressure).

Today, shiatsu massage is an independent therapeutic method used by Japanese official medicine. It is widely used in European cosmetology as a rejuvenating procedure.

The popularity of acupressure facial massage is due to its double effect. Therapeutic effects of shiatsu:

  • eliminates runny nose, pain due to otitis media and sinusitis;
  • treats headaches, migraines, neuralgia;
  • improves vision and relieves eye fatigue;
  • relieves chronic fatigue;
  • normalizes sleep;
  • relieves depression.

As a cosmetological procedure acupressure:

  • smoothes wrinkles;
  • stimulates the formation of collagen and elastin in the skin;
  • eliminates facial swelling;
  • restores the skin around the eyes, eliminates swelling and dark circles;
  • opens pores;
  • tightens the facial contour;
  • refreshes and evens out skin color.

“Your own hand is the best healer,” says Eastern wisdom. The Shiatsu technique includes self-massage techniques that are easy to learn and can be done at home as part of your beauty routine. The cosmetic effect of massage is to strengthen facial muscles and improve capillary blood flow.

Shiatsu can help solve many problems of aging skin

The principle of acupressure for facial rejuvenation is based on the activation of regenerative processes. Pressing a finger on an area of ​​skin causes short-term bleeding. Nerve endings are irritated and lymph flows out. At the same time, bioenergy zones are activated. Muscle tone is normalized by replacing lactic acid with glycogen, a muscle energy reserve. When the pressure on the point stops, blood intensively flows to the skin area, microcirculation and local metabolism increase.

When massage is contraindicated

Shiatsu is contraindicated in the following diseases and states:

  • decreased blood clotting;
  • tendency to bruise;
  • skin diseases;
  • vascular network;
  • low intracranial pressure;
  • inflammatory processes on the skin, furunculosis;
  • unhealed wounds on any part of the body.

You should not do massage during exacerbation of chronic diseases and acute infectious diseases.

Advantages and disadvantages of the method

Experts talk about several advantages of the shiatsu technique for rejuvenation:

  • the ability to solve local and general cosmetic problems by affecting only certain areas or the entire face;
  • the effect is felt after the first procedure;
  • During the massage, stress and depression are relieved;
  • it is easy to implement.

With the help of pressure on the bioactive point (BAP), you can give yourself emergency assistance- relieve pain, reduce blood pressure, improve overall well-being.

The disadvantages of shiatsu massage are very arbitrary and are usually the result of violation of the rules for its implementation. If you apply too much pressure, your skin may bruise. Swelling of the face is possible after the massage, but it goes away on its own.

How to prepare for a shiatsu massage

To be more effective, you need to prepare your face for massage:

  1. Treat your skin with toner.
  2. Steam your face for 10 minutes. You can do this with a hot towel or over steam.
  3. Apply a nourishing, non-greasy, preferably fortified cream, and after a few minutes you can begin the massage.

Preliminary procedures will relax your face and make the massage more effective.

Self-massage technique for facial rejuvenation

The vector of influence on the active point must be strictly perpendicular to the surface. For a cosmetic effect, pressing on the points for 5–7 seconds is enough. The therapeutic effect lasts longer - up to 10 minutes. The pressure force is medium, until slight pain, numbness and warmth appear. The thicker and denser the skin, the more intense the pressure.

Pressing on the point is carried out only with the fingertips

You cannot twist your finger or move the skin while pressing, as this can stretch it.

A facial massage involves simultaneously using the index, middle and ring fingers or the pad of the thumb.

Bioactive points are located symmetrically, so the massage is carried out simultaneously with both hands. The procedure requires a strict sequence.

Table: area of ​​influence and expected result

Target Area of ​​influence and rules of execution
Smoothing wrinkles on the foreheadThere are four vertical massage lines on each side of the center of the forehead. The first is at the base of the eyebrow, the last is at its tip. The massage begins from the midlines simultaneously with three fingers of each hand. Holding on each of them for 5–7 seconds, the fingers sequentially move to the temples. The pressing movements are slightly upward. After finishing the exercise, the skin on the forehead is smoothed from the middle to the temples with light pressure
Getting rid of wrinkles, puffiness and dark circles around the eyes
  1. Three points on the eyebrows are massaged - at the base, in the middle and at the tip. The points are pressed with three fingers at once.
  2. The index finger massages the point with outside eyes. The pressure is directed upward and sideways.
  3. Pressing on the inner corner of the eye is also done with the index finger. But you only need to put pressure on it for 3 seconds in three approaches.
  4. The following points are located just below the eyebrow line on the eye muscles. Again, the massage is performed simultaneously with three fingers. Make sure that the skin does not move while pressing.
  5. There are three more points located 15 mm below the edge of the eye socket; they are mirrored in that they are located under the eyebrows
Getting rid of wrinkles on the bridge of the nosePressing on three points located above the bridge of the nose exactly in the center between the eyebrows is done simultaneously with three fingers. Massaging them in a circular motion is allowed. This is where wrinkles most often form, so the pressure can be increased a little
Firming cheeks
  1. Massage the subzygomatic part of the face with pressure simultaneously on three points on each side.
  2. To massage the wings of the nose, the pads of the thumbs are located on the pits, the pressure should not be painful
To eliminate purse-string wrinkles (around the lips)To treat the lip area, the middle or thumb is placed on a point above the upper lip exactly in the middle, then the thumbs are placed on points in the corners of the lips. The last point to be massaged is the central point under the lower lip (pressure should be on the gums, not on the teeth)
To tighten the face contourThere are three more points on the lower jaw bone on either side of the chin. They are operated with three fingers of each hand simultaneously. The thumb is located under the jaw bone. In four steps, the entire edge is passed towards the ears.
To tighten the skin on the neckThree working fingers are placed vertically on the side of the neck. Light pressure lasts no more than 3 seconds so as not to squeeze large vessels.
The thumb of the left hand is placed on the upper extremity of the sternum in the jugular fossa. Pressure - no more than 3 seconds

Finally, the active points at the base of the ear are massaged - two on each side. After finishing the massage, the face is again wiped with tonic and moisturized with serum or cream. It is advisable to rest for 10–15 minutes.

Five-point massage relieves swelling, eliminates wrinkles and dark circles under the eyes

Massaging the points near the wings of the nose will eliminate a runny nose and relieve pain from sinusitis. And pressure on the point above the upper lip relieves toothache.

"Royal Points"

There are three “royal points” in Shiatsu massage. Their massage can be performed separately or combined with a general one:

  • Tenyo's point is located 1.5 cm below the earlobe between the jaw bone and the large vertical muscle. Her massage eliminates swelling and evens out the complexion;
  • The Koryo point is very easy to find - it is located along the pupil line directly under the cheekbone. Pressure on it tightens sagging cheeks and eliminates wrinkles;
  • At the height of two fingers above the upper tip of the ear, in a small depression there is the Sokkoku point. She corrects the oval of the face.

The “royal points” can be affected individually and simultaneously with three fingers

You can massage each of them separately, or you can massage all three at the same time, by placing your thumb on the Koryo point, your index finger on Tenyo, and your little finger on Sokkoku. The exposure time is the same as for other BAPs - 5–7 seconds.

Together with preparation and rest after the procedure, a home massage takes about 40 minutes.

Video: Korea's point of youth

Salon treatments

The technique and pattern of massage in a salon is no different from what you can do at home. Procedure steps:

  1. Cleansing the skin of makeup.
  2. Light peeling and warming of the skin with massage and thermal treatments.
  3. Impact on bioactive points.
  4. Apply serum and collagen mask to the area around the eyes.

The massage time depends on the number of areas being treated and additional care procedures. It can last 30–40 minutes. approximate cost- from 1 to 4 thousand rubles per session.

Number of sessions and visible results

Depending on the condition of the skin, any area requires 8 to 12 daily massage sessions. If necessary, the course is repeated after a month. At home, you can do it every day for a month, then reduce the frequency to 1-2 times a week. Visible results appear after the first session - the complexion becomes fresher and swelling subsides.

Salon shiatsu massage course includes 8–12 sessions

Shiatsu facial massage is completely safe for health and does not cause complications.

Video: rejuvenating shiatsu massage - how to find active points

The name Shiatsu, translated from Japanese into Russian, literally means “finger pressure.”

This massage technique is modern interpretation, improved and closer to modern conditions a technique of acupressure, which has been practiced for thousands of years in oriental medicine.

The Japanese Ministry of Health has given an official definition of this type of massage. By definition, shiatsu is a method of treatment that can maintain and improve a person's health and relieve them from various diseases. The massage therapist uses his fingers and palms. With the help of them, he creates pressure on certain points of the patient's body.

Japanese shiatsu acupressure massage is primarily aimed at restoring and maintaining human energy.

Shiatsu has enough wide range impact. It should be noted that similar techniques can be used in different situations. This is due to the features of this massage. Shiatsu is not intended to treat diseases, but to stimulate the body's defenses. It is also used to increase a person’s overall vitality.

Energy medicine specialists believe that shiatsu helps to activate energy and improve its circulation.

The points on the human body that shiatsu uses are generally not the same as those used by traditional Chinese acupuncture.
We can generally say that these points are almost conditional. Their location is not very clearly described. The creator of shiatsu, Takiyuro Namikoshi himself, explains that this type massage is based on the instinct of a person automatically rubbing and massaging the area of ​​the body in which he feels pain. He studied and systematized all these instinctive impulses. Shiatsu therapy was developed precisely on their basis.

During a shiatsu massage, pressure is applied to certain points, through which a positive effect is exerted on a person’s energy flows. These points are usually located in the recesses of the body.

Shiatsu massage technique (shiatsu)

The shiatsu technique involves rhythmic pressure with a finger or various parts of the palm on the desired point.

Pressure is applied with the fingers:

  • large (one or two)
  • index fingers (one or two)
  • medium (one or two)
  • three fingers - one hand or two
  • palm

Pressure techniques in Shiatsu: with the thumbs a) one; b) two; c) index; d) average; e) three fingers; e) palm.

Pressure is applied using the fingertips. The fingertips must be positioned perpendicular to the surface of the patient's body.
The contact area between the finger and the patient's body should correspond to the palmar surface of the terminal phalanx of each finger.
The main standard technique of this type of massage can be called pressure over the entire surface of the first phalanx of the thumb.

The degree of pressure depends on the patient’s condition and leading symptoms, as well as on the point (zone) of exposure, i.e. topography: the severity of tissue thickness (subcutaneous tissue, muscles), whether it is skin or bone.

Correct and incorrect position of the fingers: a) correct position; b), c) incorrect position of the finger.

The degree of finger pressure represents the dosing of the effect, which includes:
1) Pressure force. There is a so-called pressure norm, in other words, a limit of 3-5 kg.
2) The duration of a single pressure on the point depends on the purpose and purpose of the procedure. For healing effects from 5 to 7 seconds, with the exception of points in the neck area, the effect should not exceed 3 seconds.
Pressure on the point (zone) should not give a feeling of discomfort (pressure should cause a feeling between painful and pleasant: o).

When using Shiatsu with therapeutic purpose in patients with pain syndrome, i.e., to relieve (reduce) pain, the duration of pressure will be longer - from 2-5 to 10 minutes.
In this case, the points that are closest to the sore spot are most often used. But other points are also involved. For example, when treating kidneys, you need to press on points on the soles of your feet, and to strengthen the heart, on your left hand.

According to the dosage of the impact, the choice and combination of fingers during the Shiatsu procedure is determined.
Thus, a weak (light) impact is carried out with the index or middle fingers, while a medium-strong impact is carried out with the thumbs or the second and third fingers together.
For intense exposure - with your thumbs, or three fingers, or your palm.

Degree of finger pressure: a) weak - with the index and middle fingers; b) middle - middle and thumb; c) strong - with three fingers; d), e) strong - with two thumbs.

You should not make jerky pressures that resemble blows to the body. Pressing should be done with soft fingertips. At the same time, it is as if the entire weight of the body is transferred to them. The force of pressure should be adjusted depending on the symptoms of the patient’s illness and his general condition. The pressure should be directed perpendicular to the surface of the skin.
Based on materials from www.inflora.ru, www.km.ru

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