How I overcame my fear of dating. Fear of a kiss is philemophobia. Make a firm promise to yourself that you will come right now

It happens that a guy already skillfully approaches girls and starts a conversation, but when it comes to exchanging phone numbers, he falls into a stupor. Or simply cannot determine the right moment when to do it. Meanwhile, time is running out, her interest in you is falling, or she is generally in a hurry to get somewhere. A If you don’t take her number, then the meaning of all your previous attempts is lost.

This was before, when there was no cell phones, people agreed to meet there and then, even a month later. And they found each other. But, alas, this time is irrevocably gone, and modern girl in a week you may not remember where you met or what you look like. Moreover, if you meet people often, you will have a hard time remembering them. Therefore, it is important to know how to get a girl’s phone number, which I will tell you about in this article.

Basic rules for getting a girl's number

  • Point one. There is no specific moment, so take the phone number when you want it. Naturally, this should not be your first phrase when meeting someone. When you have already talked a little, come up with any reason for this. In this case, after you have written down her number, you can chat a little more. If you do this when parting, it will stress you out, because you will always have fears that she may not give it to you, and all your efforts will be in vain.
  • The next point is that you definitely need to be sure of your desire and show her this. Otherwise, she will see your insecurity, and this is the worst thing. You can under any circumstances. This problem is certainly in your head, and therefore you are able to deal with this issue on your own. She, of course, will ask you why you need her number. This is a test of strength. And therefore you should have quite specific goal- asking her out on a date, you can answer as simply as that. It’s good if during the conversation you managed to decide what she likes. For example, she is studying to be an artist, then you can say that you heard about an interesting exhibition this week and would like her to join you. It doesn't make sense to just take a phone number. This will hint to her that you are taking it for show to consolidate your success. In this case, she will give it to you only if she really likes you.
  • When you reach the desired question, your phone should already be in your hand. And when asking it, look confidently into her eyes - this shows your confidence, which often works. In any case, it will be much more difficult to refuse her.
  • Before you take a girl’s phone number, be sure to check when she will have free time. If she has one, it won’t be easy for her to get out of it, citing being too busy. In addition, the very thought of the upcoming weekend usually puts a person in a positive mood. It goes without saying that she may already have some plans or outline plans. But it’s not a fact that everything will work out exactly one way or another, and a phone call will help her make up her mind exactly. We need to convey this perspective to her advantage.

What to do if the girl didn’t give her phone number?

If the girl didn’t give her phone number, don’t get upset or show that you’re annoyed. She shouldn't see your need for her. All she needs to understand is that you approached her and got to know her because you showed genuine interest, and not because you desperately need her phone number and continued acquaintance. If she is not interested in further communication, then there is no need for you to worry.

Often girls break just for show. To check this after she refuses, you can talk for a few more minutes and try to change the topic. Try to distract her from a negative answer with any tricks, and then ask again. At the same time, say that you will call only once, and if she does not answer you or does not call you back, then you will delete her contacts. This will once again show her your self-confidence, and can play into her hands. Another option is to ask her to write down your number and then tell her to dial you because you don’t answer calls from unknown numbers.

When you do get her phone number, be sure to call back. So, you will check two things - whether you made a mistake with some number, and whether she gave you some “left” number, which, for example, has been blocked for a long time. Well, in the end, that’s exactly how it will be know that it is you who is calling. After all, many young people also tend not to answer if the number is unfamiliar.

But, especially if you are calling for the first time? A lot of difficulties immediately arise, as in live communication: what topic to talk about, for example. You must have a clear goal in mind, otherwise there will be no meaningful conversation and you will waste your time.


Now you know how to ask a girl for her phone number. But there are a couple more nuances that you need to know about. For example, why does a girl absolutely not want to leave you her contact information? As a rule, there can be only two reasons for this. First of all, you simply failed to interest her. Or she noticed your excessive need for her. In any case, you simply lost interest for her, this is what happens when you tilt the balance of importance in her favor from the very beginning. Know your worth! However, you should not be upset, even if this happened. If you don’t see an opportunity to change something right away - and if your communication a priori does not imply long-term communication - switch your attention to another object. Next time you'll be smarter. In general, just like experience in communicating with girls, self-confidence is acquired with experience.

Reason two. She just already has a boyfriend, but she was pleased to chat with you, and she doesn’t want anything more. How to find out a girl's phone number if she has a boyfriend? Do you need it? If she doesn’t want to leave her contact information, then everything is fine in their relationship. If not, then she will leave it - for the future.

When you've met a girl, don't be shy about asking for her phone number to continue communication. The main thing is self-confidence. And even if she refused you, under no circumstances show that you are saddened by this fact. So, you will only raise the price of this acquaintance and her own price in her eyes. But it should be the other way around.
If you want to know even more secrets for seducing girls

If you're talking to a girl you like and want to get her out on a date, always pick up the phone first. The reason we should do this is very simple. It’s hard for a girl to agree to a date right away.

She must still somehow make sure that you are adequate. And no the best way for this than to talk to you on the phone. And the sequence in the stages is as follows: correspondence on the website, telephone, from the telephone we close for a date. You can have a date over the phone, then understand that everything is great, you still like the girl, and she still likes you, and arrange a date.

And today I want to talk about 7 incredibly simple, but one hundred percent effective ways take a phone number from a girl, which for me and my students always bring guaranteed results in the form of phone numbers of beauties from sites.

But before asking for a phone number, it’s important to make sure there is interest. There aren't many signs of interest.

Here they are: in correspondence - the girl gives rather long answers, does not answer with emoticons and is unambiguous. It’s also very cool when a girl invests more in communication than you do, she actively asks questions, you don’t have time to answer her, she asks you more and more new things.

And it’s a great signal of interest when a girl complements her answers with emoticons. If she writes something and there is a parenthesis at the end, she is already experiencing emotions, most likely these are good emotions, because if they were negative emotions, she would not communicate with you. It means you've already interested her in something.

Always make sure the girl is interested in you first. There is no need to do this directly. But there are also exceptions when you can go straight to the point - in cases where, for example, you work within the framework of the “prize model”, when a girl wrote you the first message in the series “hey, you’re cool, I really want to meet you, have coffee, and in general ..."

If you just have a correspondence that you initiated first, then how in this case is it correct to pick up the phone when you already realized that the time has come for this?

Here's a simple yet super effective technique for doing just that. You write to her the following:

“How about we introduce non-verbal communication tools into our communication?”

This formulation usually raises one question in the girl’s head: what did he want to say? And you write: let’s chat on the phone.

If she starts to break somehow, then we send her the following thing:

And you know, according to statistics - scientists have established - only 20% of information is transmitted from person to person through verbal channels. And for non-verbal ones - already as much as 45, everything else is simply lost and does not reach.

What are verbal and non-verbal channels? If the girl doesn’t know, you explain to her that verbal is just correspondence without emotions, and non-verbal is voice, facial expressions, gestures, body language. You must adequately explain to her why a telephone is more the best option communication than the site.

Girls often a large number of fears about giving you my phone number. What fears? They are afraid that you will call her. Here we can take fear to the point of absurdity. She writes: what if you are a maniac. You answer: yes, of course, why did you doubt it, I’m a telephone maniac, if you give me your number, I’ll call at 4 in the morning and breathe into the receiver. Absolutely absurd, it makes girls smile, most often after this they understand that you are a fairly adequate guy.

Another common fear among girls is that you won’t call. I often come across a situation where guys pick up the phone and don’t call, they’re afraid, they forget, or something else. Or they just can’t, because these are married guys. Everything is very simple here: you write to her immediately when you call her. It’s very cool if you call immediately after 15-20 minutes, or if you picked up the phone during the day when she was at work, then say that you will call her in the evening.

Another fear a girl has is when she thinks it’s too early for you to communicate. For her, a phone number is a personal thing, and she writes to you: it’s too early for us to communicate, let’s correspond here.

You write about this if this is a softer version: 5 minutes of communication will give much more than 5 hours of endless correspondence.

You can write more harshly - if a girl writes to you that she doesn’t give out her phone to just anyone. Then you write her something from the series: thank you for the first person you meet, what a beautiful compliment.

You make it clear that you need to communicate with you in this tone. Or write that you didn’t know that her phone number is a valuable prize, a trophy, actually it’s just a means of communication.

And another option. We write to the girl:

“You know, we should talk just so that you can find out what a pleasant voice I have.”

And this should be done when you have a really pleasant voice. Girls love such things very much and rarely refuse a room.

Learn more about exactly how to get the phone number of the girl you like during correspondence on the site. we're talking about in the course “Simple secrets of online seduction”, which you can find out about on this page.