Islamic dream book - interpretation of dreams. Islamic dream book: interpretation of dreams

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Truly, all praise is to Allah, we praise Him, we ask Him for help and forgiveness. I testify that there is no other god (worthy of worship) except Allah, the One, without partner, and I also testify that Muhammad is His slave and Messenger.

Truly, the fact that most of the dreams of a true Muslim become prophetic is one of the small signs of the Day of Judgment, each of us notices them today. Imam Al-Bukhari and Muslim cite a hadith from Abu Hurayrah transmitted from the Prophet that he said: “When the time of Judgment approaches, almost all the dreams of a Muslim will be prophetic.”

Probably, a wise justification for this is that a devout Muslim before the end of the world will be a stranger (gharib) to everyone, as the hadith quoted by Muslim also tells about this: “Islam began unusually (gharib, a stranger to everyone) and will go away unusually (gharib, stranger to everyone) as it began.” There will not be many who will console him, treat him in a friendly manner and at this time will assist him in his service to Allah. And then Allah will show him His honor, giving him true dreams to please him with the good news and strengthen him true path. There are very few true dream interpreters, especially those to whom Allah has given knowledge of religion (ilm), wisdom and skillful understanding of dreams. Books on dream interpretation on Arabic, small and large, there are quite a lot, but most people do not benefit from them and practically do not use them. Therefore, the modest following lines reveal to the reader the methods, paths and ethics of dream interpretation and lead to the most correct and accurate interpretations, most of which are selected from the Koran and Sunnah. The materials of the book offered to the reader are based primarily on the work of Imam Muhammad Ibn Syrin al-Basri, who belonged to the generation of tabi yin - followers of the Prophet's companions - and was a great scientist of his time. The book also provides interpretations of dreams by such scholars as Imam Ja'far al-Sadiq and al-Nablusi.

Before going into more detail about this book, it is worth noting the importance of sleep in a person’s life.

In Islam, since the time of the Prophet, Special attention sleep, its role in educating a person and getting rid of sins. Here summary what Imam al-Ghazali said about prophetic dreams in his book “The Alchemy of Happiness”:

  1. In a dream, the five doors of comprehension of the everyday are closed, that is, the five senses, and the door of comprehension of the beyond is open in the soul - information about the past, future or hidden.
  2. Information received from there is either dressed in the garb of memory and imagination, or appears as it is.
  3. Those images that are given by memory correspond not to the external appearance of the event, but to its internal essence.
  4. A person is given the opportunity to comprehend transcendental knowledge in order to give him an example of the knowledge of the prophets, for a person will never believe in something of which he does not see an example.
  5. What ordinary people see in prophetic dreams, prophets see in reality."

In addition to the usual interpretations, this book presents a methodology for analyzing dreams and provides factual material about dreams seen and realized. Therefore, it is valuable both for the ordinary reader and for psychologists, psychoanalysts and specialists professionally dealing with issues of Islam.

The interpretation of dreams in Islam is a special science; each situation is deeply individual and requires a qualified approach in all respects. This is exactly what Ibn Sayrin did. And this book is compiled according to the interpretations that he gave to people who turned to him. Taking into account the specifics of that time, it can still be useful today. The publication provides an opportunity to understand the amazing era of the birth of Islam, based not on dry historical facts, but on the living dreams of people of that time.

We all have dreams, and many of us sometimes wonder what they mean. The key to understanding dreams is given on the pages of the book you are holding in your hands.

The Muslim dream book is one of the most ancient; it has existed for several centuries and during this time has told the secret meanings of dreams to billions of people. Many researchers agree that the dream book was written in Persia and Mesopotamia. At the same time, they believe that during the period of creation of the dream book, Muslims were experiencing the peak of development of their culture.

The main feature of this interpreter is the fact that the symbols are considered in it according to the Koran and Sunnah - the main books of the Muslim faith. Many interpretations are straightforward in nature - the images are assigned the meanings with which they are usually associated in life. For example, the eagle is interpreted as a symbol of the dreamer’s power and strength, and the hare – cowardice. At the same time, in interpretations one can find many descriptions of the values ​​and traditions of the Muslim people.

In Islam they believe that people almost always come to true Muslim believers. There is no need to interpret them. But for people who have not yet reached this level, interpreters were written.

History of writing

Currently, many people professing other religions do not turn to the Muslim Dream Book to reveal the meaning of their dreams - they believe that this source does not suit them. However, this is a big misconception. When writing the book, Muslims, of course, mainly relied on the interpretation of dreams according to holy quran, however, they also took into account scientific knowledge.

Everyone also knows that Eastern culture has largely influenced the customs of the whole world, including the Russian mentality. This happened because while other empires were just beginning to form their culture, Islam already had a developed system of values ​​and traditions. Many countries relied on these achievements, trying to imitate the leading culture of that time.

  • Like a history textbook introducing Muslim culture.
  • Like an ordinary dream book that reveals the meaning of your dreams.
  • As for scientific articles reflecting the laws of the universe and human psychology.

It is important to note that the arrangement of symbols in the dream book did not initially correspond to the classical alphabet. Muslims arranged meanings according to their degree of importance and divided them into specific sections. However, in its current version we see this publication in a familiar and convenient form. modern man form - Muslim dream book from A to Z.

Types of dreams

IN modern world There are several versions of Muslim dream books. In bookstores or on the Internet you can find both small brochures and huge books of dream interpretation. However, in order to find out the exact meaning of dreams, it is not enough to read the information in the dream book - it is also important to determine the type of dream.

A true Muslim knows that there are four types of dreams: good, bad, emotional dreams and confused dreams. It is quite simple to determine the type of dreams - to do this you need to remember their main features.

Good dreams come from Allah and are considered prophecies. You may dream of a bright future, your successes or the successes of your family members, happy and smiling friends. In order for the dreamer’s dreams to come true, after waking up, you need to thank the Almighty and tell about your dreams to the person who loves you and cares about your well-being.

Confused dreams are visions that have incoherent content. These dreams make absolutely no sense. They come to a person most often in moments of fatigue or a turning point in life. The Muslim dream book recommends not to interpret such dreams in any way, but rather to devote time to rest.

The next morning, a person’s first task is to understand the type of dream and take certain actions to ensure that the predictions come true or not. Next, to obtain a more accurate meaning, you need to move on to revealing specific symbols. To do this, you can purchase a printed version of the dream book or find an interpretation for free online. Author: Ekaterina Lipatova

The interpretation of dreams is of particular importance for Muslims: a hadith from Abu Huraira says that before the end of the world, absolutely all the dreams of a devout Muslim will be prophetic. In Islam, it is believed that only selected people endowed with wisdom by Allah himself can correctly understand the meaning of dreams. Therefore, the most accurate and correct interpretations are given only by the Muslim dream book on the Holy Quran and Sunnah.

What is sleep for a Muslim?

Sleep has always played a big role in educating a Muslim and ridding him of sins. Imam al-Ghazali wrote the book “The Alchemy of Happiness”. In particular, in it he mentioned prophetic dreams. It was, in a way, the “Muslim dream book from A to Z” of antiquity. The Alchemy of Happiness literally says the following about dreams. In a dream, a person’s five senses close (they are figuratively represented as five doors), and our soul becomes open to comprehending transcendental information about the past, present and future. The information that a person receives from the astral world comes to him either in “ pure form", either in the shell of memories or imagination. Images that are “dictated” by memory correspond to the internal essence of a particular event. If a person sees something in a prophetic dream, then the prophet sees the same thing, but in reality. Our website presents a Muslim dream book in alphabetical order that will help you understand the meaning of your dreams and delve deeper into their essence. What is our Muslim dream book based on? The interpretation of dreams is, first of all, based on the Koran and Sunnah, as well as on the works of the great Imam Muhammad Ibn Sayrin al-Basri and such scholars as Imam Ja'far al-Sadiq and an-Nablusi.

Three types of Muslim dreams

The Muslim dream book for men recognizes three types of dreams: good and favorable, bad and unpleasant, as well as dreams associated with a person’s actions or thoughts while awake. How does the Muslim dream book interpret a favorable dream? Interpretation according to the Koran: good dream represents joyful news from Allah himself and one part of the prophecy out of 46. The very first auspicious dream, according to the Quran, was the vision of Eve to Adam. Unfortunately, a person can have bad and unpleasant dreams. The Muslim dream book on the Koran and Sunnah believes that all such dreams come from Shaitan (this is the Muslim analogue of the Devil). Shaitan delights in mocking a devout Muslim, instilling fear and horror in his soul. Dreams that are caused by Shaitan can encourage a person to commit sins. Such dreams can be stupid, and can also cause wet dreams, but most often a person has nightmares. If you want to have only pleasant dreams, you need to pray to Allah before going to bed. You can't eat before going to bed and think about something obscene. The third type of dreams includes dreams associated with a person’s activities or thoughts. So, a teacher may see himself teaching a lesson in a dream, and a lonely man may see himself surrounded by beautiful girls. You may ask: is it necessary to pay money for what your Muslim dream book “tells” about? Dream interpretation is free and will continue to be so in the future! So do not go to sites where you are asked to send an SMS to find out the meaning of your dream - our online Muslim dream book is free and the most truthful!

Every person dreams in one way or another. This is a mysterious and incredibly attractive process that fascinates many minds. People often puzzle over what exactly their dreams mean. Despite the fact that technology is developing rapidly, science still cannot give a clear answer about the impact of sleep on human life. The phenomenon itself and the principles of its appearance remain a secret.

Islamic dream book as an answer to many questions

Dreams enchant, frighten, give hope and make you angry. All the deepest fears and desires can come true in them. A person is able to visit fabulous places, drink and eat anything, and even speak an unfamiliar language.

But what do they mean various situations, pictures and images that appear during sleep from the perspective of Islam? When a believer reads the Koran, it means that the Almighty is talking to him, but he can communicate with his faithful novice even through dreams. Muslims believe that a dream can only be considered prophetic by a true believer. They also believe that they will be the ones who can be saved during the Day of Judgment.

Types of dreams

Islamic dream books on the Koran claim that dreams can be useful revelations, with the help of which the Almighty gives the joy of knowledge and helps a person. This is a righteous dream from Allah.

But if the dream is empty and has no meaning, then it is inspired by the shaitan and should not be considered as a source of important information. Shaitan confuses the thoughts of the faithful and tries to lead them away from the path of the Prophet and the Almighty. Only interpretations from the Quran and Sunnah can be considered real and trustworthy. The description of dreams from these sources is considered the most accurate and true.

Dream interpretation

There are a lot of books in the world that reveal the essence of a dream and can explain its meaning to a person, but there are very few books that use the wisdom of Allah and his knowledge. There are even fewer people in the world who know how to distinguish these books and extract the wisdom laid down over the centuries. The most correct interpretation of dreams in the Islamic dream book can only be done with the help of the Koran and Sunnah.

Fish in a dream

She is often encountered in dreams, but not everyone knows the subtleties of interpreting her appearance. Islamic dream book According to the Koran, the appearance of fish in a dream is explained in different ways, and below the main interpretation options will be presented:

  1. If you see fried fish before your eyes, it means that there is a long road ahead to gaining knowledge. And if a person fries fish himself in a dream, it means that all his money will be wasted or he will invest a lot of money in a losing business. If you had to eat fried fish while sleeping, it means that disagreements and quarrels will begin in your family.
  2. If the fish is fresh or even alive, it means that you will soon meet a young virgin on the way, and if there are a lot of fish, and you can count them quickly, it means that this is a sign that a person is surrounded by many women, but if you cannot count them, this is a sign of wealth.
  3. The Islamic dream book also defines fish in a dream as the possibility that a person desires the impossible. This is easy to understand since it is very difficult to catch fish with bare hands, and she keeps slipping away.
  4. Another option says that eating salted fish is a harbinger of a joyful event that occurs just at the moment when a person is sleeping. If the true believer simply sees salted fish, which means he will be saddened by news from loved ones.

Why do you dream about a cat?

The list of interpretations also included such a familiar animal as a cat. If a cat or cat appeared to a believer in a dream, then this could mean:

  1. Next year will be calm and bring a lot of joy.
  2. In another version, the Islamic dream book considers a cat in a dream to be a symbol of betrayal on the part of the wife. This can be either everyday betrayal, disagreement, or betrayal.
  3. One of the options suggests that a cat in a dream warns of the presence of a thief among relatives.
  4. If a cat scratches and bites in a dream, it means that a person will be deceived by an acquaintance or an illness will soon occur.


The source of life, something without which not a single person can survive for more than three days - all this is water. According to Surah Jinn, 16,17 it means test. The test can be either a meeting with an old enemy or a promotion.

In the Islamic dream book, water does not have a single interpretation, therefore, if you see it in a dream, you should be prepared for the scenarios described below:

  1. Drinking hot or boiling water means trouble and illness. And if the water was also salty, then poverty would overtake the person.
  2. If there was water yellow color, which means that the disease is already on the threshold and will soon seize the true believer.
  3. According to the Koran, crossing a body of water in a boat with the current, a person can easily earn money, but if the boat sinks, then one should think about spending in the future.
  4. According to the Islamic dream book, water turned into blood means large-scale changes in life, perhaps even the death of loved ones.
  5. If the water you drank was clean and tasty, it means that your immediate dreams will soon be fulfilled. And if a person washes himself in such water, it means that he will soon find peace.
  6. If the water was bitter, death may occur in the immediate environment and will have to be mourned for many days. Sometimes bitter water is a harbinger of a serious illness.


The snake, according to the Bible, was the creature that persuaded Eve to give Adam fruit from the tree of knowledge.

But even in earthly life this cold-blooded behavior is quite dangerous, and according to the Islamic dream book, a snake in a dream can mean the following:

  1. A person who sees a snake in a dream may soon receive a promotion or a large sum of money.
  2. If a snake bites, it means that losses and grief will await you ahead. To prevent this from happening, you don’t need to tell everyone about your deepest secrets.
  3. Another interpretation says that in this way the Almighty protects a person by transferring protection to him with the help of a snake. Under the protection of Allah, there is no need to fear for the safety of the family.
  4. One of the options suggests that a dream in which a snake crawls freely in the house is a reason to keep a closer eye on the guests, since one of them may turn out to be a traitor.


Home is a place where a person feels good, especially a believer. But according to the Islamic dream book, a house can mean the following:

  1. This is the image of a wife who protects and gives peace to her husband.
  2. If in a dream a person came out of small house, it means he left all the troubles behind, and if the house was big, there will be more of everything he acquired.
  3. Building a house in a dream speaks of future good deeds this person, and the destruction of the home means injustice.
  4. Closing the door to a house tightly after entering it means that a person has good control over himself and refrains from sinful actions and thoughts.
  5. Finding yourself in an unfamiliar home means that the disease will soon recede, if it exists, and this house will also symbolize the person’s afterlife.
  6. Seeing a house already destroyed means great financial losses and a deterioration in relationships.
  7. If the house is unfamiliar in a dream, then prosperity will be as great as it was big house from a dream.
  8. A golden house means that big troubles are expected soon.
  9. Inspecting a new house means a person is making far-reaching plans. It can also mean significant changes.
  10. If a person is sick and dreams of a house, it means that death awaits him soon.
  11. Construction of a barn - the family will soon expand.


A wedding becomes a very joyful event for both newlyweds and their parents; this event is also reflected in the dream book. The Islamic dream book defines a wedding as follows:

  1. This is the acquisition of certain means of life and a reduction in anxiety.
  2. Receiving treats at a wedding means meeting friends soon or making new ones.
  3. If a train with newlyweds appears before your eyes in a dream, it means that this person will soon have a meeting with someone who will become his life partner.
  4. Finding yourself in a mixed crowd of men and women at a wedding means confusing relationships in life.
  5. Seeing your wedding means strengthening relationships, and dancing at a wedding, according to the Islamic dream book, means that you need to be careful with the opposite sex.
  6. If a person is not married or unmarried, then a wedding will be a sign foreshadowing an imminent union, and if a relationship already exists, then this is a sign of a new addition to the family.
  7. Getting married to your husband in a dream means imminent death.
  8. Seeing someone else's wedding from the outside means death will soon occur in your family.
  9. A wedding is a harbinger of a funeral. Getting married is a quick death.


If a woman was seen in a dream, then there are several interpretations of this dream.

The Islamic dream book defines a woman as follows:

  1. The aging of any woman in a dream means receiving benefits and improving living conditions. Perhaps moving to a new place of residence.
  2. If there are a lot of women around, this indicates the presence of a great temptation to receive all the benefits in life. And if these women approached a man, it means he will have a good fate.
  3. In some cases, women promise life's adversities and trials.
  4. Also, a woman in a dream is interpreted as the appearance love relationship. Another definition is the appearance of a thing or person who needs to be protected in the name of the Almighty. Since they are participating in Jihad, they will subsequently go to Hajj.
  5. If a woman stands with her back, then she is trying to trick her into fulfilling her evil intent.
  6. An ugly, old and disgusting woman with a scary face means all kinds of disasters and illnesses, possibly the death of loved ones. On the contrary, beautiful, stately and well-groomed woman- to joy and prosperity.
  7. The dream of an old woman shows what earthly life looks like for a person.
  8. If a woman dreams of any other girl, it means that she will soon have enemies.
  9. According to the Sunnah, the Islamic dream book defines a woman with dark skin in a dream as bringing joy and fun in the near future.


There are several definitions on this subject in the Islamic Dream Book. Some of them are contradictory, but have a rational grain. The Islamic dream book defines a pregnant woman in a dream as follows:

  1. If a woman is old and sees her pregnancy, then she needs to wait for illness.
  2. If a woman has not yet been married or is a virgin and sees her pregnancy, it means that she will soon be married.
  3. Anyone who witnesses their pregnancy will ultimately receive an increase in their benefits and an increase in material wealth.
  4. If a husband sees his wife pregnant, you should expect good news soon.
  5. If one of your friends becomes pregnant, it means that they will soon have a new baby.
  6. If a pet becomes pregnant, there will soon be a lot of joy and peace in the house.
  7. If your daughter becomes pregnant, it means she will get married soon.
  8. If a pregnant woman sees herself with a beard, she will give birth to a son.
  9. If there are a lot of pregnant women around, it means that family well-being will burst into the house.

The Islamic dream book interprets such dreams as follows:

  1. If you have to teach a child the Koran and Ayats, it means that through this dream Allah helps to get rid of mortal sins and repent.
  2. If a child is born in a dream, ordinary life more difficulties will arise.
  3. Holding a child in your arms means that a large sum of money or property will soon be received. Sometimes this means the fulfillment of old plans.
  4. If a child is sick, difficulties in life will soon come.
  5. The child is healthy and laughing - great joy will come to the house.
  6. If the child is still an infant, it means that the family will soon face difficulties and worries. Perhaps friends will turn out to be traitors. If the child is an adult, then this means that he will bring joy and happiness.
  7. A child playing with a cat means big changes are coming soon, according to the Islamic dream book. Interpreting dreams with a child is often difficult, since it is difficult to determine the age of the child in a dream. But if the child has become practically a man and is dreaming about it, it means that there will soon be big changes in activities.

Animals and birds in dreams

A dog dreamed of by a believer means an enemy who only makes noise and thereby causes harm without taking active action.

Leo means soon there will be a meeting with a very authoritative and powerful person who can change your life. It also means that the person is brave and strong. Another option means that the person is peaceful, but willing to stand up for family and friends.

A dream about a fox means that among your friends there is a cunning person who is hiding something.

Hazel grouse in a dream means quick wealth. There is also the possibility that you will soon meet a woman with whom you will have a long-term relationship.

The stork means that soon many people will gather together for an event. If a stork flies, it means there will be a wedding soon.

The lamb is an obedient son. If there is a festival and lamb is eaten, then everyone who eats it will receive a small reward.

A goat in a dream of a devout Muslim says that he will meet with a narrow-minded person who takes away valuable time without giving anything in return.

The crow is a harbinger of imminent death and burial. It also means that there is a difficult journey ahead to an unfamiliar place.

A duck in a Muslim’s dream means a quick addition to the house and the acquisition of strong faith in Allah. But it also means that a person may find himself in difficult life circumstances. And if you had a heart-to-heart conversation with a duck while sleeping, it means that your relationship with your wife will improve and you can get good news from her.

A bear is a symbol of having a stupid deceiver or thief in your circle of friends.

Lizard - in your close circle there is a person capable of deception and theft.

A rhinoceros in a Muslim's dream means that a meeting with a high-ranking official is approaching. Also, this meeting can bring a lot of benefits. If a person himself ends up on a rhinoceros, it means that he is an authority in his circles.

Cancer in a dream means that in order to get money you will have to commit a crime or make a deal with your conscience. And if crayfish meat is eaten, then good news should be expected.

Fruits and vegetables in dreams

Apricots in a dream are a symbol of imminent illness or great loss.

Watermelon is a harbinger of pregnancy.

Olives in dreams are a harbinger of prosperity and wealth.

Grapes in a dream indicate that in everyday life a person has many friends and you can rely on them. If you dreamed of grapes in winter, then illness will soon come. Squeezing grape juice means losing your status. Eating ripe fruits means wealth and prosperity.

Radishes in a dream are a symbol of the fact that a person will soon get a job. new job, which will not bring him much pleasure.

Apple. Means hobby, important activities for a person. A person in a high position who sees himself eating an apple in a dream may believe that he is saturated with his power. If a seller sees such a dream, then the properties of the apple will reflect his quality of trade. Green and sour apples hint that the person received money illegally. If an apple tree is planted during sleep, it means that soon there will be baby is born or they will take the child into care.

Dates. If a person eats them in a dream, it means that the Almighty is very close to him, and if the dates themselves fall into the mouth, great wealth will soon come under the protection of Allah. It also means that diseases and illnesses will soon recede, since dates are a food permitted by the Qur'an.

A turnip in a dream indicates that great troubles await the person. And if the turnip is in the ground and has already grown, it means that a child will soon be born in the family.

The sweet fruit marks big harvest and real wealth. Sometimes this means that old property will soon need to be disposed of, but new property will take its place.

Vegetable stew symbolizes that the person who eats it will soon lose all respect and lose his social status.

The Islamic dream book will reveal the secrets of your dreams if you learn to interpret them correctly.

A variety of scientists have long been engaged in trying to decipher them from both physiological and psychological point vision. In the old days, this was the task of healers and esotericists, and it was then that the first dream books appeared, helping to determine what a particular dream was about. Among such books with the decoding of dreams is a Muslim interpreter, who has absorbed the most ancient approaches of this teaching to what is seen in a dream.

Bad dreams according to Muslim interpretations

Beliefs say that nightmares come to people for a reason: they are brought evil spirits to lead a person off the beaten path. Scary, unpleasant and confusing dreams interfere with the restoration of energy and destroy a person’s natural defenses, because normally resistance to any evil requires inner strength. Ifrits - as they are commonly called - can evoke more than just nightmarish or frightening images. The erotic, love or sexual component of a dream is also, as a rule, interpreted not in the most encouraging way - as temptations not forgotten in the past or expected in the future.

According to another point of view, nightmares are a consequence of how a person is influenced by Shaitan - the Eastern analogy of the devil. With a bad dream, it undermines a person’s fortitude, making him vulnerable and susceptible to the influence of internal demons. Depending on what the nightmare was associated with, they expect troubles, taking measures in advance to prevent them. Sometimes evil demons cause sleep paralysis in a person - a state in which a person who has just woken up cannot move and sees frightening visions.

Why do you have a good dream?

A pleasant dream, as the Muslim dream book reports, is sent down to the sleeping person by Allah himself to suggest the right path or to draw attention to problematic areas of life. Working with them can usually bring success in the very near future. Stories with birds are considered a good sign if they do not show predatory claws or sharp beaks. This means that your endeavors are correct. A favorable dream will be an image associated with relatives - it indicates that you are under strong defense kind.

Another good image, promising success - a book. It signifies strong potential and opportunities related to your intellectual abilities. A good sign will be reading the Koran or visions of saints. According to spiritual books, demons cannot take the form of the true God, so such dreams definitely indicate the disposition of Heaven towards you.

The Muslim dream book says that this is why only good dreams- after all, they were sent down from heaven. Nightmarish dreams that confuse the soul or disturb the body are not prophetic, they are just the influence of demons who are trying to get to a person, at least in a dream. Prayer in the morning will drive this unfavorable energy away.

Seeing a strange dream, look into the dream book. Sometimes dreams actually warn us of upcoming events. But remember that you need to live in real life, and not in the foggy night wanderings of your own consciousness. We wish you only bright dreams, good spirits for every morning, and don't forget to press the buttons and

04.01.2016 00:20

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