How to adjust the height of a plastic balcony door. Adjusting the plastic balcony door. Types of adjustments and necessary tools

If you installed high-quality plastic doors on your balcony and did it correctly, they will serve reliably for many years. The only problem that can be encountered during their operation is a possible imbalance in the operation of the mechanisms. Everything can be fixed by adjusting the fittings; this work can be done with your own hands.

Is it possible to adjust a plastic balcony door yourself?

Over time, any plastic door begins to sag, due to which its tight fit is not ensured, and the heat and sound insulation characteristics deteriorate. This is due to the fact that the canvas is heavy and is often used. Usually, adjusting the door position horizontally, vertically and its clamping can be done independently.

Even the highest quality balcony door requires adjustment of the fittings over time

To ensure that the service life without adjusting the structure is as long as possible, it is recommended to monitor the installation process, paying attention to the following indicators:

  • tight fit of the leaf to the door frame along its entire perimeter;
  • no vertical or horizontal displacement of the structure;
  • independent opening and closing of the door - it should be absent;
  • the need to apply effort during operation - the blade should move easily.

Do not wait until the balcony door stops closing or opening. When the first problems are detected, you must immediately make the necessary adjustments to prevent more serious damage to the blade, box or locking mechanisms.

To determine the place where the displacement occurred, you can use a sheet of paper: it is placed on the frame and the canvas is covered, after which it begins to move. It will be difficult to do this in a skewed area. The tightness of the door is determined using a regular pencil or marker. A line is drawn along the sash, after which the doors are closed. If after opening the line is shifted, it means that there is insufficient clearance in this place and adjustment must be made.

Necessary tool

To adjust plastic door you will need the following set of tools:

What problems can you fix yourself?

Any House master can eliminate the following malfunctions of a metal-plastic door with his own hands:

  • sagging of the canvas - this will be indicated by its touching the threshold; such a malfunction is associated with the large weight of the door, causing it to shift in the vertical direction;
  • a gap between the door frame and the leaf, which indicates a violation of the quality of the door leaf clamp;
  • touching the side door frame, this occurs due to the displacement of the canvas in the horizontal direction, which is caused by operating conditions or weather conditions;
  • malfunction of the handle, its fastening becomes loose, causing the mechanism to stop working correctly;
  • tight closing of the door - this is caused by diagonal displacement, malfunction of the locking mechanism or strong pressing of the door to the frame.

The plastic balcony door does not close well

If the plastic balcony door begins to close poorly, the reason may be that the handle is not working properly. During operation of the door, this part constantly rotates, which leads to weakening of its fastening and deterioration of performance. In order to restore functionality, you must perform the following steps:

If such an adjustment does not bring the expected result, then most likely the housing is damaged, so the handle needs to be replaced.

The plastic balcony door sank

If you find that when closing the balcony door it touches the threshold, this means that the canvas has sagged and needs to be adjusted. This is easy to do, just follow these steps:

How to adjust the pressure density of a balcony door

Detect clamp violation door leaf to the frame can be done by inspecting the seal; the problem is indicated by deformation of the material.

The adjustment can be made in several ways, everything will depend on the design of the fittings used:

Adjusting balcony door hinges

Using the hinges on which the plastic balcony door is attached, you can adjust the door leaf both horizontally and vertically.

Horizontal adjustment is performed in the following sequence:

Vertical adjustment of the hinges allows you to move the door leaf down or up.

One way to troubleshoot problems is to adjust the glass unit. This option is used when other methods failed to achieve the expected result. It is more complex, but even in this case you can cope without the help of specialists:

Video: adjusting a plastic balcony door

Repair of a plastic balcony door

Before you begin repairing your balcony door, you need to determine the type of fault. There are a number of problems that are quite difficult to solve on your own, so you will have to call a specialist. Serious damage to a plastic door includes:

  • cracks in the glass unit, frame;
  • violation of welds;
  • destruction of fittings;
  • tearing out the loop.

Other renovation work You can do it yourself.

How to properly dismantle

If it becomes necessary to dismantle the plastic door, you need to prepare a screwdriver and pliers. The sequence of work is as follows:

Removing a glass unit

If you need to remove a double-glazed window, it is more convenient to do this after you have dismantled the panel. But another option is also possible, when the door remains in place. To do this, you will need a special spatula, but if you don’t have one, you can use a spatula or knife, or rubber suction cups. It is recommended to carry out the work with gloves.

Sequence of work:

Replacing a balcony door

If it is necessary to replace the balcony door, then all work after dismantling will be performed in the reverse order:

Insulation of a balcony door

If you purchased a high-quality plastic balcony door and installed it correctly, then it does not need additional insulation. When choosing a design, it is recommended to give preference to triple-glazed windows. In addition, pay attention to the profile from which the door is made. The five-chamber option is optimal.

A question such as insulating plastic doors is related to the elimination of secondary causes of cold entering the apartment:

  • poor seal between doorway and a box;
  • lack of insulation of slopes and thresholds;
  • violation of the position of the door leaf.

First you need to determine the reason for the penetration of cold air. To check the condition of the slopes, you can use a candle, which will indicate problem area. In the same way, the threshold and door leaf are checked along its entire perimeter.

Before insulating the slopes, you need to check the quality of the sealing of the seam between the door frame and the opening. If it is bad, then part of the foam is cut out, after which the gap is again filled with similar material.

To insulate slopes, you can use plastic, plasterboard or foam. If the first two materials are used, then the sheathing is made first. It can be made from metal profile or wooden blocks. After this a layer is laid mineral wool and cover everything with plastic or plasterboard. Additionally, finishing with putty may be required.

To finish the slopes, plastic, plasterboard or polystyrene can be used, but the last two options will still have to be puttied and painted

You can also insulate it with polystyrene foam. To do this, cut out pieces required size and using special glue they are mounted on the slopes. The foam plastic will also have to be puttied and painted.

A well-installed and properly insulated balcony door will help raise the room temperature by several degrees.

You can insulate the threshold with polystyrene foam, which is mounted using dowels and then finished ceramic tiles. You can also use special plastic products, which are sold together with the door, but often home craftsmen install a regular window sill.

To insulate the threshold, sheets of expanded polystyrene are used, which are then covered with tiles or plastic overlays

Video: disassembling and assembling a plastic balcony door

Adjusting a plastic balcony door is not challenging task, so you can deal with it on your own. To do everything correctly, you first need to determine the cause of the violation of the normal functioning of the structure, and then study the sequence and technology for eliminating it. It is enough to spend a little time once to figure out how to do everything correctly, and then you will be able to make the adjustment yourself.

Today, plastic balcony doors are becoming very common. They are easy to use, do not require constant repainting, and are easy and quick to install. Like any other movable structure, the door mechanism requires adjustment after prolonged use. Any doors tend to become loose because they are constantly opened or closed, or left to ventilate.

A plastic door will protect the apartment from any weather conditions

There is an option to call the master or specialists who installed the structure, but this is not always possible, especially when there is no time to wait, especially if the warranty period has already expired. Otherwise, you can solve the problem yourself.

A plastic door does not require intervention if:

  • the sash does not move, it is tightly pressed to the frame profile;
  • It doesn't move on its own if it's open.

As soon as you notice any deviations, there is no need to shelve this problem. Urgently call a professional who will adjust it, or do it yourself by reading the instructions carefully.

In order to repair it effectively and efficiently, you need to know exactly what caused the problem.

Types of faults

Before you adjust the plastic balcony door, you need to identify problems with its functioning. The main common faults include:

The door handle is broken
  • doors sag. When closing the balcony door catches plastic threshold. The reason may be that the structure is too heavy and moves downwards;
  • the handle dangles. The problem may arise due to frequent opening of the balcony;
  • The sash does not press tightly against the frame, so a draft is felt;
  • lateral movement of the sash, in which the middle of the frame is touched. As a rule, adjustment of the hinges is required. A possible factor causing the problem may be an insufficiently insulated balcony, resulting in constant temperature changes.

How to fix the problem?

Sticking clearly step by step instructions, you can solve all problems without any problems. To work, you need a hexagon and several types of screwdrivers (phillips and flathead). These tools should be enough, you may need others.

Get rid of sagging doors

If the bottom edge of the frame is scratched when the door is closed or opened, this indicates that the sagging sash needs to be adjusted. There are horizontal and vertical.

Door pressure adjustment

For horizontal:

  1. Open the door wide to the turning position.
  2. We turn the screw, which is located at the end of the sash, near the hinge at the top. Using a special hex key, make 2-3 turns clockwise.
  3. To get to the top screws, remove all plugs that may cover the required holes.
  4. Adjust the door mechanism as follows. Find the screw under the plug and turn it clockwise. Check to see if it closes freely; if necessary, tighten it again.


  1. Try to lift the door straight to find the screw. It is located along the hinge axis at the bottom end. In some balcony doors, the screw may be covered with a plug; it must be carefully removed.
  2. By adjusting the screw clockwise, we raise it, and if we rotate it counterclockwise, we lower it.

Adjust door handles

You can tighten the handle on plastic doors like this:

Turning pattern door handle
  1. We find the mounting screws located under plastic cover, we pull them up. Before getting to the screws, you need to slowly turn the cover at a right angle.
  2. When the handle is tight or difficult to turn, you can lubricate the lock fittings with an acid- and resin-free material.
  3. If the handle is completely broken and requires urgent replacement, then unscrew the screws, remove the old handle and attach the new one.

Press the doors tightly

Do you feel cold in the apartment, is there a strong draft from the balcony? This means there is a problem with tight pressing.

Door adjustment diagram
  1. On the sash there is locking elements, which will help solve the issue with the clamp. Using pliers or a wrench, rotate the elements to the required pressure.
  2. Experts recommend repeating the door pressure adjustment a couple of times, depending on weather conditions. In warm seasons, the pressure should be loosened, but in autumn and winter, it should be pressed tighter.

Eliminate interference in the middle of the frame

When you feel that the sash is scratching the frame in the center, then perform the following actions:

  1. In order to move the sash towards the hinges, we lower it to the hinge that is located below. Then use an adjusting key to insert it into the side screw and tighten it.
  2. When this action is not enough, you should do the same for the top loop.

Having adjusted it qualitatively, we forget about the problems with plastic doors. But to achieve long-term uninterrupted operation, you need to know and take into account some important points.

How to prevent problems in the future

  1. Order doors only from well-known, trusted manufacturers. As in any competitive market, there may be low-quality materials that quickly fail.
  2. When choosing a product, make sure that all mechanisms fit the plastic balcony doors. A modern fittings kit can withstand 100-130 kg, this weight is optimal for such a design.
  3. A special compensator (“microlift”) will prevent the sash from sagging under its own weight. Especially, this element is necessary for two-chamber plastic double glazed windows having heavy weight and sizes.
  4. A special additional tire is installed to protect against door sagging and sash jamming.

If it is blowing from the side of the balcony, or the door opens and closes poorly, the problem is not necessarily the quality of the door or unscrupulous installation. Often the situation can be corrected with adjustments. How is a plastic balcony door adjusted?

If guarantee period has not yet come out, you can call a technician from your installer company. Moreover, the installers were required to adjust the door upon completion of the installation. But someday the warranty will end, and you will still have to adjust the door yourself if you do not want to spend extra money on it. Doors become out of adjustment much faster than windows: they weigh more and are opened and closed more often.

Important: new houses shrink during the first year. During this period, you need to watch the door. If neglected, the structure may become deformed.

A well-installed and adjusted door:

Presses tightly and evenly around the entire perimeter;

There are no visible distortions or deviations from the vertical;

Stable in open position(in the absence of wind).

Video “Adjusting plastic balcony doors”:

The condition of the clamp is checked using a sheet of paper. The sheet is placed between the sash and the frame, the door is locked, and the paper is pulled out. It should come out with some effort.

You can identify installation unevenness (the canvas is poorly aligned with the frame) using a simple pencil. You need to trace the perimeter of the locked door, open it and see how parallel the drawn line is to the edge of the frame.

Adjustment of a plastic balcony door is also necessary if: the handle does not turn well, the seal is unevenly deformed. If it is deformed at the bottom, the door must be raised by adjusting the bottom hinge; if at the top, lower it a little by adjusting the top one.


Required set of tools:

Hex keys of different sizes;


Screwdrivers, slotted and cross;


There are three hinges on the door, which have adjusting screws. Adjusting the plastic balcony door is done as follows:

1. Open the door, unscrew the screws securing the decorative trims using a hexagon 3.

2. Close the door, remove the trim.

3. Under the cover there is a screw located horizontally. With its help, the door is adjusted horizontally. To raise the lower corner of the sash, you need to tighten the screws in two hinges, top and middle.

4. If there is a need to move the canvas completely to the right/left, you need to adjust all three hinges with horizontal screws.

5. To adjust the plastic balcony door vertically (raise/lower), screws are used in the lower parts of the hinges and a 5.2 hex key. The door is lowered by turning the screw clockwise. In the opposite direction it rises.

6. You can move the lower corner to the right/left by tightening the same screw on bottom loop.

7. To adjust the top or bottom striker, use a 2.5 hex key.

8. The locking plate can be tightened with a Phillips screwdriver.

9. To adjust the pressure, use a special pin on the fittings. It is turned with pliers. To reduce the pressure, the trunnion is turned parallel to the profile (this is the extreme position); to increase it, it is turned across.

10. In other models there is no pin fitting; the plastic balcony door is adjusted on the strike plate. In this case, you need to insert a hex key into the groove on the bar and make about half a turn.

Plastic doors are widely used in houses, apartments, offices and shops: they are used as balconies, interior doors, and entrance doors. This is a great alternative wooden doors, and such products better protect against noise, dust, and have a large margin of safety. Over time, plastic doors may need to be adjusted , which is easy to do yourself.

When is adjustment required?

Even if you did not skimp on quality and purchased an expensive one from a trusted manufacturer, this does not mean that in a few years the door will not need to be adjusted. This problem is associated with many factors:

  • Shrinkage of the building.
  • Incorrect installation.
  • Incorrect operation.
  • Sagging of the structure due to its own weight.

In order to know exactly how to adjust , You can watch how the installers do it. Over time, this skill may come in handy.

You can find out that the doors require adjustment if drafts appear, the door begins to open or close poorly, or is no longer parallel to the frame. To determine how tightly the structure fits, you can use a regular sheet of paper, which must be placed between the door frame and the frame itself. When sealed tightly, it will not be possible to pull out the sheet. If it comes out easily or falls out, it means the fit in that area is weak.

The sash could have moved due to frequent temperature changes, weakening of the door mechanism, which is why it begins to touch the frame elements. It is also necessary to adjust the plastic door in a situation where, when opening, it touches the threshold. When setting up, look at the handle: it may dangle or fly out of its socket, also requiring adjustment. The canvas may not fit tightly to the frame due to wear of the seal, which will need to be replaced.

Having identified the malfunction, you will understand what kind of adjustment of plastic doors you need on your own; The instructions for all actions are simple and accessible to any owner. can be adjusted in three directions; for this you will need to prepare the tools in advance. You will need two screwdrivers: flat and Phillips, hexagon, tape measure, plastic spacers, pliers.

A properly adjusted door should be stable in any position

Vertical adjustment

The hinges are adjusted using a special screw located on them. When it rotates, the door will lower or rise. This method is used if the sash touches the threshold or the seal in the lower or upper part has dents.

Before starting work, you will need to remove the cap from the adjusting screw, which is located on the lower hinge. It is located along its axis. You can rotate the screws using a hexagon. When turning the mechanism clockwise, the blade will rise, and in the opposite direction, the blade will lower.

Adjusting the height of a plastic balcony door

Horizontal adjustment

This type of adjustment is needed if the blade is sagging. Most often this happens due to the large mass of the structure. The height of the plastic door is adjusted when the leaf is open. To do this, you need to unscrew the screws from the upper hinges, then you need to close the sash, remove the covers on the hinges covering the screws for adjustment. Adjustment occurs using the longest fastener element in a horizontal position.

If there is a skew, you will need to tighten this screw on the upper and central hinges; the one located higher should be tightened more tightly. If you don't know how to tighten the plastic balcony door so that it sits straight, loosen all the horizontal screws and adjust them together.

Adjusting the door leaf horizontally in the top hinge
Horizontal door adjustment in the bottom hinge

Pressure debugging

You need to know not only how to adjust a plastic balcony door yourself , but also when it is required to do this. For example, the pressure needs to be monitored constantly, and not just when you notice a problem. In summer, plastic expands due to high temperatures, so the clamp needs to be loosened, in winter time on the contrary, it needs to be strengthened to eliminate drafts, since expansion will cease to occur. The installation of a plastic door to a balcony is quite simple, so you only need a hex key to operate it. Locate the locking type trunnion on the frame. There is a special notch on this structural element that will help determine the degree of clamping density. Rotating the notch towards the frame will provide weakening, in reverse side– gain.

If the position of the adjustment screws is extreme, the adjustment will not be effective. In this case, you will have to resort to adjusting the position of the glass unit. Pull out the glazing beads that secure it, install gaskets in the right places, this can be done using special device- shoulder blades. You can get rid of the distortion by choosing the right place for the gasket and taking into account its thickness. After this, the glazing beads can be returned to their place.

Adjusting the door leaf pressure

Replacing the seal

If plastic doors have not been adjusted independently for quite a long time, and the door has been used skewed, noticeable deformation of the sealing material often occurs. It will need to be changed: you can buy a new one at hardware store. Pay attention to the shape and cross-section of the purchased material - they must match the old one.

You can remove a seal that has become unusable from the groove using a flat-head screwdriver. Remove dirt and glue build-up, apply a new layer of it, insert a fresh seal so that it does not stretch or sag.

Debugging the state of handles

These products can become loose or, conversely, turn tightly, preventing the door from opening normally. In the first case, the plastic entrance door is adjusted using screws located on the handle. To do this, you need to remove the protective cover by tightening them with a screwdriver.

The second version of the problem will require different efforts. To fix the problem, you will need to adjust the door leaf. How to adjust hinges on plastic doors , described above. If you have installed the blade correctly, but the defect in the handle has not disappeared, it will need to be replaced. This is easy to do: you need to unscrew the two screws that hold the product, pull out the handle, replace it with a new one and screw the screws in place.

Handle adjustment
  • In order to protect the door from damage and eliminate the need for frequent adjustments, you can install an opening limiter. This device will protect the hinges from becoming loose, as it will prevent them from touching the door jamb.
  • Another useful device is a microlift. It takes on the weight of the door leaf in the closed position and prevents it from sagging.
  • To extend the service life of the seal, it must be treated with silicone grease.
  • You can't hang anything on the door handle.
  • All parts of the opening mechanism must be lubricated regularly

Following these simple rules will extend the life of the door, avoiding frequent adjustments.

Replacing a wooden balcony door with a plastic one is popular and very effective method make your home more comfortable and warm. But all PVC structures have one feature: even the most quality windows and the doors have to be adjusted at certain intervals. If you feel that something is wrong with your door, do not rush to the phone in a panic to call an ambulance in the form of a team of locksmiths. If you carefully study the instructions, adjusting plastic balcony doors is not difficult.

When should the door be adjusted?

Adjustment of a PVC balcony door should be carried out immediately if:

  • you have to use excessive force to open the door;
  • when closing, the door leaf clings to the door frame;
  • the lock handle is difficult to turn or, conversely, is too loose;
  • when the lock is open, the door does not stay closed;
  • even tight closed door misses cold air outside.

All these signs are, so to speak, critical. They indicate that the door is already in disrepair. It is possible that in this case, simple adjustment will not solve the problem and some parts will have to be repaired or replaced. This can be avoided if you adjust the plastic balcony doors yourself and do it in a timely manner. Here are some ways helping to identify subtle violations in the position of the door leaf:

  1. Open the balcony door slightly and leave it in that position. If it spontaneously tends to slam or open (of course, in the absence of wind or drafts), it’s time to start tuning.
  2. Take a simple pencil in your hands and take a position on the side opposite to the side of the door opening. After closing the door, outline its perimeter using the edge of the door frame as a ruler. Now open the door and take a close look at your own art. If the lines you drew are parallel to the edges of the door leaf, then everything is in order. If not, then there is a slight misalignment and it’s time to prepare the tools.
  3. Take notebook sheet or a fragment of a newspaper page and slam the balcony door so that the paper is caught between it. Now try to remove the sheet, paying attention to the force you had to apply to do this. Thus it is necessary to check the tightness of the pressure along the entire perimeter of the door. Ideally, the force with which you had to pull out the paper will always be the same. If on different areas the door perimeter, the sheet is pressed unevenly, which means it is necessary to adjust the pressure.

Self-adjustment PVC balcony door should also be performed with the arrival of cold weather or, conversely, with warming: in the first case, the door pressure is strengthened, in the second, it is weakened.

Tip: Loosen the pressure in spring and summer should definitely, because when closing tightly ( winter mode) some components door block wear out faster.

Instructions for adjusting a plastic door

The first thing you should worry about is the availability of such tools:

- screwdrivers with Phillips and flat profile;

- pliers;

— a set of hex keys (for some models you will need keys with an asterisk profile);

— PVC gaskets;

The design of door fastening units in PVC door blocks provides the possibility adjusting its position in three directions:

— horizontally (the gap between the door leaf and the hinge post is adjusted at the top, bottom or along the entire height);

— vertically (the height of the door hanger relative to the door frame changes);

— frontally (the density of pressing the door to the sealing elements of the doorway is adjusted).

The adjustment screws can be accessed by removing the decorative panel with the door open (use a 3 mm hexagon).

Let's look at all three adjustment options in more detail.

Horizontal direction

The movement of the door leaf to the right or left (toward or away from the hinge post) is controlled by a long adjusting screw located horizontally under decorative overlay. If the door when closing clings to the box from the latch side in the middle part or along the entire height, the screws should be turned clockwise one or two turns in all three hinges. If the lower edge of the canvas farthest from the hinges touches the threshold, you only need to tighten the screws in the upper and middle hinges.

Vertical direction

The vertical adjustment screw on the hinge is responsible for moving the door down (turning the screw counterclockwise) or up (clockwise). Such adjustment is resorted to in the case when if the bottom edge of the door rubs against the threshold when closing or opening or it closes normally, but Dents are visible on the upper or lower seals. Use a 5mm hex socket to rotate the screws. The same key, but 2.5 mm, will be needed to adjust the position of the strikers at the top and bottom of the door frame. For this operation, in addition to the hexagon, you will need a flat-head screwdriver. The main locking bar will also have to be moved using a Phillips screwdriver.

Front direction (pressure adjustment)

Before adjusting the plastic balcony door, it is important to know that the pressing density of the door to the frame is various models regulated in different ways:

  1. At the vertical end of the door, on the side opposite the hinges, there may be three eccentrics that must be turned using the appropriate tool.
  2. On some models door fittings There is a pin that must be turned using pliers. For maximum pressure it should be given a direction perpendicular to the plane of the door block, for minimum pressure it should be given a direction parallel to it.
  3. Sometimes the clamp can be adjusted by frontal displacement of the strike plate. For this purpose, there is a hex head screw under the bar.

Adjusting screws cannot always save the situation. It happens that a defect exists, but the corresponding screw is already in its extreme position. In this case, use another method of adjusting a door with double glazed windows. Carefully prying it with a chisel, you need to remove the glazing beads holding the glass unit. Then, using special blades, PVC gaskets are installed between the glass unit and the plastic in the right places (depending on what defect needs to be corrected). By correctly selecting the location of the gaskets and their thickness, you can change the geometry of the door and thus eliminate the distortion. When installing glazing beads in place, they should be carefully tapped with a rubberized hammer.

Tip: When removing glazing beads, mark them so that you can then install each one exactly in its place. Often for fixing a double-glazed window with internal and outside Manufacturers use different types of glazing beads.

Plastic door handles are characterized by two problems:

1. The handle is difficult to turn or does not turn completely

Most often, this problem is caused by the incorrect position of the door leaf and after adjusting it using one of the methods described above, the lock mechanism should work properly. If the adjustment does not help, the lock will have to be replaced.

2. The handle is loose

If the trim installed where the handle is attached to the door is rotated 90 degrees, access to two screws will open. By tightening them with a Phillips screwdriver, you will correct the defect.

Replacing the seal

If the door is used skewed for a long time, it may become deformed. In this case, it must be replaced with a new one having a similar cross-sectional shape. The old seal is removed from the groove using a screwdriver, which is then cleaned of dirt and glue residues. When installing a new seal, make sure that it is not under tension. Before installing the profile, the groove must be coated with glue, especially in those places where the ends of the seal will be located.


In order for the plastic balcony door to last longer without adjustment, equip it with two very useful devices: microlift and opening limiter. The microlift supports the weight of the door in the closed position, preventing it from sagging. The opening limiter prevents the hinges from becoming loose when the door rests against the jamb (when fully swinging open).

You should not hang bags with heavy contents on the door handle (especially an open one). The plastic door itself is heavy and additional weight can lead to rapid sagging.

Periodic lubrication with a silicone compound will help extend the life of the seal and make it more flexible and susceptible to deformation.

Don't forget to lubricate the lock regularly, too. If its handle is difficult to turn, users begin to put pressure on it (and at the same time on the door) with all their weight, while strongly pulling the door towards themselves. Under such conditions, distortion is inevitable.

Adjusting plastic balcony doors video

In this section, we invite you to watch a video on the topic of our article “Adjusting plastic balcony doors: instructions for setting it up yourself.” You will see how the procedures we described above are performed in practice.