Compound nouns together. Spelling nouns together and with a hyphen. Complex units of measurement

1. Complex nouns with elements are written together auto-, agro-, aero-, bio-, bicycle-, helio-, geo-, hydro-, zoo-, iso-, cinema-, macro-, meteo-, micro-, mono-, motor-, neo- , paleo-, radio-, stereo-, television-, photo-, electro- etc., regardless of the number of named elements or other words in the base. For example: auto case, automotovelo race, agro technique, aero sled, bio station, bicycle sport, helio therapy, geo botany, hydro Mechanics, hydro zhergoresources, zoo veterinary center, zoo hygiene, isophoto reportage, film script, macrocosm, weather report, microradio waves, mono culture, moto parts, neo positivism, paleo asians, radio staging, stereo movie, body movie, thermoelectric central, thermohydro dynamics, photo art, electro the wire, electro light therapy

Note 1. When hesitating between the hyphenated and continuous spelling of words of foreign language origin, the second is preferred, if in Russian the component parts with their inherent meaning are not distinguished in the word, for example: blitzkrieg - blitzkrieg, water machine - water machine, water polo - water polo, gum arabic - gum arabic, maitre d'o-tel - head waiter, tabled "from - table d'hôte. Wed. Also: crepe de chine, faide chine, fildecos, fildepers (two components with a French preposition between them are not distinguished in words) - crepe georgette, crepe marroquin, crepe satin, crepe chiffon. Or continuous spelling of inflected words padegras, padecatr, padepatiner, padespan and hyphenated spelling of indeclinable words of the same semantic group pas de deux, pas de trois.

Note 2. About writing words with an element air see § 41, paragraph 4.

2. Compound nouns with a verbal first part are written together. - And, For example: vert And neck, mountains And color, holding And muzzle, osprey And house, disruption And head, noise And head. Exception: roll And-field.

3. Complex abbreviated words of all types are written together, for example state committee, trade union committee, Uralmash, Central Bank.

4. As a rule, complex nouns without a connecting vowel are written with a hyphen, denoting the names of mechanisms, as well as scientific, technical, socio-political terms, for example: automatic stacker, automatic leveler, vacuum device (vacuum pump, vacuum dryer, vacuum shield and so on.), diesel electric ship, dynamo, cable crane, beam crane, motor generator, stop valve, filter press, syringe machine; chair-bed, raincoat-tent; sawfish; Prime Minister, Lieutenant General, Captain Engineer, Lord Chancellor.

Note 1. Complex words are written together:
a) with the first part board-: flight engineer, board mechanic;
b) with the second part - meter: vacuum meter, dose meter, millivolt meter.

Note 2. Words with the first part are written with a hyphen block- And press-: blocking device, block- diagram, block- mechanism, block- signal, block- system(But block notes, block gauz); P res- attaché, press- secretary, press- conference, press- center; P res- cliche, press- conveyor, press- papier.

5. Complex units of measurement are written with a hyphen, for example: gram-atom (gram-calorie, gram-molecule and so on.), kilogram-hour, ton-kilometer, man-day, man-bed.
Exceptions: workday, labor hour.

6. The compound names of political movements, as well as their supporters, are written with a hyphen, for example: anarcho-syndicalism, national socialism, radical socialist, social revolutionaries, social democrats.

7. The names of intermediate countries of the world are written with a hyphen, for example: southeast, northwest, south-southeast.

8. Words with foreign language elements are written with a hyphen vice-, life-, chief-, non-commissioned-, staff-, ex- in the first part, for example: vice admiral, life- guard, Ober- conductor, non-commissioned officer Officer, headquarters- doctor, the ex- champion, ex-vice- prime minister(with two hyphens).

9. Complex plant names that contain a personal verb or conjunction are written with a hyphen, for example: love-not- you love, Not- touch-me, Ivan- Yes-Marya, mother- And-stepmother.

10. Compound words are written with a hyphen, in which a word with an evaluative meaning is added to the main word, for example: the battle-woman, hon- company, grief supervisor, good boy- boy, miracle- fish, hooray- patriotism.

11. Scientific and technical terms are written with a hyphen, which include the names of letters or letters (most often of the Greek and Latin alphabets), for example: alpha- particle, gamma- radiation, X- rays ( X- rays), To- particle, pi- meson.

12. Adjectives derived from hyphenated geographical names retain the hyphen in their spelling, for example: Almaty - Alma-Ata, Orekhovo-Zuevo - Orekhovo-Zuevsky, Los Angeles - Los Angeles. Puerto Rico - Puerto Rican, and nouns formed from this chain are written together, for example: NY - New York, New Yorkers, Costa Rica - Costa Rican, Costa Ricans, Kurgan-Tube - Kurgan-Tube, Kurgantyube residents. The chain follows the same rule Ku Klux Klan - Ku Klux Klan- Ku Klux Klansman.

Note 1. For hyphenated writing of complex proper names of persons, see § 13, paragraphs 2–5, geographical names § 17, paragraph 4.
Note 2. About writing difficult words type truth-truth, purchase-sale, first name-patronymic see § 83, paragraph 1, note. 2.

13. When combined using a conjunction and two or more compound nouns with the same second part, this part can only be given when last word, and with preceding words, a so-called hanging hyphen is written instead. For example: gas- and electric welding(cf. gas welding And electric welding); water and gas supply; radio- and TV shows; auto, motorcycle and bicycle racing(but in the absence of a union And - continuous writing, see above, paragraph 1).

The spelling of compound nouns and especially adjectives is one of the tense points of modern spelling. This reference book in this matter is based on the “Rules of Russian Spelling and Punctuation of 1956”, as well as on the normative “ orthographic dictionary Russian language". There is also a slightly different approach to writing these words, for example, in the book “Together or Separately?” (experience of a reference dictionary) B.3. Bukchina and L.P. Kalakutskaya (see appendix at the end of the book).

The spelling of compound nouns and especially adjectives is one of the tense points of modern spelling. This reference book in this matter is based on the “Rules of Russian Spelling and Punctuation of 1956”, as well as on the normative “Spelling Dictionary of the Russian Language”. There is also a slightly different approach to writing these words, for example, in the book “Together or Separately?” (experience of a reference dictionary) B.3. Bukchina and L.P. Kalakutskaya (see appendix at the end of the book).

Continuous writing

1. Write complex nouns with the elements auto-, agro-, aero-, bio-, bicycle-, helio-, geo-, hydro-, zoo-, iso-, cinema-, macro-, meteo-, micro- , mono-, moto-, neo-, paleo-, radio-, stereo-, television-, photo-, electro-, etc. regardless of the number of elements named or other words in the stem. For example: automobile business, automotobicycle racing, agricultural technology, snowmobile, biostation, cycling, heliotherapy, geobotany, hydromechanics, hydropower resources, veterinary center, animal hygiene, isophoto report, film script, macroworld, weather report, microradio waves, monoculture, motor parts, neopositivism, paleo-Asians, radio play, stereo cinema, television film , combined heat and power plant, thermohydrodynamics, photography, electrical wire, electric light therapy.

Note 1. When hesitating between the hyphenated and continuous spelling of words of foreign language origin, the second is preferred, if in the Russian language the word does not have component parts with their inherent meaning, for example: blitz-krieg - blitzkrieg, water-mashina - water-mashina, water-polo - waterpolo, gummi- arabic - gum arabic, maitre d'o-tel - maitre d'hotel, table d'ot - table d'hotel. Wed. also: crepe de chine, faide chine, fildecos, fildepers (the words do not distinguish two components with a French preposition between them) - crepe georgette, crepe marroquin, crepe satin, crepe chiffon. Or the continuous spelling of the inflected words padegras, padekatr, padepatiner, padespan and the hyphenated spelling of the indeclinable words of the same semantic group pas de deux, pas de trois.

2. Compound nouns with a verbal first part are written together. -And, for example: whirligig, adonis, derzhimorda, hoarder, daredevil, shumigolova. Exception: tumbleweeds.

3. Complex abbreviated words of all types are written together, for example, state committee, trade union committee, Uralmash, Central Bank.


4. As a rule, complex nouns without a connecting vowel are written with a hyphen, denoting the names of mechanisms, as well as scientific, technical, socio-political terms, for example: automatic stacker, automatic leveler, vacuum apparatus (vacuum pump, vacuum -dryer, vacuum shield, etc.), diesel electric ship, dynamo, cable crane, beam crane, motor generator, stop valve, filter press, syringe machine; chair-bed, raincoat-tent; sawfish; Prime Minister, Lieutenant General, Captain Engineer, Lord Chancellor.

Note 1. Complex words are written together:

  • a) with the first part board-: flight engineer, flight mechanic;
  • b) with the second part -meter: vacuum gauge, dosimeter, millivoltmeter.

Note 2. Words with the first part are written with a hyphen block- And press-: block apparatus, block diagram, block mechanism, block signal, block system (but notepad, blockhouse); press attache, press secretary, press conference, press center; press cliché, press conveyor, paperweight.

5. Complex units of measurement are written with a hyphen, for example: gram-atom (gram-calorie, gram-molecule, etc.), kilogram-hour, ton-kilometer, man-day, man-bed.

Exceptions: workday, workhour.

6. The compound names of political movements, as well as their supporters, are written with a hyphen, for example: anarcho-syndicalism, national socialism, radical socialist, social revolutionaries, social democrats.

7. The names of intermediate countries of the world are written with a hyphen, for example: southeast, northwest, south-southeast.

8. Words with foreign language elements are written with a hyphen vice-, life-, chief-, non-commissioned-, staff-, ex- in the first part, for example: vice admiral, life guard, chief conductor, non-commissioned officer, staff doctor, ex-champion, ex-vice prime minister (with two hyphens).

9. Complex plant names that contain a personal verb or conjunction are written with a hyphen, for example: love-not-love, don’t-touch-me, Ivan-da-Marya, coltsfoot.

10. Compound words are written with a hyphen, in which a word with an evaluative meaning is added to the main word, for example: boy-woman, gop-company, would-be leader, good boy, miracle fish, cheers-patriotism.

11. Scientific and technical terms are written with a hyphen, which include the names of letters or letters (most often the Greek and Latin alphabets), for example: alpha particle, gamma radiation, x-rays (x-rays), k-particle, pi meson.

12. Adjectives formed from geographical names with hyphenated spelling retain a hyphen in their spelling, for example: Alma-Ata - Alma-Ata, Orekhovo-Zuyevo - Orekhovo-Zuevo, Los Angeles - Los Angeles. Puerto Rico is Puerto Rican, and nouns formed from this chain are written together, for example: New York - New York, New Yorkers, Costa Rica - Costa Rican, Costa Ricans, Kurgan-Tyube - Kurgan-Tyube, Kurgan-Tyube . The chain of Ku Klux Klan - Ku Klux Klan - Ku Klux Klan member - is subject to the same rule.

13. When combined using a conjunction and two or more compound nouns with the same second part, this part can be given only with the last word, and with the preceding words, a so-called hanging hyphen is written instead. For example: gas and electric welding (cf. gas welding and electric welding); water and gas supply; radio and television programs; auto, motorcycle and bicycle racing (but in the absence of a union And- continuous writing, see above, paragraph 1).

Let's consider other cases of continuous writing that are not described in the above paragraphs.

Continuous spelling of complex nouns

They write together:

  • compound nouns with a second part -grad , -city , For example: Leningrad, Belgorod;
  • compound nouns with a verb part And : adonis, hold the tree, keep your mouth, daredevil(But: percati-field);
  • compound nouns with the first part consisting of foreign elements air (part of a word aviation, therefore it is written A ), auto- , agro- ,aero- , bio- , bicycle , hydro- , zoo- , movie- , meteo- , micro- , neo- , motorcycle , television , photo- etc., for example: air communications, tanker truck, agro-minimum(But: agriculture), snowmobile, biomechanics, sea ​​airport, pet Shop, studio etc.


    If in complex nouns with the same last word the first two parts are connected by a conjunction And , then a hyphen is placed after the first element, for example: radio and television studio; Also: ball and roller bearings, auto, motorcycle and bicycle racing(car and motorcycle racing).

  • compound nouns different types, For example: ATS, college, local committee, party meeting, head of department. (Dots are not placed inside compound words).

Spelling compound nouns with a hyphen

With a hyphen it is written:

  • compound nouns denoting political parties, their members (or supporters): social democracy, social democrat and so on.;
  • compound nouns denoting units of measurement: man-day, gram-molecule, kilowatt-hour etc. (but: workday);
  • compound nouns denoting intermediate cardinal directions: northeast, southwest;
  • nouns with foreign language elements in the first part vice-, life-, chief-, non-commissioned-, staff-, ex-, For example: Vice President, Chief Master, Life Guards, Non-Commissioned Officer, Headquarters, Ex-Champion. A noun is written with a hyphen rear admiral(Here counter-"against" does not matter);
  • compound nouns formed from whole, separately used nouns, for example: prime minister, diesel engine, raincoat, miracle heroes, would-be hunters, corresponding member. Also compound surnames: Saltykov-Shchedrin, Shchepkina-Kupernik.

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The formation of complex nouns occurs by combining several (usually two) independent parts into one semantic whole. Their role can be played by various parts of speech, both independent and auxiliary. Their display in writing has its own characteristics. Today we will talk about how to write such words.

First, let's talk about what options exist. A compound noun in Russian can be written either with a hyphen, or together, or separately. The principle behind distinguishing these options is highlighting words in writing. Words are separated by spaces, and their parts are written together. However, the application of this rule has its own characteristics. The fact is that in language, whole words and their combinations are not always clearly opposed. Therefore, in addition to separate and continuous writing, there is a semi-continuous, or hyphen. A hyphen serves to separate words into parts (for example, firebird), or connects parts of a phrase into one whole (science fiction writer). After reading this article, you will learn how to correctly write this or that complex noun.

Continuous writing

Words that are formed using connecting consonants are written together. This also includes all formations with auto-, aero-, air-, cinema-, motorcycle-, photo-, auto-, electro-, meteo-, stereo-, agro-, hydro, micro-, bio-, zoo-, neo-, macro. There are many examples, here are just a few: flax harvesting, farmer, water supply, airport, motorcycle racing, motor rally, photo report, electric motor, bicycle racing, macrocosm.

Compound nouns are written together if they are inflected and their first verb part ends in -i. Examples: holding the tree, adonis, whirling neck, holding the muzzle, hoarder, spinning tail, daredevil.


A compound noun should be written with a hyphen if it has the meaning of one word and it consists of 2 nouns, used independently, connected by the vowels e or o. Examples: boy-baba, firebird, cafe-restaurant, diesel engine, major general, prime minister, Buryat-Mongolia. Note that in this case, when the word is declined, only the second noun changes.

The following examples apply to this rule: purchase and sale, hut-reading room, saw-fish, good boy, Moscow River. However, in these cases both nouns are modified by declension.

In addition, the names of political movements and parties that are constituent parts, as well as their supporters, should be written with a hyphen. Examples are as follows: social democrat, social democracy,

Complex units of measurement

Hyphenation is correct if we are dealing with complex units of measurement. It does not matter whether this complex noun is formed with the help of a connecting vowel or not. Examples: kilowatt-hour, ton-kilometer, man-day. However, there is an exception to this rule - this word workday, which should be written together.

Other cases of hyphenation

Let's continue to look at the spelling of compound nouns. A hyphen should be used when naming foreign and Russian intermediate cardinal directions. Examples: northeast, northeast etc.

Combinations of words that have the meaning of nouns are written through a hyphen if these combinations include:

a) verb used in personal form (flower love-not-love, plant Dont touch me);

b) union (plant ivan-da-marya);

c) preposition ( Komsomolsk-on-Amur, Rostov-on-Don, Frankfurt-on-Main).

Foreign language elements often have their own characteristics. Using them in different rules often specified separately. In our case, the hyphenated spelling of compound nouns is correct if their first component- foreign language elements non-commissioned, chief, vice, headquarters, ex-. Examples include the following: life physician, ex-champion, vice president, headquarters.

Spelling of compound nouns, the first part of which is half-

If the first part of a compound word is floor-(meaning “half”), and then follows a noun in R. p., which begins with the consonant " l" or with a vowel, the correct spelling would be a hyphen. Examples: half an apple, half a turn, half a lemon. In other cases, complex nouns are written together. Examples: half an hour, half a meter, half a room. However, if after floor- It would be appropriate to use a hyphen if you have complex nouns. Examples: half of Europe, half of Moscow. Words that begin with semi-. Examples: semicircle, stop, half a mile from the city.

Features of app highlighting

If the word being defined is immediately followed by a one-word clause, a hyphen should be placed between them. Examples: Anika the warrior, Masha the playful one, the old mother.

If a one-word application, which in meaning can be equated to an adjective, follows the word being defined, the hyphen is not inserted. Example: handsome son.

If the application or the word being defined is itself written with a hyphen, it is not placed between them. Example: Social Democrats Mensheviks.

Russian compound surnames

Compound surnames that were formed by adding two personal names should be written with a hyphen, that is, when they are combined to form compound nouns. Examples: Skvortsov-Stepanov, Rimsky-Korsakov, Andersen-Nexe, Mendelssohn-Bartholdy, etc..

Personal surnames and given names associated with nicknames are written separately with them. Examples: Muravyov the Hanger, Vanka Cain, Ilya Muromets.

Foreign language compound surnames

It is necessary to put a dash between parts of the word if we are dealing with foreign-language compound surnames in which the first part St. or Sen-. Examples: Saint-Saens, Saint-Just, Saint-Simon etc. Oriental personal names (Arabic, Turkic, etc.) should also be written with a final or initial integral part indicating social status, family relationships, etc. Examples: Osman Pasha, Izbail Bey, Tursun Zade, Ibn Fadlan and etc.

However, it should be clarified that compound names, the first part of which is Don-, are written only in cases where the main part of the name is not used separately in Russian. Examples: Don Quixote, Don Juan. However, if the word “don” means “master”, it should be written separately. Examples: Don Basilio, Don Pedro.

It is also necessary to take into account that particles and articles, which are parts of foreign language surnames, are written without a hyphen, that is, separately. Examples: le Chapelier, von Bismarck, de Valera, de Coster, Lope de Vega, Leonardo da Vinci, von der Goltz, Baudouin de Courtenay. Particles and articles, without which surnames of this type are not used, must be written with a hyphen. Example: Van Dyck.

It should be said that some other foreign-language surnames have their own characteristics in the Russian transmission. The particles and articles in them are written together, so their spelling can be separate in the corresponding languages. Examples: Delisle, Decandolle, Laharpe, Lafontaine. The writing of complex nouns, which are proper names of foreign origin, as you can see, has many nuances. We have looked at the main ones, it remains only to talk about the last one.

It must be taken into account that names of different categories are not connected by hyphens, like Russian surnames, first names and patronymics. Example: Gaius Julius Caesar.

Let us now turn to the features of displaying geographical names in writing.

Place names consisting of two nouns

They are written with a hyphen if they consist of two nouns. Examples: Kamenets-Podolsk, Orekhovo-Zuevo, Heart-Stone. The same applies to words consisting of a noun and an adjective following it. Examples: Gus-Khrustalny,

Other cases of hyphenated geographical names

Combinations consisting of a particle or article with a significant part of speech should also be written through a hyphen. The following examples can be given: Bay of De Castries, the city of La Carolina, the city of Le Creusot.

Names are written with a hyphen settlements if they include as the first part: top-, salt-, ust- etc. The same applies to some titles with the first part lower-, upper-, old-, new- etc., except in cases where geographical maps or a continuous spelling has been adopted in reference books. Examples: Verkh-Irmen, Sol-Iletsk, Ust-Abakan, Novo-Vyazniki, But: Maloarkhangelsk, Novosibirsk, Novoalekseevka, Starobelsk.

If geographical names, which are composite, are formed from the names of parts of a particular geographical object with or without the use of a connecting vowel, then in this case a dash is also placed. Examples: Alsace-Lorraine, Austria-Hungary. Exception - Czechoslovakia.

Separate spelling of geographical names

However, in some cases geographical names should be written separately. This applies primarily to words consisting of an adjective followed by a noun; or if a noun follows a numeral. Examples: Nizhny Tagil, White Church, Seven Brothers, Yasnaya Polyana.

You also need to write nouns separately if they are surnames. Examples: Erofei Pavlovich station, Lev Tolstoy village.

Names of cities with the second part -grad or -city

The names of cities are written together if their second component is -city or -grad. Examples: Ivangorod, Uzhgorod, Belgorod, Kaliningrad, Leningrad.

Spelling variations

It should be noted that there are fluctuations in the spelling of some complex words that have recently appeared in the language. Examples: parking space and parking space, tonne-kilometre and tonne-kilometre, tonage-day and tonage-day. These spelling variations are explained by the presence of connecting vowels ( ton-o-kilometer, car-o-place). Thus they are influenced general rules writing It is preferable to write them together.

So, we looked at the continuous and hyphenated spelling of complex nouns. Of course, we have examined only the main cases. There are many nuances in this topic, so it can take a long time to improve in it. However, we have presented the basic information, and in most cases it is quite enough to write complex nouns correctly.

Plan open lesson

1. Full name teacher: Faizova Lyuzia Ramazanovna 2. Group: № 7 3. Item: Russian language

4. Lesson topic 31-32: “ Spelling compound nouns. Spelling suffixes of nouns. Adjective." (Section 6. Morphology and spelling)

5. Lesson type: repeating and generalizing 6. Goals:

    Summarize theoretical information and consolidate practical skills on the topic, achieve conscious spelling of words with given spellings, consolidate skills in analytical work with words;

2. Develop memory, speech, logical thinking, self-control skills.

3. Cultivate a caring attitude towards the word, cognitive activity, the ability to give reasons for your answer, increase the level of speech culture, spelling and punctuation literacy.

Equipment : 1) tests, 2) multimedia installation, projector. 3) textbook “Russian language”, Grekov V.F., Kryuchkov S.E., Cheshko L.A.

The Russian language is stubborn: without constant

It’s not hard to over-direct him...

you need to write every day,

that is, work on the language.

Language is a tool; almost more difficult

he is the violin itself.

P. Vyazemsky

During the classes

    Organizing time.

Getting students in the mood to work, creating an atmosphere of comfort. Checking student attendance.

    State the topic and purpose of the lesson. Checking homework.

    Updating knowledge.

Grammar "five minutes". (Presentation 1)

          Orthoepic work.

Exercise: put emphasis on words, name nouns.

Pamper, dispensary, enviable, calling, whooping cough, more beautiful, flint, intention, provision, facilitate, bonus, carpenter, petition, scoop, sorrel.

          Grammar work(frontal survey)

Exercise: correct errors in the formation of word forms.

With four hundred rubles, more needed, three girlfriends, lie down on the floor, the most beautiful landscape, freeze with delight.

    Work on the topic of the lesson.

Teacher's word.

          Presentation 2: “Spelling compound nouns.”

Continuous spelling of compound nouns:

    Compound nouns with connecting vowels oh (O- after hard consonants; e- after soft consonants):

Earthquake, haymaking, airplane

In words: agrAndculture, gasAndfiction, classAndfication, centerAndfugue, electricAndfication letter is written And.

    Words with the first part standing in i.p.

Solstice, pastime

    With the first part - the name numeral in p.p.

Hexagon, heptahedron

    With the first part - verb ending with And.


    Exception: Tumbleweed

    Words with a second part city, city, abad, akan.

Volgograd, Abakan, Jalilabad

    Compound words and abbreviations: Deputy Minister, Head of Department, Pomerzh, Head Teacher, Supply Manager, Moscow State University.

Auto – car service

Aero - flying club

Agro - agricultural technology

Air – air ticket;

Bio – biofield;


Meteo – meteorological center;

Radio – radio play;

Tele – TV show;

Zoo – zoo;

Cinema - cinema;

Moto – motor sport;

Stereo – stereo system;

Photo – photography

Electric - electric kettle

Spelling compound nouns with a hyphen

    Compound nouns that are scientific, technical, socio-political, economic terms.

Gamma rays, vacuum pump.

    Compound nouns denoting a name specialties, positions, titles.

Corresponding member, civil engineer, social democrat

    Compound nouns denoting geographical names consisting of two nouns or a noun with an attachment:

Orekhovo-Borisovo, Gus-Khrustalny.

But: Yasnaya Polyana, Nizhny Novgorod(adjective before noun).

    Compound nouns formed from two independent words: ice cream parlor, house museum.

    Compound nouns denoting intermediate parts of the world:

Southeast, northwest

    Compound nouns with foreign language elements:

Vice - Vice President;

Life - life physician;

Ober - chief officer;

Stats - State Secretary

Non-commissioned officer, headquarters, staff, ex-, press, etc.

    Compound nouns, which include particles, conjunctions, prepositions:

Rostov-on-Don, Ivan-da-Marya (flower)


    Compound Russian and foreign surnames:

Saltykov-Shchedrin, Joliot-Curie; Mamin-Sibiryak.

    Compound nouns, the first part of which is an evaluative word:

grief-helper; miracle mushroom, baba...

LE, -LA, -LOS, - SAN, - SENT, -bey, Pasha...:

Los Angeles, Osman Pasha.

    If the second part of a word is missing:

Film, television and photo cameras were pointed at him.

Spelling nouns with FLOOR-


          Consolidation, performing exercise No. 225 orally.

          Performance test task, examination.

1. Determine the option in which the complex noun is written together. A) (Air) parcel post B) (Exhibition)sale C) (Social) democracy D) (North)east E) (Vice) champion
2. Determine the option in which the compound noun is written with a hyphen. A) (Hydro)plane B) (Kilogram)second C) (Cinema) theater D) (Zoo) park E) (Agro) company
3. Determine the option in which the noun with the root gender is written with a hyphen. A) (Half) mandarin B) (Half) the world C) (Half) flatbread D) (Half) apartment E) (Half) city
4. Determine the option with continuous spelling of complex nouns A) (North)west B) (Electric) samovar C) (Vice) champion D) (Kilowatt) hour E) (Ex) minister
5. Determine the variant with a continuous spelling of the noun A) (Radio)television studio

B) (South)east C) (Ex)champion D) (Headquarters) E) (Gram)molecule
6. Identify a noun that is hyphenated A) (Photo)element B) (Air)engine C) (Ex)president D) (TV)film E) (Counter)attack
7. Identify a noun that is written with a hyphen A) (Zoo)park B) (Air)drome C) (Television) screen D) (Ex)champion E) (Cosmo)svyaz
8. Identify a noun that is hyphenated A) (Air)port B) (Zoo)park C) (Movie)actor D) (TV)film E) (Vice)champion
9. Identify a noun that is hyphenated A) (Kilowatt) hour B) (Zoo) park C) (Movie) film D) (Air) factory E) (Electrical) device
Answers: 1 – A, 2 – B, 3 – C, 4 – B, 5 – A, 6 – C, 7 – D, 8 – E, 9 – A
Criteria for evaluation: “0-1 error” - score 5 “2-3 mistakes” - score 4 “4 mistakes” - rating 3

          Presentation 3: “Spelling suffixes of nouns.”

Translate – translatorCarry - cart driverMiscellaneous with it - peddlerDefeat - deserter

          Consolidation, completion of tasks from the presentation.

-EK- or -IR-?
















little man







-ETS- or -IC-?













Skital And tsa

namesake And tsa

Kop e tso

Armchair And this

Happy And tsa

Ambitious e ts

Letters e tso

Varen And this

Oil And this

Name And this

suffered e ts

suffered And tsa

          Presentation 4: “Adjective as a part of speech.”

1. General value

2. Morphological characteristics:

    constant: discharge

    inconstant: gender, number, case

    Syntactic role

Completing the task: Compare the texts. What is the difference?

Snow was white everywhere. The stoves were heated in the villages, and the smoke did not dissolve in the air, but lived as if separately from it, then disappearing without a trace. The forests were visible clearly and close, there was silence everywhere.

Difference quality And relative adjectives


Degrees of comparison


Spelling - N- - -NN- in adjective suffixes


Spelling NOT with adjectives


Write in a notebook.

Morphological analysis of the adjective

    Part of speech

    Initial form (name, singular, m.r.)

    Constant signs:

a) category by meaning (qualitative, relative, possessive);

b) for qualitative adjectives: comparative or superlative comparisons; full or short form

    Variable signs:

A) gender (in units);

B) number

B) case

5. Syntactic role in a sentence.

    Check of knowledge.

Oral completion of the task. Determine the category of adjectives

Stone house, yesterday's newspaper, a magnificent day, mother's lace, a sad look, a fox's tail, a quiet rustle, Garnet bracelet, nightingale song, blue sky, city bus, talented person, peacetime, wolf's gaze, wolf howl, hare trail, sour berry, silver ring, desk, January holidays, amber shine.

Selective dictation (1st century - write down words with one letter N; 2nd century - with two letters N.)

Rooster..y, art..y, sandy..yy, pricey..yy, aviation..yy, weighty..yy, earth..yy, state..yy, windy..yy, glass..yy, leather..y, windy..yy, bark..yy, craft..yy, owl..yy, rusty..yy, seasonal..yy, pensioner..yy, icey..yy, mosquito..yy, blue..oh, young..y, dress..oh, wooden..yy, silver...yy, windless..yy, old..yy, doves..yy.

Right answers:

    1st century cock, sand, earth, wind, leather, windy, owl, rye, ice, mosquito, pig, young, clothes, silver, pigeon.

    2c. Artificial, valuable, aviation, spring, state, glass, indigenous, craft, seasonal, pension, wooden, windless, antique..

Criteria for evaluation:

0-1 error – score “5”;

2-3 mistakes – score “4”;

4-5 mistakes – score “3”.

    Analysis of responses. Grading.

    Summing up the work.



1.Repeat paragraphs 40-42, learn spellings.

2. Carry out a morphological analysis of words: scribe, lamplighter, impeccable, ambiguous, adamant.