Do lice die? At what temperature do lice and nits die? Fighting body lice with frost

Drastic change comfortable temperature is one of the most popular methods of treating head lice. Previously, it was used only for body lice, but in Lately More and more information has become available about in different ways heat treatment of hair. Is it possible to solve the problem by knowing at what temperature lice and nits die? Let's find out right now!

Who are lice?

Nits are lice eggs enclosed in a sticky transparent shell. Each egg hangs by a separate thread. Due to the sticky secretion secreted by lice, it sticks so tightly to the surface of the hair that it is impossible to remove it even with sharp nails.

What temperatures are harmful to lice?

Using temperatures, you can remove linen lice in a matter of days. Their main place of residence - clothes - can be boiled, ironed and taken out into the cold (below -20C). The main thing is that the mode is as high as possible, and the exposure time is as long as possible.

Method 1 – Freezing outside

Method 2 – Freezing in the freezer

Method 3 – Treatment with boiling water

Method 4 – Iron or steam cleaner

An alternative to boiling water is an iron or steam cleaner. They can be processed upholstered furniture, pillows, blankets, Stuffed Toys, hats, bed linen and other things.

Tips to help get rid of lice:

Temperature treatment of the head against lice

With the head, everything is different, because the hair is designed to maintain a constant temperature at the surface of the epidermis. So, no matter how much you walk in the cold without cleaning, the lice will remain alive, although they will not feel very comfortable. For nits, such a walk will be completely useless - their cocoon serves as excellent protection from a variety of phenomena.

To treat insects at critical temperatures, special techniques will be needed. Let's look at each of them.

Method 1 – Hair dryer

Unfortunately, such hair dryers are not yet produced for mass use, so our second method is suitable for most.

Method 2 – Water

An alternative to a special hair dryer for head lice is water heated to a temperature of +55 degrees. Wash your hair longer, then dry it with a regular hairdryer set to the maximum setting. This treatment will allow you to comb out nits and lice much faster.

To get rid of a large number of lice, you need to wash your hair hot water, and then comb out the weakened lice with a special comb

Method 3 – Hair straightener

Another interesting method of getting rid of lice is to straighten your hair with a hot iron. The hair is divided into small strands and processed from roots to ends. You need to move the device very slowly - this will kill both adult lice and larvae with nits.

Method 4 – Bath

Lice eggs or nits are more resistant to influence environment. Even after the death of the lice, they may not die, and after returning comfortable conditions and even give birth to new offspring. However, there are modes that are dangerous for nits. They die in conditions below -20 and above +60 degrees.

The effect of temperature on the process of lice reproduction

Now you know at what temperatures lice and nits die. We wish you good luck in this difficult struggle!

The development cycle of lice can be divided into four stages: larva, first instar nymph, second instar nymph, third instar nymph, adult insect. The transition of the nymph to the next stage of development occurs with each molt. When molting, it sheds its hard chitinous cover, which allows it to continue to grow.

Lice development:

  1. It takes 5–8 days for the nit to develop.
  2. 1–3 days and the larva turns into a first instar nymph.
  3. The first instar nymph needs 5 days.
  4. The second instar nymph develops within 8 days.

The lifespan of an adult is 30 - 40 days.

After the last molt, an adult insect appears and mating occurs within the first two days. One mating in a female louse's entire life is enough to fertilize all the eggs in the body. After which she lays eggs throughout her life.

Reference! A female head louse lays 144 eggs in her lifetime, a female pubic louse lays up to 50 eggs, and a female body louse lays up to 300 eggs in her entire life. One and a half or two months after infection, a person may have a whole population of insects, and after some time they will cause pronounced symptoms of head lice.

Nits and nymphs

The development cycle from larva to adult insect is very interesting. When laying eggs, the female secretes a sticky secretion and only then the eggs are born. With the help of this substance, the egg is securely attached to the hair. After which the secretion hardens, forming a “case” (like a bag in which the egg matures). This is how a nit is formed.

After ripening, the first instar nymph hatches from the nit. It is similar to an adult insect, the only difference is its size and the inability to reproduce. Immediately after emergence, the larva begins to actively feed and molting occurs almost immediately. This is how a nymph is born.

Methods of temperature influence on lice

Like other insects, lice quickly adapt to insecticides. However, you can fight them in other ways. For example, using high or low temperatures.

Studies have shown that at a temperature of -20 degrees, the lice population completely dies within 45 minutes.

High temperatures:

  • From + 40 to +45 degrees, females stop laying eggs.
  • From + 40 to +60, adults and nymphs die.
  • + 60 degrees and above, nits die.

There is an opinion that it is enough for a person with lice to walk without a hat in severe frost and this will help get rid of lice. But that's not true. After all, the human body cannot have a temperature with a minus sign. And the temperature on the scalp will always remain comfortable for lice. However It is quite possible to fight body louse using temperature methods.

Exposure to high temperatures

In most cases, the body louse is exposed to temperature. Since it lives in clothes, and it can be subjected to any processing. But exposure to high temperatures (painless for humans) can also help in the fight against head and pubic lice.

The effect of high temperatures on body louse:

The effects of high temperatures on head louse:

After heat treatment, insects should be combed out with a thick comb. The procedure should be carried out three to four times a day.

Exposure to low temperatures

Fighting body louse with low temperatures:

After freezing, things should be heat treated (as described above). This approach will increase the chances of success.


Currently exists a large number of remedies for nits and lice.

However, when choosing, you need to consider:

  • toxicity;
  • aggressiveness;
  • efficiency;
  • ease of use;
  • possibility of allergic reactions.

Therefore, when choosing you need:

The most popular lice remedies:

  • sprays;
  • shampoos;
  • creams;
  • concentrates in the form of emulsions.

All these drugs are quite easy to use, effective and safe. The exception is concentrated emulsions; they are more aggressive and more likely to cause allergic reactions and burns (if used incorrectly).

Attention! The main danger of insecticides is allergic reactions.

They appear as:

  • dandruff;
  • atopic dermatitis;
  • hair damage;
  • pigmentation.

The most popular drugs for lice:

A very interesting product is the Robi Comb electronic comb. The principle of its operation is that it not only combs out, but also shocks insects with an electric discharge. But at the same time its effectiveness is not high.

Attention! Children under 5 years of age, pregnant women and nursing mothers are prohibited from using chemical preparations for lice!

Folk remedies

Still widely used in lice control. But their main drawback is that the higher the efficiency, the more harm they can cause to a person.

What is used:

Head lice infection and prevention

The easiest way to get head lice is through direct head-to-head contact. Institutions such as gyms, swimming pools, football fields, children's summer camps, schools, kindergartens promote close contact between children and each other. Most often, pediculosis is contracted by children from 3 to 11 years old. This can occur through the sharing of combs, hair brushes, hair clips, hats, clothing, and the proximity of clothes on hangers. is not a sign of uncleanliness and poor hygiene.


  • You should not exchange personal items: combs, hats, scarves, and you should not use someone else’s soap or towel.
  • It is not advisable to leave clothes in a common locker room in close contact with the clothes of other people.
  • You should check your hair and your child's hair for insects from time to time. This should be done once or twice a week. Special attention You need to focus on the areas at the back of the head and behind the ears.
  • Wash your hair regularly and comb your hair with a fine comb. These measures are especially relevant when traveling and hiking when large cluster of people.

So, at what temperature do lice die? Let's take a closer look at this issue.

The influence of temperature on the vital activity of lice

The effect of heat on lice

Lice do not tolerate high temperatures very well. First of all, heat affects their ability to reproduce. At +40 0 C, the process of egg maturation in the female’s body stops. A further increase in temperature leads to a delay in the development of the embryo in already deposited nits, but its death occurs only at +60 0 C.

The relatively high resistance of nits to high temperatures is explained by the presence of a dense protective shell, which protects the embryo in its most vulnerable period. Adult insects do not have such protection. Their soft chitinous integument is not able to protect them from heat and lice die at a temperature slightly above 55 0 C for 2-3 minutes.

Humidity can greatly affect the survival rate of lice. A high content of water vapor in the air leads to a decrease in evaporation from the surface of the insect's body. This, in turn, reduces heat transfer and causes overheating.

The following temperature patterns in the life activity of lice at a relative air humidity of about 70% have been identified:

  • 40 – 45 0 C – females stop laying eggs;
  • 45 – 50 0 C – lice and their larvae remain viable from several hours to 30 minutes;
  • 50 – 55 0 C – adult individuals die within a few minutes, the development of nits is suspended;
  • 55 – 60 0 C – insects die almost instantly, eggs remain viable;
  • 60 0 C and above – nits are destroyed.

Interesting fact! Lice, it turns out, prefer people who wash their hair regularly! It is easier to move through clean hair, and skin that is not contaminated with grease secretions is easier to bite through.

Effect of cold

Lice are no less afraid of cold than heat. Zero temperature causes them to experience a state close to shock. They stop reproducing, feeding and practically do not move. The development of embryos in the eggs stops, and the larvae go into a kind of hibernation.

Critical subzero temperatures for lice at 70% humidity:

  • 0 – 5 0 C – insects do not reproduce and stop feeding, the development of embryos in eggs is suspended;
  • 5 – 15 0 C – lice die within a few minutes, nits remain viable;
  • 15 – 20 0 C – almost instantaneous death of both adult insects and their larvae at different stages of development;
  • 20 0 Frost kills nits.

Advice! Head lice can be easily removed from damp hair. Therefore, if you have head lice, it is recommended to comb your hair with a fine-toothed comb immediately after washing.

Methods of temperature influence


Freezing is used mainly against linen lice. The following methods are used:

The advantages of such methods are their safety for human health and sufficient effectiveness. In addition, they do not require any material costs and are available to anyone.

Are body lice afraid of frost? As we have already found out, it is unlikely to be possible to get rid of insects that live on the hairy areas of human skin using this method. It is unrealistic to create at least zero temperature on the surface of the body without risk to health, so it is better to use heat against them.

Interesting fact! At a temperature of +10 - 20 0 C, all processes occurring in the body of lice slow down, and they become able to do without food for 10 days. Therefore, it is unlikely that it will be possible to “starve” insects in this temperature range.

Exposure to heat

Interesting facts about lice, as well as ways to get rid of them, can be learned from this video:

These are recipes passed down from generation to generation, and chemicals that can completely cure head lice. What are lice really afraid of, and are there any effective way get rid of nits and adults from maximum efficiency?

  • – usually chooses a victim with long hair. It feeds on blood, piercing all layers of the epidermis and making its way to the blood vessel.
  • - develops vital activity in places with coarse vegetation - in intimate areas, eyebrows, armpits, beard and mustache. The transmission route is contact, in the truest sense of the word.

During intimacy, the insect clings to the partner's hairs. You can also become infected through bedding or towels.

Blue spots form at the bite sites - a consequence of the breakdown of hemoglobin. Wounds can be complicated by a purulent course.

How can you scare off bloodsuckers, and what doesn’t work on them? By the way, there are many myths that supposedly bloodsuckers can be removed with the help of spells and prayers. More on this below.

Plain water

There is a belief that water has a detrimental effect on lice.

There's no point in rinsing your hair cold water, the bloodsuckers will not die, but you risk getting hypothermia.

Are bloodsuckers afraid of strong odors?

Lice do not like strong odors.

What has an attractive aroma to humans repels bloodsuckers.

Important rule! In order to kill insects, you should wrap your head: with such actions you will block the access of oxygen to pests, their respiratory tract will be burned by a pungently smelling substance.

How to treat hair so that bloodsuckers suffocate:

  • Lice are afraid essential oils : scent of mint, lavender oil and tea tree. Burdock oil will help after recovery, restoring the hair structure. Concentrates are widely used for preventive purposes: a few drops of a pharmaceutical product are added to the shampoo.

Your curls will be protected from infection for 7 days. Before applying, make sure there is no allergic reaction to a concentrated substance.

Perform a sensitivity test by placing a few drops on the elbow area. If there is no redness or itching, you can add oil to shampoos;

  • Lice cannot withstand substances such as Birch tar . They are dying from tar soap.

Wash your hair with a strong smell detergent and with fine teeth;

  • Decoction tansy, wormwood, rosemary herb, lemon juice, cranberry, hellebore water - have a suffocating effect on individuals and help peel off nits.

One of the products is applied to the curls and left for 30 minutes. After the procedure, the hair is rinsed and thoroughly combed. Be sure to check the head for nits. If you miss one egg, the lice will return within a week;

  • In order to protect yourself from infection, it is enough to wash your hair once a month. anti-pediculosis shampoo.

It is not necessary to maintain the exposure time indicated on the bottle. You are not treating the disease, but acting for preventive purposes.

What other smells repel lice?

  • Kerosene have been used for many decades.

The product is inexpensive but effective. At least, this is what many who have encountered the disease think. Kerosene acts as a toxic substance that has a suffocating effect on bloodsuckers.

In relation to children and folk remedy do not apply.

Fuel has one disadvantage - bad smell Doesn't take long to fade from hair. No cosmetic preparations will eliminate the persistent smell of fuel;

  • Vinegar- an acid that helps dissolve the sticky substance with which adults attach eggs to the rod.

Use a weak vinegar solution so as not to burn the scalp.

The substance itself does not kill lice. The product is suitable for preventing infection and improving the structure of the hair shaft.

The mixture is prepared by mixing a teaspoon of alcohol with 3 tablespoons of salt. Add 3% vinegar and apply as a compress. Apply to clean hair and do not rinse for 2 days;

  • Karbofos used in hospitals during treatment of patients.

The product kills both adults and nits. The head is treated and wrapped for 30 minutes, then rinsed with vinegar water and combed out with a fine comb. The downside is an unpleasant smell from the head for 10 days.

Temperature changes

There is an opinion: head human lice, as well as laundry, are most afraid of changes in ambient temperature. Is it so?

High temperature will not always help get rid of bloodsuckers. There are temperatures at which individuals will feel quite comfortable.

Normal temperature Range vital activity and laying offspring + 24 – 30 C. A decrease in indicators inhibits the development of individuals. They eat less often and do not lay eggs.

Zero temperature does not lead to the death of individuals, but to a state close to suspended animation. The insect falls asleep for several days.

You cannot get rid of pubic bloodsuckers by swimming in an ice hole. For insects, the water temperature from – 1 to + 4 is quite acceptable to survive for 10 – 15 minutes. And a person can’t stand it anymore in icy water.

As a result of exposure to low temperatures, nits also survive.

Dry hot air can slow down the development of nits and the vital activity of adults. It is impossible to get rid of pests using a hairdryer. To destroy bloodsuckers and nits, you need to use a hairdryer with a stream of hot air for at least an hour.

A bathhouse, similarly, will only get rid of lice from very stubborn comrades: after all, not everyone can survive in a steam room at high temperatures. Moreover, it is known: a hot bath is very harmful to hair.

Linen insects are destroyed by heat treatment of items at a temperature of +70 C. It is enough to wash the laundry and leave it to dry in the open air.

A haircut

One thing head lice cannot survive without is hair! That is why radical and quick method The fight against head lice in hospitals is shaving the head.

This method is unlikely to work with women. Prevention and prevention of infection - put your hair under a headdress, or braid it.

Hair dye

Women resort to the procedure in the fight against bloodsuckers. The method works, but under certain conditions:

  1. The paint must contain ammonia or hydrogen peroxide;
  2. After applying the paint, wrap the head for 30 - 40 minutes;
  3. The drug has not expired.

The method is effective against adults. The coloring pigment does not affect nits.

Lack of food

Both larvae and adult lice are afraid of hunger strikes. If an insect falls from the host's body, it will not survive more than 3 days. The larva lives without food for no more than a day.

What methods don't work

Bloodsuckers are not afraid:

  • Magic rituals, conspiracies and prayers. If a person firmly believes in the miraculous powers of the word, secure the result with an insecticidal preparation;
  • Styling products. Hairspray will help if it is applied directly to the individual. Fixing curls will not save you from the disease;
  • Talismans. No enchanted object hanging around the neck will protect against lice;
  • Holy water. This method also does not contribute to recovery. Need hot water, or better yet, boiling water to remove body louse. After washing, the linen lice die.

A hair clipper works against bloodsuckers. This is a conspiracy, a talisman and a repeller. The device saves from head insects, but is not always effective against pubic insects.


There are many myths about bloodsuckers among people. Let's consider which of them is true and which is fiction.

In most cases, following traditional methods ineffective and leads to severe infection. A person is forced to buy special drug, helping to get rid of bloodsuckers.

Every missed minute is a new nit in the head. If the result is the same, why waste precious time!

But this requires a certain persistence, as well as knowledge of the technology for combating lice, important nuances which we will consider further.

Temperatures dangerous for lice

Adult lice can survive for several days at temperatures ranging from minus 5°C to +40°C.

At temperatures outside these values, lice and their larvae die within a few hours. At temperatures above +54°C and below minus 13°C, lice die within 5 minutes.

On a note

These temperatures are somewhat arbitrary. At high air humidity, the temperature ranges at which lice survive are reduced, and at low humidity, they approximately correspond to the indicated values.

Already at a temperature of about 0°C and at +42-44°C, lice are so weakened that they can be easily shaken off your head or underwear. This is used in sanitation when combing out lice with special combs.

These data should not be interpreted to mean that if you walk for half an hour in the cold at minus 20°C without a hat, then the lice will all die at once. The hair on the human head is created by nature in order to maintain a constant temperature at the surface of the skin. This means that it is there that the lice, although they will feel discomfort, will definitely not die. Criminologists know that lice begin to crawl only from a corpse that has cooled to a temperature of about 20°C. In other words, if the body is warm, the lice around it will survive, no matter how much the person suffers from the cold.

Practice shows that the easiest way to fight body lice is by using heat treatment. The main place of their presence is clothing, which can be boiled and hung out for several days in the severe frost. It is difficult to treat a person himself with temperatures critical for lice, but it is possible - today there are even specially developed techniques for this, which will be discussed below.

At what temperature do nits die?

Considering the reliable and strong adhesion of nits to the surface, even knowing at what temperature nits die and treating fabrics at this temperature, it may be impossible to completely remove them - after destruction, additional combing or cleaning of clothing will be required.

Fighting body lice with frost

Knowing at what temperature lice die, you can very effectively fight body lice. This is usually done in winter:

  • All clothes worn by the infected person are hung out in the cold for several days. Preferably for a week.
  • The infected person himself washes thoroughly, his head is shaved or his hair is carefully combed with special combs.

Freeze the head and pubic lice physically impossible without risk to the infected person himself. To combat them, other temperature methods are sometimes used.

Removing lice with high temperatures

Removing lice from the body high temperatures quite labor-intensive, but, as experiments show, quite effective.

The most significant were the attempts of American researchers to develop a special hair dryer to kill lice. This hair dryer blows air at a temperature of about 50°C on the infected part of the body, which is sensitive but not painful for humans.

This is interesting

The very idea of ​​using a hairdryer against head lice was proposed by British inventor Dale Clayton. He initially developed lice treatments in the UK, but then moved to Salt Lake City, an area with a much hotter and drier climate. There he discovered that local lice are much less viable, and after being in the sun for a long time in dry desert air, they completely lose their mobility. This prompted him to create a special hair dryer.

Today, such hair dryers are not yet produced for mass use, but those who have decided to fight lice mechanically- with the help of combs - they can adopt the method. Before combing your hair, you should rinse it in water at a temperature of about 55°C, and then dry it with a regular hairdryer at the maximum tolerable temperature. After this procedure, lice will be combed out easier and in much larger quantities.

“I knew from the time I worked at the SES at what temperature lice die. It's about 50 degrees. When lice appeared on the child, I didn’t even think about any insecticides - they were all poison. I did this: I simply bathe the child, then I dry his hair with a hairdryer at a temperature that is a little unpleasant, but can be tolerated - about 7 minutes. Then I immediately take it and comb his hair with a lice comb. It should be special, dense, with hard teeth. There are a lot of them for sale on the Internet now. Only lice and nits do not die at this temperature, but are inhibited, and they need to be combed out over the bathtub.”

Lyubov Ilyinichna, Sterlitamak

How does temperature affect the rate of lice reproduction?

Temperature also affects the rate at which lice reproduce quite significantly. At temperatures below +22°C and above +40°C, lice larvae and nymphs stop feeding and do not develop. At the same temperatures, nits do not develop - larvae do not hatch from them, although the nits themselves do not die, their development is simply inhibited.

At the temperature at which lice die, nits are still able to survive. In general, even a small change in temperature already affects the duration of the reproductive cycle of lice.

The optimal temperature for lice reproduction is +30-32°C. Under such conditions, the period from egg to egg is about 16-18 days. Lowering the temperature to +28°C extends this period to 23-24 days, and at +25°C about 35 days pass from egg to egg.

At a temperature of +22°C, larvae stop hatching from nits. This is how the natural defense mechanisms of the population work - when low temperatures lice are not viable, and it is more rational to preserve dormant nits until the next warming than to risk hatching larvae, which may simply die of starvation.

Interestingly, increasing the temperature at which does not lead to the opposite effect. If an increase in temperature to +34-35°C maintains the duration of the reproductive cycle at 16-17 days, then upon reaching +37-38°C the reproduction of lice practically stops altogether, and after +40°C they begin to die.

At the same time, in natural conditions There are practically no lice in such conditions.

What about in nature?

In winter, under the icy hairs, lice eaters, of course, slow down their activity a little, but by summer they begin to reproduce again at a normal speed.

In this regard, people are lucky - if they wish, they can change their clothes and shave their hair without the risk of being frozen or overheated. In the fight against lice, you need to take advantage of this advantage.

What causes head lice

Methods for getting rid of lice: combing, steam, comb, dye and hair straightener...