Igor northerner spring day. Poems of the Northerner: Spring Day and other early poems of the poet. “Spring Day” Igor Severyanin

An essay about: Summer forest

Summer forest

It is very interesting to visit the forest in summer. At all summer forest very handsome. As soon as you enter it, you immediately feel like a fairy tale. Everything here is different from the usual. Many trees stretch their branches high towards the sun. Therefore, it seems as if there is a green canopy above your head. The sun shines through the leaves with a soft greenish light. There are thawed patches of open space where the sun shines brightly. Grass spreads like a soft carpet underfoot. The grass is only small on the path because it has been pressed down. And if you leave the path, you will find yourself in a green sea of ​​grass. Walk through summer forest always leaves behind a pleasant impression. How wonderful it is to walk where no cars have touched you. It's much easier to breathe here. The air is more saturated with oxygen and enriched with the aromas of the forest. After such a walk you feel refreshed.

If you want to sit in the forest, then everything is simple. While walking, you pay attention to how the trees grow, here it is dense, and here there is a clearing. It seems that nature itself made sure that there were places to relax. Here it is a small clearing, like an island of untouched grass. You can sit down directly on the ground without fear of getting dirty. How great is that? You sit, enjoy the peace, and overhead the trees have closed their crowns as if wanting to protect you from the sun. And it’s not hot in the forest because of this.

In addition to a wonderful walk, you can also test your attentiveness. Mushrooms grow under the trees. And if a person is observant, he will not leave the forest empty-handed. If you look closely you can find a mushroom. Here he is standing under the tree, so beautiful. Look at this Brown a hat that looks like it’s made of velvet and a white, strong leg. This is the most good mushroom. It's called White. Mom will make a wonderful soup from this gift from the forest. Find White mushroom Only an attentive mushroom picker can. After all, it doesn’t just grow on the path, but hides. Even the color of his cap is specially designed to blend in with the pine needles and last year’s foliage. Well, not all mushrooms are so cunning. There's a beautiful bright mushroom growing there. It is impossible to pass by this. This must be a real handsome man: a bright red hat with white polka dots, and a wavy skirt under it. That's how smart he is. But you just can’t eat it. Better yet, don’t even touch it with your hands. This is a fly agaric. It can poison with its poison.

When you walk through the forest, you constantly hear a magpie screaming. This bird doesn't stop talking for a minute. She seems to warn all the forest inhabitants that a guest has come to the forest.

But the path in the forest is not always clearly visible. Here are some thorny thickets. And the berries on the thorny bushes look like raspberries only in black color. What is this? This is a blackberry. Although it hurts your hands to scratch the thorny bushes, the berries are very tasty. When walking through the forest, you need to carefully look at the road. You can see strawberries right under your feet. Her berries are small. But you can’t pass by them - they are bright as sparkles. They taste very good. And if you collect a lot of them, your mother will make delicious jam from them for the winter.

This is how many tasty and healthy things you can find while taking a walk through the forest. But the truth is that you may not always come across something tasty. But even if so, the walk will still be useful. After all, in addition to berries and mushrooms, there are many flowers growing in the forest, which also have beneficial properties. This is, for example, oregano, which blooms with small lilac flowers. Tea with it is not only healthy, but also very aromatic. But a plant with yellow and large flowers is St. John's wort. Same useful plant. It is brewed into tea.

In addition, you can simply assemble beautiful bouquet from forest flowers, which will delight the eye for a long time and remind you of a wonderful walk. You can also collect leaves beautiful shape. In general, it’s always interesting in the forest. And even if you don’t bring anything with you, you’ll still be left with a lot of vivid impressions. After all, you can meet a squirrel in the forest. Or see the tracks of a wild animal. Or maybe a woodpecker is sitting on the trunk and you can see its red head through the leaves. And, of course, the sounds of the forest will replace the most beautiful music. The singing of birds and the chirping of grasshoppers - all sounds are so harmonious that after the rumble and roar of the city they seem like an ideal melody. This is what a pleasant and useful walk you can take in the summer forest.

1 part

Every summer my parents and my older brother and I visit my grandfather in the village. There is a forest on the outskirts of the village. My brother and I really love wandering through the summer forest. My brother is almost an adult, so my parents let us go together.

This year, having arrived at my grandfather’s early in the morning, we had breakfast and immediately went into the forest. Spruces, pines, mighty oaks and other trees grow there.

part 2

It was a wonderful day. It was cool under the pines and smelled of resin and young birch leaves. Ants were running around the roots of the trees. Lilies of the valley grew here. Their white, clean, fragrant flowers looked like bells and captivated with their aroma.

We tore home a large bouquet lilies of the valley and moved on. As we passed, we saw a family of hedgehogs in the thick grass. As we approached, the hedgehogs and little hedgehogs prudently curled up into a ball. Against the background of the grass, the four balls looked almost invisible, and we decided not to bother them.

The thicket was very thick, so it was difficult for us to get to the edge of the forest. There was a small stream there. We didn’t drink from it, but we enjoyed standing in the cool, shiny water. While passing, my brother noticed a small snake on an old stump. We wanted to catch him, but he quickly crawled under a nearby stone. Apparently there was a hole there.

In the clearing, among the bushes, we saw thickets of wild strawberries. One can envy the subtle smell and wonderful taste of wild strawberries the best varieties garden varieties this plant. Much is lost in the wilderness of fragrant juicy berries raspberries, blueberries, lingonberries. And how many different mushrooms grow! Here are strong boletuses hiding in the grass. Wet russula turn pink. Slippery milk mushrooms grow in the spruce forest. On low stumps honey mushrooms huddle together. The forest generously treats you with its gifts!

Part 3

My brother and I didn’t pick mushrooms because we didn’t take suitable containers with us. Having picked a basket full of strawberries, we turned onto a narrow path.

The path led us to a beautiful lawn. The bright sun was shining. The clear sky was deep blue. Grasshoppers chirped in the grass. A light breeze swayed the stems of wild clover and daisies. A large bright butterfly flew past us in zigzags. We scared the squirrel with our appearance. She's a funny little animal! Sensing danger, it flies up a tree with the speed of lightning. A motley robin flew over our heads. The bird sat on a curly birch tree and sang cheerfully. Enjoying the melodic singing of the robin, we sat down to rest on a tree stump. In the distance we saw a timid gray hare. Confusing his tracks, the scythe ran towards the thicket. A cuckoo crowed in the distance.

Having rested, my brother and I went home in a great mood. The walk through the forest was a success and we had a great time. The next day we agreed to go out and pick mushrooms. Our grandfather is an experienced mushroom picker, so we will go with him.

It's good in the forest in summer!

At the beginning of September, we were asked at school to write an essay on the topic “A Walk in the Forest.” My job turned out to be the most interesting. It’s not surprising, because I spent the entire summer holidays with my grandfather in the village! In addition, my mother checked the essay for grammatical errors.