Why do they show only negative things on TV: new bad news. Why bad news always dominates the headlines

I don’t read newspapers, I practically don’t watch TV, knowing that I won’t learn anything good. The news is literally saturated negative messages.

But you want to know what is happening in the country, what is happening in the world. And when I watch the news, I constantly wonder why they NEVER show ANYTHING GOOD? Have you noticed this feature of our media?

So last night, in a good mood, I turned on the TV, and I was immediately stunned by the news.

I understand that children do not die en masse from vaccinations. Then why trumpet this on all channels and in newspapers? For what? To scare your parents? For what? We already don’t trust either medicine or health workers! It is difficult to find a normal, adequate and knowledgeable doctor. Only money solves problems. It would be nice if it wasn’t a lot of money, but they also ask for such sums that the majority of the country’s population cannot afford!

Is this such freedom or government policy with a subtle calculation? To destroy the people's psyche so that the people become controlled and "stifled"? I don't understand.

Why do we have so much negativity thrown at us?

Is there really nothing left to say other than murders, fires and robberies? Many people say that it was bad under the Union, but they didn’t dump a lot of dirt on us. Now what? Which channel don’t turn on - all negative! Have you ever heard at least one positive news? I have not heard.

On TV channel 1 plus 1 they once started a project about positivity in life. 2 or 3 transmissions passed and everything bent safely. Nothing to tell?! There is no positivity in our country!

But there is more than enough negativity! Of course, we look up to the West!

Take, for example, the story of Gaddafi. Okay, there are no Christians there. Maybe his people are tired of him, although I don’t know why, but why shock the entire civilized world with footage of the dead Gaddafi? We are people, Christians. And such cynicism!

And how can one not believe that someone very smart set out to destroy everything human in a person. Stereotyped thinking is imposed on us,

- that nothing good can happen,

- that life is rubbish,

- that you shouldn’t start a family and have children until you get back on your feet,

- that you need to gain status, have separate housing and a decent income.

When to live?

By the time you learn, get on your feet, gain status and an apartment, you will already be over 40 and will exceed. When to give birth and raise children? The cli...ks are just around the corner. So the population will slowly die out. We already have many more pensioners than people of working age.

Maybe this is what they are waiting for? What is the goal of politicians? We'll never know.

Therefore, we must live here and now, regardless of any difficulties and hardships. Create families, give birth and raise children. And I believe that if God gives a child, he will give him the opportunity to raise and educate him. You just need to be wise and not make mistakes in education.

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15.12.2015 09:00:00

Like any journalist, I am not indifferent to the problems of our long-suffering industry. As a reader, so does a TV viewer. Actually, indignant conversations about “what is being shown on the box!” commonplace for all segments of the population: they are indignant, but they watch. Several years ago, they even annoyed Putin with these conversations, provoking him into a tirade: “Wherever I go, no matter who I start talking to, my first complaint in any audience is about the media. There either someone enters into an affair with someone intimate relationships, or someone kills someone, and the only difference is in the way it’s all done.”

In TV news, of course, they don’t enter into intimate relationships (they kill, yes). But the essence of the audience’s complaints does not change much from this. So my colleague Vyacheslav Zavyalov wrote here last week that the so-called TV news is completely absent. "positive agenda". What was mocked in Soviet years(remember: “Spaceships roam the Bolshoi Theater”?), turned out to be the complete opposite. Then the news only talked about successes and achievements, keeping silent about almost any negativity. For example, plane crashes, which often happened in those years: only in isolated cases did the event receive short information from TASS, which was not reproduced by other media. And, as they write, only when there were foreigners among the dead... Today it is the other way around: Vyacheslav gives an example that everyone is ready to trumpet cases of corruption at the Vostochny cosmodrome, but not about the “construction of the century” itself. It's interesting to think about why this happens.

My colleague does not develop this topic, but I will continue for him. The situation is all the more paradoxical because we're talking about specifically about television news on national channels. Over the past ten, if not 15 years, this has been the main area of ​​censorship purge. In “vegetarian” times like 2003–2005, the authorities could turn a blind eye to opposition media, NGOs, etc. as much as they wanted. (the cleanup began later), but there was a special demand for news releases. Apparently, the time when they were the main weapon of political struggle under late Yeltsin has not been forgotten. These weapons, more dangerous than nuclear weapons, were the first to be neutralized. The newspapers could still write whatever they wanted, but “Vremya”, “Vesti” and other “News” quickly turned into an ideologically consistent “sovereign voice”. And it is there that we often see any lack of interest in positive events. More precisely, what they sometimes try to dilute the “horror-horror-horror” content with looks frankly bad - like working out an obligation, and sometimes like a parody (for example, this is how it was presented famous story with the campaign “Firewood for lonely old people”).

And I remember news programs of a completely different type. They did not work out the “positive agenda” like boring Soviet chewing gum. They were not at all inclined to present everything in a rosy light, but perhaps that is why they themselves did not experience bouts of boredom - which seems to be what they are doing on the First and on “Russia”, shoving the “obligation” about the construction of a bridge somewhere on the outskirts ether. They are “The Other Day” by Leonid Parfenov and “A Week with Marianna Maksimovskaya”. The first news broadcast on one of the three main “buttons” was watched by the whole country. The second, having appeared on a more modest channel, no longer had such a nationwide success, but due to this it lasted for a paradoxically long time. Both of these programs featured a fundamentally different approach to news. Yes, more criticism, yes, searching for those pain points, which are avoided by state channels. But the other side of the coin is the search for those living events from the life of the country that would never make it into news programs today. Different format.

“The other day” could serve as an encyclopedia modern life: they equally combined, for example, big stories about the “current” political and the fact that a new cult character has appeared - Masyanya, and how the artist Oleg Kuvaev creates her. It is clear that due to my age I remember this texture more than bridges and factories (and this also happened); Due to my line of work, I also remember well a big story about the socio-cultural phenomenon of “twenty-year-old literature”, which then - in 2002, 2003 - began to emerge. The “Namedni” film crew went to Yekaterinburg to visit young Irina Denezhkina, who briefly revolutionized literature. Then the sensation fizzled out, Denezhkina disappeared from literature (she remained the author of one book, as often happens), but the plot was remembered. I remember that the film crew always pulled out something like this: not obvious, but bright.

I experienced first-hand how journalists of this type work - several years later, when “Namedni” ended, but there was still “A Week with Marianna Maksimovskaya” on RenTV. We also did a story about young literature, using the Debut Award as a platform (and as a news occasion). I remembered that the film crew almost never left us for four days - and this was for the sake of a five-minute story. They went with us, the award finalists, everywhere - to a seminar, to the theater; to the bar, I don't know. The details have already been forgotten, but I remember that the plot turned out to be very cool, and even some kind of human relationship developed, at least I later called the operator (!) back in Moscow to say “thank you.” I have never seen television work like this - without haste and an obvious touch of “obligation”.

It is no secret that both programs were eventually closed due to censorship requirements. Our state interests are protected very vigilantly, and in these programs there were subjects that high offices would not really like to see. Now, based on the content of Vremya, Vesti and other News, we clearly see how they threw out the baby with the bathwater. How the “positive agenda” that would have been associated with the interest of both the journalist and the viewer disappeared from news programs. What remains is boring chewing gum, added to the official obligations to cover the Kremlin protocol. Revival is only an emergency, war, accident, blood. Those who want to enthusiastically sing about the construction of a cosmodrome or bridge, write in any item, something is missing. I think it's the inability to be inspired - reverse side cynicism, which is inevitable when you work entirely within censorship patterns.

There is some irony of fate in this: the desire to establish television news with “state” thinking has given rise to something partly “anti-state” in its essence (not wanting to do well under pressure, insincere, “from the heart” savoring only the negative).

However, why be surprised. Censorship has never done anything good in the long run.

In the “Column” section, texts are published that express the personal opinion of the publicist - the author of the column, which does not always coincide with the official position of the editorial board of the Public electronic newspaper", news agency "Bashinform", any government bodies.

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In life modern man Sometimes it’s simply impossible to do without technology. A TV is one of the types of equipment that seems to be unnecessary, but without it it’s terribly bad and uncomfortable in the house.

The TV itself does not have energy, but it can change the aura of the room. Previously, we wrote about 4 ways to cleanse things from negative energy. These methods are suitable for old things, antiques, useful trash and other things that you would hate to throw away. It also happens that we find something interesting or receive it as a gift. It is better to also carry out cleansing rituals with such things in order to protect your home and the health of your loved ones.

TV and energy

As we have already said, the TV itself is not a carrier of negativity, but it has a very important property - it can transmit energy impulses to those who watch it. Accordingly, you need to choose what you watch, especially if there are children in the room.

TV is a modern communication channel between worlds. Through the TV you can cause damage or, conversely, remove it. Everyone remembers programs in which magicians and seers helped people get rid of negative energy, curses, evil eyes and negative programs. According to experts in the field of bioenergy, the creation of such channels is indeed possible.

It follows that TV itself is not a threat to your luck and good mood. It is just a magnet for positivity and negativity. It will work in the direction you want.

Negative influence of TV

To begin with, you should immediately say what is already brewing in your head by itself. Energy negativity comes with corresponding TV shows and films. Do you want your children to run around the house and smile?.. do not turn on films about war, horror films, thrillers and everything that can harm their consciousness. Political shows are also full of negativity, so watch them without your kids, but don't be surprised if you end up in a bad mood. Everything you see is reflected in your perception. It’s incredibly difficult to abstract from this, so it’s simple don't watch anything that might make you feel anxious or sad. It is best for children to turn on programs about animals, science channels, good children's cartoons, and so on.

The second point is the location of the TV. The philosophy of Feng Shui talks about this in detail. In general, we have already talked about the negative energy of household appliances - the computer and even the mobile phone have it.

The TV has powerful electromagnetic radiation that depletes the body, depriving it vital energy. Biorhythms are disrupted when you watch TV for a long time, so it It's best to put it where no one sleeps. This way he will not bring you negative energy while you sleep. Sleep will be healthy if the room is clear of these waves. In case you live in one-room apartment, turn off the TV one and a half to two hours before bedtime. There should be red ribbons hanging near the TV that will attract Qi energy. It is also better not to place it in the kitchen. Now this is very fashionable and convenient in many ways, but all the negativity from the screen flows into the food that the hostess prepares. If you want a compromise, then just don't watch anything negative: news, politics, dramas and anything that irritates you.

Masters of esotericism and magicians also express their opinions. If you want to watch some unnerving or scary movie full of negativity, then do it during the day to restore your strength by the time you go to bed. Remember that this is not just a picture, but a reflection of reality.

There are several Hollywood movies that show how a TV can be used by dark forces to enter your home. This is why you should limit yourself to watching horror films or films about war. Use protective talismans and amulets, as well as special amulets. Domestic cats and many plants take on all the negativity perfectly. It is better to choose homemade talismans - take two sticks and fold them into a cross, and then wrap them with multi-colored threads. Hang a talisman-amulet in front of the TV. It will absorb most of the negative energy.

TV changes the energy of the house, which affects family relationships. Don't neglect it important fact. Use equipment correctly and do not forget about safety rules. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

05.09.2016 07:33

Many serious and chronic diseases begin with “broken” energy. Knowing the true causes of diseases, you can...