Children's educational magazine "Shishkin Les" (Donetsk diocese). Meeting of the editors of the magazine "Shishkin Les" with readers

Children's educational magazine "Shishkin Les"- monthly publication for preschoolers and schoolchildren younger age and their loving parents! You will find it in the reading room of our library!

All adults want their children to grow up kind, sympathetic, and smart. This, of course, largely depends on the parents themselves, on what stories they tell their kids at night, what programs they allow them to watch, and what books and magazines they allow them to read.

The magazine “Shishkin Les” was created for caring parents who care what examples their children learn from. The creators of the magazine “Shishkin Les” consider their main task to be the education of moral principles and patriotism in young readers - something that is so lacking in modern society.

Children's educational magazine "Shishkin Les" is a unique publication. The magazine arose on the basis of the children's television programs “Shishkin Les” - business card TV channel "My Joy". The inhabitants of Shishkino Forest - the kind mouse Shunya, the mischievous top Zubok, the cheerful kitten Koksik, the cheerful fox Freckles, the economical Raccoon Raccoon and the all-knowing owl Matilda Leonardovna - not only tell the children interesting fairy tales and stories, they teach the main thing: to respect elders and help the younger ones, to understand each other friend, distinguish between good and evil in life. They teach without unnecessary edification - through their actions, good advice.

In each issue of the magazine you will find:
. Stories for family reading, fairy tales in pictures
. Stories about Orthodox holidays and icons
. Games, crosswords, puzzles, riddles
. Competitions, quizzes

Examples of spreads from the Shishkin Forest:

“Shishkin Les” is your reliable friend and assistant!

The range of readership of the magazine “Shishkin Les” is quite wide, so a variety of materials are reflected in its structure.

The section “Sunday School” talks about various church holidays and the lives of saints. The material is presented in an accessible form, so it is interesting and understandable for both children and adults.

The section “A few questions for an adult” contains short interviews with representatives of different professions.

In the sections “Read it”, “ Good word- for kids”, “Battle of Fairy Tales” and “Shuni’s Favorite Fairy Tale” you will find instructive stories and fairy tales, the moral of which is not obvious at first glance, but becomes clear after discussion in the home circle. In addition, all stories are decorated with bright pictures, proverbs and comments from the inhabitants of the Shishkin Forest.

“The ABCs of Politeness,” as the title suggests, introduces “magic” words to young readers.

“Zubok's Reports” tell about excursions to the most unexpected places - to a toy workshop, a greenhouse, to a collective farm field. The reason to go on a particular trip is often a letter with an interesting question from a young reader.

“Advice from Raccoon Enotych”, as a rule, contains recommendations for young gardeners, tourists, travelers, and cooks from the most economical inhabitant of the Shishkin Forest and a jack of all trades - Raccoon Enotych.

In the "Kaleidoscope" section you will find creative and logical tasks, puzzles, puzzles and crosswords.

In addition, in each issue of the magazine you will find gifts, competitions and fun games!

The magazine “Shishkin Les” has a wonderful website:

The materials on the site are suitable for children under the age of six.

The inhabitants of the fabulous Shishkin Forest invite all the children to play together, read, make gifts for friends, chat, attend Shishkin school classes and learn a lot of useful and interesting things!

“Shishkin Forest” invites parents and grandparents to look into the site gallery, watch TV programs, visit the Forest Library, get expert advice, and exchange opinions!


You can subscribe to the magazine:

At any branch of the Russian Post

Through the Ural-Press agency network

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Subscription at Russian Post

To subscribe, you need to come to your post office and:

1. find subscription catalogs (thick magazines), find out in them the cost of a subscription to the magazine “Shishkin Les”.

Subscription indexes of the magazine “Shishkin Les” are in three catalogues:

    Catalog “Newspapers. Magazines” of the agency “Rospechat” index 37303 - subscription for six months (from 1 to 6 months).

    Catalog of the Russian press “Russian Post” index 99394 - subscription for six months (from 1 to 6 months).

    Catalog “Press of Russia” index 42277 - subscription for six months (from 1 to 6 months).

2. tell the operator that you want to subscribe to the magazine "Shishkin Les", name the catalog through which you will subscribe.

3. name our subscription index in the selected catalog and the period for which you want to subscribe.

4. tell the home address with zip code and the last name, first name and patronymic of the person to whom the subscription will be issued.

5. pay for the subscription, receive a subscription.

Subscription through Ural-Press

You can subscribe to the Shishkin Les magazine through the Ural-Press network of alternative subscription and delivery points. Coordinates of the Ural-Press agency offices, terms of subscription and delivery - on the website

Internet subscription

You can subscribe online at
for six months or several months half a year. For this:

1. Open the website.

2. Find “Shishkin Les” by name or by index 99394.

3. Specify the desired subscription region (to which the magazine will be delivered) and the subscription period - 20161).

4. Add your subscription to your cart and place your order.

Subscription is paid online ( by bank card or via Internet banking), through payment terminals or at a bank branch using a receipt.

By the way, using the site you can give a gift - subscribe to the magazine “Shishkin Les” for your family, friends, acquaintances and even strangers living far beyond your region.

Subscribe to electronic version magazine

You can also subscribe to electronic version of the magazine"Shishkin Les" on the website , and every month in your Personal account- on your computer screen - the latest issue will appear (and even earlier than the paper version!). Back issues are also available. Subscription cost: for 1 month - 30 rubles.

Magazine “Shishkin Les” No. 2–2019

Monthly entertaining and educational magazine intended for preschool and younger children school age. Chief Editor- Ella Volkova.

From this issue, the guys will learn what a fable is and who in Russia is called the main fabulist, how to make something from pine cones, twigs and acorns various crafts and when you get smoke like a rocker. A gift for our young readers: the little book “Someone Is Nearby.”

Read in the issue:

"Sunday School"- in the section there is a story about the Hieromartyr Vladimir (Epiphany) - the first new martyr in the rank of bishop, who suffered for his faith during the years of persecution of the Church.

"Know ours"- we talk about the famous fabulist Ivan Andreevich Krylov, who lived in the 19th century. Everyone in Russia was engrossed in his fables, from members of the imperial family to cab drivers.

Here is the fable “The Ant”: it talks about an arrogant ant who was sure that he was famous throughout the world.

"Koksik Gallery"- kitten Koksik, on behalf of all residents of Shishkino Les, reminds readers that February is the last winter month and invites you to see the best drawings of our young readers.

"Shishkin Les Workshop"– the mouse Shunya found a sprig of rowan in the yard and brought it home to take a photo. The twig thawed in the warmth. Shunya was very upset, but the raccoon Raccoon calmed the mouse and offered to make such a twig from scrap materials.

"Baby Book"– in this issue we begin publishing stories about the boy Misha, a former orphanage child, and now a member of a friendly family. The kid wants to become the best son in the world, but he doesn’t always succeed. He feels that Someone is helping him, but the boy does not yet know that this is his Guardian Angel. The first story is “The Gift.”

“Read it” - The section tells about the guys who found a dog hit by a car on the street and helped it. After reading the address on the collar, they took her home to her owner (the story “The Power of Good”).

"Rainbow of Poems"– why did they send the monkeys? to the polar bear banana parcel? Why are there no popsicles at the North Pole? Who is in the sky looking at the mother bear and her daughter through a spyglass? The answers to these difficult questions are in the poems of children's poets Tatyana Rabtseva and Irina Ryazantseva.

"Smart Stories" - the wise owl Matilda Leonardovna explains how the expressions appeared and what they mean: “Bring to white heat”, “Swallow an arshin”, “It’s hot on the side”, “Smoke with a rocker”.

"Do it yourself" - in the section detailed instructions with photos for those who want to make a rope puppet dog. With the help of two ropes, this dog will be able to carry out any commands.

"Kaleidoscope"– there are a lot of difficult things in this section interesting tasks on the development of attention, logic and memory.

In 2009 the magazine « Shishkin Les" was awarded the national prize "Golden Pen of Rus'" for its high literary level and support for reading; in 2011, it became a laureate of the "Russian Educational Forum" (Moscow, Sokolniki Exhibition and Convention Center). According to the organizers of the educational forum, the magazine is “one of the best publications for families raising young Russians. Journal publications can be widely used in methodological work for intellectual development, patriotic and moral education of children." The magazine is approved by the Synodal Information Department of the Russian Orthodox Church.

In 2012, the staff of the children's educational magazine “Shishkin Les” was awarded the Government Prize Russian Federation in the field of print media.

In 2016, the team received a grant from the Federal Agency for Press and Mass Communications for the socially significant column “I Love Russia.”

In 2016, the magazine “Shishkin Les” became the winner of the X All-Russian competition“For the moral deed of a teacher” in the category “Best Publishing Project” for 2015.

On January 7, 2009, the editors of the magazine "Shishkin Les" held a meeting with their young readers.
For three years now, the magazine has been delighting children with interesting and educational materials, so when they saw the inhabitants of Shishkino Forest, the children immediately surrounded the editorial staff, answered questions from the editorial board, and happily played with the mouse Shunya, the kitten Koksik, the wolf cub Zubok, the owl Matilda Leonardovna and Raccoon Raccoon. And as a souvenir, the children received medals with images of their favorite heroes.
The festive mood was improved by another a pleasant surprise- a bright, colorful almanac "Shishkin Forest". In it the children found new fairy tales and stories, riddles and puzzles, a calendar for 2009 and figures for the puppet theater.

And the biggest gift for the magazine’s editors was the sincere smiles and sparkling eyes of the kids.

So, what kind of interesting magazine is this? I asked myself a question and went for a walk around Yandex. And this is what I found:

Children's educational magazine "Shishkin Les" is an interesting, kind and instructive publication for children of preschool and primary school age.

The first issue of the magazine "Shishkin Les" was published in February 2006.
And he immediately won the sympathy of small and large readers.
They fell in love with the cute mouse Shunya, the good-natured wolf cub Zubka and the restless kitten Koksik. Children turn to Raccoon Raccoon for advice and learn a lot of new things from the smart owl Matilda Leonardovna.

Together with the magazine's heroes, young readers learn and play, travel and make crafts, and experience the world and become acquainted with Christian virtues.

Reading stories about the inhabitants of Shishkino Les, the children find themselves in the most different situations and together with their favorite heroes they are looking for the right way out. They begin to understand what is good and what is bad, what can be done and what is not worth doing.

Over the course of its existence, the magazine has made many little friends - regular readers. Their letters with drawings and photographs of crafts come to the editor, for which we are very grateful to the children!

An archive of issues with the contents of each can be viewed

Apparently, the magazine is very kind, colorful, and develops the best moral qualities of a child. It would be very interesting to watch it in full.

Several pages with fairy tales from magazines

1. About our publication

The first issue of the children's educational magazine “Shishkin Les” was published in February 2006. It was based on the children's television programs “Morning in Shishkin Forest”, “Day in Shishkin Forest”, “Evening in Shishkin Forest” and “Kind Word”.

2. Why are we doing this?

We want our children to grow up kind, smart, honest, merciful, hardworking, and benevolent. Therefore, we are creating a magazine that will help children cultivate these qualities in themselves.

3. Who are we doing this for?

The magazine is intended for children from 6 to 10 years old. But, judging by the letters received by our editors, it is also interesting to a wider audience. Vivid illustrations and good fairy tales attract preschoolers 3-6 years old, and educational sections are also interesting for children 11-13 years old.

4. What do we consider the most important thing in our work?

The ability to speak simply about complex things. After all, in the magazine we introduce children to the basics of Orthodoxy, talk about various physical phenomena, about the design of all kinds of devices, about ethical standards of behavior and much more. And we try to explain it in such a way that children not only understand everything, but also find it interesting.

5. Which side of our media do we consider the strongest and why?

One of the most strengths For our magazine, we believe in vibrant artwork. After all, colorful illustrations help to better assimilate and remember the proposed material.

In addition, on the pages of the magazine we try to cover as many topics as possible so that children can learn interesting information from a wide variety of fields of science, technology, animal and flora. The rubrics complement each other, inviting the child to look at the same phenomenon under different angles vision.

And in each issue of the magazine, little readers find gifts - posters with images of their favorite characters, calendars, height meters, bookmarks, board games.

The characters of the magazine stepped beyond its boundaries and “settled” in the supplements to “Shishkin Les”: coloring books, paper puppet theater, etc. Developed and Stuffed Toys- heroes of “Shishkiny Les” who delight young readers.

6. Our publication, what is it?

The Shishkin Les magazine is a full-color illustrated publication. A4 format. Frequency - 12 issues per year.

The magazine publishes fairy tales, short stories, and scripts by both modern authors and classics.

The Shishkin Les publication is constantly evolving. Over the three years of its existence, the number of sections has increased from 11 to 19, and pages - from 26 to 34. Since July 2009, you can subscribe to the magazine in any corner of Ukraine. (Index of the publication “Shishkin Les” (Russian) - 37645, “Shishkin Lis” (Ukrainian) - 37808. Website

"Svetlitsa" - introduces history Orthodox holidays and Orthodox traditions;

"Kind word" - contains instructive stories, stories, parables;

“Advice from Raccoon Raccoon” - talks about the rules of behavior and communication;

“Museum of Interesting Things” - introduces children to the history of the creation of things that surround us;

"Sovinform" - in a fascinating and accessible form talks about the main discoveries and achievements of mankind, about various physical phenomena;

“The World of Nature” - fosters a caring attitude towards nature;

“Shishkina Workshop” - introduces you to work, develops creative abilities;

“Let's Play” - teaches how to play board, active, logical and educational games that help children spend free time interesting and useful;

“Shishkina Laboratory” - invites children to conduct scientific experiments on their own.

Over the three years of existence of Shishkino Les, the magazine has acquired regular readers. The editor receives letters from children and their parents from different parts of Ukraine. Here is one of them:

Hello, our dear “Shishkin Les”! Thank you for existing! We met you a year ago. Since then you have become our favorite magazine. You teach us honesty, kindness, sincerity, hard work and even mathematics. We read you before going to bed, during the day and in the evening, at the seaside in a boarding house, while walking in the courtyard and even in the vestibule of the temple. And then we play Koksik, Zubok, the mouse Shunya, Matilda Leonardovna and Raccoon Enotovich. We like all your columns, and especially “Museum of Old Things” and “Shishkina School”. We keep all your magazines and re-read them often.

Voloshin family