Vassa is a female name. The meaning of the name Vassa. Origin and mystery of the name. Interpretation of the meaning of the letters of the name Vassa

Vassa translated from Greek means “desert”, and also “forest hollow”. Perhaps Vassa is a feminine derivative of the ancient Greek name Vasilisa, meaning “royal, queen.”

Characteristics of the name Vassa

A distinctive feature of little Vassa is politeness, self-control and good manners. She always seems to be in an even mood. Vassa does not like noisy parties. She is hardworking and conscientious in her studies.

She knows how the world works, the true state of affairs. He has tolerance, on the one hand, and a desire for justice, no matter the cost, on the other; She spends her energy only based on her interests, on the basis of which she builds a plan of action. If she is not interested in something, she does not waste energy on it.

Outwardly, she is soft, accommodating, kind and tolerant, avoids conflicts and strives to resolve everything peacefully. However, everything changes when the truth is violated. It is at such moments that a warrior for truth awakens within her, or rather, awakens, remembering everything. small parts, which she had not paid attention to before. The truth for her is the measure of life. She is touchy and vindictive when it comes to punishment for lying; at such moments there is no pity in her - she is a despot, punishing lies.

She gives the impression of being cold and independent - a kind of businesslike woman, detached from weaknesses, for whom even an elegant appearance is just a means, not an end. However, this is just a sign: Vassa is quite frivolous, romantic, sensitive and sensual; As a rule, she has a terrible sweet tooth. She is an intuitive and knows how to hide her weaknesses when it is necessary and beneficial. This woman is very difficult to understand and almost impossible to conquer.

She loves to give advice and teach how to live, but she has the right to do so, because she knows the truth about life. Life, money and work are an inevitability and a duty that she always fulfills.

She is feminine, but her overloaded spirituality excessively raises her self-esteem, which makes her unapproachable for men, since she does not tolerate humiliation and vulgarity, and any intimacy stands on the verge of these concepts. She needs a family to lead and manage her, stability to preserve and support her. To sum it up, we can say that she needs super responsibility. She could become a good leader at any level, a judge (preferably of a higher rank) or a lawyer, a writer, a director.

A way must be found to combine her self-esteem and spirituality. This is best achieved when she is a leader, writer, director, judge, lawyer, when she is responsible for her actions, when she has no one to blame. Only in such conditions is she happy, since she is given the right to preserve and establish justice and truth, as she understands them.

Vassa is an impeccable worker in any field. She is strict with herself and gets along well with her superiors. He can be a wonderful doctor, pharmacist, teacher, engineer, director, designer. Confidently cope with the role of a leader at any level. He can work fruitfully and effectively alone.

Vassa is popular with men, although she is not easy to care for. Since Vassa strives for stability, she simply needs a family. IN family relationships she wants to manage and lead, so she always takes on the role of leader. In relationships she is tolerant, kind, and always responsible for her actions.

Secrets of communication

If you ignore Vassa’s barbs and, while maintaining self-confidence, show sympathy for her, she may dramatically change her attitude and even, as they say, become attached to you.

Diminutives of the name Vassa

Vasochka, Vasa, Vasya, Vasenya, Vasyunya, Vasyuta, Vasyukha, Vasyusha, Asya.

Astrological characteristics

Zodiac name correspondence: Virgo.
Planet: Proserpine.
Name color: green.
Talisman stone: chiastolite.

Vassa's name day

April 1, April 11 - Vassa of Pskov-Pechersk, Rev.
July 20 -
Vassa, martyr.
September 3- Vassa Alonskaya, martyr.
The 4th of October- Vassa of Tire, martyr.

Trace of a name in history

"Vassa Zheleznova" is a classic play by Maxim Gorky, written in 1910. It tells about the heroine of a difficult fate - the owner of a shipping company, about the collapse of big family. According to legend, the prototype of the main character of the play was the widow of a Nizhny Novgorod steamship owner and homeowner, merchant Kashin

Vera Pashennaya as Vasa Zheleznova (1953)
  • I.p. Vassa
  • R.p. Vassy
  • D.p. Vasse
  • V.p. Vassu
  • etc. Vassa
  • P.p. Vasse

Vassa - female name, Bulgarian in origin.
Option to spell the name in transliteration (Latin): Vassa

Meaning of the name

Royal "Desert" (Greek)
She gives the impression of being cold and independent - a kind of businesslike woman, detached from weaknesses, for whom even an exquisite appearance is just a means, but not an end. However, this is just a sign: Vassa is quite frivolous, romantic, sensitive and sensual; As a rule, she has a terrible sweet tooth. She is an intuitive and knows how to hide her weaknesses when it is necessary and beneficial. This woman is very difficult to understand and almost impossible to conquer. Name day:
August 21(September 3)

July 20 (7) - Martyr Vassa.
September 3 (August 21) - Martyr Vassa.
October 4 (September 21) - martyr Vassa of Tire.

Numerology of the name

Soul number: 7.
Holders of the name number 7 show talents in the field of philosophy, science, arts or religion. “Sevens” perfectly understand other people, which determines a large number of leaders among them. Also, “sevens” often become excellent teachers. Their guidelines in life are restraint, dignity and seriousness. “Sevens” are always reserved, do not like to show their emotions, are averse to tomfoolery, but they have a good sense of humor and are famous for their irony. In business, “Sevens” rarely show themselves with positive side. Money matters are not their strong point; money in general is not their primary interest; “Sevens” find the meaning of life in the intangible area.

Hidden Spirit Number: 2
Body number: 5


Planet: Mercury.
Element: Air, cold-dry.
Zodiac: Gemini, Virgo.
Color: variegated, changeable, mixed.
Day: Wednesday.
Metal: mercury, bismuth, semiconductors.
Mineral: emerald, agate, porphyry, topaz, glass, rock crystal, sardonyx.
Plants: basil, parsley, Walnut, celery, valerian.
Animals: fox, monkey, weasel, stork, parrot, nightingale, thrush, lark, ibis, flying fish.

The female name Vassa is well remembered by many from Maxim Gorky’s famous novel “Vassa Zheleznova”, and therefore is associated with a tough and unyielding lady. However, girls named by this name are very sensitive and vulnerable, distinguished by an easy-going character and some frivolity. Since childhood, Vassa has attracted attention with her mischief and loud laughter; she is very sociable, easily makes contact with people, so she is rarely left alone.

Origin and derivative forms of the name Vassa

The name Vassa comes from the ancient Greek Bessa (Βῆσσα), which means “forest hollow”, and it is also derived from the ancient Greek Basilissa or Basilissa (Βασίλισσα) - “queen, royal”.

Currently, this name is given to girls in full form- Vassa, or use it as a shortening of .

Name Vassa for blog or avatar

Diminutive form of the name in Russian: Asya, Vasyuta, Vasushka, Vasya, Vasochka, Vasa, Vasyunya, Vasenya, Vasenka.

By church name sounds in an unchanged form - Vassa.

This name is not very popular in different countries, but it is still present in the dictionaries of other languages, only in Korea and China it is used only in the form of Vasilis.

For government agencies The Russian name Vassa is written in Latin - Vassa. In this form, the transliteration of the name is indicated in the foreign passport and on bank cards.

This name sounds equally beautiful with any Russian patronymic, but with the consonance of the letters “v” and “s” in the name and patronymic, their fusion is more harmonious:

  • Vassa Vasilievna.
  • Vassa Vyacheslavovna.
  • Vassa Stanislavovna.
  • Vassa Vladislavovna.
  • Vⱥรรⱥ.
  • ⚡Vaͥssͣaͫ⚡.
  • ★Vαssα★.
  • ◤Vⱥรรⱥ◢.
  • ◤Vสຮຮส◢.

Vassa's name day

The dates of Vassa's name day are associated with the patron saint of this name. Religious holiday It is customary to celebrate March 19 throughout the Orthodox world, and in the Cathedral of Pskov-Pechersk Saints an additional festive service is held on the fourth week after Pentecost.

Holy Pskov-Pecherskaya Vassa its difficult life path led in the 15th century. The sufferings and hardships of the martyr are closely connected with the feat of her husband Jonah, who, despite the persecution and persecution of German Catholics, founded a monastery. In the world the holy martyr was called Mary, but after taking monastic vows, she took the persistent name Vassa.

In the history of the Pskov-Pechersky Monastery, Vassa became the first nun, and the first miracle happened to her in this monastery, when she died in 1473. Her coffin was pulled out of the ground by some force on the very first night after the burial, but when she was again lowered into the same grave, an invisible force brought the coffin up again by morning. Thus, immediately after her repose, Saint Vassa was glorified by God, and her remains were placed at the entrance to the cave next to the monastery, unburied.

Acceptance of monasticism completed the humble path of the saint, who devoted her entire life to her husband, and now Vassa is considered the patroness of marriage; unhappy wives and girls who want to get married turn to her for help to find happiness in family life.

Vassa’s name day is also correlated with the following dates:

  • September 3 - Vassa Alonskaya, martyr;
  • October 4 - Vassa of Tire, martyr.

Characteristics and influence of the name on fate

Well-known scientists have developed many theories in the field of nameology, for example, Florensky argued that every name is given to a person not by chance, because when determining what to name a child, parents take into account personal preferences, pay attention to consonance with the patronymic, or base the choice on a popular meaning. According to the theories of Rouget, Mendeleev and Higir, a name influences character and behavior through sound vibrations that irritate nerve receptors in the body, and as a result, a person performs certain actions, changing his destiny in a certain direction.

Their works can only be confirmed or refuted in a practical way, but the owners of the name Vassa agree with general characteristics, having experienced the influence of his sonorous name. The author of this article was lucky enough to work in a team where the head of one of the departments was named Vassa Vasilyevna. This woman not only has excellent organizational and management skills, but also a very good sense of humor. There was never a dull moment in her company, as she always found a reason to laugh. She got the name for a reason, it was the same name of her grandmother, about whom Vassa Vasilievna told fascinating stories, because her ancestor had to go through the difficult years of the Great Patriotic War, when she not only survived all the hardships, but also saved many lives by working as a nurse in the field.


In childhood and adolescence, Vassa is distinguished by tact and politeness. She is hardworking and neat, so all her toys and books look neat and are always in their place. By appearance it is impossible to understand her mood, she is usually serious and calm, even if something unexpected happens, Vassa behaves with extreme restraint.

She does not like noisy companies, prefers to spend evenings at home, reading classic books and helping her parents with housework, thanks to this Vassa early masters the art of cooking in the kitchen with her mother, and the magical world of novels allows her to quickly comprehend life concepts.

From a young age, Vassa has been a fierce fighter for justice; if someone offends her or a weaker person in her presence, the girl will immediately rush to attack. In ordinary situations, she prefers to resolve all issues peacefully; she has oratory talent, so Vassa can very convincingly convey her thoughts to others.


Vassa grows up quickly; by the time she reaches adulthood, the girl is distinguished by her special feminine wisdom. She intuitively predicts events and chooses the right ways to solve problems. Such a woman strives to take a leading position everywhere, because she is excellent at leading others. Most often, ladies with this name occupy high positions, especially in the field of education. Vassa’s teaching is firmly rooted, she really loves to teach others, but it doesn’t look like lectures, she doesn’t waste her talent on stupid things, but really gives practical advice.

Profession and career

Thanks to her determination and responsibility, Vassa is rapidly climbing the career ladder, and if she realizes her potential in business, the results of such activities lead to the continued success and financial prosperity of the company. This woman’s professional growth is progressing by leaps and bounds, as she does not take on a task without enthusiasm. Vassa strives to achieve excellence in her chosen field of activity. She is constantly learning and sharing her knowledge with others.

The following professions are perfect for this lady:

  • teacher;
  • educator;
  • psychologist;
  • speaker;
  • sales manager.

Vassa’s good career can also develop in acting, because memorizing various texts comes very easily to her, and her innate talent for leadership and performance can be fully revealed on stage.

Health and appearance

This woman has good health, which she carefully monitors throughout her life. Adverse habits and excesses in nutrition are alien to her. A typical Vassa is slender and stately; such a lady stands out from the crowd with her straight posture and charming grace.

This lady’s illnesses can only appear at a very old age; after 70 years, she is sometimes tormented by stomach pain, this is due to the fact that even in these years she is extremely mobile and is always busy with something, but at the same time does not have time to have lunch or have dinner. Elderly Vassa looks very attractive, all many years of experience She puts it into practice, so she perfectly selects hairstyles and clothes that don’t look her age. She is aging gracefully and always tries to keep herself in shape.

Love and marriage

She does not suffer from a lack of male attention; she is always surrounded by several devoted fans, but Vassa does not waste time on fleeting romances. This woman chooses a life partner according to herself: strong and reliable, but if she fails to meet such a man, then in family life she takes a dominant position, mercilessly driving her partner under her thumb.

Vassa is a good wife and mother, but she does not always pay due attention to her family, since most of her life is absorbed in work. However, the household members love and appreciate her very much, and they treat her eternal employment with understanding, because often it is Vassa who is the main breadwinner in the house.

The name Vassa goes well with many male names, but this lady’s personal compatibility is more positively characterized with those with the flashy letter “r” in their name. The most popular combinations and descriptions of the relationships are shown in the following table.

Male name Characteristics of relations with Vassa
AlexanderGood compatibility. This man and woman understand each other very well and rarely quarrel.
AlexeiAverage compatibility. The woman in this couple dominates, but the man resists
AndreyExcellent compatibility. Partners understand each other on an intuitive level
VladimirGood compatibility. This union is built on mutual respect
GregoryExcellent compatibility. The partners are united by common goals and both strive to achieve them
DmitriyAverage compatibility. Here, a man rarely considers a woman’s opinion, so conflicts often occur
EugenePoor compatibility. The man in this couple plays the role of a ward, and the woman constantly educates him
IvanAverage compatibility. The man here is clearly weaker than the woman, which makes her lose respect for him
IgorGood compatibility. Partners go through life hand in hand and strive to find a compromise in everything
KonstantinAverage compatibility. A man and a woman understand each other poorly, but maintain a semblance of peace
NikolayPoor compatibility. This man is too selfish, and the woman refuses to please him in everything
PeterExcellent compatibility. Harmony and mutual understanding reign in this couple
NovelAverage compatibility. There is a low degree of mutual understanding here, but partners are looking for common ground
SergeyGood compatibility. Partners look at the world the same way and understand each other well.

In every man, Vassa looks for a friend and ally; if her chosen one does not share her views, then she desperately adapts to him, but suffers in the process. Early marriages for owners of this name are very rare; if Vassa gets married, it is, as a rule, forever. She is not endowed with special sensuality, so she behaves tightly in bed, which has an extremely negative impact on her sex life. However, if the husband is not satisfied with something and he goes looking for joy on the side, Vassa breaks up with him. She does not cheat herself, but demands the same fidelity and devotion from her husband.

The life of this woman is divided into three stages:

  • up to 30 years;
  • from 30 to 45 years;
  • after 45 years.

What happens in her life before the age of 30 can be attributed to the period of her youth, at which time she was very attached to her father’s house. Vassa usually gets married between 25 and 35 years old, but if she fails to meet her other half during this period, then she puts all her energy into her career or business. Only at the age of 45 does her zeal for conquest fade away a little important place at work, she rethinks her life and again makes attempts to build personal happiness.

The most important years in her life there are those that are multiples of seven: 7, 14, 21, 28, 35, 42, etc. It is during these years that turning points occur that change the fate and worldview of this woman.

Astrological correspondences

Interpretation of the meanings of each of the letters in the name Vassa

B is the personification of unity with the surrounding world and natural elements. This letter gives a person sociability and energy. Those whose name begins with this letter find a way out of any situation. They are optimistic and cheerful. They are ready to lay their whole life at the feet of their loved one.

A is a symbol of the beginning of something new. A double letter in a name means an increased desire for dominance. Such a person often becomes a leader in some movement, they are drawn to change, so they lead coups and revolutions.

C - this letter is a sign of rationality and desire for material well-being. The double “s” in the name indicates an excessive desire to achieve independence.

Birth period and name horoscope

The time of year in which she was born has a special influence on Vassa’s character. The following table highlights the most character traits of this woman, corresponding to her at a particular period of birth.

The influencing constellation has important in the life and destiny of a person, but in combination with a name, some character traits are smoothed out, while others appear more clearly. From the following table you can determine the characteristics of a woman named Vassa by zodiac sign.

Zodiac sign Characteristic
AriesStubborn and very obstinate. You shouldn’t get into an argument with such a woman, she will always insist on her own
TaurusHardworking and homely. Such women make very good wives and mothers
TwinsPlayful and eccentric. This type of Vassa is not distinguished by responsibility, she is characterized by lightness and spontaneity
CancerTender and vulnerable. This is a true housewife, she devotes her whole life to her family.
a lionProud and proud. Men love her very much, but few are able to win the heart of a Lioness
VirgoPrudent and conservative. All of this woman’s aspirations are aimed at achieving material well-being.
ScalesBalanced and flexible. This is a true gift for a man, such a wife never makes a scandal
ScorpionTough and jealous. A true owner, she keeps a man on a short leash
SagittariusStraightforward and critical. It’s difficult to get along with this woman; she constantly lectures and criticizes loved ones
CapricornClosed and serious. This woman is not known for her sociability and often leads a solitary life.
AquariusCheerful and cheerful. This spoiled girl is constantly looking for adventure and loves noisy companies.
FishReasonable and romantic. Such a lady is looking for love and mutual understanding, and if she doesn’t find it, she prefers to be alone.

It is believed that if Vassa’s birthday is clear, the weather will be good for a whole month.

Vassa Zheleznova

The popularity of this name is associated with the work of Maxim Gorky, although “Vassa Zheleznova” is not the most popular of his novels, but everyone who has ever read this book or watched a play, a film based on its plot, remembered the main character for her strength and power of your character. In fact, the name of the heroine from whom Gorky copied this image is Kashina Maria Kapitonovna, but the author chose a telling first and last name for the novel so that the reader would remember her for her iron will.

Inna Churikova

In Soviet times, a play of the same name was present in the repertoire of most famous theaters. Many famous actresses dream of getting this role, but the image of Vassa performed by Inna Churikova was most vividly remembered by the viewer.

The two-part film “Vassa” fascinates with its ugly reality, and the performance of the main performer surpasses all praise.

Film "Vassa" (1 episode)

Film “Vassa” (Episode 2)

The film was staged wonderfully, and it’s great that it was staged. Firstly, in the old film adaptation and in productions, it was the “iron woman” who was shown creating her own iron, soulless desert. And here the heroine is not an imperious old woman of about 80 years old, but, as stated in the original, “a woman of forty-three years old, but looks younger.


The beautiful name Vassa is not popular in our time, famous poets and singers do not sing her praises, but unknown authors sometimes post their works on the Internet. You can find a suitable congratulation for Vassa, and if you wish, compose it yourself, using beautiful rhymes for this name: princess, melissa, baroness, viscountess, poetess.

In this material you will find information about the meaning of the female name Vassa, its origin, history, and learn about the options for interpreting the name.

Complete - Vassa

Synonyms for the name - Vasa, Vasenya, Vasyuta

Origin: Greek, “desert”

Zodiac - Gemini

Planet - Mercury

Color - Silver

Animal - Fox

Plant - Basil

Stone - Rhodolite

The name has Greek roots and is interpreted as “desert”. The first saint with this name was Vassa, the wife of a pagan priest, who, after her faith in Christ, was executed along with her children. In Orthodoxy, the holy martyrs Vassa of Alonskaya, Vassa of Pskov-Pecherskaya, and Vassa of Tire are venerated.

Love named Vassa

This girl cannot live without love, but it is difficult for her to find a man who could love her. And it’s all because of her excessive demands. She has enough fans and admirers, but not everyone has a real feeling for her. She skillfully hides her emotions, appearing as a cold and inaccessible lady, however, inside she is a sensual romantic nature who simply needs a courageous person nearby. Few people manage to achieve Vassa's reciprocity; she makes too many demands on representatives of the opposite sex, and they do not always understand what she wants from them.

Sexuality of the name Vassa

In intimate relationships, this woman strives for dominance. Sometimes she even suppresses her partner. It’s not easy with her; she often doesn’t know what she needs. Sexually, she is quite sensual and temperamental. However, she can skillfully manipulate a man and hide her true emotions when it is necessary or beneficial for her. Can support long-term intimate relationships, but is in no hurry to get married. Her excessive demands on her partner sometimes cause a break in the love affair. However, she does not remain lonely for a long time; she chooses her next partner herself. She loves it when a man pursues her, like in the good old days of knights, often testing his devotion and love for her.

Marriage and family named after Vassa

This lady gets married quite late, but having entered into marriage, she immediately takes the reins of power into her tender hands. The family idyll will last long if a woman chooses a spouse to match herself, with the same organization of soul. In family relationships, she strives to maintain peace, but for this she needs to give up the desire to remake everyone in her own image. A fighter for justice, she can be intolerant even towards her family if she sees that they are acting dishonestly. In this case, scandals and quarrels are inevitable. Sometimes she retires if her relatives are too tired. But as a mother, housewife and wife, she honestly fulfills all her obligations, although she also learns the happiness of motherhood quite late.

Business and career

This is a woman with great organizing abilities, purposeful, strong-willed and ambitious. Therefore, he will make a career in any case if he sets such a goal for himself. She can reach significant heights in politics, become the head of a large enterprise, or the editor-in-chief of a popular magazine or newspaper. There are no areas of activity that are inaccessible to her. The main thing is that she be the sole leader and bear responsibility for everything herself. Then she will be able to fully assert justice and fight for the truth as she understands it.

The meaning of the name Vassa in character

The main character traits of this woman are strong will and firmness. But being too demanding of others often gets her into trouble. It is difficult for her to communicate because she gives the impression of a cold and unapproachable person. Sometimes her exactingness develops into rejection of the world around her. She considers everyone unworthy of her attention. Her communication skills are also poor; she has a hard time getting along with people. In order to establish contact, she must find out all the ins and outs about the person. Therefore, she has few real friends, but those who do know that she is a wonderful, kind and sympathetic woman. She skillfully hides her romance and vulnerability under a mask business woman. Sometimes she is frivolous and loves sweets.

Teen Vassa

IN early age The girl is distinguished by her hard work and good manners. She is extremely polite and tactful with everyone, she does not have hysterics and nervous breakdowns It seems that this little lady is cold as The Snow Queen. Noisy companies and fun pastimes are not for her. She would rather sit at home with an interesting book. He studies well at school, thanks to his perseverance and hard work. He rarely communicates with his peers, but he is still recognized among their team because of his desire to help everyone in need and his developed sense of justice.

Successful people and stars:

Vassa Devetzi - Greek pianist, accompanied the famous singer Maria Callas

Ivanova Vassa Sergeevna - sniper in the war of 1941-45

Vassa Kryzhanovskaya - sister of mercy in Crimean-Turkish War, awarded the gold medal “For Diligence”

Nun Vassa (Larina) - doctor of theology, teaches at the Vienna Institute for Liturgical Research

Vassa Zheleznova - the main character of the play by Maxim Gorky

Vassa - singer and actress, performer of romances

Ideal compatibility: Prokhor, Savva, Trofim

Unsuccessful compatibility: Taras, Timofey

Origin of the name: Bulgarian

Royal. “Desert” (Greek) Gives the impression of being cold and independent - a kind of businesslike woman, detached from weaknesses, for whom even an elegant appearance is just a means, not an end. However, this is just a sign: Vassa is quite frivolous, romantic, sensitive and sensual; As a rule, she has a terrible sweet tooth. She is an intuitive and knows how to hide her weaknesses when it is necessary and beneficial. This woman is very difficult to understand and almost impossible to conquer.

Name day: August 21 (September 3) NAME DAY: July 20 (7) - martyr Vassa. September 3 (August 21) - Martyr Vassa. October 4 (September 21) - martyr Vassa of Tire.

Numerology of the name Vassa

Soul Number: 7.
Holders of the name number 7 show talents in the field of philosophy, science, art or religion. “Sevens” perfectly understand other people, which determines the large number of leaders among them. Also, “sevens” often become excellent teachers. Their guidelines in life are restraint, dignity and seriousness. Sevens are always reserved, do not like to show their emotions, are averse to tomfoolery, but they have a good sense of humor and are famous for their irony. In business, “Sevens” rarely show themselves on the positive side. Money matters are not their strong point; money in general is not their primary interest; “Sevens” find the meaning of life in the intangible area.

Hidden Spirit Number: 2

Body number: 5


Planet: Mercury.
Element: Air, cold-dry.
Zodiac: Gemini, Virgo.
Color: Variegated, variable, mixed.
Day: Wednesday.
Metal: Mercury, bismuth, semiconductors.
Mineral: Emerald, agate, porphyry, topaz, glass, rock crystal, sardonyx.
Plants: Basil, parsley, walnut, celery, valerian.
Animals: Fox, monkey, weasel, stork, parrot, nightingale, thrush, lark, ibis, flying fish.

The name Vassa as a phrase

In Vedi
A Az (I, Me, Myself, Myself)
With Word
With Word
A Az (I, Me, Myself, Myself)

Interpretation of the meaning of the letters of the name Vassa

B - sociability, connection with life, unity with nature. Creative person, looking to the future.
A is a symbol of the beginning and the desire to start and implement something, a thirst for physical and spiritual comfort.

WITH - common sense, the desire for a strong position and material security; in irritation - imperiousness and capriciousness. It is important for a person to find his own path in life.
A is a symbol of the beginning and the desire to start and implement something, a thirst for physical and spiritual comfort.