Application to the tax office to suspend the activities of an individual entrepreneur. Temporary suspension of the activities of an individual entrepreneur

Sometimes a situation occurs when an entrepreneur must suspend the business for a while without closing it completely. But is it necessary to notify the tax authorities and formalize the suspension of business in order to avoid fines? Stopping activities due to a financial crisis most often leads an entrepreneur to bankruptcy.

Suspension of activities individual entrepreneur means that he neither sells goods, nor provides services, nor produces products in any particular period of time. In principle, the individual entrepreneur should not report this to government agencies. The main thing for the Federal Tax Service is the timely deduction of taxes, as well as for the pension fund - the deduction of insurance contributions. As such, the term “suspension of commercial activities of individual entrepreneurs” does not exist in Russian legislation. Only complete closure of an individual entrepreneur and subsequent (after one year in case of bankruptcy) registration as an entrepreneur can be considered suspension. Stopping activities does not relieve the businessman of property liability, tax payment obligations, and reporting obligations. That is, he may not receive income for some time, but his status obliges him to act in accordance with the law. Many beginning businessmen do not have significant profits from their business for quite a long time after starting their business activities, but this does not exempt them from paying assigned amounts of taxes and filing declarations and other reporting.

Suspension of the activities of an individual entrepreneur does not require any official registration with tax or other authorities. The so-called zero reporting is submitted within the required time frame for the type of taxation system used. Extra-budgetary funds collect insurance premiums in any case, whether economic activity or not. If an individual entrepreneur uses a patent system for collecting taxes or UTII, he is obliged to make tax contributions to the budget as before. If the simplified tax system or the main payment deduction system is used, taxes are not transferred by the entrepreneur, but only upon submission of the corresponding zero documentation confirming the non-receipt of profit for the specified period.

Suspension of the activities of an individual entrepreneur - an employer who has hired employees - does not affect contributions to the Social Insurance Fund for them. Even without making any profit from its activities, the individual entrepreneur still pays insurance premiums for all of his employees. Thus, termination of transfers for staff is possible only in the event of a complete termination of the management of the individual entrepreneur. Otherwise, the entrepreneur is obliged to comply with all the functions of a tax agent in relation to employees.

In most cases, there are no consequences when a business is temporarily stopped. The entrepreneur does not incur any liability in this regard. But, only in the case when a retired businessman continues to perform the functions of an individual entrepreneur in paying taxes, fees and submitting reports. Simply closing a business or closing a shop will not end the business. It is necessary to prepare all documents for closing an individual entrepreneur, register the termination of activities, make appropriate changes to the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs, and pay all taxes due. It is important to remember that registration as an individual entrepreneur is possible an unlimited number of times at any time. An exception is the bankruptcy of an entrepreneur, after which the law prohibits registration for one calendar year from the date of the court’s decision on the bankruptcy of an individual entrepreneur. If a businessman has closed the business of his own free will, then at any time after the closure he can re-register in this status.

From this we can conclude that a short-term suspension of business may not be formalized by closing the individual entrepreneur, while continuing to deduct taxes and insurance payments. If the suspension is associated with significant financial difficulties entrepreneur, then it would be more expedient to close the individual entrepreneur and, after the end of the crisis, register again in this status.

Suspension of the activities of an individual entrepreneur is a procedure not provided for by current legislation. The desire to temporarily “freeze” a business can arise due to family or personal circumstances, the need to take a break, losses, etc.

Suspension can be made without notifying the state, without filing an application, etc. From the point of view of bureaucratic procedures, it does not entail consequences.

Unambiguously answer the question: “How to suspend the activities of an individual entrepreneur?” - it is forbidden.

Voluntary procedure

The entrepreneur himself does not have the right to suspend work for a short period of time. Until the moment of official liquidation, he is obliged to fulfill his obligations to the state and counterparties. In fact, an individual entrepreneur has the right only to completely cease the existence of the status.

If a businessman wants to officially suspend work for a short period of time, then this option is not suitable. You will have to go through registration procedures twice - to close the individual entrepreneur and before re-opening the business.

Suspension of activity may represent its unofficial, but real termination - the individual entrepreneur retains its status, but does not conduct business and does not receive profit.

Even this period is accompanied by the responsibilities of an entrepreneur:

  1. timely submit reports and declarations to government agencies;
  2. make mandatory contributions for yourself to the Pension Fund and the Federal Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund.

Before choosing this method of suspension, you can determine whether it is profitable, since the businessman will not receive profit from the enterprise, but the costs will remain the same.

Failure to fulfill obligations entails consequences, as for existing entrepreneurs - fines and legal proceedings. When preparing documentation, you need to draw up zero declarations. In the profit column, “0” is indicated.

An individual entrepreneur is not relieved of the obligation to keep a book of income and expenses.

If an entrepreneur has employees, then during a temporary suspension of business they cannot be laid off due to liquidation. In practice, these actions are not performed. An entrepreneur, as an individual entrepreneur, must pay wages and perform other duties to employees. The need to timely submit reports to the Social Insurance Fund and make payments for employees is not excluded.

In case of temporary suspension of work, it is possible to agree on termination employment contract by agreement of the parties. Otherwise, the dismissal is considered illegal.

Important! The responsibilities of individual entrepreneurs during the period of business suspension are submission of reports to the Federal Tax Service, Pension Fund and Social Insurance Fund, payment of taxes in accordance with the chosen regime, making payments to extra-budgetary funds.

Paying taxes during the period of inactivity

Responsibilities to the tax office remain for the duration of the individual entrepreneur status. The amount of taxes is determined based on the chosen tax regime.

Entrepreneurs can submit zero declarations using OSNO and simplified tax systems. Tax is not paid if there is no profit. Individual entrepreneurs who have chosen UTII and PSN make mandatory payments regardless of the fact of doing business.

Legislation on suspension of business activities

The current regulatory legal acts regulate in detail the procedure for liquidating the status of an individual entrepreneur. The standards are enshrined in the Civil Code of the Russian Federation and Federal Law No. 129.

A break from work on a voluntary basis is not regulated by the legislator. An application form for temporary suspension of activities has not been developed. In fact, these actions are the right of an individual entrepreneur. He can do business or not. Individual entrepreneur status is unlimited. An entrepreneur can be deprived of it only in cases established by law. The lack of real profit and work is not grounds for liquidating an individual entrepreneur.

From a bureaucratic point of view, the fact of temporary termination of a businessman’s work has no significance. Acts presented to the entrepreneur during the period of operation retain their legitimacy.

Practical experience in business suspension

Entrepreneurs do not always suspend their activities correctly. Most often, they simply retire - they close a store, an enterprise, etc. Bureaucratic procedures are not followed. This mistake is fraught with fines and sanctions.

This situation ends after the businessman receives notifications from government services with the requirement to submit a declaration, pay fees, etc.

It will not be possible to challenge the decision of the tax inspectorate or extra-budgetary funds. The actions of public services, in this case, do not contradict current legislation.

Alternative option

When an individual entrepreneur wants to stop working for a long time, he has the right to eliminate this status.

The procedure involves the following steps:

  1. preparation of an application and a package of documented information;
  2. payment of state duty;
  3. transfer of collected data to the tax service;
  4. Receipt of the finished certificate after 5 working days.

The process is the same as when opening an individual entrepreneur. Based on the results, changes are made to the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs. From this moment on, the businessman should not conduct business activities. Actions to implement it can be considered illegal and sanctions can be imposed on the offender.

This option will allow you to avoid the cost of fees and payments. Individual entrepreneurs are exempt from the obligation to submit reports and pay contributions to the treasury. He just needs to liquidate the case correctly. Otherwise, there will be fines and sanctions from the state.

Important! The legislator does not limit the right of individuals to repeatedly open and close individual entrepreneur status. The entrepreneur can resume operations at any convenient time.

Suspension of the activities of individual entrepreneurs is a term developed in real practice. An entrepreneur has the right to engage in business or abandon it for a while. This decision is his right. We must not forget that even a temporary suspension of activities is not grounds for exemption from duties to the state. They will remain valid until the individual entrepreneur is liquidated.

Individuals living in Russian Federation, has the right to engage in commerce. At the same time, having started doing business, the corresponding citizen becomes an entrepreneur and bears all associated obligations until the loss of the corresponding status. In this regard, the question of whether it is possible to suspend activities without closing the individual entrepreneur is becoming increasingly relevant.

Registration of an individual entrepreneur

All individuals have the right to conduct own business only after registration as an individual entrepreneur.

Registration of a newly created individual entrepreneur is carried out by the tax authorities on the basis of completed form No. 21001, to which it is necessary to attach a document confirming payment of 800 rubles of state duty, as well as attach a copy of the passport and proof of registration in Russia.

If the citizen has correctly filled out the form and attached a full package of documents to it, the tax authority makes an entry about the newly formed entity of economic relations in the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs. The new entrepreneur is assigned a OGRNIP and issued an entry sheet No. 60009.

And it is from this moment that the individual entrepreneur has the obligation to transfer taxes to the domestic budget system, as well as contributions to extra-budgetary funds. This obligation remains until the liquidation of the entrepreneur’s status.

Taxation of individual entrepreneurs

From the moment of assignment of OGRNIP until the date of loss of individual entrepreneur status, an individual entrepreneur retains certain financial responsibilities to the domestic budget.

The specific fiscal burden directly depends on the taxation system used by the individual entrepreneur:

  • if an individual applies the OSN or simplified tax system, then obligations to calculate and pay taxes arise during the actual implementation of activities;
  • citizens using UTII or PSN make fiscal contributions to the budget, regardless of the fact of doing business;
  • all existing individual entrepreneurs must pass tax reporting, even if they are temporarily not involved in business operations.

It should be especially emphasized that any person with a state of emergency status annually transfers insurance contributions to extra-budgetary funds.

How to suspend an individual entrepreneur so as not to pay taxes

The current domestic system of rule-making acts in the field of creating commercial entities provides for the following operations related to the status of an entrepreneur:

  • initial registration based on application No. 21001;
  • making changes to the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs according to form No. 24001;
  • termination of activity using form No. 26001.

The list of acceptable actions is exhaustive.

At the same time, Russian legislation not only does not provide for the possibility of freezing the status of an entrepreneur, but also does not contain an application form for the suspension of the activities of an individual entrepreneur. Submitting documents to the tax inspectorate on transactions with the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs in any form is unacceptable.

An individual can only stop conducting business by sending a corresponding application to the Federal Tax Service. And only after making a record of the liquidation of the individual entrepreneur will the citizen be released from all fiscal obligations to the budget.

As a conclusion, it should be noted that the answer to the question whether it is possible to suspend the activities of an individual entrepreneur without closing it will be negative. An entrepreneur can only completely renounce the corresponding status, for which he needs to submit the following documents to the tax office:

  • completed application;
  • a receipt for payment of 160 rubles of state duty.

The period for deregistration of an individual entrepreneur is 5 working days.

It happens that an individual entrepreneur, for some reason, thinks about suspending his activities for the duration. Many questions arise here: from how to do this, what documents to draw up, etc. This article will help you understand this process.

Is it possible to suspend an individual entrepreneur’s activities?

In general, the legislation of the Russian Federation does not contain such a concept as “suspension of the activities of a private entrepreneur.” It turns out that business can only be stopped, but cannot be stopped for a while? Documented, yes. It won't work that way. If an entrepreneur does not conduct business, then before he liquidates his individual entrepreneur status, no legal consequences will follow.

Thus, to the question: is it possible to suspend the activities of an individual entrepreneur, the answer will be negative. Neither the Civil Code nor other legislative acts provide for a procedure for temporarily stopping the activities of a state of emergency. Accordingly, there is no legislative concept of “application for suspension” individual activities" You also cannot find other types of forms and forms for registering a business stop. That is, if you close your points of sale or otherwise cease to carry out your business, you do not need to notify the territorial department of the tax office.

If you still cannot conduct business, then before you suspend the activities of the individual entrepreneur (not carry out any actions for the purpose of generating income), you should understand the consequences.

There are often cases when a temporary cessation of business activity is inevitable. There are no prohibitions here. If you want, work, if you want, don’t. But no one will free you from taxes and reports.

IP status for individual is unlimited; there are no restrictions on the validity period of registration of an individual as an individual entrepreneur. No one will force you to work and do business.

The main thing, when stopping your private practice, you need to know that no one will relieve you of your responsibilities to government agencies and foundations.

As before, you will have to report to the tax office, submit documents to the Social Security Fund, Pension Fund, etc.

Under some taxation systems, you will need to submit a zero return, and you will not need to pay. If a single tax on imputed income is applied, then the payment remains. The fixed fee to the Pension Fund cannot be canceled either. If you simply stop filing reports and paying fees, you will certainly be subject to fines and penalties. You will not resolve this issue through the court, since this is legal according to the law.

The only way out, not to pay taxes and fines, is to liquidate your individual entrepreneur status, and when you decide to resume business, re-register as a businessman. The only costs in this case will be payment of state duties: for closing the state of emergency status - one hundred and sixty rubles, and for opening an individual entrepreneur again - eight hundred rubles. Compared with fixed costs when business is suspended (taxes, reports, contributions to funds), the cost of duties will be small.

Various life circumstances often force entrepreneurs to temporarily retire. As a result, a situation arises such as the suspension of the activities of an individual entrepreneur. This provision is worth studying carefully, since the practice is that entrepreneurs who have temporarily ceased their activities, including for reasons related to the impossibility of doing business due to lack of financial resources, find themselves in an even more difficult situation, since they did not take into account all consequences of the suspension of its activities.

How to suspend the activities of an individual entrepreneur?

Perhaps the most important question for entrepreneurs who want to step away from business for a while is: how to suspend the activities of an individual entrepreneur? Let us answer right away that Russian legislation does not provide for such a possibility in principle. The current Civil Code of the Russian Federation and other by-laws proceed from the fact that the activities of an individual entrepreneur can only be terminated. Therefore, if an individual entrepreneur does not conduct business, then it is impossible to document this in any way. As a result, due to legal consequences, the fact that the entrepreneur does not carry out commercial activities does not arise.

Therefore, the temporary suspension of the activities of an individual entrepreneur comes down only to the fact that the entrepreneur himself does not take any actions aimed at making a profit. Moreover, the entrepreneur has the right to do this at any time from the moment of state registration as an individual entrepreneur.

In practice, there are often situations when a very long period of time passes from the moment of registration to the start of the actual implementation of activities. At the same time, the legislation does not contain any restrictions on the time of commencement of activity, as well as on the time of its implementation.

The status of an individual entrepreneur is unlimited and has no time frame for the duration of business activities. In this connection, suspension of the activities of an individual entrepreneur is possible at any time and depends only on the desire of the entrepreneur himself. He does not need to justify or confirm this decision to anyone.

Russian legislation does not provide for an application to suspend the activities of an individual entrepreneur, since such a concept is absent in the law. There are no other forms of documents that must be submitted in order to prove the fact of suspension of activities. At the same time, the entrepreneur is not relieved of all the responsibilities that are assigned to him in accordance with the norms of the current legislation.

Responsibilities of an individual entrepreneur during suspension of activities

So, even if an individual entrepreneur has not been active for a long time, he is still obliged to submit all established forms of reports to the Federal Tax Service, the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, and the Social Insurance Fund. In addition, he must pay a fixed fee to the pension fund, as well as transfer tax payments if the individual entrepreneur is on a single tax on imputed income or a patent taxation system. In other cases, for example, when using the general tax regime, payment of taxes is not provided, but only if the entrepreneur does not receive any income, which must be confirmed by submitting zero tax returns.

Suspension of an individual entrepreneur also does not relieve him from other obligations that are related to both entrepreneurial activity, and in connection with the implementation of actions as an individual. It should also be taken into account that if an individual entrepreneur has wage-earners, then he is obliged to fulfill the duties of a tax agent in relation to them, as well as ensure compliance with them labor rights in the process of suspending activities.

Consequences of suspending the activities of an individual entrepreneur

Temporary suspension of the activities of an individual entrepreneur does not entail any legal consequences for an individual entrepreneur, but only if the current legislation was not violated during this period. In life, the situation develops in such a way that an entrepreneur, wanting to retire, simply winds down the business: closes outlet, preserves workshops, etc. - and begins to engage in other things not related to entrepreneurship. This continues until he receives a pile of notifications from the tax authorities about fines imposed on him for failure to submit reports, non-transferred tax payments and other mandatory fees. At the same time, the individual entrepreneur has not been operating for a long time.

It is useless to sue in such a situation, since the Federal Tax Service in such a situation is right, as long as a citizen is considered an individual entrepreneur, he has all the responsibilities provided for such status and the actual termination of activities is not a basis for termination of the duties of an individual entrepreneur. Let us remind you that the law does not provide for any declaration of termination of the activities of an individual entrepreneur; there is only the possibility of termination of activities on the basis of an application from the individual entrepreneur himself, or by a court decision, in cases established by law. Therefore, if an entrepreneur does not plan to operate, especially for a long time, then it makes sense to submit documents to terminate the status of an individual entrepreneur. Moreover, the legislation does not limit the possibility of multiple termination and receipt of this status.

In this regard, the answer to the question: “Is it possible to suspend the activities of an individual entrepreneur?” - looks like this: an entrepreneur can stop engaging in entrepreneurial activities, but at the same time retain the powers of an individual entrepreneur, which entails the preservation of all the responsibilities of an individual entrepreneur. This option is possible when a break in activity is not planned for a long period. In another situation, it is advisable to terminate your registration as an individual entrepreneur, otherwise such suspension can lead to serious consequences. However, if you do not forget about your responsibilities, then you can avoid troubles and return at any time to such a difficult, but fascinating world entrepreneurship.