Why do you dream about buying a skirt? Long outfit or not? What does Skirt predict in a dream?

my mother-in-law gave me a large white beautiful wedding skirt and a lot of multi-colored threads, I was very happy with this gift, and she bought herself a long white veil with glitter. about myself: I am married for 20 years with my mother-in-law very a good relationship. Not so good with my husband, no children.


I don’t remember the whole dream, but only one moment. in a dream I saw myself as if from the outside. but not all of yourself, but only from the waist down. it was all about the skirt. it was a new skirt. dark blue. narrow. and with frills. I really liked her. I admired myself in her. but I only saw myself from the back. What was strange to me was that I was thin in it, my hips were very narrow, but not bony, but slender. I was spinning in it, spinning...


It all started when I started getting ready for prom. I bought a skirt with a corset and I see that I don’t like the skirt at all, I’m going to the market to change my skirt. The market is almost empty. I chose for a very long time, but I didn’t like anything, I started crying then I calmed down and started to get angry. In general, I took some kind of white skirt and calmed down with that. Then there was a sharp change in the situation and I was already walking with a young man (not with my own, but with a guy who really likes me, his name is Andrey, and he does me too, but he lives in a civil marriage with someone else), well, so, we are walking along a narrow straight path, we have a river on our left, high hills on our right. All this is happening in my village. The day is just wonderful, the sun is shining and everything is around Tsvetnt, a beautiful summer day. In general, we are walking with him, or rather we are riding a horse, then she climbs off it and goes further, and we climb the slope to the top (by the way, we got off the horse before the turn. The path turned over the hill). We enter we go into the house with him and sit on the bed, sit reclining and watch TV. He starts kissing and hugging me, and then again there is a sharp change in the situation and I already find myself in another village. My relatives are gathering guests about my graduation. And they tell me to I allowed Andrei, oh, how strange it is that I lived in the next house. I went with some girl to get Andrei, his common-law wife opened the door, she allowed him, he came out to me. The two of us stood together and talked about something. Then he hugged me and began to collect his and my things (I just didn’t understand how my things ended up with him). Then he took me by the hand and we ran away from everyone to be alone... That’s the whole dream. I’m 18 years old. girl. It seems to me that this is because I want something new in a relationship, but with Andrey this most likely will not happen.


I dreamed that I was in a store, choosing myself short skirt. I don't like anything. In the end I find some kind of skirt that I don’t really like - it’s just a compromise option. I go into the fitting room, but suddenly I see that the skirt is clearly too small for me in the hips. then for some reason I go down (without any transition) I go down to the basement, it is huge, light, plastered walls (without painting), many many rooms and little rooms, concrete floor, no objects, just the floor, walls, light, and many rooms, no windows , obviously. with doors. I walk into rooms and in many of them I see white bathtubs. some have water (1/4). suddenly I meet my grandmother. she invites me to light candles so that I can better see the rooms. For some reason the dream is pleasant, although meaningless.


I had a pair of knee-length Scottish skirts: made of thick wool, wrapped at the waist. They were slightly different shades, but made in the same style. The most striking thing is that they are hung with military medals. Not real ones, but imitation ones, an exact copy real ones. My husband said it looks extremely cool. I saw for myself how cool it was. In the spirit of Dolce-Gabanna! (I really respect Dolce-Gabanna for its creativity). However, I felt that the coolness was somewhere on the edge: WWII participants might be offended by the use of shrines, blood-stained awards as trinkets for the butt. The skirt glowed golden in the sun, there was something ethnic and historical about it, but there was also a strong feeling that this creativity would hurt someone. I understood that it was impossible to show off in front of many of my compatriots. What a pity! After all, it’s crazy beautiful and conceptual. I tried on crazy skirts, but didn’t dare go anywhere in them.


Skirt besides general meaning clothing (i.e., a stereotype foreign to me, but rooted in society) personifies the part of the body that it covers. Therefore everything military awards belong to this part. Of course, this is very touching, although it is associated with “war” and aggression.


I dream that my husband is holding my skirt in his hands (the skirt is only mine in the dream, but in reality I have never had such a skirt) lilac color with the smell and goes outside. I looked out the window and saw that someone else’s car had driven up to our house, a man was getting out of it, and my husband was opening the gate and giving this skirt to him. Then I see that the man’s wife gets out of the car and says something to her husband. At this point the dream ends.
Tell me, why did I have this dream?


Our psyche determines our habits. Everyone has their own.
Behavior associated with conventions - when we are forced to “pretend”, “pretend” - is symbolically reflected in a dream as clothing.
Accordingly, a skirt is some kind of behavior. Perhaps this is something you associate with typical female behavior. Therefore, it is represented by a (women's) skirt, and not, say, (men's) trousers.

So, there is a “skirt” as a symbol of some of your behavior.

Now it is important to understand what dynamics the “skirt” is subject to. First it is “yours”.
But due to some of your internal reasons it is repressed. Repression is a departure from conscious, personally mediated behavior into unconscious, poorly or generally uncontrollable behavior. For example, in one dream you are driving the car and in control of the situation, and in another you are a passenger.
Also with clothes. She goes to the “other”.
Usually, “others” in a dream reflect our repressed, unacceptable from a conscious point of view, parts of our personality. When a mother tells a child that “it’s bad to do that, you can’t (be greedy),” then one child realizes this as his will/ability for sole ownership (of candy) or for sharing with someone. Another child can “split” into a good self and a greedy self. Then he will have a dream that in a dream he is interacting with an unpleasant rival boy. This boy, a rival, is now a shadow, the focus of all repressed habits. Someday this child will unite all his sub-personalities into one whole one (that’s why they say that in old age a person gets wiser - in fact, he becomes more whole, more harmonious, more understandable)

Returning to everyday life. There are moments in your relationships with men in which you are uncomfortable and you are forced to pretend (wear clothes, or rather, a skirt). The dream emphasizes that now you have even less conscious control over your behavior and your reactions (the skirt from your possession goes to the “other” woman, your shadow).
More details about what exactly we're talking about, it is possible to find out in face-to-face consultations.

It means that you would secretly like to be a woman a little, to understand what it’s like.

If a woman had a similar dream- that means you have to test personal experience What is lesbian love?

Sewing a skirt in a dream- such a dream suggests that you are too “closed”, not trusting anyone. You should be more frank and trusting.

If you had a bad dream:

Don't be upset - it's just a dream. Thanks to him for the warning.

When you wake up, look out the window. Tell in open window: “Where there is night, there comes sleep. All the good things stay, all the bad things go.”

Open the tap and dream about flowing running water.

Wash your face three times with the words “Where water flows, sleep goes.”

Throw a pinch of salt into a glass of water and say: “As this salt melts, my sleep will go away and will not bring harm.”

Turn your bed linen inside out.

Don't tell anyone bad dream before lunch.

Write it down on paper and burn this sheet.

How will the dream book decipher the dream: did you dream about a skirt? The interpretation of the dream in which this item of clothing was dreamed depends on various details. You need to remember the length, color and style of the skirt. When analyzing a dream, it is also necessary to pay attention to the personality of the dreamer himself and take into account what actions he performed with the clothes he dreamed about.

The interpretation of the dream in which this item of clothing was dreamed depends on various details

To understand why a skirt is dreamed of, you need to look into Miller’s dream book. If in a dream a woman saw herself dressed in an outfit below her knees, then in real life she is forced to restrain her shameful desires and behave prudently. I dreamed about it long skirt touching the hem of the floor means that in reality the dreamer is concerned about what the people around her think about her. In order not to incur public condemnation, she leads an ascetic lifestyle. A short skirt in night dreams indicates that the fairer sex is captive of emotions and passions. If she does not use common sense, she risks making an unforgivable mistake, which she will later regret. Did a man dream of a girl in a mini-dress? In reality, he spends too much time thinking about carnal pleasures. Walking in night vision without a skirt - bad sign. It promises a woman the danger of losing her loved one.

To understand why a skirt is dreamed of, you need to look into Miller’s Dream Book

When interpreting dreams in which wardrobe items are present, Miller recommends paying attention to their color. This will allow you to more accurately understand the meaning of the dream:

  1. A long black skirt indicates that in the recent past the dreamer did something that she does not want to admit not only to others, but also to herself. If the outfit was dirty, then her act is extremely shameful.
  2. A red skirt is associated with flirtation and passion. In the case when it was short, a short but bright love adventure awaits the sleeping woman. A long red model promises the dreamer a whirlwind romance that will develop into long and strong feelings.
  3. A pink skirt warns a woman that in the near future she may be unfairly insulted or humiliated.
  4. A yellow outfit portends positive emotions and a great mood.
  5. Flaunting a blue skirt in a dream means the appearance of a hidden secret, which the dreamer will carefully protect from others.
  6. A green wardrobe item represents the easy accessibility of a sleeping woman. Trying it on means a temptation will arise in her life, which it is better not to succumb to. For a man to see a green skirt on a girl he knows in a dream - a sign indicating that it will be easy for him to win her favor.

Why do you dream about a skirt (video)

Interpretation by Hasse, Ivanov and Grishina

Why do you dream about a skirt? white to the floor? In Miss Hasse's dream book, such an outfit indicates the innocence of its owner. Mature woman try on a skirt snow-white color- to the desire to hide some facts from your past in front of people around you. A dream in which a young lady was choosing an outfit for herself in a store indicates her readiness for life changes.

For a man, a skirt in a dream portends interesting acquaintance with an extravagant girl. In his night dreams, the dreamer dreamed of a representative of the stronger sex in women's clothing? In reality, he should pay less attention to gender stereotypes, otherwise he will not be able to achieve mutual understanding in relationships with women.

In Miss Hasse's dream book, such an outfit indicates the innocence of its owner

Newest dream book“Ivanova promises a man who sees a skirt in a dream a new admirer. If a woman dreams of this outfit, then in real life she should expect a gift from her loved one.

In Grishina’s dream book, a new skirt promises the sleeping woman the receipt of a letter. The old outfit warns her of the danger of becoming a victim of slander. Dirty item a young girl dreams of an unequal marriage. For a mature woman, this image foreshadows chores around the house. For a representative of the fairer sex to see a man in a skirt in a dream - to a new love story. How long it will last must be judged by the length of the robe.

Erotic interpretation of a dream

Explaining why a skirt is seen in a dream, Sigmund Freud’s dream book focuses on the sexual connotation of the plot seen at night. The famous psychoanalyst personified any clothing with a naked human body. For a woman who sees herself in a skirt in her night dreams, the interpreter predicts a love affair with a representative of the same sex. A dream in which a man tries on a lady's outfit indicates his desire to learn from his own experience what it means to be a woman.

Did you dream of taking off your skirt? For a girl, the dream indicates her craving for exhibitionism, for a man - the desire for bisexuality. Sewing a skirt is a sign indicating the excessive isolation and mistrust of a sleeping person. The interpreter advises him to be more frank with loved ones.

Explaining why a skirt is seen in a dream, Sigmund Freud’s dream book focuses on the sexual connotations of the plot seen at night

“Gives an interesting interpretation of the dream.” Erotic dream book”: a long and dark skirt indicates the dreamer’s dissatisfaction with her sexual partner. Seeing a new outfit means a desire to receive love pleasure with a new man. Trying on the chosen clothes indicates that the dreamer is ready to give herself to the first man she meets.

For a representative of the stronger sex, a skirt seen on a girl in a dream hints at his desire possess a woman he recently met. However, he understands that he is unlikely to be able to implement his plans. Man holding an object women's wardrobe in your hands and looking at it - to attempts to bring your secret desires, which will be perceived with condemnation by those around him.

Meaning according to Esoteric, Ukrainian and French dream books

Esoteric dream book“A girl who sees herself wearing an elegant and fluffy skirt in her night dreams is promised a meeting with a dishonest man who will try to seduce her in order to use her to his advantage. Were the clothes old, dirty or torn? The Universe warns the dreamer that her lover is not faithful to her. If the skirt in the dream looked inconspicuous but neat, then in real life a woman will be expected to marry a man who will suit her in every sense.

In the “Ukrainian Dream Book,” a skirt predicts a date for a young girl with her beloved. For a woman to see a new outfit in her night dreams - to important news, an old one - to shame, condemnation. Did you dream of buying it? The unmarried dreamer is expecting a wedding in the near future. If a married lady had a dream with such a plot, then soon she will have to take part in some kind of entertainment event. IN this dream book a red skirt symbolizes joyful changes in life. If it was black, then sad events await the dreamer ahead. A vision in which a woman happened to walk without a skirt is extremely unfavorable. It foretells the death of a spouse.

“The Esoteric Dream Book” promises a girl who sees herself wearing an elegant and fluffy skirt in her night dreams, promising a meeting with a dishonest man

A representative of the fairer sex has a dream: she is wearing a colorful skirt. How to understand its meaning? The “French Dream Book” predicts a light flirtation in reality for the dreamer who sees herself in such an outfit. If in her night dreams a woman tried on various skirts, then in real life she will be popular with men, but due to her capricious nature she may remain lonely. A plot in which an item of clothing was stolen from the dreamer is considered an alarming sign. The Universe is trying to warn her with the help of this dream that in the near future her rival will take away her beloved man. If a sleeping woman plays the role of a thief, then she herself will have to become a homewrecker in reality.

Skirt in a dream (video)

Decoding in the dream books of Felomena and Longo

A woman who dreams of a skirt will have a major quarrel with her in real life. best friend. This interpretation can be seen in Felomena’s dream book. The reason for an upcoming quarrel may arise out of the blue, so in order to avoid it, the dreamer needs to carefully control her emotions. A pleated skirt dreamed of at night is very good sign. It promises a woman incredible luck in all matters. How can you understand a dream in which a sleeping young lady lost her skirt? A dreamed vision, according to the dream book, predicts anxieties for the dreamer that can throw her out of balance for a long time.

Why dream of a skirt worn inside out? Longo's dream book warns the young lady that in the near future she will be involved in an unpleasant story and will feel shame because of her behavior. For a representative of the fairer sex, tearing her outfit in a dream means an unhappy personal life in reality. If a man dreamed of his beloved woman in a torn skirt, then he should not be jealous of her imaginary rivals, since he got a life partner who sincerely admires him and does not even allow thoughts of betrayal.

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Basically, dreams where a woman’s wardrobe item, a skirt, is seen are associated with a person’s personal life, his relationships with loved ones and the sexual sphere. The interpretation of what you saw depends on the length of the outfit, the color and style, and the emotions experienced in the dream. Dream books describe in detail the meaning of dreams, so we’ll talk about what a dream about a skirt means. It is important to remember the dream until the very the smallest details to find out as much as possible about him.

Decoding sleep according to various dream books

Freud's Dream Book

To decipher, you need to know who was wearing the skirt. If there was a man in a long outfit, then he has secret desires to sometimes transform into a woman in order to understand the meaning of her actions, train of thoughts and actions.

If in a dream a representative of beauty was wearing a skirt, then she is inclined to have a same-sex relationship. She may be hiding a relationship with a girl, but this secret may be revealed.

Sewing a skirt in a dream will tell you that a person is very closed, he does not let anyone into his world and does not trust others. Make friends serious relationship this is a problem for him, so he needs to learn to trust people.

Miller's Dream Book

I saw a long outfit and said in a dream - before the dreamer was more bashful, but now he has overcome his embarrassment. A person becomes more prudent, he manages to overcome his complexes.

Vanga's Dream Book

A girl dreams of purchasing a skirt or choosing it according to a seer’s dream book - this is a bad sign. A new thing means that a person has envious people who say unpleasant things about him and rejoice in troubles.

If a woman tried on an outfit and it turned out to be too big, she should take a closer look at those around her. There may be deceitful comrades nearby who are trying to deceive and harm.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

Here a skirt means a pleasant flirtation, a new love adventure. What they will be depends on appearance clothes. If the skirt is painted white, it means that the dreamer is naive and innocent and it is very easy to deceive him.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

Dreaming of a skirt is a good sign. You have a date with your lover, who will surprise you with a surprise.

If the outfit was dirty in a dream, it’s no longer very good. The love affair will be short-lived. The young man will betray or deceive, stop understanding.

A new skirt will tell about the appearance of a fan, but nostalgia will pull the dreamer into the past.

Dream Interpretation Maya

Sew or buy new thing will tell the dreamer that he has the opportunity to change his life. In order for the changes to be in better side, according to the dream book, the old skirt will need to be burned.

Decoding dreams depending on the length and color of the skirt

  • I dreamed of a long skirt

If in a dream you saw yourself in clothes that reached to your heels, this indicates that a person can count on the support of loved ones. Dream books also pay attention to the color of the skirt, as well as to the circumstances occurring in the dream.

  • Why do you dream of a short skirt?

Basically, the dream means that the person is dissolute and slow. If the outfit covers only the buttocks, it indicates that the dreamer is striving for forbidden love or he is dating several partners at the same time.

The dream will tell the woman that she let a bad person get too close to her. He doesn't deserve her.

Some dream books interpret the dream in such a way that the dreamer should not rely on anyone’s help in case of a difficult life situation.

  • New skirt in a dream

The dream will tell you that the dreamer will have a quarrel with a good friend. If in a dream you tried on a skirt and it turned out to be small, then the person overestimated own capabilities and strength, he will be disappointed in himself.

Trying on a new skirt in front of the mirror, the one who saw the dream will have a carefree life, it will be fun.

Dream books interpret taking off a new skirt as the beginning of troubles and problems.

  • Dreaming of a red skirt

The interpretation of the dream may be different. Basically, a red skirt in dreams speaks of upcoming joy, and also a love adventure and flirtation await the dreamer. The one who sees the dream may be overtaken by a strong passion; it will be sudden, but short-lived.

  • White skirt in a dream

She promises that a person is waiting a pleasant surprise and many happy joyful moments. Some dream books, compiled on the basis of Chinese philosophy, are convinced that white is a symbol of troubles and failures, illnesses. A woman who sees herself in a white outfit is surrounded by gossips and ill-wishers. Friends will impose dubious deals and deals. Sometimes a white skirt in a dream indicates the receipt of a letter.

  • Dreaming of a black skirt

The dreamer will experience sadness and disappointment. The dream also says that a person is hiding from himself and is afraid to admit to committing bad deeds. He wants to deceive himself, hiding his innermost desires.

  • I dreamed about a blue skirt

The dreamer has a stone in his soul and needs to get rid of it. The crux of the problem is that he doesn't want to get rid of it.

Dream books claim that others treat a person with indifference and composure. It is not easy for the dreamer to gain recognition from his colleagues, but he must hold his head proud, showing his superiority and sense of dignity.

  • Green skirt in a dream

Such a dream comes with a new creative idea, fantasy. The person will be inspired and encouraged. The dreamer has the opportunity to realize talented ideas and conclude a profitable deal.

  • Why do you dream about a leather skirt?

This attractive item of women's clothing in a dream interprets sexuality. Dream books claim that a person dreams of conducting an experiment in his sexual life.

Decoding dreams about actions with a skirt

Trying on a skirt in a dream

If a man dreams of a short skirt, it means he is sexually dissatisfied. A woman saw a dream - she is waiting for a meeting with her loved one, which may happen in the future.

Buying a skirt in a dream

The dreamer expects changes for the better.

See the skirt

If it is new, then the dreamer will receive letters. An old skirt in dream books deciphers that a person is being falsely accused, slandered and slandered.

Dreaming of choosing a skirt

The dream is interpreted as a possible quarrel with a friend.

Sewing a skirt in a dream

The person is very closed to himself, he does not trust anyone.

Decoding dreams depending on who dreamed about the skirt

Why does a woman dream about a skirt:

If she is married, then the dreamer will improve her relationship with her lover. If you bought a skirt in a dream, you need to spend more time with your family. In the dream, the skirt was soiled and dirty, indicating loneliness. A man can lie and cheat.

A man dreams of a skirt:

A guy who saw a girl trying on an outfit in a dream will have an easy and cheerful relationship. Also, the skirt may hint that the girl is too frivolous. The skirt is torn - the relationship will be short-lived and the man will be lonely.

If a guy bought a skirt in a dream, dream books promise pleasant changes in his personal life.

A married man in a dream saw his wife trying on a skirt - his beloved needs to be given more attention and care. Giving a skirt in a dream means you should expect quarrels and scandals with your wife.

The girl dreamed about the skirt:

This is a hint of a lying friend, as well as a scandal with her. Sometimes a dream will tell you that a quarrel with your mother is possible, but only if your skirt is cut or dirty.

Cutting a skirt for yourself in a dream means that in life you will meet a worthy person who can bring joy and happiness.

If the skirt was tight in the dream, the relationship with the guy is not easy, and a break in the relationship is possible. He deceives, causing only negativity and frustration.

Other interpretations of a dream about a skirt

  • Dreaming of wearing a skirt inside out

A person can embarrass himself, find himself in an awkward situation, and be embarrassed.

  • I dreamed about a checkered skirt

The dreamer is a strict and pedantic person; he is collected, neat, and likes to put everything in order. The dream says that you need to rest more often, forgive yourself for your mistakes and shortcomings and not be afraid to diversify your life with bright events and colors.

  • Skirt with flounces in a dream

If a person saw himself in such an outfit in a dream, then he is frivolous. He needs to be more collected and careful in order to achieve his goal.

  • Dreaming of a dirty or torn skirt

They say a lot of nasty things and gossip about a person. There is an ill-wisher next to him, so you need to be careful and attentive to people. Take a closer look at your friends and we can say with confidence that the gossip will reveal herself.

Now you know what a skirt can mean in a dream. You shouldn’t take all your dreams to heart, but you shouldn’t ignore them either. Remember that all dreams reflect our subconscious. Sometimes it’s enough to put your thoughts in order and then everything will fall into place.

A skirt in a dream is often associated with personal life and intimate relationships. What it portends in real life often depends on its condition, length and color, as well as on the emotions of the dream. Various dream books give different interpretation dreams of a skirt

Why do you dream about a skirt according to the new family dream book?

If a man had a dream about a skirt, this means that others condemn his frivolous behavior. If you do not change it, the matter may end in a big scandal and will have the most unfavorable effect on the dreamer’s future.

Why does a woman dream about a skirt? The dream foreshadows a new love interest that will appear very soon. If there are numerous frills on the skirt and a woman examines and sorts them out in a dream, then in real life carnal pleasures will give her great pleasure.

The number of frills on a skirt can also predict how many lovers will appear from the dreamer. A lace skirt dreams of happy love. If the skirt is dirty, torn, wrinkled, then in reality the woman will face insults, insults, and quarrels.

Why do you dream about a skirt according to Freud’s dream book?

If in a dream the dreamer puts on a long skirt, then the dream should be interpreted according to the gender of the sleeping person. If this is a man, then in real life he experiences a desire to temporarily become a woman, understand the meaning of her actions, and feel emotions.

If a woman dreams about wearing a skirt, then she is prone to same-sex relationships. This may be hidden homosexuality, which will be revealed under favorable circumstances.

If a woman sews a skirt for herself in a dream, then in reality she is very withdrawn, does not trust others and is afraid to start close relationships. This is a serious problem, and we need to resolve it, try to become more frank, open, and learn to trust people.

Why do you dream about a skirt according to Miller’s dream book

The dream book interprets dreams about a skirt in different ways. Why do you dream of a long skirt? To the point that the dreamer’s shameful desires will lose primary importance for him. Prudence will prevail and protect you from trouble. In addition, the dream indicates great importance, which has public opinion for the dreamer.

If you dreamed a dream in which you try on a skirt and can’t decide on the length hem, then in reality you experience constant mental discomfort. You have to constantly balance between public opinion and your own opinion, your nature and moral principles, desires and prohibitions.

Why do you dream about a red skirt? The dream predicts that in the near future the dreamer will be overcome by intense love. He will be at the mercy of flirting and will experience intense passion. If you dreamed of a red maxi skirt, then flirting will be the first step to a stormy and serious, very passionate romance. If the skirt was short, then the feelings will be fleeting and disappear without a trace.

Sew yourself a skirt- desire to change life. Whatever the emotions were, so will the changes. If in a dream a woman sees herself without a skirt at all, then in reality she may lose her lover in the spiritual or physical sense.

Why do you dream about a skirt according to Vanga’s dream book?

If a woman chooses and buys a skirt in a dream, this is a bad sign. Why do you dream about a new skirt? To the appearance in the dreamer’s life of envious people who are extremely unfriendly. After such a dream you need to behave carefully.

If a woman tries on a skirt in a dream and finds that the clothes are too big, then she needs to take a closer look at her immediate surroundings. Next to the dreamer in real life is a lying friend. Pretending to be a friend, she constantly deceives and tries to harm.

Dirty, torn skirt- a harbinger of gossip spread by a person known to the dreamer. Most likely, this is a woman who is unfavorably disposed or offended by you. The sooner you discover a hostile gossip, the less harm she will be able to cause.

Why do you dream about a skirt according to Hasse’s dream book

According to this dream book, the skirt symbolizes a new love interest. The appearance of the clothes determines what the new relationship will be like.

Why do you dream White skirt? It is a reflection of the innocence of the wearer. However, if the dreamer tries on a white skirt in a dream, then in reality she is trying to deceive someone in an attempt to hide her past.

If you dream of a new skirt, which a girl chooses and tries on in a store, then in real life she strives for change.

For what the stronger sex dreams of a skirt? The dream predicts that a man will have an unusual acquaintance with an extravagant woman. In addition, the dream may hint that he should abandon rigid gender stereotypes.

Why do you dream about a skirt according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

According to the interpretation of the dream book, wearing a skirt in a dream is a very good sign for a woman. In real life, she will go on a date and communicating with her loved one will bring a lot of pleasure.

Dirty, stained skirt- bad dream. The love relationship will soon come to an end. It will all be due to inequality, betrayal or misunderstanding.

Why do you dream about a new skirt? According to Tsvetkov’s dream book, this is not a harbinger of a new relationship, but nostalgia for unforgettable old ones, a craving for the past.

Why do you dream about a skirt according to Longo’s dream book

Both men and women can dream of a torn, dirty skirt. For a man, this is a warning dream that his beloved is unfaithful. For a woman, this is a harbinger of some serious misfortune in her personal life. It’s especially bad if the girl tore her skirt herself. Most likely, she herself will cause trouble.

Why do you dream of a white skirt? This is a sign that everything is fine in a girl’s life. She has strong relationships with a man who loves her, her husband is a decent and honest person.

Buying a long skirt indicates that the dreamer has a secret in her life. He carefully hides this secret from everyone around him and must constantly control himself.

If you dreamed of a skirt worn inside out, this is a bad dream. Usually it foreshadows a strong shame that the dreamer will have to endure.

Why do you dream about a skirt according to the combined dream book?

If the dreamer sees a skirt in a dream, then the first thing you need to pay attention to after waking up is the length. Why do you dream of a long skirt? To the help and protection that the dreamer will receive in reality. If a difficult and dangerous situation, the person knows where to turn.

A woman dreamed of a black skirt means that you should not suppress inner sexuality. You need to understand your needs and desires as soon as possible, otherwise life will cease to bring joy.

Why do you dream about a red skirt? If a woman had a dream, it means a desire for intimacy with a passionate man. If a man sees a red skirt in a dream, then in reality he dreams of a woman, to possess whom he needs to take certain actions.

Dreaming of a white skirt means receiving a letter, news, important message. Don't worry: it will be favorable.

Why do you dream about a skirt according to the modern dream book?

If a woman had a dream about a skirt, then she will be involved in a scandal. Troubles will be associated with gossip that the dreamer herself spreads. After awakening, she should think about her actions and abandon the intention to harm another person.

If a woman tries on a skirt in a dream and discovers that it is too small, then in reality the dreamer will act unfairly. She will blame another person for something that she herself is to blame for. In general, a dream about trying on a skirt can predict a date whose ending is unpredictable.

If you dream of a torn, stained skirt, then in real life the dreamer behaves frivolously and will pay in full for it. In addition, the dream means difficulties in love relationships. They need to be resolved as quickly as possible, otherwise the romance will end due to mutual misunderstanding.

Dream about a white floor-length skirt, dreamed of by a girl, means that she will marry a wealthy, decent man. And yet you shouldn’t relax: the outcome may be unexpected and unpleasant.

Why do you dream about a new skirt? According to this dream book, to money, and it will come unexpectedly and promise significant financial benefits. If you manage the money you receive correctly, you can ensure yourself a long, comfortable life.

There is another interpretation of the dream about a white or light color. The dream foretells long and emotionally pleasant love relationship. If the skirt in the dream was red, then meeting a new person will inevitably lead to a stormy sexual romance.