What language does the name Polina come from? Sweet and short names. Video: ♀ Polina. meaning and interpretation of the name

Among Russian names there is one unusual thing: it is common, but at the same time quite rare, this is - female name Pauline. This beautiful name to the ear it seems originally Russian, Slavic.

Is this so, what does the name Polina mean, where did it come from, how is it translated - in a word, we will find out everything about the name Polina.

First of all, Polina and Pelageya are not the same thing, they are completely different names: Wikipedia leads different meanings and characteristics, but they are similar only in sound. The interpretation of the name Polina is ambiguous; it has two different versions.

The first option is the most popular: if you stick to it, then the origin of the name Polina has ancient Greek roots and traces its history back to Apollo, the sun god beloved by the Greeks. So the name Polina means “sunny”. The second version also has a right to exist; according to it, the name originally sounded like Appolinaria. If you believe this version, then the translation of the name Polina is “liberated.”

Is not Orthodox name, so in the church they will baptize Polina, calling her Apollinaria or Paulina, sometimes Pelageya. But the name Polina is not in the calendar, so Polina’s name day is not celebrated. But if the girl at baptism is named Apollinaria or otherwise, then Polina can celebrate the day of the angel on those dates that according to church calendar correspond church name. There are foreign forms of the name Polina: Polly, Pavlina, Peilan, Polina, Paulina. Affectionate and short forms: Lina, Polya, Polinochka, Polyasha, Polisha, Pasha, Pasya.

A quick description of the name Polina indicates that the girl has a cheerful character, she is active and brave, this girl cannot be called shy. In her early years, the baby pleases her parents every day, resembling a sweet angel - Polina is so beautiful, smiling and cheerful.

She is never capricious, very obedient, modest, but not fearful. While other children are playing with dolls, little Polya is looking for adventure: rescuing a puppy, removing a kitten from a tree, pulling out weeds in the garden - in general, looking for useful activities.

At the same time, in childhood, any meaning of the name Polina suits her - both “sunny” and “liberated”, because, firstly, the girl really glows with joy and energy, and secondly, she adores freedom and is not constrained by fears or excessive shyness .

It is extremely important for a child to be praised, approved and appreciated for his achievements, even small ones. And what matters is not so much how much she was appreciated and what she actually achieved, but rather her feeling that she is doing something for a reason. If Polya does something, for example, draws or learns a poem, and none of the adults notice this, then the child gets the feeling that all this is in vain.

And the desire to continue disappears, and self-confidence falls. As the name Polina shows, it is extremely important for a girl to receive support from her parents, especially from her mother, because she focuses on her mother first and foremost, taking all the qualities from her.

Sides of character

As the meaning of the name Polina demonstrates, this girl is bright, free and “sunny”. She grows up beautiful, nature generously gifts her with unusual facial features, amazing eyes and extraordinary energy.

But even if a girl doesn’t have ideal facial proportions, she knows how to present it in such a way that everyone will gasp. She has been taking care of herself since childhood and loves to take care of her body, hair, and early years dreams of cosmetics and perfume, knows how to dress tastefully, even if there is no money for expensive clothes.

But there is one peculiarity: the young lady hates housekeeping and especially cleaning. This duality is the secret of the name Polina. She really takes very good care of herself, she can take a shower several times a day, and for her washing a mug is torture and hard labor.

Everything connected with dirt and garbage causes disgust and disgust in a girl. Polina, as evidenced by the characteristics of this name, may not pay attention to the disorder around her, and she would rather not notice it than begin to clean it up. True, after marriage all this can change radically, and the birth of the first child will make a woman completely unrecognizable in terms of life and order.

Another rare wonderful quality that distinguishes her character: the name Polina is characterized by confidence and, on the contrary, she does not tend to doubt. She knows how to make all decisions literally with lightning speed, without much thought.

Thanks to this quality, Polina is often the first and wins, achieving results while others are thinking. However, there is one caveat that means that sometimes this leads to errors. But even mistakes do not frighten the girl: she learns from them, drawing conclusions and gaining valuable experience.

Polina is independent, she feels every right to manage her life, her name gives her courage and willfulness. If you decide something, you shouldn’t try to convince her otherwise. He hates being pressured and can't stand moralizing. She strives for a bright life, likes to exaggerate, and is very emotional. Prone to reckless actions. If you offend her, it can instantly break off all relationships. Uncompromising, brave, desperate.

Business sphere

As the history of the name shows, this girl is smart, quick-witted, and has an excellent memory. All this, with a high degree of probability, can mean that the girl will graduate from school and even university with excellent results, but in fact, everything depends on herself, on her desires.

The girl, whose name is Polina, as the meaning of the name shows, is very willful, and if she gets bored with the institute, she can leave it without hesitation without receiving a diploma. What does it matter if she is talented, brave, active and full of life? The girl craves adventure, a bright and eventful life and strives for this with all her soul.

She does not set a goal to obtain a prestigious education. She also doesn’t strive to earn money; she’s ready to be content with little, but ideally she wants someone to provide for her loving man. She will be happy to engage in her hobbies, self-development, read her favorite books, go to cultural events and just live.

As for fun, Polina loves birthdays, name days, New Year and other holidays, loves to be the center of attention and receive gifts. But working hard is not her thing. She is a true lady who is not cut out for hard work.

The girl is talented and loves creativity. She can become interested in photography, painting, acting or dancing, and then, as if by itself, the hobby will turn into a profession.

Polina, as the meaning of the name shows, has such a character that both fate and her life turn out well, no matter what she does. Luck smiles on her, she is lucky. She can paint her paintings with pleasure, organize exhibitions, without trying to sell her work for big money.

Also, the girl is ready to work in a low-level position in order to provide herself with the minimum necessary income, but at the same time not overwork and have free time for myself. Can be a consultant or salesperson in women's store, work on telephone calls, be a teacher or nanny, hairdresser, manicurist. Too much responsibility and hard work are not for her.

Love of my life

The description of the character and characteristics of this person shows that she is extremely emotional, but this is inside, and outwardly the woman does not like to show her feelings, trying to protect herself. She knows perfectly well what it means to love, knows how to be faithful and devoted, dreams of beautiful wedding and a harmonious family.

Looking for a handsome, extraordinary, wealthy man. She will love him with all her soul, adore and obey him, but she will also demand a lot from him. A man should be her not only lover and husband, but also a father, girlfriend, and older brother.

1. Polina has perfect compatibility with the following names: , Igor, Alexey, Pavel, Ignat, Daniil, Stepan, Borislav, Kirill, Eduard.

2. Average compatibility of Polina: , Vladislav, Semyon, Timur, Timofey, Vyacheslav, Fedor.

3. Low compatibility: Konstantin, Leonid, Ivan, Anton, Boris, Ruslan, Victor, Nikolay, Yuri.

A name is not just a formal name given to a person. It predetermines character, outlines the lines of fate and the future, and can tell about very, very many things. Polina is a unique name, endowed with magical, strong energy. The life of this woman will be long, filled with incredible events and many adventures that can be described in books. This woman will always be happy!

The female name Polina has become very popular these days. It gives its owner a gentle disposition, external attractiveness and a desire for a prosperous and beautiful life. The meaning and characteristics of this name will be outlined in our article.

Origin of the name Polina

Etymologically, it is related to the colloquial form. This name became independent for various reasons. Firstly, the sound “a” at the very beginning of a word is not characteristic of the Slavs. Therefore, it quickly fell away, and the name began to be pronounced as Polinarya. Secondly, in the 18th and 19th centuries the French language came into fashion. they tried to give the Russians euphony. That's why we stuck with the female name Polina.

The name Apollinaria, in turn, goes back to the masculine Apollinaris. It is derived from the ancient Greek adjective apollinarius, meaning “belonging to Apollo.” This god is part of the Olympian pantheon and is the patron of sunlight, as well as art and science. As you can see, the origin of the name Polina has a long and interesting history.

"French" version

There is an opinion that this name has French roots. It is believed to have come from the masculine Pol, which is Latin for “baby” or “small.” Its analogue in Russian is Pavel. Many people associate the origin of the name Polina with the French female name Paulina (or Peacock). It goes back to the Roman personal or family nickname Paulinus. Polina translates as “small”, “modest”.

Patron Saint

The patron saint of the owner of this name is the Venerable Apollinaria. This woman is known for renouncing marriage and going on a pilgrimage to holy places. Later, in Alexandria, she dressed in men's clothing, pretended to be a monk and came to the monastery, which was under the command of the Monk Macarius of Egypt. Apollinaria called herself Dorotheus, and she was accepted into the brethren.

The name Polina, the origin and meaning of which is discussed in this article, is associated with a story from Holy Scripture. It says that Apollinaria's parents had another daughter. She suffered from demonic possession. The girl was sent to the monastery to Macarius for a complete cure. There, through the prayers of the monk Dorotheus, she was completely healed. But upon returning home, she appeared to her parents to be pregnant. They demanded the extradition of the culprit, and Dorotheus (Apollinaria) had to take the blame upon himself. She returned home and opened up to relatives. Soon she returned to Macarius of Egypt and devoted her life to serving God. Only after the death of the monk Dorotheus did the brothers learn that he was in fact a woman. The day of remembrance of the Venerable Apollinaria is January 18.

Polina in childhood

The origin of the name Polina is no longer a secret to you. It will suit any girl and will ensure her a happy family life and well-being.

Short form of the name Polina. Polinka, Polya, Polyasha, Pasha, Polyunya, Polyusya, Pusya, Polyukha, Polyusha, Polyakha, Lina.
Synonyms for the name Polina. Pavlina, Pauline, Pauline, Peilan.
Origin of the name Polina. The name Polina is Russian, Orthodox, Catholic.

The name Polina has several versions of origin. The first of them is the most common - the name Polina comes from the name ancient Greek god sun of Apollo and means “solar” or “dedicated to Apollo.” There are translation options for “liberated” or “liberating.” In this case, Polina is one of the forms of the name Apollinaria, which among the Russian people received greatest distribution, rather than full name, due to a more beautiful and concise sound, as well as due to the ease of pronunciation for Russian people.

The second version - the name Polina is of French origin, comes from male name Paul, which is translated from Latin as “small”, “baby”. In Russian, the analogue of the name Pol is the male name Pavel.

The French version also has a second one possible variant appearance of the name Polina. The name Polina is the Russian version of the pronunciation of the French name Paulina (Pavlina, Polen, Polin, Paula), formed from the male name Pavlin (Paulin). The name Peacock (Polina) comes from the Roman cognomen (personal or family nickname) Paulinus, a related cognomen for the name Paul, therefore the translation of the names is very close in meaning. The name Polina means “modest”, “small”.

The name Polina is also considered a short form of such names as Apollinaria, Paulina, Pelageya. But in modern times the name Polina has become independent and is used independently.

The diminutive Lina is also a name in its own right, and the addresses Paul and Pasha are considered a short form and affectionate form of many other names.

The name Polina is not mentioned in Orthodox calendar, as well as Pavlina (Paulina). Pauline is usually baptized under the names Pelageya and Apollinaria. For the name Polina, the Catholic name day Paulina (Peacocks) will be indicated.

Polina makes decisions quickly and is unusually active. By temperament she is choleric. Sometimes it seems that Polina’s demands are too high, she is too proud and unapproachable. However, at heart this girl is timid and modest.

Polina makes contact easily, she charms her interlocutor. The girl easily carries on any conversations and feels good absolutely everywhere. What Polina expects from life is, first and foremost, success. She puts on a mask of pride and inaccessibility, but in fact, with effort, she forces herself to get acquainted or start a new business. Polina can quickly lose her temper and does not know how to argue at all. As a rule, she does not prove her opinion, but tries to impose it on others.

But despite some of her shortcomings, Polina stands out among her friends for her special friendliness, responsiveness and selflessness. First of all, the balance and evenness of her character become noticeable in her. She is always ready to help, sympathize, listen, hug and caress. She loves everyone - both friends and animals - all living things around.

Polya is very patient and not demanding of people. She tries to see only the good in them, often she herself can look for an excuse for what happened, even if not to herself. Polina likes to keep abreast of all events: meetings, fashion, books, and performances. But she will not blindly follow innovations. She likes to be in company and communicate.

In her heart, Polina places her abilities as highly as she places the abilities and opinions of others low. Good mark in the eyes of this girl, only a person truly dear to her can deserve it. She is not sentimental, does not feel the beauty of the world around her and likes to show herself indifferent. However, she always remains true friend, will always help with both advice and deeds.

Polina always fluctuates from excessive seriousness to unbridled cheerfulness. Household is not on Polina’s list of hobbies, but she doesn’t start it. A girl with this name is not one of the gullible people.

Polina can build her destiny in very different ways. At a young age, she is like a blank slate. The girl readily helps teachers and does not let her friends offend her. In her youth, Polina really loves noisy parties. Over the years, Polina does not lose her appearance, always looks younger than her age and remains a welcome guest in the company of young people. Possessing a difficult character, Polina lives an unusually eventful life.

Polina perceives all events subjectively and unfairly takes on many things. He is quite intelligent and does not forget to let you feel it. Sometimes Polina gets carried away with self-examination and criticizes herself a lot.

Polina feels good in a proven environment. Everything new and non-standard easily unsettles her. The girl’s intuition is not sufficiently developed and she trusts it little, relying more on her mind. Polina has great faith in herself and her intellectual abilities. Even failures cannot convince her.

Polina's actions greatly depend on her environment. Usually she is friendly and responsive, ready to help and support, but sometimes Polina becomes harsh and directly expresses her accumulated complaints. She does this quite rudely and harshly.

Polina does not seek to show her feelings. She's hard to find ideal partner, because she makes too many demands on him.

In marriage, Polina becomes the support of all family members. She is incredibly caring and does not try to boss anyone around. Sometimes Polina begins to be completely frank. strangers. In the family, a woman with this name enjoys well-deserved authority; everyone listens to her, including pets. Polina is non-conflict, she knows how to properly establish family life. The woman treats her husband condescendingly, forgiving his liberties. Polina is very thorough in her business and reliable. But he prefers the comfort of home and caring for his family to building a career. Polina is an excellent mother! She pays a lot of attention to raising children and educating them. Frequently and willingly attends parent-teacher meetings, consults with teachers and psychologists.

Polina does not strive to work, although she seems very active from the outside. In everyday work, a girl sometimes lacks patience and the ability to set tasks for herself. Polina can work as a journalist or advertising agent. She has no ambitions to occupy a prestigious post. The main thing in work for Polina is that she is closer to home, and that her schedule does not interfere with family concerns.

Sound. Polina is a short name consisting of three syllables. Beauty is the main characteristic that stands out to him. Tenderness (89%), melody (86%) and lightness (84%) of the sound of the name are also often noted. Some discern a certain femininity in him (87%). Names similar in phonosemantic profile are Lyubov, Olesya and Ulyana.

Polina's birthday

Famous people named Polina

  • Polina Osipenko ((1907 - 1939) nee Polina Dudnik; Soviet pilot, one of the first women awarded the title Hero Soviet Union. Set five international women's records.)
  • Pauline Viardot-Garcia ((1821 – 1910) French singer, composer, vocal teacher)
  • Polina Gelman ((1919 - 2005) communications chief of the aviation squadron of the 46th Guards Night Bomber Aviation Regiment of the 325th Night Bomber Aviation Division of the 4th Air Army of the 2nd Belorussian Front, Guard Senior Lieutenant. Completed 860 combat missions. Hero of the Soviet Union .)
  • Polina Gebl ((1800 - 1876) married - Annenkova Praskovya; wife of the Decembrist I.A. Annenkov, who followed her husband into exile in Transbaikalia)
  • Polina Astakhova ((1936 - 2005) Soviet gymnast. Honored Master of Sports of the USSR (1960).)
  • Polina Kumanchenko ((born 1910) Ukrainian actress)
  • Polina Dashkova ((born 1960) real name - Tatyana Polyachenko; Russian writer. She made her debut as a poet. She was published in the magazines “Rural Youth”, “Youth”, “Istoki”, the almanac “Young Voices”. She became widely known as the author of detective stories. Her first book, “Blood of the Unborn” (1996), brought widespread fame. Her books have been translated into German and French languages. She chose her literary pseudonym after her youngest daughter Dasha (Dashkova) and a derivative of her last name (Polina). Sometimes she introduces herself as Polina Viktorovna Dashkova. He does not use his real name and surname during the interview, as this is prohibited by the terms of the contract.)
  • Polina (Pelageya) Strepetova ((1850 - 1903) famous Russian theater actress)
  • Polina Barskova ((born 1976) Russian poetess)
  • Polina Zhemchuzhina ((1897 - 1970) real name - Pearl Karpovskaya; Soviet party and statesman, wife of Vyacheslav Mikhailovich Molotov)
  • Polina Kutepova ((born 1971) Soviet and Russian actress, Honored Artist Russian Federation (2004))
  • Pauline Macabies ((born 1986) French biathlete)
  • Polina Fedotova (Russian pianist and music teacher; soloist of the Moscow Philharmonic, associate professor at Moscow University and the Moscow Conservatory, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation, laureate of international competitions)
  • Paulina Baines ((1922 - 2008) English graphic artist, author of illustrations for more than 100 books, including works by Clive Staples Lewis and John Ronald Reuel Tolkien. Baines is best known for her illustrations for The Chronicles of Narnia by Clive Staples Lewis. Her work has also appeared in John Ronald Reuel Tolkien's Farmer Giles of Ham, The Adventures of Tom Bombadil, The Blacksmith of Great Wootton, The Tree and the Leaf, and Bilbo's Last Song (published as a poster in 1974, and as a book - in 1990).)
  • Polina Agureeva ((born 1976) Russian theater and film actress, singer of romances, laureate of the State Prize of Russia. Agureeva’s acting style, according to critics, is characterized by the gift of penetrating into other eras, the ability to create in a variety of roles, extraordinary vocal abilities, plasticity, unfeigned reverence, lyricism and exciting eroticism.)
  • Polina Petrova ((1905 - ?) Soviet documentary film director, Laureate of the Stalin Prize, second degree (1951))
  • Polina Iodis ((born 1978) Russian singer and athlete, soloist of the first line-up of the famous Russian female pop group “Brilliant” (1995-1998))
  • Polina Deripaska ((born 1980) maiden name - Yumasheva; Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Forward Media Group publishing house. Daughter of Valentin Yumashev, former adviser to Boris Yeltsin, head of his presidential administration. Wife of Russian businessman Oleg Deripaska.)
  • Polina Shelepen ((born 1995) Russian figure skater, performing in women's single skating. Bronze medalist of the 2008 Russian Junior Championships, member of the Russian figure skating team.)
  • Polina (Pearl) Ephrussi (also Ephrusi) ((1876 - 1942) Soviet psychologist and teacher, Doctor of Philosophy, professor at the Leningrad Institute for the Study of the Brain and Mental Activity)
  • Polina Gagarina ((born 1987) Russian singer, songwriter and composer, actress, winner of “Star Factory-2”)
  • Polina Elkind ((1918 - 1981) Soviet lawyer, Doctor of Law, specialist in the field of criminal procedure law, professor)
  • Polina Olowska ((born 1976) contemporary Polish artist)
  • Polina Porizkova-Ocasek ((born 1965) Czech top model, actress and writer)
  • Polina Korobeynikova ((born 1996) Russian figure skater, performing in single skating. Master of Sports of Russia of international class in figure skating.)
  • Marie-Paoletta Bonaparte, better known as Pauline Bonaparte ((1780 - 1825) the middle of the three and the most beloved sister of the French Emperor Napoleon I)
  • Polina Agafonova ((born 1996) Russian figure skater, performing in women's single skating. Champion of Russia among juniors in 2010 and bronze medalist of the World Junior Championships 2010. Master of Sports of Russia.)
  • Pauline "Polly" Witter ((1876 - 1946) American golfer, silver medalist at the 1900 Summer Olympics)
  • Pauline Kael ((1919 - 2001) employee of the American weekly The New Yorker, who in the 1970s and 1980s was perceived as the most influential film critic not only in the United States, but throughout the entire planet. Known for her explosive, conflictual nature, Kael has repeatedly recognized : “I have often been accused of writing about anything but a film." Keil embodied an anti-intellectual approach to film criticism, based on the emotional perception of the film. She saw new films only once and reviewed based on first impressions; she never rewatched films of yesteryear. She promoted the work of Jean-Luc Godard, considered Last Tango in Paris to be perhaps the greatest film in history. She spoke critically of such Hollywood goddesses as Lana Turner: “This is not an actress, this is a product.” Participant in many years of controversy about auteur cinema with the leader of the “intellectual establishment,” film critic Andrew Sarris from the New York newspaper “Village Voice.” It is believed that her approach to film criticism is developed by Roger Ebert and Armond White.)
  • Pauline-Mae Betz-Eddie ((1919 - 2011) American tennis player, unofficial first racket of the world in 1946. Four-time US champion and winner of the 1946 Wimbledon tournament in singles, 1946 French champion in mixed doubles, member of the National (later International) Tennis Hall of Fame since 1965.)
  • Pauline Parmentier ((born 1986) French tennis player. Winner of 2 WTA tournaments in singles.)
  • Pauline Chan (Chen Baolian) ((1973 - 2002) Hong Kong actress and singer. She gained fame thanks to her roles in erotic films, although she starred in them for no more than two years. In parallel with the filming of erotic films, Pauline released several music albums, but her singing career did not was successful, and in the late 1990s the former celebrity maintained her fame only with scandalous antics.)
  • Pauline Collins ((b.1940) British actress)
  • Pauline Marois ((born 1949) Canadian politician, leader of the Parti Québécois, 30th Prime Minister of Quebec. The first female prime minister in the history of Quebec.)
  • Pauline Obama-Nguema ((born 1934) politician of Gabon, Prime Minister of Gabon (1994 - 1999))
  • Pauline Lafon ((1963 – 1988) real name - Pauline Aida Simone Medvetsky; French film actress)
  • Emily Pauline Johnson, also known by her Indian name Tekahionwake ((1861 - 1913), was a Canadian writer and stage actress, popular in late XIX century. Youngest daughter Six Nations chief and translator George Henry Martin Johnson from his marriage to Englishwoman Emily Johnson. The tribe reacted negatively to Johnson's marriage to a white woman, and he had to leave the tribe, but all 4 children in the family, including Pauline, knew how English language, and the Mohawk language. Many of Johnson's poems and performances in which she participated focused on her Native American heritage. Many anthologies of Canadian poetry include her poem “The Song My Oar Sings.”)

The name Polina has two origins. Some claim that it comes from France and is a derivative of the male name Paul, which translates as “small”. Others believe that Polina is a derivative of the name Apollinaris. Translated, it means “sunny”. Europeans considered this name too long and difficult to pronounce, so they shortened it to Polina.

This name quickly spread throughout the world. However, in Russia girls were not often called this way until the fashion for everything French came to the country. Since then, one of the 20 girls was called Polina.

Character of the name Polina

The time of year in which he was born has a great influence on a person’s character. Pauline, born in winter, very strict not only towards others, but even towards herself. She always looks calm and calm, but inside she is very vulnerable. Spring Polina is very cheerful, smart, sociable and narcissistic. She always looks great and never allows herself to go out inappropriately. At the same time, she monitors not only her appearance, but also ideally maintains her appearance and internal view of your home. Polina, born in the summer, is very pleasant and positive. She is kind and sympathetic, loves to chat, but at the same time knows how to listen. People around him simply adore summer Polina. If she was born in the fall, then she is characterized by stinginess and frugality. She will never help those begging financially, but she is ready to teach them to achieve something in life. Autumn Polina often organizes free self-development courses.

Polina is always very sociable and charming. She is able to carry on a conversation on any topic and easily fits into all groups. Polina is very emotional and easily angered. She always defends her opinion and argues to the last, even if she knows that she is wrong. Polina is biased towards people and considers them stupid compared to her. You won't get a compliment from her. If she praised someone, then this praise is sincere and, most likely, the person is very dear to her. Relies primarily on reason, and not on intuition, and in vain. Polina's is very well developed.

Polina often shows indifference to the situation and can hardly be called sentimental. Despite all these contradictions, she is a good friend who knows how to listen and keep secrets, shows empathy and support. Polina does not know how to be angry for a long time and quickly forgets all insults, even if they are quite strong. She can easily justify any action. However, even her patience may have its limits.

Polina is very self-critical. She often overthinks herself, which can lead to nervous breakdown.
Polina does not disdain any work. The main thing for her is to receive good profit. However, she doesn’t need millions either. She will prefer the average wages, which will be enough for a comfortable life for her family. But, thanks to her ability to save money and organize work, she can make an excellent businesswoman. In her free time, Polina enjoys masculine activities such as studying technology, stamp collecting and sports. Polina not only trains herself, but is also an active fan.

Name Polina for a girl

As a child, Polina is energetic and spontaneous, often showing responsiveness and complaisance. Even at a young age, she tries to follow fashion trends and look stylish. Polina is very creative person, can sing, write poetry and draw. Self-doubt often hides behind external inaccessibility. She is indifferent to all situations to which she has nothing to do. Polina is very critical of herself and those around her, she always speaks the truth, even if it may be unpleasant for her interlocutor.

A girl with this name is very kind, which others often take advantage of. Polina never envy anyone. If her friends buy a new toy, then she is simply sincerely happy with it. Polina has never been a greedy child, but sometimes she is mischievous and makes her parents worry.

IN adolescence Polina has many friends and goes out in large groups. Almost all eyes are usually focused on her because she has a great sense of humor. Polina is very economical and does not like long shopping. She prefers to spend her time productively. At school, Polina gets good grades, often comes to the aid of teachers and even becomes a prefect. She has a weakness for the exact sciences, so most often she becomes an economist.

Polina was not very lucky with her health. First of all, this concerns her psychological state. Since childhood, she has been prone to hysterics, especially if she does not get what she wants.

Marriage and compatibility of the name Polina

Polina's attitude towards men depends entirely on her upbringing. If her parents laid down the right spiritual principles for her, then she will marry for love. In the opposite situation, she will prefer material well-being to feelings and will gladly become a kept woman. In this case, the desire to be financially secure prevails over emotions.

Outwardly, Polina looks very indifferent, despite her sexuality and sensitivity. Thanks to her attractiveness and beauty, Polina attracts the opposite sex, but her coldness and lack of emotions frightens them. In fact, she simply does not know how to show her feelings. Polina has her own concept of an ideal man, which is quite difficult for her to find. She does not like short romances and only starts serious, long-term relationships. Polina tends to idealize her man and love this fictitious image. But over time, she takes off her “rose-colored glasses” and finally recognizes the man’s true face, which leads to their separation.

Sooner or later, Polina will meet her destiny, for whom she will become an excellent wife and a wonderful mother of his children. In terms of everyday life, it has one significant drawback. Polina does not like to do housework. Despite this, the house is always comfortable and cozy. She cooks well and loves guests if they were invited by her. All friends know that you shouldn’t come to Polina without an invitation. She finds it easily mutual language with the spouse’s friends and can carry on a conversation on any topic. The reason for this is the girl’s love of reading. However, Polina is very narcissistic and does not try to hide the fact that she considers herself better than others.

Polina tries to spend all her free time on her family. She is very actively involved in the lives of her children and even tries to choose a job that will allow them to spend more time together. Her husband is also not deprived of attention. In an effort to please her loved ones, Polina often forgets about herself. However, a man often mistakes the desire for her family to be perfect as a lack of character, which often leads to divorce. Another reason could be betrayal, which Polina will never forgive. She herself will always remain faithful to her chosen one. Vladimir, Vitaly, Alexander, Denis, Yuri or Konstantin would suit her best. The union with such a man will become strong and they will be happily married for many years.

Famous personalities

The name Polina has been widespread throughout Europe at all times. Due to this, many famous personalities wear it.

  • Pauline Bonaparte- sister of the famous Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte and princess of France. She was unusually beautiful, thanks to which she enjoyed success with Parisian men.
  • Pauline Viardot- a famous singer and actress from France and an equally famous composer. She was a close friend of Ivan Turgenev and dedicated several of her creations to his works. Her husband helped her in this, translating texts from Russian into French.
  • Polina Astakhova- titled Ukrainian gymnast who took gold 5 times Olympic Games. In 1972, she gave up her career as a gymnast and became a coach.
  • Polina Zhemchuzhina- active politician and first lady of the USSR from 1930 to 1936. She was the wife of the scandalous revolutionary Vyacheslav Molotov. In 1949, Joseph Stalin accused her of treason and exiled her to Kazakhstan.
  • Polina Gagarina- popular Russian singer and actress. She is the winner of season 2 of “Star Factory”, as well as the author of songs and music.
  • Polina Maksimova- famous Russian theater and film actress. She gained popularity thanks to her leading role in the popular TV series “Deffchonki” in 2012. She currently takes part in many television projects and is even a TV presenter.

The name Polina is a “cut” form of the name of the women of Greece - Apollinaria, which is a consequence of the male name Apollinaris. The name Polina characterizes its closeness to the solar god from mythology ancient Greece Apollo, which translates as “dedicated to Apollo”, “solar”. Today we will look at the meaning of the name Polina in every aspect of life.

In our country, it was the name Polina, and not Apollinaria, that became widespread, which is explained by the simplicity of pronunciation, and besides this, also the most complete, beautiful pronunciation. True, there is one more opinion about the appearance of this name, the French theory. At the turn of the 18th-19th centuries, it became fashionable to pronounce Russian words similarly to French pronunciation; for this reason, the female name of France Paulina over time acquired the pronunciation Polina, which is much more harmonious for the native language.

Over time, the name Polina took root in Rus' and acquired an independent, separate form. Today, the name Polya is one of the most widely used names for girls born.

And this is not surprising, since famous women were called by this name, among which we can separately highlight: singers Viardot Polina, Gagarina Polina, writer Dashkova Polina, woman poet Barskova Polina, film actresses Lunegova Polina, Kutepova Polina, USSR gymnast Polina Astakhova and many others . Now let's look at the meaning of the name Polina in more detail.

Characteristics of the name

A woman named Polya is quite pleasant, sociable, and charming in conversation. Polya behaves perfectly in absolutely any society, capable of maintaining a conversation on all sorts of topics. When communicating with a woman named Polina, you immediately notice firmness, poise in her eyes, and sometimes you even get the feeling that she is indifferent.

However, Polya is a completely non-offensive, but vulnerable woman, who does not extol her own “I” in any situation. Poly's character is characterized by the presence of such a trait as selflessness, for this reason, she is like a small child, capable of enjoying a simple trinket. Attention is the most important thing for Poly. It is this meaning of the name Polina that makes her character universal.

Polina empathizes with real sincerity and sympathizes with the grief of others. Such women almost always find justification for even the most unpleasant actions of other people. Polya's only drawback, which greatly complicates her life, is her straightforwardness. Polya is able to tell the whole truth face to face, sometimes without softening her expression.

A woman bearing the name Polya gives preference in communication to intelligent people, classifying herself among them. He looks down on illiterate and uncultured people. Women named Polina are simply distinguished by their fiery temperament, unable to hold grudges to themselves. Polya is not an important debater, because she always strives to impose her own opinion without sufficient argumentation.

Such women treat themselves with a certain criticality, only occasionally putting on a mask of indifference, even arrogance. Polya periodically experiences attacks of melancholy, sometimes succumbing to causeless anxiety and fears. Pauline has no sentimentality at all; she looks at the life around her with the eyes of a realist. When choosing between love or wealth, he most often prefers financial well-being.

Describing the meaning of the name Polina, it should be noted that she is subject to a subjective view of life and strives to try everything on herself. Sometimes she can get very carried away with delving into herself, which becomes the cause of depression. Polya is characterized by poor intuition, so she does not trust her. A woman named Polina is characterized by a character capable of abruptly moving from considerable seriousness to unbridled fun.

However, these women absolutely always believe in their own abilities, while not trusting the people around them. Polina prefers coziness, comfort, and also looks great. Time for communication and activity are replaced by the desire for simple relaxation alone. Polya is able to isolate herself from her surroundings for a long time to replenish her mental strength. In general, Polina has a problematic character, but lives a full, exciting life.

Polina child

Let us now consider the meaning of the name Polina for a girl in childhood. As a child, Polya is characterized by excellent complaisance, as well as charm, only occasionally quarreling with her parents. The girl prefers funny Games, active, helps her mother with great interest. During her school years, Polya is an active member of the entire class and a diligent student.

Many people are friends with her, and teachers like her for her willingness to always help and take the initiative. The field is characterized by such distinctive features, such as responsiveness, kindness, but parents will need to make every effort to ensure that Polina does not lose the listed qualities as she grows up.

The girl is largely influenced by her mother’s influence, which follows her throughout her life. All Polys are endowed with some kind of talent that needs to be noticed in time, as well as properly developed. In general, the name Polina, the meaning of the name and the fate of which is described, is fateful for the child.

Polina's health

As a child, Polya often falls ill with colds, for this reason it is advisable to send the girl to play sports in some sports section. A woman named Polya gets tired, gets tired very quickly, as a result of which she needs significant time for rest and sleep.

For such women, the main role is played by healthy, deep sleep, otherwise Polya will not feel well. It should be noted that Polya is not in good health, for this reason it is necessary to take care of him from childhood. Periodically occurring attacks of self-criticism, as well as melancholy, can cause prolonged depression.

Sexuality Poly

The woman Polina, the meaning of the name whose character is described, can slightly idealize the man who impressed her, which sometimes ends in disappointment. Poly people prefer a trusting, respectful attitude on the part of their partner, which is the reason for the absence of fleeting romances on her part.

This woman has best qualities representatives of the fairer sex, which contributes to the constant attention of masses of fans. However, her feelings are smoothed out, this woman will not openly show sympathy, and sometimes seems unapproachable and cold. In bed, this woman prefers a position of submissiveness, giving all the initiative to the man.

She is, without a doubt, not an ideal sexual partner, which explains the difficulty in provoking passion. This trait in some way helps to distance men from her or is a reason for betrayal. However, her husband can be firmly confident that Polya will under no circumstances take a man on the side.

Compatibility, family, marriage

A woman with this name is a dream wife. The most important thing for her is her family, for which Polya will sacrifice a successful career. She has no desire to dominate her husband, but quite the opposite, she remains faithful to him and obeys him in everything.

Despite her humility, Polya represents a support, a heart for all relatives, she is loved, they listen to her. Shows condescension towards her husband, forgiving his weaknesses. Polya is an economic wife who cooks well, with great joy is waiting for guests.

Polina does not separate the concepts of marriage and children, because she cannot imagine happiness without a child. He devotes most of his personal time to his children, sometimes forgetting about his own needs. When looking for a job, he will stop at a place that will be close to home, so that he can rush to his child at any moment. Today Polina, the meaning of the name, whose character and fate we describe, is picky about men.

A woman named Polina can count on happy marriage with Anatoly, Gleb, Dmitry, Egor, Rodion, Robert, Nikolai, Boris, Arkady. You need to avoid Nikita, Georgy, Oleg, Stanislav, Fedor, Andrey, Anton, Alexander.

Career, business

All women with this name are active people; one of them is more interested in family than in career success. Paulie has no business ambition at all, but she has diligence and hard work. Sometimes she is subjected to ruthless exploitation, and her merits are not sufficiently appreciated.

A woman bearing such a name needs intensive, monotonous work, painstaking work not hers. Polya is capable of being an excellent journalist, teacher, lawyer, salesman, manager, or advertising agent. For such a woman, a great option is a fashion designer, stylist, artist, or actress.


Summing up the results of this article, it should be noted that girls should be called Polya only when you want a good one for your girl. family life. A woman with this name is a wonderful mother, a faithful wife. As a child, the girl is very active and as a result loves to play outdoor games.

Becoming adult woman, Polya can turn out to be a wonderful creative person if the parents are still in childhood developed her talents. Today the name Polina, the origin and meaning of which we have described in detail, is becoming increasingly popular.