How to cook soup with porcini mushrooms. Fresh porcini mushroom soup. Noodle soup with frozen porcini mushrooms

How to cook

Boletus mushrooms are perfectly preserved when dried - they do not darken and do not lose their unique aroma. You can use them to prepare not only soups, but also other equally tasty and satisfying treats - stews, julienne, pizza, pies, various sauces. Despite this, mushroom soup porcini mushroom occupies one of the most important places in cooking.

The classic recipe for porcini mushroom soup will really appeal to those who love simple treats. Since mushrooms have a pronounced aroma, spices and spices may not be added.

Fresh mushrooms need to be peeled and rinsed running water, cut into large pieces and place in a saucepan. If you use dried mushrooms, then before cooking you will need to add warm water and leave at room temperature for 2-3 hours.

Pour the prepared mushrooms with two liters of water, put on medium heat and cook for at least 40 minutes. Because fresh mushrooms greatly reduced in size, it is best to cut them into larger pieces.

According to this recipe for mushroom soup with porcini mushrooms, you can cook a more interesting treat by adding a little processed or hard cheese to it. But if you want to taste the real pure taste of these amazing mushrooms, then it will be enough to add only the main vegetables - potatoes and onions.

Peel the potatoes and cut into medium cubes. You can chop the potatoes smaller if you want the soup to be thicker.

Wash the carrots, peel and cut into thin circles or strips.

The soup will be more rich if you lightly fry the onion in a frying pan in a small amount of vegetable oil.

When the mushrooms are cooked, add the potatoes to the pan, bring to a boil and add salt. Cook the porcini mushroom soup for another 10 minutes, then add the carrots and onions.

Cook the soup with vegetables for another 5 minutes, after which it can be removed from the heat and served. You can add a little chopped parsley directly to the plate.

Cooking mushroom soup from fresh porcini mushrooms with sauerkraut

You can make porcini mushroom soup with sauerkraut and you will get excellent cabbage soup. This soup is ideal for the winter diet, when there is an acute shortage of vitamins. Cabbage soup not only has a warming effect, but is also able to replenish the body with all the necessary supplies of vitamins and beneficial microelements.

To prepare cabbage soup with porcini mushrooms you will need simple and affordable products:

  • Dried porcini mushrooms – 30 g
  • Parsley - 1 bunch
  • Vegetable oil - 3-4 tbsp. l
  • Pearl barley or rice - 2 tbsp. l
  • Sauerkraut - 150-200 g
  • Potatoes - 2-3 pcs.
  • Salt - to taste

You can prepare soup with fresh porcini mushrooms, in winter time They are quite difficult to find, so it is best to use dried ones. They will need to be rinsed well and filled with warm water for 2 hours. Pearl barley Wash well too, add water and leave for 2 hours. When time will pass, and the mushrooms and pearl barley will swell well, you can start preparing the porcini mushroom soup.

Peel the potatoes, wash them, cut them into medium cubes and cover with water. When the potatoes boil. Add soaked mushrooms and pearl barley to it. Cook the soup for 35-40 minutes until the potatoes and pearl barley are ready.

Lightly fry sauerkraut or sour cabbage in vegetable oil, you can add one small onion for taste, but not necessary. Wash and shake off a bunch of parsley excess liquid and chop it with a knife not very finely.

Transfer the fried sauerkraut along with the herbs into the soup and continue to cook over medium heat for another 10 minutes. Cover the finished cabbage soup with a lid and leave on the stove for another 5-10 minutes to steep. Serve the soup with sour cream and a slice of black bread.

Prepare tasty soup made from porcini mushrooms is very simple if you add some homemade noodles or vermicelli to it.

You can prepare the noodles yourself, or you can use ready-made ones from the store. If you are in a hurry and want to prepare lunch quickly, then prepare fresh porcini mushroom soup.

If there are no fresh boletus mushrooms, and there is enough time, then while the dried mushrooms will be infused in warm water, you will have time to cook the noodles with your own hands.

Preparing homemade noodles for porcini mushroom soup

Look at the photo of porcini mushroom soup and homemade noodles - not only your loved ones, but also your guests at the festive table are unlikely to refuse such a treat.

To prepare homemade noodles you will need an hour of your time and simple products that are not difficult to find in any kitchen:

  • Flour - 1 cup
  • Egg - 1 pc.
  • Salt - 1/2 tsp
  • Olive or any other vegetable oil - 1 tsp

Beat one fresh egg into a convenient bowl, stir it well with a fork or whisk and add a little salt. If you want to make larger quantities of homemade noodles, using a stand mixer or blender will make it much easier to beat a few eggs.

Gradually pour flour into the egg - mix until smooth and only then add more.

Since flour can be different, its quantity can also be different - a little more or less. The noodle dough should be quite stiff and firm. if you have food processor, then the first part of the kneading can be done in it, after which the half-finished dough can be kneaded with your hands.

The finished dough should not stick to your hands - if it turns out soft and you have run out of flour, add more, otherwise the noodles will not work out and will stick together during cooking.

This amount of ingredients should yield a small piece of dough the size of a medium apple. Place it on the table, cover with a towel and leave for 15-20 minutes - during this time the dough will rest and become a little softer. It should be kneaded well again so that it comes off the hands and the table well.

Using a wooden rolling pin, roll out the dough very thin - no more than 2 millimeters thick.

If the food processor has a special attachment, you can roll the dough through it instead of rolling it out. If you cook with your hands, you will need to cut the dough with a regular sharp knife.

To prevent the dough from shrinking and roll out easier, grease its surface with olive oil. You should get a fairly large thin layer with a diameter of 20-24 centimeters. Cut ribbons 2-3 millimeters wide, the thinner the better.

Lay the strips on the table and let them dry. You can use improvised means to hang the noodles to dry - for 40-50 minutes. This time will be enough for it to be ready for use.

This amount of ready-made noodles is enough to cook porcini mushroom soup in a two-liter saucepan.

How to cook soup with fresh porcini mushrooms and noodles

Prepare all the necessary ingredients:

      • White mushrooms – 50 gr
      • Onion -1-2 pcs
      • Carrots - 1-2 pcs.
      • Salt - to taste
      • Noodles (homemade or store-bought) – 150 g
      • Parsley - 1 bunch
      • Sour cream - optional

Place the prepared mushrooms in a saucepan, add water and place over medium heat. Do not throw out the water in which the mushrooms were infused; it will need to be added to the soup when it is almost ready. Cook the porcini mushroom soup for about 1 hour, during which time the mushrooms will cook well enough and you can add other ingredients.

Peel the onions and carrots, cut into small pieces and fry in vegetable oil. Add the fried vegetables to the soup, pour in the water in which the mushrooms were infused, bring to a boil and add salt to taste.

Add homemade or store-bought noodles and cook for another 10 minutes.

Remove the finished soup from the heat, cover with a lid and let it brew a little. Wash the fresh herbs and chop them with a knife as finely as possible. Put the greens in the soup and you can set the table.

The soup can be served with sour cream and croutons.

The nutritional value of this mushroom is not much different from other species, and in some cases is inferior to them. However, the taste and aroma of boletus is much richer than that of other representatives of the mushroom kingdom, which is why it has earned enormous popularity among chefs.

Since chitin makes protein poorly absorbed by the body, mushrooms are considered a heavy food. This reason is one of the main reasons why mushroom dishes are not recommended for children under 14 years of age and people suffering from diseases of the digestive system. But if the mushrooms are dried, the protein is absorbed much better and there should be no problems with digestion.

Watch the video of porcini mushroom soup and you will learn how to prepare a wonderful treat for every taste. Bon appetit!

The classic recipe for mushroom soup made from porcini mushrooms is familiar to almost every housewife. With its help, you can organize a hearty lunch for the whole family and even for guests. And who can refuse a plate of an appetizing and healthy first course?

As you know, the classics are eternal, and mushroom soup is no exception. Therefore, for those who love stability and prefer proven things, we suggest you stick to the classic soup with porcini mushrooms.

A classic soup recipe made from fresh porcini mushrooms is considered one of the most popular in the world. home kitchen. Every housewife, when deciding how to process the mushroom harvest after the forest, will definitely leave a handful for making soup.

  • 500 g porcini mushrooms;
  • 5 pieces. potatoes;
  • 1 small piece each. carrots and onions;
  • 3 tbsp. l. rice;
  • Vegetable oil;
  • Salt, black pepper;
  • 1 Bay leaf;
  • 3-4 sprigs of fresh dill;
  • 2 liters of water or meat broth.

How to prepare porcini mushroom soup according to the classic recipe?

Wash the fruiting bodies free of contaminants and cut them into pieces.

Heat the oil in a frying pan and fry the mushrooms in it until the liquid evaporates.

Peel the potatoes, cut into cubes or cubes and place in boiling broth.

Add grated fresh carrots and rice.

Boil for 10 minutes and add the mushrooms to the broth, continue cooking until the potatoes are ready.

Peel the onion, chop finely and add to the soup.

Boil for a few more minutes and then add salt, pepper, bay leaf and fresh chopped dill.

Classic fresh porcini mushroom soup in a slow cooker

To preserve the beneficial vitamins and microelements contained in mushrooms in the soup, use a slow cooker.

Preparation classic soup from fresh porcini mushrooms in a slow cooker is an ideal option.

  • 500 g fresh mushrooms;
  • 60 g pearl barley;
  • 1 carrot and onion;
  • 3 potatoes;
  • Butter – 30 g;
  • Ground black pepper and salt - to taste;
  • 2 bay leaves.

  1. Overnight, pour in sorted and washed pearl barley. cold water, leave until morning.
  2. All vegetables are peeled, washed and cut into small cubes.
  3. Set the multicooker to the “Soup” or “Cooking” mode, add butter.
  4. As soon as it melts, add pearl barley and chopped mushrooms.
  5. Pour in water and leave to cook for 60 minutes.
  6. After the sound signal, all the chopped vegetables, as well as spices, are added to the bowl.
  7. Turn on the “Soup” mode for 40 minutes and wait for the multicooker to turn off.
  8. Serve classic porcini mushroom soup to the table, seasoning each serving with sour cream and garnishing with chopped herbs.

Recipe for classic frozen porcini mushroom soup

If you don’t have a fresh forest product on hand, use a frozen one.

With frozen fruiting bodies, the first dish is no less tasty and rich. In addition, even a novice housewife can master the recipe for a classic soup made from frozen porcini mushrooms.

  • 300 g frozen mushrooms;
  • 5 potatoes;
  • 2 onions;
  • Vegetable oil;
  • 2 tbsp. l. barley;
  • 1 tsp. grated celery root;
  • Salt.

  1. After defrosting, cut the frozen mushrooms into pieces and immerse them in boiling water.
  2. We wash the pearl barley and add it to the mushrooms, cook for 30 minutes, and in the meantime peel the potatoes and cut them into cubes.
  3. Add to the mushrooms and cook until tender, about another 30 minutes.
  4. Fry the onion in vegetable oil along with chopped celery for 10 minutes.
  5. Place in soup, simmer over low heat for 7-10 minutes, add salt.
  6. When serving, decorate the dish with fresh herb leaves.

Classic mushroom soup made from dried porcini mushrooms

Classic mushroom soup from porcini mushrooms is also prepared with dried product. You don’t need to add anything to this dish except potatoes and onions. However, the taste of the food will be amazing, no one will remain indifferent.

  • 50 g dried mushrooms;
  • 2 onions;
  • 5 potatoes;
  • Salt - to taste;
  • 2 liters of water;
  • Sour cream or mayonnaise - for serving.

Introducing step by step description preparing delicious mushroom soup according to the classic recipe.

Dried porcini mushroom soup makes an excellent first course. Firstly, it is very filling, and secondly, the benefits of mushrooms for humans have long been known. In many cases, they can even become a complete meat replacement.

  • potatoes – 6 pcs.;
  • carrots – 1 pc.;
  • onion – 1 pc.;
  • flour – 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • sour cream;
  • vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • spices.

Soak the mushrooms in advance.

  1. Boil a couple of liters of water in a saucepan on the stove and add chopped, pre-soaked mushrooms.
  2. Reduce heat to medium and continue cooking for about an hour.
  3. While they're cooking, chop the vegetables any way you like.
  4. Fry the carrots and onions in a frying pan, and then add flour to them.
  5. To prevent vegetables from clumping, add a couple of tablespoons of mushroom broth and a little sour cream. Season with salt and pepper.
  6. When the mushrooms are completely cooked, add the potatoes and continue cooking the soup for 20 minutes.
  7. After completing the specified time period, frying is added to the pan and cooking lasts another 15 minutes.

Ready-made mushroom soup made from dried mushrooms is served with sour cream and chopped herbs.

Hearty first course with noodles

What you need for 100 grams of dried mushrooms:

  • flour – 100 g;
  • egg – 1 pc.;
  • onion – 1 pc.;
  • carrots – 1 pc.;
  • potatoes – 1 pc.;
  • greenery;
  • sour cream;
  • spices.

Wash the mushrooms thoroughly and pour them warm water and leave to swell for a couple of hours.

  1. The next step is preparing homemade noodles. The sifted flour is mixed with salt (to taste) and egg. The dough is kneaded, covered with a small bowl of the same size and removed for 20 minutes - so that it “fits.”
  2. During this time, wash, peel and chop the vegetables. Also chop the greens.
  3. Bring 1.5 liters of water to a boil, then add vegetables. Cook for 10 minutes over low heat and add mushrooms. Salt and strain the water in which they were soaked, and then add it to the soup.
  4. Continue cooking and start preparing the noodles. Roll out the dough and cut it into thin slices 5 centimeters wide. Leave them to dry briefly and add to the soup.

Cooking lasts 15 minutes, after which the greens are added and the dish can be served.

Mushroom soup from dried porcini mushrooms in a slow cooker

Making porcini mushroom soup will be much easier than you think.

What you need for 100 grams of dried whites:

  • potatoes – 5 pcs.;
  • carrots – 1 pc.;
  • onion – 1 pc.;
  • flour – 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • vegetable oil;
  • spices.

Chop the onions and carrots, fry them in a slow cooker, setting the “Baking” or “Frying” mode. While they are sautéing, lightly fry the flour in a frying pan, add it to the vegetables and mix well. Wash and cut the potatoes into cubes and place them in a bowl along with the mushrooms. Add salt, favorite spices and chopped herbs. Fill the ingredients with water. Close the multicooker lid, select the “Stew” or “Soup” program for an hour and a half and cook until the mode is completely finished.

With cheese

What you will need for the already familiar 100 grams of mushrooms:

  • onion – 1 pc.;
  • carrots – 1 pc.;
  • noodles – 100 g;
  • potatoes – 4 pcs.;
  • processed cheese– 70 g;
  • salt;
  • spices;
  • greenery.

Wash the mushrooms and soak them for a couple of hours.

  1. Boil them in boiling water for half an hour, then take them out and chop them with a knife.
  2. Potatoes are placed in the broth and cooked there until fully cooked.
  3. At the same time, onions and carrots are fried in a frying pan. Add the mushrooms to them, and then transfer the mixture back to the pan with the potatoes.
  4. Add noodles or vermicelli and cook until fully cooked.
  5. At the very end, add melted cheese and stir until it completely melts into the soup.

Remove the pan from the stove and let the dish sit for a while.

Chicken soup with dried porcini mushrooms

What you need for 100 grams of dried mushrooms:

  • chicken breast – 1 pc.;
  • onion – 1 pc.;
  • parsley root – 1 pc.;
  • carrots – 1 pc.;
  • vegetable oil – 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • vermicelli or noodles – 50 g;
  • spices.

Wash the mushrooms thoroughly and soak them for an hour. After that, start “constructing” your soup.

  1. Chop the vegetables and leave to sauté in the pan until lightly browned.
  2. Pour water over the breast and simmer over low heat along with the parsley root, periodically skimming off any foam that forms.
  3. Take chicken bouillon and add to the sauteing. Cook it over low heat.
  4. Mushrooms are added to vegetables.
  5. Bring the mixture to a boil and continue cooking.
  6. Then the meat is placed and at the very end vermicelli or noodles.

Cooking continues until the ingredients are completely cooked.

Chicken soup with mushrooms served with sour cream and fresh herbs.

With pearl barley

What you need for 200 grams of dried mushrooms:

  • pearl barley – 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • carrots – 1 pc.;
  • potatoes – 3 pcs.;
  • onion – 1 pc.;
  • any vegetable oil - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • spices.

Pour over the mushrooms overnight, and then boil them over low heat for an hour and a half. If necessary, add more water to the pan.

  1. Boil the washed pearl barley in a separate container.
  2. Fry onions and carrots in a frying pan.
  3. When the mushrooms are cooked, remove them and pour some of the broth into another pan.
  4. Put back the mushrooms, as well as the roast, cereals and spices. Then add chopped potatoes.

Add your favorite spices and continue cooking until fully cooked.

Cream soup

The indicated amount of ingredients is for one serving.

What you will need:

  • mushrooms – 70 g;
  • onion – 1 pc.;
  • egg – 1 pc.;
  • potatoes – 2 pcs.;
  • garlic – 1 clove;
  • sour cream – ½ cup;
  • greenery;
  • vegetable oil;
  • spices.

Soak the mushrooms in advance cold water for a couple of hours.

  1. After this, the onions are fried in a frying pan, washed mushrooms are added to it. This will take 5-7 minutes.
  2. Bring a liter of water to a boil and pour it over the roast. Add the potatoes and continue cooking over medium heat for about an hour.
  3. Chop the garlic using a garlic press or knife and add it to the rest of the ingredients. Continue cooking the soup until fully cooked.
  4. Then add sour cream, egg and herbs and puree everything with a blender.

Remove from heat and serve.

How to dry porcini mushrooms at home?

Drying has no effect beneficial features porcini mushrooms - moisture is only removed from them.

There are different ways to dry mushrooms at home.

  1. The very first and traditional way- This is air drying, weather permitting. Simply string the mushrooms onto a string and hang them out in the open, covering them with gauze or thin cloth- for protection against dust and small insects.
  2. Another easy way- This is drying using a microwave. Preheat it to maximum power (usually 100 degrees), place a plate with mushrooms and set the time to 20 minutes. After this, open the door for 10 minutes to allow the moisture to evaporate, and continue drying at intervals of 20 minutes until you are sure that the mushrooms have acquired the desired appearance.

Porcini mushrooms are the most delicious, nutritious and aromatic. Boletus mushrooms can replace meat in terms of satiety, and add an incomparable flavor to any dish. You can make porcini mushroom soup using dried, fresh or frozen porcini mushrooms.

In order not to overcook the mushrooms in the soup, you can navigate this way - if the mushrooms have sunk to the bottom of the pan, then you can take them out or add other components to them.

The mushroom broth turns out rich. If you want to achieve a denser consistency, you should add fried flour.

It is not customary to season this noble dish with spices, so as not to interrupt the taste of porcini mushrooms, but it is encouraged to decorate it with herbs and croutons when serving.

Classic porcini mushroom soup

If you like clear broth, then this traditional mushroom soup recipe is perfect. This soup is prepared from fresh porcini mushrooms, but if desired, they can be replaced with pickled ones.


  • 200 gr. porcini mushrooms;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 1 onion;
  • 3 potatoes;
  • salt;
  • feather;
  • green onions.


  1. Chop fresh mushrooms and place in boiling water. Cook for about half an hour, constantly skimming the foam from the broth.
  2. Grate the carrots and cut the onion into cubes. Fry the vegetables until golden brown.
  3. Cut the potatoes into cubes.
  4. When the mushrooms are cooked, remove them with a slotted spoon and lightly fry them in sunflower oil.
  5. Place the potatoes into the boiling broth and let them cook for 10 minutes.
  6. Add roasted vegetables to the mushroom broth. Add some salt.
  7. Add mushrooms to the soup. Let it simmer for 3 minutes. Turn off the stove, cover with a lid, and leave for 20 minutes.
  8. Serve with herbs and black pepper.

Cream of porcini mushroom soup

This dish is served in the best French restaurants. You have the opportunity to feel like a real aristocrat and taste a delicate and tasty creamy boletus soup.


  • 200 gr. porcini mushrooms;
  • 1 onion;
  • 150 ml cream;
  • half a glass of flour;
  • leek;
  • olive oil;
  • garlic;
  • toast.


  1. Boil the mushrooms. Pour the mushroom broth into a separate container.
  2. Cut the onion into cubes and fry.
  3. Fry the mushrooms in a frying pan with cream and flour.
  4. Fry separately in olive oil croutons, adding squeezed garlic.
  5. Combine mushrooms and onions into one mass. Using a blender, give the consistency of the puree, constantly adding mushroom broth.
  6. Serve the soup garnished with leek rings and croutons.

Porcini mushroom soup

The puree soup turns out even thicker. It can also be given a creamy flavor by sautéing the mushrooms in cream or adding them while mashing.


  • 150 gr. boletus;
  • 1 onion;
  • 2-3 potatoes;
  • black pepper;
  • salt;
  • sour cream;
  • greens - dill, green onions.


  1. Wash the boletus mushrooms and boil them in salted water. Do not pour out the broth.
  2. Boil the potatoes separately.
  3. Cut the onion into cubes and fry.
  4. Blend the mushrooms, potatoes and onions with a blender, adding mushroom broth little by little.
  5. Finely chop the greens and sprinkle on top. Serve with sour cream.

Soup with beans and porcini mushrooms

Beans make the soup richer and thicker. The white variety goes better with porcini mushrooms.


  • 1 can of canned beans;
  • 150 gr. porcini mushrooms;
  • 2 potatoes;
  • butter;
  • 1 onion;
  • 1 carrot;
  • parsley.


  1. Cut the mushrooms into pieces and boil for 30 minutes. Skim off the foam constantly.
  2. Grate the carrots and cut the onion into cubes. Fry them in butter.
  3. Remove the mushrooms from the broth and fry them in butter.
  4. While the mushrooms are frying, dip the diced potatoes into the mushroom broth. Leave the soup to simmer for 10 minutes.
  5. Add carrot and onion frying.
  6. Add beans to the soup, then mushrooms. Add some salt.
  7. Let the soup simmer for 5 minutes, cover and leave for 20 minutes.
  8. Sprinkle generously with chopped parsley.

Cheese and mushroom soup

Cheese makes the soup tender, adds a special taste and enhances the aroma of wild mushrooms. It is recommended to serve this soup with croutons and a sprig of parsley.


  • 2 processed cheese;
  • 200 gr. porcini mushrooms;
  • 2 potatoes;
  • bulb;
  • 50 gr. hard cheese;
  • black pepper, salt.


  1. Boil mushrooms in water until half cooked.
  2. Add diced potatoes.
  3. When the broth boils again, add processed cheese. To make them melt faster, it is better to cut them into slices. The soup must be stirred constantly, making sure that the cheese is completely melted.
  4. Cut the onion into cubes and fry until golden brown.
  5. Add onions to the soup. Add a little salt.
  6. Let the finished soup brew for 15-20 minutes.
  7. Before serving, sprinkle with grated cheese and black pepper.

With porcini mushrooms you can prepare a classic clear soup or make a puree soup. Cream and cheese make the taste more delicate. If you want to reduce the calorie content of the dish, then add unfried vegetables and mushrooms to the soup.

Greetings to all readers of this blog!

To be honest, I can’t pass by porcini mushrooms: in winter, when I see them sold near the metro in bundles in dried form, and in the beginning of autumn, when they appear, I also stop all the time near the grandmothers selling them. So, they told me that since autumn is dry this year, there won’t be many porcini mushrooms. And that, before they even have time to appear, they are already ending... And honey mushrooms are already beginning.

I have to take it, I decided to myself, since this is the case. And today I made soup from fresh porcini mushrooms, but I think that frozen mushrooms can also be prepared according to this recipe. By the way, I bought frozen ones at Auchan.

So, for the soup we need


  • 1-2 large mushrooms (about 300 grams)
  • 1,250 l water
  • 1 medium carrot
  • 1 large onion
  • 3 medium potatoes
  • 2 tsp. decoys
  • Greens to taste
  • Salt pepper
  • 2 tbsp. lie vegetable oil for frying
  • Sour cream (optional)


Before you start preparing mushroom soup, the mushrooms, of course, need to be washed and trimmed off all the “worm habitats,” if any.

Then cut the mushrooms into small pieces (I don’t like it when pieces fall out of the spoon because they don’t fit there). I indicated the approximate weight of the mushrooms, you can adjust it.

Pour cold water over the chopped mushrooms and place the saucepan on the fire to cook.

While the water with mushrooms is boiling, you need to peel the carrots, onions and potatoes.

Also cut the potatoes into cubes.

Finely chop the onion and grate the carrots on the finest grater.

As soon as the water with mushrooms boils, a lot of foam will appear: it must be periodically skimmed off with a spoon. After cooking for about ten minutes, I would even advise removing the mushrooms using a slotted spoon, and straining the mushroom broth through cheesecloth: just in case, somewhere, the mushrooms were not washed very well, so that there would be no surprise later in the form of sand on your teeth. So, strain the broth and return it to the pan.

When the foam no longer appears, add salt and add potatoes.

In the meantime, you can do the frying. To do this, in a frying pan with vegetable oil fry the onion until transparent, and then add the carrots to it so that it also turns golden.

It is this fried carrot that will add a beautiful golden color our fresh porcini mushroom soup. And since it’s very small, it’s practically invisible: it just adds color.

You need to cook this soup for about forty minutes so that it cooks well. 5 minutes before turning off, add 2 teaspoons of semolina to the pan, sifting through a strainer. You can add pepper at this point if you haven't done so before. The semolina will add extra creamy texture to the soup. (Who doesn’t like semolina, put it in, don’t be afraid, you can hardly feel it - there won’t be any porridge!).

Before serving, sprinkle with finely chopped herbs: dill fits better Total. And maybe a spoonful of sour cream: it tastes even better with sour cream. We ate it without sour cream (we count calories) and also liked it.

Soup with porcini mushrooms according to this recipe is rich, aromatic and very tasty. Prepare, don't hesitate.

And after yesterday’s quiet hunt (at the market, actually) I froze some pieces of mushrooms for two more times of this soup. And I think that we won’t wait for winter with them.

By the way, the beginning of autumn is not only the season of porcini mushrooms, but also the continuation of the season of eating watermelons. I'm here very recently interesting instructions I found how to cut a watermelon so that it is easy to eat. For those interested, the video is below. I will definitely cut my next watermelon like this! And you?

I wish you delicious accomplishments in the kitchen.