Secrets of Toltec magic. The Teachings of the Magicians of Ancient Mexico. Books on magic: opening the veil of secrets Secrets of ancient magic

1. The most ancient magic of primitive peoples

According to the official version, the first people appeared in Europe 40,000 (forty thousand) years ago. It is believed that these were people from African tribes. Around the same time, the first ritual images carved on rocks appeared in Australia. Similar images were found in Namibia. But unlike the Australians, the ancient Namibians did not carve, but painted their images. In Europe, such painting appeared later, about 20,000 (twenty thousand) years ago on the territory of today's France. As a rule, simple pictures contained scenes of hunting and were evidence of the fairly simple mystical actions of a caveman. Later, approximately 17,000 (seventeen thousand) years ago, the first burials appeared, made according to all the rules of ritual art. The most ancient burials contained many amulets, dishes, weapons and other useful things that could be useful in the next world. Even then there was a belief in life after death.

Excavations show that the first intelligent actions that distinguished humans from animals appeared approximately 40 thousand years ago. At first these were the simplest concepts of the journey of the soul, and very primitive magic...

Around this time, the man “suddenly” learned to speak. The exact date of this event is not known, but given that in modern world There are about 30 different groups of languages, it can be assumed that speech arose simultaneously on almost the entire Earth! Some force introduced intelligence into the consciousness of the caveman, and he learned to speak. Of course, one could assume that everything was the other way around: that is, speech first appeared, using which a person accumulated and transmitted his knowledge. But then it is not clear why speech appeared not somewhere in one place, but simultaneously on all continents. In this case, it does not matter at all what appeared first: speech or reason. Another thing is more important: the simultaneous appearance of reason (or speech) in all of humanity at once could not have happened by chance. This was the result of some external action, very similar to cosmic irradiation. The inexplicable origin of the earthly mind has at all times given rise to all sorts of primitive speculations, which later turned into religious myths about the creation of the world, which have nothing to do with reality.

Confused in his own fabrications about his origin, ancient man began to more carefully observe the phenomena of the surrounding world. This is how the first science of nature appeared, which was called “magic”. It is known that it was magic that became the first form of prehistoric scientific thought and the main manifestation of the human mind: not a single animal is capable of practicing something like that.

It was magic that appeared before all other sciences. But for many generations it was transmitted only orally, since writing was invented much later. For this reason, no descriptions of the mystical rituals of that time have survived. There are only bizarre ruins of mysterious structures in different parts lights and small fragments of rock paintings. Going on a hunt, the caveman mentally prepared himself for the successful completion of the future event. Drawing scenes of hunting, he asked the patron spirits for special help, much like modern North American Indians do in their cult rituals.

The methods of ancient spells were extremely diverse. Despite the lack of writing, prehistoric magic has been preserved to this day among many peoples of Siberia, Africa, America and Australia. Almost all nations had many different rituals that were carried out depending on the ultimate goal of the event. In some cases, the caster turned to some real object (fetish), which was possessed by a spirit. This spirit heard all the appeals and, to the best of his ability, tried to help get ready to accomplish what was planned. In other cases, the appeal to divine forces went “nowhere,” suggesting the existence of spirits in the entire surrounding space. Sometimes a combination of both methods was practiced.

Generally, ancient peoples believed in the existence of a Great Spirit or supreme being, with whom they preferred to consult rather than pray. Begging in the form of prayer appeared much later to attract those who wanted to receive a gift from God. In ancient times, people were more honest: they turned to the gods as a sign of respect, for advice, and not for help.

Each nation revered its own patron spirits. The Indians worshiped Manitou, the South African Bantu tribes communicated with Modimo. As a rule, almost every member of the wild tribe could cast the simplest spells. However, when it came to the most important issues, then the work of an experienced professional sorcerer was always used. It was believed that he was a special intermediary who had very great advantages, enjoying the special favor of the spirits. Such specialists were called “shamans” by the Siberian peoples, “Muskihiwinini” by the Dakota Indians, “Madewinini” by the Winebaga Indians, “Isiniyanga” by the African Zulus, and “ngakami” by the Bechuan Africans.

The ancient magicians knew a lot. They caused rain, cured all sorts of diseases, and predicted the future. They were turned to for any reason, to ensure happy omens or a successful outcome of the war, to take revenge on enemies or to protect them from danger. With their ritual art, magicians united society, instilling confidence and strength in the souls of their fellow tribesmen.

There are countless ancient ritual ceremonies. A special place among them is occupied by festive ceremonies or rites of passage. For example, in the Weenabaga Indian tribe, this action was called a “medicine festival” (Medic infest) and was dedicated to the admission of new members into the community of professional healers. The holiday could be held at any time of the year, when there were several candidates with abilities in traditional medicine.

On the eve of the festive event, invitations were sent to the oldest members of the community. The rest came without an invitation and built a huge hut so that all the participants could fit in it. Future healers had to fast for three days before initiation. Moreover, during the fast they underwent a “sweating ritual” - they were wrapped in warm blankets and fumigated from all sides with special smoke.

On the appointed day, guests gathered - the most eminent healers from neighboring tribes. The chief healer-manager took the initiates to a secret place and initiated them into all the sacraments professional art. It was something like the “Hippocratic Oath”, which modern doctors solemnly pronounce before starting practical work.

The main ceremony began in a large hut, where people gathered and sat in rows along the walls. The initiates were brought into the middle and solemn speeches began. Periodically, the speeches were interrupted by temperamental Indian dances, which were suddenly interrupted by a signal from the senior healer, and everyone present began to grunt and cough vigorously. Future healers especially tried. They grunted heavily and after a while they spat out a small pebble previously hidden in their mouth, which was called a “medicine stone.” The Indians believed that the healing stone was constantly in the stomach of a professional healer and could only appear on special occasions. At the end of the performance, each initiate received a medicine bag made from skins, and a new healing stone was placed in his mouth. After this, the initiation ceremony ended, and the candidate was considered accepted into the professional fraternity.

The healer's bag contained many strange things: there were roots, various animal parts and natural minerals. There were metal nuggets and even wood chips. The bag contained the most necessary things that could be useful for treating patients.

Ancient methods of treatment were very simple, but original. For example, the “large medicinal animal” enjoyed the greatest authority among Indian healers. This is a kind creature who helped treat any ailment. No one has ever seen him. It was believed that a medical animal appears only in the dream of the doctor himself, helping him in his professional practice. The appearance of a medical animal was considered a good omen. If you dreamed about it, it means that the treatment will be successful.

The treatment itself was carried out in the form of a ritual performance: first, the Indian healer walked around the patient’s bed several times, gradually speeding up his movements. Then he began to dance, making noise with a rattle and hitting a small drum. Using mysterious movements, the healer talked with the spirits, asking for their blessing. Approaching the patient, he used his hands to “take out” the disease from the patient and drive away evil spirits from various parts of his body. Continuing his dance, the healer brought himself to ecstasy. The patient and spectators fell into a trance. It seemed to everyone that the Earth and the sky were listening to the powerful voice of the doctor, and the entire Universe was roaring and opening up. At the height of the fun, the healing dance ended. The shock of those present was so great that the disease actually subsided.

In the same way, the savages took revenge on their personal enemies. Having persuaded the powerful sorcerer, they asked to make a ritual image of the enemy, in order to then burn, pierce or destroy him. Moreover, the faith in magical art was so great that when the enemy himself found out about this event, he very often actually died from superstitious fear.

The sorcerers of the Dakota tribe used the herbaceous plant "Petshikavusk", which gave additional strength to warriors in battles. The infusion of this plant was sprinkled on the weapons and clothing of warriors. The warriors were sure that in case of danger, the magic elixir would not only give new strength, but even make them invisible to enemies.

If necessary, to ensure a successful hunt, the ancient sorcerer painted an image of a bear or elk. Then he drew a line from the heart of the beast to its face, indicating the path along which life would come out of it. At the same time, he chanted a very scary spell, which translates roughly like this: “Cunning beast! Know me, how powerful I am! I am as cunning as a snake! I'm like a flying eagle! I know all your habits! You can't hide from me! Your spirit will leave the body that my wigwam is preparing to receive! My desire cannot be quelled!”

Having completed the ritual preparation, the hunter immediately set off on his journey. On the way, he periodically stopped and uttered the following short spell: “Spirits, be kind to me and show me the place where I can find a bear.” Then he continued on his way, carefully peering at the tracks of wild animals.

Prediction of future events has always been considered the most outstanding art. When some Indian hero set out on a heroic deed, he first shot an arrow into the air. The direction of the fallen arrow indicated the path where luck awaited him.

Siberian shamans looked directly into the future, putting their consciousness into a special trance. Typically this event was carried out indoors. A bright fire was lit in the middle of the yurt, around which black sheepskins were laid. A shaman walked along them with measured steps, muttering mysterious spells. His clothes were made from animal skins and hung from top to bottom with belts, amulets, chains and shells. IN right hand he held a tambourine and in his left hand a long bow. He looked terribly wild and ferocious.

The shaman worked himself into a frenzy. Gradually the fire in the middle of the yurt burned out. Only smoldering coals remained, spreading a mysterious half-light. The shaman fell on the scattered skins and lay motionless for several minutes, as if he had died. Then he began to moan and make some strange sounds. It resembled muffled screams produced by different voices.

Then the fire was lit again, and the shaman jumped up sharply. He placed his bow on the ground and, holding it with his hand, rested his forehead on its upper end. Then he began to run around him, first quietly, and then faster and faster. Watching such spinning made those present feel dizzy. Noticing this, the shaman stopped abruptly, without showing any signs of dizziness. Then he began to make different shapes in the air with his hands. He grabbed a tambourine and, hitting it rhythmically, began to run around the fire, jumping and twitching with his whole body.

Periodically, the shaman stopped, drank some mysterious potion, breathed deeply and continued his spinning. Finally he fell into a trance, became dizzy and fell to the ground. For some time the shaman lay there, showing no signs of life. Then he was raised. He was terrible: his hair was tangled, his face was purple, his eyes were wide open and sparkling angrily.

For some time the shaman was in some kind of stupor. Then he took his tambourine again, drummed loudly and abruptly threw it to the ground. This meant that the shaman had finally been possessed by the necessary spirit and now he could ask any questions. Those present came up one by one and asked questions. Answers to questions were given without much thought, almost immediately. While in a state of trance, the shaman knew the answers to questions about which in good condition didn't have any the slightest idea

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Basically, all modern rituals, one way or another, came to us from ancient times. were able to prove that knowledge of all the rules and instructions plays a key role. If a person performs the ritual in a modified form, then all the actions that were performed can be turned against him. Especially if he doesn't know.

When casting spells, you must adhere to certain rules:

· The spell is pronounced in a quiet and clear voice.

· The spell must be memorized in order to avoid pauses and hesitations.

· Before you begin, you need to set yourself up psychologically and achieve ideal well-being.

· You should experience exclusively positive emotions.

· During pronunciation, a person must believe in what he is saying and only then will he receive it in full.

· In addition, he must be confident that everything will work out and he will achieve the purpose for which he is using ancient magic.

Ancient rituals and spells

In ancient times, each conspiracy had a name - a grimoire. Often the books that contained information about such rituals were called the book of the magician or witch. Such records contain rituals that can solve any human problem. However, it is more suitable for beginners.

There are many legends surrounding each book. Until now, the exact date of writing the grimoire is not known. Previously, it was believed that only its owner could use the rituals described in it.

Today we will look at how it can be useful ancient magic and spells which are described in magic books. Each will have a different execution process and effectiveness. If you choose this particular category, follow the instructions exactly.

How to get the love of your chosen one using ancient magic

Every spell that was used in ancient times was written in Latin. To date, each of them has been translated verbatim, but still some of them may differ from the original spells. At that time, no paraphernalia was used, therefore, we will not need it. The text memorized will be enough:

The book shows that words need to be spoken exclusively during the waxing phase of the moon after the first twilight has appeared on the street. As soon as it comes the right time, read the spell:

« With black eyes from heaven I will cut through the dark human forest. I choose two young bodies (yours and the name of your beloved), I mix souls in them, I clothe them with a wedding. Let them drink the cup of love to the brim. Whoever does not hear my word will breathe his last day!».

Take the pronunciation of the conspiracy very seriously. After all, spells are a very complex science. And if you use it, be especially vigilant.

How to get good luck using ancient rituals

Ancient magic of ancestors for good luck it was used to attract rain and thereby receive big harvest. The requirements of the people of that time were different from ours, magical sacraments were created to achieve goals that seem meaningless to us today.

In order to get what every person wants, you will need to do a set of actions. First, you will need to go to a less traveled area and start a fire. It must be made of wood. Secondly, you need to learn a spell, which will give power to this ritual. The time should be evening. To keep the fire burning and not going out throughout the entire process, choose oak or birch. In addition, you will need to make a sacrifice in the form of some personal item.

After the fire is lit, begin to read the words:

« Okay, mother! Rainbows and yokes spread throughout the whole earth. Walk along it, happiness will be ahead! Open its doors so that we can pass through!».

Forbidden magical mysteries

The forbidden magic of the ancients was often used by witches and black sorcerers. It had an amazing effect. But few people could dare to take advantage of such sacraments. Therefore, these rituals could not reach our time. They have been modified too much and now cannot give what they could before. But you can still try to achieve your goals with its help.

There is a spell that was literally translated from Latin. It will help you get wealth, luck and even love. It can be applied to both men and women. To complete this you will need herbs. They need to be collected at dawn and then dried for a week. You should put them in your everyday clothes and carry them with you at all times.

« My spells are powerful, they will help me find happiness. Witchcraft lives in me. Despite everything, to spite everyone, I will find everything I need. May it be so forever and ever».

Forbidden magic of the ancients is capable of much and should be used only in the most extreme cases, when other rituals have proven ineffective. Do not try to modify the plot - especially if it is or, but read it as written above and then you will be able to make all your deepest desires come true.

What is the oldest magic?

Mailer's magic is considered the oldest. It has been used in Egypt for many centuries. To perform the rituals that relate to it, it was necessary to draw pictures on the rocks. In this way, the performer could show the higher powers exactly what he wanted.

The original rituals that were used by the people of those times had no consequences. This happened due to the fact that all actions were carried out in full accordance with the instructions.

To date, none of the rituals have survived to our times. Each of them has been modified, which will not allow obtaining the same effect that could have been realized previously.

Rituals were held before military campaigns. They helped the army win even in the most difficult and bloody battles. Rituals were used to cure this or that disease, gain wealth, and so on.

Naturally, the most ancient magic was quite complex, but the result that could be obtained with its help was worth all the effort. However, everything remains a mystery to this day.

Old Russian magic

Magical sacraments played one of the key roles in Rus'. Rituals were used not only to obtain love and wealth, but also to bring rain or obtain a good harvest.

Magic ancient Rus' was very strong. Often, to perform rituals, huge fires were lit and incantations were read. In some cases, sacrifice could be used. People of that time believed that if you present a sacrifice to the Gods, they will fulfill all your wishes.

Today there is a ritual that has not been changed and is capable of bringing a result that will please every person. It is used to obtain mutual feelings from a loved one. Can be applied to both men and women.

The traditions of that time have not been changed and to perform the ritual, you will have to make a big fire. While reading, you will need to add herbs to the flint, which you need to collect yourself, then dry them and prepare them. welcome.

After the fire is lit, pick up the plants and read the plot:

« Adversity, storm, nothing will affect our love. The bird will fly in, take the news and tell the whole world that we are together with you (name of your loved one). From this moment and forever, I will be your favorite!».

All the time during which you read these words, throw into the fire earlier collected herbs. The effect of what you have done will not take long to arrive, since the magic of ancient Rus' is very strong.

What did the ancient symbols mean?

Ancient symbols of magic were used to convey to higher powers what the person who used this or that ritual wants. Each of them had its own meaning and was used for completely various situations. in some way very similar to them.

╦ - this symbol meant that the person wanted to get a better life. It was used in rituals for good luck and wealth. The gods to whom the appeal took place could understand what a person wanted and gave it to him in the shortest possible time.

☼ - this symbol meant that the population lacked rain or harvest. In some cases it was used to remove frost. To date, there is little information left on how to use it.

╪ - this sketch has two lines that symbolized the fate of different people. The symbol was used to receive the love of a person who is on long distance.

 – used to achieve death in a particular person. The symbol refers to Black Magic and was actively used by sorcerers and witches.

These are the most common ancient symbols of magic that were used by our ancestors. Unfortunately, all the sketches could not be preserved and it would not be possible to make all wishes come true with their help.

Ancient Egyptian mysteries

Egypt gave birth to magical mysteries. The first rites or rituals began to be applied in this place. The priests were able to understand that with the help of magic they can take advantage of all the benefits of life. They used it to solve all sorts of problems that had completely different directions.

Magic ancient egypt numbered more than one thousand rituals, but, unfortunately, humanity is not destined to find out their true purpose. This happened because the ancient people of Egypt did not want to share their rituals with others. They were confident that with their help they could rule the world.

Each ritual had a very complex process of execution. In addition, the time allocated for this could take several years. Their rituals were completely different from modern ones. Their implementation could require specific actions that are beyond the capabilities of to modern man. Often, for magical sacraments, a sacrifice in the form of a person was required. That is why many nations have abandoned this. The magic of ancient Egypt became unclaimed, and all rituals dissolved over time.

Ancient magic of the gods She was very strong and capable of solving any problem, in principle. But today it is impossible to use most magical sacraments. Some rituals have been preserved, but modified, which will not allow obtaining the effect that was possible in those days. This article has presented several ordinances for you to choose from. Use them and you will get everything you want.

If you still have any questions, contact me through the “contact the magician” form and I will answer them.

Ancient books revealing secret knowledge.

Since ancient times, people have been attracted by the opportunity to use some secret knowledge to gain power, wealth, or become an initiate. The 10 ancient books in our review are devoted to magical practices, which set out complex and mysterious rituals that are the key to communicating with otherworldly spirits.

1. "Black chicken"

The grimoire "The Black Hen", which was written in France in the 18th century, talks about the study of magical talismans - special objects engraved with mystical words that protect the owner and give him mystical power. The book is generally believed to have been written by an unknown soldier in Napoleon's army who claimed to have received knowledge from a mysterious magician during an expedition to Egypt.

"The Black Hen" includes detailed instructions on how to construct talismans from bronze, steel, silk and special ink. There are also detailed descriptions of summoning genies, creatures of smoke and fire that can bring true love to the owner. If the owner's ambitions are a little more cynical, then the grimoire will tell you how to make talismans that will force any silent person to tell all their secrets. The pinnacle of the book's mystical teaching is the creation of a black hen that is capable of finding treasures.

2. Ars Almadel

The book "Ars Almadel" is the fourth part of the "Lesser Key of Solomon", also known as "Lemegeton". This book, which is a grimoire of demonology compiled in the 17th century by an unknown author, describes how to build an Almadel, a magical wax altar that will allow you to communicate with angels. Almadel talks about four heavens, or "choirs", each of which contains unique angels with their own abilities. The text gives the names of the angels of each Chorus (for example, Gelomiros and Afizira), how to properly direct your requests to them, and when it is best to call them.

3. Picatrix

Picatrix is ​​an ancient grimoire of astrological magic. Originally written on Arabic entitled "Ghayyat Al-Hakim" in the 11th century, it consists of 400 pages of astrological theory. It also contains spells and rituals on how to channel the occult powers of the planets and stars to achieve personal power and enlightenment. Picatrix is ​​perhaps best known for its obscene magical recipes. These horrific and potentially lethal recipes are designed to induce a state of altered consciousness and "step out of your body." The ingredients used in the recipes are definitely not for the faint of heart: blood, bodily fluids and brain matter mixed with large quantities of hashish, opium, and psychoactive plants.

The Greek magical papyri, which date back to the second century BC, listed a variety of spells, rituals and fortune telling. These include instructions on how to summon a headless demon, open doors to the underworld, and protect yourself from wild beasts. Perhaps the most desirable of all the spells in the book was the description of how to obtain a supernatural helper from other world, who will carry out all the orders of the caster. The most common spells found in papyri are those that help predict the future. One of the most famous rites described in the papyri is the “Liturgy of Mithras”. This ceremony describes how to ascend the seven higher planes of existence and commune with the deity Mithras.

5. Galdrbook

The Icelandic grimoire Galdrbuk, which was written in the 16th century, is a collection of 47 spells compiled by several magicians. Like most Icelandic magic of the period, Galdrbuk relies heavily on runes, which have magical properties when carved into objects or drawn onto the body or paper. Among the runes described in the Galdrbook, there are those that can be used to gain the favor of influential people, instill fear in enemies and make someone fall asleep.

Most of the spells found in Galdrbuk are "light spells", intended to protect the caster and to cure various ailments. For example, it is described which runes to treat fatigue, problems during childbirth, headaches and insomnia. Other spells are quite unique in nature. Spell 46, called "Rune Fart", sends a wild attack of flatulence to the enemy. Spell number 27 is designed to draw on someone's food, after which the victim will get sick and will not be able to eat all day. Rune 30 is designed to destroy other people's animals. There are also descriptions of runic wands for fencing a house from unwanted visitors, catching thieves, and in order to win a lawsuit.

6. Magical Arbatel

Compiled in the late 16th century by an unknown author, Arbatel De Magia Veterum is a comprehensive reference book of spiritual advice and aphorisms. Arbatel is also considered a mystical self-help book. The book contains a series of rituals to invoke the seven heavenly rulers and their legions who rule over parts of the universe.

For example, the ruler of Bethel will bring miraculous medicines, and Peleg will help the warriors achieve glory. However, the ability to perform these rituals will only be granted to the person who "came from the womb to do magic" and will be of no use to anyone else. Arbatel also mentions other beneficial elemental spirits that exist beyond the veil of the physical world, including pygmies, nymphs, dryads, sylphs and sagani.

7. Ars Notoria

Ars Notoria is a Solomonic grimoire compiled in the 13th century. It does not contain any spells or potion recipes. The book is designed to focus on learning, memory development, and comprehension of difficult books.

8. Pseudo-monarchy of demons

"Pseudomonarchia Daedonum" was written by the famous 16th century physician and demonologist Johann Weyer, who was greatly inspired by his former teacher- German occultist Heinrich Cornelius, better known as Agrippa. The book is a catalog of 69 noble demons who occupy significant places in the hierarchy of Hell, as well as methods for summoning them. For example, the Marquis Naberius comes in the form of a raven and “makes a person capable of all arts.” President Foras will help you find lost things or treasures. Haagenti can turn water into wine, Shax will lead any horse, and Abigor is able to predict the outcome of any war and the fate of soldiers.

9. Book of Honorius

Also known as the "Liber Juratus Honorii", the Sworn Book of Honorius is a medieval grimoire primarily devoted to ritual protective magic. The work is rumored to have been painted by Honoria of Thebes, a mysterious, possibly mythological figure whose existence has been questioned. The book begins with a sharp critique of catholic church. Church, a staunch enemy of the dark arts. She is supposedly corrupted by the devil, whose goal is to doom humanity by ridding the world of the benefits of magic.

The sworn book has high demands on its adherents. In total, only three copies of this book can be made; it is impossible to own it by chance - in order to obtain the book of Honorius, you need to find a worthy wizard and inherit the grimoire on his grave. Also, the adept should avoid female society. Like many other grimoires, the rituals of this book are mainly aimed at summoning angels, demons and other spirits to gain knowledge and powers.

10. Book of Abramelin

Written in the 15th century, The Book of Abramelin is one of the most famous mystical texts of all time. It is the work of Abraham von Worms, a Jewish traveler who allegedly encountered the mysterious magician Abramelin while traveling to Egypt. In exchange for 10 florins and a promise to be pious, Abramelin gave this manuscript to Abraham, who then gave it to his son Lamech.

The grimoire describes only one ritual, but it is very difficult. The ritual consists of 18 months of prayer and purification, and is recommended only for men in good health between the ages of 25 and 50. Regarding women, an exception can be made only for virgins. If all the steps of the one and a half year ritual are followed exactly, the adept will come into contact with his holy Guardian Angel, who will grant him necromancy, fortune telling, foresight, weather control, knowledge of secrets, vision of the future and the ability to open locked doors.

This text had a profound influence on the famous occultist Aleister Crowley, who claimed to have experienced several supernatural phenomena after he underwent a ritual and joined the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, a 19th-century British magical order. Crowley later used the book as the basis for his system of magic.

No less interesting and useful knowledge can be obtained from documentary evidence of events that took place thousands of years ago.

Before you do anything stupid, consider the consequences. Well, if you get caught, then try to take advantage of the situation for further actions. It was this rule, in gold letters, that was embossed right on the wall of the hostel, in home world . Home sweet home... And now Alex was thinking about how to put this axiom into practice. The situation he found himself in was far from the worst that could have happened. However, she was not included in the top hundred. Well, at least the Mind Room made him happy. Not only did he manage to create a completely viable environment, but he also created several pleasant bonuses. The balcony was actually a kind of room for illusions. It was possible to magically project places visited by the owner of the room. True, it was impossible to go beyond the balcony, into the illusion. With such an attempt, the attacker simply bumped into an elastic barrier, which kicked the offender back. At the moment, from the balcony one could see a green valley hidden in the mountains. Green plains, wild rivers, colorful waterfalls, unprecedented animals, but, alas, all this splendor could only please the eye. This was one of Alex's favorite landscapes. Another bonus, more useful from Peverell's point of view, was the available amenities. Somehow, he managed to create a working bathroom (although there was no need for it, but no one could cancel relaxation in hot water), a bar with drinks identical to real ones (although getting drunk was very problematic), and a TV that caught very real programs . And all this is in the human subconscious! Although, on the other hand, the room could provide any item that the magician could imagine in detail. So alcohol, books and the bathroom didn’t really surprise him, but the TV remained a mystery. Alex’s thoughts hovered far from his intended goals: after all, if he managed to install a working TV, then maybe in a couple of years it would be possible to install the Internet in the same way? Since he will have to stay in this place for several more years, why not do something interesting? Yes, Alex’s passion really was computer games, anime and fan fiction, but no one is sinless. In this regard, he was no different from Muggles. Only, unlike them, he could repeat most of the tricks... In his time, such hobbies did not cause any negative responses. On the contrary, after many spells and a couple of fighting techniques were created using such material, such hobbies were treated quite friendly. As they say, no matter what the child enjoys... From flying in the country of big-eyed cute cats controlling giant humanoid robots, Alex was distracted by swearing outside the door. Apparently, Harry had already reached the shelter and immediately fell asleep. Quick, thought Peverell - and I haven’t finished the passage yet. Letting Harry into the room, he laughed: the boy looked like a grimy little devil, although the question of how he managed to get dirty in his own subconscious is quite interesting. Harry looked angrily at the Wizard laughing at him. It's not his fault that he got into some kind of bullshit. Having fallen asleep, he appeared in some dark room. The only source of light in it was the circle of runes in which he stood. Looking around, he saw the treasured door and rushed towards it. But, not calculating the speed, he managed, in the literal sense of the word, to fly past her and crash into the wall, fortunately, it turned out to be soft. After five minutes of swearing, flying and falling, he finally reached the door. And then they let him in. And they began to brazenly laugh at him. And who? Some arrogant Magician who settled in his head. Naturally Harry was offended. Especially when he was sent to the bathroom. Clean yourself. But what's the point of washing yourself in your own subconscious? He thought about this as he entered the bathroom. Having wished to become clean, he realized that his wish had come true. Coming out of the bathroom, Harry was greeted with more laughter from Alex. - To be honest, I didn’t think that you would realize so quickly that you don’t need to wash yourself. I built it just for the sake of relaxing in hot water. You know, after spending about seven years in an empty space, you begin to appreciate the small joys of life... Harry was frankly taken aback. This impudent guy is also mocking... However, it even looks a little funny... And then, the guy had answers that Potter had been wanting to get for a long time... - Alex, last time we stopped at the existence of wizards, and then you kicked me back into my body. Can you tell me more about the Wizarding World? - Aren’t you too old for an eight-year-old child? However, this is even good, there will be fewer stupid questions. So, to begin with, I do not belong to this world. It’s like I’m speaking from a parallel place, and we have a completely different life there, and the year there is different. Although, the worlds as a whole are very similar. So I know very little about your world. Only what our magicians told us. With these words, Harry fell from the chair he was sitting on. It turns out that this guy is from another world. And how could THEIR magicians know the history of THIS world? Or maybe this Alex is just crazy. Or is it Harry who has gone crazy, because it seems like this is all happening in his head... - I understand everything, it’s all a dream. I got hit hard in a fight and now I'm sleeping. .. We must find a way to wake up. Maybe I need to kill you to do this? Alex already fell out of his chair from this guy’s behavior. Did the words about parallel worlds really confuse the child so much? We need to do something about this before the kid really slams him. But there was such an opportunity. Maybe we should tell him about the Tree of Worlds? - Hush, calm down... I really am telling the truth. Let me now tell you a story that I learned about from my Teacher? It will explain at least some of your questions about parallel worlds. So, this story began many years ago... Alex was not just scared, he was terrified. He saw the strength seething in the boy. A force that, when released, can cause a natural disaster, from a wild storm to a volcanic eruption. The guy could have incinerated him on the spot, because at the moment Peverell was defenseless. But where does the power of such strength come from in a child? It seems that the barrier that sealed his “normal” magic has thereby broken through the ancient seals of elemental power. Harry was very strong. The sealed magic not only developed dormant skills in him to unprecedented heights, but also, finding no way out, unsealed the elemental powers that lay dormant in the guy. But what happened: a mad genius or a fatal coincidence of circumstances contributed to this? Alex didn't have an answer to this question. By telling the story of the creation of the Alliance, he not only calmed the guy down, first of all, he calmed himself down. By the end of the story, he decided that he would teach this kid. Otherwise, anything can happen, including the destruction of the world. (Well, he’s already had enough. Maximum will destroy England... GG) Harry listened to the story. Despite the fact that it could just be a glitch in his brain (yes, Potter still had his doubts), the story was interesting. In the end, he finally came to the conclusion that this was all really happening to him. Everything that was happening now was recognized by intuition as the truth, and Harry believed his sixth sense. It had told him before that everything was fine. Since he can do strange things, then why shouldn’t this fairy tale be true? Although, the information about the Alliance interested him... Well, he listened to the story, he can ask questions... - Alex, you mentioned several times about certain Orders that are part of the Alliance. What it is? And who leads them? - Harry, this is a difficult question. However, listen. The Balance Alliance was created by just six magicians. They were those children with both gifts of our world. During their travels they met and became good friends. Soon they founded three orders. These orders became the prototypes of the future Orders of Time, Space and Magic. The real names of these magicians are unknown. Only their names after initiation into the Masters of the Alliance, and their combat nicknames. The prototype of the Guardians of Time was the Order of the Dragon Knights, led by Nicholas and Alexander Chronos - two Russian brothers. The Order of the Black Phoenix became the prototype of the Guardians of Space. It was led by Vitalia Nekros, a Romanian by birth, and her two partners Phobos and Deimos, also known as the heads of the Department of Technomagic, Antoine and Miguel Technos. The prototype of the Order of Magic was the Circle of Mages of the Silver Star - an order assembled by the American Maximilian Magus, the strongest of the six. This group created the Balance Alliance. And also three magic schools: the Northern Academy of Time, the Western Academy of Magic and the South-Eastern Research Institute for the Study of Space and Technology. It's not hard to guess who owns what, isn't it? The North produces the best combat magicians, of a general orientation - for them it makes no difference what to hit: with weapons, magic or just brute force. The West releases pure Magicians, as fairy tales see them: staves, robes, and flowing spells capable of both bringing the dead back to life and destroying a small country. Well, the latter produce the best ritual magicians and necromancers from the department of necromancy, as well as the best Technomages. The former are capable of everything that a graduate of the West is capable of accomplishing, only in a darker form... And the latter... Let's just say that when it comes to the latest discoveries in technology, technomagicians frown and quietly go to complete a model that is several centuries ahead of the given invention. Few of the uninitiated simply even saw the building of their laboratory and left unwashed and relatively intact... I can’t say anything about the hierarchy of the Orders, since I don’t know much about it myself. I can only tell you about the ladder of ranks in the Order of the Keepers of Time, of which I myself am a member. We have 12 people - the supreme circle of the Order. The so-called 12 guardians of Time. Masters Chronos can literally change the course of events. The passage of time is completely under their control. The remaining chapters may have a slight influence on it. There, slow down, speed up, stop within the room, etc. And what is lower in the hierarchy depends only on the keeper. Some have full-fledged armies under their command, others have their own Orders, with an internal hierarchy, some even have a couple of students and that’s it. Personally, I am a member of the Order of Chaos, belonging to the 11th Guardian of Time. My rank as head of the unit is quite high: above me there are only the Guardians and his inner circle... But this is still my world... And now we're talking about about you. Considering your state of magic and its strength, I simply have to offer you to become my Student. I will teach you everything I can. Much of this has long been forgotten in your world. I don’t oblige you to anything, it’s just that you and I are already connected, and this is the best way out of the situation... Harry couldn’t believe what he heard. If all this is true, then he will be able to get a person who will teach him magic. Although he didn’t like the phrase about his magic... - Alex, what’s wrong with my magic? And, then, how do the magicians of my world get an education? - About studying here: if I’m not mistaken, wizards here receive letters from local schools of magic at the age of eleven. In your case, it's Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. And as for the second question. While you were away, I thought a lot and probably understood why elemental magic awoke in you. The magicians of this world had two sources of magical powers. One was responsible for ordinary magic, which they will teach you at school, and the other, for the now forgotten, elemental magic. In your childhood, an incident occurred as a result of which most of the “normal” magic was blocked from exiting and it took the path of least resistance - towards the elemental source, simultaneously strengthening your innate abilities. This can explain your “Secret”. - So, I may not receive a letter from Hogwarts? If you say that my magic was blocked. - In this world there are two categories of people: wizards and simple people, whom wizards call "Muggles". A wizard without magical powers is called a "squib". So, you are not a Muggle or a Squib, so the letter will come to you. I suspect that you have another gift - perfect memory. So you won’t have any problems with theory, but with practice... I’m afraid that subjects will be very difficult for you, and spells will be very weak. But we’ll think of something... - Is it possible to remove this barrier? And how did he even end up on me? - To be honest, I don’t know if it can be removed. No consequences for you. I can take it off right now, but there is a high probability that you will not only lose your existing gifts, but will also lose your magic altogether. Experienced magicians put similar barriers on themselves during preparation for battles. In this way, magic was accumulated, which later made it possible to gain unprecedented power within a short time. During a surge of magic, all negative aspects, even if they existed, simply burned out in the flames of elemental power. But, since you are not yet a fully formed spontaneous person, you will not be able to create a sufficient release to eliminate the consequences. According to my calculations, you could remove the barrier yourself and without consequences for yourself, fifteen years after its activation, that is, on Samhain 2006. By this time, you will be in your sixth year at Hogwarts. It will be possible to remove the barrier earlier, without harm to your normal magic, but then your elemental power and gifts will go away. It's up to you to decide. - As far as I understand from your words, I have two options: either wait until my 16th birthday or get magic earlier. To be honest, I’m not ready to part with my current skills, so I’d rather be a half-squib who speaks with animals than a strong magician who can’t do this. After all, as I understand it, this is a rare gift... So I agree to be your student, Alex. Although I don’t understand how you’ll teach me magic if it’s sealed. “And I’m not going to teach you local magic, since I don’t know it myself.” But I will show you how to master the forces of nature, so that when you receive elemental power, you will know how to use it. And with these words the guys shook hands. Lighted up the room bright light. The last thing Harry remembered before passing out was the symbol glowing silver on the outside of his hand. And the same black one is on Alex’s hand. Then the world plunged into darkness. * * * A melodious quiet laugh frightened Tom Riddle, who was engrossed in reading in his makeshift library. After looking around and not noticing anyone, he returned to studying the Muggle world. * * * Something strange was happening to Sirius Black. For the past few days he had been haunted by a strange feeling. Arriving at the scene of a fight between an unknown wizard and Muggles, he was somehow sure that the incident was connected with his missing godson. But, alas, he was wrong. Although, something pulled him to the other side of the lake. And now he felt the weight that had been weighing on him for the last seven years disappear. His inner voice told him that Harry was safe now. He felt at least a little calmer, but he never stopped searching, nor did he tell the others about the strange sensation. But in vain. The others also felt something similar, and also did not say anything to anyone. Although they all felt calmer. There were still three years left before Hogwarts...

A group of guys were looking at a strange plant growing in the middle of the room. A couple of minutes ago, while running away from the teacher, they turned somewhere wrong and found themselves in a strange room: a large, spacious room, in the middle of which a tree grew. The ceiling directly above it was transparent, there were no other windows in the room, and therefore it seemed as if the tree was glowing. Or maybe that’s how it really was. The trunk of the plant was divided half a meter from the ground into several branches, which were woven into a bizarre pattern. These branches, in turn, split into many smaller ones, and then more and more. All this created the illusion of a large, strong tree with a lush crown, but there were practically no leaves on it. The giant's bark was mostly silver and only on some branches it was red. The few leaves that were on the tree were quite large, regular oval in shape and seemed as if they were smelted from luminous gold. - Shouldn’t young people be in classes now? The guys, who had involuntarily admired the plant, shuddered when the magician who crept up behind them unexpectedly asked them. The stranger looked about 20-25 years old, but even novice magicians could feel the colossal flow of power coming from him. Without waiting for an answer to his question, the magician continued: “You are probably wondering what kind of tree this is?” Sit down, I’ll tell you his story, and I’ll make an agreement with your teacher. The children settled down on a stone structure that served as a fence for the plant and began to listen to the wizard’s story. * * * The history of this tree began many centuries ago. At the time of its creation, it was an unnamed artifact, but circumstances have developed such that we now call it the Tree of Worlds. In ancient times, the World was one, but then something happened, and alternative realities began to appear. At first there were few of them, and they were radically different from each other: excellent geography of the worlds, different creatures, who inhabited them, had various magical abilities. At that time, intelligent races could easily move between worlds. And soon, by common agreement, the first Order of Balance was created, headed by the strongest wizards and generals. Their goal was to maintain order in the worlds. For a long time they succeeded. But then, for unknown reasons, a split occurred in the Order. As a result, some worlds closed themselves off from the rest, others began to fight among themselves. The heads of the Order were scattered across the worlds, with no way to communicate with each other. The Tree of Worlds, located on the Island of Balance, disappeared, and the Order was destroyed. It is said that the last surviving chapters had a vision that the Order would one day be recreated. But, only after the Tree was found... Time passed. The Order was forgotten in people's memory. And worlds began to appear at breakneck speed. And their diversity was amazing. Some differed only in minor details, while others were so different that one had to work hard to find common roots between them. Various dominant races, planets with developed magic, states where magic was replaced by technology, what kind of development options there were. At the moment, we know the history of several hundred of the largest worlds, and there are thousands of them... The world on which the Tree was theoretically located was one of the most stable. No giant leaps in science or magic, which this universe has practically forgotten. So to speak, an average, unremarkable reality. But the sleeping magic made itself felt: all works of art were reflections real events in other worlds. All the pictures, books, films, games - it all happened in reality. The authors of the works, inventing a plot or picture, in fact, unconsciously “saw” life in other worlds and embodied it in their works. Works of art that appeared in other realities were reflections of data, but never, with rare exceptions, did the subjects associated with any world end up in the same universe, at least until the completion of the work. There was another manifestation of Magic on the main branch: people from it could unknowingly be transported to another world. After staying there for some time, they returned home, but, unfortunately, they did not remember anything about what happened, and they returned at the time of departure. Time flowed like an inexorable river. There was no sign of change. But, shortly before the onset of the third millennium according to the Christian calendar, an event occurred on the main branch of the worlds that changed the course of history: those who were capable of both types of magic were born on Earth: both to see what was happening in neighboring worlds and to move in them. Typically, a person was given only one of these capabilities. Thanks to this coincidence of circumstances, they were able to remember their previous travels, although only when they found themselves in another world. But this was enough for them. Apparently, along with their abilities for these types of magic, they were given an incredible amount of luck. Thanks to some lucky chance, they often crossed paths different worlds, which allowed the guys to make friends and develop a plan for further action. It is not known how they succeeded, but in three ancient worlds, equidistant from the main Branch, three orders were formed, which later became the basis of the second Order of Balance. Although it would be more correct to say the Alliance of Balance... No matter what they did, but two years before the End of the Old World on the main Branch, they were no longer transported to any other world, but they began to remember their travels. Well, you should have known what happened next, because this is already our time: in December 2012, a meteorite fell on Earth, which turned out to be an accumulation of magical energy from neighboring worlds, then there were two magical wars, the emergence of new continents, the creation of Orders, the beginning of unification with other Worlds... Well, we’ll see what happens next, because the future will be created by such inquisitive minds as yours... And now if you want to ask something, then go ahead. I will answer. * * * The old magician finished his story and looked at the guys. They clearly did not expect such a story and now looked at the Tree with sacred awe. Gradually they began to recover from the shock and began to ask questions. - Why is the tree multi-colored and practically without leaves? - Heh, good question . Each branch is a whole reality, and the colors show their states. Silver means that everything is in order, red indicates Dead Worlds, which are most likely to die without outside help, and black branches are dead Worlds. Such branches most often fall off. - But how can you allow entire worlds to perish? The magician grinned. Looking around the hall, frozen in anticipation of an answer, he sighed and continued: “Firstly, it is not worlds that perish, but their alternative versions.” Secondly, you can’t save everyone. And thirdly, do you see that only the shortest branches are painted black? The shorter the branch, the smaller the divergence from other worlds, so it is quite permissible for several of them to bend. As for the first question, which I never fully answered, the golden leaves on the tree are the worlds in which a person from the Alliance is now located. He either visits his relatives (after all, not everyone lives on the main branch) or tries to save the world. - Is it true that the heads of the Alliance are old ruins, just shadows of their former glory? The daredevil who asked this question shuddered at the unexpected reaction of the wizard, who, upon hearing the question, began to laugh. Having calmed down, he looked at the children with a sly look, his eyes flashed provocatively and unexpectedly continued: “As you know, there are three Orders that are part of the Alliance.” Each of them is headed by a Council. Led by the Guardians, who are the heads of the Alliance. In total, the Council of Guardians, each of which has formed an Inner Circle, which is the top of the Council of the Order. Each member has been on many missions, and the youngest member is about five hundred years old. But you forgot the fact that after a mission we return to our bodies at the time of departure. You didn’t suspect me of walking antiquity at about nine hundred, did you? Is not it? Now it's time for your next lesson. And with these words the wizard left the hall. Smiling thoughtfully, he muttered something about the current generation and new methods of teaching... And in the hall there were dumbfounded children who could not believe that they had just been taught a lesson by one of the members of the Council, a man whom the children looked up to almost rank of gods... * * * Ten years have passed. The old magician walked slowly through the Castle. Stopping briefly at the room of the Tree of Worlds, he sighed quietly and moved on. Who would have thought that history would turn out like this. The wizard stopped in front of the massive doors of the courtroom and plunged into memories for the last time. Ten years are like a blink. And so, one of his best students takes the place of the defendant, and the magician himself takes the place of the chief judge. An evil mockery of fate or a bitter coincidence? He sighed again and entered the hall. The hall gradually filled with people. Everyone wanted to see the end of the high-profile case, the proceedings of which lasted almost two years. It would seem a simple case of abuse of power, which resulted in death during arrest Serial killer. But this killer turned out to be a relative of the royal family of the Dark Worlds, and was also their ambassador on Earth. On the other hand, the defendant was a young officer of the Order with an impeccable reputation and many awards. Only this saved him from reprisals from the victims. And now, the decisive moment has finally arrived. Everyone was wondering what decision the court would make. The heavy oak doors of the courtroom swung open, and for a moment it seemed as if the room had gone dark and the air had thickened. A young man of about twenty to twenty-five years old, slender, wearing a strict black cloak, walked down the hall. The colored coat of arms on the back reflected membership in the highest ranks of the Order. Her raven hair fell to her shoulders. His eyes, bright green in peaceful life and tricolor in battle, could now frighten even very brave man: along the outer side of the iris there was a thin hoop, bright red, with green sparks, and the rest was occupied by all-consuming darkness. One of the heads of the Order of the Guardians of Time, 11th Guardian of Time, Head of the Order of Chaos, member of the Supreme Council of Mages of the Dark World of Redglass, High Ritual Mage, Guardian of the Dark Dragon Fire, Lord of the Hellfire Geralt Morte "Hao. And, by the absurd smile of fate - Teacher the defendant. The halo of dark power enveloping the magician and one of the 12 Holy Blades, namely the Sword of Dark Fire - the Soul Stealer, aka Soultaker, did not allow anyone to doubt the identity of the magician. The wizard took his place on the podium, and the hall seemed numb at his appearance , began to gradually die out. The trial began. ... - Defendant, do you admit your guilt in the murder of the Ambassador of Distant Worlds? - Yes. - Do you understand what you face for this? - Yes, completely and completely... ... - So, The court made a decision... Defendant, for the murder of the Ambassador of the Distant Worlds you must be sentenced to death... But... In view of your services to the Order, we give you a choice: death or exile to one of the Lost Worlds until it is restored. Your choice? - Teacher, what are my chances there? - None, Alex... But the Order always acts in such situations, you know... - Only the Highest Circle... - You can handle it, my boy.... - Okay, so be it. My choice is a link to the Perishable World... The old magician felt something similar to relief. His student made the right choice. At least he had a chance. For some reason, the wizard remembered his own childhood and his first mentor, so different from himself. The blond young man walked through the ritual hall towards the transfer point. The people around him moved away. Some looked at him with regret, others with fear. The guy stood in the center of the pentagram and the people at its ends chanted a transfer spell. Runes crawled across the young man’s body, and the pentagram glowed acid green. The eyes and symbols on the magician’s body flashed the same color. The transfer has begun. But, when the ritual was coming to an end, black and red lightning flew into the pentagram and struck the silhouette of the guy who had almost disappeared. There was an explosion, those standing around the transfer point were scattered in different sides. The transfer was disrupted... The black-haired magician flew into the room of the Tree of Worlds. Having frantically examined the ancient artifact, he breathed a sigh of relief. On one of the red branches, the branch of the worlds so familiar to him, golden leaves were blooming. Heh, after all, he was not a mistaken student. The redness and darkness in the magician's eyes gave way to fresh spring foliage. The magician was pleased; his student was able to cross the barrier between the worlds. With a calm step, whistling a cheerful song, he left the hall. Now he can only hope and wait... October 31, 1991 Even the old-timers of the small magical village in Godric's Hollow did not remember such a storm. In a matter of moments, the sky, which had no signs of clouds, became covered with heavy clouds, and a heavy downpour began. The storm, whose epicenter was directly above the Potters' summer cottage, extinguished the fire that had started. It ended as suddenly as it began. But the wall of rain, through which only blue-white bolts of lightning could be seen, was remembered by the inhabitants of the hollow for a long time.... Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore, Supreme Head of the Wizengamot, member of the World Confederation of Wizards, director English school Witchcraft and Wizardry Hogwarts was at a loss. For the first time in a long time, he didn't know what to do. Where did he go wrong? However, it doesn't matter. The result of his mistake was the death of two gifted students. However, their son was somehow able to stop Riddle for a while. Tom... Also the result of his mistake... Maybe he shouldn’t have treated the guy so cruelly... Perhaps it’s time to make way for a new generation? But Harold is still a mystery. And Albus wanted to solve it. The child who repelled the deadly spell of the most powerful Dark magician of the century! The one whose involuntarily released magic caused a storm that scattered the fire! But that wasn't what struck Albus so much. A baby in whom, after everything that had happened, the Horcrux was clearly felt - these waves black magic Only a blind person would not have noticed, he managed to accomplish the impossible: he drove part of the Dark Lord’s soul out of himself! Before the eyes of the old man, the child was enveloped in a golden glow, which grew brighter with every second. Suddenly, something happened, and a flash of light illuminated everything around, after which magic flared in all directions so much that the middle-aged magician was saved only by timely raised shields, although they did not fully protect the latter - the force was such that he was knocked over on his back. When he, having recovered from the unexpected blow, nevertheless looked at little Harry, he was amazed to see that clots of Darkness were slowly flowing out of the scar, rushing away... As soon as the last part of this dark substance left the child’s body, the scar flashed bright gold disappeared with light, leaving not a single trace on the baby’s body! True, all these miracles took almost all the magic of young Potter. Albus noted with regret that the baby would have to be content with a level of magic just above a squib for the rest of his life. He hoped that the child in the family of Muggle relatives would be fine, and that he could live normally if he did not have enough magic to study at Hogwarts. Perhaps the prophecy has already come true, because the baby, thanks to the sacrifices of his parents and at the cost of his magic, was able to stop Tom. May Harry live happy life, and Albus will take care of Riddle. Well, then you can take a well-deserved rest... Thomas Marvolo Riddle, half-blood heir of Salazar Slytherin, the last representative of the Gaunt family, descendant of Cadmus Peverell, also better known as the Dark Lord, Lord of Fates Voldemort was in a strange state. In a disembodied form, he flew through the forests of Albania, where his own Avada threw him, knocking him out of his body. In the first hours of his condition, he was a formless, concentrated clot of hatred for all living things, but then his insane mind began to clear up. He began to rethink his existence. He was horrified by what had happened to him in recent years. If THIS is the price of immortality, then why is it needed? Why did his completely legal party, after returning to old traditions, turn into a terrorist group? When he realized what he had done, he was shocked that many began to join this particular gang. But he came to complete horror after he realized that many aristocrats who supported his terror were infected with his madness through the marks... He did not notice how his spirit from a shapeless lump turned into a human silhouette, did not notice how the red color of his aura is replaced by black. He simply leaned against a tree and not noticing anything, stood and sobbed. He couldn't understand why Magic had allowed him to do this, why it had taken all these sacrifices before his Avada turned against its creator. While he stood and roared like a child, something strange happened with his horcruxes. The medallion in the Black house lit up with a green flame, frightening the old house-elf to the point of horror. When it was all over, Kreacher examined the decoration and burst into tears of happiness: there was not a trace of Black magic on the rarity, the order to the young owner Regulus was completed. The snake Nagaina did not notice how a gray haze enveloped her, but she felt that she definitely felt better. Feeling the pull, she crawled towards the Call. The Deathly Hallows symbol on the Gaunt family ring began to glow, illuminating the shack with a bright purple . Two figures appeared on the ruins: a young black-haired girl with eyes that dragged her into a bottomless abyss, in a Dementor robe and with a scythe on her shoulder, as well as a young but gray-haired youth with piercing blue eyes. The figures looked at each other, the young man nodded slightly, the girl smiled slightly and hugged him. They disappeared in a blinding lilac flash. In the Malfoy estate, in a secret safe, a breeze suddenly blew, causing the ancient diary to open and flip through all the pages. At this time, one could notice how the fiery letters of ancient history flashed on them... The Circlet of Wisdom of Rowena Ravenclaw in the Room of Help at Hogwarts flashed with blue fire. Transforming into a ghostly eagle, she circled the room and landed in the same place. Thomas Marvolo Riddle, exhausted, slid down the tree to the ground. His shoulders were still shaking from sobbing, but he felt as good as he hadn't felt in years. Having calmed down, he finally appreciated the changes that had happened to him. Having reached the lake, he rushed to look at his reflection. In the mirror-like surface of the water, he saw himself, what he could have become at the age of 20-25, if not for experiments with Black magic. Everything that happened to him pointed to the integrity of the soul, but he could not understand why then he was still alive. He may be in the form of a ghost, but he is alive. A quiet whisper on the edge of consciousness distracted him. According to her, at least another ten years will pass before Tom will be able to regain his body... In the meantime, he has time to think about what he will do next... A few days later. The Dursley family urgently left the city. The reason for this was the “filthy freaks” who threw Petunia’s nephew, Harold Potter, right on their porch. Having thrown the foundling into the shelter, with a note that the puppy’s parents had died in a fire, the Dursleys hastily sold the house and left Little Whinging away from the “abnormals.” Arguing furiously about their future lives, Vernon and Petunia did not notice a truck at the intersection... So Harry Potter lost his last relatives and became a pupil at St. Patrick's Orphanage near London. Thanks to the testimony of Albus Dumbledore, Sirius Orion Black was acquitted by the Wizengamot. Unfortunately, the true culprit of the incident, Peter Pettigrew, remained at large. Severus Tobias Snape was also acquitted, again thanks to the testimony of Albus Dumbledore, and, surprisingly, thanks to the newly acquitted Lord Black. Their first goal, after their release, was to take young Potter away from the Dursleys, but, unfortunately, they had already died, and the search potion showed that Harry was alive and well, but they could not determine where he was. Over the following years, they, as well as Remus Lupin, who joined them, tried to find the son of their best friends. In the end, bound by a common goal, they were able to overcome years of hostility and even become friends. (They were largely helped by joint drinking after another unsuccessful search. How good it was that wizards got drunk much slower than Muggles.) All three eventually got jobs at Hogwarts. And they began to hope for the best. If only they knew how many times the object of their search crossed paths with them, but remained unrecognized. But as they say, it would be a completely different story...