How much timber is 180x180 in one cube? How many pieces of timber are contained in one cube? Cubic meter of dense wood

Getting ready for construction frame house, erecting the roof and assembling the crowns of the log house, the developer has to purchase timber.
This material is used for the manufacture of various wooden structures, so its range includes dozens of items. To eliminate errors, you need to determine as accurately as possible how much timber is in a cubic meter.

The “mathematical model” of this operation is simple. To calculate the volume of any rectangular object, its length is multiplied by its width and height. However, in practice, when purchasing large quantity lumber of different lengths and cross-sections, you can get confused and overpay a considerable amount.

In this article we will talk about the important nuances of calculating the volume of lumber and provide easy-to-use “cheat sheets” for converting linear meters of timber into cubes.

Be careful at the timber warehouse!

Considering the high cost edged timber, its purchase must be taken responsibly. Sellers, as a rule, use the price per 1 m3. Customers at checkout rafter system roofs, wall frames, floor beams and floors receive linear meters. Additional confusion is caused by production length standards, which range from 3 to 6 meters (0.5 meter increments).

It’s not difficult to sort everything out in this matter. Let's say that for construction you need a beam with a cross-section of 100x50 mm, and its total length is 100 linear meters (l/m). To calculate the volume of edged wood, you need to convert the cross-sectional area from millimeters to square meters and then multiply them by the length: 0.1x0.05x100 = 0.50 m3. We get the price of a given amount of timber by multiplying its volume by the cost of one cubic meter.

And here is another one no less important question: how to control the amount of lumber that the seller gives you? Here you need to take into account not only the cross-section, but also the length of the material.

Let's say that we need a beam 4 meters long (total length 100 l/m). In this case, the volume of one piece will be equal to: 0.1x0.05x4 = 0.02 m3. Dividing the purchased amount of material (0.5 m3) by the volume of one bar (0.02 m3) we get exactly 25 pieces.

In practice, round numbers are rare, so the required amount of timber is most often a fraction. We will not give to the seller that part of the lumber that remains after the comma. It’s better to pay him up to a whole number of beams.

Let's look at an example. 63 linear meters of timber are purchased (section 100x180 mm, length 6 meters). We calculate the purchase volume: 63x0.1x0.18 = 1.134 m3. We divide it by the volume of one beam (0.1x0.18x6 m/p = 0.108 m3). We get 1.134/0.108 = 10.5 pieces. The seller will not cut half of the timber for us. Therefore, when calculating, you need to pay him up to the whole amount and take 11 beams.

With profiled timber, the cross-section of which is complex shape, do the same as with the usual one. To determine the cross-sectional area of ​​a given material, its total height (the distance from the bottom edge with the groove to the top mark of the tenon) is multiplied by the width.

Counting the amount of timber in the warehouse in 1 m3, take a tape measure and measure the actual cross-section of the purchased material. It may turn out that instead of the 100x200 or 150x150 mm promised by the seller, they delivered more thin material. Even a 1 centimeter reduction in the transverse size of a saw log results in significant losses for the buyer.

Another important nuance– technological deviation of beam length. It can reach 5-7 centimeters, since the ends of the logs are not cut off during processing. Remember that the seller does not have the right to add these extra centimeters to the total length.

Tables for quickly calculating the volume of timber

Using a calculator to count how many pieces of timber are in a cube is not always convenient, especially when purchasing a large batch. The seller's data can be easily controlled using ready-made tables. Here for standard sizes lumber provides information on the volume of 1 timber and the number of pieces in 1m3.

Table for calculating edged timber 6 meters long

Dimensions (mm) Volume of 1 piece (m3) Pieces per 1 m3
100x100x6000 0,06 16
100x150x6000 0,09 11
100x180x6000 0,108 9
100x200x6000 0,12 8
150x150x6000 0,135 7
150x180x6000 0,162 6
150x200x6000 0,18 5,5
180x180x6000 0,1944 5
180x200x6000 0,216 4,5
200x200x6000 0,24 4
250x200x6000 0,3 3

This table can also be used when purchasing 3 meter timber. To do this, the volume of 1 piece must be reduced by half, and the amount of material in one cube must be multiplied by 2.

Let us recall that timber, by definition, is lumber with a thickness and width of 100 mm or more. Therefore, we deliberately did not include sizes in the table. wooden blanks smaller cross-section to maintain formal accuracy.

Let's look at the data on the volume and number of boards of common sizes in a separate table:

Dimensions (mm) Volume of 1 piece (m3) Pieces per 1 m3
25x100x6000 0,015 66,6
25x150x6000 0,0225 44,4
25x200x6000 0,03 33,3
40x100x6000 0,024 41,6
40x150x6000 0,036 27,7
40x200x6000 0,048 20,8
50x50x6000 0,015 66,6
50x100x6000 0,03 33,3
50x150x6000 0,045 22,2
50x200x6000 0,06 16,6
50x250x6000 0,075 13,3

To calculate the volume and quantity of 4-meter timber, you can use the following cheat sheet:

Dimensions (mm) Volume of 1 piece (m3) Pieces per 1 m3
100x100x4000 0,04 25
100x150x4000 0,06 16,66
100x180x4000 0,072 13,88
100x200x4000 0,08 12,5
150x150x4000 0,09 11,11
150x180x4000 0,108 9,26
150x200x4000 0,12 8,33
180x180x4000 0,13 7,69
180x200x4000 0,144 6,94
200x200x4000 0,16 6,25
250x200x4000 0,2 5

As can be seen from the table, almost the entire range of beams here is fractional. Therefore, for an economical purchase, you should use our advice on paying the seller up to the whole amount of timber.

How to do this practically? Let's give an example. Let's say that we bought one cubic meter of 4-meter timber with a cross-section of 100x180 mm (according to the table, it turns out to be 13.88 pieces). The price of 1m3 is 6500 rubles. Up to 14 pieces of beams we need to pay an additional 14-13.88 = 0.12. The volume of this “piece” is (0.12 x 4 meters = 0.48 m) x 0.1 x 0.18 m = 0.00864 m3. We multiply it by the price of 1 m3 and get 0.00864 m3 x 6500 rubles. = 56.15 rub.

Remember that the purchased volume of bars must include a reserve (cutting losses during operation). Therefore, the result obtained during the theoretical calculation of the roof truss system or other wooden structure must be multiplied by a factor of 1.3. After this adjustment, you can begin settlements with the seller.

In addition to determining the volume and price of the purchased material, you need to know the weight of 1 m3 of timber in order to order transport of the appropriate carrying capacity.

The weight of a cubic meter of timber depends on the type of wood and its moisture content. The approximate weight of 1 m3 of dry pine is 510 kg (wet - 890 kg).

The average weight of one cube of dry spruce bars is 450 kg (wet - 790 kg).

The weight of dried oak wood is in the range from 700 to 800 kg/m3, and wet (freshly cut) – from 980 to 1030 kg/m3.

Dry larch timber weighs 650 kg/m3. Freshly cut material of this type of wood weighs 840 kg/m3.

When preparing for the construction of a wooden building, house or structure, it would be prudent to find out in advance total required material to complete the construction of the facility. And when a bar is used in the process, its quantity can be found out using special tables with calculations. Or for this you can use calculations carried out independently.







Mathematical model for calculating the number of bars in a cube

The main way to calculate the number of bars in a cube of wood is a simple formula; for this you need to multiply the area of ​​the rectangular diameter of the bar by its length, and the diameter itself is calculated by multiplying the height by the width.

To accurately determine the number of bars per cubic meter of wood, depending on its cross-section and length, it is necessary to make calculations:

For example, for the construction of an object you need 100 linear meters of a 40 by 50 mm bar, which has a length of 3 meters. To do this, you first need to find out its area diameter: 0.04 m * 0.05 m = 0.002 sq. m., it leaves 0.002 sq. m. Next, you need to multiply this area by the length of the bar: 0.002 * 3 = 0.006 cubic meters. m is the volume of one bar with a diameter of 40 by 50 mm. Then we divide 1 cubic meter wood per volume of one block: 1 cubic. m. / 0.006 cu.m. m. = 166 pieces.

Now we have the result obtained, a total of 166 pieces of timber in 1 (one) cubic meter of wood with a diameter of 40 by 50 mm and a length of 3 meters. Now everyone can find out about the bar - how many pieces of bars there will be in a cube. Using the same similar formula, you can calculate the amount of a bar relative to other types of bars that have different indicators and diameter sizes.

Counting and completing a math problem

From the example, we can now calculate that for the construction of the facility it will be necessary to have 100 linear meters* 0.006 cubic meters. m. = 0.6 cubic meters m. This is also the result: to fully complete the construction of an object that requires 100 linear meters of timber, you need to buy 0.6 cubic meters of wood. This figure will be needed to recalculate the cost of a block purchased individually per unit of product to the cost of one cube of wood.

Table of the number of bars in a cube

Name of lumber Size of timber sections (mm) How many timber (pieces) in a cube (in 1 cubic meter) Volume of one beam in cubic meters (m3)
Bar 25x50x3000 266 0,0037
Bar 30x40x3000 277 0,0036
Bar 30x50x3000 222 0,0045
Bar 40x40x3000 208 0,0048
Bar 50x50x3000 133 0,0075
Bar 50x70x3000 95 0,01

When starting to build a house or other facility, the first thing we do is draw up an estimate necessary building materials. Correct calculation of materials used in construction allows you to avoid shortages or, more importantly, overconsumption.

This rule is relevant for any construction and wooden houses are no exception.

Calculation of lumber for construction

Currently, most suppliers and distributors measure lumber in cubes (cubic meters). An experienced buyer can easily determine how much and what he needs, but a person who is buying this product for the first time to build a house may encounter significant problems.

So, let's try to figure out how to determine the amount of material in a cube and protect ourselves from the dishonesty of a cunning seller.

Counting lumber is easy

Many years of experience in purchasing boards for construction shows that converting this raw material into cubes of pieces is not something particularly difficult. The only thing that is required is to calculate the volume of one beam or board, taking into account its width, thickness and length.

So, how many pieces of 100x150 timber are in a cube or how much does the cube contain? popular board 50x150?

Let's start with the board. The most popular board today is 5 cm thick and 15 cm wide. The standard length is 6 meters. How to get the volume?

From the school mathematics course we remember that to do this it is enough to multiply all the above dimensions. As a result, we will get the volume of the board in cubic meters. In this case, the calculations will look like this: 6.0 x 0.15 x 0.05 = 0.045

What does the result mean? The result of the calculations means that the volume of the board is 0.045 cubic meters. Therefore, there are 22 boards in the cube.

But what about the timber?

The wide range of applications of this type of profiled timber extends to:

  • erection of house walls, warm verandas, bathhouses, gazebos, utility buildings;
  • production of blanks used as load-bearing elements;
  • use as a basis for arranging floor ceilings and interfloor ceilings;
  • strengthening door and window openings buildings;
  • production of frames for interfloor passages, flights of stairs and sites.

The popularity and demand for this material is explained by:

  • ease of installation (up to do-it-yourself construction);
  • no need for adjustment operations (saving time);
  • simplicity and convenience of storage and transportation;
  • possibility of constructing objects various configurations with different standard sizes.

But let’s return to how many pieces there are in a cube of 100 by 150 timber. It is also not difficult to carry out such calculations.

The standard length of a profiled beam is 6 meters, while the thickness is 10 and the height is 15 cm. In the same way as in the example described above, we carry out the necessary calculations: 6 x 0.15 x 0.10 = 0.9.

Therefore, in one cube we get 11.1, that is, 11 bars.

It would seem that everything is really very simple. But due to such calculations, you can overpay when purchasing building materials.

What is the trick of calculations

Let's say you are interested in how to calculate the cube of a 150x150 timber. According to the above formula, we multiply the dimensions and get the volume of one beam 0.135 cubic meters.

How much timber is in a cube? That makes seven beams, doesn’t it? But the trick is that there is not a whole number of pieces in the cube. This is where unscrupulous traders can deceive us.

For example, you need a cube of a board - here are 22 pieces. Need a cube of timber - please - 7 beams. In the end, to build small house 6x6 you will need 52 timber. By simple calculations (52/7 = 7.43 cubic meters) we can establish that we will not be given 3 timber.

Learning to count correctly

Let's return to the already tested example of 52 beams with a cross section of 150x150 and a length of 6 meters. We calculate the volume: 52 x 6 x 0.15 x 0.15 = 7.02 cubic meters. Actually, you have to pay for 7.02 cubic meters, and as a result you get 52 bars and no less.

What else to consider when counting lumber

What else should you pay attention to when calculating how much 100x150 timber is in a cube? In other words, are there other tricks?

It is important to consider that there are two main varieties on the market of this product: “calibrated” and “uncalibrated” bars. Besides different prices, these products show the difference permissible deviations from the specified sizes. Thus, at the calculation stage, you need to decide which tolerances are important and which can be ignored.

For example, if you plan to purchase a 100x150 product for the installation of SIP panels, then you need calibrated lumber, which has the most accurate standard dimensions and does not require additional adjustment.

Another important point is that the length of the product can exceed 6 meters. Due to technological features, the average size is not 6 meters, as the accompanying instructions show, but 6.05.

The reason for this phenomenon is that the manufacturer, to save time and reduce labor costs, does not process the ends, leaving this “honorable duty” to the customers. So, rarely, but some particularly cunning sellers try to take these surpluses into account when calculating cubic meters.

Useful data

Do you want to know how many pieces of 150x200 timber are in a cube, but don’t have time to calculate? No problem, everything is calculated for you here!

Standard timber

  • 200 x 200 x 6000 number of timber in m³: 4 pcs.
  • 150 x 200 x 6000: 5 pcs.
  • 100 x 200 x 6000: 8 pcs.
  • 150 x 150 x 6000: 7 pcs.
  • 100 x 150 x 6000: 11 pcs.
  • 100 x 100 x 6000: 16 pcs.
  • 50 x 70 x 3000: 95 pcs.
  • 50 x 50 x 6000: 66 pcs.
  • 50 x 50 x 3000: 133 pcs.
  • 40 x 40 x 3000: 208 pcs.
  • 30 x 50 x 3000: 222 pcs.
  • 30 x 40 x 3000: 277 pcs.
  • 25 x 50 x 3000: 266 pcs.

Beams with non-standard dimensions

  • 300 x 300 x 6000 number of timber in m³: 1 pc.
  • 250 x 300 x 6000: 2 pcs.
  • 200 x 300 x 6000: 2 pcs.
  • 200 x 250 x 6000: 3 pcs.
  • 190 x 190 x 6000: 4 pcs.
  • 150 x 300 x 6000: 3 pcs.
  • 150 x 250 x 6000: 4 pcs.
  • 140 x 190 x 6000: 6 pcs.
  • 140 x 140 x 6000: 8 pcs.
  • 100 x 300 x 6000: 5 pcs.
  • 100 x 250 x 6000: 6 pcs.
  • 90 x 190 x 6000: 9 pcs.
  • 90 x 140 x 6000: 13 pcs.
  • 90 x 90 x 6000: 20 pcs.

Now, have you calculated how much timber is 150 by 200 in a cube and purchased it in accordance with the features of future construction? At the same time, be prepared for the fact that you will have to solve the problem of storing material.

Features of lumber storage

It is no secret that construction is carried out much faster than the construction of a brick or stone house. But, despite this, it is necessary to take care in advance of finding a place suitable for storing building materials.

High-quality timber, the price of which is justified, is supplied to the customer with a humidity within 12%. This is the optimal indicator, thanks to which you can be sure that the construction will take place without long-term shrinkage. But the problem is that if stored incorrectly, the moisture parameters of the wood may change.

How to preserve timber without changing the original humidity parameters?

First of all, you need to prepare a storage space. This place will be an area with a flat and dry surface. Pallets are laid across a flat area on which timber can be placed.

Tip: if there are no pallets, you can use boards, sleepers or fragments of beams.
By laying lumber on an improvised stand as in the photo, you prevent moisture from penetrating into the wood.

A number of experts are of the opinion that supports for beams are not enough and the construction of additional frame structures may be required. That is, on occasion, the canopy will protect stacks of lumber from negative impact atmospheric precipitation.

How to properly lay timber for storage?

So, pallets or other wooden structures. Now you need to lay the beams on top of these devices. Each beam is laid at a short distance from each other. The gap between the beams (at least 2 cm) must be maintained in order to ensure air flow for ventilation

Additional protections

There is a high probability that the lumber you purchased, despite proper storage, will acquire additional moisture. The fact is that sometimes it is not enough to cover the products at the top and bottom. To completely eliminate the possibility of a stack of lumber getting wet from the sides and ends, you need to cover them with plastic film.

Important: completely wrapping the timber in film is unacceptable to avoid the greenhouse effect.

The question arises: does timber need protection from moisture only during storage or even when a house is built from it? Of course optimal parameters humidity must be maintained both before and after construction. Naturally ready house You can’t wrap it in cellophane, and that’s why protective paint coatings are used.

The market offers a wide range of varnishes for outdoor work. High-quality varnish, if applied correctly, forms a thin but wear-resistant coating that will prevent moisture from penetrating into the pores of the wood for several years.

And the video in this article is ready to clearly confirm the topic we discussed, watch it!

Purchasing materials by eye is nonsense, and no self-respecting owner would do this. In order to competently draw up an estimate and estimate how much construction or major renovation, you need to determine how much of a particular product will be needed. It’s more complicated with boards - they are not sold individually, but are sold (as well as stored) in batches, the volume of which is expressed in m³. But the number of pieces, as a rule, is “tied” to the area covered, that is, to m². Let's figure out how to determine how many boards will be in one cube.

Why are the boards 4 and 6 meters? The calculation method given below does not change for any length. The fact is that the indicated parameters are the most popular ones. Manufacturers focus on the dimensions of platforms and freight cars, so it is more profitable for them to supply boards 6 m long. But the buyer is more interested in boards four meters long, since a truck with an extended body is enough to transport them.

To transport 6 meter boards you need a road train; This means that the cost of delivering lumber to the site will increase. And the maneuverability of such transport is significantly limited. For example, it makes no sense to deliver boards to a dacha area, given the narrowness of the alleys.

The procedure for calculating the number of boards in a cube

You just need to remember high school. The so-called “cube” (a common name for a volume measure) is the product of the linear parameters of any volumetric object. That is, its length, width and height (in this case, thickness).

  • The edges of one of the boards in the stack are measured. This results in width and thickness. The length is known - 4 or 6 m.
  • All measured parameters are recalculated into one dimension. Because we're talking about about a cube, that is, m3, then all of them (including width and thickness) are indicated in meters.
  • The “cubic capacity” of the workpiece is determined.
  • 1 m³ is divided by the resulting value. The result is the number of boards in the cube.

The numerator of the fraction does not necessarily have exactly 1. The storage of boards is done in different ways, and lumber is not always required in such quantities. If a stack contains 0.8 cubic meters, then this is its volume.

Example. Buy a board 6 m, 25 mm, 20 cm wide, in the amount of one cube.
  • We convert the values ​​into meters: thickness – 0.025, width – 0.2.
  • We determine the cubic capacity of the board: 6 x 0.2 x 0.025 = 0.03 m³.
  • We calculate the number of samples - 1: 0.03 = 33, (3).

Calculator for calculating the quantity and volume of lumber

If the resulting value is a fraction, the result is always rounded to the nearest whole value. That is, only the numbers before the decimal point are taken into account. This is the generally accepted norm!

These tables will help determine approximate quantity boards in a cube without resorting to calculations.

  • The calculation algorithm is the same for all lumber in this group, regardless of their characteristics - wood species, degree of drying.
  • The table values ​​are purely indicative, since they do not entirely correctly reflect the actual number of boards in a cube. Firstly, a lot depends on the stacking, that is, how tightly the boards fit. Secondly, nothing is said about the quality of processing of the workpieces (whether they are edged or not). Thirdly, it is not a fact that upon careful inspection a certain number of boards will not be rejected due to detected defects. Therefore, it is always necessary to slightly reduce the number obtained by calculation. If the board is edged - by about 10%, in the case of unedged - by 15 - 20%.
Please indicate dimensions in millimeters

W- board width
H- board thickness
L- board length

Initial data
N- quantity in pieces
E- quantity in cubic meters
Many people, when building a house or bathhouse, are faced with the need to calculate how much lumber is needed for the job. It’s easy to determine how many boards or timber you need. But the price of lumber is usually indicated per cubic meter, and in this case it will be more convenient to use a special program for calculations. Using our website, knowing the length, width and thickness of the board, as well as their number in pieces, you can calculate how many cubic meters of lumber you will need and how much one cubic meter or one board will cost.

Scope of application

Lumber is so called because it is obtained by sawing the trunk of a tree. Lumber is used for construction, making furniture, various containers and other products. Today this view building materials is the most popular. The wood from which lumber is made is an excellent heat-insulating material, maintains stable humidity and does not require special processing or maintenance, which makes it especially convenient.

Types of lumber

Lumber includes timber, edged boards, unedged boards, and construction slats. A beam is a log processed on all sides. In cut it has a square or rectangular section. Timber is most widely used in the construction of houses, bathhouses and floor structures.
Edged board is a universal lumber that is actively used both in construction work ah outside the building, and during decoration internal space. The cross-section of an edged board is an elongated rectangle. Unedged board differs from edged board in that its edges are not cut off, so that a layer of bark of the tree from which this board was cut remains visible. A construction lath or beam is a beam with a smaller cross-section than a regular one and is widely used in construction.
Lumber varies according to the type of wood it is made from. They are made from coniferous species trees such as pine, spruce and larch. And from hardwoods such as oak and beech, birch, and aspen.
Lumber is also classified by moisture content. They are divided into raw with a moisture level of more than 22 percent and dry with a moisture content below 22 percent. The former are used for construction work, and the latter for the manufacture of furniture.
There are also several types of lumber. The choice of variety depends on the scope of application. So, materials are used for furniture premium. For joinery and moldings, grade 1 lumber is suitable, while grades 2 and 3 are used exclusively as construction boards. Lumber, if it is not used for a long time, must be protected from moisture. This may lead to their damage. It is not recommended to store lumber stacked on top of each other. There must be spacers between the layers of beams or boards.